Happy anniversary, Victor.

In a few minutes it will be the 4th of July.  It will also be mine and Victor’s 17th anniversary.

I usually celebrate anniversaries with giant metal chickens, or unexpected sloths, or tiny kangaroos in the house, but this year I’m celebrating quietly and with dignity.  Mostly because the live llama delivery place said they don’t work on holidays.  And also because murderous gallbladders are taking up too much of my time this week.  And because I think my husband deserves one small day of respite without dealing with the assorted insane shit that comes with being married to me.

See this picture?

Me and Victor. And Victor and me.

It looks like a before-and-after picture done in reverse but it’s actually me and Victor at around 20, and me and Victor nearer to doubling that number.  We’re older, less skinny, and we’ve perfected the art of bickering to the level that it’s a damn point of pride.  We’ve traveled halfway around the world and back.  We’ve seen howler monkeys in the deep jungles, canoed blindly through swamps, and watched entire seasons of Game of Thrones in a single night.  We’ve seen each other at our worst and at our best, and whenever things seemed at their darkest one of us always said, “It will get better.”

And, somehow, it always did.

We’ve watched each other develop (and occasionally been the cause of ) new grey hairs and wrinkles as we wander this strange path with our wonderfully curious daughter, with our baffled families, and with you…our friends.  Yes, you.  If you’re reading this you are a part of our odd journey and I thank you for joining us on it.

Here’s to another 17 years.

I’ll see you on the other side.

PS.  On the other side there are llamas.

479 thoughts on “Happy anniversary, Victor.

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  1. You both look better in the “newer” pictures. So great. Happy anniversary.

  2. Woah, good thing I decided against going on and on about how great you both look and life get better after 40 and…..

    but it does.

    Congrats again. I love reading your blog. You are “teh awesome.”

  3. Congratulations. 🙂 May we all have or find our “Victor”…a man tolerant and loving enough to deal with our crazy asses without legal intervention.

  4. Yay for llamas! And for anniversary cake! There is going to be anniversary cake, isn’t there?

  5. Happy anniversary – big congratulations on this awesome milestone. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful anecdotes about your life together – you really do seem to be made for each other!

  6. I was once attacked by a llama. But was saved by an ostrich who was then killed by an angry elk. True story. What I’m trying to say here is happy anniversary. Because sometimes llamas are the heroes.

    Because… As it turned out, that ostrich had a Meth lab. Bad news bears.



  7. He is one lucky man, and you are one lucky gal! You both make each others lives (and ours) so interesting. Love rocks the casbah, and so do the both of you! Congrats on life’s greatest accomplishment!

  8. Since it’s the thought that counts and you thought about llamas, it counts as llamas. Happy Llamaversary!

    Seriously, I <3 you and I'm sorry for the umpty hojillion times my friends mentioned you on twitter while trying to figure out why you had a giant dildo and whether you'd loan it to them for getting rid of unwanted parade watchers in from of their house.

  9. Dawwwww! I got warm fuzzies reading this. And my phone changed fuzzies to gizzard and I’m super thankful that my first comment on this blog wasn’t that I had warm gizzards. That would be awkward and far less congratulatory.

    huggles to me to you guys! 17 years is an amazing achievement! Hope I’m that lucky one day! 🙂

  10. Lovely post.. Made me all misty.. Happy anniversary and many many more!

  11. “The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being.”
    ? Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

    Congratulations on being irreplaceable to one another. It is a beautiful thing!

  12. I thought that 17th anniversary was capybara, not llama. Shows what I know.
    Happy happy, and get well soon.
    I hope it doesn’t hurt when you laugh.

  13. Happy Anniversary, my friend. And thank you for being beautiful quirky you, and Victor for helping you find your safety in which to be that. Your openness and honesty have given hope in hopeless times. Much love to you both.

  14. One of my favorite movie quotes (even if it is from a meh movie)
    “I’d rather fight with you than make love to anyone else!”
    Here’s to your 17 years, I was hoping for something over the top, but sometimes real life gets in the way!!!

  15. Happy anniversary! I hope that you feel better soon (pesty gall bladder). And tell Victor that he is lucky to have such a funny wife who is willing to give him llamas.

  16. Happy Anniversary! 17 years is a big deal – perhaps the secret of a great marriage is to let your freak flag fly! Here’s to 17 more.

    PS: I hope you murderous gall bladder takes the holiday off.

  17. Happy Anniversary! I’m so happy you two have each other, and have for so long.

  18. Yeah, totally not falling for the lack of llamas joke, we all know that is going to happen…eventually.

    Also, this has been a wonderful journey for us too.

  19. So Victor is real? Sometimes I’ve wondered… You look like a perfect pair. And I don’t mean that snidely. Even I’m happy you found each other, so you must be delirious. Happy Anniversary!

  20. Awww, this is adorable! The “now” picture is my favorite. Happy anniversary to the most entertaining couple in Texas, here’s to 17 more years of hilariousness (and giant metal chickens and weird taxidermied animals, not so much on gallbladders with a vendetta)!

  21. Happy anniversary! Congratulations!!
    Thinking of you with all your gall bladder stuff going on!

  22. Why didn’t I know the 17th anniversary was llamas?! Way, way better than…I looked it up. There is no traditional 17th anniversary gift. But who care? Llamas!!

    Happy anniversary. It takes serious commitment to make it work for that long. Or, in my case, a serious need to be committed. To an institution. Whatever it takes.

  23. Happy Anniversary to you both, and wishing you good thoughts for a quick, pain-free and successful degallbladdering – or at least as good as one can be.

  24. My hubby and I celebrated our anniversary yesterday. We’re always there to say “it will get better” to each other, too. Sometimes that’s all you need.

  25. This world is a better place because the two of you found each other. I love you! And I hope you get the llama. It will love you too. I know this. When I went to a petting zoo one time a llama fell in love with me and followed me all over the zoo until it was time for me to leave. It didn’t even spit on me! And since you are way more lovable than me …

  26. Happy happy anniversary! Though I’m a bit sad that the llama didn’t come to help you celebrate, they are pretty cool. I had a pet one once and his name was Lloyd. There was this one time where he…wait, this isn’t about me, it’s about you. Wishing you 3×17 more anniversaries together and that your gallbladder gives it a rest till its departure date.

  27. Have a wonderful anniversary. Love stories like yours should be told more, it brings hope and smiles.

  28. You two are one of the very few examples I’ve seen that marriage can be awesome, so major props to you, and CONGRATULATIONS on keeping all that awesome going for so long! Color me impressed. 😉

  29. Happy 17th I remember that one it was 18 years ago so you still have many happy years of sniping to go! Happy anniversary to you both gallbladder be damned and have a good one xxxx

  30. I love reading happy married stories. Best of everything to you.

    (And speedy recovery from the surgery)

  31. Happy anniversary! I hope you guys have a great day. I’d like to say that I arranged fireworks for you, but I really have no idea whether there will be a public fireworks display nearby.

    Sometimes I wonder why my husband puts up with my craziness, and then I remember, I don’t care, I’m just really, really grateful.

  32. 4 and 17 are my lucky numbers! And I’m getting married in 47 days! And your book came out on April 17th! Clearly this is the universe trying to tell me that I’m going to be as awesome as you (and the universe trying to increase my narcissism.) That’s AWESOME. Though you do have an awful lot of health problems… …. …good thing I finally get to have health insurance? (That’s how the song goes, right? First comes love, then comes the legal recognition of love, then comes the health insurance and tax write offs that make it less likely you’ll perish an early and avoidable death?)

    Happy anniversary, Jenny. I hope that you and Victor enjoy many more years as a dynamic duo bravely tackling all of life’s zany adventures. And don’t worry… I checked with Emily Post, and exploding gallbladders is absolutely the traditional 17th anniversary present. Next year it’s ducks!

  33. I’d like to wish you and Victor both a very happy anniversary! Enjoy the day and may you have many more happy years together.

    I’ll also be sending good thoughts for you during your surgery next week, Jenny, and hoping for a speedy recovery.

  34. Happy Happy Anniversary!! You are both so lucky to have each other 🙂

  35. A hit 32 yrs. this year. Some where around number 25 you get this weird telepathy where you just know what he wants for dinner without asking and buy strange things at the store that he mysteriously asks for a couple of days later. It’s really odd, you’ll enjoy it when you get there. Your arguments will get even stranger.

  36. And I completely burst into tears when seeing this; you are both so adorable. I can only hope that my own relationship will withstand future years and years of domestic bliss and craziness!

  37. congrats.. wow you both look soooo much in love. May you have many more years together

  38. I hope my partner and I are half as happy as you and just as weird.
    Also, I hope you find a less painful place to store your galls from now on.
    …get it?!

  39. There are so many times I read your blog when I shake my head, giggling and whispering, “Poor Victor.”

    But there are thousands more times I read your blog, guffawing and saying, “Lucky Victor.”

    You guys are perfect for each other! Happy Anniversary!

  40. Happy Anniversary, Jenny & Victor!

    I only made it 15 years, so you both WIN.

    Today is also my Birthday and someone bought me your book!!!

    It will arrive in a week and I am so excited to finally read it.
    It will take me a long time because focusing is not my strongest quality, but I am up to the challenge.

  41. Victor is totally touching your boob in both pics. Just sayin’.

  42. That made me just a little bit teary. Congratulations to you both ( I think he must be a remarkable man *G*)

  43. This is my first ever comment, even though I’ve been reading your blog for, I dunno, AGES. I just wanted to say….. Good luck!!! I had the op a couple of months ago and it’s the best thing I ever did. It sucks for a few days and then it’s all uphill. Now I can eat anything I like and not have to suffer for it. I’ve been a bandit for KFC chicken and pork ribs ever since. And red wine. And no repercussions! Except for getting fat, obviously.

    Also, now I have a stack of little cuts on my belly that I tell people I got in a knife fight. And the main one on my belly-button makes it look like my belly-button is smiling 🙂

    Will be thinking of you!

  44. Happy anniversary! About this time every year, some friends and I go to Summer Mummers. We go again this weekend. Since reading your book, I know I’ll be looking for you and Victor, even though I know you have a murderous gall bladder they will keep you far away from Midland. Cheers to more years!

  45. May you two amazing souls have the Happiest of Anniversaries! Thanks for sharing the craziness of it all with the rest of us.

  46. Congratulations to both of you! I just adore you both and, although I love everything you write about, I believe the conversations between you and Victor that you allow us to be privy to are probably my favorites!

    Since we’re all family, I can’t wait for Thanksgiving! This is going to be one crazy get together!

  47. Oh dear god , I just read the Big Metal Chicken story, laughing so hard I’ve completely ruined my mascara for the day. Totally worth it. Happy anniversary!

  48. Despite the lack of Llamas and giant metal chickens, you both look wonderful. Congratulations on 17 years!

  49. I’m SO glad there are llamas. Llamas are underrated. Actually, not making this up, I went to laser tag (mankind’s greatest stroke of genius, if you haven’t done it you haven;t lived) to shoot my friends with lasers in a maze, and my codename was llama llama. You have to make up a codename. The last time I was there i was 14, and my code name was a combination of My Little Pony names, Skydancer and Waverunner, to make ‘Skyrunner’, which must have looked like a lame attempt to be better than star wars except that I hadn’t seen star wars at the time. I picked Llama llama cos my favourite band’s first album had pictures of llamas all over it and it was playing on my ipod at the time. Free Llamas AND unicorns for everyone!

  50. If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth over-doing. Happy Anniversary!

  51. Congratulations! Love stories give me hope. Hope that I will find that person who will deal with my shit andsmile with me. Someone to be by my side as I explore or break. I know what love is not, but have not experienced what love is. Thank you for giving me hope yet again.

  52. 17 years!! Wow! Congrats to you both! I just had my first wedding anniversary at age 37…

  53. Happy Anniversary to you both!
    I’m not gonna lie, though. I’m seriously disappointed by the lack of llamas.

  54. Such a sweet post. Happy anniversary, and congratulations on 17 years!

    And yay for llamas!

  55. Happy Anniversary — An eclectic group of us were just talking about you and Victor last night around a platefuls of barbequed spare ribs. Metal chickens, taxidermied stuff, and possibly naming your dog Vagina had everyone laughing so hard, our dinners got cold! But it was so very worth it. Thank you, Jenny, for everytime you blog. Great dinner conversation subjects!

  56. Happy anniversary. I loved hearing your love story in the audio form of your book. I think you two are perfect for each other.

  57. Congratulations to you both for weathering the storms and sharing the adventures 🙂 Makes me happy to know you are out there.

  58. Happy Anniversary, Jenny– got you on my- miiiind… p.s. You’re welcome for the earworm. p.p.s. The young people won’t get this reference.

  59. Ah, this totally made me cry! It’s probably just pms but still…Happy Anniversary!

  60. Congratulations! It is nice to know that a couple who bickers more than my hubby and me can be happy after 17 years:) WOW! That is a long time! Tell your gallbladder to stop eating you from the inside out and try to enjoy your day!

  61. Congratulations on a happy marriage! May all who want one achieve it without harassment or persecution. We just celebrated our own 14th (anniversary, not marriage!).
    One of the most important elements I’ve included in my own mind is that, while I’ve seen a lot of people team up with their friends, complaining or seeking support against “the opposite sex,” for us, the Tiger and I *ARE* the team. Everyone else can watch out.

  62. Or is it “my hubby and I”?????? It is early and I’m still sleepy:(

  63. Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids. Thanks for sharing your love and insanity with all of us lucky readers. 🙂

  64. just another 17? Here’s to forever more. Happy Anniversary, have a great 4th!

  65. the first 17 are the hardest. ;o) you look fabulous in both photos – both of you! happy, happy anniversary!

  66. Happy anniversary! Did anyone ever tell Victor he looked like Doogie Howser when he was young?

  67. Happy anniversary! Maybe the 17th anniversary is the Shitty Gallbladder Anniversary…

  68. Happy anniversary!

    I have to tell you that reading about your marriage is one of the things I love about this blog. I’m constantly jealous of it, but not in a bitter way. I’m 22 and single and all I can think whenever you write a story about you and Victor is “God, I hope I have that some day.” 🙂

  69. Thanks for letting us intrude on your lives. Happy Anniversary!! (I love llamas)

  70. Happy Anniversary, Victor & Jenny! Be proud of all these years together. And they do keep getting better!

  71. That Victor. He’s a celeb in his own right.

    It’s just kinda hard to tell which pic is the before and which is the after.

    I’m going back to look again.

  72. Happy happy anniversary! Even without llamas, hopefully it will be a wonderful day. And maybe there can be a surprise llama in the near future? Because ninja-llamas are kind of awesome like that…

  73. Congrats! You guys are so great together 🙂
    I’m in favor of llamas as long as they are not wearing hats.

  74. Happy Anniversary!! We are also celebrating ours but haven’t reached the amount of time you and Victor have in. Today is our 12th. Anyhoo, have a wonderful day and hope that gallbladder is soon under control.

  75. Happy anniversary! (I would rather have an Alpacaversary than a Llamaversary, better fluff for yarn)

  76. Congratulations! 17 years is quite an accomplishment. Many more years to you both.

  77. Ooh, Happy Anniversary!
    Anyone who has you in that hold for 17 years without it turning into a headlock is a keeper… Enjoy the llamas, we all know they’re coming! (except for Victor, right?) xxxx

  78. What a lovely tribute to Victor and your life together. Happy anniversary and many more.

  79. happiness 2 both of u! u bring so much happiness 2 the rest of us–glad u share some w/hubby 2

  80. As someone who just celebrated her 40th, may you have many more than another 17!

  81. Love this, congrats! Very hard to top the giant chicken. Possibly dr can remove your gall bladder & you can gift it to Victor. Nothing says love like a body part in a jar.
    Tim & I just celebrated 33yrs & it does get better! All of our craziness seems perfectly normal now…to us.

  82. Hey-Happy 16th. I just did 10 on the Solstice. I thought the gallbladder/stones/human biohazard waste would have made an awesome and fabulous anniversary gift. Too bad they are so sticky about that stuff.
    Either way, Carpe diem (is that a fish?) and Happy 16th. And 4th of July.

  83. Happy anniversary! You both look so beautiful and happy in the photos. And thank you for the heads up on the llamas.

  84. Happy anniversary! You have one great guy there. I’m sure it’s not all, always fun and games, but you seem to have created an art out of finding the point of humor to move forward! Here’s to many many more years!

  85. Please tell me the llamas arrive in pajamas, because that is the only way to truly say “Happy Anniversary”. Really. I read it somewhere.

    Y’all look so sweet in both pictures. Cheers to you and your next seventeen years!

  86. Happy anniversary you guys! Such a sweet post.

    (Thanks for reminding me my 17th is coming up this month too!)

  87. Happy Anniversary to you and Victor!! And thank you for the many laughs that make my work day a smidgen more tolerable and thank Victor for playing George Burns to your Gracie Allen.Cheers To more good years ahead.

  88. Happy anniversary to yall!! I hope one day I find the happiness that yall have. I don’t actually “know” you but your blog makes me feel like I do and reading your posts have helped me along the way. You’re an awesome person and deserve ever bit of happiness and love you have.

  89. Aw…I love this! You look happier in the after picture, which is a good sign about the state of your lives and marriage. 🙂

    Today is my anniversary with my husband, too, but we just have 5 years under our belts. Hope we look as good as you do in 12 more years!

    And it was nice of you to avoid llamas today. I mean, I think llamas are cool, but a day off is a pretty nice anniversary present!

  90. Congrats! It’s my anniversary today too, just one year behind you guys. 🙂

    My sister introduced me to your blog over a year ago, and I’m so glad she did! I love your book and your odd, quirky ways of looking at, and dealing with, the sometimes very odd things that happen to you (or that you make happen lol). I understand your bad days, but know this–I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that your blog really does wonders for people when THEY are having bad days. We all really appreciate you and your honesty and your craziness! Please don’t ever stop. 🙂

  91. Happy Anniversary to both of you! It’s wonderful when two people’s craziness meshes as well as yours do. I wish you all the best for love, health and happiness in the next seventeen years. (once the gall bladder is gone, of course)

  92. Wishing you both a lovely day and many, many more anniversaries.
    Thank you for sharing.

  93. Happy Anniversary, you guys! Some of us are lucky to have gotten it right the first time. 🙂

  94. Today is my wedding anniversary, too! You went far more formal than I did in your ceremony, having a poufy white dress and everything. I was so skittish about the process that I opted for no more formality than a pink Cadillac convertible at a drive-through chapel in Vegas. It was perfect. Wishing you many, many more years of source material with Victor. Much love.

  95. Congratulations! And may this be the best anniversary so far. Even if llama-free.

    You two make such a good couple together. I mean, you get each other (even though it may not seem like that at times) and you’re there for each other. And I can’t wait to find the Victor to my Jenny. Someone who will complete me in all the odd, ridiculous, amazing ways that make life more interesting.

    P.S.: I can’t wait for the llamas! Although, now that I think about it, I’d have to die to get to the other side, so I guess I can wait. But hey, at least it’s something to look forward to, right?

  96. Congratulations and may there be many more year anniversaries to come. if the llama doesn’t work out, try alpacas they are wicked soft and so, so friendly. Could probably live with you and not cause any problems….at least the ones I’ve met at the farmer’s market seem like they could be house pets if given the chance.

  97. Happy anniversary! We should all have one person who stands by us and our quirkiness.

  98. Aw what a great post. You and Victor are a great couple. Marriage isnt supposed to be easy. It’s work. And when you find someone who can accept you and loves you no matter how many issues you have or how many dead animals you buy or giant roosters you leave on the doorstep (still the best anniversary present EVER!!) you should hang onto them tightly. You guys are lucky you found each other. Happy anniversary Jenny and Victor. May you have many more years filled with craziness, love, and laughter. Your readers cant wait for the stories 🙂

  99. I mean, you may be less young and less skinny, but you look BELLIGERENTLY HAPPY in the second picture, which sort of trumps everything else. <3

  100. My daughter did one of those comparison pictures of my husband and I (we’re going on 23 years this year whoop whoop!) and she said of the more recent shots–“Your smiles are so much more truer and bigger”. I could say the same of you and Victor. Happy 17th. <3

  101. Happy Anniversary!!!! You both look great in the first picture and I have to say you both look super adorable AND super happy in the second. Well done, Jenny and Victor! I will consume wine while holding a sparkler in your honor!

  102. whenever anyone asks me a question (since i was about 7) my answer has always been “17!!”
    i think for the next year my answer shall be “the bloggess!!” in honour of you & victor.
    here’s to you & victor.
    (and confusion to our enemies).

  103. Happy Anniversary! I hope the next 17 are just as good. I would say interesting but then an old Chinese proverb comes to mind and I do not wish that for your family.
    My Husband and I will be calibrating our 13th in a couple of weeks and it just amazes me how much we have both changed and not changed in that time.

  104. If ever two people were meant to be together, it would be you guys. Victor, you have what it takes to live with a quirky genius. That’s rare. Congrats to you both and may you have many happy years together.

  105. Blessings to you both on your anniversary. Don’t break anything celebrating, especially Victor. Who would take you to your surgery appointment next week?

  106. Happy anniversary!!!

    P.S. If I ever get myself a llama, you can totally borrow it on holidays and weekends!

  107. the pictures are so telling. love at first sight is bullshit.. the love that grows is SO much better. your smiles say it all. happy a.

  108. How beautiful! Congratulations to you both and your lovely family. Wishing you another 50 years of happiness!

  109. Just reread your book because I am deeply sad. My dog died last week. And I am fighting with my best friend.
    It made me laugh, it made me cry. It made me happier and better.
    Tranks, Jenny.

  110. you and victor… CHEERS to you, both! What a fortunate place that you both have found yourselves; and with a wonderful hailey, too. Best wishes for the day, and for your lives. And a rockin’ kuewt set of pics

  111. Happy Anniversary! You two look terrific in both pictures; the pictures of you at 20 are so YOUNG! You look very happy and that’s a wonderful thing to put out into the world.

  112. Happy, happy anniversary! You look like you’ve grown into each other, more relaxed, happier.

  113. Aww. Happy Anniversary! The Fourth is a special day for me, too. One year of being with my dude. This post and those photos make me happy and excited for what’s to come. Cheers.

  114. Happy anniversary!! Congrats on 17 years!

    And a llama sounds like a fabulous anniversary present. I may have to put that on my gift list for our next anniversary.

  115. oh my gosh that is the cutest thing i have seen all week.
    Happy anniversary, to the next dead animal! 😉

  116. Mawage.
    Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday.
    Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam……….

    Congrats to you both !!

    And wuv, twu wuv, will fowow you foweva…………

  117. Happy Anniversary!! You two were a great looking couple then and now! Here’s to seventeen more!! 😀

  118. Happy Anniversary to you and Victor!! May your day and night be filled with lots of love and sparklers!! hehehe had to throw that in.. it’s 4th of July after all.. 😉

    Hope you are feeling better doll!

  119. dang rebellious gallbladders….hope you are on the mend. happy anniversary and happy independence day.
    by the way, i borrowed a llama this spring to take of the weeds in my yard. her name was dixie and she was here for a week. here is a conversation with my neighbor after the llama had been here a day or so: hope it makes you laugh…

    the llama arrived on saturday.

    > on sunday, i was cleaning the dogs yard, and the neighbor next door (often drunk) met me at the fence. the conversation follows:
    > Neighbor : ‘hey, your emu is pretty cool. i got a kick out of watching it stick its beak over the fence to look at the dogs. the dogs went wild, trying to jump up to its beak.’
    > Me : ‘its a llama.’
    > Neighbor: where did you ever get an emu?
    > Me: it’s a llama. i am renting it to eat my weeds.
    > Neighbor: so you’re keeping the emu?
    > Me: its a llama. i am only going to have it for up to a week. a llama.

    the end….feel better!

  120. Happy Anniversary! I’ll wear my “Team Victor” shirt in celebration. =)

  121. Cute couple then. Cute couple now. Congratulations on your anniversary and best wishes for many, many more.

  122. Happy anniversary! (Let’s see if the 17th anniversary is Llamas, does that make the 18th anniversary sea lions?)

  123. The 2nd picture is awesome. The first one is cute, but Victor looks more like he should be holding a boombox over his head. The first picture is love at it’s start. The second one is oh my God, it’s been 17 years and the crazy in both of us is so thick it’s palpable and we could not possibly love each other more. The love in the 2nd is mature, the love… not the people, and tested. It’s stronger and more beautiful.

    Happy Anniversary, you wild and crazy kids!

  124. Happy Anniversary! I once did a search for ‘conversations with victor’ just to read them all at once because that’s how much I love you guys. Hope your gallbladder relaxes enough for you to celebrate. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

  125. Happy Anniversary. Funnily enough, it’s my 17th anniversary this weekend too! I love, love, love what you said. It’s so perfect for where we are in life.

  126. Just found your blog recently and think it’s hilarious. I had my gallbladder out a few months ago, and it’s not too bad. They do kick you out of the hospital super fast though. You two look cute in both pictures. Happy Anniversary!

  127. Heh, heh, please fix my spelling of anniversary…where is auto correct when you actually need it?!

  128. Happy Anniversary – when you get the llama & find out it needs sheared, can I have the wool/fur? I spin my own yarn & llama wool is great for hand spinning. Plus, I really need the yarn. Seriously, 🙂 see I’m smiling for you. I’m glad Victor & you fell in love, had a beautiful daughter & we get to read about your lives, even if you make some of it up. We all out here in internet space really do appreciate & love you. Have a great 4th & peaceful Anniversary.

  129. Happiest anniversary wishes to you and Victor. Hope for you both to celebrate many more.

  130. I thought I was never going to get to the end of all your well wishes to add my own!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Anniversary to you and to Victor. Love y’all even though you consider me a complete stranger.

  131. Seriously, I really do need the wool. Llama, alpaca, both are cute as can be, no wait, alpacas are for 19th anniversary. Well, email me when it’s shearing time. 🙂 You know the llama is practically ordered. Victor would really like it & Hailey would go nuts. 🙂

  132. Happy Anniversary!! It’s nice to see a couple make it that far and still be in love.

  133. At last! A picture of Saint Victor! And what a fine couple you make.

    In the end, folks, it’s all about the laughter. As long as you can laugh with each other, at each other, and in spite of each other, you’ll do just fine.

    After 32 years of marriage and 4 years of widowhood, I can tell you without exception, rancor, or even the tiniest bit of cynicism…it really is all about the laughter.

    Mazel tov…..and many joyous returns of the day!

  134. Happy Anniversary!!!! My love and I are getting married on Saturday!!! I can’t wait for our 17th anniversary!!! 🙂 Have a fabulous day!

  135. We are soul mates. Except for the part where I am gay and you are straight. And you are married and we are not. But we have the same anniversary.

  136. Congratulations on surviving, enjoying, and loving each other for so long! Your blog brings so much joy, laughter, and inspiration to me on a daily basis, Jenny, so please keep doing what you do so well. Best of luck for a quick and successful surgery and speedy recovery. We love you guys!!

  137. Happy Anniversary!

    This post made me teary eyed, especially this part, “We’ve seen each other at our worst and at our best, and whenever things seemed at their darkest one of us always said, “It will get better.”

    And, somehow, it always did.”

    It reminds me of my hubby and I. Here’s to 17 more and then some for you both! Cheers!

  138. If I were to judge the “after” picture, I’d say all the giant metal chickens, towels, howler monkeys and years with Jenny have lightened Victor 🙂
    Happy Anniversary you two!! <3

  139. Maybe it’s just me, but I think y’all BOTH look so much happier in the latest picture. Victor looks so much more relaxed. (Maybe the meds were kicking in…?) Your smile is so natural and joyful, it looks like you would have been smiling even if someone wasn’t taking a photograph. (Or maybe you could hear the mating calls of horny untamed wild llamas. Who can say for sure?)

    I would have sent you BOTH llamas AND giant metal chickens, but the post office hasn’t forgiven me of the last adventure I took there. (How was I supposed to know that packages, if forced to fit in their little dump in-thingie, won’t magically pop out on the other side? Why isn’t there Teflon or some magical coating to prevent this from happening? For all I know, the OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL could be Narnia for shit’s sake. Lord knows they’re as protective of it…)

    Anyway. May you have love in countless measure with laughter and joy that holds you both together, for as long as my llama’s hair scarf endures. Which is forever. Just trust me with this one.

  140. Congratulations on the 17 years of mawwiage. You both look incredibly happy. Either that or Victor is lovingly
    chokeholding you whilst you asphyxiate, but I like to think it’s the first one.

  141. Happy Anniversary, Jenny & Victor!

    Wishing you 17 more… and 17 more after that…and another 17….

    Hope that maybe next year you can have double llamas! Which would almost be as good a double unicorns…

    Will be thinking good thoughts for you as you have your surgery and recover. I think it’s a shame you can’t keep your gallstones, I’ll bet they would have made a stunning necklace.

  142. We just celebrated our 34 wedding anniversary and I think it’s so great that you’re having your 17th – you’re halfway there baby (lol!) Halfway to insanity and other shit but you’ll make it. If we did, I figure just about anyone can. When times get tough the tough pour a wine slushie (or in my case straight wine with ice cubes), sit back and wait it out. You’ll beat the gallbladder into a mercy position and outwit pretty much anything else that comes your way. And……tell Victor he’s in good company. I know cuz my poor husband has survived 37 years of life with me (oh you know – 34 church sanctioned, the other 3 were just because we were rebellious young people). All the best to you two and Happy July 4th as well (from Canada….eh! ;o) )

  143. I really like how the recent picture is much more strangley than the one from your 20s. It sums up marriage perfectly.

  144. You did the RIGHT thing on the llamas …
    and you KNOW you’re lucky to have each other, so IT’S ALL GOOD.

  145. At least it’s not towels! Happy Anniversary to you and Victor.:)

  146. Happy anniversary! I’m proud to almost share anniversaries (20 years, yesterday). You are an inspiration to us all. Hope that damn gallbladder doesn’t ruin the party.

  147. Don’t you worry .. THERE WILL BE LLAMA’S
    Hey Maybe that’s the name of your next book!
    Metal cocks, and kangaroos have a whole new meaning to the world because of you and Victor!
    Happy anniversary, we are having dump cake in your honor.

  148. I just got married to my wife about 2 months ago. I’m hoping we look as happy in 17 years. And that we find the time to just be ridiculous with each other (giant metal chickens and all!).

  149. Congratulations, you two! Here’s hoping your anniversary evening is filled with fireworks!

  150. First (before I forget) Happy Anniversary to both of you! Now, what is the secret???? I really need to know…seriously…

  151. I had a really, really shitty and depressing week and seeing this made me go all AWWW and verklempt. Happy ANNIVERSARY, we are going for 25 in October. I just found myself falling a little more in love with my husband tonight thanks to you. Love, your friend, Laurie f.

  152. Happy Anniversary to you both. I love me a good Victor post! You’re an amazing couple who’s absolutely stolen my heart. Best wishes. The Kramden’s got nothing on you!!

    PS- It’s probably not too late to give him a gallbladder enclosed in glass or perhaps mounted, as a belated gift.

    You are welcome. 😉

  153. This year is our 34th, and all I can say is, it just gets better. And sometimes worse. But mostly better. Hang in there, it’s worth it.

  154. I have a quick question, though. Why are the past pictures almost always looks skinny than the old?

    You look great together! <3

  155. Wow, it looks a lot like our before and after pictures, except we’ve only been married 4 years. Uh-oh.

  156. YAY! Happy anniversary!! It’s our third anniversary today, my boyfriend’s and mine. I like alpacas. ALPACAS FOR ALL.

  157. Congrats you two…and no fair getting me all misty eyed while I’m working on my “I don’t need a freakin’ man in my life!”

  158. I wonder…will you look back lovingly on this as your gallbladder anniversary? Anyway, congrats to you both 🙂

  159. May the next 17 years be as crazy and zany and full of awesome as the last, but with a lot fewer dark spots, and a lot more bright ones. Love and prayers for the years ahead. Oh and Llamas

  160. Do llamas spit, or is that camels? Either way Happy Anniversary you two and Jenny I hope you feel better soon.

  161. Happy anniversary to both of you! The llamas sound lovely even if you can’t have them delivered today.

  162. Awww, happy anniversary to you both! You are both so f’in awesome! Feel better soon!!!!!

  163. You guys are the cutest, I swear.

    Except maybe if you were both riding llamas in that picture. That actually might be the cutest.

  164. Wishing you the best anniversary. Love your blog and have your book to read. Here’s to another 17.

  165. You are sublime, and you just keep on proving it just by being you. Also, llama spot is one of the most putrid smells on earth. I beg of you; reconsider. For Victor’s sake and for yours!

  166. Congrats! July 27th will be our 28th wedding anniverscary . Yes, that’s what we call it. Wishing you many more!

  167. Happy anniversary!

    Also I had my Gallbladder out 6 years ago (best thing ever) and my doctor said the same thing about keeping the stones. He did take a picture for me and I pull it out whenever my daughter has friends over.

  168. Happy Anniversary to Jenny (the awesome) and Victor (the long suffering). The long suffering part was added by my husband since he feels Victor’s pain. My husband says that Jenny and I share a brain. Love to your wonderful family.

  169. Happy Anniversary to two of the most interesting, funny people on the planet. Congrats!

  170. Happy anniversary! Here’s to a much longer journey together!

  171. Wishing you a most happy anniversary. I love everything you write but the posts that have me laughing so hard I can’t breathe and have tears running down my face and then I have to get up and go blow my nose are the conversations between you and Victor. When you share those you add great joy to my life. I wish you both the best always.

  172. Llamas are awesome. I have four. You should totally get a couple (don’t get just one, they get lonely). Happy Anniversary!

  173. Happy Anniversary! Hoping for many more years of happy, weird, interesting stuff in your marriage that you can share with us to entertain us!

  174. Smart! Having a no-anxiety-inducing-surprises anniversary this year so next year Victor won’t be on his guard. And then . . . Whammo! Awesome! Happy anniversary to you both and thanks for all the times you’ve brightened my day.

  175. You’re right, he did look like Doogie Howser in that first picture.

  176. Happy Anniversary!!! You guys are so awesome. Love, love, love you!


  177. I teared up looking at your pictures — before and after — and it is a deliriously happy tearing up, too.

    Because, well, wine. That, and I cry at card tricks.

    Here’s to another 17, and more! May you and Victor be happy for all the years that come your way, through all the good times, bad times, and whatever else Led Zepplin sang about.

    Thanks for the laughs, Jenny. Happy Anniversary, and Happy 4th.

  178. Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids! It’s so special to be able to find the one other person who can deal with each other’s kind of crazy! I found that too, in such an unlikely mate. Not always easy (fo’ sure), but always worth it! Thanks, Jenny, for all your humor, kindness, honesty, insight, nutiness, and taxidermy. You are one in a billion and we love you, AND VICTOR! May every moment, every day, every year just get better and better. And I hope you gallbladder gets its sh!t together! hugs and happy 4th!

  179. It’s so nice to put a face with a name – Hello, Victor! and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both!!

  180. Awwwwww….*sniff* Congratulations and mazel tov, you crazy kids–here’s to another 17 years that are even better than the first 17!

  181. Have the happiest of anniversaries! I love you guys. 🙂 Here’s to many many more happy years! Never change, Jenny… You’re awesome. Many hugs to you and Victor. Also, good luck with your gallbladder…

  182. Congratulations Jenny and Victor! My lovely bride and I celebrated our 30th anniversary recently. I wish you many more crazy happy years together.

  183. Here’s the part where I would say that I love you guys, but honestly I only love Victor. Also, I might be drunk. In fact, I’ve spent the last 14 of your anniversaries drunk. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.

  184. My parents got married on the 4th of July. Then my dad married 2 more women and my mom married one more man. It was my Dad’s 4th wedding and my Mom’s 2nd. Needless to say my sister and I didn’t want to get married after that upbringing. And never did.

    So obviously you and Victor are more sane than my parents were.

  185. Congratulations to you both. what an incredible pair. wishing you many, many more happy years.

  186. my husband is a big fan of your site, because he says “Someone else was insane enough to marry someone like YOU!”
    Health issues, children, moves, travel…and just watching netflix together in the evenings

    We’re at 30 years, and thank goodness for men, that will actually call your female doctor and say “Yeah I think it’s a UTI can you call in some antibiotics.” (I have a slight phone phobia). A man that will call your doctor on the 4th of July for UTI meds. that’s a real man. (I would die for him).

  187. I just keep hearing you sing “Marrrriiiieeeeeeddd on the fourth of Julyyyyyy” in my head. Good lord I love your audiobook.

    Happy anniversary you crazy kids!!!

  188. Happy Anniversary to you both!! I have to agree you two look amazing in your “after” pic!

    Here is to another amazing, insane and love filled 17 years!

  189. Happy Anniversary! I hope the next 17 are just as wonderfully weird and amazing as the last 17.

  190. Awwwww you guys are so damn cute! And I think you look happier in the now pic. If the happiness continues to grow exponentially, consider how happy you’ll be in 17 more years….and in 17 more from then? Well you’ll be so fucking ecstatic you’ll blind people with your happiness. Here’s to blinding people! (?) Or maybe better to just wish you a heartfelt Haps Anns and many more!! My huzband and I have made it 26 years so far w/o blinding any innocent bystanders. 🙂

  191. Oh! Totes forgot about your gb with all the “awwww you guys are so damn cute” stuff. So about that piece of shit extraneous organ-wanna- be: Fuck that shit. You do not need that motherfucker. Counting the minutes until it’s in it’s final resting place in a medical waste bag. Sayonara Asshole. (Not your actual asshole; you still need that. I was calling your gb an asshole.) Annnnywhooooo, Happy Surgery, and good wishes for a quick and uneventful recovery! <3

  192. Freaking love your tales of anniversaries. I tried to get my husband a giant metal chicken and he took my debit cards away. You should totally include neck pillows or massagers for your book though, reading it in one sitting for the tenth time has killed my neck.


  193. You just know that man is trying to find a way to convince the Dr. to let you keep your gallbladder just to make sure you are bested in the anniversary gift department…

  194. Happy 4th of July, and Happy Anniversary! You guys look amazing, and so happy! Congrats of 17 years, you are my role model, and although I just got married a month and a half ago, I’m looking forward to the next 17 years (and many many more, hopefully!) of crazy insanity and ridiculous silliness and the fantastic journey my husband and I will take together! Thanks for being such an inspiration, and such a wonderful couple, in so many ways!

    Also, I just ate an artichoke, and IT WAS AMAZING.

  195. You two really were meant for each other. I know that is corny, but sometimes corny is the only thing that says it.

  196. Happy Anniversary you two! YOu both look awfully cute (only in the best way) in both pics!

    To see each other through the best and worst (hopefully not causing the worst part…) and stick together and that damn bickering and quick reparte you’ve both developed is a total art. Well done you too.

    May you both have many happy days ahead — with and without strange live and taxidermied animals.
    Hugs, Love and slobbery kisses!!!

  197. Happy Anniversary! And thank *you and Victor* for being part of *our* lives.

  198. Warmest congrats from Sweden! Your eyes have that much more twinkle in the pic on the right, that takes time to develop 😉 good job! 🙂

  199. Many many congratulations! Wish my husband was half as understanding as yours – he still does not understand what depression is after being married for nearly 21 years… !

  200. Love that you two figured it out….growing old together is so much nicer than doing it alone. We’re at 30 years and still counting! As to aging, I wrote a bit about my personal journey – http://write-on-target.com/2011/02/07/growing-older/ – Better laugh because that’s the only thing you can do!
    Enjoy each other, laugh a lot along the way and you will find that, “…the best is yet to be.”

  201. * I meant sweet Victor will convince the Dr to let you keep that pesky gallbladder once it has been removed, obviously. In a pretty jar on the window sill or in the guest bathroom…

  202. At first I thought you said NUMEROUS gallbladders and I thought, gah, poor thing, like one isn’t enough!
    Anyway. Happy Anniversary.

  203. Happy anniversary 🙂
    And hey, apparently we copied you; our 17th anniversary is today, July 5th.
    Although we had a llama already and I can tell you they’re overrated; 3 years ago my 13-year-old dog died on our anniversary and our llama died on my husband’s birthday. We didn’t have either stuffed.
    Looking forward to the other side of your llama. (And do you know the llama song? It’s pretty awesome…Check youtube).

  204. Happy Anniversary! I can only hope that my husband and I are as happy as you two are when we’ve been married 17 years 🙂

  205. New to the blog and new to marriage (about 10 months in). Probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but I am chugging along. Congrats – your story is encouraging.

    (The first seven years are the hardest. Keep on trucking. ~ Jenny)

  206. Llamas!
    Also, happy anniversary! My guy and I are at six years, and I hope we can grow up to be like you guys.

  207. I was a little cranky about having to work on this Friday-it feels like some kind of weird Monday, then I read your gallstone update and snorted about you being able to bring your daughter home, then felt ‘awwww’ about your photos here, then snorted again in the comments… unwanted parade watchers and warm gizzards, etc. So, thanks for that.

  208. You guys were really hot! You still look good. Happy 17th anniversary! I also got married very young. Im only 7 years in. Nice to know it can last happily. Hope you had a great day and hope your stones leave you alone. I’ve passed large kidney stones (many got stuck, took a week to pass. Ouch!) so i feel your pain. Stones are the worst. Hope you’re feeling better! Xoxo

  209. Congrats & Happy Anniversary to you & Victor! You both look amazing & so happy together. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and LOTS MORE YEARS to you & Victor!

  210. Happy Anniversary! i’m glad someone can make it work, it gives me hope that some day I might shed all the chicken shit baggage I have from my trainwreck first marriage and be brave enough and sane enough to try again…oh and find someone who will put up with my weirdness. *sigh*

  211. Happy anniversary! Love the photos 🙂 (And maybe you can talk about getting a llama after you take care of that pesky gall bladder.)

  212. You’re beautiful in both pictures! I hope you get healthy real soon! <3

  213. Gallbladders are notorious assholes. Llamas make everything better. Except maybe sex. Or, wait, maybe…never mind (writes note to self for late night internet perusal with husband of llama sex, with or without humans.) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (is anyone else singing the damn Flintstones anniversary song? No. Oh. Asses.)

  214. When someone says they’ll see me on the other side I always wonder which one they are referring to. Are we going East, West, North or South.

    Will it be heaven or hell and if they are talking about what happens after we die I want to know are they wishing for me to die soon because if so I think I might have to kick them in the junk, male or female. Really, what kind of friend wishes for you to die and if they aren’t a friend well then I ought to kick them before they kick me.

    Who do they think they are wishing death for me, the bastards.

    Happy Anniversary.

  215. Happy Anniversary to the funniest woman I’ve ever read and her extremely patient and witty husband. May you have MANY more years of banter that we can all read and enjoy!!!

  216. Regarding your gall bladder, Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar has a recipe that I have been drinking for over 6 years now that basically broke up the crystallization on my gall bladder. I no longer have the pain that you are experiencing and I never got it removed. Not sure if you can reverse it now, but I would recommend trying to start on it asap and see if you can at least try. The recipe also resolved my acid reflux which to me was a miracle. The stuff changed my life for the better! Good luck!

  217. That was beautiful because it was so damn real. Happy Anniversary!! 🙂

  218. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for letting us come along on this trip with you and Victor – always a great time!!

  219. I am strangely and inexplicable without sarcasm, sharp wit or dark humor on this. You were a gorgeous couple in that first photo. I can see the connection and the energy between you two. So young and full of hope. The fact that you got here, however you got here, 17 years later, is to be commended and held to the highest regard.

    You both still have the same gleam in your eyes. Jenny you really have not changed much. You have glasses now and you ate a cheeseburger or two, that’s it.

    Thank you for sharing, for sticking it through and for being my beautifully flawed hero and friend, always.

    Dr Brassy

  220. The “traditional” wedding anniversary gift list doesn’t have a gift for 17 years, but the modern list suggests “furniture.” A friend for Beyonce could be considered furniture. But I suggest you get new towels. 🙂

  221. Happy Anniversary!!! And really, is anyone as skinny as they were 17 years ago? I know I’m not…

  222. Happy Anniversary to you both! This post brought a bit of a tear to my eyes. You two look great in the picture! I do hope you have 17 more years together.

  223. Congratulations Jenny and Victor! Are sure about the llamas though? Those bastards are evil. What about some alpacas instead? If my husband ever gets his alpaca farm I’ll give you one

  224. Happy Anniversary, Victor & Jenny!!!!
    May you fare better with the llamas than I did when one of them decided he was going to maul me for crackers at the tender age of six. Okay, wait … that read kind of awkwardly. I was six. I have no idea how old the llama was at the time of the cracker-theft. I do remember him being terrifyingly BIG, and that for a moment, I thought the sky had reached down and taken my cracker right out of my hand. Which was over my head. Because I was trying to keep the cracker away from the goats. This isn’t getting any better is it? (*headdesk*) The sad thing is that it’s all terribly terribly TRUE …

  225. Dangit, Jenny. I skipped over the Military Reunion videos in my feed to avoid sniffly tears. Then you go and post something so sweet….

    Congratulations on your anniversary.

  226. This entry brought a tear to my eye. I’m a sucker for love stories. Happy anniversary!

  227. Congratulations! I’m sure the llamas will have a kick ass countdown party in anticipation of your arrival.

  228. I will note in delight and attaboy-itude that Victor is totally copping a feel in both pictures, although young!victor felt the need to hide the fact with suave subtlety, while now!victor revels in it.

    As a fellow husband and appreciator of the breastesses, I salute him.

    You go, sir. You do indeed go.

  229. If I make it to see you two lovebirds celebrate 34 years of marital bliss, there better be fuckin’ unicorns!

  230. Congratulations! Hubby and I recently celebrated our 26th anniversary, so I can tell you that things only get better from here. Mainly because you relax and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

  231. I cannot remember how I found you but I am so happy I did. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary.

  232. “Less skinny”.

    “art of bickering”

    Lady, I about spilled my beer shouting, “ME! US! Honey, she’s talking about US!” But then I realized that ya’ll aren’t us and I totally used the word “ya’ll” immediately followed with “aren’t”. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.

    While my wife and I have only endured the last 14 years together, we’ve wept, laughed, and have loved them all. That you’ve shared so much of yours… it’s… well… like reading a story you never want to see the end of. Kinda like Encyclopedia Brown, except when he finally meets Moriarty he totally hijacks the TARDIS and goes back to 1956 only to replace a Hardy boy for a day where he eats the first Dolly Madison Cinnamon Swirl therefore saving America from adult onset childhood diabetes.

  233. Congrats…I love your blog & your book! You & Victor “sticking it out” through the good, bad, & ugly is an amazing thing. Maybe your next book should be about relationships…you both seem to have it down!! Here’s to more than just 17!!

  234. It takes guts to be there. And to do the work, and to go through the good times and the cruddy what the -F-ever times.

    I can only hope that my newly 4 years turns into 17.

    Best wishes

  235. Congrats on your anniversary! Marriages seem to lack staying power these days, don’t they? You’ve got it in spades!

    I know what it’s like to be married to the perpetual straight man–it’s the only way my odd brand of humour can thrive.

  236. Happy Anniversary to you both! Glad you found your “lobster” for life. Love your pics. You complement each other perfectly. My hubby and I are polar opposites in most areas of life, but it makes for a much more interesting marriage I like to think. Never boring! Cheers to you!

  237. I may be late, but I am still wishing you just as happy an anniversary as if I had known yesterday. And we need to get you better llama farmers. Or maybe farmers that are llamas. That would be cooler.

  238. You’ve traveled halfway around the world and back… Isn’t that just “around the world”? Or does it not count because you came back the same way? Somehow I picture you traveling halfway, then saying, shit that’s a long trip, I’m done. And then come back, traveling the same distance as you would have if you’d just kept going. Except now you could buy the stuff you thought about getting in that little shop in Morocco but decided against it at the time but now you can’t stop thinking about the expression on Victor’s face when you show it to him. Take that, unexplored other half of the world!

  239. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for inviting us into your wild lives, and happy anniversary!!

  240. Happy anniversary! Our anniversary is on the 4th too. Obviously. Because it’s the best day to get married.

  241. We have our 16th this year, and it really is amazing. Congrats on finding each other – it really is a miracle!

    Feel better soon; freeze-dry that gallbladder, and show it who’s boss!

  242. First, I would like to join my voice with all of those wishing you a happy 17th anniversary; here’s to at least 17 more! Second, I want to thank you for all of your hysterical words. You are a delight to read. And I hope you are able to remember that during hard times.

    Third, I have a favor to ask. I’m working on my first book, and there’s a scene about going to see a bunch of truly terrible garage bands (like you do in your twenties because your roommate’s boyfriend is the drummer.) May I have your permission to name of one of the bands Unexpected Sloth?

  243. Happy Anniversary and congrats to you both. Thank you for reminding me to ride out the rough times and to remember all the happy times. Sometimes I need a kick in the ass to remind me!!

  244. Happy Anniversary! I know I already tweeted this at you and I’m really not trying to Nathan Fillion this taxidermied Superman rat… but…. well, I kind of am. Because if you don’t buy, someone has to.

    That someone is me.

    In case you need any more convincing, although I can’t see why you would, the listing is called Surer Rat Rat of Steel. DON’T YOU NEED A RAT RAT?


    (So, so awesome. ~ Jenny)

  245. Congrats! In my family we always reference how many “long miserable years” the happy couple has been together because that’s what my silly dad used to always do. Then he would always tell my mom he was going to renew her option for another year. Here’s to more years of llamas and/or howler monkeys as the case may be.

  246. I’m always kind of miffed at the world when I see how happy my SO and I are together after 14 years of marriage and I know that so may others aren’t this happy with a fantastic person to share life with. God damned it, everyone deserves this sort of wonderful. Then you go and post this and I’m a little less miffed at the world. Congrats and keep on keepin’ on! Maybe it’ll be contagious in a good way.

  247. Happy anniversary to you and Victor! Here’s to 20 more years of giant metal chickens, sloths, kangaroos, llamas, and general awesomeness.

  248. That made me tear up a little. Srsly.

    Also, congrats on your anniversary, I think you both know how lucky you are to have each other.

    Also, Victor, you are an awesome human being. Jenny is too, but we’ve all told her that already. I think you’re a saint (sorry Jenny).

  249. Happy Anniversary to the both of you! Enjoy the current insanity (with or without llamas). I love that you remind each other that It Will Get Better — you’re good for each other.

    May you both rejoice in the ensuing llama-fest for many years to come!

  250. Happy anniversary, and many more to come!

    My husband & I will be celebrating our 15th next year — little does he know that the 15th is the giant metal chicken anniversary. He’d better start reading your blog or he will have quite a surprise waiting for him.

  251. You both look much happier, and therefore gorgeous in the now pictures.

    Happy belated anniversary.

  252. Congratulations to both of you! 🙂 Wishing you decades more of joy together!

  253. That’s love, and it beautiful!!! Congratulations on the 17 years, and cheers to 17+ more!! My husband and I will celebrate our 9th on July 24. September, we will be together for 10 years. We’ve also been through a lot of ups and major downs. We’ve really learned what intimacy was when I was ways down a couple of years ago. Him having to help me to the bathroom and help bathe me. I was close to the end, however with his and my families love, I made it.

  254. Almost 2 weeks late but…
    Happy 4th AND Happy 17th!
    Also, since I’m just catching up now, glad you ditched that murderous gall bladder!

  255. Congrats! I need to find someone that will put up with my “taxidermy” and “Beyonce.” So far I found someone that puts up with it, but he’s not ready for the long haul. Sigh. And I just made this about me instead of acknowledging your awesome 17 years of near bliss….

  256. My husband and I are coming up on 14 years together (almost four of those married). Your thoughts on your anniversary are beautiful. I hope that I can say some of the same things in a few years – but we haven’t made it halfway around the world yet/

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