My sweet friend Elizabeth supports my xanax habit.  Want to see your ad here?  Of course you do. Contact me.

PS.  I just want to say “Thank you“.  I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have an ad network that consists almost entirely of readers who just want to help me pay the bills.  That’s kind of bad-ass and I’m licking all of you on the face right now.

You taste delicious.

24 thoughts on “

Read comments below or add one.

  1. This blog is well worth it. I’m also licking the ads on my screen. Less delicious.

  2. Some people will help you pay the bills if you just lick them on the face. You could cut out the middleman that way. But I wouldn’t recommend it, because once you start taking money to lick faces, it becomes your JOB, and that just sucks all the fun out of the faces you lick for fun.

  3. I just wanted to say your blogs and tweets are the highlight of my day! Your rights its Delicious to read thoughts I wish I had the BALLS( or whatever stuffed gentilia you prefer) to say out loud! Thanks

  4. Your tongue isn’t all sandpaper-y like a cat’s is it? That could turn some people off… I’d stay away from the sensitive bits. No one wants their cornea licked off by a cat.

  5. I guarantee you somebody out there wants there cornea licked off by a cat. It’s a sick old world we’re living in. I once knew a guy who was obsessed with giraffes. Not sexually, but sort of romantically, like he wanted a giraffe to watch TV with, and tell all his secrets to. I am not even making this person up. You couldn’t talk to the guy for two minutes before he’d start in with the giraffes.

    Anyway, I hope you are raking it in with the advertising bucks. My favorite thing about The Bloggess is that I have no idea what this blog is about. It’s about everything and nothing. That’s a good, untapped market. Get rich now!

  6. Oh Rev- you have just been scarred for life by the anal bleaching incident huh? Wow, that sounded way worse than I actually intended. Hurrah!

  7. I’m saving up my tips to pay for an ad!
    I don’t make a lot in tips, considering I don’t take any clothes off while dancing, and no one even wants me to dance. They’re all, get off the stage fatty! Boo. Go home and bake a cake. Here’s a quarter to please. stop. now.
    But it’s the thought that counts.

  8. I’m automatically in love with everyone who makes a conscious decision to advertise here. It’s like a badge of honor.

  9. I could spend all day reading the comments on this blog. Jenny, you bring together the most fascinating group of people even when you just post an advertisement. 🙂

  10. I get told that I taste delicious a lot. Im not sure if I just have strange people for friends, or if theyre in fact Zombies pre-tasting my flesh and awaiting ample plump-ness.

  11. I would love to buy an ad, but I doubt the IRS would understand a deduction that read, “For Teh AWESOMEZ.”

  12. Did I taste like fire roasted chicken? Or just a little fruity?

  13. Fluorish in Progress is a breath of fresh air. And if she’s helping other people pay their bills, then she has my vote for sure.

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