Inappropriately angry is *always* funny.

It’s the weekend which means it’s time for my weekly wrap-up but before I do that I just want to point out this bit of awesomeness. It’s an article written by ReadWriteWeb about a Facebook/AOL partnership.  Hundreds of people found this article when they googled “facebook login” and somehow assumed that this article must be a new version of facebook and then logged in to ReadWriteWeb to leave angry comments about how they could not figure out how the new facebook worked (because they weren’t actually on facebook at all and were still on ReadWriteWeb) and these angry comments kept coming in until ReadWriteWeb finally put up a giant bold statement which basically said “Dear Google visitors: THIS ISN’T FACEBOOK, Y’ALL.  You can find facebook at  Look, we’ll even give you a link to it.  Just leave, okay?” but of course that didn’t help at all and so the “I HATE this new facebook.  Where is my wall?  Mom, where are you?!” comments kept flowing in and then it got worse because everyone else noticed that the stupid people were confused which was quite hysterical until the other stupid people realized what was going on and started leaving violently angry and poorly-spelled comments insulting the first group of stupid people for being so stupid.  Then ReadWriteWeb wrote a whole new post entitled “We’re still not Facebook” but of course that didn’t help at all.   It was quite awesome and reminded me a lot of the Dr Pepper debacle.  Regardless, I thought I should point out that when you get an angry troll commenting on something you do it’s probably from one of these people.  The stupid people who don’t understand facebook.  Or possibly the stupid people violently yelling at the other stupid people for being so stupid.  Either way it’s a pretty good lesson in why it’s important to not be bothered by the stupid angry people  because those people are here to (unwittingly) entertain us.  This is all in the Bible, I think.  Also, my favorite comment of the whole ReadWriteWeb post:  This thread reminds me of the time my grandfather typed his phone number into the microwave’s keypad, then wondered why his kitchen was on fire. (Seriously, that happened.) ~ Warren Benedetto

Fried gold.  Now on to the wrap-up…

    This week on my sex column (which is satirical and relatively safe for work if your boss isn’t a cocknuckle):

    This week on the internets:

    This week on Good Mom/Bad Mom on the Houston Chronicle:

    This week on shit-I-didn’t-come-up-with-but-wish-I-did-because-it’s-kind-of-awesome:

    This week’s wrap-up sponsored by the selfless teams at Mamavation EarthFootwear who sold their hair to buy you a watch chain.

    Comment of the day: It’s a shame about your sponsors, since I just this week sold my watch to buy them tortoise-shell hair combs. ~ MommyTime

    80 thoughts on “Inappropriately angry is *always* funny.

    Read comments below or add one.

    1. I dont get it. Every time I try to fax something, it gives me 8 billion copies. And they’re all like I didn’t get it. And I’m like how could you not, it gave me 8 billion

    2. My comment has nothing to do with anything, other than, when I saw this photo, I thought of you:
      Is that wrong? Probably. I mean, I don’t think you grind babies or anything. Though, I guess you could. I don’t want to tell you your business. Anyway, small children plus awkwardly placed meat grinders made me think of you. Happy President’s Day.
      .-= HannahBanana´s last blog ..My cats are gay! =-.

    3. @Fuegita: LMAO! A girl at my office confuses the printer and fax all the time. The first week I worked there, she was standing by the printer glaring at it, and then opening the little doors trying to figure out where the fax came out.

    4. Happy Valentine’s Day!

      I know that it’s not Valentine’s Day yet, but you have roses in your hair, and I’m drunk, so it’s very much like Valentine’s Day, plus I am spending hte extra time to pretend I’m not drunk by typing really slowl and making sure to captitalize the V and D and Valentine’s Day, which means htat this is all special and shitl. For reals.

      I’v devolving as this comment goes on. crap.

      V D. Heh.


    5. People who’ve never learned to think are awesome, but it’s especially awesome when they have rudimentary typing skills and a wi-fi connection. It’s like sitting in a crowded restaurant and all of a sudden an elephant comes in and sits at the booth next to you. That’s entertainment that can’t be bought, really. I know, because I tried, and that nice guy who took down all my credit card numbers and said he’d send me an elephant from Nigeria plus deposit the balance of his orphan dad preacher’s savings fund into my bank account never followed through. I guess my credit rating wasn’t good enough or something.
      .-= ajnabi´s last blog ..Striker, or, Strike-Out (SPOILER HEAVY) =-.

    6. Have you considered using this as a form of revenge? Having all your users go to some site that pissed you off and leaving stupid comments? I think I’ll go have a Dr. Pepper now.
      .-= mousebert´s last blog ..Omlet Art =-.

    7. Oh don’t ever discourage stupid people from their stupidity. There are whole levels of stupidity that range from normal to pathological (which are always the best). I wrote on my blog about my affair with my ‘porcelain lover’ and ‘pine fresh beau’ , during a bad medication = exploding body episode. I had someone write me to tell me to not look outside my marriage for solutions. Thankfully some people are just plain stupid. The world would be a boring place otherwise.
      .-= Michelle Roger´s last blog ..How To Spot A Sick Chicken. =-.

    8. The absolute best thing about the “10 Things…” sexis post is that, on #5, the thing that Amazon thinks people would like best with a sex toy/acupuncture/Pinhead egg thing is New Moon party decorations. “I think I will eat some cake off Taylor Lautner’s face and then…do whatever it is you do with this thing.”
      .-= Traci´s last blog ..The following is a list of People born the same year as me: =-.

    9. So I don’t get those angry dumb people. I get weird comments by some kind of spam bot. I think I might like comments like that, over a robot. As Ferris B said: Don’t worry about it, I don’t even have a piece of shit. I have to envy yours.
      .-= tara´s last blog ..It’s like Shakespeare, Only Drunker =-.

    10. Thank you so much for turning me on to the Don’t Even Reply website. I’m crying from laughing so hard! Happy V-day Jenny! You’re beautiful!

    11. So this is lame but it’s kind of funny. Just substitute ‘funny’ with ‘really retarded.’

      I sent that disguised weapons thing to a friend and went off on a rant about my day, and she was just like “man, I miss you and your crazy antics.”

      And I was like “I am a bundle of joy! …actually, that’s just what I look like. I’M ACTUALLY A CONCEALED, FRESHLY-SHARPENED BUTTERFLY KNIFE. Ducttaped to this bundle of joy.”

      Soooo THAT’S how the link had me and my friend envisioning knives taped to babies. Congratulations, cuz we’re totally blaming you.

    12. How can people be that dumb and still be alive? Seriously? How do they manage to keep the bleach and orange juice separate? Christ on a crumpet, they all need taking outside and putting out of their misery.

    13. It’s crazy that the SEO of RWW is so good that people are seeing that site instead of the normal Facebook. Although if you do a search for Facebook login, Facebook is #1 and RWW is #4. I wonder if that is a case study in what people will click on. Maybe #1 isn’t so important. 🙂

    14. Bear Grylls needs to stop sending me those retro Michael Jordan Valentine’s cards. Bear, I don’t give a fuck if you think “Our Love is a Slam Dunk” or if “My Kisses Are Nothin’ But Net” – what does that even mean? And that last one, “Your Ass is an Easy Basket!”- I can tell you scratched out the original message – but come on, that’s not even nice. Fuck you in the eye, Bear Grylls.
      .-= furiousball´s last blog ..First draft of… =-.

    15. Will I be like those types of people someday? Am I going to reach an age when the flying car controls baffle me to the point that I can’t even get liftoff? Will I inadvertently kill my cat in the teleporter because I failed to put in the right numerical combination, and then make an irate visual call to blame the teleporter company, even though it’s not bringing my inside-out cat back to life?

      I’m frightened of the future.
      .-= Theresa Milstein´s last blog ..Questions and Answers =-.

    16. This reminds me of the time my student showed up at my office and asked me where my office was while I was sitting IN MY OFFICE. Ummm, here?! I think!? HELP! TO BE OR NOT TO BE!

      Thank you for this deliciously hilarious story.

    17. I had a hard time getting past your picture with all the flowers and junk to read the rest of the post. Anyway, that’s probably the coolest thing that anyone has ever had happen. I wish I had not-invented the new not-Facebook. Now I’m sad on Valentine’s Day.
      .-= Kendahl´s last blog ..Cinnamon Bears and Other Randomocities =-.

    18. I always assumed everyone online was a smarter person than I was, who knew how to code php and do cool things like that. It’s sad to realize that people are as stupid in the virtual world as in the real world.

    19. Democracy is awesome. All people have a voice. The only flaw is the people.
      And sometimes the politician.
      And occasionally the process.
      .-= Ninja´s last blog ..The hours =-.

    20. Thanks for the beauty tip about “How to dress up hair curlers”…I kept wondering what to put in those roomy centers. I tried my keys, cell phone, hot dogs, wads of cash, my hamster…but my picture kept ending up on the “People of” site. Roses…so much better. Fashion do Glamor girls! No black rectangle across my eyes this week! Whoot! Thank you Jenny, for the best Valentine’s Day ever! Now, where did you get the rose shooting blow dryer, Target?
      .-= LookieLou´s last blog ..Pet Blogger Support Rocks! =-.

    21. I would just like to let you know that your “Inappropriate anger” blog title ended a 17-year friendship of mine when one my friends, who has a terrible habit of jumping to inane, unfounded conclusions, took my amused retweeting of said title as a personal attack. So thanks for weeding the selfish twat out of my friend circle. You did me a favor, I think.

    22. Whose boss isn’t a cocknuckle? Or a twat-tard of some sort?

      Even when I was a boss, I found myself being all kinds of cocknucklish. It just happens as soon as you get a little bit of power. Delicious, intoxicating, cocknucklizing power.
      .-= Ells´s last blog ..Face plant =-.

    23. I have been reading (and vigorously promoting among my circle of friends) your blog for only a short time but I just have to say Thank You for the lovely vlog. We love you too, Jenny.

      *eeek*! I just de-lurked! *scurry*

    24. The complainers in Facebook debacle give us the perfect illustration of the new word coined in a Wall Street Journal contest:

      ignoranus: Someone who is stupid AND an asshole.

      They’re everywhere.

    25. Your mushy love letter video got me all choked up…I loved it, and could relate to every word you said. You’re truly one of the most hilarious, brilliant writers I’ve come across in the blog world, and you make me laugh out loud every time I visit. Just wanted to say thank you!
      .-= Sweetest in the Gale´s last blog ..One Single Impression: Gold =-.

    26. Hi Jenny,
      I’ve never written before. I just watched your love letter. It’s so mesmerizing! Eloquent, and I don’t even know what —– You are captivating! (I think I know where your mind is going here – stop – I am not sexually attracted to you. )
      I have been reading you blog for about a year now and love every post you do! You bring constant joy to my day and make me laugh!
      So, thank you – for doing what you and bringing joy to my (and may others) life. We appreciate all you do!

    27. Not going to lie – I read articles like that just for the stupid comments.

      At that point who cares what the ACTUAL article? The real entertainment is people losing their shit over absolutely nothing, and then other stupid people yelling back. Yes please!
      .-= Chickadee´s last blog ..I Thought We Lived in the SOUTH =-.

    28. I think a lot of people are just this stupid or we could say technically stupid. I know a lot of “smart” people who still don’t know they can put an URL directly in the browswer…they still search Google using the website name…

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