Updated to add:  Nathan Fillion has said he most emphatically does NOT want to hold twine so please do not ask him.  And it’s fine.  He’s still great and Firefly being cancelled was one of the greatest travesties to happen to our generation.  Also, this whole debacle lead to this bit of fried fantasticalness…

Conversation with my friend, Maile

me: Sooo…Nathan Fillion is making me doubt my own existence.

Maile: Um…what?

me:  I’ve been asking him for a picture of himself holding twine for almost a year now, and he refuses to acknowledge me or the  thousands of other people asking for twine pictures.

Maile:  Why exactly are thousands of people asking him for twine pictures?

me:  It’s sort of a long story.  A year ago I asked everyone on the internet to send me 11 cents so I could buy a taxidermied pig dressed as Scarlett O’Hara, but then the pig deal fell through and so I decided to offer the $402 I raised to Nathan Fillion if he’d send me a picture of himself holding twine.

Maile:  Yeah.  This is really just raising more questions than it’s answering.

me:  Right.  Well, I already had my Wil-Wheaton-Collating-Paper page which Wil lovingly donated so that he could help me rid the internet of the scourge of unsolicited blog pitches

Maile:  I love that page.

me: EVERYONE loves that page.  That page is why Wil Wheaton will be welcomed into heaven even if he starts murdering baby kittens for fun.  And I thought it would be nice to have a Nathan Fillion-Holding-Twine picture as a bookend page to deter PR people who continue to send you the same pitch every 12 hours even though you keep asking them to remove you from their lists.

Maile:  Got it.  So you were doing this for America?

me:  I WAS DOING THIS FOR THE WORLD.  Then 6 months ago I went to his hometown and tried to extend an olive branch but then he ditched me at the pizza place we were supposed to meet at.

Maile:  He actually said he’d meet you?

me:  I tweeted him that he should say nothing if he was planning on coming.  He said nothing.  I thought it was implied.  Then I may have posted some artfully nude pictures of him (superimposed with twine) but they were all very flattering.  And then I accidentally started a rumor that Little Wayne died, but I cleared that right up because I’m responsible.  Unlike Nathan Fillion, who can’t be bothered to show up where he’s implicitly promised to eat pizza with me.

Maile: Wow.  I don’t…even know how to respond to that.  Sounds like ol’ Nater-Tater is afraid of commitment.

me:  Exactly.  Plus?  That’s the best nickname in the world.  I’m stealing that.

Maile: It belongs to the world.

me:  JUST LIKE THE NON-EXISTENT PICTURE OF NATER-TATER HOLDING TWINE.  So anyway, last week I got sad that Nater-Tater was still refusing to acknowledge my existence so I asked Simon Pegg for a picture of him holding twine.

Maile:  Who?

me:  I will cut you.

Maile:  I’m not good with names.

me: He’s the star of Shaun of the Dead.

Maile: OH!  I LOVE HIM.

me:  We all love him.  He’s Simon Pegg.  But I needed to get his attention so I asked everyone to tweet “simonpeggholdingtwine” and it became a twitter trend WORLDWIDE for like eight and a half minutes.

True story, y'all.

Maile:  That’s awesome.  And…bizarre.

me:  It gets weirder, because then SIMON PEGG TOTALLY SENT ME A PICTURE OF HIMSELF HOLDING TWINE.  Except that all you could see was his hand holding twine and it wasn’t really proper twine, but still…the man tried.  And then the internet rejoiced and Simon was named a God amongst men, but I still wondered why Nathan wouldn’t respond.  And then this weekend I just gave up and said “@NathanFillion, should I just give up on my dream of you ever holding twine?  Let a girl down gently.”  And he said he was very sorry for disappointing his #1 super-fan.

Maile:  Really?

me:  No, of course not.  He completely ignored me again.  I mean, how hard is it to say “I’m allergic to twine,” or “I appreciate ignoring your pain.”

Maile:  Maybe he’s just playing hard to get.  Or maybe he just uses his twitter pictures for important things.

me:  Yeah.  Like when he put up that series of pictures showing how his rash was spreading.  And once?  He posted a picture of a fake dead cat with ketchup all over it.

Maile: You’re joking.

me:  I’M NOT JOKING.  THAT’S THE SAD, TERRIBLE TRUTH OF NATHAN FILLION.  Then a few weeks ago one of my readers met him and asked why he wouldn’t do it and he said “Oh, I don’t do stuff like that.”  And by “stuff like that” I assume he means “Anything awesome that makes people smile“.  Which makes me sad for Nater-Tater.  And sad for the world.

Maile:  So what happened to the money you were going to spend on Nathan Fillion?

me:  I used part of it to take a 50 year old cuban alligator dressed as a pirate on a plane ride.  And the rest went to helping orphans.

Maile: Hmm.

me:  Orphan cats really.  But still.

Maile:  You know, maybe this is less about Nater-Tater’s inability to hold twine and more about his super-human ability to ignore people.

me:  Like that’s his super power?  You know, that would actually make sense because HE’S SO GOOD AT IT.  I mean, the man is dedicated.  I’ll give him that.

Maile:  Ignoring you is his super-power.  And twine is his kryptonite.  And I think we just solved Nathan Fillion.

me:  Yes, but understanding Nater-Tater doesn’t get me a twine picture to use to battle evil form letters.  Unless…

Maile:  Yes.  I like where this is heading.

me:  What if I just recognize the fact that Nathan Fillion has a damn passion for ignoring people and – instead of using a picture of him holding twine to ward off marketers – I USE NATER-TATER HIMSELF.  From now on, whenever I get a particularly harassing marketer who won’t take me off the list I’ll just tell them that they need to check with Nater-Tater because he approves all of my reviews.  Then I get rid of the marketers and he gets to ignore me, plus TONS of new people.  EVERYBODY WINS.

Maile:  Oh.  My.  God.  He is going to love you.

me:  Not just me.  EVERYONE.  Got a telemarketer that won’t leave you alone?  Tell them to call Nathan Fillion. Creepy neighbor won’t stop asking you to look at his suspicious back moles?  Tell him he needs to ask Nathan Fillion first.  Bill collector won’t stop calling?  Tell them that Nater-Tater handles all of your finances.  THIS COULD CHANGE LIVES.

Maile:  Or really annoy Nathan Fillion.

me:  Who, Nater-Tater?  No way.  If anything he’ll probably want to thank me.

Maile:  With a picture of twine.

me:  That man owes me.

PS. A special note to Nathan Fillion:  As always, I adore you.  It’s almost like you planned this on purpose. In fact, I suspect you did and that’s why I would like to thank you, Nater-Tater, for being the kind of man who forces me think so much larger than a simple twine shot. One tiny twine picture might have brought light and laughter to thousands of people for a few days, but this could bring me joy FOR YEARS.

PPS.  Here is the fabulous picture of Simon Pegg holding twine, because I think it’s selfish to not share this with the rest of the world:

The man is a damn saint.

PPPS.  Phrases now a permanent part of the bloggess lexicon:

Pulling a Nathan Fillion:  Someone who refuses to play along with – or even acknowledge – your twine-based games.  May cause you to doubt your own existence.

Being a Wil Wheaton:  Like being an Eagle Scout of awesome.  Surfing the cusp of weirdness in search of maidens to rescue.  Except that I think “maidens” implies “virgins”.  So change “maidens” to “unseemly wenches with hearts of gold”.

Throwing a Simon Pegg:  Being an excellent sport even when completely baffled, because there’s simply no reason not to do something random and silly to bring joy into the lives of others.

Becoming a bloggess:  Tenaciously taking a joke way too far for the sake of sheer ridiculousness.  Might be considered dangerous.  Approach with caution and a booze slushee.

UPDATED, day 2:  I have given up on Nathan Fillion ever giving us a picture holding twine, but something happened a few minutes ago which gave me both hope and closure on this whole tumultuous year of vaguely pathetic begging…

Penn Jillette just sent us a picture of himself holding twine to help heal our pain.  Unsolicited.  With nothing asked for in return.  Just a picture of himself holding (PROBABLY MAGICAL) twine simply to brighten our day with furious joy.

He makes it look so easy, doesn't he?

We all owe Penn Jillette a drink.  Just lemonade though because the man never drinks booze.  Conclusion: Penn Jillette is better than tacos and is saving us all money.  Follow that man.  

UPDATE #3:  Is this the longest, most convoluted post ever?  Probably.  But it’s worth it because we’re almost done forever.  So in the latest turn, the always awesome Simon Pegg has asked that we leave Nathan Fillion alone because it’s starting to get a bit insane even for us.  I agree and I have apologized to Nater-Tater for bothering him and I have assured him that I will never ask him for twiney pictures again.  Unless I’m really, really drunk.  But then I felt a bit dejected and so I told everyone that instead we should really just concentrate on more important things, like helping homeless kids.  And getting Jeri Ryan to hold a spatula.  Then I immediately said I was just kidding about Jeri because I was really sort of ready for this to all be over and I didn’t have the strength to go into another year of asking one of my internet heroes for a picture of them doing something random for the sake of pure silliness.

And then something magical happened…

Jeri L. Ryan ~ Practically a gooddess.

And she wasn’t alone.  Hundreds of people started sharing pictures of themselves standing randomly with their spatulas, and in a matter of minutes I was flooded such awesomeness I may have gotten a little teary.  Also, Wil showed up again (with murderous spatula), proving that awesomeness is not just a fluke.


(Also, almost $500 was raised for overnight bags for homeless kids in under an hour because you’re all amazing.)  And then the spell was broken and my appetite for random pictures was sated, and Neil Patrick Harris probably drew a great sigh of relief because I bet he knew in his heart that he would have been next.

This is the point where I would say something witty to wrap this whole thing up but I don’t feel witty.  I feel grateful.  Thank you to every single one of you, for listening, for not taking me seriously, for taking me just seriously enough, and for coming along on this ridiculous, furiously happy voyage with me.

Seriously.  Thank you.

UPDATED FOR (I SWEAR TO GOD, PROBABLY) THE LAST TIME:  Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better:


So. Fucking. Awesome.

And what’s even more awesome about this is that Matthew Broderick isn’t even on twitter and he still wanted me to have this because he reads this blog.  Seriously, y’all.  My cat’s namesake intentionally shared a picture of himself holding something random just to celebrate the weirdness.  Best ending ever.

PS. Over $1200 was raised for homeless kids donated in honor of the amazing people who joined in the ridiculous silliness of this entire, strange saga.  Thank you from me and from the 60 children who will each be getting a security blanket, stuffed animal and a book to make life a little less serious as well.

You rock.  All of you.

UPDATED AGAIN BECAUSE I’M A LIAR ABOUT NOT UPDATING ANYMORE:  Victor just woke me up to tell me that Brian Boitano had just tweeted me a picture of himself holding twine.  Then he yelled “THAT’S WHAT BRIAN BOITANO WOULD DO” and then I realized it was probably the apocalypse because Victor was actually on twitter.  And also because BRIAN BOITANO WAS HOLDING TWINE.

I bet he'd kick an ass or two. THAT'S what Brian Boitano would do.


Matthew Broderick sees your twine and raises you a spatula and a confusingly-cooked egg.

I’d just like to add that for the most part everyone has taken this in the spirit in which it was written…as a silly, ridiculous post to remind us all to giggle a little bit more than we already are.  A very, very small number of people (mostly all brand new to this blog) instead focused on “what an asshole Nathan Fillion is” or “what an asshole people who think Nathan Fillion is an asshole are.”  I’d like to point out that both sets of people are wrong, as this amazingness could not have happened without Nathan Fillion’s actions, and I’d like to think that he somehow planned this all, because that way I can still watch Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog without feeling like Nathan Fillion now hates me.  Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon.  That’s just life.  A terrible, terrible analogy for life.

But an apt one.

And that’s why I’d like to thank you, Nathan Fillion, for inspiring a post that brought laughter to so many.  I hope it brings you laughter as well because it would make me very sad to think that anyone felt like less of a person just for something as silly as a twine picture.  Strangely enough, I know how that feels, and I also know how it feels to be rescued from that sadness by someone else reaching out a hand (or spatula).  And that’s why instead of asking you for a picture of you holding twine, I’m giving you one.

Of me.

Holding twine.


Thank you, Nathan Fillion.  Wherever you are.



UPDATED X I-don’t-even-know-anymore:

That's right. Sean Maher from Serenity. HOLDING TWINE. My work here is done.

1,219 thoughts on “UPDATED X 7: YOU’RE RUINING NATHAN FILLION FOR ME, NATHAN FILLION. Alternate title: But I forgive you.

Read comments below or add one.

  1. My husband’s explanation: Nathan doesn’t get it, cuz he’s Canadian. He might not know what twine IS.”

    My husband blames everything weird Nathan does on him being Canadian. It’s something to do with a scene from the simpsons (They think I’m slow cuz Im from Canada) and a line from Eddie Izzard (You’re English, scale is back a bit).

  2. Okay so all stalking laws aside, and ignoring of course your loveable yet over-active imagination, clearly the guy owes you after standing you up and all. He at least owes you pizza and an apology and a hug.

    As for the twice, I too would love to see a pic of Nathan Fillion all tied up with twine. And shirtless. Oh maybe that’s just me…

  3. Maybe you should hit him low…tell him we’ll raise some money for his charity if he will offer a picture with twine! It’s for the kids, right?

  4. Nater-Tater will totally be a thing now. I am disapointed in him, though, I though a nerd-god like him would do something like this for the world. But I’m definitely not giving up on this yet!

  5. You know, I’m disappointed that Nathan Fillion won’t play along and give you a damn picture of himself holding twine! How hard is it to pose with twine for 2 seconds and have your picture snapped? It’s not like you asked for a naked picture of him holding twine in a strategic location or anything…

  6. Even though this is about Nathan Fillion and his twine-denying ways, I think I like the Wil Wheaton parts the best. Probably because of his awesome paper collating ways.

  7. I do love Nathan and hope he doesn’t feel it necessary to take out a restraining order on you. My absolutely unsolicited advice is to ask Felicia Day or Neil Patrick Harris instead. I think either of them would make NF so sad for missing this opportunity. I mean. Simon Pegg is AWESOME for sending you the picture, but either missed the point or is fucking with you.

  8. It’s really not you, it’s him. He has allegedly ignored the person who was hired to write Joss Whedon’s AUTHORIZED biography. Between that and this I have to admit I’m super disappointed in him. As a fellow Canadian, I know his mother raised him to be way more polite, dammit!

  9. if there is a heaven and St Peter is at the gates, do you promise now to blog from the afterword, your conversation with him when he holds you up to ask’s why he should let you in? , ppppleeeeaaaassseeeeeeeee

    In fact can you just pre-write that conversation and do it next

  10. …Wait. If Simon IS fucking with you, then is he really awesome? Maybe just a goodish sport.

  11. Wow! I love this!

    Somehow, when I start to doubt my own existence, you post a blog that confirms that I am, in fact, here. 🙂

    Thanks, Jenny! You rock, as always!

  12. Well, I don’t have a picture of him with twine, but I DO have a picture of Nater-Tater himself circa 1988 with me at summer school in Quebec. For the sake of the internet and so you never again doubt your existence I am willing to scan and send it to you!

  13. I’m beginning to think Nathan Fillion might just take himself a wee bit too seriously. Wonder if he says “and SCENE” (with eye closed in a meditative manner)at the end of every Castle take?

  14. OH man. My desperate love for Nathan Fillion has just suffered a severe blow. How can I desperately love a man who won’t even hold a goddamn ball of twine? Worse than that, he’s been studiously ignoring another woman behind my back. THAT, I cannot forgive.

    Thankfully, I’ve been in love with Wil Wheaton much, much longer. I’m all yours now, Wil, you Eagle Scout of Awesome, you!

  15. I read, I chuckle. I read, I guffaw. I read, I love. You are one of a kind and I think you’re amazing. Your brand of insane (and gloriously hilarious) humor is exactly what this world needs (even if you can’t have a Nater-Tater twine shot).

  16. See.. Do something silly and random, like holding twine or collating paper and you are canonized in the church of awesome for all eternity.

    There is no good reason not to do these things.

  17. New plan: Everyone who has not already done so, begin stalking Nathan Fillion. As soon as an opportunity presents itself, throw a ball of twine at him, snap a picture, and run. Then there is a picture of a *surprised* Nathan Fillion, sneakily tricked into holding twine. Everybody wins.

    Also, I saw Wil Wheaton on Big Bang Theory the other day and neary died. It was awkward explaining that to my mum: “Yes, I’m freaking out because that is Wil Wheaton. What do you mean you don’t know who he is? There’s a picture of him collating paper on the Internet if you wanna see.”

  18. Maybe we should tweet him with the hashtag #nathanfillionhatestwine and give our reason why we think this is so. Maybe he was tied up with twine as a kid and it gives him nightmares. Yeah. Maybe it sends him into a fugue state. That’s what I’m going with….

    Come on Nathan Fillion. If you’re reading this, don’t be a dick (like Wil Wheaton likes to say). Give us a picture with twine!

  19. Oh, I don;t think Nater-Tater is ignoring you…I think he is somewhere laughing his ass off about all of this…well, snickering quietly, but still…

  20. I love “surfing the cusp of wierdness and sheer ridiculousness” and I could really use a booze slushee! Jenny, you are my favorite!

  21. I’m surprised you haven’t asked Wil Wheaton to intercede. All of the conventions they do? They MUST know each other.

    …Although I like it better this way, I think.

  22. Y’know, you might have better luck with George Clooney. He is so totally game. Also, Jeff Goldblum is really nice about requests, so you might try him, too.

    Just a thought.

  23. It can’t be because he’s Canadian…it just can’t be! I’m Canadian and I’ve held twine! It must be something else! It just must be! Think Think Think….

  24. Im setting up an auto reply in my Junk Mail folder for all the hours of spam mail I get from the good ole USofA these days. Want to offer me LASIK surgery? Speak to Nater man. Discount iPads? Not without consulting Nater Tater first my friend. Foreclosure problems? (I have no idea what that even is) but you’ll have to email my accountant Nater-Tot I’m afraid.

  25. I can’t believe I spelled weird wrong! I blame the meds and my lack of booze slushee! So sorry! Will proofread more closely next time!

  26. I can assure you that Canadians do indeed know what twine is, as I am Canadian and current own twine. I’m not only Canadian but I’m also from Nathan Fillion’s hometown (that would be Edmonton not LA just to clarify). While this used to be a sourse of pride for me, it’s now a source of shame. Almost as much shame as hailing from the same province as Nickle Back. You hear that Nathan Fillion, I just ranked you with Nickel Back! And just to assure you Canadians are your people, my husband hails from a province (Newfoundland) where everyone has booze slushies in their freezer, just in case of company!

  27. It’s simple. Nater-Tater has linonophobia and he won’t admit it because he doesn’t want you to know he’s flawed. Maybe you should try for a picture of Nater-Tater with his odd-sock collection? Everyone has one of those.

  28. See, you need to go recruit his Castle co-stars and get THEM to get photos with themselves and twine and make him feel the peer pressure. While not a co-star, Patrick Stewart is going to be here in DFW for the Dallas ComiCon, as well as David Prowse. You get Capt Picard AND Darth Vader to hold twine, there’s no way he could still say no. Well, he might, but you never know.

  29. And so just so we are clear and everyone on the same page, what is the technical definition of “a Shatner”?

  30. I am so embarrassed that I now have to google Simon Pegg and Nathan Fillion, because I don’t actually know who they are. Oh, and Wil Wheaton. I’ve never heard of him either, but I think his picture collating paper is super awesome.

    When I know who these people are, this will all start to make sense, right?

  31. As always, so damn funny.

    Second, you exist in a deep, profound, subtle, and disturbing way that brings joy to thousands (or millions?), so you totes exist.

    THANK YOU for posting the picture of Simon Pegg holding twine. I have been dying of curiosity ever since you said he sent it. Now I can die happy (though hopefully not soon).

  32. I am pretty sure he is ignoring you because the longer he strings (haha, get it?) this out , then the bigger the reaction will be when he finally does take the picture. Or this is me being a damn optimist. Either way, he is a crafty nerd god bastard.

  33. *snort* Nater-Tater. Love it. Love you. Keep plugging away at Nater-Tater. He’ll come ’round. Either that or he has ice water in his veins.

  34. I think you need to get Ellen in on this. She totally got Oprah to put her on the cover of O magazine. And, well, what else does she have going on?
    Besides a ridiculously hot wife. A popular tv show. And pets.
    But anyway, she could totally invite him on the show and hand him a ball of twine. You’d then have a screenshot of Nathan Fillion holding twine.
    Don’t go bigger. Go nefarious.

  35. I love the way your mind works. I also wonder what will happen to all those marketers? Will they eventually realise they are all being sent to the same place and demand the twine themselves?

    Roiben x

  36. Maybe Mr Fillion doesn’t know how to hold twine and is too embarrassed to admit it, perhaps you can get all your twitter followers to send him a twine holding picture so he knows how it’s done.
    But I think the main point I will take away from this blog post is the fact that Simon Pegg has freakishly symmetrical fingers.

  37. What kills me is how you got Simon Pegg to do it on the same day Nathan posted a picture of the two of them hanging out.

    I also think you should try to get Alan Tudyk involved.

  38. You know, maybe you should have been more quietly morbid and creepifying, because as he said all those years ago, “Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, just as long as she’s quiet about it.”

  39. My mother just called to ask when I’m coming to visit and I told her I had to wait until Nater-Tater approved my travel arrangements. This totally rocks!

  40. Oh YES! I love Nathan Fillion! He’s hot…but why does he have such superhuman power to ignore someone as important as the Bloggess? And now I know who Wil Wheaton is (because I saw Stand by Me and love Stephen King) and Simon Pegg (although I never watched Shaun of the Dead which probably means I am dead to you and all of your fans).

    I think there must be a whole world of twitter things I don’t know about but want to follow. Good thing I started a twitter account this morning. And Jenny, it is totally your fault that I will now be spending all of my spare time sending out pointless tweets while I have no followers. I need a twitter tutorial!

  41. The first thing Nathan Fillion is going to do is wonder why in the hell everyone started calling him Nater-Tater, and why that nickname won’t seem to go away, because in his weird Canadian-ness, I bet he doesn’t even like potatoes. Then, about day 6 into tracking down the Nater-Tater name, there is going to be a Juanita weasel like moment where the words “DAMN YOU BLOGGESS!!!” echo around the world faster than Superman turns back time. And now would be about the time a package should arrive for his assistant, because you know his assistant probably opens everything, with a ball of twine and a card that says “Knock Knock Motherfucker”. Because he has no idea how long you can keep a thing like that going – but we do.

  42. So, how long before Nater-Tater blocks you on Twitter, do you think? (a la William Shatner) – then the whole Twitterverse can shame him into FINALLY PLAYING ALONG! (also, a la William Shatner)

    Brilliant idea, no?

  43. Is anyone else wondering WHERE Simon took that shot? It kinda looks like a bathroom in an overly expensive store… or it could be his front foyer… if he was accosted by dramatically overpriced decorators who were looking for someone to off load the extra tiles and mirrors from their last mall job.

  44. It really is shocking to me that Nathan Fillion “doesn’t do that sort of thing”. I mean, I’ve seen pictures of him enthusiastically riding a bicycle, this seemed right up his alley. I mean, he’s still awesome, but it is sad. =( At least now he’s earned the nickname “Nater-Tater”.

  45. I just watched a movie with Nater-Tater (greatest. name. ever.) in it last night, and the entire time I kept thinking, you know what would make this movie better? If he’d just hold some goddamned twine. But alas, he didn’t.

  46. I should probably clarify at this point that I LOVE the picture and that he took it but somehow my brain went off on a tile tangent and I could not stop it from hitting “Submit”

  47. I love pulling a Bloggess!!! My brother said that the Twilight movie was “better than he would have expected” back in ’05. To this day I still make fun of him. And every Xmas I give him a new Twilight calendar or other memorable keepsake. :o) no one in the family has laughed at this for years. But I still crack up til I pee a little every time!!!

  48. Honestly, I think at this point Nathan Fillion holding twine is overrated compared to what you COULD achieve. Look at it this way: you now have bent two actors who were in Star Trek to your will. You know who else you might be able to have jump on board your Awesome-Actor+Commonplace-Item-and/or-Task Photo scheme?

    George Takei. Maybe he’s eating cereal. Maybe you can sweeten the pot by offering to do a fundraiser for a good LGBT charity.

    Then you’ve got three Star Trek actors, and it starts to take on a snowball effect. Scott Bakula folding socks. Robert Picardo with balsa wood. There’s no end to the wonderfulness here. Nathan Fillion was in a great sci-fi series, and we all love him very much. But there’s a whole lot of Star Trek, and you’ve already gotten a good start.

  49. This is what I posted on fb when I shared your blog:

    Once again … if you don’t read The Bloggess … why not? If you only read one blog in your whole existence – it should be hers. Then you can say you read blogs and you can pretend to be a hipster. You can reference strange things and say “oh, I just read it in a blog the other day” See isn’t that cool? And Nathan Fillion – despite his dedication to Firefly is starting to annoy me. Wil Wheaton – however, must be adored.

  50. Jenny, I promise that if I ever meet Nater-Tater again, I will have a ball of twine with me, throw it at him, and hope he catches it in time to snap a photograph.

    (PS, he was kind of a dick to me when I met him, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s ignoring someone as awesome as yourself)

  51. I totally want to have Nathan Fillion’s baby. I bet if he was my baby daddy and what my baby needed was a picture of him holding twine he would totally do it and then I’d give it to you. Of course, he could just ignore me, too, and I’d get him thrown in jail for being a dead-beat dad and then we could probably get pictures of him doing all KINDS of things and they would be way more fun to send to those annoying pitch solicitors… am I right?

  52. You know, it’s a slippery slope — today it’s twine, tomorrow sticks and berries, and who knows where it goes after that.

    PS (because comments can have post-scripts right?) – I actually didn’t know what Wil Wheaton looked like until I saw his picture on your blog. In my mind, he is still Wesley Crusher. I feel stupid for not recognizing him in The Guild now …

  53. ….is it wrong that this all makes me love Nathan Fillion even more?

    I mean, think of the joy he’s bringing us by perpetuating the Nater Tater Twine Kerfuffle of 2012! It’s just darned generous.

  54. This is absolute bullshit, Nater Tater. You are giving all of CANADA a bad rap with your selfishness. Seriously, if you are from this country, they probably used fucking twine to tie off your umbilical cord! (Universal health care costs money. We recycle.) Damnit, Nater, suck it up, call your mom, and get a bloody photo of yourself holding your umbilical twine already! We don’t want an international incident because of this.

  55. I ? the Nater-Tater’ness of your obsession. And Wil Wheaton. And Simon Pegg. Their validation of your existence makes my validation of your existence as being more than just a figment of a really wonderful and happy imagination even more valid.

  56. I don’t get too many (well, any) unsolicited blog pitches, so I guess I’ll have to just forward all my junk mail (spam and e) to Nater Tater to handle. Wouldn’t want to waste his super power.

  57. Am I the only person in the blogging world not stalking Nater-Tater? I refuse to believe that anyone who cannot hold a simple piece of twine and snap a pic with his phone is worthy of adoration. It might be the schnapps (yes they still make this shit) that my tenant left behind when he moved out or it might be my complete lack of ability to focus… which might be caused by schnapps… but I think I’ll write a letter to Nathan and beg him to hold the twine.

    PS. The next time my mother asks me why I can’t find a nice man and settle down I am referring her to Nathan per your suggestion.

  58. Holy Moly! This was a long conversation! 🙂 Good thing you remembered it.

    Why the twine? – that’s what I’ve never understood. Maybe he is just against twine. Have you considered something more masculine such as a catcher’s glove or belt buckle?

  59. I think we’re all disappointed in Nater-Tater. Oh well, Simon Pegg is good people, and we can always rely on Wil Wheaton.

    On the other hand, Nathan has graced the screen in the buff, so he gets points for that, in my book.

  60. You know, Simon Pegg may feel inadequate if we continue asking someone else for a twine picture. He may feel like his wasn’t enough. And, really, it was one of the most amazing experiences of the Internet. I don’t see how a Nater-Tater twine pic could be anything other than a let down compared to that. So maybe you could just use the Pegg Twine shot as your bookend?

    But still refer everyone to Nathan Fillion. That’s fucking awesome.

  61. What I love best is that Simon Pegg, who did not actually have any twine in the house, went out to the garage and braided a loop of plastic bag into a twine-substitute, then took a picture of it for you. How AWESOME is he?

  62. I’m pretty sure you’re the funniest person on the face of the earth. I love you, you wench with a heart of gold.

  63. Dear Nigerian Prince,
    I would love to help you with the issue of claiming your money. Unfortunately I can not give you my bank routing numbers without permission first from Nathan Fillion. Please contact him on twitter @NathanFillion to finalize the details. I look forward to working with you once you two have spoken.

    With regard,

  64. Ooh…coerce former/current little friends of Nater-Tater to entwine him. Ooh (again)…behind his back. Pics of N-T with twine stuck on him that he doesn’t even notice. Then get them to send to twine to you. Collect enough secret twine and you can knit (or macrame, if you must) yourself a whole new twiney N-T. Think of the fun you could have…also makes a great source of nesting materials for the pretty birdies in spring.

  65. You know, I bet he would have done it back in his Joey Buchanan days on One Life to Live, or even in the Firefly days. Put a guy on one of the big three networks and he gets all “I don’t do that stuff” on us.

    Still, his hotness abounds, but it is a little tarnished.

  66. I just started watching Firefly and saw the name Nathan Fillion and was all like “ohhhhhhhh NOW I get it”. I know I’m late to the party but at least I got here.

  67. I think Castle may have crushed the awesome right out of Nathan Fillion. I’ve heard network tv can do that to you. RIP, Mal. I’ll love you forever.
    Simon Pegg already had my eternal love. Now he’s also got respek, yo.

  68. P.S. I remember Nathan Fillion when he was a Buchanan kid on One Life to Live.

    Remember your roots, Nate…we loved you then! 😉

  69. That “twine” kinda looks like a shoe lace. But if your happy, then I’m happy!

  70. Maybe if you’d asked for a picture of Nathan Fillion holding space twine, it would have worked out. They totally had to have had space twine on the Serenity.


  71. –sings “Blame Canada”–
    Oh dear Nater-Tater, look what you’ve started…you’ve impassioned the Bloggess’s fans. Thank goodness we <3 you, you handsome clueless Canuck. Do come down to Texas and we'll give you all sorts of clues. 😉

    (Just had to share my own Nate love with the masses…assuming dear Jenny will share when she's with Victor) 😀

  72. I can’t find Nater Tater on Google maps. Can you give us his actual address and email and cellphone number and car tag, just to help with the ongoing contact program? And twine.

    He’s probably at the Oscars tonight, so we might just leave a lot of the media requests on his living room table.

    I’m sure he left the front door unlocked, or locked in a manner that would not repel a large metal chicken, a wolf, a mouse and a weasel. Which was a big mistake.

  73. If you keep up with twitter (which I don’t), you’ll see Nathan Fillion is interested in being on something called “The Daly Show.” No clue what it is, but this Tim Daly seems inclined to let him…on…or in…or be a part of it, I don’t know.

    Regardless! New plan, convince this Tim Daly that Nathan Fillion can only be allowed access to his show once he has posted a picture of him holding twine. IT CANNOT FAIL.

  74. I am now an even bigger fan of Simon Pegg. And who do these starts think they are not agreeing to meet with their fans. It’s not like there could be any potential problems or inconveniences.

  75. I’m having a shit, shit, shit morning and this is the first smile I have had all day. Nater-Tater WILL write sonnets about you.

  76. I am generally alway willing to pull a will wheaton, but have been known to pull a simon pegg. However pulling a nathan fillion is just uncalled for in life. It indicates a lack of imagination from an unhappy childhood. It also assures the fact that the person guilty of such an act has not appropriately embraced their alcoholism.

  77. My heart breaks a bit because of this. I once thought Nater-Tater to be beyond the bomb. But now? He’s kind-of being a jerk.

    And just to throw my two cents in, Andrea back up at comment #81, has the best idea I’ve heard! Jenny, you need to get on top of that because I would totally pay money to have a photo of Robert Picardo with balsa wood. Patrick Stewart with a crumpet. Kate Mulgrew paying bills. The possibilities are endless. How about a calendar of Star Trek stars doing every day chores?

  78. maybe he’s worried that the twine will make him look bad. we all know how insecure people in ‘the industry’ can be. twine, particularly in it’s ‘ball’ form can be pretty intimidating. i find it intimidating, anyway. even still, i’m all, ‘what, nathan fillion’? are you some sort of megalomaniac who has delusions of grandeur about being too awesome to be photographed with an intimidating ball of twine in order to battle the evil scourge of unsolicited blog pitches? well then, YOU sir are no longer welcome in my sexy daydreams. we are FINISHED!’. ’nuff said.

  79. He doesn’t DO that?! We need to back up the bus a minute. Proportionally, I’d bet you are globally famous-er than he is, so he should be THRILLED that the Dark Army of the Bloggess is all up in his grill. Sounds kinda snotty to me. Cute or not, he needs to know that WE are the only assholes around here.

    Also, I feel that we need a planned, scheduled and directed push for the ol’ Nater Tater holding twine pic. Like a well coordinated wave of attack where as soon as you think it’s over, the Twitter cavalry that has been hiding in the woods charges in and attacks the flank, thereby causing it to collapse in on itself, a la every movie I’ve ever seen. Don’t act like y’all don’t know what I’m talking about and ohmygod I just realized how nuts this sounds. Okay. I’m finished.

  80. Since I adore Nater-Tater (although not as much as Will Wheaton, based soley on *that* page. And well, nevermind, but there was no restraining order so it’s all good)

    Anyway, since I adore Nater-Tater I can only assume he is trying to come up with a clever pun for “twine”. So I’m going to help you out Nater-Tater (who surely must be reading this): Tea-wine. It’s tea and wine and you can buy it by the bottle in just about every liquor store…grocery store…convenience store….you get the point. Since she accepted the non-twine of Simon Pegg surely she will like this. Change the definition of your name, Man! It’s for THE WORLD!

  81. I don’t understand how anyone can ignore something that’s obviously beating them over the head (metaphorically, of course…). I mean, wouldn’t it become painful and torturous after a while, and he’d have to take the picture just to relieve the sheer madness building up in his life?

    Simon Pegg for mayor.

  82. When this goes to its inevitable criminal trial can I have VIP seats in the courtroom? (Oh, and for shame Nater Tater – you’ll play Dr Horrible but won’t hold a ball of twine????)

  83. You know, Hugh Bonneville not only responds to tweets, but actually seems to have a functioning sense of humor. Think: a picture of Lord Grantham sorting socks, or eating toast. Just sayin’.

  84. A couple of years ago I went to Universal Studios and saw the big fancy fighting show that takes place on water (used to be water world until that became hopelessly uncool). After the show the stunt men come out to the front to sign autographs and meet the fans… whateves. One of them was Nathan Fillion’s stunt double. We went over and met the guy. He’s really nice and if I remember right he had a beautiful NZ or Aussie accent (or was it English, Scottish or Irish… I’m sorry to all of those people I have just insulted). Anyway, he and my hubby talked Rugby for a while. If he’s still there someone should take twine with them to Universal Studios and totally take a picture of his stunt double from the back holding twine and then tell Nathan Fillion we got his stunt double to do the thing he was most afraid of. Take a picture with twine.

  85. This is probably the appropriate time to ask Neil Patrick Harris to submit a photo of himself washing dishes.

  86. OK, I think the most unbelievable thing about this is that Maile didn’t already know the Nathan Fillion story. I mean, I’m pretty sure everyone else on the planet knows about this …with the possible exception of Nathan Fillion himself and I think he’s just faking it, probably because he can’t be bothered to scrounge up some twine. It’s also possible he just doesn’t have any twine. Maybe we could send him some. We could hold a telethon to raise money to send Nathan Fillion some twine. Twine Aid. Twine Across America. …something.

  87. I used to think Nater-Tater was a geek god. Certainly the goofy things he’s done and the things I’ve seen him tweet have helped with that impression. But with his relentlessly ignoring your requests to take a picture of him holding twine, I feel I have to downgrade him from a geek god to a geek demi-god. He still has opportunities to redeem himself but is going to have to do more than post a pic of him holding twine to do so.

    Meanwhile, for me, Simon Pegg, who I love dearly, has taken Nater’s place as the geek god of my heart. He is pure awesome sauce.

  88. I am so in love with Wil Wheaton for being a good sport (amongst other things) and now I just don’t know about Nathan Fillion anymore. “I don’t do things like that”? Like what? Have fun?

  89. After reading this, and the comments, I have a dire suspicion that Nater-Tater has had his mind poisoned by William Shatner… Hell, it might even be a conspiracy where he’s received letters from those same PR companies URGING him not to respond… Or some legal team.
    I can see it now, Nater sees the thousands of texts and turns to his lawyer. “I feel overwhelmed by all these people wanting to see me naked with twine. What should I do?”
    Lawyer: “Well, WHAT EVER you do, DO NOT BLOCK HER! Shatner did that and his fan points dropped about a billion. You want fans to love you, even if you aren’t willing to even sort of meet them halfway.”

    I like his acting… but somehow I do sense he’s JUST a bit more self absorbed than any pure awesome Wil Wheaton, or Simon Pegg.

    I know what we need next… Matt Smith holding twine! Am I right??

  90. For the love of everything holy, someone send this post to the writers of Castle…. Maybe we can get an episode where he gets tied up with twine!!

  91. I tried to help, man…he’s just too good at the ignoring. He’ll always be Joey Buchanan, anyway.

    I’ll donate $374 to whoever or whatever you choose if you can get Tom Selleck blowing bubbles.

  92. I think what we need to do is beat Nater-Tater at his own game. I think this can actually work if everyone helps.
    We need to start emailing, tweeting, blogging, etc to Saturday Night Live that we want Nater Tater to host (much like how Betty Whitecame to host), then the suits at SNL will have no choice but to have him host.
    When we get word he’s hosting, we must then bombard all the current SNL cast via tweet, email that there MUST be a skit written where we get Nater Tater to hold twine. Boom! We’ve just conquered Nater Tater AND millions of people have seen him holding mother fucking twine on national TV.
    PS…I’ve never used Nater Tater so much…EVER.

  93. I don’t understand what the problem is, we Canadians are known for our sense of humour. Is he secretly allergic to twine? Or maybe awesomeness? I really didn’t know who Nathon Fillion was until I started reading your blog so he hasn’t given me a reason to be a fan, especially with him continuing to pull a Naton Fillion. But Nater-Tater that has a chance.

    Ultimately, I think Wil Wheaton has to have a conversation with him on how to not be a dick.

  94. Maybe you should get Wil Wheaton to talk to Nathan Fillion since they seemed all buddybuddy that nerd show on BBC America. Or just give up on non-Star Trek celebrities altogether…even if Shatner didn’t work out completely, Wil and Simon did.

  95. I think you should try asking Rick Castle, get Det. Beckett & Alexis in on it…. If that fails, ask the rest of the Firefly cast to hold Twine. I’d love to see Jayne with some twine. Then maybe Nater-Tater will give in to peer pressure.

  96. Gather ’round people and listen as The Bloggess spins a YARN,
    About a man named Nathan who simply doesn’t give a darn.
    Wheaton collated paper, but how could this be matched?
    Just one request from Nathan, with no STRINGS attached.
    Save for one, of course – he must be holding TWINE,
    Indoors, outdoors, doesn’t matter, anything is fine.
    But alas it seems that such requests had been dismissively ignored,
    For Nathan’s thoughts about such things are never in acCord.
    And though Mr. Pegg attempted to replace Nathan in his stead,
    His noble effort amounted at most to being ‘Shaun of the Thread’.
    And so what lesson can be imparted to you, the blog subscriber?
    Simply that Nathan Fillion lacks a certain moral FIBER.

  97. It’s all becoming clear to me now. *YOU* are my Nater-Tater!!!!! Holy shitballs. It’s like I was just given that purely experimental drug by Robin Williams in “Awakenings” and I’m Robert DeNiro…and I finally wake up out of my catatonic state, only to realize that YOOOOOUUUUUU are my Dr. Sayer!!!!!

    So…to recap: Jenny = Carm’s Nater-Tater. That’s pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. Love, Carm

  98. I’m just commenting on this because I like to be a part of big things, and I want to be a part of the class action lawsuit that Nater-Tater brings against us all 😀 We’ll get tshirts made about it. It’ll be loads of fun in the court room!! Yay!!

  99. “And he said he was very sorry for disappointing his #1 super-fan.”

    That totally made my heart jump. You got me good.

  100. Sometimes I find myself randomly thinking of plans on how to sneak attack Nathan Fillion into holding twine and taking a picture.

    One day I will think of a good one, aka one where I wont end up in jail.

  101. Nater Tater, I will so remove you from my Pinerest wall. Just comply and things will work out. Twine never hurt most people.

  102. “A man who refuses to succumb to the pleasure of twine holding shall live to regret his new nickname” – Mark Twainstein.
    “Those who seek to ignore the Bloggess shall rue the day” – A. Ristotle.
    “He who hods the twine holds her heart” – Con Fuscious.
    For the glory of the United States of America the twine must be held” – Franklin Roseveldt.
    “Hold the damn twine Fillion” – Juanita.
    “The way to the heart of the bloggess is through doing her bidding” – Victor.

  103. O.M.G. You are a friggin’ GENIUS. Someone get me a blue raspberry booze slushee stat!

  104. I’m glad that you haven’t just become a bloggess, but are a bloggess. The one and only Bloggess. Nathan Fillion is a fool for not holding twine for you. And us.

  105. I will no longer be able to watch ‘Castle’ without thinking ‘Nater-Tater handles my finances.’

    Thank you.

  106. Now I can’t remember which comment it was, but the whole Star Trek idea is great, I mean, we all know Jeri Ryan LOVES you. Seriously, Seven of Nine? The world needs this. (As much as we needed Wil Wheaton collating paper, obviously.)

  107. Nathan,
    I also love you. But it would appear you have pissed off the wrong lady. I know, you thought — it’s just another crazy asking for crazy. No. Not even. This is about twine, motherfucker. And it is time to represent.

  108. You know, my best friend sent me a link a couple years ago and said…you should read this blog. It’s just one of a million reasons why I love my best friend.

    And, man…Nathan Fillion is such a damn disappointment. He will never be half the man that Wil Wheaton is.

  109. Number (152) you poem was beautiful! seemed to strike a Cord!? Lol!

    Bloggess you are amazing! I just couldn’t help but giggle! These are like conversations I have with my friends but everyone just thinks I’m weird! Yet You turned it into a career!

    I have faith that Nater Tater will come around! After all, there has to be such thing as “fan-pressure”! Either that or he is hanging out for the awesomeness factor! Well at least I hope so! 🙂 x

  110. Sent me a link to your blog that is. Not just some random link that is unconnected to you. But you probably already figured that part out.

  111. So if/when Nathan has children they will be called Nater Tator Tots… (sorry)

    The Doctor quote needs to be changed to the following… “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually—from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint—it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly… TWINEY-wimey… stuff..” (sorry again)

    As a fellow Canadian I have to advise Nathan that he is treading dangerously close to being “rude” and that will just not do… Still a huge fan but….

    Maybe if he tried juggling several balls of twine, if the picture is taken while the balls are up in the air then he is technically not HOLDING the twine (which would make him happy) and I think would still make us happy at the same time…

  112. Goodness. I LOVE Simon Pegg. And I like Nathan Fillion. And I’m disappointed in him. And I vow that if our paths ever cross, I will tie him up and take a picture of him IN twine. And I will text it to you, from Jail.

  113. Please don’t bother Mr. Fillion. He is far too busy preparing to pose naked with Bradley Cooper for my wedding cake topper when I marry Jason Statham.

  114. @Prospero. Well….one thing’s for certain. You won’t be tying the knot with twine.


  115. Ok wait wait wait here just a mo, you mean to tell me that Nater-Tater will do “Dr. Horrible’s Sing a Long Vlog” but not pose w/Twine? WTF Nates… It was hard enough to get past the whole “I’m Canadian” thing but really schmoopy, not bringing joy to your peeps is just down right insulting.

    Just for the record my son asked for some more milk and then I totally forgot where I was going w/this, please carry on if you can? You must carry on Jenny, so many will be lost if you don’t.

  116. I’m a bit confused. Between your admiration of the actual Wil Wheaton’s awesomeness and the way Wil Wheaton portrays himself on the big bang theory I have no idea if Being a Wil Weaton is a good thing. Because, quite frankly, TV is more believable. HE PLAY’S HIMSELF!

  117. I have to wonder if his background on One Life To Live made him weary of women in curlers wanting to interact with him. Soap operas will do that to a person.

  118. Nathan Fillion demonstrates a clear lack of go-with-the-flow weirdness that we all want him to have.
    I would like to point out, however, that this entire post ignores the fact that for CHRISTMAS Matthew Broderick took a picture of himself holding a spoon just for you. Maybe you leaving him out of your post makes him feel like HE doesn’t even exist. Jenny, are you not pulling a Fillion on MB, a sincere and devoted friend?
    What would Ferris Mewler say?

  119. I didn’t realize who Nater-Tater was, so I asked Google. And, after all that, the tied up in twine comment would totally further his career.

  120. Andrea (#81) is a genius. What she said.
    I know a lot of Canadians and they aren’t funny unless they’re drinking.
    I would be willing to buy Simon Pegg a ball of twine.
    Wil Wheaton is THE BEST.

  121. It’s amazing how you managed to outdo the tension between main characters on television shows…with a man who, instead of succumbing to a hot moment of passion, need only provide a photo of him holding twine. Will he? Won’t he? This time? Now? I think it best he never grant your wish because I’m afraid that it may make your blog implode. I love Nathan Fillion, but I love your blog more.Now, if you can get Nathan Fillion naked, holding a ball of twine IN THE TARDIS, I am pretty sure you will have fulfilled a Mayan prophesy, and I have mixed feelings about a Fillionpacalypse.

  122. You need a shirt that says ‘ Approach with caution and a booze slushee.” Or maybe I just need it so I need you to make it first.

  123. Girl, you do know what he’s doing right!? Nathan Fillon is PLAYING AT BEING HARD TO GET. Typical male. He’s absolutely loving all the attention you’re giving him about the twine, he’s revelling in all the Twitter-contact, he’s getting smug off your increasingly attempts to meet him. It’s all ego-fodder.

    My advice?
    Walk away. Keep yourself at a distance. Cut all communication. Deprive him of all the attention. Feign disinterest. Act like twine bores you.
    I’d give it…a few weeks. By then he’ll be crawling to YOU, covered in twine. You won’t be able to move on the internet for all the pictures he’ll be sending you.
    Good luck!

  124. Shadesiren – as a Canadian I resent your husband’s ignorance. We know perfectly well what twine is, thank you very much! It’s because Nathan is Canadian that he probably ignores people. We Canadian’s don’t ‘do’ celebrity. It makes us uncomfortable.

    Except for Jim Carrey and he’s obviously an anomaly.

  125. I wonder if Nathan Fillion is actually resisting because he realises he’s not as famous anymore, and by continuing this charade he knows more people will have to google/IMDB him, thus pushing his ratings on the internet up?
    Maybe Nathan Fillion is pulling a PR Bloggess?

    Also, you realise that *hundreds* of people are going to spend their weeks considering better ways to stalk a geeklebrity? I’m not 100% sure, but I’m pretty sure there are rules about inciting people to stalk. If you need a bolt-hole when the ‘Feds come after you, the weather in England is great this week (HELL YEAH, GLOBAL WARMING!)

  126. I get your disappointment in ol’ Nater Tater but rejoice in the silver lining. Simon Pegg sent you a pic of himself holding twine. Methinks Nater Tater’s just being a bit too cool for school. I like Simons ‘down with the peeps’ approach to celebrityhood much better.

  127. “I don’t do stuff like that”? Really? He said that? Wow. He’s going to be so excited at all the new cool stuff you’re going to help him not do!

  128. I was totally right. I just checked Nathan Fillion out on IMDB and his Starmeter rating is up 77 this week.

    Well played, Nathan Fillion. Well played.

  129. My cousin worked with Nathan on some kind of canceled show (not Firefly, unclench) and he says he never met a more personable and fun actor in his entire life. He is very polite and kind, has super dry wit and actually hangs out with crew guys which is not very common among “stars”. So I asked my cousin what this twine thing might mean and he says Nathan is totally not the kind of guy to be guilted, bullied or “twittered” into anything. He is sort of mulish and doesn’t much care how it appears to others. If a bunch of people tell him to do something he is more likely to do the opposite, my cousin said. So if he didn’t do it (twine holding) at once, the chance of him doing it now is pretty much 0. But he is absolutely not “too full of himself”, he’s super nice and funny, but has these personality quirks which apparently prevent him from meeting you and twine.

  130. Oh, and by “not doing stuff like that” he probably meant that he doesn’t do requests from Twitter, not funny random stuff in general.

    And keep being awesome, I am currently far from home (not in Iraque or anything) and your insanity reminds me of certain family members, Stacy I’m looking at you.

  131. I LOVE Sj’s suggestion of Jeff Goldblum. That would be awesome. I’m sad to admit I had to Google Simon Pegg (I don’t have any idea what any actor’s name is) and I was a bit disturbed that a pic for the original Scotty came up in the search but then after researching further discovered that Simon Pegg is the “new” Scotty which makes me want to see the new Star Treks just a teensy bit more but I still refuse to because I think it’s wrong that they cast an attractive Spock since that is so unrealistic and I also just realized I may have just created the longest run on sentence of my lifetime so I’m both a little proud and ashamed all over again. I win.

    Where’s my slushee?

  132. If I didn’t already absolutely LOVE Simon Pegg, this would make me love him, as an actor of course. How awesome that he was a bit baffled but is a complete good sport and played along! I think I’m going to watch Paul in honor of him today. 😀 You’ve already proven that Wil Wheaton is awesome. Is it a coincidence that they’re both associated with Star Trek?

  133. Got totally lost in a sea of posts. Every single one was like, if you dont know this, click this. It was amazing. It took me 4 hours. I feel like I’ve been on a magical journey.

  134. So you should totally start bugging Stana Katic and the rest of the Castle crew to ambush Nathan on set with a camera and twine. Get Nathan Marlowe in on it too! By endurance we conquer!!!


  135. Totally love Penn now. However, Teller is silent on the subject… 🙂 You rock Jenny!

  136. Penn is just awesome.

    I think I love him a little bit. In a totally platonic non-sexual* way of course.

    *Okay, I admit it – it may be a little sexual.

  137. I’m still waiting for the wikipedia page for Nathan Fillion to include the words “twine”, “Nater-Tater”, and the phrase: Pulling a Nathan Fillion. I’m waiting, internet. Chop freaking chop.

    The end.

  138. This post both dazed and confused me. But then, I got over it! Just in time to see how one person letting you donw in an epic way turned into two making things AWSOME!! Penn freking ROCKS for stepping up to bat without prompting!! I want to buy that man a girraffe!!!! He deserves it!

  139. So, to be clear, one awesome person not sending you twine has resulted in two awesome people sending you twine.

    The man truly is a genius!

    Also, we totally need to start referring to him as N.T. (short for Nate-Tater). That way someone will call him N.T. and someone else will say “Wait, I thought your initials were N.F.?” And then he’ll totally have to explain this entire story, showing him why he should have listened to you in the first place, even though his master plan is pretty brilliant.

  140. I suspect (although I would totally take it back in a red-hot second if he ever surprised me because I love/lust him so much) that Nathan Fillion is kind of an asshat celebrity. It’s okay because he’s still awesome but I hate that he is disappointing you/us with his unwillingness to play.
    Also WOOO PENN & PEGG! They just moved up the list.
    Also I have no idea how anyone could say no to you. Or ignore you. Stupids. 🙂

  141. Penn is such a great guy? I think we should all take our pictures with twine and use them for our fb profile pics. #twinetakesoverfb

  142. Now I’m doubting MY existence because I THOUGHT I loved Simon Pegg and Penn Jillette, but it must not have been enough because I totally love them all over again now. Also, the expression on Penn’s face makes it perfect to send to unsolicited solicitors because he’s all, “Really? You’re emailing me AGAIN? You see this twine right here? Your pitch is as relevant as THAT.”

  143. One of those people who make the ribbon things for avatars needs to make a twine one, that way it’ll mention The Bloggess and have maybe a twine “ribbon”.

    Someone hurry up and do that.

  144. In our fame-obsessed society, it seems most people would love to be famous. Not me. Being anonymous means I’ll never get a request from some undermedicated crackpot for a photo of myself recycling cardboard.

    Sorry Jenny. I enjoy you immensely. I even relate. But putting myself in the place of a person who would send unsolicited kooky requests lacking context means I’d have no choice but to consider you an undermedicated crackpot.

  145. Penn Gillette and Simon Pegg are awesome! And Will of course! And FB pictures with twine and red dresses, or at least shirts really should be on the agenda.

  146. I met Nathan Fillion on set when I was an extra. I am tempted to do more extra work (which since getting real work, I haven’t really done) on his set just to ask him to hold twine and take a gallllldamned picture of.

  147. I just died and went to a heaven where Jenny is the queen, with a court of taxidermy minions in the bathroom, Wil Wheaton, Penn Jillette, & Simon Pegg are fiddling papers and twine, and Nater-Tater is brooding with his face smashed against the glass because THERE IS NO HEAVEN FOR NATHAN FILLION!!

  148. Next time I see him, I’ll throw some twine at him, take a picture and run. Just don’t count on it for, like, tomorrow’s blog post. I’m getting my hair did. Possibly Wednesday will work.

  149. I love this. Some people use their power for social good to change some indiscretion. You? You get B list stars to hold twine. You’re my kind of girl.

  150. Penn Jillete shows us all that he is much better at this thing they call social media that Nathan Fillion. But Will Wheaton is still the boss of it all.

  151. That is beyond awesome. Never had much of a soft spot for Jillette. But now? Totally my hero. I was already in love with Simon Pegg, and his quick response to your requested sealed the deal. So cool.

  152. Oh, and we named our cal Mal after Nathan Fillion’s character on Firefly and I’m going to pretend now that it’s a totally random coincidence. OH! I can get my CAT to hold twine for you! Whaddaya say?

  153. I think the next time that Nater-Tater is going to be on Conan or LetterDude we should harrass the host to randomly hand him a ball of twine so they can get a quick picture. We will get this done. The Bloggesses will be done, y’all.

  154. Nater-Tater…..hahahaha. I had a boyfriend in college who’s nickname was Tater. Loving Simon Pegg and Penn Jillette SO MUCH!

  155. I can kind of understand Nathan’s reluctance. If you give in to one obsessive Internet personality and send a picture holding twine, the next thing you know, someone else will demand one with a paperclip, a Phillips screwdriver, etc. and then you are spending all of your time making photos of yourself with the contents of your junk drawer!

  156. Did you know he named his daughter Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette? I can’t decide if that was THE WORST IDEA EVER or THE BEST IDEA EVER. Maybe we should ask Moxie CrimeFighter.

  157. I hope this isn’t just Celebrity Apprentice based hoopla.

    Actually, who cares, the man is holding twine and you’re pretty amazing.

    Trending worldwide for Simon Pegg. And it worked!!

    You are so pissing off Nathan Fillion!



  158. Giving Maile points for the whole “Nater Tater” nickname, however…still feel this would have been a much shorter conversation if you had been talking to Laura, cuz you wouldn’t have to explain so much or give so much backstory. I mean, how can she call herself your friend and not even know about the whole “no twine pic from Nathan” fiasco? Your loyal fans and readers and friends keep up, even if you won’t accept our friend requests on facebook.
    On a side note, I have seriously thought about launching an all out campaign myownself to that end by having all my friends send you facebook messages saying, “why won’t you accept Leatrice’s friend request? She’s freaking AMAZING!”. But what I know (and love) about my friends is that they are way too lazy to put forth that much effort. Totally pulling a Nathan Fillion, you know?
    Love you awful!

    (Blame Zuckerburg. He won’t let me accept more than 5,000 friends and then he shut me down. True story. I can only add people as other people die or unfriend me. ~ Jenny)

  159. Jenny,
    Maybe as a way of cheering you up, we could all make pictures for you of what looks like Nathan holding twine. I mean… photoshop does lovely things. Maybe you could have so many photos of him with twine, he’d actually wonder if he sent you a photo of him with twine.
    It could be a beautiful thing.
    (Just an idea.)

  160. Had to update my name on here cuz my divorce was final on Thursday! Wine Slushies for everyone-on me!!On another side note: you would totally be Being a Wil Wheaton if you did accept my friend request on facebook. I’m just saying.
    Love you more than my luggage (and I have AWESOME luggage!)

  161. Penn Jillette is da bomb.

    (May I confess that I have only ever heard of Nathan Fillion because of you? True story.)

  162. Sara@home, it’s just you. Nathan is 300 kinds of awesome. He’s the kind of guy who hides silly presents wherever he might be; tweets a pic of it and fans race to find it. Geocaching for Stalkers!

    I love that Wil and Simon and Penn played along with all this lunacy (and The Bloggess, I never would have found you without all this craziness… you are sooo funny!) And somehow I also kind of love Nathan even more for holding out. Of course it could be that I’m biased because he retweeted me. Once. Like over a year ago.

  163. You know you’ve hit it big when out of the blue random celebrities send you pics. Congratulations.

  164. This is so utterly beyond awesome it defies belief. Penn and Pegg what uber legends you are.

  165. I love the Nater-tater. There is a bar here in Silver Spring, MD that serves tater tots. I will see if they will consider changing the name on the menu to Nater-Taters. What do you think? Anyways love your blog as always. It brings me joy as I sit at home with my daughter. On behalf of me, a stay at home dad, who has a card that say’s “I let my kids watch zombie movies,” thank you.

  166. 1. Simon Pegg rocks! (even if that’s not twine)
    2. Wil Wheaton is a god. End of story.
    3. Nater-Tater is making me sad…why, Nater? Why? Its only twine, for Wil’s sake!
    4. Penn Gillette is starting to look cooler than Nater-Tater.
    5. Now’s the perfect time to have a picture of Neil Patrick Harris holding a tie; George Takei holding a toaster; Craig Ferguson holding a puppet…

  167. Well, damn. I’ve read your blog for quite a while now… lurking, but never commenting… but I sure as hell don’t want to Pull a Nathan Fillion and not acknowledge the awesomeness of this Twine-based concept you’ve got going on here. It might be his super power, but it absolutely isn’t mine.
    Mr. Penn and Mr. Pegg share an awesomeness that goes beyond the eerie similarity of their names… perhaps you should start a fund to send Simon Pegg some proper Twine… simply holding it might clear up his confusion as to why you would want such a picture.

  168. First Star trek and now Firelfly. I think your next “target” should be Bruce Boxleitner of Babylon 5. Then maybe Edward James Olmos to get Battlestar represented!

  169. So, are you going to change your list of 10 people you’d invite to a dinner party to Penn instead of Teller?

  170. Just saw Simon Pegg in an old episode of Black Books. He rocked!!
    He even looks like a good sport!

  171. Forget Nathan FIllion – did you forget that Simon Pegg has Doctor Who cred?!? (Also, chalk me up as another one who doesn’t know who Nathan Fillion is anyway.)

  172. I will watch Star Trek just to hear Simon Pegg yell “I’m givin er all she’s got Capn!” Love that man. Love that line. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Anton Yelchin is also there to entertain me. Is he old enough for me to lust after???

  173. I never ceases to amaze me how awesome certain celebrities can be! And is it a coincidence that I already follow Simon Pegg and Penn Jillette on twitter? OR FATE?

    Seriously, what awesome guys!

  174. This post is great. I know the story but am now able to laugh all day long by back-clicking through the other blog threads. Jon Jones #152 YOU are completely awesome-that post was great.

    I think since Penn and George Takei are both on Celebrity Apprentice right now that we should try to get Donald Trump involved. Maybe we could auction off twine pics for charity. I bet Nater-Tater would do it for charity-wouldn’t he?

  175. Yay for Penn! (and SImon!) I hope you end up with a whole wall full of celebrity twine holding photos that you can wave in Nate’s face!

  176. So you mean to tell me that Captain Hammer is perfectly fine throwing a girl into a pile of garbage (albeit to save her life) but doesn’t “do stuff” like hold twine? I see how it is.

    Well..what if we told him taking the picture would save YOUR life? The man can’t argue to that!

  177. That is a most awesome story with a happy ending!

    Also, you say “Simon Pegg” and I think “Scotty of the new Star Trek movies”.

    and Penn Jillette is so completely nuts that it’s a shock to find he never drinks alcohol. The man is like that…sober? Or he’s a really good actor.

  178. I saw that picture of Penn and wondered if it was for you. That’s awesome. But Nathan, oh Nathan, why are you being this way?????

  179. I love you, Jenny, but @Squisha has a point. I am a little baffled by some of the comments here((… I thought this twine game was awesome, but it was just that – a game. And here in the comments section I detect a serious level of arrogant douchiness, calling good ol’ mr.Fillion names and all that.. Seriously guys? That’s just the kind of Internet anonimious stuff I thought I’d avoid following TheBloggess.

    No, this doesn’t make Nater T. an “asshat celebrity”, a “douche” or a poor man’s anything. And no, if you don’t know who he is it doesn’t mean he is a “nobody”and you should feel all proud, high and mighty because of that. Granted, I’ve never met him and only seen him in Firefly and Sing Along Blog (and been following him on twitter for a couple of years), but he seems like a funny, totally decent dude who frequently makes all sorts of digs at himself. And a damn good actor. The fact that he didn’t want to satisfy a totally insane and random request of several hundreds tweeple, who probably worded it not very politely either, doesn’t make him any less than he is. Simon Pegg is awesome with or without twine, and I thought his tweet about being confronted by terrorists hit uncomfortably a little too close to home…

    Jeez, I don’t believe I’m actually saying all that to TheBloggess’ followers, I’ve always assumed we’re all, like, in the same yellow submarine or something.. Just, you know, “not being a dick” rule applies to non-celebrities too. It was a fun game for me and after reading all these comments it’s not so fun anymore.

    Now I’m getting off my high horse.

    P.S. I liked Nater-Tater thing though.

    (Good points. Nathan Fillion is still awesome and I’m sure he knows that. Some people might take it a bit too far either way – ridiculously angry at me or Nathan – but that’s just the internet. There’s always the 1% that takes it a titch over the line. If there wasn’t it wouldn’t be the internet. But personally, I still adore Nater-Tater. He might be in the 1% when it comes to me though. ~ Jenny )

  180. Gosh, I didn’t know who Nathan Fillion, Simon Pegg or Penn Jillette were until you. I still don’t, really. Maybe I need to get out more… or stay home more and watch T.V.? Actually the only name I recognize is that of Wil Wheaton. That says it all right there.

  181. believe it or not, Nathan Fillion comes into the shop I work at semi-regularly on Sundays. (Vancouver BC) Unfortunately we do not sell string. just paper. the first time I helped him out I just thought he bought a lot of paper as he looked kinda familiar. then someone totally spazzed and I clued in he was famous. he seems nice enough- my advice: tell him you’ll trade string photo for a pen.

  182. Last night, I dreamed I was at an after-Oscars party waiting for Kenneth Branagh to come back from the loo so I could say “Hey, remember that time back in the ’90s when some friends and I stalked you through the streets of Savannah whilst you were filming “The Gingerbread Man”? While I was waiting, Nathan Fillion came up to me and was trying to talk me into helping him write a pilot for a story treatment his mom had given him. I was totally getting ready to ask him about posing with twine, but my husband’s snoring woke me up. 🙁

  183. Wow! Wil Wheaton, Simon Pegg, and Penn Jillette are great sports! +1000 points to all of them.

    Nathan Fillion has probably consulted his security team about you.
    He might even be worried that if he provides you with a picture of him holding twine, you’ll just ask for more random pictures. Or encourage you. Or validify your existence.

  184. Nater-Tater. That’s so good. I am going to start recruiting friends named Nathan just so I can use it on them.

  185. OMG. I have a newly reinforced dislike for Nater-Tater, and a totally unexpected affection for Penn Jillette. Not as strong as my love for Wil Wheaton, mind you, but the whole unsolicited thing is pretty rad.

  186. But taking a joke way too far is the best kind of ridiculous! Nath-man could have ended it all just by being a good sport, but he had to be stubborn. Now his stubborn, anti-twine attitude has become part of his identity and he’ll stick to it in future just because he stuck to it in the past!

    Poor, sad, Nater-Tater. =[

  187. 1.) Penn Jillette is a magical superhero and I f*cking love him.

    2.) My husband’s favorite song lyric is “I pooped a potato”, inserted into any song that happens to playing (in his head or otherwise). (Really, it’s remarkably versatile as a song lyric.) Nater-Tater will have special meaning at our house.

  188. Penn Jillette is amazing. He sure knows how to one-up Nater-Tater. I say it’s time to ignore Nater-Tater’s ignoring you. That’s sure to make him sit up and take notice…and maybe photograph himself holding some twine.

  189. I love your blog and am so glad to have you make me laugh all the time. I can’t wait for your book. However, it is rather ironic that “to deter PR people who continue to send you the same pitch every 12 hours even though you keep asking them to remove you from their lists,” you chose to do the exact same thing to someone else. NF clearly doesn’t want to play along. When are you going to leave him alone? There are plenty of other people like PJ who do want to play.

  190. I’m going to emerge from my cave and say I have no idea who Nathan Fillion is. Then again, if he’s not a porn star I don’t know who most celebrities are. Going back in my cave now.

  191. FYI, I teach PR and social media courses at a for-real university. I use your blog already as my case study on how NOT to approach bloggers with PR requests, but this entry might have to be added to my lesson on the power of social media (the funny version; your Red Dress Project is the inspirational version). Thanks for adding entertaining examples to my lectures!

  192. It is still a game, and all Nater-Tater had to do was say no thanks. He tweets for support for his causes, The Bloggess tweets for support for hers. Nater-Tater may be in the past but it was a lovely dream before it died.

  193. Maybe Nathon doesn’t have any twine – although I think it’s totally rude he doesn’t at least say something to the effect of “buzz of bitch, I ain’t got no twine.”

    Nevertheless, you should ask someone who has REAL twine access. Like Ashton Kutcher – he’s from Iowa where twine-tied hay bales abound. Or Alex Trebek, he has horses, so surely he should have some twine laying around. I’d totally send you a photo of one of our horses holding twine — you know, if I could figure out how to.

  194. I’m shocked at Nathan. He was always fun with the fans. Maybe he’s on vacation in the Amazon and can’t get a cell phone signal and that’s why he has replied to you yet? Nice twine!

  195. I love Penn! Been watching him on Celebrity Apprentice and discovered that I really do adore him! Now I adore him more! If my dog wasn’t a boy and had puppies, I’d totally name one Penn. And one Wil. And one Beyonce.

  196. Man I agree you should TOTALLY try to get Alan Tudyk involved. He seems like a man who could hold twine sexily.

  197. Perhaps you should start a twitter campaign to get Jewel Staite to get Nathan Fillion holding twine. They have an ongoing thing where they send pictures to the other of people giving the finger. Perhaps if you sent a picture to her with twine spooled around your middle finger and asked her to forward to it him, then he would unwittingly return the sentiment and then the world would be happy again.

  198. Ok seriously with Penn too now this has to turn into a random celebrities holding twine montage

  199. Okay, so at the end of March, my fiance and I are going to a comic book convention. He is an artist and we are going to network, also, Wheaton will be there and I NEED to have my teen crush sign my breasts. But, we have decided that *just in case* we see Nathan Fillion, we are going to carry a ball of twine and our camera. When we see him, we have planned an elaborate scheme to throw the twine at him and snap the picture just as he catches it. Okay, so the plan is less elaborate once it’s all spelled out. But I still think it is a solid plan. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. If I succeed, I expect MAD respect, because like you said, this is for the world.

  200. ps:

    “They say it’s better the second time
    They say you get to do the weird stuff”

    I’m sure he’s talking about the twine picture.

  201. Someone clearly needs to update Penn Jillette’s Wikipedia page.

    “On February 27, 2012, Penn Jillette sent The Bloggess an unsolicited picture of himself holding twine.”

    Wink, Wink.

  202. Ok, Jenny, first, you’re just awesome! I’ve always liked Wil but since the collating pic, he’s even better and now, Penn! He’s always been a plus in our book but this, I think this adds the cherry, peanuts, Cool Whip and sprinkles on the sundae! Keep on keepin’ on, we love you!

  203. I think everybody should just leave Nathan Fillion alone now. If you ask someone to do something a few times and they haven’t responded, then show a little respect and move on. This guy owes you nothing. Find celebraties that are happy to play along,. After a while, continuing to twitter him is just harrassment. And if you contact your best friend and ask her to meet you at a certain time and place and she doesn’t contact you back, then WHEN she doesn’t show, that’s your fault for not confirming. Same here.

    Will Wheton and Penn are awesome for playing along.

  204. Well now you have Penn Jillette and Simon Pegg. Pretty soon famous people will be begging you to post pictures of them holding twine. And then, when Nater-Tater realizes he is missing the entire twine-holding revolution and is nowhere as hip as he should be, he will beg you to include him in the twine-holding movement, you can respond (coldly) with “Nathan? Nathan who” and that will be it.

    The End

  205. This is SO relevant to your interests.
    As I’m reading this, I say outloud “Awww, Simon Pegg held twine.” To which my oldest child says “Who is Simon Pegg”. I may have been remiss in educating him in the ways of Simon Pegg, but he does know Doctor Who….
    Now at this point I’m very excited because I finally have a legitimate reason to say part of the following sentence, “He ran Satellite 5 when it was under control of The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe.”
    I’m proud to say my son immediately knew exactly who I was talking about then.

  206. So, I understand that we’re letting up on the heckling Nater-Tater to hold twine, but I won’t give up. From here on out, I follow my new plan. Step 1. I sit and wait for someone I know to get a terminal disease or have to wait for a organ transplant–if worst comes to worst, I can just throw myself in front of a bus. But only mildly, so I survive, mostly. Step 2. Get person I know or self to make a request through Make a Wish Foundation, OR contact the kid at my school whose mom works at the local news station to cover my/our/his/her dying request: A picture of Nathan Fillion holding twine. Step 3. Wait. EITHER we get a picture of Nathan Fillion holding twine, OR we once and for all prove that he’s a meanie and not worth having a twine picture of. It’s fool proof.

  207. Met Penn Jillette after seeing his show in Vegas. He was & apparently is a gracious, good-humored man. HOORAY for celebrities holding twine!

  208. All this Nater-Tater drama is making me conflicted about how much I love Firefly. I may just have to go make some tater-tots and think this over… but I think we should continue to ask for a photo with twine.

  209. All this Nater-Tater drama is making me conflicted about how much I love Firefly. I may just have to go make some tater-tots and think this over… but I think we should continue to ask for a photo with twine.

  210. I don’t know. That look on Penn’s face makes me wonder if he’s using that twine to keep Teller tied up in a closet when they’re not on stage.

  211. I bet Fillion’s just a tad worried about what happens next if he relents. I think Simon Pegg was quite intrepid getting that twine pic off so fast. I’m not sure he had time to research WTF was going on there…
    Skimming through other comments: Dykeonaroadbike, I would have clicked a link to your blog for sure, had there been one. I’m not a lesbian but I appreciate bikes and rhymes. Hermione at 179: I was totally offended but then I had a Molson and now I think your comment is hilarious.

  212. That’s because Penn is just plain awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I met him once a few years ago after one of his shows in Vegas, he stayed after the show and sighed autographs and took pictures with everyone who wanted one.

  213. Being a Firefly fan I can’t help but hope that Nater-Tater comes through for you at some point but in the meantime I LOVE LOVE LOVE Simon Pegg and Penn Jillette!

    Way to go guys!!!!

    Oh and Bloggess…you’re pretty awesome too 🙂

  214. Well, color me impressed! I’ve never really seen anything Penn Jillette has done (I only know who he is because he’s huge) but I think his unsolicited picture of himself holding twine is pretty fantastical! Time to go check Netflix to see if I can find some Penn & Teller shows.

    This also goes to show the awesomeness of you that you have awesome people willing to send you silly pictures just for the sake of being silly. These pictures certainly make me furiously happy!

  215. Oh and it looks like you’re going to need a new phrase to add to the Bloggess Lexicon that encompasses the Penn picture. Something like Being a Penn Jillette – Being awesome just because you can be.

  216. A poem in honor of Penn Jillette:
    Hooray, hooray!
    PJ, PJ saves the day!

    You’re welcome. (This isn’t copyrighted, so feel free….)

  217. That is because Penn Jillette is full of awesome. And he and Teller had a show called BULLSHIT! where Penn calls ‘bullshit’ on all sorts of ridiculousness in life. You must watch if you’ve never seen an episode. That show is more Penn-awesome covered in awesome-sauce and sprinkled with all kinds of win.

  218. Dear Bloggess,

    You are so awesome. You are even more awesome because you can get random celebrities to send you ridiculous pictures without even asking. I don’t know you’re awesomeness could be any awesomer.

    Just One More Adoring Fan

    PS. I hope one day I meet a celebrity so I can convince them to send you a picture of them holding twine.

  219. Simon Pegg and Penn Jillette rock!
    Also, just wanted to share that for a moment there I thought I read that SP sent you a picture of him holding wine…. which got me thinking that all your fans probably would send you a picture of themselves holding wine and then you could get Screaming Eagle (OK – maybe Charles Shaw) to sponsor and encourage wine slushee habits….. just sayin’ since the thought came up 🙂

  220. Oh, damn Nathan Fillion. He’s too busy being “cool” in that “not everyone knows who I am” type of way so he’s probably thinking, “No, I don’t need the PR.”

  221. So, Nathan will star in Slither, and the Firefly series, but it’s beneath him to pose with twine??

    That man needs an attitude adjustment. Let me give it to him. I have a nice leather paddle…

  222. I swear, I’m tempted to buy and mail a copy of your book to Nathan Fillion, just so he can see the awesomeness he’s missing out on by refusing to play ball.

  223. That picture of Wil Wheaton was just wonderful. I would have taken a picture of myself with a spatula, but I wasn’t near one. I suppose I could take one with my crochet hook, but that would be beyond pointless, wouldn’t it?

  224. and seriously this is why I love you

    and I will take a picture at work (IN the secret directv bat cave) WITH dave the dtv dude (armless) with a spatula, JUST for you Jenny JUST FOR YOU

  225. So much fun watching all this happen.

    Also, do you think we could get a photo of Neil Patrick Harris holding a hedgehog or a kitten? But that would probably make the internet explode from cuteness.

  226. I knew that Seven of Nine was way more badass than Mal Reynolds could ever dream of being. And I’m only saying that because I want to try to goad Nater-Tater into acquiescing. But Penn Jillette and Simon Pegg and Jeri Ryan and Wil Wheaton are PURE AWESOMENESS WITH AWESOME SYRUP ON TOP.

  227. My husband thinks you should go for the trifecta: Takei holding a throw pillow.

  228. Tho the general story is kinda cute..its also really annoying. If the guy doesn’t want to do it..he doesnt want to do it. Let it go…makes me.think of telemarketers and the ppl who consistently bug about rt. Lame.

  229. I honestly think I might have to join twitter, even though I don’t completely understand it, just because of you. I feel like there’s something missing in my life. It must be the 140 character updates that apparently everyone in this world knows about except me. 🙂 Thank you for making me laugh, several times today.

  230. My faith in people is renewed… Also, I feel a little bad for Nathan. We may have creeped him out a bit with all our begging on your behalf. Whoops.

  231. Thank you my lovely you always, always make me smile. And a quick word to Nater-Tater, two people can play that Nathan Fillion ignoring game. I am now going to do a Nathan Fillion every single time I see that man on my TV . And I don’t even watch TV. See, it is working already.

  232. Can we still call him Nater-Tater? Because I love that almost as much as Jeri Ryan. Who I would totally have kissed today even though I have thus far been free from kissing unrelated girls. I was feeling very down when today started and I’m ending it with donations to homeless kids and spatula mayhem. Marking this Monday as a win

  233. My favorite part is how Jeri Ryan, when she isn’t wearing a silver catsuit and a lone Borg implant, looks sort of … I guess you could say ordinary and mom-like. It’s like, she’s a “real person,” y’know, the kind of woman who’d pass for a friend of your mom’s.

  234. Of course Jeri and Wil are the coolest of cool – they are “leverage” siblings. This makes me want to go cuddle all my box sets and maybe fantasize about Tim Hutton for a spell…You rule for bringing out the silly in some cool silly celebs.

  235. I feel like Nathan Fillon practically has a degree in ignoring the Bloggess by now.

    It’s not an easy feat. I actually kind of admire him.

  236. Im so excited right now!! simon pegg, Penn, and Jeri all being so awesome im not sure i can even handle it 🙂

    On a completely (kinda) unrelated note… My step mom and I were out shopping for boots the other day and this short conversation instantly made me smile, laugh out loud and think of you…

    Me: Wow, this store dosent look so big from the outside, but when you come in its pretty huge.

    Step-mom: Its like a tardis!

    Me: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

    Thank you for making my day…. oh and yes my step-mom is english, she happens to be a huge Dr. Who fan hence the reference in a country-western wear store lol thanks again for your awesomeness!!

  237. We WILL get you photos of Captains With Twine. Matter of fact, it’s a hashtag now. #CaptainsWithTwine. It’s a vendetta. We’ve been tweeting at every Captain we can think of (sadly, Stubing is not on Twitter): Dann Florek (Captain Cragen), Eric Bogosian (Captain Ross), Snoog Dogg (Captain Mack), Bruce Campbell (Captain Shuggazoom), John Cusack (Captain Buzz Capslock), and a whole pile more. George Takei. Denise Richards. Amanda Tapping. Katee Sackhoff. AS BEYONCE IS MY WITNESS, YOU SHALL HAVE CAPTAINS WITH TWINE. It’s a fucking mission now.

  238. Oooh think you could get Patrick Stewart or Matt Smith to send a twine or spatula pic cuz that would be totally fucking awesome. And because I have a very real and strange fascination/crush on both of them. 😀

  239. When does the next trip start? I’ll follow you on any voyage because normally I get car sick, but with you I didn’t want to puke once. Just smiled a lot. With an occasional snort thrown in, but only delicate, ladylike ones.

  240. I feel a little like the kid standing on the corner of the road doing the pull-down “HONK” motion. We all collectively scream with joy when someone actually posts a silly picture of themselves holding something random. Woo hoo for Penn & Jeri! 😀 I still can’t be a Nater-hater. I love my Castle. (He really IS ruggedly handsome!)

  241. This is the most magical, wonderful, crazy, stupendous post ever! Love, love, love that Wil, Simon, Jeri and Penn are playing along with you! It made me very sad that Nathan wouldn’t acknowledge your presence, but now I have renewed faith in the stars out there :o) Makes me furiously happy!

  242. Absolutely brilliant! Tho I think you must go after NPH! Perhaps a picture of him playing Bingo?

  243. Who the hell is Nathan Fillion? I guess I need to watch more TV. Or not. Penn Gillette, on the other hand, is a genius.

  244. Yeah right! Maybe Nathan is too shy to show himself. 😀 Anyways, thanks for sharing this..

  245. I frequently end my therapy sessions with a cheerful “later ‘tater” because if your therapist doesn’t know what makes you cry and smile, who does? Somehow, Tater references never fail to be awesome.

  246. i don’t know who wil is – should i, or am i too old? penn and simon are brilliant men. and jeri is a good sport (and gorgeous). however, is that technically a spatula or a pie server?

  247. But what if Neil Patrick Harris feels left out? He might get sad, and he might take a picture of himself…with a single tear…
    Just sayin…

  248. What. The. Fuck?!?! How did I miss all this?!? I blame Monday and having to work in a box where I’m not allowed to look at the sun. Also, its funny that Simon Pegg had to ask us to leave Nater-Tater alone. Because he was probably crying in fetal position because receiving a picture of him holding twine would now be anti-climatic. And also because he knows he was wrong… But he can’t admit it.. Much like my husband can’t ever admit when He’s wrong!!! Even though we all KNOW I’M RIGHT 99% OF THE TIME AND THAT HE SHOULD JUST ACCEPT IT AND BUY ME PRETTY THINGS!!!

    I might be married to Nater-Tater..

    If you want, I’ll put twine next to him whilst he sleeps tonight… In a total non-threatening way… ;o)

  249. I love everything about this. I think, though, that Wil Wheaton popping up again with that spatula just made my day, though. What a guy!

  250. I am SO. IMPRESSED. with Penn Jillette, Jeri Ryan, and Simon Pegg. (Wil already impressed me to pieces earlier.)

    However. Nater-Tater? DEAD TO ME.

  251. Did you know that if you do a Google image search for “Wil Wheaton holding a spatula” it shows you Penn Jillette holding twine? This amuses me for some reason.

  252. The only possible way to trump this all, would be to have NPH send a pic of him holding Nathan Fillion. And Felicia Day, off to the side, armed with a spatula. But when would that EVER happen?


  253. Late to the party, 450+ comments already, but I just gotta say- I need to have a beer with Wil Wheaton. I’ll bring my own spatula and ream of paper.

  254. I hope you truly appreciate the amount of influence you have on the world. I mean, the fact that you can actually get people – who are otherwise unreachable to the rabble that is the rest of us – to take pictures of themselves with random kitchen utensils is just mind-blowing!

  255. I have it all figured out. He says he wants to be on the Daly show so I say you call them up and tell them your story!

  256. My respect for Jeri Ryan just shot way the hell up! And I’m sorry that the Nathan Fillion thing is over without, you know, his giving in to your awesome power. But still. Jeri Ryan holding a spatula is really pretty great!

  257. I heart Penn with all my heart. Mostly it was a schoolgirl crush because the dude is from not only my home state, but my home town-ish (I lived in Greenfield, MA, but I was born in Northampton… semantics. And I’m digressing). But this unsolicited-twine… well, it just makes my heart all a-flutter.

    Also, Jenny, you’re awesome and you make everything more awesome. Yeah, I’m gushing. But whatever.

  258. OMG. I don’t twitter, but Penn made me want to try it, just to say HEY! COOL! Jenny, you are amazing, as I have said, but your fans! your fans! they’re the best! From Poetry to Porn! Cynthia #72 is the winner! But so many others made me scream with laughter. What a lovely person Jeri Ryan is for playing along…and Simon too. Wil is just far cooler than anybody who hated Wesley Crusher ever realized. (All my friends were just annoyed by him…I thought he was cute…)

    And now, I’m having images in my head: It’s no longer safe for Nathan Fillion to walk the streets. And he won’t understand why everybody is throwing balls of twine at him. It’s bound to upset the poor man.

    Thanks for being you. And inspiring all of THIS!

  259. All this talk about Nathon Fillion and I have been having dreams about him nightly…. but he still has no twine. or clothes. lol

  260. Methinks Nathan Fillion needs a twine bomb. The Bloggess’ version of the much-feared glitter bomb. I’ll get started getting it ready. First I must go find out what exactly ‘twine’ is. Is it just glorified string, or something more? Also whether or not it is expensive. Momma’s got bills to pay.

  261. Christ, you’re fucking annoying and irritating to read. Like listening to a child off his tits on e-numbers and caffeine talk about his weekend at Disneyland, only not as interesting (if such mindless rambling on behalf of the child could be described so).

    And that wasn’t a compliment.

  262. I’m sorry that Nathan didn’t ever send you a picture of him holding twine. Even though I think I’m not a bit late to the party, I made a Video of me holding Twine.

    Hope that helps,


  263. Jenny, I’m going to send you a picture of my son, named NATHAN FILLION, holding twine. I shit you not, we really did name our kid NATHAN– not after THE Nathan Fillion, though. He wasn’t super famous at that time and we thought we were safe naming him that- ha. My husband’s family is originally from Canada, just like THE Nathan Fillion, although they are NOT related. As soon as the boy comes home from school, I’ll take the picture and send it in to you. I hope that helps with your Nathan Fillion obsession(which I don’t blame you for at all and I think he’s super lame for not sending you a picture).

    Erin Fillion- no relation at all to Nathan Fillion, the actor.

  264. Personally, if I were Nater-Tater I would send you the pic 6 months from now with a message ‘Oops, I thought I sent this MONTHS ago!’ just to make your brain explode. But thats just me. I like to fudge with ppl. Its what I do.

  265. I’d just like to say at this point, since it’s clearly had so little mention here, that JERI RYAN IS FREAKIN’ AWESOME!!!

    Well done to her for being such a class act! Once again I look up to her, as I did in my days of being a Voyager / 7 of 9 fan….. and straight….. and delusional 😛 But I will still nevertheless get a picture of myself holding a spatula up online just as soon as I can remember. And if she ever turns up to a convention in the UK, i shall be sure to bring a spatula with me for photo opps. I shall also have any friends that go with me take their own spatulas….. And I will insist to them that IT IS NOT INSANE!!!


  266. Only The Bloggess has the power to bring together random internet/television/hollywood superstars holding random household objects. If that was a superpower, Superman would be jealous.

    The End

  267. It cracks me up to see the “Anonymous” types who come on here to comment-bitch. It’s all in good fun, friend. Settle down. Nathan Fillion is not at home hiding with his shotgun loaded. No one is mad at him. Find your happy place. Love the comment about all of us by the side of the road making the “HONK” motion, with Jenny as our Leader. It’s all about embracing a bit of whimsy in this fucked up world, and I for one shall EMBRACE!

  268. Okay,I’m officially adding Penn and Jeri to my list of people I will watch a movie/TV show just because they are in it. Completely awesome!! Again, there must be something about people involved in Star Trek who have no qualms about doing something silly just for the fun of it. 😀

  269. You have a post with Penn Jillette and Jerri L Ryan in it.


    I love the fact that you use your powers for good.
    Um. Mostly for good.

  270. The extremely anal (heehee) part of me is most captivated not by the humor in all of this, but by the opportunity to learn about celebrities’ notions of what constitutes a spatula. Jeri Ryan wields a sort of a made-for-the-griddle, pancake-flipping doohickey. Wil Wheaton holds something a bit better suited for fish. All I ask is that we keep Rachael Ray and her damn SPOONULAS away from us. Far, far away.

  271. im so jelly of all those cool spatulas people tweeted. i have a few spatulas and all of them are so boring. NEVER did I think I would think of a spatula as boring. Thanks everyone for shaking up my world.

  272. Just when Monday was about to win, and I was about to let it, I stumbled on you and the Spatulas and the day was salvaged. So thank you. Also, has anyone heard from Wil Wheaton since he sent his photo? I’m moderately concerned his spatula may have actually gone through with it.

  273. I don’t comment very often, but I just wanted to say… Jenny, you are a really amazing person doing wonderful things for people, and I admire you for that. Keep going.. keep going..

  274. This is, so far, my favourite post of the year. Please never stop being randomly awesome! That was for you as well as for everyone sending images of themselves holding spatulas and/or twine.

  275. Omg! you are my favourite person ever (well except perhaps will wheaton, and my son). I love you so very much. You make magic happen. You do. (also, celebs who play along are just the best. screw nathan fillion)

  276. Screw Nater – Tater, you should really ask David Tennant to do something totally random, while dressed as the doctor, with some kind of captioned innuendo about his sonic scredriver!

  277. @Barilla – The term ‘spatula’ is fairly broad, and applies to a range of instruments, including flippers, turners, scrapers, etc. What you see pictured can indeed be considered spatulas, and are being wielded (especially in the case with Ms. Ryan), by individuals who are reputed to be inherently knowledgeable of and especially accomplished with the use of such devices, despite their celebrity status.

  278. Jeri Ryan walks into her kitchen, picks up a spatula, and takes a picture. No makeup. No hairdresser. Nada.

    And yet she STILL looks better than me after hours of trying to look good.

    PS: Wil Wheaton is now officially a god.

  279. What about a campaign to get the writers of Castle to include a scene where Richard Castle is holding twine…???

  280. You know guys, I have to say this ( because I enjoy saying this and will do so until the Speech Patrol comes for me with their TARDIS sounding sirens): it’s probably not Nate’s fault. “I don’t do that.” Is currently contracted and actively acting actor code for “I love you. I love that my friends love you. But there are pages of legal document, lawyers and studio executives that will ground me for life without TV, Video games, comic books, graphic novels and supper if there are any photos of me that would be used for promotional purposed without studio approval. If I did this they would probably sell the action figures right off of my kitchen shelf and the light saber I keep in the Umbrella stand by the door just in case the Rebel Alliance needs me. And then there is the Browncoat… I love you, but you have to wait until I am out of work. Millions of convention vendors depend on my for their survival. Wait for me. And then I will send you twine.”

    It really is the big evil corporations fault that we will have to wait for twiney pick.

    I hope that helps ease the disappointment. He really does want to help you.

    Oh. In a parrallel Universe he has already sent you a pic of him with twine…. wrapped around a lawyer
    (the wrist. to prevent it from writing silly riders into his contracts)

  281. What you need is for the next reader of yours who meets Nathan Fillion to be prepared and have a ball of twine handy. Toss it to him out of the blue and he won’t be able to help but catch it (it’s like, reflexes) – then snap a pic. It’s devious, but awesome. Someone should really get on this…

  282. I am sad that Nater-tator isn’t playing. I would think he would be a playful type. I feel like he lost some cool points because of it.


    Jeri Ryan, however, is INFINITELY cooler than she already was. And Wil Wheaton? He couldn’t have more cool points if he tried 🙂

  283. I seriously think the Big Bang Theory needs to have an episode in which Penny discovers your blog and Sheldon can have a fit about it since you have a pictures of Wil Wheaton, and what comes after that I haven’t dreamed up yet, but it’s definitely hilarious!

  284. I think that maybe instead of people getting upset about Nater Tater’s lack of response, they should consider that perhaps he has a policy regarding unsolicited tweet requests just like The Bloggess has a policy regarding unsolicited sales pitches. But since he doesn’t have an awesome picture of Wil Wheaton collating paper he chooses to remain silent as his response. I will never stop loving Nathan Fillion, he’s had me since Fire Fly, he continued to have me with Dr. Horrible, and he has me now with Castle. He just never stops being awesome and I love him for that. I’m sure he has his reasons for ignoring our twiney requests, and that’s fine.

    In fact, that’s more than fine because Penn offered up his own twinetastic awesomeness without so much as a mention prior to it. That’s right. Penn follows The Bloggess, I’m sure Teller does too (but if he does we’ll never know, he is the silent type after all). Wil Wheaton even captured his amazing spatula attack for our viewing pleasure. And then Jerri Ryan stepped up and not only gave us a picture with her spatula, she expressed her love and admiration of The Bloggess. (She was mega awesome to begin with, that made her even more so, and the fact that she replied to my tweet about it reaffirmed that for me… and propelled me through my day with giddy smiles) So now we fans can take solace in the knowledge that in our hour of need Penn, Wil Wheaton, and Jerri Ryan were there for us. I think that more than makes up for not seeing ol’ Nater Tater with twine, don’t you agree?

  285. Dammit…my previous comment got fried by the internets… anyway, here goes again…NPH probably would not have been able to send you a spatula pic as he was shooting a post-oscar wrap up with Kelly Ripa and would have had (I imagine) difficulty finding a spatula….spanks? maybe, but doubtful a spatula. But, I still love NPH and Kelly Ripa ALMOST as much as I love The Bloggess.

  286. You really need to make a list of 10 more outrageous celebrity requests and make it a bi-monthly thing. I cannot tell you how much this shit makes my day. I can’t wait to see who your next victim is. 🙂

  287. As soon as I read that update my imagination created a video of Simon Pegg with mascara running down his face – “LEAVE NATHAN FILLION ALONE!”

  288. Penn Jillette has always been awesome, but he has now moved into minor demigod status with his unsolicited picture of him holding twine. I just hope, as an atheist, that he’s not offended to be labeled a demigod.

    And of course, I love all the spatuley goodness!

  289. Can you get Sarah Michelle Gellar to do something random?! Between Jeri Ryan and SMG, well Seven of Nine and Buffy, I was ALMOST straight. Unfortunately, I am super gay. But still, they were the closest.

  290. Will Wheaton is going to be in my province at the end of April and we have every intention of stalking—er. seeing him at the Convention. Anything you want me to do/say/get arrested for?

    Email me @anne@aharwood.ca

  291. 1. Penn rocks.
    2. Jeri is awesome.
    3. Wil is a god among men.
    4. Jenny is probably my second favorite person ever.
    5. I’m holding a grudge with Nathan.

  292. You might try getting Jason Bateman to give you a picture of himself holding twine and then post it as Nathan. That might get Nathan to wake up! People are always getting the two mixed up. AND – you always make my day.

  293. Fonda @449 is correct that whoever writes for Big Bang Theory should get this all on paper/film. It would be awesome to have Penny find this blog and Sheldon be all mad that no one is following/stalking him. Amy and Leonard would have to have vital roles too. The other two foreign guys maybe not so much in this episode.

  294. I seriously love you…. Thanks for the laugh and smile this morning as my heart, too, twines for Nathan… 🙂

  295. Or Nathan Fillion could go to Minnesota and take a picture of himself with the world’s largest ball of twine….


    You need a film biography about your life. It’d be epic and star all of these people!

  297. Some of the best people in the world are the ones who don’t take life so seriously. Kudos to those celebrities who are not too high and mighty to have fun! Love it. And love your Blogs/tweets Jenny, thank you for brightening my days…

  298. Nu-UH!!!! The only thing that would’ve made it better is if the spoon was attacking Matthew. Or if he’d have photoshopped the spoon saying, “Bueler? Bueler?”

  299. You should totally pose YOUR Matthew Broderick with a spoon and send it to THE Matthew Broderick as a thank you!

  300. Maybe Nathan Fillan doesn’t want to be bullied into doing something he doesn’t want to do? Which seems fair enough to me.

  301. Damn it! A picture of an actor holding a spoon should not bring me to tears. But it makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY I just can’t help it! Once again, Jenny reminds me that the internet can be a wonderfully magical place full of spatulas, spoons, twine, and WIN!

  302. Jenny, you totally rock. Look at what silliness and ridiculousness you inspire! You’re a rock star, Jenny! (And Simon, Penn, Jeri, and Matthew . . . you are all fantastically silly and fun. Thank YOU.)

  303. This post, and all updates, is the internet rainbow of awesomeness! Thank you Will, Simon, Penn, Jeri, and Matthew for playing along. And THANK YOU Jenny for being YOU.

  304. OMFG Matthew Broderick is a genius. Jenny, you keep making my week brighter and brighter. Don’y *you* ever stop.

  305. “Jane February 27, 2012 at 10:49 am
    Am I the only person who had to google ‘Nathan Fillion’? – Seriously.”

    No you’re not. I had to goolge him also and I’m less than impressed.

  306. Holy Shit! I now even more reasons to love Wil Wheaton, Jeri Ryan, Simon Pegg, Penn Jillette and Matthew Broderick .They all=fucking amazing people. So cool that much money was raised all due to people holding random things.

  307. Never ever ever underestimate just how much power you have, Blogess, You Rock. Seriously!

  308. Totally awesome! Jenny you sure know how to bring out the best in celebrities! Bravo Mathew for being such a great sport! LOVE the glasses!!

  309. All my best friends from high school have been facebooking me about Ferris Bueller holding a spoon so I had to come here and see what it was all about. I am so excited I can barely stand it. Not only did matthew broderick resurrect Ferris Bueller for a superbowl commercial but now he is holding a spoon—for you! I don’t know who you are or how you did this but clearly you have power beyond my wildest dreams. Not only did I just see Broderick with a spoon but you have Wil Wheaton too? The guy from Stand By Me? What is happening here? Your power to resurrect my childhood heroes baffles me. I don’t know you but I salute you. I must come here regularly to see what other magical things you can make happen. If by some chance you can get jason Bateman to hold a spoon or a spatula or twine then my life will be complete.

  310. Of course, Ferris Bueller would understand you perfectly and want to take part in your fun.
    His expression in the spoon photo is perfect. I see your twine. I raise you a spoon.

  311. You know, the Big Bang Theory had me convinced that Will Wheaton is the devil, but I think I’m willing to reconsider.


    This is completely awesome.

    Somehow I missed the collection for the children, but if I can still help, I would love to know, and if not I’ll just hang on until I hear of something else that is worthy.

    But holy cow. Matthew Freakin’ Broderick! Love it!

  313. This is seriously the best post ever. Thanks for making me laugh, not once but on 4 separate occasions! And thanks to all the celebs for being awesome and playing along!

  314. Jenny, your reach is something that I don’t think any of us really comprehends. The fact that you are sarcastic and off-the-wall while reaching out just makes us all love you even more.

    I am in awe of the random pictures you are collecting.

  315. True story: I was smiling so hard while reading this that my co-worker said “What’s up with you?! You look like you’re in love with the computer screen.”

    In point of fact: I am in love but not with the computer…with you! This was SOOOO awesome!

  316. You. Are. My. Hero.

    Seriously, that and I always knew Penn, Jeri and Matthew were amazingly good humored peeps. Rock on Jenny – you inspire the masses to never take life (or twine) too seriously – except Nater-tater but there must always be someone to challenge us to reach for greatness and he was your challenge if nothing else.

  317. You know that Nathan’s publicist is freaking out right now, trying to figure out how to top Ferris Bueller.

  318. A M A Z I N G

    Seriously this is all sorts of wonderful. Poo on Nater Tater…but I think Penn and Matthew Broderick and Jeri Ryan totally makes up for it. And Wil Wheaton <3 continues to be amazing. The <3 is there because I cannot think of Wil Wheaton <3 without a <3

  319. Jenny – I may or may not have said this before, but I’ve certainly thought it on many occasions, but girl, you fuckin’ ROCK. you may pull the most zany tricks and things, but you always manage to do good with it. Just like the magical Christmas you pulled off last year (seriously, donating to others in need was one of the best parts of the holiday for me last year!) Thanks for being awesome. Always. 🙂

  320. Matthew Freaking Broderick??? I can die a happy woman now. Seriously, there is nothing left that can top this. Except for the stained glass Tardis I saw yesterday.

  321. Ferris Bueller reads your blog. My mind is absolutely blown. Also? I think you now own the internets. All of them.

    This post has made my day. Hell, my entire week.

  322. Will W- collating paper – geek dream
    Simon Pegg- holding twine poorly – made my heart happy
    Penn – Holding a big ass piece of Twine – magical in every way
    Ms Ryan – Spatula loving – geek lesbian tendencies love
    MATHEW F-ING BRODERICK – holding a spoon? – my inner 16 yr old just wet herself.

  323. Awesome!!! We rented Ferris Bueller’s Day Off to show the kids tonight. Then I look on your blog and there he is! So cool 🙂

    Is it cool or freaky to know so many famous people are fans of yours? 😀

  324. *dies from awesome overload*

    Matthew Broderick and a spoon. Jeri Ryan with a spatula. Penn Gillette and Simon Pegg with twine. What’s next? Neil Gaiman with garden shears?

    I didn’t post it on Twitter or anything, but I donated to the Night Night charity as well. You can add 3 more kids to the list of those who were helped.

    I love you, Jenny and everything you do. Please continue to be awesome.

  325. BEST PICTURE EVER! My fantasies of Nathan Fillion with twine are all dashed. I actually have visions of Ferris Mueller wanting to attack that spoon from the top of the Christmas tree since it is a shiny object.
    This makes me furiously happy on a day I was overwhelmingly sad

  326. Just when I thought the internet couldn’t get any more awesome. Matthew freakin’ Broderick holding a freakin’ spoon. My life has been made.

  327. Wow… Matthew Broderick. SO awesome! A gorgeous day in Chicago made better by Matthew and a spoon. Happy Wednesday!

  328. That? Is awesome. The whole thing was awesome, but that is the cherry on the awesome-sauce sundae. Which I suppose you could eat with that spoon.

  329. I love that a post that started with the phrase ‘squirrel nut sack’ ended with a pic of Mathew Broderick. I wish everything that started with a nut sack ended with a famous person holding a random apparatus.

  330. Ok, so I know Simon Pegg has asked us to leave Nathan alone but this makes me want to scream on the roof tops that he’s being full of himself! Penn, Simon, Ms. Ryan, Matthew Broderick, and of course Wil are all awesome! Get over yourself Nater-Tater and hold the damn twine!! Just hold the twine!

  331. I love Matthew Brodrick with all my heart. My husband swears that I would run away with Matthew if given the chance, and after this display of awesomeness….I totally would!

  332. I couldn’t not donate after seeing Matthew with his utensil. Kudos to him for making me crack open my wallet.

  333. you were so excited that you typoed his name the second time: ‘Matthew Brokerick’!

    Simon, Penn, Jeri, Matthew, Bloggess = so much win.

  334. I almost never comment, because I figure my comment will get lost in the hundreds of other comments, but Matthew Frickin’ Broderick?! Amazing. All of the others were great, but MB takes the cake.

  335. Oh good lord! Matthew Broderick is a god, along with Wil Wheaton, Simon Pegg and Jeri Ryan. Now we have a new pantheon for the 21st century – awesome on so many, many levels!

  336. Oh, dang, I forgot to add Penn Jillette to the pantheon. Since he’s an atheist any way, I’m sure he would have trouble with me calling him a god anyway, but he is fabulous too, so I’m adding him to the pantheon.

  337. Oh, man. The crazy internet story I’ve been relating to my husband just keeps getting better! He was impressed by Simon, and then Penn, and even more so by Jeri (husband is a dude, after all). But now Matthew Broderick?? Mind blown. Must rest. It’s too much.

  338. A tiny part of me thinks that Nathan Fillion is continuing to ignore you until he can finish and debut his GIANT TWINE SPIDERWEB that spans his entire house. Or something.

  339. P.S. Just made a donation to Project Night Night. Couldn’t let that slip by me. Not after all the kindness I’ve seen from some wonderful people.

  340. I wonder if Nathan Fillion realizes that when the social history of the internet is written and analyzed in the future, he’s going to be the guy who was too good to play. History is not going to portray him in a good light–does his PR team not see that this has turned to reflect negatively on him? If it were me, I would make it right.

    I think your blog transcends into performance art at times and he’s really missing out on a opportunity to be part of something bigger than just a blog or just a fan or just his ego.


  341. So when you wrote “Matthew Broderick reads my blog” did you scream out loud, or just in your mind? Because I just almost screamed out loud, and it’s not my blog.

  342. Coolness!
    I have a photo of me strangling Pete Townshend with a scarf that I could share. But it’s not quit the same as him holding the scarf. And strangling me. And sending it to you. And anyway, only people old rockers and Roger Daltrey actually remember who Pete Townshend is. So, not quite the same at all. 😉

  343. I love that these celebrities get it. Wil, Penn, Simon and Jeri understand that Twitter gives them the opportunity to talk to their fans and have a little fun with it. Matthew may not use Twitter but he still gets it. Why have Twitter at all if you aren’t going to interact and be silly now and then? Maybe one day certain celebs will get with the program. Until then, we’ll always have Wil, Penn, Simon, Jeri and Matthew to keep the torch burning.

  344. Wow. Matthew Gosh-Darn Broderick. I’m with BethanytheMartian – I did a little jig, the minute I saw it. That guy kicks ass.

  345. And what was Matthew about to eat with that spoon? Cereal, ice cream, soup… ??? We must know!!

    Seriously, that is pretty cool!

  346. I like that no one has held the same thing. It’s really kinda cool. Even better, you get to offer idiot PR people a choice of things to look at. Would you like to see Wil with some papers, Simon with some Sephora bag handles, Penn with some twine, Jeri with a spatula or Matthew with a spoon? How confused would they be?

  347. Part 2 (see #153 for pt 1)

    The internet rose up and swarmed – it begged, pleaded, implored,
    But all requests for Nathan’s twine were summarily ignored.

    And so the saga continued, with momentum unabated,
    For these collective aspirations just could not be sated.

    “Perhaps The Bloggess doesn’t rate!”, some commenters joked,
    Then Penn Jillette held up his twine, thoroughly unprovoked.

    Soon followed up by Jeri Ryan, spatula in hand,
    The ante upped, the pressure’s on, the flames were being fanned.

    Just as The Bloggess was about to wipe away a tear,
    Wheaton struck a pose as if to say “Hey, I’m still here!”

    Then Broderick with his icy stare stepped up to quell the bitchin’
    Saying “You may have spatulas, friends – but HERE”S what’s in my kitchen!”

    The internet then gasped in awe. The Bloggess began to swoon.
    That’s right, Ferris Mewler’s namesake was holding up a spoon.

    But all of that is only a part of what this story contained,
    For Simon, Penn, Jeri, Wil and Matthew kept us entertained.

    But underneath it all is told an even greater tale indeed.
    Over 1200 dollars had been raised for homeless kids in need.

    To see such generosity be planted, grow and blossom,
    is testament to what makes The Bloggess’ and her readers awesome.

    And as Broderick himself once stated “Life moves pretty fast.”
    But let me add that it’s tales like these that make it such a blast.

  348. You are one MF’ing popular cool chick! Can I sit at your lunch table with Matt, Jerri, Penn and Simon? You guys could tackle the fiercest zombies with those weapons.

  349. I almost feel sorry for Nathan at this point because even if he comes around and *wants* to give us a photo of himself with twine, it’s far far too late. He’s been left in the dust by the unsolicited unTwittered awesomeness of Matthew Broderick and his spoon, not to mention the immediate willingness of Jeri Ryan & her spatula and Penn & Simon and their twine. And of course no one compares to Wil who started us all off on this random photographic silliness.

    Nathan’d just be joining the crowd now. Nothing special about it. “Oh yeah, hm, a Nater-Tater and twine photo. That is so three days ago.”

    Unless he did something truly spectacular like get his photo taken with the largest ball of twine in Darwin Minnesota or perhaps he could have Richard Castle find a ball of twine at a crime scene in the season finale of Castle.

  350. First I didn’t think it could get better than Simon Pegg joining in the fray…then I didn’t think it could get funnier than Wil Wheaton being attacked by a killer spatula…but Matthew Broderick and his random spoon?? Fan-freakin-tastic!

  351. You have amazing power. I hope you always use it for good.
    Or for good-ish. Close enough.

    Too bad you’re done, because I would have loved to have seen Taye Diggs folding laundry. Only in my dreams, I guess.

  352. ^ What Shannon said. I can’t improve on that.

    And thank you for making me laugh so much with every blog. Best blog ever.

  353. First of all, that was awesome. Secondly, you’re awesome, and lastly. Raiseing money for homeless kids? That is epic awesome. Much love for the Bloggess and all her many fans.

  354. I have watched this all with vaguely detached amusement, because I am an asshole like that. I mean, I love Simon Pegg, and Penn and Jeri are awesome and also could make hilarious magical off-brand ice cream together, but the spatulas and twine did not touch me to my soul.

    Only – Matthew Broderick? MATTHEW BRODERICK AND HIS SPOON?
    My heart grew three sizes this day.

  355. Do you think it’s an anti-twine thing because he’s Canadian? Maybe you should find another Canadian actor that is hot like Dean McDermott and see if he’ll prove that twine does not deserve the rep that Nater-Tater has bestowed upon it in his anti-bloggess campaign.

    You are a rock star in your own right and the fact that Matthew Broderick doesn’t tweet but reads your blog is EPIC and you are one lucky lady! I flove you so much and am willing to relocate my entire family from Maine to Texas to be of assistance to you in any way!

  356. You know this blog and your twitter feed will be the reasons I fail my nursing exams, right? Just kidding, I’m kind of a genius and don’t actually study that much, unless you count Pinterest. Oh Jenny, how I adore you.

  357. In awe of your superpower of awesomeness, and that of all your followers, illustrious or other. Words fail.

  358. I just have to chime in here . . .

    Bravo, Jon Jones. Bravo. That was truly epic.

    And bravo to all who played along and for the Bloggess and her inherent goodness and using her powers for good and not evil. Well, maybe a little evil. 🙂

  359. Wow. I didn’t know it was possible for me to love Jeri Ryan more. But now I do. Thank you.

  360. Ooh! I second Anne! Taye Diggs folding a sock! Or holding a folded sock. Or something. Egg timer?

    And I heart Matthew Broderick even more now. Ditto Jeri Ryan.
    Also, Nater-Tater will still have a special meaning in our house. Don’t give me crap like that’s a bad thing.

  361. I LOVE Mathew Broderick. The spoon shoot is just gravy on the ice cream. Awesome I tell ya!

  362. I just squealed over Matthew Broderick holding a spoon. Jesus Christ. That is BEYOND FUCKING AWESOME.

    I love you, and your ridiculous posts. Love, love, love. This is SO MUCH better than Nathan Fillion with twine.

  363. I just found your website via your article in Ladies Home Journal and I am soooo glad that I did because I have been laughing non-stop ever since. This is by far, the greatest blog ever- you are a genius. Thanks for the laughter- therapy because I definitely needed it.

  364. I think I might be in love with Matthew Broderick now.

    This cooking utensil photo movement is the highlight of my month, I think. Furiously happy, indeed.

  365. I want to hug this post. Hilarious photos and a lot of kids get a Project Night Night package. Everyone wins! I just sponsored one package today. I’m also letting a few friends know about this wonderful cause. Thank you for bringing this place to everyone’s attention.

    And extra cool points to all the celebrities who joined in the fun for no other reason than to be silly. My lime green spatula and I salute you, Jenny.

  366. Oh Nater-tater. That is how it’s done, my poor child. Either way, The Bloggess wins.

  367. The plea has officially gone out to George Takei for a picture of himself holding Tupperware.

  368. Since updates mean more homeless children get security blankest I hope 5 bajillion celebrities take pictures of themeselves with random utensils. Sorry in advance to your inbox and your Twiiter feed but this is truly (if not oddly) magical.

  369. OMG that’s Matthew Broderick!!!!!!!!!!!!! With a SPOON! For YOU! That is so cool. And it is for a good cause! Awesome upon awesome. It is so nice to see people enjoying this and seeing it for what it is: fun, awesome, and helpful.

  370. This is where I come to at the end of my day to breathe the air of silly and ridiculous. Then I go home smiling. Thank you!

  371. Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
    Neo: There is no spoon?
    Spoon boy: Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

    I *heart* Matthew Broderick.

  372. Just when I was mad at Matthew Broderick for selling out in that Honda commerical, he re-proves how awesome he is!

  373. Mr. Broderick has perfect timing. I was getting a little weepy over the passing of one of my first celebrity crushes (rip Davy!) This was the boost I needed to remember to the joy of randomness, something I learned first watching reruns of The Monkees as a child.
    Thank you for the happiness Matthew, and to you Jenny for your marvelousness.

  374. I cannot believe Matthew Broderick sent you a picture of himself holding a spoon. There is no better ending that could possibly be written.

  375. Oh, that’s just wonderful! I loved this post, I laughed, I cried, I laughed quite a lot more… Superb! x

  376. with all this happening you can start a second book, maybe a coffee table book of all these photos or start collectors trading cards of random people holding kitchen utensils, the possibilities are endless!! I just love sitting back and watching what happens when you start the ball rolling on something, never know where it will go and it’s always magical. thanks as always for making my day a furiously happy one.

  377. I have started harassing…I mean asking the celebs I follow on twitter to post twine/spoon/spatula pics. Join in.

  378. Matthew Broderick IS FREAKING AWESOME.
    This just makes it über-official. As if anyone ever had any doubt.

    We have superawesomeunbelievablycool people in this world.

    I wish Nathan Fillion would just step up and participate. Come on, Nathan. Rick Castle would TOTALLY do it.

    OH! OH! OH! Hey, Bloggess…maybe he will hold twine in a CASTLE episode for you??? That would be his “out”. You know. Since he doesn’t do that sort of thing.

  379. knowing that these ‘celebs’ read your blog make them all that more interesting and cool!!!

  380. NOTHING could be cooler than Bueller holding a spoon, unsolicited. This cannot be topped. This might simply close out cool on the internet for all times. From now on life will be BTS and ATS. (Before the Spoon…)

  381. I have serious love issues with Matthew Broderick. No, I mean it’s really intense. To see him holding a spoon on your blog is the cherry on my Matthew sundae!! He is so nerdy that he’s actually really cool. Not Ferris, Matthew!! Only such a man could bring me to my knees.
    Wasn’t there another pic on twitter of him holding a spatula and a frying pan with a whole egg in it??? I can’t find it anymore, dammit!!

  382. At first, I thought it was my random case of pnunomia that was making me so tired and making my breath catch. Then, I realized it was the overall force of your awesomeness and the kickass people sending you kickass pictures of them holding kickass kitchen utencils. (if I were more compute swavy, or on twitter, I would probably play along). But, anyways – wil wheaton, swoon. Jeri Ryan, SWOON (and how dare she looks so hot while makeup free?). Penn and Simon, love! Matthew Broderick- you, sir, just made a fan for life!

    To sum up, Jenny, to say what everyone else has said before, you are a goddess. Thank you for bringing such joy!

  383. OMG. How awesome are these stars that are just sending you things? And if Wil Wheaton wasn’t already on my to-do list (he’s been my star crush since middle school…) he would be now. I’m also adding Matthew Broderick to my list because HE’S F-ING AWESOME!

    I’m going out and buying every movie of everyone who has sent you pictures because they deserve some kudos for standing up for weird… OH… you should send Jeri a red dress. Do you think she’d get it?

  384. Yes, I just saw it! He could twirl that twine like it’s a triple sow-cow, or whatever those jumps are.

    Love, love, love you Brian!

    Jenny must be so happy right now.

  385. This keeps getting more and more incredibly awesome. And we now have proof of what Brian Boitano would do! #furiouslyhappydance

  386. Ok, Jenny’s updated.

    I bet Victor is in awe of your awesome power. And looking at the picture of BB again, I can tell he’s a man who really appreciates a great ball of twine and a reason to laugh.
    The world just looks so bright and shiny and happy tonight. 🙂

  387. OMG! Jeri Ryan and a spatula! Thank you for tonight’s fantasy. And tomorrow night’s…

  388. You are the luckiest, coolest, most beloved girl!!!! I’m so honored to be following you here and on Twitter. You…and your wacky celebrity followers…make the world a little brighter every day. I needed to end today with a smile and you gave that to me. Thank you…thank you…thank you!!!

  389. OMFG That is what Brian would do!

    how fucking awesome is he?
    No seriously, me with Dave the Armless DTV guy tomorrow when I don’t have the plague

  390. I like to think that with each awesome update involving such spectacular people holding complete randomness, Nater-Tater pulls himself into a tighter fetal ball and weeps for the twine that could have been… :oD

  391. Yes. Yes! I have always loved me some Matthew Broderick, but now? Now, it’s crazy adoration and love. I’ve wanted to marry him since I was 9. Sigh and swoon.

  392. There really are no words to describe the wacky awesomeness this whole situation has spawned. I have new-found respect for some people, while others formerly treated with nigh-idolatry have provided little but disappointment. Thank you for inspiring random silliness and continued furious happiness.

  393. Maybe Penn and Matthew could put some pressure on Nathan for ya! 🙂 They are that kinda guys, right??? Won’t Nathan submit to peer pressure, ‘cuz all of the cool kids are doing it???

  394. This is officially the greatest blog post in the history of the internet. The millions of comments and updates just make it better. I think the only way it could be improved at this point would be by a celebrity tweeting a picture of themselves holding a tiny Beyonce.

  395. I wish I was famous for anything just so I could send you pics of me holding random objects.

  396. this just keeps getting better and better. Perhaps Betty White would hold a wire whisk for us next? You do good things, keep up the great work!

  397. Brian Boitano rocks! At some point, you have to think Nathan Fillion will feel the shame. The question is, does he now feel like he must continue to ignore you in order to save face? i wonder if he would have behaved differently before Castle…

  398. Every time you update this post, it restores my faith in humanity. Celebrity humanity, at least.

  399. Wow. This keeps getting updated, and I FREAKING LOVE IT. At this point, I don’t even care that Nathan Fillion hasn’t shown himself holding twine. I’m just waiting for a picture of Danny DeVito holding pinking shears or Patrick Stewart holding a coupon for Hobby Lobby.

  400. Jenny, you don’t just make me feel happy to be part of your amazing world…you make me feel HEROIC. Thank you.

  401. I’m so glad I waited until now to do my catch-up-with-the-bloggess reading. I loved reading the WHOLE (so far) saga at once.


  402. AHHHHahahahahhaha! Jen, you are the awesome! Nater Tater can get hosed, because YOU GOT FERRIS BUELLER! *SCORE!*

  403. I am thinking there is a Castle episode with Mr. Fillion and twine. I’ve only watched a few episodes so I could be wrong. I so love everyone’s comments!

  404. I think I’ve reached the end of the Internet because all signs point to The Bloggess. If you can get everyone to hold spatulas and twine, I’m thinking you can broker the Middle East peace talks. Of course, we’ll hold them in the bathroom.

  405. OMG, you have an Olympic gold medalist holding up random items for you….how freaking awesome is that!!???!!!

    The next thing I want to see is Craig Ferguson holding a pancake…

  406. Brian’s so awesome, we’ve decided we need to pipe the awesomeness directly out of his head to an awesomesauce dispensary and/or refinery. Woohoo!

  407. This whole post is fantastic. Love me some Mr. Broderick (and his spoon.) I just have to say that I think the pipe going into Mr. Boitano’s head must be filling it with awesomesauce!
    Oh, and I was trying to refrain last night, but it’s gotten the better of me: Could we possibly ask for a picture of Wil tying up Penn (not with the magic rope) & Jeri giving Penn the “Aunt Jemima treatment?” Is that just TOO much? Yeah, I thought so. It’s a fun little mental video though…. feel free to add to the storyline here…;-)

  408. Oh the shame of it all Nater Tater! When you cave, and you will, I want a naked shot with spatulas and spoons and the twine tied in a bow around your wee willie winkie! So trim down lest the forest overshadow the show!

  409. After update number 4 I relented and googled Nathan Fillion. Now I will go back and read and replace “Nathan Fillion” with “The Dude from Castle” and maybe this will make more sense.


  410. I bet Nater-Tater is jealous now because of the awesomeness of more famous people than him and all the money you raised for a great cause! He should be hanging his potato head in shame for being a bit of a schmuck! Congrats Jenny!

  411. How did I miss Matthew Broderick?? Oh, this is getting soooooo good. I was feeling a little blue and then POW, Brian Boitano. OH, I know who we need next! Gotta go, ahhh, do something.

  412. Jenny, you’re an internet hero! I am truly impressed with your reach! Wil, Simon, Penn, Jeri, Matthew and Brian are pretty awesome too!

  413. Jenny, you’re an internet hero! I am truly impressed with your reach! Wil, Simon, Penn, Jeri, Matthew and Brian are pretty awesome too!

  414. We can all go home now, Jenny won the internet. Brian Boitano, Matthew Broderick, Jeri Ryan, Penn Jillette, and Simon Pegg with the assist!

  415. i love it!! and if i were anybody that would be missed- i’d totally send a pic of me holding something random! that. is. awesome. i love a celeb that isn’t a “douche-canoe”

  416. Jenny, you’re an internet hero! I’m super-impressed at your reach 🙂 Wil, Simon, Penn, Jeri, Matthew and Brian are pretty awesome too!

  417. Wait a minute, I want to hear more about the stained glass TARDIS someone mentioned up there!

  418. I don’t know who Nater Tater is. I’ve never seen Ferris Bueller.

    But this is still some of the most amusing blogged material I have ever read.

    Does Zazzle offer the ability to create those rubber bracelet (ala Livestrong) things. If so, I want one that says WWBBD?

  419. I really love that this just keeps going. I hope eventually every celebrity on Earth has sent this blog a photo of them holding some manner of household object!

  420. I seriously hope this post gets updated every day! I love this! It makes me smile!

  421. Every time I think this just can’t get better, it does. God bless the internet for giving me a distraction from the nose-picking, teeth-grinding insomniac 3-year-old sitting next to me right now.


    The awsome around here is getting pretty damn overpowering.

  423. Nph is on twitter posting right now. I tweeted him. We can’t drop the ball now can we????

  424. I would just like to share that I was once in a bowling alley with Brian Boitano. He ordered fries. I don’t have a photo except in my memory.

  425. Yours is a life truly blessed. I mean how many people in the world have gotten so many wonderful people
    to post pictures of themselves holding random objects. Jennifer Lawson this is your life and a charmed one it is. The world revolves around you. The only reason Nater Tater can not see that, is because he is from a different dimension and can not see your glory from his vantage point.

  426. THIS IS SO AWESOME. You, Madam, make my day every time I read your blog and this entry ESPECIALLY filled me with delight, as it highlights why I love the internet so damn much. Thank you, and all your readers and followers and their poor pestered friends, for being generous and sweet and silly. <3

  427. Forget the pictures (though that will be hard – gonna have nightmares about evil spatulas 😉 blame you Wil!!) But just think of all the people you’re reaching with your words, who enjoy what you do and write enough to join in on the fun 🙂

  428. I hope Nater-Tater had learned his lesson! Just think of all the free publicity — which he apparently needs since I had to google him.

  429. I wonder if all these famous people getting in on the action are embarrassing Nater-Tater into eventually joining them. Clearly, no major disasters have befallen them due to their posing with random inanimate objects and sending them to you. None that I’m aware of, anyway.

  430. Jenny, I read all the time, but I’ve never commented before. But… holy shit, ya’ll. This is AMAZING. I am speechless. Personally, I hope the updates keep coming. The power of the internet is astounding!

  431. My roommate just told me that Nater-Tater is friends with Joel McHale…you might want to consider getting him in on Twinegate…peer pressure from people you actually know sometimes makes a difference…and then there’s the way men have to out do each other…


  433. Jenny, your blog makes me furiously happy. This post and all it’s subsequent updates makes me ferociously, furiously happy.

  434. am waiting for the next update, because I don’t see this ending! I so love this and your blog, I can be having crappiest day, come here and bust out laughing in amazement! Nathan needs to come down from Captain Mal and play along! yay for those with a sense of humor!

  435. Oh. My. God.

    I did not believe this post could get any more awesome. BUT IT TOTALLY DID!!!

    And I’m on twitter, but it baffles me so technically I’m really NOT on twitter. Your blog is the closest I get to tweeting.

    But you and twitter have made me FURIOUSLY happy and considering the month I had? I had NO IDEA that was even possible. The only way I could be even furiouserly…(yeah, that’ll do) happy is if Benedict Cumberbatch showed up on your blog.

    That might prove fatal. To me. Possibly. I’ll risk it.

    Cause that’s what Brian Boitano would do.

  436. I am so happy for you Jenny!!! You rock! All the awesome celebrities pictured above “get” you – so incredibly awesome!

  437. The Brian Boitano one is killing me. I LOVE him.

    Oh god, I can’t wait until NPH posts something for you. Please, world, please let that happen!

    I love Nathan Fillion too, so you bitches up there all better ease up on him. It sounds like he’s feeling little pressured and weirded out by the whole thing. Maybe later, when it dies down a bit, you could try again. Only this time, don’t offer the money to him. Offer the money to his favorite charity, Kids Need To Read. That’s far more likely to get his attention in a postitive way than harassment from twitter followers.

  438. You are wonderful and hysterical and an inspiration! And your followers are too – everybody rocks!

  439. This is the most awesome thing ever! Ferris Bueller is holding a spoon for you, among others! I’m dying of jealousy. Will YOU hold a spoon for me? I’ll put it on my blog and soak in the glory.

  440. I am super happy for you!! Nater-Tater is so like yesterday’s news, he’ll be sorry! I had an awesome laugh tonight while reading this post, you’re the best!!!

  441. Woot.

    But why does BRIAN BOITANO have an old fashioned phonograph growing out of his head?

    Is it twine-related?

    Matthew Broderick-related?

    Or did Victor FINALLY get jealous and whack the shit out of him?

  442. I’ve got a bit of a rough day ahead and wasn’t looking forward to it. I read this blog post and laughed moderately til Brian Boitano appeared. I am going to be laughing about him holding twine all day. I am helping a friend move today and I am quite sure this day is going to be chock full of all kind of suckage but no matter what horibleness fate sends our way, (couch wont fir through the door to wheels falling off the rented truck, anything is possible) I am going to be laughing. OMG, thank you, I sooooo needed this random silliness in my life. : )

  443. The entertainment world is quickly being divided into 2 camps – those who are AWESOME (Wil, Simon, Jeri, Penn, Matthew, BRIAN) and those who are decidedly NOT (Nater-Tater.) How long before your publishers call you for a second book featuring the fabulous ones? You could intersperse with pix of Beyonce, Copernicus, etc holding things. I can’t wait to see who joins your pantheon next.

  444. You are truly making my week! I wish I was famous so I could send you a random pic of me holding twine, or a spatula, or some dead, taxidermied animal…maybe a chinchilla!

  445. Can you go lure Neil Patrick Harris now? I haven’t gotten that idea out of my mind since you suggested it….he could be your dashing sidekick. I want to see him standing next to Nater-Tater holding twine or a giant stuffed honey badger.

  446. This is beyond fabulous and into some hybrid fabawesomeliciousness. I agree–some sort of compilation of awesome celebrities holding random things coupled with your awesome taxidermied collection holding either (a) random things too or (b) pictures of less awesome celebrities.

  447. Man, it just never stops. Let me know when Oprah sends you a picture of herself holding something. At this rate, that’s where this is going.

  448. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, sometimes I really wish I was you (except for the crippling RA and anxiety and depression). Did you ever imagine back when you started this blog that celebrities would be sending you pictures of themselves with kitchen utensils and twine? And for the person above someplace who said Nater-Tater wasn’t awesome, SHAME ON YOU!!! You’re talking about Mal / Captain Hammer / Rick Castle, you! Just because he eats awesome for breakfast doesn’t mean he can’t be intimidated by the greatness that is Jenny.

  449. Um.. girls? (and guys) Can we please lay off Nathan Fillion and his supposed dickiness? I’m all aflutter with delight about this whole twine/spatula/spoon thing as much as any other internet freak, but all this Fillion bashing makes me a little uncomfortable.

    Sure mostly it’s just humorous, but some people seem to really miss the point here. If you never heard of him that’s fine, he’s just another soulless celeb for you. But I can not fathom how people following him on Twitter, who know him from million different sweet and hilarious things can seriously call him a humorless asshat and such and say they’re disappointed. Really guys? Makes me wonder what kind of twitter messages he got during this whole campaign and if any of them were this arrogant I suppose he has the right to be a little pissed and/or not wanting to play.

    Actually to think of it, he was the only celeb to get this kind of treatment: Wil was the first one and he was “willing” (and TBH he’s mostly an Internet celeb, that’s his job and his career, yes he’s super awesome but still), others weren’t bombarded and just went straight to the fun part when it was already well advertised. The only one who got some taste of our harassment besides Nathan was Simon Pegg and frankly he didn’t seem amused. I have a feeling he did this only after consulting with Wil (who probably said: you better do it, she’s awesome and you gonna get a ton of trouble if you don’t) and Nathan (who said: your call buddy, but you might better do it or you’re gonna end up with spam all over your timeline like me).

    What I’m actually saying is it’s fun and I’m furiously happy it’s now a “thing”, but Nathan bashing is completely uncalled for. I love him and Jenny equally, don’t make me choose (may be even him (gasp) a bit more since he’s been entertaining me for longer ). Anybody not obtuse can see he is perfectly silly and fun and not full of himself, he just prefers doing it on his own terms apparently. Just check this superhero craziness that came out yesterday for instance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzNMtGx_cZc&feature=youtu.be and then look me in the eyes and tell me Nathan is a high and mighty douche.

    I just feel that the Ferris B, Penn Jillette and Jeri part was completely in the spirit of this thing and Nathan/Simon part was a little douchy, sorry. Not in the spirit of things. Left a bad taste. And it dampens my furious joy a little. Everything would’ve been totally awesome if only we all agreed that Nathan Fillion is still super cool and it was all a sad misunderstanding. Dixi

  450. I was just sitting here thinking how great it would be if the writers for Nater-Taters show would write a show based on twine- and how at several points in time during the show he would have to hold up the twine. It would be glorious because he would have no choice. And you would win. It would be glorious!!!

  451. Holy crap…if they keep coming and you keep proving to yourself how awesome the power of randomness is, I may have to make you a little movie…it could be spectacular

  452. Oh my gosh – I have so much more respect for these amazing celebs who just helped with the random awesomeness of all of this. These updates rock!

  453. I thought I adored your blog before… But this post now makes it the best blog in the history of ever. EVER!! I really hope more celebs submit pics of themselves holding random objects (or twine) in the sake of silliness. It makes the blog-o-verse furiously happy! 🙂

  454. The celebrities who have submitted these wonderful, random pictures to you impress me with their senses of humor and whimsy. I was fans of all, but I admire them even more now.

  455. HA! I saw Matthew B holding the spoon on Pinterest and had a sinking feeling you had gone viral (AGAIN) Go Jenny!!!

  456. sorry, gotta disagree with you COMPLETELY dixi. nater tater’s a douche, and if I ever met him I’d tell him so to his face!

  457. Dear Bloggess,
    When tasked with enlisting heroes to save humanity, your tactics were not usual. After suggesting enlistment, volunteer heroes were slow to come. After relaxing your recruitment, Ms. Bloggess, heroes are joining up without prompt. I am convinced that this is the beginning of an amazing coalition that will lead to safer, happier, and healthier people around the world.
    You really are doing something amazing. Honest.
    Thank you for giving everyone this place to meet.

  458. It would be really funny if the writers of Castle wrote it into the script that Nathan’s character had to hold twine. He would have to do it. BAM! Now, does anyone know the writers for Castle?

  459. I’ve had such a shitty week.
    Thank you for making it just a little bit brighter.

  460. I have to say too, I love these celebrities who are awesome and funny and don’t don’t take themselves seriously. Life is too short not to be in on the joke!

    Jenny, you are some kind of awesome!

  461. Wow – this just keeps getting more and more awesome! Also, I want to chime in, and state my agreement with some of the other posters that we really, really need to lay off Nathan Fillion. I’m even feeling bad that I made a slight dig at NF in a tweet I made to Simon Pegg. We have no idea why NF didn’t send Jenny a picture of him with twine; maybe his p.r./legal peeps told him it was a bad idea, maybe he didn’t like numerous people pestering him about it. We don’t really know the reasons, and I think we should respect his decision not to tweet a photo. And actually, in some ways it’s way more funnier that he didn’t send the picture. It would be cool if he did, but if he had, we might not be getting all these awesome photos from other celebs. I just would hate other readers and celebs to get a bad taste in their mouth because Jenny’s followers got all rabid on poor Nate. Let’s follow Jenny’s lead, be positive and just take the high road and let it go. More awesomeness will come our way.

    OK, I’m getting off my soapbox now!

  462. Great…now I have that song stuck in my head. I must go find my CD of the South Park soundtrack so I can load that on my iPod. That way I can celebrate Brian Boitano’s awesomeness anytime I want.

  463. WOW!! I sent a tweet to Mr. Boitano (one of my heros) requesting for a twine pic (#celebtwinepic) and he sent one to The Bloggess!!! Wooohoooo!!!

    Now if any of the other hundreds of celebs would comply w my harassment…we could rule the world!!!

  464. Disclaimer: My friend’s sister is good friends with Nathan’s best friend’s wife. So yeah, I’m practically RELATED to Nathan.

    Anyway, after further thought about my post last night, I think that those who feel bad about the Twitter harassment should donate a buck or two to http://www.kidsneedtoread.org with a nice note like “for Nathan. Sorry about the twine thing. Love, fans of the Bloggess.” That way he knows your power can also be used for good.

  465. Oh man, I always miss all the fun. Way to go raising money for the homeless children. Can people still donate?

  466. Wow, I took a little time out from Twitter and missed all sorts of fabulousness. I heart Jeri Ryan AND Mathew Broderick AND Brian Boitano. Mathew holding the spoon is my favorite because he looks like he. really. means. it. dammit.

    I feel such a sense of peace and closure with this ending. I’m only sad I missed all the furiously happy exchanges. But I do think Nater-Tater deserves to be left in peace.

  467. Thank you for my daily non-sequitur. You’re awesome. Must learn not to read you on the bus though…laughing out loud for no discernible reason tends to make people nervous.

  468. This grows into the coolest internet phenomena ever. All because of you. You are kick-ass, Jenny Lawson.

  469. Jenny, you are the Queen Unicorn in a Magical World. A world you create daily and bring to the little people, making this world intensely better. But then, you make the little people feel like Unicorns, too! WE ALL WIN!

  470. I’ve been having a seriously bad week, but this post has made me laugh until I cried…numerous times. So, thank you for being seriously silly.

  471. How F-ING AWESOME are these guys! You didn’t even ask & they are stepping up! Shows how much you seriously ROCK! I do think Nater-Tater should be left alone, but he sure is looking like a major pile of Unicorn Poop to me for not even responding with an “I don’t think so crazy lady!” Thanks for all the updates & for the laughs!

  472. How could Nathan Fillion possibly be holding out on this twine picture? I have a feeling he will cave… and we will get our Nathon Fillion Twine!

  473. Once again the internet has gone wonderfully, gloriously bat-shit insane, and The Bloggess is right in the middle of it!

  474. Okay, you’ll probably never read this but I can’t find any other way to show you these AWESOME THINGS. You’ve probably already seen them both, but today when my friend asked me if I knew who Nathan Fillion is, I replied with “Yes, and that fucker just won’t hold twine because he “doesn’t so things like that”” To which he very promptly replied with this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzNMtGx_cZc&feature=youtu.be which frankly is clear proof that in fact he does do silly shit. Had to share 🙂

  475. I am loving the fact that Nathan Fillion has held out, yet so many others have come to your rescue.

    The internet fucking rocks!

  476. I never feel adequate enough to comment, because you and your commenters are always so witty and funny, but I just had to say – this kicks so much ass. Thank you for being you and stirring up this amazing soup of happiness.

  477. this entire escapade has helped me realize that some of these famous folks are big old dorks, love their fans, and have strange and intelligent senses of humor. life is good.

  478. Having just read the most recent update, I have two thoughts:
    My love for Matthew Broderick is eternal, and I’ll try to stop thinking ill of Nathan Fillion for not sending the twine photo. It’ll be hard.

  479. This is your second most awesomely funny post ever. (I still have Beyonce as my first love). Now I can giggle happily the rest of the day. Thanks to you, Nathan, Penn, Jeri, Brian, and Matthew (I hope I didn’t forget anyone). Thank you. Thank you. Nothing is better than laughter.

  480. That picture of Matthew Broderick with the egg is making me giggle uncontrollably, and I’m not just typing that because I found it amusing. I mean it, and I rarely giggle uncontrollably. And, I think at this point, unless Nathan were completely wrapped like a mummy in hundreds of feet of twine, it would be anticlimactic. So, he’s actually being quite smart and savvy.

  481. I’m thinking at this point you should stop updating this post and just do a whole new one featuring all the awesome celebs with random stuff photos you have received. Possibly you could title it “NEENER NEENER NATER TATER”

    I’m guessing the poor man has some legal reason he can’t do it & probably thousands of tweets, some hostile, some no doubt creepy as well, didn’t encourage him to find away to make it happen. Much as I love him, I don’t follow him on Twitter so I can’t say for sure.

    Also, whoever suggested George Takai with Tupperware is a genius! Maybe Wil or Jeri might ask him nicely for us?

  482. I think the best picture is of Matthew Broderick cooking the egg…in that special way. Cause? Hes awesome. But so is everyone else who made you those pics…so, in conclusion? I need a darth vader spatula in my life.

    P.S. I know this comment didnt make much sense. But I am okay with that

  483. I am SO confused. All’s well that ends well, though, I suppose. Matthew Broderick!?? You, my dear, are a superstar. SUPERSTAR!

  484. I have a sudden desire to start handing out twine to people, with the message “have a great day!” Before this all started, who would have thought twine could bring smiles to the masses. Not I. Not. I.

    Nathan Fillion is so smart.

  485. Forgiving Nathan Fillion and sending him a picture of yourself holding twine?
    Now THAT is Bloggess Largesse.

  486. This post just keeps getting better and better!! I love it! It has definitely brought a smile and a giggle to my life!!

  487. Aww, Jenny, you are just the best. You make me furiously happy with every post. Brian Boitano rocks for getting it, and Matthew Broderick rocks, once again, for one-upping Brian. This is the best day ever!

  488. This whole thing is making me laugh that laugh where you stop making noise and just do the hideous silent facial contortions.

  489. I can’t even begin to put into words how awesome this all is. So I won’t. Bye.

  490. I seriously hope Nathan doesn’t come through now. it’d ruin all the fun and then I’d have to re-dislike him for a new set of reasons, because he would’ve pulled through for the twine challenge and I hate having to shift negative attitude toward someone mid-stream. it gives me a headache.

  491. Oh Jenny….you are awesome!! Furiously happy to feel like the “cool kid” in on the great joke. This post is the gift that keeps giving!!!

  492. I fall more and more in love with this post every time there is an update. I hope the twine, spatulas, eggs and whatever else celebrities want to send you a picture of NEVER stops!

  493. Thank you x bazmillion for this thread. There’s just so much to love, and it warms my heart to see how many celebs and ordinary people are willing to take a photo of themselves with twine, spoons, and spatulas, just because they love you and want to make you smile. It warms the cockles of my heart. I don’t think I’ve ever said that before, and of course I laugh, but still. It does.

    BTW, when I saw the first photo of this, my immediate thought was baling twine, as in baling hay. I grew up on a farm, and baling twine comes in big-ass rolls that weigh about 25 pounds. Mmm… Now the thought of a burly man (preferably shirtless) holding a bundle of baling twine, maybe propped on a buff bicep. Well, if any of those come your way, you better damn well share. ; )

    Thanks again. You are awesome, Jenny. Keep on being your awesome self.

  494. Ok, honestly? This whole post-n-subsequent-thread makes me feel so connected to the world. I mean, I remember the original Mr. Fillion Ignoration and now … wow! I feel like all these incredible people (btw, I’m VERY impressed with Mr. Boitano’s use of actual kitchen twine! I mean, wow!!) showing you their amazing awesomeness that you then trickle down to the rest of us is just the best way to make a big, crazy world so much smaller and cozier. And crazy still, but cozy.

  495. Positively the funnest post of all time!! Do all the famous folk get one of your books with bookplates in them as parting gifts? 🙂

  496. I come back daily just for the updates! If Matthew Broderick is reading this, loved the Super Bowl ad but one question – how is it that you HAVE NOT AGED??? We are about the same age but I now look like your mother. *sigh*

  497. No offense, I mean, it’s great and all, but Ferris Mewler’s twine series had more emotion.

  498. OMG, this has to be the best post with updates of all time! Thanks for the laugh today… I needed it!!

  499. Dear god, please please never let the updates to this post stop. The pictures are priceless and amazing and these are now all my new favorite celebrities, including the bringer of the fun, the Bloggess. Thank you, Bloggess for all the laughs and thank you Nater-Tater for being a stick in the mud!!! This was all way more fun than if he had just posted the darn twine picture anway!

  500. This is awesome. Thumbs up to Matthew Broderick. And, just an observation, Brian Boitano has a pipe coming out of his head.

  501. I think in an even greater show of random silliness, the correction must be made that you are not holding the twine…the twine…is holding you…making it that much more awesome

  502. This has been my favorite post ever. Though a picture of Nathan Fillion holding twine would have been awesome. I don’t think its nearly as awesome as that picture of Matthew Broderick with his egg and spatula, because that is just beyond words kind of awesome.

  503. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon.” Truer words were never said. Also, my love for you is longer than that ball of twine.

  504. Maybe Nater-Tater doesn’t have twine??? Maybe someone should send him a small length of twine. Has that topic already been discussed?
    How cool are Matthew Broderick and Simon Pegg and Jeri Ryan???? I mean. Seriously!

    And Penn — he’s practically MADE to hold twine. Look how effortlessly he holds twine!!!!!!!!!

  505. Update #5 is the best wrap-up ever. I love you. (…in that non-creepy we’ve never met and probably never will, but your blog brings me joy kind of way.)

  506. Omg….is Brian boitano going to *cook* the ice cream. I laughed out loud for real. Thanks for the update Diana!!!!!

  507. This is so hilarious. I giggle every time I read the updates. And you may make me have to join twitter. I feel my resolve slipping away on that one.

  508. I LOVE that every day I question humanity this is the first place I come and it always seems to be exactly what I need! Thanks Jenny, many days, you totally keep me from climbing the tower.

  509. You are awesome! So is Matthew Broderick, Penn Gillette (even though he is terrifying), Brian Boitano, Jeri Ryan and Simon Pegg. Awesome.

  510. I have read your blog for two years and am buying your book and several copies as gifts. AWESOME SAUCE!
    i just wanted to say thank you for making me laugh so hard I cried and cry so hard I laughed. Well, not the second one, but your outreach on anxiety and depression are an inspiration. I hope you get MANY more celebrities and regular people with random objects in their hands, menacing or not.

  511. Applause!

    Although, technically, since it’s not in your hand I’d have to say that you’re WEARING twine. But I think that we could extend the concept of “holding” to include “the opposite of dropping; generally holding up against the pull of gravity”. In which case, you are, indeed, holding twine.

    And therefore I can only bow down to your AWE.SOME.NESS!! Once again.

  512. Have to post again just for the awesomeness of this! Always loved Matthew Broderick and Brian Boitano is just amazing! Love them all!!!

  513. This just keeps getting better and better. Who knew that was possible? Love the kitchen utensil-and-food photo competition!

  514. this makes my eyes water from giggling and my heart happy from the pain in my jaw from trying not to laugh so loudly, because I am after all at work and I am supposed to be *working*

    Bloggess – you are awseomness.

  515. You are my hero. I think we now know who the REAL Superstars are…the celebrities who aren’t too high and mighty to take part in some silliness now and then. 🙂

  516. Have you considered Angelina leg bombing Nathan into submission, then applying strategic twine and taking interesting photos for very widespread distribution down the intertubes?

  517. It’s nice to see celebrities acting like “normal” people who get the freaking joke.

  518. I have to say, that after a depressing start to my morning, this is the first thing to make me smile today. I love all the people who have contributed to that. Thank you Nathan!

  519. This whole thread (twine) has brought my husband and I so much laughter, thank you!!!

  520. BWAH HA HA!!!! I LOVE IT!! Just when I think it can’t get better! Thanks Brian! But seriously, has anybody even tried to contact George Takei? He is kind of getting ready for a play on Saturday, but he might be able to send in a quick pic.

  521. This whole thing is so awesome and bizarre. The only way this could possibly be more awesome and bizarre would be a picture of Ryan Reynolds holding a sifter.

  522. You know what? I can’t help but feel disappointed in Nathan Fillion. And I was such a fan of him before! I really do wish I could forgive him like you have.

  523. Tongs and and ice cream sandwich going into or coming out of the oven. That is awesomeness!

  524. This is the coolest blog post I have even seen. Thank you for the smiles.

  525. I absolutely love that Brian Boitano used the #WWBBH hashtag, which I can only assume means What Would Brian Boitano Hold.

    Massively awesome.

  526. I bet Nathan Fillion would never thought that not holding twine would end in so much awesomeness. This post gets just more awesome with each update.

  527. I love how these fun celebrities are taking part! Especially the weird raises between Brian and Matthew. Thank you so much Jenny for being so amazingly fucked up. That’s just how we love you
    P.S. I finally got around to pre-ordering your book. Can’t wait!

  528. You know who would totally hold twine for you? Norman Reedus. The man is COOL and so good to his fans. Seriously, he once posted a series of action figure porn (totally not as bad as it sounds) for his fans’ amusement. He would totally do the twine thing.

  529. THis is without a doubt making me feel so much better today about the awesomeness of silliness! LOVE LOVE all these people.

    You realize that eventually Nathan will have no choice but to give in to the celebrity twine addiction.

  530. Bwahahaha!!! This is so fantastic! I can’t stop laughing! I think I scared my dog.

  531. Dear God, please don’t let this end.
    I’ve started checking this post several times a day for new updates. It is by far the high point. And thank you Bloggess, for making all of this possible!

  532. BEST. INTERNET. MEME. EVER! I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been to follow this… Thanks for furious happiness!

  533. Tongs holding an ice cream sandwich in an open oven. Because holding it in the freezer would be too obvious…

  534. Oh my!

    An internet random picture war between Brian Boitano and Matthew Broderick!

    Blogess wins the internet!

  535. Jenny,
    Thank you for encouraging our silliness. Not that I need any encouragement! The celebrity contributors ROCK and their pictures are hysterical! I cannot wait to see the next picture (it can’t stop now!). I was inspired by their pictures and took one of my own. I also took one of my boss pinching her nose with a pair of salad tongs but I am sure that I would be fired if I shared it for everyone. I am new to Flickr so I hope this works.

  536. Tongs AND an ice cream sandwich?? In front of an oven??? Take THAT, Nathan Fillion!!!

  537. This is probably the very best blog post in the history of blog posts.

    I truly admire how you can make a negative into a positive. Except it’s like a super extreme nova explosion volcano of a positive.


  538. I *love* that Brian B. apparently has now coined WWBBH (What Would Brian Boitano Hold).

  539. This post started on my birthday, and every time it gets updated I feel like my birthday had been extended a little more. So much happiness!

    This whole post deserves it’s own tab at the top of your page. You know, very easy access to the awesome.

  540. This was just great. That’s really the best I can do.

    (Also, I love Nathan Fillion, and his ignoring twine will never change that.)

  541. I have loved each & every update! I think I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and open a twitter account, too much good stuff going on there!

  542. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon. That’s just life.” Best life lesson Ever.

  543. Dear Apocalypse Ponies! I haven’t checked this post since the PPPS and it just into it’s own crazy jungle. IN. SANE. To all the celebs who took time out to make the pictures, merci mes amis. Those were awesome. The charity part was also really cool.

    Watching things like this take off on the internet thanks to random people getting involved makes me think there are bright points out there somewhere.

  544. I am loving all the pictures and all the updates. I am also secretly hoping for even more updates. OK, I guess I am not really that secretly hoping for more updates. I hope the pictures keep on coming.

  545. Have you ever considered running for President?

    I can’t wait to see which other celebs join in on the fun!

    Wish List (for any celebs reading this amazing blog):
    1) Keanu holding a bent spoon
    2) Alyssa Milano holding a baby spoon
    3) Nick Cage screaming

    I love you and your fans!

  546. This has become my most favorite post ever!
    I vow to never hold twine in the hope that I may inspire my friends and family to heights as great as these.

  547. Only you can make twine into sunshine baby. Please update as many times as needed to keep us up to date with developments and helpless laughter!!!!

  548. I can’t stop laughing at the pic of Brian holding an ice cream sandwich with tongs. I think Brian has definitely topped Matthew Broderick’s contributions at this point.

  549. I’m pretty sure this is why the internet was invented. All that’s missing is Neil Patrick Harris holding me a garlic press.

  550. Point Boitano, but nicely played, Broderick. This is escalating rather quickly. Where does it end? I’m waiting for John Lennon holding a Q-tip.

  551. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon.”

    I see new products for your shop with that quote on them. It’s like the meaning of life all summed up in a few words.

  552. This post and all its updates have completely made my week. I’ve laughed so hard… I’m going to see Jeff Dunham in person tonight and I’m not sure I’ll laugh as hard as I did at this post after all is said and done. <3 (But if I can, I'll try to get a picture of Jeff holding something for you, how about that? xD)

  553. you know there is always the Flash mob pproach.. NF shows up at comic con what you need t d is flash mob him.. with a bunch of folks holding twine..on minute he’s admiring his action figure at a dealers tale.. the next.. 10’s of ppl with twine…… could start a whole new craze… lady gaga with kniting needles and yarn….angelina joile and aluminum foil……

    and yes geogre takai and tupperware is genuis!!!

  554. Joy to so many! Thank you for all of your silliness and thank you to your followers who responded with such humour!
    Ps, love the comic con idea with ’10’s of ppl’!

  555. OMFG! That was practically the best post ever!!!

    Sad there was no Nater-Tater pic. I kept expecting with all the updates that there’d be this big surprise at the end and VOILA!… some odd Fillion pic with him and a cornucopia of things such as (but not limited to) some twine, a spoon, a spatula, a pair of tongs whilst eating an ice cream sandwich with an egg on his head.

    But that’s just me.

    Congrats on all the snazzy pics from people. This post was amaze-sauce! 🙂

  556. I’m really not sure how much more awesomeness I can take. What could be next? Jim Parsons holding a paint brush? Neil Patrick Harris with a bicycle horn?

    Watching this unfold is better than anything on network TV. If Nater Tater ever does give in, I think I may spontaneously combust.

  557. I think when Nathan finally replies you might see the biggest ball of twine in the world……in the meantime, great to see Brian Boitano get in on the fun. Matthew will never be bested in this contest. He is a competitor and who knows where he will stop. Now it’s a spatula, frying pan and egg!!! Bring it bitches!!!

  558. couldn’t figure out where to note that it was in your honor, but I sponsored a bag.
    YAY for fun celebrities.
    And for people making lemonade out of lemon-y un-fun celebrities.

  559. Your awesomeness truly knows no bounds. I love you with the white hot heat of a thousand Wil Wheatons. THANK YOU!!!!
    For the record, Nathan Fillion could never be a douche. Anyone who helps libraries is my hero. Nater-Tater still ROCKS!

  560. As if it couldn’t get any better than the first three times this post was updated!!!!!! I love every single person who contributed to this blog post with their pictures! What gems.

  561. Hell, I’m now following people on Twitter SOLELY BECAUSE OF THESE SHENANIGANS! Thank you twine, spatula, spoon, egg, tongs and ice cream sandwich. You’re all awesome!

  562. Do you really read all these comments? If so., hi. You’re pretty awesome., can we be friends in a non-stalkery way. If not? …farfegnuget … You’re welcome

  563. Best post ever. Best, bester, BESTEST!! I hope your blogging platform has infinite potential for expansion because this could go on forever. And who’d want to stop it? It’s brightening the corner where you are. La!
    Seriously, congratulations, you won the internetz.

  564. As previously pointed out, technically you are not holding twine — you are balancing twine. Whoever said you were not balanced?

  565. He’s broil an ice cream sandwich or two
    That’s what Brian Boitano’d do!

    God, I love you people!
    (Even you, Nater-Tater. That has never changed.)

  566. Just tell Nathan that if The Beast can have a picture taken of him kissing a duck, HE can bloody well hold a ball of twine! And hell, even Joss Whedon took a picture with the duck! So THERE!

  567. MY GOD!!! This has more awesomeness than I can handle. I freaking LOVE Brian Boitano….. and Wil Wheaton… and and and and Matthew Broderick…. and Penn??? Shutthefrontdoor!

    The best part is that these are all people who I somehow knew were incredibly cool, and know I know I was right!!!

    Totally, furiously happy!

  568. This is the post that never ends. So, now Matthew Broderick and Brian Boitano are having a pissing contest over who can come up with the oddest combination of kitchen implements. Which is only about 87 kinds of awesome.

    This thread is making me insanely happy.

  569. This is wonderful. And I think I’m suddenly in love with Brian Boitano. Tongs, an ice cream sandwich, and a Can-Do Attitude. Ha. 🙂

  570. I furiously happy about this. I can’t stop laughing. Thank you Mr. Broderick and Mr. Boitano. Pstt! Mathew how about you raise him with a turkey baster filled with jello.

  571. damn it! i haven’t eaten since breakfast and holy fuck that ice cream sandwich is taunting this one’s hungry ass! if you weren’t so generously clever, brian boitano, i’d be cursing you!

    bless you, mr. fillion. everyone who ponied up, really, but especially mr. fillion. you win the renegade vote. and isn’t that the best vote, after all?

  572. You should ask Jim Parsons from The Big Bang Theory. His character, Sheldon Cooper, considers Wil Wheaton his nemesis. 🙂

  573. I now have to be officially in love with Penn Gillette and Brian Boitano and love Jeri Ryan, Matthew Broderick, Simon Pegg and Wil Wheaton even more than I did. I didn’t think that was even humanly possible. Every dang one of these people make my heart happier. Thank you Bloggess for taking all of us on this quest with you.

    P. S. Oh, and I still love Nathan Fillion. Although that really could have gone without sayin’.

  574. I seriously would just love to see this updated on and on, it’s just too awesome to stop now. I wonder if this is how the Big Bang started out?

  575. This is the most awesome blog I’ve ever read. As a fan of all those celebs (Simon Pegg in particular), it brought me great joy. Thanks for your tenacious ridiculousness, there should be more of it in the world.

  576. I think the idea that the ice cream sandwich is either going into or coming out of the oven makes it much more mysterious than the whole-egg-in-a-pan. BB for the win.

  577. Good God I LOVE THIS CRAP! And by crap I mean literary platinum that has me laughing my ass off. Don’t ever stop….PLEASE!

  578. I love that Brian Boitano got into the spirit of this crazy wicked funny posting in a stupendous way!

  579. An ice cream sandwich, held with tongs, fresh out of the oven, at that!

  580. I’m seriously thinking that if Brian Boitano will post MULTIPLE pics of himself with kitchen implements; we the collective The Bloggess fan base should twitter-bomb other figure skaters AND celebrity chefs to post pics too!!! Who’s with me!!! FOR THE BLOGGESS!!!

  581. I just want to thank you, Jenny. Thanks as well to all of the random awesome people out there who made this possible. Y’all rock and my day has been made (several times now thanks to the updates 🙂 )
    Also digging Brodrick’s glasses!

  582. OMG! i nearly peed myself laughing! this is the most epic blog post EVAR!!! Please please please DON’T EVER CHANGE!

  583. I can’t even think of anything to say besides Holy Shitsnacks….which I am pretty sure is trademarked by the Bloggess, but since we share the same first name I might be able to get away with it………Awesome pictures….I love Penn Jilette…..mostly because he told my husband to shut up during one of his shows in San Francisco (my husband was heckling them about some gun thing or another…) So thank you Bloggess, and thank you Jeri, Simon, Penn, Matthew and Brian! You all rock!

  584. OMG, this is my favorite post ever. I love everything about this and hope that it gets updated a million more times…I’m still holding on to some hope that Nater Tater will see the error of his ways and join in the fun!

  585. Motherfucking heroes… every last one of them. And that includes Nater-Tater … I still call him that because I like rhyming words. :0)

  586. I absolutely love your latest update. To think none of this would have happened if Nathan Fillion HAD posted a picture of himself with twine! People are awesome.

  587. Awesome doesn’t even describe this post. I keep coming back to check for updates and keep reposting it for all my friends to see.

  588. Thank you for your inspirational article! Thanks to your example, I’ve started a petition drive to stop StubHub from reselling Burning Man Tickets above face value.

    Burning Man is not simply a concert or a sporting event. It is a community. By reselling tickets above face value, StubHub is contributing to a black market that is destroying the Burning Man community. StubHub should immediately stop the reselling of Burning Man tickets above face value.


  589. My writing partner sent me on this mad-goose chase here…where I have now spent HOURS following the links on this story. *shakes fist* I’d scold her, if I wasn’t laughing so damned hard.

    I still love Nathan, but I think Jeri and all the rest are EPIC. and you, dear Bloggeress, of course, you.

  590. This post has brightened up my entire stress-bombed week. I hope we all keep moments of pure wackiness in our hearts.

  591. BATTLE of the figure skaters! TWIT BOMB your fave celebrity!!!

    Brian Boitano & Todd Eldredge both got requests from me to post these lovely pics! YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!

  592. The Internet gets cooler everyday because of these awesome celebrities rallying around your cause, Jenny!

    Tho, it’s crazy how many updates I miss while sleeping. I’d almost take it personally were I not more interested in snoozing…

  593. I love the idea of celebrities fumbling around their kitchens to look for utensils to take pictures with!

  594. Oh my god… I just snorted and cried reading the updates on this. My cats are really confused, and my neighbors probably think I’m having an episode of some kind. Which I probably am.

    … And now I’m off to Tweet you a picture of me holding a turkey baster. The most epic baster you’ll ever see.

  595. This has been an insanely stressful afternoon. My son had a bad day at school (the same day that a kid said some strangers in a van followed him and one tried to chase him, too)… which led to a bad afternoon…

    And boy. I just needed all this wonderful celeb randomness. Haha. It’s good to see that Todd Eldridge is getting in on it too!

  596. So you know that Matthew Broderick and Bryan Boitano are each sitting at home going, “OMG did MATTHEW BRODERICK/BRYAN BOITANO just reply to my picture? SQUEEEEEEEEEE!” Meanwhile, Ms. Ryan is all, “Whatever. My spatula rocks,” and Simon is typing into his cell phone, “Note to self – quit cutting my head out of my own photos. Hey, is Penn Jillette about to do the knot trick with that twine? I LOVE that trick.”

    Thank you so much, Jenny. And thanks to the folks who’ve played with you. This is a real hoot.

  597. you Know as good as the twine flash mob idea is… And I think it has everything pop culture meets warped minds and its at comicon with twine!!! but good as that is I bet you could actually get the big bang guys to send pics of themselves making a ham sandwhich.. and amy farrah fowler and penny ..too now that would stop unsolicitated PR and put your name on the “dont mess with her list” “i see your unsolicated photo .. and raise you a whole pohto series of celebs with ham…
    anyways thanks for the tremendous laugh you are maybe the coolest chick on the planet for instigating this by your very non exsistence to NF,,,,

  598. I adore Brian Boitano. First of all for his great taco recipe. Now for his mad ice cream sandwiching skills and reverse cook oven.

    And here. I’m only sorry it couldn’t be Nathan Fillon. You can Photoshop the faces if you want.

  599. I so love the internet for blessing us with such great random silliness. It was much needed today (sometimes depression is a real jackass). I hope this keeps going because honestly you can really feel the love, strange, weird, but totally awesome love.

  600. I still have faith in Nathan. I’m holding out hope that he’s decided to convince the screenwriters on Castle that he needs to hold up twine for some reason in an upcoming episode. I don’t care what reason, but hey, twine.

  601. I’m new here. So, first: I don’t think anyone is an asshole for anything — Fillion-related or not.
    Second: Thank you so much for this blog because you have entertained me more in the last week than any TV show I’ve watched (with the possible exception of Psych).
    You know what I’d want to see? Brian Boitano imitating Juanita and her ruined souffle. Amen.

  602. This is great! I needed a good silly laugh. Thank you to the stars who saw the lighter side of life and had fun. Thanks Bloggess for being so effing weird. Makes me feel normal.

  603. I never, ever believed that I could laugh/cry more than Beyonce – but this is pure joyous insanity and I adore you and Jeri and Penn and Matthew and totally love Brian – oh heck, I’ve never even seen Castle but I’ll love Nathan too. Anything that can make me this happy has to be magic!

  604. This is, hands down, the best blog post ever! Long live Brian Boitano and Matthew Broderick!

  605. Knowing that Matthew Broderick reads a blog that I find so delightful makes me feel classier somehow. Thanks, MB.

  606. I just need to let you know I love you!

    OH, and my husband and I started watching Portlandia (sp?) last night … now he will understand WHY I’m asking for a bag with “put a bird on it” … LOL

  607. This is the greatest blog post in the history of all blog posts! I never want it to stop!

  608. I can’t decide whether this post or the Christmas post of people helping people is my favourite, but I think that you are a prime example of what the internet is for. Keep calm and carry twine!!!

  609. Dear lord I’ll never be able to stop reading your posts again. Here I was all happy to leave off after Penn sent in his picture, closing the window with a shrug and, ‘huh, that’s cool’ and just look at the shenanigans that broke out!

  610. Best post of random hilarity ever…and I thought topping all of the taxidermy/Beyonce/talking bananas/dead-but-actually-live-cat mayhem would be impossible…but you have done it again.
    You rock it Jenny 🙂

  611. that’s what brian boitano would do…….best. post. ever. puts beyonce in second. barely.

  612. This has now become my end of the day check in page, so that I can go to bed laughing…it just gets better and better! Brian Boitano is now on my list of favorite celebrity/sports figures. I have to second (or third, I’ve lost count…) the suggestion of Norman Reedus holding something, he’s awesome, and such a fun guy, he’d definitely play along. Although with him being on The Walking Dead these days, you might get a pic of something WEIRD lol. Top *that* Matthew and Brian!!

    Other suggestions, in case you have celebrity readers of your blog:
    George Takai holding *anything*
    Neil Patrick Harris holding a whisk
    Jim Parsons holding a corkscrew
    Craig Ferguson holding a red Swingline stapler
    Patrick Stewart holding a roasting pan

    Any other Star Trek star would be awesome….they just add class 😉

  613. HOLY CRACKERS!!! Most amazing pics ever!!!! Did Brian Boitano just bake that MF’ing icecream sandwich (which IS a rhetorical question coz DUH its icecream and the oven is hot… so obviously…he did. He’s Brian Boitano!!) I love the support that people give you and this blog. Props to the people. Or just use more props. whatev.

  614. Holy fuck, woman, you and your blog and your fans totally make it worth living another day. I’m laughing so hard I’m crying (or I’m crying so hard I’m laughing, who knows)

  615. I live in Oakland and want Brian Boitano to make me an awesome freaking ice cream sandwich. He is JUST across the bay and is a totally great cook (based on the shows I’ve seen). He’s just awesome! Love the pics.

  616. Dear Bloggess: I love you. This surpasses even Beyonce, the post that originally led me to you so long ago. Never stop being so awesome.

  617. I wonder if that’s the egg they keep in the fridge in case SJP ever gets hungry again and needs to eat something like that time in 2005?

  618. This is one of the most beautiful examples of humanity I’ve ever seen.

    I echo the desire to see George Takei with tupperware… or perhaps Felicia Day with a melon baller. But what’s already on this miraculous page is enough to let me die happy and thankful.

  619. this is so terrible, I couldn’t read the whole thing. I guess “celebrities” are just as bored as the rest of us. bluh

  620. This is not the blog to read when you need to be quiet! I think I hurt myself by trying to hold in my laughter. Thanks to all those recognizable faces for playing along.

  621. honestly, thank you for re-establishing my faith in some of humanity. I come here for a break of all the crap we normally see, and you never ever fail me. Thank you for being a bright spot in the seemingly ever more dark blotch covering the world. Please never change, and i for one, am hoping that once the big man up stairs takes ya, you’ll be afforded the “futurama” treatment with your head in a jar and allowed to talk….because i cant imagine a world without your sense of humor, which makes mine seem normal as well. Thank you, jenny, Thank you.

  622. I don’t post on blogs. But this one…

    Thank you for this. It has made me so happy. Thank you to all the people who have held things for you. Thank you to Nathan Fillion for not holding things. If he hadn’t used his superhuman ignoring powers, I might never have seen Matthew Beoderick’s spoon, or Jeri Ryan’s spatula. I can post that sentence and it’s not a euphemism.

    If anyone ever asks you to justify your life, you can just tell them, “Without me, no-one would ever have said ‘Brian Boitano sees Matthew Broderick’s spatula ‘n egg and raises him tongs and an ice cream sandwich’. And I’m wearing a wolf.”

    The world is truly a larger and better place for you being here. I am grateful to have witnessed it.

  623. I have to say this eases the pain I still feel, as a humourless, grudge-holding Canadian, over The Battle of the Brians.

  624. Love it love it love it! You’re a connector! The Broderick-Boitano-Battle shall go down in history! I had to google Brian Boitano, sorry, but even before doing that it was just awesome! And then he pulled out the ice cream sandwich!! Bring it on Matthew, show em what you got!

  625. Two weeks ago I didn’t know who Nathan Fillion was (I recognised a few characters, but couldn’t place the actors name).

    Now I don’t think I can be happy until I have seen a picture of Nathan Fillion holding an ice-cream sandwich wrapped in twine with a carving fork.

  626. Gotta tell you, Brian Boitano makes that ice cream sandwich look goooooooddddddd.

  627. This could be my closing argument in my ‘why the internet is magic’ thesis!!

  628. OK so this post is going to go on. FOREVER. And I say that like it’s a good thing. The zombies will carry on your work after they have destroyed all the humans.

    It’s totally the post that keeps on giving.

  629. I read your blog through my feed and didn’t know until today that you had been updating. This. Is. Awesome! I totally needed a good laugh this morning and I got it.

  630. This is the BEST POST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I come back every day to re-read it and see the updates. I just can’t get enough of it. Brian Boitano and Matthew Broderick ROCK THE HOUSE, but you, my dear The Bloggess, are the CAT’S MEOW with that twine on your head and your wonderfully quirky, witty charm. LOVE YOU!!!!! (and yes, this really needed all those exclamation points and caps).

  631. You know how in Harry Potter, Snape is all ‘I’m a bad guy, Argh!’ and he totally takes the blame for Dumbledore’s death and he lets everyone hate him and he doesn’t blink and he just takes it like a motherfucking DUDE because he knows that in order for the greater good to have a chance, he has to be the enemy, to be lynched, to be hated, even though it’s hard and horrible?

    Nathan Fillion is totally the Snape of our universe. He could have given you a picture, sure. But how many donations to PNN would that have inspired? None. How many pictures of celebrities with spatula’s would you have recieved? None. How could the good have overcome and fired up and gained direction if he hadn’t stoically borne the brunt of our stalkish nonsense?

    I’m not really one way or the other on ole Nate Nate. I don’t watch a lot of Geek TV, I recognised him from Two Guys and even then I had to IMDB him, but I couldn’t possibly cast judgement on him when clearly he’s just doing a Snape. Nathan Severus Fillion, I salute you.

    And I want a picture of NPH holding Angelina Jolie’s leg.

  632. I have to admit I geeked out about this whole post with all of the cool celebrities climbing on board and I tried to tell my whole extended family about it at dinner and now they all want to have me evaluated by a shrink.

    You guys are the only ones who get me.

  633. These are all just chock to the brim filled with awesomeness. BUT, (and I so DON’T want to see your blog turn political, but still…..) I want a picture of President Obama holding a spork. Or the First Lady holding a light bulb. Or Betty White holding a q-tip. No, no—–wait……Betty White holding a condom. Yeah that’s what I want. Betty White holding a condom…………on a banana. YEAH, that’s perfect. Can’t you just see the look on Betty’s face while holding a condom covered banana?!?

    Hey Betty….can you hear me? Please? I just know you’d do it for us if you can hear me……….

  634. Jeri Ryan’s Google+ page brought me here. Seriously! Isn’t the Internet wonderful? 🙂

  635. Fantastic! What a great post – matter how many times it’ll be updated! I hope a thousand more times so it’ll be a chain of random objects being held by famous (and not so famous) people that wraps around the world. The question isn’t “what are we going to do,” the question is “what aren’t we going to do”?

  636. OMG! I was sharing the Brian Boitano ice cream sandwich photo with my roommate last night and when I told her how it all started with Nathan Fillion, she tells me:” Nate?!?!?! Nate Fillion?!?!? I know him! He was my father’s next door neighbor and broke in and rescued my dad when he had a mini-stroke.” So I am prepared to take back exactly two bad things I said about Nathan Fillion.

  637. This… THIS is what I needed… something to make me giggle like the schoolgirl I was…again wishing I was Sloane Peterson and that goofy little way he smiled at her…. (le sigh)…and Brian Boitano.. I NEW you were cool when you didn’t freak out at South Park…. how you have your own bumper stickers…..

    Jenny.. you rule… never change… there is not enough giggling in the world lately….

  638. Just when I thought you had reached the very top of funny, there is another update!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!

  639. um, is that a toaster oven Brian is hovering in front of? Aside from that – yummy!

  640. I wish I was famous so I could photograph myself with a random object and give you the picture.

  641. The whole thing is funny but I didn’t laugh out loud until I saw Brian Boitano holding an ice cream sandwich with tongs. I almost fell under my desk I laughed so hard.

  642. I bookmarked this post for when I need to giggle and remember how awesome everybody can be. You, you are awesome.

  643. This whole post actually makes me want to join Twitter even though I have no idea how it works. It also gives me hope that not all celebrities are assholes, and perhaps convinces me for the first time that some of them really are just like normal people.
    …Random, confusing, convolutedly-humored normal people.

  644. This is epic!!! So awesome. There’s so much love out there, I’ve never really seen such a community of people on the internet. Its so widespread and random. No one understands it, yet everyone does. Well done. XOX

  645. Why is Brian Boitano not only holding an ice cream sandwich, but apparently sticking his head in his oven?

  646. Two things:

    1. I love Brian Boitano and wish his show would come back because I have memorized the old ones.

    2. I still love ol’ Nater-Tater. Might have to have a Firefly marathon this weekend.

    The end.

  647. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon. That’s just life. A terrible, terrible analogy for life.”

    Actually, that’s a great analogy of life. I love it and plan to print it up and hang it on my wall for all to see!

  648. hmmmm. would a close approximation of getting Nathan Fillions brother holding twine?… he is a principal at my kids school

  649. This one has momentum. And is it greedy of me to want more? I want to see Sacha Baron Cohen holding an ice cream scoop full of butterscotch pudding.

  650. Totally made my day … thank you! Seriously this is up there with Beyonce … love it!

  651. Forever thankful that Nathan Fillion did not send in a picture of him with twine. All of this would never have happened!! Bring on the silly!

  652. This is just MADE of awesome! I love coming back to check to see if there’s been any updates!!! 🙂 making my day – Thank you!!!

  653. Forget planking, that was so way 39 seconds ago. Taking photos of yourself holding random household objects, now THAT’S the bomb!

  654. Brian Boitano was one of my IDOLS growing up as a figure skater. Brian, I already love you, and now you go and do something amazing like this?!? I think my heart just grew three sizes. Never stop being awesome.

  655. O.M.G. De-lurking to tell you what an awesome human being you are! Thank you for bringing a daily dose of laughter (and the word shitsnacks!) into my life. You rock, woman!

  656. I can understand his reluctance; today it’s posing with twine for charity; tomorrow it’s re-enacting the scene in “Blast From The Past” where Brendan Frasier politely beats the crap out of you.

  657. I am new to your blog Jenny…but thanks to you and this post…and the super fantastic people who participated…..it’s given me a fantastic giggly and often laugh out loud (at work) week (and super 40th BDay present) (which I share with Dr. Suess ;))..

  658. You are amazing. And on days when you question yourself just remember spatulas and spoons and ice cream sandwiches. You inspired that.

  659. Son of a beach ball, I didn’t think it was possible for this post to continue but it does AND it just keeps getting better. I think they only thing better than my morning metal chicken coffee mug might be a a mug with Matthew Broderick holding a spoon – or better a SPOON with a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon. That would likely have to be a pretty big spoon but I’m okay with that.

  660. I laughed so hard at Matthew Broderick with the egg that I scared my children. One of them was ready to perform the Heimlich because I couldn’t stop laughing to catch my breath. That was one of the best things I’ve ever seen on the internet. His facial expression just tops it off. Thank you Matthew, thank you Jenny, thank you Nathan for reminding me what it feels like to experience pure joy.

  661. oh no…you gave me the giggles…I’m crying and laughing and I’m not even sure why now. the only think I know is that I *needed* to laugh like this, even maniacally, cause life threw me a curve ball and I haven’t much felt like laughing. shit happens, and the best reminder of that it when FUNNY shit happens. Thank you for that Jenny. *sigh*

  662. Seriously laughing so hard I was crying yesterday over this. You are a crazy maniacal genius of demented hilarity. Thank you!

  663. I have to agree with you Jenny. That is totally awsome nomatter how it came about. You just made me smile for more than 15 min.

  664. This is great. As if the awesome people who’ve sent you pictures didn’t already have my respect and admiration they’ve now outdone themselves. And so have you Jenny for having such a generous spirit and making us all see things on the brighter side.

    Thank you for this and all of your other posts 🙂


  665. The internet is awesome largely because people like the Bloggess and Matthew Broderick and Brian Boitano are on it!

  666. Jenny, I have managed to avoid twitter. You are going to make me join twitter, aren’t you?

  667. MY GOD I LOVE YOU! Thank you for allowing me to waste part of my day on your site. This was freaking amazing!! XOXO

  668. #1 – Girl, this makes me laugh. What you need is someone wrapped in twine somehow holding a spatula with an ice cream sandwhich hanging out of their mouth.
    #2 – I was so inspired, I just bought 3 night night packages. 🙂

  669. OMG … SO … MUCH … LOVE … for all of this, and everyone who participated!!!
    Again folks … you have NO idea how badly I needed this laugh.
    Thank you ALL for making me FURIOUSLYHAPPY at times when I really desperately need to be un-miserable.

  670. We should get everyone that Nater-tater follows on Twitter to donate a picture of themselves holding twine! Then maybe he’ll follow suit lol

  671. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon. That’s just life.” — just added to my Facebook quotes section.

  672. I have to say, I think this is probably the best thing on the internet, anywhere. It is so funny and so full of win. I have to admit, I was kind of thinking, “okay, now Nathan Fillion has to send a picture of himself holding twine or he is just going to look like a jerk since so many others are fine with sending pictures of themselves doing silly things,” but then I thought, “if he does, then the reason for others sending silly pictures of themselves would no longer be there and they would probably stop.” So now I don’t want him to send a picture of himself holding twine because this is just too awesome and I will probably look at it every day now to remind me how awesome life can be even if you don’t get what you originally thought you wanted. Sometimes you get something better instead.

  673. This is my favorite blog yet! This makes me LOVE both Matthew Broderick AND Brian Boitano! and, of course, Jenny… I’ve never stopped loving you. 🙂

  674. Is it wrong that I got to the very end of the updates and my first thought was, “Damn. Now I want a fucking ice cream sandwich.” ?

  675. AH-MAZE-ING!
    I love love love the fun responses from so many celebs!
    One day Nathan will come around, you’ll see. And he’ll knock our literal socks off!!! One day!

  676. I officially love Matthew Broderick and Brian Boitano! Maybe get another cast member from Castle, like Anthony Starke to hold twine in lieu of Nater-Tater. Love this blog.

  677. I was having a totally down day. The kind where your throat is too tight to swallow and your chest just aches. It finally dawned on me that I needed a dose of The Bloggess. What do they say? OMG LMFAO?? Yes, that’s it. I’m wiping tears of laughter and still smiling. Thank you to Brian, Matthew, Jeri (my crush) and most of all to you, Bloggess (also, my crush:)!

  678. Tears are welling in my eyes because of the fantastic-ness of this all.

  679. I am a little worried about @nathanfillon’s lack of response. Maybe he is not ignoring us. I have a sinking sensation that he is somewhere all tied up in twine worried sick about all us people awaiting the picture. I fear the worst.

  680. That post has made me happier than any other blog post, book, billboard, tweet, status update, G+ post, magazine article or filthy public restroom graffiti ever has.

    Also, unrelated – I’m so glad that Matthew Broderick doesn’t age. He’s adorable forever.

  681. Nathan’s been a bit busy lately. This was just posted the other day. It might explain some of his absence. 🙂

  682. Do you ever sit back and just bask in the awe of your magical Internet powers? Because, wow. 🙂

  683. Maybe you should ask the Nerdist guys to get Nathan Fillion to inadvertently hold some twine. He was on their podcast and gave them all phone covers so he is, presumably, a really nice guy. Maybe Captain Tight Pants just doesn’t get it.


    And the one host of Nerdist (Chris Hardwick) is Wil Wheaton’s best friend so I bet you could totally use your connections to make it happen.

  684. What finnyknits said. Times eleventy billion. Even my social media hater of a husband thinks this is the funniest thing ever. And it is. In the history of ever.

  685. I think this may be my favorite post of all time from you. You need to create a new website – kind of like DYAC but way more kick ass – where celebrities post pictures of themselves holding random objects. Trust me, this idea is GOLDEN! (Also I love you and think you’re amazing even if you turn down my possibly-award-winning idea).

  686. I heart Wil. The rest of them are great too, but Wil..well, what’s not to love?

  687. Coolest post ever, and those celebrities are such good sports. Simon, Penn, Jeri, Wil, Matthew, and Brian… you are all such fun people that totally brightened my day!

  688. I honestly never thought I’d meet someone crazier than me. Well… I haven’t met you yet. But I know that if I did…. Let’s just say my diary would be “I finally met someone crazier than me.” Love you.

  689. I think I just had a seizure and swallowed some of my own spittle I laughed so hard and awkwardly at this post.

  690. I was having a HORRIBLE day and everyone was depressed and sad and being all emo…THEN I had the chance to surf this little cusp o’ weirdness, thank you bloggess!
    -Love, AnotherIntrovertedGirlWhoFailsAtTalkingAndCanOnlyCommunicateThroughWritingSometimesExceptWhenSheIsGiddyFromTooMuchWeirdnessCusps

  691. Wow – Brian Boitano is so cool – his ice cream sandwich doesn’t ever melt – even in an oven!

    What would Brian Boitano do?

  692. Jeri Ryan IS a goddess. And Matthew Broderick reads this blog? You’re awesome, Matt-Hatter.

    You’re right, the world loves Simon Pegg; the man is a genius.

    I have new respect for Nathan Fillion for inadvertently for creating all this. This whole post is awesome on so many levels. Thanks, Jenny, Simon, Matthew, Jeri, Penn, Wil and Brian for doing all this. Helping homeless kids through twine and spatulas? That’s awesomely weird…just a typical day for Jenny. 🙂

  693. Ok, NOW I’m SCREAMING!!!!!!

    I AM ONE OF THE BIGGEST BRIAN BOITANO FANS EVER!!! And to have not one, but TWO pictures of BRIAN on YOUR BLOG….I can die now. Happy. Soooooo happy.

    Thank you Brian!!!!

    Thank you Jenny!!!!!


  694. Matthew Broderick reads your blog? Dammit, I freaking love that! As always, your blog has given me a MUCH needed boost & you are so awesome!!!

  695. Wow. Better and better and better.

    I’m going to go watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in honor of Matthew Broderick’s awesomeness.
    (Because I don’t have a movie starring Brian Boitano.)

  696. Andrea #185 Canadians not funny unless drinking?
    I’d like to mention a few that i find funny (even more so when liquored up eh!).
    Will Arnett, Dan Akroyd, JohnCandy, Jim Carrey, Tommy Chong, Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, Norm MacDonald, Mike Myers, Rick Moranis, Leslie Nielsen, Catherine O’Hara, Seth Rogen, Dave Thomas, Harland Williams, Martin Short, Lorne Micheals….just to name a few.
    We’re just more polite about being hilarious (and the booze helps!!)

  697. There is so much fantastic about this post. It’s like an awards show that doesn’t suck and has kitchen utensils.

  698. You are so right. BEST.POST.EVER. I can still recall the joy I felt the instant I saw Simon Pegg’s twine holding picture on Twitter, followed by the madness that ensued. Brilliance!

  699. If I’ve been away from Twitter for a few days (like this week), I always have to check your tweets from the missed time specifically, because they always lead to a blog post which makes me furiously happy. Like this one. I don’t have a picture of myself with a spatula, but I’m sending it in spirit.

  700. and here I felt like a loser because I don’t know who Nathan FIllion is!! But I TOTALLY know who both Brian Boitano and Matthew Broderick are and technically – they are fighting for your attentions! You are HOT! (I wonder if SJP knows about the spatula situation…)

  701. Things I have said recently #1: “And now, I just keep going back to see if anyone has topped the ice cream sandwich”.

  702. John (#139) Thank you for Fillion’s stunt double’s name. With that information I actually looked him up on Facebook and asked him to give us a twine picture. I came back here to see if he had come out to play, but it looks like there are a few other celebreties who are better men (and women) than both Fillion *and* his stunt double. Oh well.

  703. After I read this post last night and went to bed and had the best nater-tater dream ever. In it I was able to get you that twine photo too. 🙂 but it was a dream and it wasn’t real, which was too bad.

  704. Your website is f*ing awesome. The only regret is that in YOUR picture holding twine you didn’t also include any of your resurrected, hermetically sealed animals — or the rooster. I mean, they could have been holding twine (what else do they have to do). Or you could have a picture of them all pulling a long piece of twine, or something! The pics of you are great, but a gratuitous picture of twine-holding Ferris Mueller would have been nice too.

  705. I just want to thank all the awesome People who did send in pictures of themselves and had fun doing it. I already loved each of you as actors…or skaters and now I have an even higher opinion of you as human beings for doing something so silly. I know All of your pictures have me me a happier person today. And Thank you David…I mean Arianna Oops is it Jenny? Anyway thanks for doing this blog and making me laugh so hard I cry sometimes. The world needs more random Cocks and pictures of utensils with actor/ess s

  706. I love you. And I love your wisdom. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon. That’s just life.” It doesn’t get summed up much better than that.

  707. You are did make me giggle—three times—since I keep checking back for updates. This is the BEST. POST. EVER! Thank you for putting a smile on my face—you ROCK!

  708. Oh, and I know I should not really admit to this, BUT I actually had to google Nathan Fillion to see who he was—I don’t watch Castle. Personally, Mathew Broderick with an egg AND a spatula is just too amazing for words!

  709. BADASS. all of it. so friggen cool. brian boitano and matthew broderick FTW!!!!!!! you seriously kick ass lady.

  710. Okay, so we won’t throw twine at Nathan if we see him at the convention. Which will make my fiance sad because he really wanted to disguise himself as a shrubbery. But if the Bloggess says to give it up, we shall give it up. Also, the wonderful, random, awesomeness that came from all of this just makes me smile! What a terrific world we live in to have celebrities play so nicely with us “little people”. Seriously. Wow! I grew up absolutely dedicated to someday marrying both Wil and Brian (I was a little confused as to how marriage worked) so this post makes me want to tell little 12 year old me to NEVER STOP DREAMING! Anything can happen!

  711. I absolutely adore people who don’t take themselves too seriously. <3
    Rock on, Bloggess!

  712. Wow. I can’t even believe this. You are awesome and so is Matthew Broderick, Brian Boitano, Penn, Jeri L. Ryan, Simon Pegg and of course Wil Wheaton. It’s great that these guys can have fun with themselves and all for a good cause. Huge fan. Thanks for the picture of you with a spool of twine. 🙂

  713. You are my hero. You are cool beans with awesome sauce. Also at this point even if the Tater did send a pic. it just wouldn’t be as cool as Jeri Ryan holding her spatula or Simon Pegg’s hand with black cord? And less we forget the super cool Wil Wheaton and his murderous spatula. It would just be so much gravy. So with that being said maybe you should ask the Tater to send you a picture of himself holding a gravy boat? Cause he obviously hates twine. I believe it might have been an unfortunate incident in his youth:)

  714. This has made me laugh harder than any of your other posts. My mom and I constantly quote your site at home. Please remain fabulous!

  715. You know when you are just breezing through and reading sweet little blogs with posts that can be read in less than a minute ( like mine)? Well, giggle… this isn’t one of them. I’m so glad it’s not! I sat here drinking tea, giggling ( yes I giggle) and reading every line. I looked at each photo and hopped over to each link. Loved it all! Big Hugs, Katherine
    P.S. I now have a need for twine, spatulas and a brown egg….. thanks to you and the forever awesome Nathan Fillian too ( even though he ignored you)

  716. Oh My GOD! This post is the best, most hilarious thing I have read all day (of course it’s only 7 AM, but still). I literally have a tear rolling down my cheek from supressing my laughter. “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon.” Pure awesomeness. Plus, love those guys for playing along! Celebrities not taking themselves too seriously, ftw!!

  717. Anyone else enjoying seeing the picture BACKGROUNDS? I love seeing where people live. it tells a lot about them!

  718. I would like to say this. I have read A LOT of blogs. This one is the most real. I have also seen you grow through the years on this blog. Applause to you, yes you, Jenny for your growth. Without your growth I do not believe any of this would be possible. We all have our issues but you have had the bravery to take the challenge of yours and share them with us. I love you for that. I love you for bringing us the bloggess blog and your quirky shop. You are just so awesome and my favorite person. In this day and age I find it refreshing to see that celebrities can open up to us and show that they are human and real. Thanks to you Jenny and thanks to the Celebrities for being just a bit silly. And thanks to all of the people who have helped the homeless children. This all helps to make this workld just a bit brighter.

  719. I have kinda been in love with Brian Boitano since I was 11 years old. Seeing him with twine made me love him even more. The pic of him with the ice cream sandwich and tongs (Is he putting the ice cream in the oven??!?) made my heart explode.

    I am dead.

    But I died reading thebloggess, so all is right with the world. Jenny, you are the best!

  720. Laughing so hard, tears are running down my face. Jenny, Mathew and Brian, you have made my day (which was kind of crappy before) a happy one.

  721. Love love LOVE this post. And Wil Wheaton, Brian Boitano (who I think ROCKS for going there with the whole Southpark thing), Matthew Broderick, Jeri Ryan, Simon Pegg…and Nathan Fillion for making this all possible. But most especially you, for bringing joy and silliness to the world along with a hefty dose of well-placed expletives.

  722. Just to say this is the first time I have read your blog and this has had me in stitches laughing, I love Nathon Fillion, Simon Pegg and Matthew Broderick!!! Keep up the good work and funniness I will be checking out your page regularly from now on. Thanks again 🙂

  723. ok Matthew….I know you’re rehearsing for a big Broadway Show, but time to come back and answer the ice cream sandwich!!!

  724. Love the post =) Brought me tons of smiles and giggles.
    I wonder if Felicia Day would hold something pointlessly awesome? I bet she would… She’s cool like that.

  725. …excuse me…why not make a page of pictures of everyone BUT natertater holding twine?

  726. At this point I feel like I don’t even want Nathan Fillion to hold twine. Because when he inevitably DOES hold the twine then the whole thing will be over and there won’t be anymore “who will hold what next” anticipation.

  727. Someday I want to be famous just so The Bloggess will ask for a picture of me holding something totally random. Just so long as it’s not a stuffed tarantula (or a live one), because they scare me and I’d just squish the damn thing.

  728. I have the answer. N-T is a known follower of Ricky Santorum and, since use of twine is a well known method of birth control, dispaying a length of twine might be interpreted as advocating that method of contraception. So it’s all about politics afterall.

  729. Would you consider adding a tab that links directly to a page of celebrities holding random objects? Sometimes I really just want to see Matthew Broderick with an egg and spatula, or Brian Boitano with tongs and ice cream, or an artfully rendered nude Nater-Tater with twine, just because those shots make me smile.

  730. You should print these, frame them, and create a photo collage of famous people holding random shit… thus creating a wall of furious joy. Just a thought.

  731. OMG! You are neater than Stephen Colbert holding a spork! The celebs in this post are definitely in the cool kids club. Much love to them!

  732. I’m still working to figure out this blog – but this was astoundingly funny! Love your style of taking randomness to new limits!

  733. I need a T-Shirt that says “Sometimes you have to get ignored by Nathan Fillion to get a picture of Matthew Broderick holding a spoon.”

  734. I like Molly K’s idea!

    And your blog is amazing and makes me laugh and feel total yellow joy inside. 🙂

  735. I’d send picture of my dog, Magnus, holding twine or a spatula, but he doesn’t have opposable thumbs. He thinks he’s famous tho….

    Thanks for the early morning laughs!

  736. So here’s what I think the only true and just outcome should be. Matthew B should tweet a pic of himself holding Nater Tater, holding twine. The circle would be complete.

  737. You got Matthew Broderick (one of my all-time faves) AND Brian Boitano to send you pictures? And Matthew Broderick reads you blog??

    THIS is why you’re my bloggy crush and I want to be just like you when I grow up. Seriously.

    I’m not kidding. I freaking love you, Jenny.

  738. 1) Amazing. Just aamazing. I’d say nothing more needs to be said but if you have a #1 you need a #2
    2) Freaky weird thing is that just 2 days ago kid #1 had a school project requiring…you guessed it…twine. And we freaking couldn’t find any.

  739. I don’t know if he deserves this, but Nathan’s birthday apparently is upon us and he is attempting to reach the goal of reaching a $50,000 donation to charity:water for his birthday. I donated $41 dollars saying the only way it’d be better is if there were a picture of him with twine. While he may not appreciate it, I wanted to make it clear I support him AND you and let others know that they can do the same. I think we could all go a long way towards letting him know that we support him, while also supporting the joys of life via twine.



    There will never be a blog post more epic than this one. Ever.

    Thank-you for the 10 minutes of laughter, and the smile that will last all day! <3

  741. Sean freakin’ MAHER! Whoo hoo! My daughter alerted me to this update of awesomeness.

  742. OMG I had read this when it was first posted and had NO IDEA YOU GOT SEAN “THE DOCTOR” MAHER TO HOLD TWINE!!! I totally nerd-gasmed.

  743. OMG!! Sean Maher!! I love you boy! I totally love you!

    This was AWESOME. You rock, Jenny. (And I feel bad that Nater-Tater missed out on the whole thing.

  744. My words cannot describe how awesome that is. I kind of almost died as soon as I saw Mattew Broderick with a spoon… i should probably apologize to my family in the morning seeing as its kind of late.
    ( also, I think that Neil Patrick Harris would be good sport about it if he was randomly asked for a picture of himself holding some household object. of course, I would have previously said that about Nater Tater too… but it couldn’t hurt to ask, right? )
    THANK YOU! 🙂

  745. Jenny, you got the greatest conglomeration ever of magicians, skaters, sci-fi heroes, FERRIS FREAKIN’ BEULLER and twine, and you gave me a chance to say conglomeration.

    You are my hero.

  746. So as ever, I’m late to the party. But I just found this whole twine epistle and my first thought was “I know JUST how you feel!”, because I had this sad moment of circa-1979 celebrity neediness and tweeted Nateykins to ask for a birthday shout-out. Cue the crickets…I got nothing. Naturally, in the fine tradition of justifying abusive relationships, I spent the rest of my birthday coming up with excuses for his behavior (busy on set; cat peed on phone; Halo marathon; colon cleanse). Days passed. I saw other (presumably more deserving) people get clever happy birthday notes. I pondered my own failings; were my keystrokes too timid? Was the perfume of my uncoolness too overpowering? I fell back on my old friends, PikNik shoestring potatoes and the “unfollow” button. It lasted a whole week (the “de-Natening”; the can of PikNik didn’t last an hour). Then the carb-loading wore off and I got my head around the whole “aren’t-you-being-a-little-unrealistic-have-you-SEEN-his-follower-total-lately?” explanation. I like to think I grew as a person…but I’ve been wrong before (witness my sad story!). So the being ignored still stings, especially considering that he is my Captain, but now it’s almost completely anesthetized by the shame of messaging him in the first place (and yes, I did delete it from the feed before I went to my tweet-less birthday bed that night). And to think I could have saved myself the anguish by reading this first. I ALWAYS have to do things the HARD way.

    As much as it is possible to love a complete stranger, Jenny-from-the-Taxidermy-Block, I am your smitten kitten.

  747. Dear thebloggess,

    I don’t care if I’m late to this party. I would like to thank you for this thread from the bottom of my laughed coffee out my nose and down the front of my shirt then all over my keyboard heart. The ensuing headache from the above action is well worth it.


  748. If it makes you feel better I actually dated Nathan for awhile back in 2000 and he hasn’t responded to my tweets either.

  749. We now need, Jim Parsons holding a slide ruler…or a protractor..or a calculator..something to that effect.

  750. Hey, here’s an idea. Nater Tater has done voices for Robot Chicken before. Maybe we hit up Seth Green to do a Nathan vs. the twine bit…..

  751. I soooo wish I was famous so I could send you a picture holding something awesome! Thanks for making me laugh out loud as I got up ridiculously early to catch a flight that was then delayed 2 hours!

  752. Ohmigawd, this is so hilarious. I’ve always known that Simon Pegg was a god, now I have some new ones to add to his pantheon.

  753. Holy crap this was hilarious! Loved it. I liked most of the actors and knew who they were. Well it seems like it ended all good. Great fun.

  754. Oh… oh wow. I’d kept up with this whole ordeal up until the picture with Wil Wheaton holding a spatula, but then I come back now and find… wow. Matthew Broderick, even if the internet continuously tries to convince me you’re a bad actor, you are awesome and I love you.

  755. matthew is probably taking a blog break since he’s currently on Broadway in a great show, “Nice Work If You Can Get It”….If you get to NYC, go see it, he is hysterical in it!!

  756. I would like to see the Quaker Oatmeal guy (you know — he was on that family show with Shannen Doherty a billion years ago) holding twine.

  757. That Sean Maher picture just made my life.

    And, seriously? I’m reading your blog at work, and people must think I’ve lost my mind. You are the funniest person on the planet, and clearly highly influential!! Kudos!

  758. Seriously. The best 11 minutes of my life maybe. I read slow. LOL. And yes, furious with joy is absolutely right. I don’t have any twine, but I have a container of office-coffee sugar…? (Don’t ask).

  759. o.m.g. this? literally the best blog post ever! i’m late, and it still doesn’t matter!!!

  760. This post was good…and kept getting better until the very last word.

    Then my head exploded.

    Not so good.

  761. You just cheered me up. Also, you should know, I shared your awesome book (after I finished reading it), with my sister (who has 4 chickens live in her back yard), and I gave her a plastic chicken and a pot holder for her kitchen with a chicken on it since they don’t sell the giant metal chickens near her. You rock.

  762. OMG! As always you are HILARIOUS! Kudos to all the stars who joined in the awesome fun!

  763. Today, Nathan Fillion held an Ask Me Anything on Reddit and explained WHY he won’t hold twine for you (or respond to other persistent requests):


    I have a very important question…I’m a BIG fan of both you and a woman named Jenny Lawson, AKA The Bloggess. She’s been after a photo of you holding twine for quite some time now. It would be awesome if you could honour her request, as she’s beginning to lose hope. 🙂 Thanks Captain, love a fellow Canadian and Brown Coat!


    Sigh. Please understand. I’m an actor. I act, tell stories, all for a living. My job is not to respond to every demand placed upon me from an audience on the Internet. I don’t do those things because I don’t feel it’s right to ask. I don’t ask those things of my gardener, the guy at the car wash, or the kid who bags my groceries. Why ask it of someone because they are an actor? Is that being fair? The argument could be made that its only one request, but then how many people would be unhappy that it wasn’t their request I responded to? Not all actors care about things like this, but I do. It’s just a product of my experience. The more people push, the meaner it gets, the more uncomfortable it is for me. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. I hope we can all put it in the past with no hard feelings. I don’t have any.

    via http://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/xl3ih/this_is_a_test/c5nck66?context=3

  764. Hey, what are you doing?

    Surfing the cusp of weirdness.

    Oh, on the internet again, huh?

  765. iloveitiloveitiloveitiloveit. Sadly, it was the response from Nathan Fillon that brought me to this post (which I’m not sure how I missed bc I totally have been reading you for what seems like ever) — and I know, it’s supposed to be a good thing that we finally have some sort of resolution/closure on the Nathan Fillon twine business. Anyway — this *is* hilarious 🙂

  766. I know this comment is months late, but I realized this morning (one of the very few mornings I have slept enough to realize anything) that I haven’t read your blog since my baby was born in April! Then I realized that I haven’t laughed in months and that brought tears to my eyes, both because of the spatula pictures and because my life is too serious now with all these teenage girls and a baby and a job. And now I have months of catching up to do while laughing alone in the living room.

  767. Nathan’s Reddit answer (posted above) is perfect. He doesn’t owe you anything, and it’s seriously creepy how you pester him about it.

  768. It’s kind of pathetic when trolls are waaaay behind the times (about two months at this point, which is a millenium in internet time I’m sure). Almost as pathetic as a fan belatedly noticing ;).

  769. You are awesome! I followed your latest blog (05/01/12+1) to this, and am ever, as always, glad I did. You bring a smile and a giggle to me even when I am…………well, I am not a writer and can’t think of anything witty in place of sad and neurotic.
    It’s 1:30 in the morning here on the east coast, and I want to reach out to someone. Why not you, who understands depression and anxiety oh so well? Yesterday SUCKED. Woke up to find hubby glued to the laptop, kids fighting over whose turn it was to watch *their* show. Except that we have just started a new rewards program to STOP the kids from watching endless screens. Great being the example there Daddy. Then that is stuck on my mind, revolving around and around, trying to think of the best way to approach this issue with said Daddy – having already bitched about and put a stop to that whole scenario – while making lasagna for that nights dinner ( I *never* put that much effort into meals first thing in the morning, except that I am trying to do instead of sit. Damn, I wish I knew how to italicize here) Finally, during breakfast (which me and the kids ate, because dear Daddy had helped himself without feeding the children. Or the dogs) I apologized for being so cranky, but stated my points for being the example. Those being that 1) it is not fair that the kids are being asked to complete chores (without attitude – they are 8 & 9) in exchange for screen time, and then have to watch their parents sit glued, in their very own universe, for hours on end. And that 2) it is actually beneficial to us as to not be glued to the stupid computer when we get up and accomplish things around the house for those bolts of happiness and satisfaction. I have more points, but part of me that I hate is that I can never come up with – tried to find the exact word that I want here, its just out of reach and I think starts with in- . would illustrate my point exactly, that I can never reach for the most relevant ideas, thoughts, words, when I need them. On the spot, to sound like the intelligent person I know I am, but others frequently doubt. I know this, because I see it in their eyes.
    Which brings me to work. I have being working for eight months after being a stay at home mom. I have noticed my boss not being a friendly or welcoming towards me in the last couple of months – but its been Christmas, and hell, so I have taken it with a grain of salt. Or has her attitude not changed towards me at all, and I imagining and gnawing it to death for nothing? But today, she gave me direct, and I mean DIRECT intructions. “Please pick up and put back the overs and unders all over the department” (clothing people have slung over the tops of racks, and clothing that has fallen to the floor). What do I do? Grab some clothing from the massive mountain in front of me and start putting them away, picking up and putting away as my path takes me. Helping customers. But do you see? I deviated from what she asked me to do. Doesn’t seem so important now, but just wait. Next time I see her, she asks me to take over till so she can go pee. No worries there. Of course I am stuck on til for the next hour and a half. She phoned and asked me if I could work tomorrow – her tone was harried and loud and focused – I said no, hubby is working, and she sounded pissed. Normal for her. Next time I saw her, I asked if staffing was fallout from another associate being gone – I was still on cash, with a customer, she was 8 feet away. There were three of us, two on cash, and her. Six people wouldn’t have been enough, with how busy we were. Clearly not the time to ask inappropriate for the time and place questions. She looked a bit confused and then, well, pissed, and said no. I turned back to my customer and made a comment to her, “silly me”. I realized what I had asked was a) see above, and b) probably not phrased very well. Not thought out enough to be easily understood unless you were in my mind at that exact moment. I do that ALOT. Next time I saw her, I interrupted her conversation with another associate with a piece of true information not relevant to their conversation at all. After that, she came to me and told me my break was at 530. Which is highly abnormal, because she is not that organized to have breaks thought out, written down for us all to follow. And she said it looking directly into my eyes with her hand slightly raised towards me. Body language, I am always reading body language and tone of voice.
    I am sure I am totally over my allowed space on this post, but if feels good to get this out, so I am going on. Because, of course my shitty day is not over.
    I get home, anticipating my lasagna and an evening watching a movie with my family. Oh look, there is my family, cuddled up on the couch, watching the aforementioned movie. I immediately bitch that they couldn’t wait for me? Hubby said something in defense, lame, I’m sure, I don’t actually remember what, but I remember the tome! I stumble upstairs crying, to change into pjs and wash my makeup off. Go back downstairs, grab my lasagne, and retire to the bedroom, where I eat and surf the net on my Iphone. Play games. Daughter comes upstairs, movie was to scary. She falls asleep, hubby comes upstairs for the night, asks if I am going downstairs at the point, then goes downstairs to finish lights out. He kisses me goodnight like nothing is wrong. I wake up two hours later with the horrible realization that my boss is not liking me at work, trying to get through to me by giving me direct orders. Which I then don’t follow.
    Thank you for your time, Jenny. If this post actually goes through despite its length.
    I appreciate you, and the difference you make in my world.
    Okay, I am pressing submit now.

  770. I have read your book, and I believe I had scrolled through all of your archives back in the day when I first discovered you VIA WIL WHEATON, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you occasionally link back to this particular post because it is JUST TOO AWESOME.

    Thank you, Jenny, for being so Jenny. Never give up, never surrender.

  771. If you remember the story about the brown coats eating grenade apples? Id bet there is a similar story involving twine and Reavers.

  772. Laughed out loud…several times. Great post, greater updates, right on!

  773. I am so going to call Nathan Fillion Nater Tater when I see him at Calgary Fan Expo this weekend!

  774. I started out reading this being mad at Nathan Fillion, but I ended it being so amazed/amused by everyone’s photos that I’m really just sort of in a happy place. Huzzah for everyone’s sense of humor being catalyzed by Nater-Tater’s lack of one.

    And Wil Wheaton is a golden god.

  775. I just came to this via some convoluted set of links from a previous post, or something.

    And now I am completely confused.

    But laughing my proverbial off.

    So thank you. 🙂


    Matthew Broadrick sent you his picture with a SPOOOOOON! I love him a lot. He was one of my first actor crushes…when I was 5. Because he played Prince Charming. and Ferris. But mostly Prince Charming.

    (And I’m a bazillion days late on the commenting but WOAH!)

  777. A year has gone by and I’ve seen Matthew Broderick on stage in NYC several times. He was awesome! I love him and when his show is over, I hope he has time to post a new pic on your blog. Maybe holding me?? haha

  778. This is fantastic!! Doesn’t Sean Maher look so cute with twine? I’m kinda surprised Nathan didn’t play along but I bet he gets a lot of requests for stuff like this and he can’t spend ALL day taking pictures of himself, right? : )

  779. This a fucking joke right? why would you want to habv someone hold a twine? As to Fillion not wanting to mix up his private life and public life: well then stop being on twitter. It’s very easy. If you are a private person and dont like to share your life, then stay away from platforms that put you in the public sphere. Simple as that.

  780. I just discovered this awesomeness when I googled, “Isn’t Nathan Fillion looking a bit fat?” after I saw him on The Talking Dead 10/13/13 episode. Serious inquiries like that usually turn up some unexpected facts, but holy shit! Eureka!

  781. “Nathan Fillion’s stunt double is Paul Anthony Scott. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1273018/

    Perhaps The Bloggess can ask him to stand in for Mr. Fillion in performing the dangerous task of holding twine.”

    Paul is my brother and he would love to send you a photo holding some twine, Just let me know where to send it.

    (GET OUT OF TOWN. That would be hilarious and lovely. You can email it to jenny@thebloggess.com if you really want. Thanks! ~ Jenny)

  782. I’m sorry I’m only reading this now and had I read it when it was posted originally in 2012, I might have been able to help. Well, at least, I could perhaps shed some light on perhaps why Nater-Tater didn’t create a selfie holding twine. When I met him and he came into town to do a last minute substitute appearance at the Ottawa ComicCon, his right hand was in a brace. He had fallen and had broken a couple of bones in it. When I met him (See, I could’ve slipped some twine into my purse and taken a shot of him had I read this 4 years earlier but that’s how the cookie crumbles), I thought he was wearing a brace as a preventive measure as shaking and meeting a lot of hands could be considered a repetitive stress injury. I did not know he actually broke it after he yelped when I grabbed and shook his hand. He later elaborated in his appearance with Jewel Staite that he had broken it and guys were coming up to him and literally giving him a man’s man grip with their healthy hands and asked if people come to meet him to not shake his hand so strongly. (I don’t know if I actually hurt him or not or if he was just playing with me.) But I thought in order to creatively set up a selfie shot with a phone and some twine requires TWO hands so that’s why he might have ignored you because it was not feasible. I wish though he could have just mentioned that to you but you know Edmontonians, they like to come off as a hearty people. (Trust me, I’d be a ninny with the extreme cold weather they have to endure.)

    Anyways, I hope this helps. I think it turned out for the best. Wil Wheaton collating paper and holding a murderous spatula. That’s heroism. 😉 – Myri

  783. I was eating a sandwich on a sidewalk in Manhattan once and Nathan walked by. I choked and spat and asked if we could have a picture together. He stopped walking, frowned at the ground, fumed for about six solid seconds, then said, “Fine.” He yanked my phone out of my hand, took the selfie, handed it back, and then stormed off.

    Nathan Fillion also is ruining Nathan Fillion for me.

    …but I do have a great picture of us together.

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