UPDATED: My heart grew three sizes and now I have an enlarged heart. WORTH IT.

The past few days have been a whirlwind and I’m exhausted  and have given myself hives so please forgive the typos.

A few days ago I put up a post offering $30 gift cards to the first twenty people who didn’t know how they were going to give their kids Christmas gifts this year.  They went frighteningly quickly.  When I got to the twentieth person I saw that there were still a few more people who needed help and my heart sunk.  Then a few comments in one person said “I’ll take care of the 21st person”.  Then another person offered a card for the 22nd.  Then another.  Then it avalanched.

In the past few days that post has gotten over 500 comments and so many heart-breaking requests were from people who need a small hand-up to buy food for Christmas dinner or from people who are planning on telling their children that there is no Santa because otherwise they wouldn’t understand why he didn’t come.  You can’t read the comments and not ache a little because so many of us have either been there or see how easy it would be to be in their position one day.  But here’s the amazing thing…every time someone would leave a comment asking for help someone else would leave a comment asking to help.  And that’s why as of Friday morning, every single person who asked for help here is matched up with at least one person who will be sending them a gift card.  In fact, so many people offered to help that we were able to give out multiple gift cards to people who had a greater need.  And when things seemed dicey and I was about to call for an end to comments a wonderful man emailed me and told me that he’s so enjoyed the community on this blog that he wanted to donate $1000, no questions asked.  So, ten people who were really struggling woke up this morning to $100 in their paypal accounts.  Another reader offered $250 to a family in desperate need.  A doll-clothes store owner sent sent seven beautiful Madame Alexander/American Girl dolls to wait under the tree for seven little girls who truly needed a single happy surprise in their lives right now.  People getting the gift cards are vowing to pay the gift forward next year.  Emails are flooding in from people in shock, in tears and so grateful.  And the funny thing is that half of those crying, grateful people are the ones who are donating.  They’re so happy to have finally felt something warm and true that they’re feeling a Christmas spirit for the first time since they were children.

I know exactly what they mean.

Thank you.  Thank you for donating and thank you for sharing your story.  Thank you for asking for help so that others can feel like miracle workers.  Thank you for kind words and thoughts and for being you.  Thank you.

I’m going out of town for the weekend to pick up my mom and bring her here for Christmas but if you’ve asked for help and haven’t received it by Monday then just leave me a comment next week and I’ll see if I can find another donor to help you.  And if you still want to help leave a comment too.  There are still people trickling in and we may need some angels to swoop in on Monday in case any of the matches flake out.

PS.  I just want to point out that my traffic the last two days has been exactly the same as usual.  What that means to me is that the people donating and the people receiving are all part of the usual community of people who regularly read and comment here.  That.  Is.  Amazing. And I’m so proud to be part of this community.  You guys are the best minions ever.

UPDATE: So many people have gone on their own blogs to offer up their own gift cards to people in need and it’s amazing.  Thank you!  One of those people is the amazing Maureen Johnson who helped a ton of people herself but still has twenty more people in dire need.  If you still want to donate I have their addresses and I can set you up to perform a small Christmas miracle.  Just leave a comment.  I’ll be here for the next two hours at least if you can donate.

UPDATE AGAIN: A lot of you have asked if you could just paypal me money to give to the people in need.  You totally can but I’ll have to pay taxes on that money since it goes into my account so it’s not as ideal as you getting matched with someone and sending them the card directly, but if you’d rather just give money you can paypal me at jenny@thebloggess.com.  Don’t spam me or I will stab you.

SATURDAY UPDATE: As of right now (noon Saturday) I have emailed hundreds of donors and over 500 gift cards are scheduled to go out to people who need help.  If everything goes as planned (Please, God, let it go as planned) everyone who has asked for help as of this moment will get at least one gift card and many will get several.  Some got cash for medicine.  Some got money so they could keep the electricity on and buy food for Christmas dinner.  Some only asked for help in buying presents for their brothers or sisters so their moms wouldn’t be so worried.  Some received help and then got more help than they needed and decided to turn around and become a donor themselves.  I wish I could tell you what this has meant to me but there aren’t words for it.  The emails and comments coming in from people who got a Christmas miracle are incredible but the ones from people so thankful to be able to help are even more moving.  Right now we still have a few more donors available and another 20 are standing by in case someone who asked for a donation hasn’t heard anything from their donor by Monday.

That’s one hell of a Christmas miracle, y’all.

This calls for a theme song.

Thank you for making me believe again.

UPDATE (10am Sunday morning): As of this minute (barring any mistakes) we’ve matched everyone who asked for help with at least one donor and we still have a few donors on standby for emergencies. So far over 600 gift cards have gone out to provide a Christmas miracle for strangers in need. If you wanted to help but haven’t heard from me please leave another comment. I’m sure by Monday we’ll need more to fill in any gaps. Now if you’ll excuse me, my hands are about to fall off.

UPDATE (2pm Sunday): With no marketing, no push, and no fanfare, somehow hundreds of willing donors have  come forward to send 650 gift cards to people in need.  Many people who wanted to contribute a $30 card came back and told me that instead they gave $50 or $100 or $200.  As of right now over $22,000 has been sent out in small electronic chunks all over the world to make Christmas a small bit brighter for a complete stranger.  People have contributed in (and have been helped in) America, Canada, England, Germany, Australia, Asia…and they continue to help.  Every time we get down to our last donor someone else steps forward.  I wish I could share all the emails from people who felt that this gave them the hope to get through the next year and the strength to keep looking for a job or a place to work because they now had faith that people cared.  There were even some who admitted later that they were considering suicide until this gave them hope.  Some of those people considering suicide?  Were the donors.  Some felt isolated and depressed in the holiday season and being able to have someone somewhere count on them made them feel connected and less alone.  I know just how they feel.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this.

UPDATE: (A few minutes from Monday morning): Wow. Just…wow. In less than an hour it will be Monday morning and so far pretty much everyone who asked for help is going to matched with at least one donor. I still have another hundred emails to mail out before I can go to sleep but it looks like well over 800 gift cards will be sent out if everything goes through as planned. I’ve been running on adrenaline and caffeine for the past 4 days but I can tell I’m about to crash so I’m going to call this as of right now and say that this has been the most successful, unplanned, disorganized celebration of awesomeness that I’ve ever accidentally been in charge of.

If you still want to help then please leave a comment because we’re about nine donors short right now.   I wish I could do more and I’m sorry that I can’t but I’m so incredibly proud of the fact that we were able to help hundreds and hundreds of people (both givers and receivers) make Christmas magical. If you were matched with someone as of comment 1033 and you don’t get a response from your donor by 11am Monday morning then leave me a comment. We have a few donors on stand-by to help people who may have fallen through the cracks. With any luck by noon tomorrow we’ll be done and I can finally sleep and shower and actually maintain eye contact with my family for more than five minutes at a time.

Thank you. To the donors and to the recipients and to the people who came to cheer on both. Thank you.

You’ve made all the difference.

Final update:

Done.  It’s Monday night and over 900 gift cards were sent out to people needing help.  I’m sure we didn’t get everyone but hundreds and hundreds of people were helped.  Some got enough to buy their children new books.  Some got money to put food on the table on Christmas.  One 9th grader asked if anyone had a used laptop for her disabled mother before coming back and asking to delete the comment since so many other people needed help.  That young girl will be surprising her mother with an ipad from one of our amazing, regular readers.  One woman emailed to say that because of the support she got they were able to save their house from foreclosure.  I wish it could go on forever but I have to stop before I get sick.  If you don’t get an email from me matching you with a donor by midnight, please donate to your local food bank.  There are still so many people who need help this year just putting food on the table.

Some small miracles happened here in the past five days and I don’t know exactly how I fell into being involved but I’m so glad I did.  It may be the lack of sleep but I’m finding it hard really understand what happened here and why it feels like such an important thing to have been a part of.  It was just a series of small gifts sent one by one to perfect strangers in need.  It doesn’t change the world.

Or maybe it does.

Thank you for changing mine.

PS.  Final tallies: Over 900 gift cards were sent out by 689 people who were so thrilled to help.  450 people who needed small Christmas miracles received donations for medicine, food, or presents under the tree for their children.  No large corporations got involved.  No one only offered to donate if they got something out of it themselves.  With no sponsorships, no ulterior motives and with only a simple need to reach out and help a perfect stranger, 689 everyday, normal people (Jewish, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and more) sent out over $40,000 worth of donations to make sure Christmas came.

You did this.

2,063 thoughts on “UPDATED: My heart grew three sizes and now I have an enlarged heart. WORTH IT.

Read comments below or add one.

  1. That’s just amazing. Seriously, I am very impressed and it makes me smile that people can be that generous and caring. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that that kind of thing is possible.

  2. This just totally made me cry. I dont have much, but I could afford a 20 dollar gift card if someone needs it. Let me know.

  3. You are amazing, really, as is everyone who has offered to help! I got $50 I can give to a family in need. Shott me some details, and I’ll make it happen ASAP.

    Have a wonder, wonderful holiday with your family.

  4. I have cried way too many times over thast couple of days – all your fault! I’ll be contacting Maureen to offer what I can.
    Have a safe trip and may adventure follow so you can tell us all about it!

  5. Hi Jenny, so happy to read about the generosity of your readers to those in need- it brought tears to my eyes. And it makes me grateful that once again this year, Hubby & I will be able to provide for our kids – a little smaller present list than in years past but we’re all healthy and warm and the bills are paid, and Santa will be giving some neat stuff – who cares if its a used bike, I’ll shine it up gooood. Thanks for asking, and thanks for giving. You are so awesome, in so many ways.

  6. Firsting on such a heartwarming post without even having read it is in poor taste.

    Making somebody’s holiday happen, however, is not. Thanks, Jenny, for using your powers for good.

  7. Jenny. You are wonderful, and apparently so are we minions. I have just enough money to buy for my family (we have several toddlers in the family and those baby toys/clothes aren’t cheap). I wish I could donate something and this post coupled with the last one really makes me feel the Christmas spirit again. Thank you. And thank you to the other minions.

  8. I would LOVE to help! Please contact me if you still need people to donate. This has got to be one of THE BEST things I have seen in a long time. I mean, it’s been a pleasure helping out with the Spark of Love donations and even the little tree at my daughter’s school but this is an amazing way to reach out much farther than locally.

    I know what it is like to have to tell your kids the truth about Santa- I had to do it many years ago because of financial straights. This year has been amazingly full for us and I am sooo beyond grateful that I can help the way we can. Just knowing you have a community (and that it is extending outside of yours) that allows for this makes me tear up. You’re funny AND good! =D

  9. I’m here to offer my donation. Please let me know the best way to go about it! I’m literally choking back tears here at work and can’t wait to hear who I’m able to help. Best gift I’ve ever given, by far.

  10. Hi Jenny…this is what is so cool about the internet. I have some doll-hairs I can put towards a gift card for someone who is in need. Let me know!

  11. I know I’m a little late, but I would love to donate. Please let me know the best way to make this happen. I can send a $25 gift card, or $ through paypal.

  12. Whoever says the Social Media is incapable of doing any actual, substantial good, should come and read this. yes, Malcolm Gladwell, I’m looking at you sir, you who have benefited from the social media phenom.

    I did not think of the Paypal tax implication. SORRY!!!! So I will do it right this time. Count me in!

  13. Thank YOU for starting this movement that caught like wildfire. You, and all of your readers here, are amazing.

    If there are unmatched people in need, I can swing another gift card and would be happy to do so. Please let me know!!

  14. This is but one reason I love you. This and your awesome writing and propensity to drop f bombs like a vulgar B-52. I less than three you.

  15. You and everyone here (donors, receivers, readers) is amazing. All this incredible outpouring of care and love for other people, regardless of the time of year, is truly inspiring. Y’all are giving me the willies (in a good way). I deeply wish I could help out someone less fortunate than me, but we’re swinging near the bottom of that pole ourselves. Instead, I’ll think about extra warm fuzzies for each and every one of you. Karma is a wonderful thing; I’m certain it’ll make nice visits this Christmas.

  16. I’m in. I can send a gift card or pay pal to someone. Let me know. And thank you so much for just being you.

  17. I just wanted to say thank you — I’m one of the people who needed a little extra help, and when I got to tell my husband that we could afford Christmas after all this year, he cried. It takes a lot to make him cry. Thank you, to everyone. Just, thank you so very much, from the bottom of our hearts.

  18. Re: tax implications. There are no tax problems. Each individual can gift up to $13,000/year (or stuff valued up to that amount) to another person and neither the donor nor the recipient owe any taxes on the gift. And you can do this for as many people as you want, so you could give away $130,000 if you gave the max to 10 people.

    If people transfer money to you, and you are acting as a conduit to further transfer the money as a gift, then you won’t be taxed on the amount. The trouble is keeping records of it – but if the transfers to your paypal contain a description with GIFT in it, it should be reasonably easy.

    And if anyone out there knows of any job openings for a tax lawyer, let me know. I’ve been unemployed for 19 months and am getting by only because my brother and his wife have taken me in. I’m in Dallas now but am happy to relocate. I’m flying to Chicago for two interviews on Monday, but if Santa doesn’t come through with one of these two jobs, I’m really not sure what I’m going to do. At least all the people The Bloggess community have given me some Christmas spirit!! Thank you everyone for making me smile.

  19. If it’s not too late, I would love to send a gift card. Thank you for what you are doing.

  20. I’ll say it again (like I did on the last post & on Twitter, because I’m just ridiculously excited about this) – I’m in seminary, and (not to get uber religious but…it’s kind of what I do all the time so it’s become sort of a life pattern for me) what’s going on here is ministry. This is what churches should be doing, this is what Jesus was all about, was caring for each other and loving and trusting. Jenny, your blog is a gift to so many who can feel free to be honest about their brokenness in ways that they can’t be anywhere else. If I ever have a church, I really hope that I can create a space there like you do in your comments section.

    Merry Christmas.

  21. Being an avid follower of your site, you inspired us to do a little gift giving ourselves …
    This is the very first year I have not taken my children to an Angel tree and shopped for those less fortunate. I couldn’t believe that this tradition fell by the wayside so in an effort to redeem myself … we are donating from my Facebook page .. and you were the inspiration
    (you can go back to being all snarky in the New Year!)
    I suppose I should share this philanthropic plan with my husband altho I doubt he would be all bah Humbug for a good cause!

  22. I’m fortunate enough to have a job AND to have gotten a small Christmas bonus/gift from my company. I’d like to share it. Sign me up. And thank you for all you do, Jenny!

  23. Fucking amazing. Jenny, you are such a rockstar. You and you minions have made all of those people’s lives a little easier by speaking up for them. By being there for them when they needed you. You are like the hard drinking, foul mouthed Aunt that every one loves around Christmas Except more kind and giving and awesome of course. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  24. You have the right stuff to bring tears to my eyes with your generosity, and the generosity of this wonderful community I’ve only recently (kind of) become a part of.

    I didn’t want to ask for anything in the original post, because I know there are people in much worse shape than me. I know, because I read their stories and cried. But I was also crying because I know how they feel. I wanted to get my 4 year old just 2 presents this year, and now I’m not sure I can even afford them. So, as much as it pains me to type this, if there is just a small gift card out there for me, I would really appreciate the help, and will be certainly paying it forward during the next year in any way I can.

    Thank you Jenny, for reminding me that there is hope for the world my kid is growing up in. Thank you a trillion times.

  25. I would love to help. Let me know who I can donate to!

    Thank you for doing this Jenny. When so many people forget what this season is all about, you’ve remembered and you’ve reminded everyone else.

  26. I can donate something, paypal is best b/c otherwise it will not happen. Email me w/ someone who needs it (I’ll say how much by email b/c it seems weird for me to say in a comment).

    ~ ElizabethPW

  27. This made me get all teary-eyed. I paid for the person’s coffee behind me at Starbucks the other day and felt awesome all day. I can only imagine how good it will feel to make someone’s Christmas better! Send me an address and I will play Santa!

  28. Well. I’m usually a hard hearted bitch of a Grinch, but this might have made me tear up.


    That’s all I’m saying.

  29. Hi Jenny –
    Money is tight for us this year, so I can’t donate money. But I make things – dolls, purses, and the like – for little ones and could certainly send some out. Is there any way you could use that?


  30. Metamorphosteph, good luck with your job interview next Monday! (I will be sending good vibes to you on Monday directly from Chicago!) I hope you will come back and keep us updated about it!

    Tabatha, I just want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!

    (Jenny, I know you don’t mind. But I just want to apologize for using your comment section as a “message board”!)

  31. When I have kids, I’m going to teach them that Santa is not a person. Santa is a frame of mind that is represented by a person who does for others and that Santa should not be relegated to a short time of the year. Santa needs to be a year round thing. I’m going to hit up Maureen and see what I can do, but I’d also like to help out anyone here you can hook me up with. I don’t have a ton of cash, but I’m very willing to help who I can. You really are an inspiration, Jenny. It’s really fantastic to see and to know that people aren’t as horrible as a few can make it seem sometimes. That’s reason #ILostCount why I love your blog. Merry Christmas to you all!

  32. I just learned about Wish Upon a Hero yesterday (http://www.wishuponahero.com/) and would like to suggest it for any other people still looking for a match, whether you’re a giver or a wisher. It’s certainly making my holidays much nicer to know that I’m able to help people who are in the boat I was in last year. Love to you all, but especially Jenny for taking on this big task.

  33. I don’t believe in Santa and I don’t believe in miracles , but I believe in people. Match me up so I can send my money!! And thanks for this….

  34. This is still so amazing to me. Jenny, thank you for being the amazing catalyst for this movement. Yes, I called it a movement… because that what it feels like. I have been in the situation of so many of these commenters, and so being able to finally be able to give back makes me feel like I am repaying the favor for all those who helped me. I can guarantee that if you do this again next year, I will be donating once again, and hopefully more.

    Jenny, you are amazing, wonderful, and genuinely care about people… qualities I felt were in short supply recently… until I saw the outpouring of you and my fellow readers of your blog. Thank you, for all that you do, have done, and will continue to do.

  35. Hi Jenny- If there are little girls out there who could still use American Girl / Madame Alexander doll dresses I have 4 in my Etsy shop holiday section that I’d like to donate. Just let me know where to ship them. I know you are going out of town but if you have any way of letting me know by tomorrow (Saturday) so that I can get them to the girls before Christmas it would be awesome. http://www.etsy.com/shop/ChrissisCloset?section_id=7495828

  36. I cannot say this enough. You people are fucking amazing… I have never witnessed such an outpouring of love and generosity and from a community of crass, sarcastic folk to boot! You will change the World and make Christmas brighter for so many. I was one of the lucky ones to recieve a gift and I am still in shock.

    Having it continue and continue is so wonderful. Jenny you are the leader of an incredible following. I have been part of some good communities before but have never seen anything like this (even at church).

    Love and happiness to you all…. I have to go blow my nose now


  37. A couple days ago I blogged about a family who just lost everything they owned in a house fire. The couple, plus their six children lost everything a week before Christmas. It’s heartbreaking. I have been overwhelmed at how many people have offered to help, donate items they needed. It’s so warming to see people in the spirit to give and it gives me renewed faith in our society. A society that can normally be selfish and centered around the “ME ME ME” attitude. to see people reaching out to help it always the best miracle to witness!!

  38. I want to donate! just let me know who needs me!! I’m glad you’re part of my worls, Jenny. If I was god-fearing I would want him to bless you.

  39. I was thinking this morning that I hope the two people who received a $20 gift card from me were humble enough to put themselves back on your original list. Mine was a drop in the bucket, and to add your readers’ generosity would make a real Christmas for their kids and other family members. Thank you so much for allowing me to participate.

  40. I’m just a graduate student but I’d love to offer a $30 contribution. Just give me an address and tell me the best way to send it.

    Thank you for giving people something to smile about this year.

  41. I can’t do much this year, but if anyone reading these comments knows of someone with a baby boy, I would be happy to send some clothes along. I have nb to 3t and they are in great shape. Wish I could do more.

  42. holy *&%$. seriously. this just made me bawl too. I didn’t ask for help,and I can’t afford to help (I don’t need help either, no kids, lots of family support)
    thank you for making me know that there *is* a Christmas Spirit out there.
    I’m going to go out on a limb, and say: I’m doing a craft show this Sunday in Toronto Ontario Canada. I make stuffed guys, called Li’l Scrappers…and $10 of each is going to http://www.kidshelpphone.ca/Teens/home.aspx …if you are in the area come out! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Plum-Judy/10534784308

    is that ok? I want to give too, but all I have is my time and talent…

  43. This is such a beautiful and amazing thing you have done. Tears, tears, tears. Merry Christmas!

  44. I don’t even know what to say. I’m in tears. Every time another bunch of people show up who need help to make Christmas special for their kids even more show up to help.

    Looks like I have a lot more emails to send out.

  45. Thank you Jenny for giving my girls a great Christmas. I will never ever forget the kindness and support you have shown me. I hope your family has an amazing holiday. I can’t think of anyone that deserves it more.

  46. I’m totally on welfare and have no money to send. I got Christmas presents for the kids but it broke me completely. There are so many who didn’t get to.
    I however, baked a crapload of really good cookies. If any of the needy families want cookies… send me an address and I’ll ship them some!
    I want to be part of this, because I’m surviving and so many are just.. not.

  47. If Maureen is still looking for donations, please let me know. This is what Christmas should be about.

  48. After all the gimme gimme’s from my almost grown children, at a time when we are, not hurting, but needing to be careful I really need to do this put me down for a $30 gift card.
    We need to remember how lucky we are.

  49. I am happy to help- I have $100 for someone who needs a little extra. If you’d rather split it into 2 gifts, I can do that too.

  50. You’re a lovely person Jenny. I can donate a 20 to 25 dollar gift card. I wish I wasn’t such a lowly college student or I’d donate more. I also have some “teenage girl” shirts that I’ve never worn before. They don’t have the tags on them anymore but they’ve literally never traveled out of my closet. Just throwing that out there in case anyone’s interested.

  51. I didn’t ask for help, I simply left a comment to explain my hard times and to thank you and everyone else for being so thoughtful to others. And I’ve received two amazing emails from total strangers that were very uplifting and caring…..and I’m a blubbering mess. Sometimes, all the help I need is for someone to care. Thank you.

  52. I’m one of the people who got helped, and seriously — this has made my entire year. This is the first time I’ve felt anything like holiday cheer since I was a kid myself. You and your readers made it possible for my son to wake up to presents from Mom on Christmas morning, and I cannot thank you enough. I don’t know how to express the way it feels to have the holiday dread I’ve been carrying around since Thanksgiving just… drop off, and change to anticipation. Y’all are amazing.

  53. Okay bitches. You are all making me cry.
    And we don’t have a ton of cash this year, but we are doing okay, and I know that it sucks for adults, too so: could you match me up with a grown up with kids who needs a holiday bauble? I have a few bracelets in my etsy shop that need a good home.

    hugs and kisses, both drunken and sincere:

  54. Sign me up baby! I’m good for a couple of PayPal donations. Today we are going out to buy a toy for Toys For Tots, a gift for one of the Veterans at the Veteran’s Home in town, and a box of food for the food bank. We are so very lucky and we want to SHARE!!

    PS You so rock baby, your heart couldn’t have grown anymore, because it was already almost too big to fit in (I’m certain!!) your impressive and bodacious chest!

  55. we don’t have a lot to spare but we have enough to make a small gift to someone. just let me know.

  56. These posts keep making me cry. I can’t wait for Xmas to be over so I can regain my stone cold bitch status. Honestly though, thank you for doing this, and reminding me that there is an amazing amount of light staving off the dark. You’re one of the good ones, Jenny. Now go stab something.

  57. ok seriously we have been super fortunate so far this year I mean my wife just won an iPad so I want to give back. I can’t donate much but maybe put me in touch with someone else can donate $20 and together we can do a more substantial giftcard? let me know. Cheers!

  58. I left a comment on the other post, but I haven’t heard from you, so I may have been missed. (Your head must be spinning by now!) I would love to help if you want to match me up with someone. Thank you for organizing this. This makes me very happy.

  59. You make me laugh out loud and that gift is a treasure. Now you have warmed my heart. The least I can do to say “Thank you” is to help. Besides, it breaks my heart to think of a child without a toy on Christmas morning. Send me details and I am happy to add to the gift cards. Merry Christmas everyone!

  60. To be completely honest, I was about to comment to ask for help. My sister is in a dire financial crisis, and my parents have been struggling to keep her from going under. Meanwhile, I am silently dealing with my own crisis, but I never mentioned it to my family because I want them to have at least a little peace of mind. And for the first time ever, we are not exchanging Christmas gifts with one another. I hate to sound like a sad panda, but I used to get so excited about the holidays, and I’ve lost that. I bought my very first Christmas tree this year, but I haven’t even bothered to put it up because it would only mock me with its cheeriness.

    Yes, I would appreciate a boost, but I realize that no matter what my situation is, there are many out there who are worse off than me. So I would like to contribute $30 to someone. Just because I’m not feeling the magic of the season doesn’t mean I can’t help someone else get it back.

    Thank you for taking care of this and providing a simple way for us to help one another.

  61. Hey Jenny, sign me up. I want to help! I can do a gift card ($25-30) or if a family has a present for their child in mind, I’ll order it and send it. Just let me know how I can help.

  62. Jenny, this is so amazing. YOU are amazing and all of your amazing readers are amazingly amazing. I am in total awe of what’s happening here. It’s wonderful.

    With that said, I totally missed your original entry because I’m apparently a complete knob. BUT, I’m here now and I want to help too!! Hook me up and I will get a gift card out to someone right away. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I’m in Canada and so some of the stores we have here are different. Ie – we don’t have Target.

  63. Just sharing that I’ve fallen on very hard times. This year has been rough. I am not asking for help, just trying to explain what it’s like for people in this economy. I haven’t been in the mood to blog much, but there is an open letter to the president on my blog, which was written when I was working earlier in the year. I’ve seen no work or UI or anything since, due to a contractual “thing” with the job I had. It’s all I can do to muster up any Christmas spirit at all. Compounded with this, is I am not Christian.

    To others who can, please do what you can for those less fortunate this year. It appears we’re all on our own – the government certainly has been very little help in this regard.

  64. I’m one of the ones blessed with being the first 20 on Jenny’s original post. I just wanted to tell all the givers how much of a difference even $30 made. I was able to get a 24 pack of play doh to share between my two youngest, and a new baby doll for my youngest daughter, who’s never had one of her own. I haven’t finalized my purchase yet because I’m looking for something great for at least one of my oldest kids with what’s left. These were gifts that I would not have been able to purchase otherwise and I cannot tell you how appreciative I am. I’m going to finish up my shopping when I get some away from the kids time, and I know that, that $30 will bring such huge smiles to their faces. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this, Jenny and everyone who has given just a little something. You have no idea how much even small gifts make a difference!

  65. I received a gift card last night and ordered my son an Alphie robot. He is going to freak out! Thank you, Jenny,and Maura for making my little boy’s Christmas. I hope to be able to pay it forward very soon.

  66. I’d like to donate $100 through Paypal to a friend or two in need.

    It is truly amazing what you’ve done here.

  67. We are in the military and don’t have much money either, but I do have lots of size 4-6 women’s clothes for the mom of the family that Alena commented about above. I will get in touch with Alena.

    I also have a sale and ready to ship section in my store that still has a few items left (gift certificates, picture frames, aprons, etc.). All the items there are 30-40% off regular price. If I can sell those items, I can ship them out tomorrow and I will donate the 30% of each sale to one of these families in need.

    My store: http://peggyanndesign.bigcartel.com/category/ready-to-ship

  68. I’m heading out of town Tuesday in the AM, but would love to send a gift card or cash to someone. I’m in Canada, so if there’s anyone in Canada that needs something please let me know – I don’t want anyone to be affect by exchange rate or slow shipping.

    Thankgoodness I have a luncheon today, crying at my desk is not becoming.

  69. Jenny, you have started something wonderful here. Please match me up with someone with a paypal acct and I will send a little something to help out – whether they need to buy gifts or keep the heat on. THIS is what the season is all about. Thank you.

  70. Jenny, please let me know how I can help! I haven’t got a lot to spare, but I got lucky and got a job recently, so I can certainly do $30 for somebody in need.

  71. Oh, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the volume of people looking to help and receive help, I’m around to help YOU match people up, if you think it’s feasible. Try to take some of the load off. Just email me if there’s any way I can help you out with this, Jenny.

  72. I’d like to donate $100 through Paypal to a friend or two in need. Thank you for doing this. It’s simply amazing.

  73. Jenny,

    I started following/reading you because you are hilarious (true story). But this is so touching. It just proves to me that there truly are decent, caring humans out there and there is no better time than Christmas. This is like the real life version of Love Actually US Version. What a blessing. I’m retweeting just in case someone who follows me needs or is able to help someone that does.


  74. Thank you so much for all of the generosity! Our family was helped and I cant thank you enough! Its nice not to have to tell the kid we cant afford that and then hear then respond its b/c mommys sick we have little money. So thank you

  75. thank you so much Jenny, for your spirit and inspiration! You’ve reached a lot of people through your kindness and it won’t be forgotten.

  76. Sign me up to give a gift card too! No kid should be without something on Christmas morning! This is like a real life “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

  77. Bre- I think you might need to send those cookies straight to Jenny! It’s looking like she’s got a ways to go and a lot more email to send. Sugar and butter will definitely help!

  78. I’ve been crying since I got your email, and then doubly so since I got the email from my donater, and now swimming in tears reading this post. Damn right I’m going to pay this forward next year, whenever I can. Thank you so much, Jenny, and to all the wonderful people who have been so generous. I just can’t get over how wonderful this is. My toddler keeps asking me why I’m crying and then thinks it’s hilarious when I tell him it’s because I’m so happy. Makes a difference from him seeing me crying over bills!!

    Thank you, and have an amazing christmas everyone. XXXXXXX

  79. I’m a little late getting to this, so hopefully someone is still willing to help. I lost my job in may and haven’t been able to find another one since. My unemployment was denied and in August, I had to sell my car and leave the wonderful house I had been renting. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go or what I was going to do, as my family is not the greatest and wouldn’t offer any help. My wonderful, wonderful boyfriend offered up his apartment and invited me to move in, no questions asked. He’s been 100% financially supporting me since then and while the situation has been stressful on us both, he still gives wholeheartedly and reminds me everyday that things will get better and I am loved. I know he’s bought me an expensive Christmas present, something I really wanted, and I’d like the chance to give him a small token of my appreciation and love, and get him a book he’s been wanting for quite some time. Thank you.

  80. I’m a reciever. And I broke down in tears when I received bonnies email we had 5 gifts for our Lily this year. Nothing for each other and croched scarves and cookiess for everybody else. After seeing what bonnie was giving me I cries even more.

    The items were EXACTLY what she wants. I didn’t have the words to explaine to my fiance.

    However since the only words I have are thankyou, that’s what ill do. Thank you. Thank from every part of my body. Nothing can describe how much this means to me. How much this whole movement means to me. And I know u have helped two of my friends who were also in neeed of help. Both of them Called me crying yesterday thanking me for telling them. I told them to email u and comment their thanks because its all because of you.

    Next year, it doesn’t matter what it takes. I’m going to be a donator. Even if I have to start crocheting the items on jan 1 or putting pennies in a jar.

    Thank you. You are truely my santa this year.

  81. This is the first time I’ve read your blog and I haven’t read past this one, but I think it’s amazing. Can you please hook me up with someone in need? I would love to help. Thanks so much and high five from Germany!

  82. When I read this entry (and the others preceding it), I thought of Nancy Kappes and how she wrote about her struggles raising her kids and the Tuna Helper minus the Tuna (“…so it was just Helper…”) and food stamps and all that, and despite that she and her kids turned out awesome — well, I think if she were here to read this entry today, she would be so, so, so fucking proud of you.


  83. Jenny, thank you. Add me to the list of willing donors, I can manage a gift card or two. And, if you or anyone here happens to know of (or be) a family here in the San Antonio area who could use help with buying Christmas dinner please email me. I remember all too well the “mustard sandwiches” of my childhood (yes it is exactly what it sounds like) and am blessed beyond measure that my boys have never known hunger.

    Happy holidays to all.

  84. Does anyone have a need for baby boy or baby girl clothes? I have bins and bins of both- size 0-3 months to 6-12 months. I also have baby toys- nothing fancy, but rattles, little animals, etc. We were given so much when we had our twins, I would be more than happy to pay if forward. Please let me know.

  85. Like other commenters before me, I didn’t speak up, because I know there are other families, and other Momma’s who could use the help more than I can this year. I still feel terrible about asking for help, but I’m about to, I suppose. Last April my whole family had to relocate for work. The little Canadian mining town we lived in was basically shut down due to an ongoing strike. My husband and I both lost our jobs. We had to move into my brother in laws house, until we could get back on our feet, which, frustratingly, doesn’t seem to be happening fast enough. With all big changes around here ( house, school, friends), and the lack of being able to afford to even pay our own rent, Christmas will be *very* different for my two daughters. I’m not sure how to even end this message. Regardless of what happens with this, I want you to know that I am dead set on putting away money to help someone out next year. It is unbelieveable what is happening here. You, all of you are amazing.

  86. Okay, I’m just gonna throw my name in the hat. It would be really really nice to be able to buy all my little boys some presents this year, instead of relying on my (just as broke as I am) mom to do it. Bloggess you rock and all of you willing and able to donate are just amazing people. Thank you so much and you can bet your bippy that I’ll pay this forward when I can. <3

  87. Hi Jenny:
    I would be happy to pick up a gift card this weekend if some one would like one. I know that times are tough and you never expect yourself to fall on really hard times but last year at this time I was struggling to pay rent and other bills.

    Thank you !

  88. This is absolutely beautiful!! I am in tears over this… this is what life is about right here, helping each other out! I have $30 I can pass along to someone who could use it. Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

  89. Sorry I’m late too, but I “accidentally” won a $50 gift card at my company party yesterday and work has stressed me out so much this week, I don’t really want it to remind me. Please send me an address.

  90. Please put me down as a willing donor. I’m in the Houston area and if you know of anyone who needs a food basket for Christmas dinner let me know.

  91. This is not my real name. We are kind of scared this year because the rent and bills are in arrears.
    Christmas? We have food. I’m good at stretching my food dollar, but there won’t be presents for sure.
    My kid is technically a grown up, but his disability will not let him get a job, which would be fine, but my health has kept me from working flat out the way I’m used to. (No sick pay).I wanted to be sure all the folks with little kids are taken care of first.

  92. I think this is such a wonderful thing you are doing, I’d like to donate as well. Please let me know where to send a gift card.

  93. I just got sent here by a friend on another community. I would like to offer help to someone if it is still needed. Please email me if there is someone with out a match.

  94. Just a quick note to all the wonderful and generous minions out there- if you don’t get matched up with a specific individual through Jenny or Maureen, please consider donating whatever amount you’d offered to a charity of your choice or a family you may know who is in need! We’ve all taken a hit in one way or another this year, and it’s amazing to see such a great outpouring of love- donating directly is beautiful and heartwarming, but moms and dads struggle year-round to provide for their kids and themselves. (We’d already committed to adopting a family this Christmas, but otherwise, I’d love to donate. If I can find more cash after purchasing final family gifts, I’ll be back on Monday to share.)

    And by the way, Jenny, I think Santa lied- he’s totally jealous that he has to share Christmas with 8 lb 6 oz baby Jesus, no doubt.

  95. Add me to the list of donors! I can manage $40 or so!!! I love books; they are the one thing I can’t say no to buying so I’d love to donate to someone who loves collecting books for them or their child as much as I do!

  96. I am quite late, but I would like to donate $50 to help out someone in need. Please let me know how I can help.

  97. I haven’t commented before, but have started reading your blog on a regular basis. I’d LOVE to help- please put me on the list for a $50 card, or let me know what else I can do to help.

  98. Hi Jenny,

    I collect Swagbucks all year long by using their search engine, then use the points to buy gift cards (I sent you the link a while back and you signed up too but haven’t used it). I usually use these gift cards at Amazon.ca to buy books for my girls but I would be happy to donate them this year. I have $20 in gift cards for Amazon.ca so if you have someone in Canada in need, please let me know.

    If you don’t mind posting it, my referral url for Swagbucks so other people can collect points too is:

    And thanks for doing this! Things are tough for me this year too but this makes me feel so grateful for all the things we do have.


  99. Jenny, I’d love to donate $50 to a family who really needs it. Just let me know what I need to do!

    My husband and I always like to donate around this time of year (on top of donations that come out of all of my pay cheques). You’ve really helped me through a tough year just by writing this blog, and I’d be honoured to use this opportunity to pay a little bit of it forward!

    Also, you should make this an annual thing and get set up as a registered charity.. that way you won’t have to worry about taxes! (I think.. I’ve never actually done it.. )

  100. I am happy to help! Just read about this on Twitter – would love it if you could match me up with someone in need.

    Have a fun trip with your mom!


  101. Having been a single mom, recently divorced, no job and trying to figure out how to pay for gifts OK for my three year old – I have to admit I cried when I read this. Remembering how hard that Christmas was and how that Christmas was once made very special by a few very generous people. I always have a single paper foodstamp to remind me how hard it once was and to know how good it is now.

    Please count me in to help out someone – I would love to help another parent have a little less to worry about this year.

  102. Jenny, you are my definition of a hero.

    I spent a year without a job and were it not for the support of my family, I would not have been able to make Christmas happen for my girls. We’re not rich, but we are most certainly blessed. If you need more help on Monday, please send me a note. I can swing a $30 gift card to be a part of this magic.

    – Will

  103. I’m so in! I missed grabbing a tag off our giving tree at work & hadn’t figured out yet what I was was going to do, but this is perfect. I have $50 for whatever is needed. Merry Christmas!

  104. We don’t have much, but I just realized that there’s $20 in our Paypal account, so if someone could use a $20 donation, I would like to send that.

  105. I have been crying reading the comments on both posts..All of your readers are absolutely incredible. I would love to be able to do something small for a family in need. I am currently expecting my first child and am on an emotional rollercoaster anyway these days but all of these posts and comments made me feel so much better about the world I am bringing my baby into..Thank you all for renewing my faith in this world. Please let me know who I can help with a $30 giftcard for either Amazon or Target or Walmart…whatever would be best for the recipient. I love you all.

  106. I can send two amazon cards to those who might need a little bit of loving this season. I’m so late to the game but, you helped a friend out already and with the holiday bonus this year being //far// more than expected (which is better than none last year). My grandmother raised three of us and while we had meager christmas’s we still had something //and// we always gave up a present each to give to the angel tree someone our age.

    So put me down for two, send me the details and I’ll have cards sent off lickety split.

  107. Match me up, Bloggess! I got some $$ burning a hole in my pocket. I would be honored to donate, especially for some children who wouldn’t otherwise get something under the tree.

  108. Son of a crab apple – I don’t know if my comment went through or not. If you need donors, let me know – I have $50USD to spare.

    (trying this again >_>)

  109. I have been reading your blog for years and never commented…and I think this is a perfect reason to break my blog commenting virginity-please match me with someone in need either here or with Maureen.

    Thanks for all the laughs and tears you have given me over the years!

  110. I’d love to give a $30 gift card (to whatever store they like) to a family who needs it. Please let me know how I can help!

  111. I’m in! I can do a $30 online voucher, or paypal – whatever someone needs. huge thanks for starting this 🙂

  112. I can donate a card to one of the addresses Maureen has left – or will be around Monday if needed also.

  113. I’m one of the people who commented hours later, and got the wonderful unexpected surprise of an Amazon gift card anyway. Thank you to someone! I just ordered DVDs of Despicable Me (which my kid had said he wanted after we saw it), Pixar’s UP, and The Secret of Kells. You’ve made a rather grim year much brighter.

  114. Going to Target AND the post office this afternoon. Email me an address, if you have one, and I will mail a Target gift card.

  115. Add me to the list of donors as well. I’d be happy to spread a little holiday cheer via Paypal or gift card.

    You and your commenters rock, Jenny!

  116. We have had a rough few years; hubby out of work, BK, foreclosure…but we are lucky and blessed to be getting back on our feet. My company gave us surprise bonuses this year and I’d love to share.

    Please match me up with someone. I’ve got $30 for a giftcard/paypal.

  117. I just wanted to say that this is awesome! My grandmother sends gifts, and my parents sent gifts, so each of my kids will have two gifts, so we are not in need, I just wanted to say that it was a great blog post and thanks for having such a big heart. 🙂

    My husband just lost his job, so we know how hard it can be, but we know we have each other. The 10 of us are safe and warm and we couldn’t ask for more.

  118. Sign me up, I’m happy to help however I can. Or if you need help organizing, shoot me an e mail, I have 2 hours every day I could send out e mails while the twins nap!

  119. Thank you for the chance to let us see how lucky we are. My husband was unemployed for 9 months and got a job the same week both of our cars broke down – just in time that the car place gave us credit for a replacement. He worked for a year on contract, and then went unemployed for ANOTHER 11 months – nine of which I spent gestating our second child (oops). We didn’t see my stepkids for 6 months because we couldn’t afford to fly them out for visitation weekends between summer break and Christmas. When he finally got a job (the week our daughter was born), for the next 9 months he commuted two hours EACH WAY, daily, (with our only car) because as awful as it was for me to single parent two-under-two and him to never see them, it was better than losing our house. Luckily I have wonderful neighbors that helped us get my daughter to doctor’s appointments when she was little and sick.
    But even in those circumstances, we always have had enough to eat and right at Christmas time that worst year there was just enough provided to allow us to buy plane tickets for the girls, and gifts. We didn’t lose our house; miraculously they decided to cut us a break and restarted our mortgage, so we’re paying interest on interest (ugh) but we have our home.

    I look at our budget and how we’re still doing it week to week, with just one car, and let myself get all worked up, until I read the stories here (well, on the other post), or hear about a friend-of-a-friend whose husband left her and her two toddlers without warning a couple weeks ago, taking everything. The furniture (including the cribs!), the housewares (no pots and pans), her clothes and the kids’ clothes, every toy, every single possession they had, and she is holding it together for her kids, keeping her heart up, saying everything happens for a reason.

    We don’t have room in our budget for donations, and yet, do we? We are so much better off than so many, can I really justify saying “we might be late on one of our bills if we do that” or even worse, “but I need to buy presents for our kids before I can buy presents for other people’s kids!”….

    I just wish I could get this concept jammed deeper into my heart and mind so that it’s easier for me to act the way I know I should, instead of digging in my heels and looking out for only myself.
    Thanks for the reminder and the extra elbow nudge and round kick of the concept to squeeze it a little farther into my heart.

  120. I read your every post but rarely comment, but I needed to today – I find you inspiring. As well as making me laugh all the way over here in Snowy and dreary London, you bring a tear to my eye. You are so kind and it makes you realise that there are some beautiful people in this world.

    I don’t need anything, and just scraped through with Christmas this year, but I just wanted to comment to say it’s an amazing thing you’re doing, and all the people donating are just as wonderful. I really hope I’m in the position to donate next year.

    You’re inspiring, girl. Have a lovely Christmas.

    PS – Give James Garfirld a sloppy french kiss from me. He looks like he has the tongue for it.


  121. No one ever likes to go hat-in-hand, especially not at the holidays. My husband would cringe if he knew I was asking for help; he comes by his stoicism naturally. We have had a very difficult time in recent years but have done ok; our income has been eaten up by paying for student Ioans so my husband could become a nurse. He was a professional engineer but couldn’t find work for over a year after we moved back to my hometown to be closer to family support. Our only child is multiply disabled so I cannot work and take care of his needs as well. My husband works his behind off to take care of the family. He maintains our cars, the house, he helps with cooking and laundry and never complains. We were fortunate enough to receive a gift for our son which we wouldn’t have been able to provide. We aren’t making a big deal about Christmas this year simply because we cannot afford gifts for each other. I really would love to be able to surprise my husband and treat him to something simple like dinner and a movie just to show him how much I love him and appreciate all the sacrifices he makes for our family.

    Jenny, you are an amazing spirit. Just the idea that people are reaching out to help one another helps me hang on to faith that things will, ultimately, be ok. I hope one day, when Hailey reads about the amazing stuff her mama does to help other people ( well, after the therapy for learning about the burial/exhumation of her poor doggy), she will be proud of you. Merry Christmas to you and your very generous minions.

  122. i can certainly drop a Target gift card into the post…please forward me a name/address. you are the GREATEST…thanks!

  123. Jenny, you are so amazing!! I love you for doing this! Please match me with someone. I would love to help!

  124. I can help. If you’ve got someone in need, I’d be happy to donate a $30 Amazon gift card. Just email me and let me know what I need to do.

  125. More and more, the blogging community has warmed my heart this season.

    At the beginning of the month, I blogged about how money was tight for us this month. About how for the first time, we were really not sure how all of our bills would be paid. I was nervous about opening up, because I thought I’d get lots of nasty comments (i.e. “If you’re so broke, why did you go out to dinner last week?”, when really they didn’t know that we went out because we were using a gift card from last Christmas). On the other hand, I felt like I owed it to the people who read my blog to be honest about the fact that because we chose to do whatever it takes to have one of us stay at home with our daughter, sometimes we do without. Period.

    Anyway, after I blogged about money being tight, I was *overwhelmed* by offers to help–to send old clothes. To send Christmas presents. Offers of gift cards. It was so incredibly humbling. And incredible. And it’s totally re-shaped the way that I view the blogging community.

    So, I get it. And I so appreciate everything you’ve done.

  126. Trying not to get all teary at work while reading this. Truly fantastic. Please sign me up to help. I’ve had $30 stashed randomly in a drawer in my bedroom for no apparent reason and now I know why I put it there. It was waiting for this. Thank you all for reminding me that true awesomeness still exists in the world.

  127. Jenny, you and your readers are awesome.

    I am just in awe, not only of the courage it took for people to ask for help which I still can’t do but also at the number of generous people who are so willing to help.

    It’s so hard to sit back and watch people all over Facebook and Twitter talk about finishing their Christmas shopping and posting pictures of their Christmas tree while some of us sit here facing homelessness, unemployment, not having family around, not even having a tree much less any presents to put under it.

    This is the last year, I think, that my daughter will still believe in Santa Claus and I hate to say it but I am almost relieved because my heart sinks when I think of how disappointed she’s going to be in him this year.

    You’re a wonderful person for getting this started.

  128. Jenny,

    I’m double posting–I’ve added a post to the previous blogpost as well–but didn’t want you to miss the offer to help an additional person if you need it. Checking the email regularly in case you are sending an additional name to me. If you want to hold my offer in reserve for Monday, that works too.


    @Metamorphosteph–best wishes from Austin! I will be thinking of you on Monday and sending good vibes your way.

  129. 🙁 Oh, I wish I could help… But I’m more likely to be one of the poor souls who needs help than able to give it. You all are such amazing people for doing this, and if there’s anything like this in years to come where I can give money, gifts, anything really, I’ll be in like a shot. Thanks for making me smile when I expect this December to be the worst Xmas of my life.

    Lots of love to everyone xox

  130. I would love to help and send a gift card or pay pal. I’ll await my instructions.

    This makes my heart fill with awe for everyone’s generosity.

  131. This is making my heart swell, and my tears fall! Jenny you started an amazing thing, and you inspire all who read this. The only time I ever feel any kind of Christmas spirit is with the kiddos and their joy. I hate Christmas, But You Miss Bloggess, YOU put some nice logs on the smoldering Christmas spirit in my heart, and for that all i can say is Thank YOU!
    All of you that could donate, would donate if you could (that’s me, too) and all of you that had the courage to ask for help, YOU ALL are amazing spirits and have made me see that not all humans are evil, thank you for helping me see that humanity is not lost and when i have been beat down by the out side world, THIS My Friends will help me keep strong and going, despite what i see out there!
    Much Much Much Love and Respect to ALL Of YOU! ?

  132. I would be thrilled to help someone out -to send a gift card or whatever they need most. Please let me know.



  133. Words can’t describe how much I love and admire you for what you’ve done — and your community, too. This IS what the Christmas spirit is all about. (And I bet it takes some work on your part to do all this matching!)

    Please match me up with someone on Monday. And enjoy the weekend with your Mom.

  134. Doug and I just got some great news. I’d love to help. Hook me up with a couple of folks in need. We’ve been there. It feels good to be able to pay it forward.

  135. I was also one of the lucky recipients of gift cards from people through the post yesterday. I can’t even tell you all how much it meant to me. We all know what it feels like to literally not know how we are going to provide for our kids and I really hope I am never in this position again. I can’t wait until I can help out someone in need. A big heartfelt thank you to those who are able to donate, it really does make a huge difference!

  136. Okay, it’s taking me this long to get my spreadsheets in order but emails are going out to donors right now. Also, we actually have more donors than people asking for help at the moment so if you’re struggling to get your kids presents please leave a comment.

  137. Match me up please! I have a $100 gift card to Toys R Us I would really really love to give to someone in need. They can use it on-line, but I’ve been trying to deal with their website to order gifts for my kids with another gift card I have, and frankly, I can’t recommend it. I’m sure they’re a wonderful company but their website is awful, but since we don’t have a store in my town, I’m kinda screwed. All that to say, I can get it in the mail to someone, if there’s enough time before Christmas or give them the # to use on-line. I’ll have the envelope waiting for an address…

    Jenny, what a gift you’re giving to so many of us. You’re wonderful. Thank you. I’m kinda dry and sarcastic but you made me cry. Thanks a lot.

  138. So I was told about this sight by a really good friend of the family. I like a lot of others I have read about on here know that there are soooo many other people out there that are way worse off then my famliy. We have 4 kids all under 4 (oldest son is 3, middle son will be 2 the day after Christmas and we just had twins, a boy and a girl, on June 1st)! We have been able to buy a few small things for them but it has been tight. It’s been a struggle to find the money to buy the formula and diapers for the little ones. And I am stressing on what to do for my sons birthday as well. Im not big on asking for help bit honestly any help would be ever so much appreciated! I would also like to say what a bleasingthise of you who have helped are to all of those who have been on the receiving end! You have touched their lives and their hearts! God bless all of you!!

  139. It’s hard being one who needs help instead of being able to be one of the ones who CAN help. It’s been a rough year, but this holiday season has been hardest. My husband and I have 3 children between us and he got laid off the weekend after Thanksgiving. Not only that but they stiffed him on his holiday and vacation pay. He and I will be fine, but I hate not being able to give the kids at least some sort of Christmas. We would be grateful for any kind of help, no matter how small.

    And even if no one can help us, still what an amazing thing all of you are doing! What a relief to know that there are so many generous and kind people in this world. It gives me hope. 🙂 May karma smile on each and every one of you.

    To those who are struggling, here’s to a better 2011 for us all!

  140. Jenny, I’m not asking this for myself, but for someone else. I’ve already sent them something, but this couple is desperate. They have been in the hospital (at the same time) with serious medical conditions, have lost their home and he is doing the best he can to work enough hours to keep his job until he can retire in January. (Yes, they are an older couple who have worked all their lives and helped many others along the way, I might add.) She has to drive him to work, men come and help him out of the car and into his wheelchair and she sits at a roadside park until he gets off work (so she can have access to a restroom) and then drives the distance back to their daughter’s house. Both of them are diabetics, plus several other issues and he has dialysis three times a week. They can’t even buy all the medication they need each month, nor the groceries for the special diets they have and buying gas is hard. If there is enough, would you please consider them? Thanks for doing this, this is wonderful.

  141. Hey Jenny, I don’t have kids, but I love reading your blog! Christmas is my favorite time of year mostly because generosity seems to be in the air during this holiday. Please let me know if there is anyone who is in need and I will be happy to contribute.

  142. Wow, I think I just found my holiday spirit. You’re amazing, Jenny, as well as all the people who stepped up to help people in need. What a wonderful community of funny, smart and giving people!

  143. Yep, got teary-eyed while buying a couple of Amazon gift cards. I’m so humbled to be in a position to help.

    Thank you, Jenny, for taking on this amazing project. Many, many good karma points for you.

  144. I would love to help anyway that I can. I must admit that I don’t have a lot to give this year, but if somebody needs a gift in the $25 arena or you could pair me up with somebody else who is donating so that we can give a larger gift I would love to help out. Please let me know what I can do! This kind of Christmassy Goodwill To Men is my favorite part of this time of year and thank you Jenny for being the organizer of this.

  145. Hello all. I can’t believe I am here but I really need some help. My husband is lucky and has a job but I have been staying home with our 3 children because daycare would cost more than I would bring in. We thought we had Christmas covered and would just be a week late on utilities so we bought gifts for our kids. An hour ago I received back to back phone calls from the electric and water companies that they would be shutting us off on Monday and Tuesday if I don’t come up with the minimum payments. I have no choice but to take the kids presents back this weekend and hope for cash and not store credit. If you have anything left over after helping the others my family would be so grateful. Thank you Jenny and all her wonderful donors.

  146. When you are done with all your wonderfulness going on and have a moment, i wrote a post to you Jenny, and i hope you get to read it, thank you for everything you do for me.

  147. I know you have a lot of doners right now, but if you need any more, I’d be glad to donate. Maybe someone who got a $30 gift card could use a little more. Merry Christmas!

  148. If you still need donors, please e-mail me and let me know. This is so wonderful! Thanks so much for having such a great idea and for bringing it all together.

  149. Jenny, this once again proves why you’re my hero. I don’t have a paypal account, but I’d be happy to mail out a $25 gift card to a family in need. Please give me an address if you have someone.

  150. I have 2 family members in GREAT need this season. We are all hurting but I managed to get a loan and our Christmas is covered and the greatest news is my husband just got offered a job that starts in January. But my sister and brother are not so fortunate. My sister told her kids there is no Santa this year. My brother’s daughter is fortunately only 1 so she won’t know the difference. Normally my father helps us all out during Christmas but this year he is strapped as well. Any help for my sister and brother would be miracles. Really.

  151. This story made me cry. People can be surprisingly fabulous! I couldnt read the comments because I didnt want to cry even more!

  152. Hey girl, I thought of someone else that I personally know. I sent an email because of the circumstances.

  153. My previous responses have been cached due to my blog site so I am removing it. I would love to be able to help with a gift card..please let me know if I can forward a $30 card for Amazon or Target to anyone in need. You are all absolutely incredible and have completely renewed my faith in humanity. Thank you all!

  154. Well, damnit, and I just did my “stop-oppressing-me-with-your-damn-commercial-Christian-holiday” post. Let me know where to send the money. We’re poor, but not broke, and I’m a lot less broken after reading this. 🙂

  155. While my Christmas will be smaller this year, I am able to still get my friends and family presents (however homemade they may be!). However, I have a very close friend who is in the middle of an acrimonious divorce and is the sole provider for her two children, ages 3 and 6. While talking to her yesterday, she confided to me that she was not going to be able to purchase any Christmas gifts for them this year. I know that anything would be so helpful to her and would really make her children’s Christmas so much better!

  156. Shit, I’m tardy for the party.
    I’ll take 4 people or $120 to one person or some combination, just match me up, whenever, I’m on it.
    Thanks for being a catalyst. And I don’t mean the cow kind.

  157. I would love to help. Please match me up with someone!
    Thanks for bringing some Christmas spirit into this little Jew’s life. 🙂

  158. You are an angel, Jenny. I am inspired by you. Thank you for being you and having such a big heart and embracing the “misfit toys” of the world.

  159. So I shut off the internet for a couple of days and come back to THIS MAGICNESS (<—- totally a word)??? I can't give a lot, but would be happy to team up with someone else to make this time of year easier for someone who needs it. Let me know. I'm struggling a bit these days, but I would love to give $10. I know, not a lot, but I figure it could go towards something bigger for a family in need. Love you, darling.

  160. Let me know Jenny if you need more donors. I can’t do a major donation… but would be honored to give. xoxo…

  161. If needed, I’d like to send a $25 giftcard to someone. It’s not much, but this outpouring of generosity makes me realize that even a little bit can make a difference, and that I’m a very lucky person.

  162. I’m one of those souls that got matched up with one of your magical elves through Maureen, and I’m not entirely sure how I can ever say thank you. Thank you for speaking up in the first place, thank you for being so generous with your time, thank you for helping everyone, not just the souls like me who’re trying to make ends meet.

    Just. Thank you.

  163. Hey, Jenny.

    My husband & I would love the help. We have a 7 month son who isn’t going to get anything thing Christmas. My husband had to take a paycut at work & I was laid off the day after my maternity leave ended. I know he is young & doesn’t know the difference, but I’d love to be able to put at least one gift under the tree. We manage to pay all of our bills, but there is hardly a cent left.

    Please pass us up if there is a family with children older than ours. We will definitely pay it forward next year. Even if we have to save our change.

  164. Just commented elsewhere in blogsville about not feeling the Christmas spirit this year. Well, I am floating in it in now!
    Money’s tight, still out of work but I can do $25 in Paypal or gift card. Thanks for the reminder. You are all magic.

  165. Jenny, I just started reading your blog about a week ago, and I’m hooked. Tears are pouring down my face as I read the comments. My family would love to help- a $50 Visa gift card, just let me know the address. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  166. Hey Jenny – It is an amazing community and thank you for the being the foundation. I said it yesterday and I will totally keep my word today – if you can match me up with someone, I’d love to help. I can only give $30 or so, but I hope that could be used towards giving some family some joy this season. We could all use it. And also damn you Jenny for making me cry two days in a row in my office!! 🙂

  167. Would love to help! I can donate a $25 giftcard, or if the person has an Amazon wishlist, I can just make a purchase through that.

  168. I just commented on your prior post but want to make sure I am added to your list of donors. I would love to donate $100 to someone in need this Christmas season. Times are tough out there and I tear up everytime I hear a story about some stressed out parent wondering how they’re going to make the holidays special for their kids.

    And I have to say……your readers rock! Seriously guys….you are amazing, kind hearted, warm spirited individuals. I applaud you!

  169. If you need more helpers, let me know. I sent a gift card last night, and then today I got a refund (!) from the cable company (!!) and in about the same amount. So I’m thinking that as long as the universe is going to keep giving me that $30, I’m going to keep giving it back.

  170. Crap, commented on the wrong post somehow. So, that other comment… this one:

    “Oh, and I also have two or three winter jackets for girls, sizes 18mos-2T, I think, and a snowsuit for 6-9mos, all in perfect condition, if anyone has a need for those!”

    That belongs here.

  171. I spent the last two months in a hospital room and then a funeral home, burying my mom at age 58. My daughter – her only granddaughter – is about to have her first christmas. We’re tight financially, even though my job pays great, because I’ve paid all her bills since I was 18 due to her health (I’m 23 now) and now her funeral expenses, credit card debt, etc, fall to me.
    It’s tight – really tight – and my Husband and I aren’t doing gifts this year for each other, only for our daughter – thank goodness she’s tiny and will just be happy with the fun and excitement and the little new things to play with. We’re trying desperately to get together money to move, living where I am and seeing her room and things is killing me.
    But after the depression I’ve been in since I’ve lost my mom, I think giving to someone who needs it will make me smile more than being $30 closer to my getaway. I’d love to spread some christmas cheer (and try to find my own, again). If someone needs help, I am here.

  172. We coul really use some help this year. We’re currently 3 months behind on my car payment (got paid today, so it’s about to be 2 months behind) and my husband’s car (paid off, fortunately) just broke down – needs a new head gasket & head cylinder. We’re really struggling this year, and I’d love to be able to give my son a good Christmas. This is the first year he’s been old enough to really understand what’s going on, and I really want him to have a good one. If there are any donors left, we would really appreciate the help.

  173. If there is still help available I would humbly ask for assistance. My husband and I are struggling ourselves with our 4 kids but my brothers 4 kids also are going without. Between the two families we have three special needs children who’s medical bills don’t allow much room to stretch for holidays. They recently moved and the kids had to leave much of their clothes and toys behind. They don’t ask for much but it would be nice to be able to help them out.

    Hey there! I want to help but you forgot to leave an email address. Just leave a comment with your email address and we’ll get you all hooked up. ~Jenny

  174. I’m actually not a part of the usual community, I’m here via @hhoagie and @wonderkiller over on Twitter — but I want to offer a $30 gift card for a family that still needs it. Match me up!

  175. I already received an email from my Secret Santa. Ok, so I’m in tears now. I don’t even know what to say to thank you properly. This means more than you know. We came so close to being *homeless* last month. Homeless with an injured vet and 3 kids. I felt so alone and scared. This gift doesn’t fix all our problems, but it does help and I think more importantly, shows all of us that we’re not alone in times of despair. There ARE people who care. That’s a truly priceless gift.

    (I know this is so sappy, but you made me cry first!)

  176. From one Jenny to another – I heart you and your site! This is fabulous and so touching. I would love to help someone in need out. Please connect me I can donate a $40 gift card or transfer $ via paypal.

  177. I just now saw this today, right now, so I’m late to the party. I could absolutely swing $50 (which isn’t much, I realize, but still), so if there is anyone still left unmatched, please feel free to match me up to them and I will happily provide a gift card or a paypal deposit.

  178. This so awesome what you’re doing! I would love to give someone a gift card if that’s possible. Please let me know.

  179. I was laid off in June and had my unemployment stopped thanks to a rule I was never informed of. My husband lost his job in October and hasn’t had been able to find anything that wouldn’t Cost him More to get to and from work than he’d make.

    My in-laws did send a small box, so they will have Something… But if there is someone who would be willing to help me be able to get something for them Myself, or let them buy presents for each other, I would be So grateful. I’m pretty sure I’d cry. And I’m not a crier.

    If not, if there are other people who are worse off and don’t even have a few gifts the grandparents mailed, then please help them first and we’ll be ok. But with so many people being willing to help, I thought I’d try.

    Either way, I think all of you are Wonderful people. Jenny for starting this, and everyone else who ha pitched in. It’s what Christmas is Really about. You all turned a bad week into a good one just Knowing that all of you people are out there.

  180. I don’t have the largest salary, but a family friend emailed me that she had mailed a check to my mom to deposit for me (I live abroad). I don’t know how much it’s for, but I promise the first $30 of it are for someone else. I don’t make tons of money (English teacher) but my needs are met just fine, and it will be a privilege to help. I always love doing the giving trees at church at home, and someone here is organising a toy drive for an orphanage, but I remember my dad being out of work a couple times in my life and would be glad to help the way my folks needed it. Please match me up with someone in need. I am in Russia but from the US so I think the best would be a person in the US (being in Russia and sending stuff to another country might gum up the works with a bank alert or something) and I can paypal it directly or order on behalf of someone or some electronic gift card or something. Just let me know – this is so wonderful. Never been here before, but someone posted it on facebook, and I have reposted.

    Thanks a lot. I’ll be thinking of and praying for all donors and recipients, not to mention the Bloggess!, this Christmas and in the future.

  181. Oops, ‘them’ being my children of course. 4 and 6 years old. Thankfully they’re used to small Christmases, just never this small.

  182. Hi Jenny, you are wonderful – this is wonderful – I would love to send someone a gift card if its not too late!!

  183. I am happy to pick up a gift card or two this weekend. Please let me know.

    Thank you for all that you do !!

  184. I am really late to this game but I would love to help too! I’ve never used Paypal before (gasp!) but I would be happy to send an Amazon gift card. I can only swing $30, but hopefully it will help make someone’s Christmas a little brighter.

    I still believe in Santa Claus and I am 28 years old. People laugh when I tell them, but this…all of this…THIS is what Santa Claus is all about. It’s THIS feeling that is what Santa Claus really means. This is so amazing, I don’t even know what to say.

  185. I absolutely love this. I’d also be happy to send a gift card to someone that needs it. Or cash in a paypal account.

    And if someone wants to send me a real, live, unicorn- I’d love that, too. And then I’d re-gift him to someone that needs him more.


  186. Jenny, what you do is amazing. I have been afraid to ask for help with anything (ever) because I’m one of those people who takes care of things for my kids, regardless of the cost to me…but…I’m asking now…I’ve sold possessions to biy gifts only to have needs for
    THAT money to arise, and I don’t want to tell my munchkins that there isn’t a Santa…

  187. This is the most awesome thing I’ve ever read. Thanks, Jenny, for getting this started and thanks to all those who have helped others. It’s so inspiring to read this time of year. Or really, any time of year.

    I would love to help but we have been pretty broke this year. Not so broke that we can’t afford a small Christmas for our family but sure wish we could help out others in need. Thank god there are others who can.

  188. Dear Jenny,
    I feel a little embarrassed to be leaving a help needed note. My husband and I are usually the ones who try to help everyone and their brother. This year has been a very trying one. I was diagnosed with a tumor (Thank the lord it is treatable) and had a slip and fall accident that has left me going through extensive medical treatments and without a job. My husband does what he can and works very hard to provide for our family. We have 4 kids who are teenagers. Only one is biologically ours and the others are kids that we take care of, but call our own. This year I know that we are not going to be able to give them a nice Christmas and still pay our bills. Even to have a small token of help would make this year a blessed year. I am praying for a blessing to all or your contributors and for your family this year for the giving that you are bestowing on so many people. God bless every person who gave and is receiving this year.
    Humbly and with great thanks,

  189. Seriously?! This is beyond awesome and proof of the power of social media. I love this. I’ve been feeling all grinchy this Christmas and started giving stuff away two weeks ago and it made me feel better. You are incredible. So are your fans.


  190. When I was younger my mom would always sit down and have us kids do crafts around christmas. She would then send them to family as gifts. As I grew up I realized it was less about giving them a cute and unique craft and more about giving them a meaningful gift while still spending as little money as possible. It took me a while to realize how hard it was for my mother to rais three kids by herself! Especially coming out of an abusive relationship. After 18 years of divorce we still life off of the child support cheques.

    I wish I could give my mom the gift of not having to rely on child support from my father, but that might be out of my reach to obtain. I would never dream of asking for anything for me, I don’t need presents. But I would love to be able to give my mom something, anything for christmas. God knows she deserves it!

    I live in Canada so it’s a little trickier, but if someone was willing to help me show my mom how much she has done for me I would be forever grateful! To everone who has given, you are rays of light making the world brighter. Thank you! And to Jenny, who inspired this, you are a whole sunshine! Thank you as well!

  191. This has just made my holiday season, my week, my year!!! Huge thanks to all of you! The gift cards that I was sent will make a merry Christmas for my family. I hope you all know that every one of you have made a difference. And the biggest thanks to Jenny for bringing this miracle into reality.

  192. I cried reading this post. My family is going through some tough times. Luckily, we are able to pitch in and help them, but I’m so glad to know that there are good people out there who would step in to help. Thanks for organizing this movement, Bloggess.

  193. This is such a beautiful idea. I may be late commenting, but I have had a very tough year. I left my job to move down south to be near my only daughter whom I am incredibly close with after living apart from her for nearly 14 years. She is the amazing mother to my darling grandson and I couldn’t bear to be away from them any longer. It took years for me to take the plunge and after working a full time demanding job for 13 years I am now having a terrible time finding employment. I finally got a job and as soon as I did they cut the hours to 8 per week which is making finances extremely difficult. On top of it all I have been caring for my mother who recently had her third stroke. My daughter has helped me in so many ways, including financially until I get back on my feet, and I feel terrible that I can’t give them much of anything for Christmas this year.

  194. I am happy to send along a gift card directly. Please let me know an address and I’ll get it in the mail!

  195. This is exactly what Christmas is about. Thank you Jenny for using your blog as a tool for good. Wishing your family a very Merry Christmas.

  196. I’d like to help. I can only really afford 30$, I am a student that works part time, but I want to help!

  197. Gah! I have to stop coming back here! I am bawling again! lol. You guys are so amazing. For real. THIS is Christmas. THIS is what we are supposed to feel. I love it.

  198. I work with teachers across Texas and I have one in the Houston area that is basically homeless. His house was foreclosed on because he is a “good” guy and is making child support payments on his 3 kids, which doesn’t leave very much for him to live on. He is staying in a motel, and although he has never asked me for help, I know he needs it. I would prefer that he didn’t know I had anything to do with it, as I’m really not supposed to get involved. But if you end up with more “givers” than “receivers,” I would love for him to be able to provide some sort of Christmas for his kids. The hard part is that all I have is a work email address for him, so I don’t even know if it would be possible?

    All of you are amazing. Even the grinch would have tears in his eyes after seeing the generosity displayed….

  199. Jenny,
    I’m a long-time reader but first-time commenter…sorry to lurk for so long! I’d love to help out anyone I can, so get me on the list in case anyone still needs a hand. Christmas isn’t the only time people are hurting…I would love it if people watched out for each other all year long.
    All of you that are commenting on here are so very special! If everyone cared this much about everyone else, the world wouldn’t be such a scary, dark place sometimes. Hope you all have an amazing Christmas!
    Love from Minnesota to all of you!!

  200. I recieved
    From: Katie
    I looked through the comments on the Blogess’ post and I’m not sure if there is more than one Becka, but I hope this gives you and your family a little bit of holiday cheer. I hope that the future brings you good luck and best wishes for a brighter new year! Merry Christmas! -Katie

    To Katie:
    THANK YOU!! I got him a new train and some shoes for Xmas.. So he gets his “Christmas Shoes”… Sept his Xmas shoes are Paul Frank sneakers. In the end your kind heart put something from mommy under the tree. So today I had a little less worry.

    I hope everyone on here who has been so giving has the best holiday ever.

  201. If you still need help I would love to be matched up with someone. Growing up my mom was in the same position as many of these families and I would love the chance to pay forward some of the kindness of the shown to us.

  202. Hubby and I are lucky to have made it through another round of layoffs at both jobs. I can definitely swing a $25-$30 gift card somewhere for someone who needs it. Let me know! If they’re in or around St. Louis, I’ll be happy to get one from a grocery store here.

    Best thing that’s happened during Christmas for a long time! You, Jenny, and your loyal subjects are making so many dreams come true this Christmas. I am honored to be an online stalker/friend

  203. Blessings to all of you who have helped others. I was delighted to receive a gift card from a Ms Elly Lou, for which I am so very, very grateful. On behalf of a struggling, single mom, I want to thank Elly and the hundreds of others who have chosen to share their blessings. Love to you all, at Christmas and always.


  204. Jenny,
    I sent you an email yesterday to say that I can help, but I guess you are on overload. I am willing to help, just let me know. This is a great thing you are doing.

  205. We could use a little help if there is any left? We have to have our van fixed so, that we can take our four kids to visit grandparents (they only get to see them once or twice a year). We’re to the point where it’s close to either paying for the trip to see family and skimp on the gifts or get the kid’s the gifts in their letters to Santa, but not see family.

  206. I’ve got $100 for anyone who can accept via Paypal–I’m living in Ireland so that’s probably simplest. Just hook me up with someone.

  207. I wrote earlier saying I have a $100 gift card to give, and I keep checking my email to I can send it to someone. Jenny, I’m sure it’s so much more work than you imagined, but thank you so much. This Christmas I’m really relating to those in need so much more. I can’t complain. As a child we had very very little, but enough. As an adult, I’ve never really wanted for anything. This year has been tough. Today was the last day of school, and I had cards ready for my daughters teachers, but no gift cards to go in them, and absolutely no way to pay for them until my husband drove 25 minutes to his work, got his paycheck, drove 25 minutes back down to the bank, got money so we could get the cards (I have never been in such a position before – NO MONEY, no credit….), and he could drop them off before school got out. We’re fine, but very much living paycheck to paycheck, and Christmas is so freaking demanding financially. Next year should be much better.

    I am SO HAPPY I can give something to someone really in need. It restores a tiny bit of my self-esteem right now. Thank you again. I don’t think I can come back again because I’m tired of crying 😉 Can’t wait for your email.

  208. I’d be happy to help if anyone flakes out or if you have new/additional needs come in. What an amazing idea to help those in need!

  209. Curse you, Jenny the Bloggess for making me cry.
    And bless you for being such a giving soul.
    This makes me count my blessings – a healthy, happy family fortunate to have enough.
    And bless all of your “minions” who have given from their souls. I’m only sad that, although we have enough we don’t have much to spare.

    THIS is what Christmas is.

  210. @Jessica I: if Jenny hasn’t matched you up to anyone, feel free to send me an email. I’m at mommyismoody {at} gmail {dot} com.

  211. I have sold many of my own possessions to make money to give my ids a Christmas this year, only to have new needs arise for THAT money (since when do seven year olds get root canals?!). I am a take care of myself kind of gal, but I don’t want to tell my sweet (and stop believing) babies that there isn’t a Santa…so I’m now asking…for a little help…every little bit matters…if it’s possible…

  212. Hi, I happened to read this via a friend posting it on Facebook, and I would like to help. I am on a fixed income, but I can send $30 cash – just please tell me what I need to do, thanks.

    This really is amazing, you have brought back something that I thought had gone the way of the dodo – kindness.

    Thank you.


  213. Hey Jennie, you’re just… amazing. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, and your posts always make me laugh and sometimes cry. You’ve got an amazing heart, as do all of your followers who have commented. I am completely in awe of how wonderful you all are.
    I want to help someone. I’ve been extremely lucky this year. I lost my job in April and was unemployed for for 6 months before I found something part time, using unemployment to survive until then. Now it’s Christmas, and I have been able to buy small presents for all of the people I needed to buy for.
    I’ve been super selfish and haven’t really thought about others outside my bubble, but reading your posts and how amazing all of your readers are, I’ve managed to snap myself out of it.
    I can’t give a whole lot, but I can definitely do a $25 gift card or paypal or a gift sent to someone. Please email me and let me know who’s in need and what I can give.

    Thank you so much for reminding us what Christmas really is about. With so much love,

  214. I was really really lucky to have receive from Jenny and a lovely gal named Pam. That gift enabled ME to give things to my kids and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you.

  215. Can’t even make it through all the comments as I am totally in awe here. Don’t know how I missed the initial post, but am going to read it soon and check out Maureen’s blog, as well. Let me know how I can help. Whether it be sending a giftcard, or something electronically, I would love to help out. You are AMAZING! Everyone here is AMAZING!

  216. I want to help. Let me know who and where. I could go up to $50.
    Thanks for starting this avalanche, Jenny. You’re a peach!

  217. Hi there! Thank you so much for doing this – I would love to help donate a $50 amazon gift certificate if you still need donors!

  218. Jenny, I just received my Secret Santa email. Thank you. I have been in tears for a while now, and the thought of a complete stranger willing to help us make Christmas a bit more special for my one-year-old means the world to me. We have been struggling for a while now, and almost weren’t able to make rent this month, let alone water, electricity or gas… All things that have been taken care of now, thank God. My husband always tells me not to worry, that we’ll figure it out, but it’s hard when he’s the bread-winner, me being a SAHM, pregnant with our second and not able to work. This financial bind came out of nowhere, and thankfully will be over by spring, hopefully. I’ve been so ashamed of our predicament I haven’t even told my husband about the Secret Santa… perhaps I should surprise him Christmas morning?

  219. I would love to help with a $100 gift card for a family in need. Thank you so much Jenny for this lovely opportunity to make a difference. Your blog kept me laughing in 2009 when I was out of work and now that I am working I would like to give back. Merry Christmas!!

  220. Jenny, I only recently found your blog, and the first post I read made me laugh hysterically. This post makes me want to hug you.

    If it’s not too late, I’d love to help someone out. Please let me know what I can do & for whom. Thank you!

  221. I have $40 to share with anyone to any place I can buy a gift card. I also make weird little stuffed animals & babushka dolls if anyone has a smaller child who would like a little something handmade. Jenny, I just don’t know what to say about your generosity. You’re a blessing & an inspiration.

  222. My husband just got his Christmas bonus and I would feel like a selfish B for not helping. Please tell me how I can help send someone money or a gift card.

  223. So many emails sent out. So many more to go out in the next hour. You guys are the best!

    PS. Anonymous who had 4 kids and whose sibling has four kids: You didn’t leave an email address. Please come back and leave one so I can set you up. Thanks!

  224. I’m getting here kind of late, but a friend of mine sent me this way. If it’s too late, that’s cool.

    I’m 34 weeks pregnant, newly married (June 25th) and this Christmas is going to be nonexistant as far as gifts go. See.. we have insurance, problem is I’m in the middle of a 365 day maternity waiting period which means they won’t pay anything. Not regular visits (set to be around $3800 by the end of the pregnancy), not trips to the ER ($610), not the stay in labor and delivery when I went into early labor right before Thanksgiving($8,753.78), not the and not the ever looming upcoming fees associated with the delivery (Dr, Hospital, Anesthesiologist… Lord only knows how crazy that will be). I’ve been unable to work since the 19th week so we’re living off of my husband’s fast food management job (which has somehow kept us afloat, but barely). At 29 weeks when I went into early labor they put me on bed rest after finally getting contractions to stop. And now we wait…

    If the pregnancy bills weren’t adding up quickly enough, add in that (after years of having no dental insurance or way to pay out of pocket for dental care) my mouth is falling apart. Literally. Two broken teeth so far and several others that are just begging to destroy me.

    I don’t need a whole lot. Somehow we’ve kept the rent payed and food on the table. But when my husband told me the other day that things are so hard it doesn’t even feel like Christmas it just broke my heart. If anyone can help me give him a little bit of Christmas, they’d absolutely be our angels…

  225. I am usually late to everything, and this is no exception. But I’m here now, and totally ready to help make some Christmas miracles come true. At any rate, this is probably cheaper than renting a Santa suit.

  226. Dear Jenny,
    I regularly read your hilarious blog and when I read about how much you were helping others I was amazed. I personally do not need help this Christmas but I am writing on behalf of my mother. She is a single mother with two children still at home and she also has my sisters four children. She has spent her life helping others as a nurse but has been disabled for some time now. She has lupus, fibromyalgia and a severe back injury. Anything you could do to help her would be so appreciated.
    Thank you so much for being so wonderful… you always make me smile!


  227. I very privately did something like this a few years back for a fellow blogger. I’d asked 5 blog friends to help me give her and her kids a christmas. They, unprompted, asked a few of their friends. Before I knew it, there were something like 20 people mailing her gifts. She didn’t know it was happening until boxes started pouring it.

    To date, it was the best Christmas gift I’ve ever receieved, watching that go down.

    I’m glad you did this, Jenny.

  228. After reading yesterdays post I was thinking, I’m all the way in Sydney Australia, how can I possibly send a gift card and have it arrive in time? So I didn’t.
    Then I read this post and though, how can I not?
    So I just purchased a $25 gift card on amazon and am very willing to pass it onto someone who needs it.
    And I’m going to go out today and ‘buy’ some donations from the wishing tree or a duck or goat from the places that ‘sell’ them and include them in presents this year as well.

    Thank you. Thank you for making me feel selfish about only buying one donation while Christmas shopping for my extremely large family. Honestly, this makes me want to donate more.

  229. You should totally sell a book of the pictures (from the other blog) for this each year. I’d buy a couple.

  230. Hey, I hate to ask this, but I need help. My Dad has walked out on us over Christmas, he won’t be here, well I say that wrong, my Mum chucked him out after finding out he had an affair and he is going to my Granny’s house over in Ireland, he is not going to come back to us. I have just come back from college and I am flat broke, I have no money to make my Mum’s and Sister’s Christmas special and believe me we all need it, honestly even just a little bit of help would be so super.
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to even ask this.

  231. I would like to help! I’m in Canada, so it might be easiest to match me with someone else in Canada. I can give at least $30 to a store of their choice, plus someone gave me a $40 gift card that I do not need and I would like to donate that too (the store has many locations in Canada and sells housewares, clothing, toys, etc.). Thanks!

  232. Add me! I want to help somebody! This is so cool. Thank you, Jenny.

    I am a computer doofus and am not sure how to go about being a donor, so…can you walk me thru the process? Kthnxbye.

  233. I would love to help out. Just tell me what to do! I don’t have gift cards, but I do have cash. 🙂

  234. I will help, match me up, matchmaker. I’m into horseback riding, pina coladas, gettin’ caught in the rain, and sending gift cards. Not into yoga, into champagne.

    And? I love you, really. There’s a lot of love on this blog, and almost none of it is inappropriate.

  235. Hi Jenny,
    I have been reading this blog for a while and have never posted before…but I had to tell you (and everyone else) that what you are doing is AMAZING! While I would absolutely LOVE to donate to someone, I am a young struggling single mom and student and don’t have much. But I would like to share with you what I am doing in San Jose, CA to help those less fortunate…
    My 5 year old and I are going shopping for toys tomorrow to donate to our local Toys for Tots drive, she is really excited to do this, and we have already donated 5 bags of clothing/blankets/etc.
    Instead of getting my hair cut and buying new work clothes, I am using that money and part of my daughters present money to buy enough food (along with my mom and a few awesome friends) to feed at least 100 of the homeless people who frequent a local park. This will be the third year that we have done this!!

    Hopefully next year I will have some extra money to donate to this because it is awesome and I would love to be a part of it!

  236. Jenny,

    I am one of the grateful people one of your Angels helped thank you so very much. The smile on my little mans face Christmas morning will be because of you. Thank you.

  237. I commented on the other post but haven’t been matched. I’ve got 2 $30 Walmart (Canada) gift cards all ready to go out if there are any Canadians still waiting.

  238. Hi Jenny,

    I can’t do much, but I can provide a Target gift card to someone in need. It’s the least I can do. Just reading all of this has restored my Christmas spirit and my faith in humanity. Let me know!

  239. Jenny,

    I was sent to your blog by a friend of mine and I have always found you to be very whitty and amusing and at the very very least a great artist in your own right but now seeing that you are doing this as well brings warmth to my heart

    I’m not much of a donator but I would love to help out in any way I can – What can I do to help?



  240. Jenny,
    You are one of the most incredible people. One of my friends received help from you or your readers. Her little boy will get to believe in Santa this year. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  241. Jenny, this is amazing. I’m moved, and in a sincere way, not a sarcastic but mildly funny way.

    As much as I need help (I was let go by my company when I told them I was going back to college, my car payment is three months late and may be repossessed in the not so distant future, I JUST got my gas turned back on after almost a month of cold showers, I have no idea how I’m going to pay rent in January, blah blah blah), it’s only me in this tiny apartment. Well, and the Great Dane that saved my life after I saved hers. And the tailless cat that had nowhere else to go. What I’m saying, though, is that I have no children (human children, rather). The only person relying on me is me. So if anyone would be willing to help someone more in need, maybe by offering to be a second donor if their situation is dire, that would help me immensely. That way, I would feel as though I helped, maybe even just through suggestion.

    Happy days, everyone. The sun will come out tomorrow. xoxo

  242. I would love to help! I hope I’m not too late. I don’t have a paypal account, but I can certainly do a $60 gift card… or $60 divided into different cards. Are we emailing these gift cards or mailing them?

    This is all so wonderful. Thank you for making me smile!

  243. Are there Nobel Prizes for bloggers who are absolutely brilllllliant? Look at the beauty you brought into the world these past few days!

    Sent you an email, please let me know if I can help…

  244. Im late in reading this and wished I had read it sooner. My family is beyond struggling ,as I know so many are. Our heat was recently shut off and we are having to make due with space heaters. I have no idea if there will be gifts for my kids…we have a 4 year old daughter and 16 year old daughter. I cry every night thinking about how sad they will be, I know times are hard for everyone,and Im ashamed and embarrassed but I would do just about anything for my kids..I am at the end of my rope and am praying for a miracle.

    Maybe this is it?
    With Love,Jennifer

  245. Okay, here’s what I can do. I have money sitting on Amazon I’d like to donate. However, since I got it in a gift card, they won’t let me regift it into a gift card. I’d like to donate $30 on Amazon — I just need to know what gift and where to send. (Does that make sense?)

  246. I love this idea & would love to donate $100 to the cause. Please let me know what to do to make it happen. Thanks so much for doing this! Merry Christmas!

  247. Hi Jenny (and all her awesome friends!)

    I can help with a donation, please let me know what’s needed. And hey, my company has a job opening on our Customer Experience team for an awesome, smart, writerly/techie type…part-time, benefits, flexible hours. Maybe someone who’s out of work would be a good fit? Please apply, we’d love to meet you! http://batchblue.com/jobs/customer-service-rep

    Happy holidays everyone and best wishes to all.

  248. What you are doing is amazing. I really could use some Christmas help this year. I wasn’t going to ask for help, but my children could really use some Christmas cheer.

  249. I’m just a college student, so I can’t do a lot, but I got a Christmas bonus from the thrift store I work at and could totally manage thirty bucks if you still have people looking for help. I’ll go check and see if my paypal account is still up.

  250. Jenny, I saw you’ve still got some to go. I’d like to get something for my friend Robyn Mervoli who has been living with her children in a shelter for a little while now. :-/ Let me know if you want her info.

  251. Jenny, thank you so much. Every little bit helps, and this year is twice as hard. My step-daughter recently came back into our life…so instead of making Christmas morning magical for our two boys, we had to find a way to keep it alive for her as well. Such an emotional, hard year…and you have helped.

    Thank you. xoxo

  252. I wish I could be one of the people chiming in to say that I can help. Unfortunately, my family is one of those that would be blessed to receive ANY help. My husband works full time and I work part time on the side of full-time mommying, but we’ve been living at -$7,000 a year thanks to medical debt (no savings, no credit left, no assets, no life insurance, but apparently $12 a month too much for food stamps because they don’t look at how money goes out, they only look at what comes in), and we’ve never since our son’s premature birth had more for Christmas than our hearts and charity can give us to share. The hidden blessing until now has been that our son, who has four neurological disabilities (Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder and an as-yet-unidentified neuro-muscular disorder that apparently isn’t mild Cerebral Palsy after all), did not really understand holidays, and had no expectations to let down. This year, Ash has finally “gotten” Christmas. He’s still not a typical kid by any means, which in this case means he’s also got no reflex to get greedy around this time of year, but it breaks our hearts that he’s finally developed enough to start asking for things, and we still can’t quite do anything about most of them. We know what he’d like, and what we’d like to get him that would be good for him, therapy-wise, that he wouldn’t think of. We just can’t do anything about it yet. After years of fighting, we finally got coverage for him to have the state-formalized diagnostic evaluation that allowed us to apply for Disability for him, but that’s only just started coming this month. It’ll take us a year or two before we can pay bills AND buy groceries without worrying about being evicted.

    I know there is need everywhere. We’ve quite literally survived for this long because here and there, someone has taken special note of ours. Not all are that lucky. But if there is still help left over, we would truly, truly, truly be grateful for it. Honestly, if anyone would even be willing to send USED toys or books that would suit our son, that would be fabulous. It’s more than we’d have, without it.

  253. I cannot afford to give my son any gifts this year, but seeing as he’s only 3 months old, I don’t think he’ll notice or mind. 🙂

    You are awesome.

  254. I posted a link on my blog, I really hope people see it and go here so they know about what you’re trying to do. I also retweeted you, so hopefully that will help as well.
    The turn-out has been heartwarming. It definitely brought a tear to my eye.

  255. Such an amazing thing to do. We’ve had a tough couple of years and had lived without heating and hot water for over a year but we manage to scrimp together to have that fixed. Ive managed to win some gifts to wrap up for my children but youre truly an angel helping people like this.

  256. I have gone summers without hot water and early springs without heat (temps can be as low as 20F in March/April where I live). This Christmas I got my daughter her Eclipse dvd and several packs of her favorite gum. I get a free ham from work so I’m good. I feel fortunate that I’m able to have those things for Christmas, and also spend this time with my family, not to mention I have a job that I love. I wish I could give to others that have less than I but I can’t. Reading this makes me feel like there is still humanity in this screwed up world of ours. You guys rock!

  257. Jenny you are amazing as always.

    For years I would go to the post office and get letters to Santa Claus to answer. For years we have done things for others who had less through non-profits that worked with people living in pay-by-the-week motels (sooo many children there). Things are tight for us due to my being sick, but we have each other (and Eustice!) and we’re very blessed.

    I have a wonderful friend in OK that could really use some help… We met though a support board for the disease we both struggle with. We’ve been fortunate enough to meet in person and for years I’ve been blessed to have her as a friend. She wouldn’t take help from me (we offered to send gifts to her kids) because she knows how tight things are from us. But I know that being able to get some nice new things for her three boys and two girls would mean the world to her. I told her I was asking for her and she couldn’t stop me! Please contact me for her email address.

  258. I’m so touched to see such wonderful outpouring. This is the true meaning of Christmas. It restores my faith in humanity. Normally I’m a terrible Scrooge because all the grabbing makes me sad. I have a huge smile along with my tears. We don’t have the huge need of some people in here. We were blessed with our first child this summer & he is too small to understand that we don’t have a tree or gifts this year. I’m praying that next Christmas will be a better one for all. Blessings to you Bloggess & all the angels who are helping!

  259. This phenomenon is remarkable in a lot of ways; most of all,for me, you have created and nurtured a community in which people are comfortable admitting imperfection in their lives. It is so challenging for so many people to allow themselves to be seen as they truly are, and not with a thin veneer of faux perfection. It is challenging even for me, which is why I’m still amazed that I’m about to tell all these complete strangers that I haven’t been able to buy a single gift for anyone this year.

    Last Christmas, I had just found out that I was pregnant and decided to move back in with my parents. For the last 12 months, I have only been employed for about 90 days. (It’s hard to find a job when you’re visibly pregnant and they know you’ll be taking time off in the near future…) My daughter and I have been living off the generosity of my parents, and the situation is very stressful. I had so looked forward to my munchkin’s first Christmas, and now I just feel empty about it. What kind of mom can bring a child into the world and not even provide for it? (I ask myself this daily.)

    She’s still so young, only 5 months, so this Christmas really isn’t for her so much as it is for me. And I know there are many people out there more deserving than I am. I just don’t want, years later when she asks about her first Christmas, to lie and tell her how wonderful it was.

    Jenny: you rock my face off. In a whole lot of ways. And if there is someone out there that would help me, I know you’ll find them.

  260. I can’t even express the joy I feel when I read post after post of kindness. I would like to ask for help, but not for me, for my grandparents. They are 88 and 90 and two of the most giving people I know. They are losing their house this year and barely make enough money to to buy groceries. My heart breaks for them everyday, because I am not in a better position to help. The reason they’re in this position is because their kids took advantage of them. They live in a very small town and don’t have access to the internet, but they would love to get something special in the mail. No matter how small, anything would help. My grandpa is always on the lookout for a good deal! I know that this really is for children, but my grandparents have helped so many and even at 90 years old, my grandpa still works as much as he can. I’d like to be able to show them that they are loved and they are cared about. That God is watching over them and he sees all the good they do for others.

    Jenny, you are amazing and all the donors that have followed in your footsteps are amazing. I haven’t felt the spirit of Christmas in a long time, but I have been so overwhelmed by reading your blog the last two days.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  261. This is absolutely heart warming, It was funny because i grew up doing things like this and the biggest joy was running up to ppls house that we bought presents for because their family couldnt afford it or their parent was in prison, knock on their door and then leave. It was the best feeling ever.
    I truly wish i could give to this, but seeing that we are selling clothes, books and pretty much anything we can to pay bills this year we cant. But i will share this with people that i know would prbly love to give.
    God Bless you all, and know that you will be rewarded amazingly in heaven and on earth!

  262. Okay. This is embarrassing. It’s humbling and a little humiliating to ask for help, especially when you have always been able to provide for your family. Yet I am so grateful for what you’re doing. I stand (sit), hat in hand, asking for help. I’ve been out of work for over two years. We moved an hour away so we could have more affordable housing. We have been waiting for Friday (today) to arrive since today’s my husband’s payday so we could go Christmas shopping for my twin three year olds. Unfortunately, last night my son grabbed my husband’s glasses during a rage (he is autistic) and broke them. So, this year, instead of getting presents from Santa, my husband is getting his glasses replaced. I am so grateful for the timing (even though it kind of sucks) because he can go and get new ones, but we were thinking last night that Christmas would be very light for the kids (can’t NOT do Santa, but I was thinking I’d just get some coloring books and crayons from the dollar store).

    If, you would be so kind (I’m kind of horrified I’m even asking this) to enable us to get a toy for each of our kids, I would be so so SO very grateful. So very grateful.

    If it’s not to be, I can totally live with that. I feel like we’re not a priority here — we are fortunate that my husband has a job and we are able to keep a roof over our heads, but to be able to get something for my kids would be amazing. I really appreciate your time — and I really appreciate what you’ve started here.

    Much <3.

  263. God bless you, Jenny. And God bless the two kind souls who sent me gift cards. I feel so lucky and overwhelmed by the generosity of people I don’t even know.

    My mother is going to be so thrilled on Christmas morning when she gets her presents. She’s really a remarkable person and I know of few people as deserving of gifts as she.

    Thank you so much. Thank you a million times. I’ve never felt such heart warming love from people I don’t even know.

    Merry Christmas and may all your good deeds be returned to you with interest. I vow to try and reciprocate next year.

  264. My sister is too proud to ask for help but I am not. So I am leaving you her email address. I love my nephews and sister, much more than I can even stand anyone else in my family, and if I had a job and could give them anything, I would.

    I don’t know if there’s any help left, but I know three people who deserve it very, very much.

    Thanks, Jenny.
    And thank you to everyone else who is able to give.

  265. I tried posting before, but was embarrassed aout askng for help tha I used my anonymous email–only to find a few minutes later that can’t access it anymore. Now can’t find that comment, either, so maybe I am losing my mind.

    If you could help us, I would be forever grateful. I hve three kids, twin 6 year old girls and a boy who just turned 13. They’re going through the wringer since their dad walked out, and what was supposed to pay for a small Christmas is now keeping food on the table til the end of the month. I found out about you when my kids’ guidance counselor told me that it was too late to get help with Christmas from any of the agencies and charities he knew. Bless you, either way.

  266. So of course, with my heartfelt plea, I left MY email instead. I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I don’t need anything. But my family does. So here is her email, as I originally intended.

  267. My friend, Janet, sent me here. What a great thing to read!!! It’s so wonderful to see so many people willing to help others. I don’t have a lot, but I have $70 to contribute to someone who needs it. We own our own business and have four sons – times are definitely tough. But, we have enough to share. Just let me know.

  268. A little late to the game as I am literally just reading this now, but please email me if you still need help come Monday. I’d be happy to donate 🙂

  269. I guess if anyone can, I will ask for help. It’s all I’ve got right now, and my only hope. Thank you.

    Jenny, this is so amazing what you’re doing. You’ve got to be exhausted… if too exhausted for this request, I understand. Thanks again.

  270. If it’s not too late my family could use some help please. Can’t find a job, 3 kids age 3,6, and 13. Anything would be so appreciated. It’s amazing to know how many good people are still out there.

  271. Jenny, this has touched so many people, the ones giving just as much as the ones receiving.

    I sent a link to this post to a few friends and family as an example of the true meaning of Christmas. My mother just called – she loved this so much that she asked me to offer a $30 gift card in her name and she will send me a check to cover the amount. So please let me know if Shirley in Des Moines, Iowa can help someone in need.

    Thank you – this has done my heart good!

  272. This is amazing. Seriously, I have tears in my eyes.

    I’m not in need, but I have a good friend who’s husband was on disability for several months after his leg was broken in a car accident, and then he was far away from his kids while he was rehabilitating, and now that his doctor has given him the OK is going to ship out (he’s in the Marine Corps) in January, two days before his kids’ birthday (they have the same birthday). Their family really struggles to make ends meet on mom’s salary, and since dad couldn’t work for a while and was on inactive duty they are having a simple Christmas. I don’t have a need, but if possible, I would love to surprise my friend and her kids with something special this year.

  273. Words fail.

    Just wanna know if Canadians can help? We can’t always buy gifts on U.S. sites when it reads the IP address as Canada. Let me know if we can work around this…

    Hugs from Canada.

  274. Is this still going on? We have never been in such need. My husband and I are living apart in separate cities while finding work and we just found out I’ve run out of unemployment insurance. I have never been I this position before and wounding when the humbling will end! Haha I have great hope for the future but have been completely caught off guard bythis season in our lives!

  275. I think this year has been hard for a lot of people. We are definitely not in the worst shape, but we haven’t bought any presents for our 5 year old little girl, & unless something changes, we won’t be able to.

    I am grateful for what we have – a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet. Groceries are slim at times, but we’ve never missed a meal.

    I know my husband would be upset that I’m asking for help, so if you are able to match me with someone, I will be telling him I won a giveaway. He’s not one for handouts, even at Christmas.

    As I said, we aren’t the worst off, so if there isn’t anything for us, I’ll understand. If there is, I will be sure to pay it forward once we have a few extra dollars.

    Thank you so much for doing all of this. It is amazing, even if we don’t benefit.

    Merry Christmas!

  276. Unreal people in this world,My girls will now have one gift each and thats better than an empty Christmas..im thankful they will have at least a small gift to open..thank you from this grateful Mama..We all want to give them the world and I can hardly put food on the table but its something thank you thank you thank you. I am including my paypal jennifercondon87@yahoo.com..maybe just maybe I could fill my fridge this Christmas, Love to all of you..

  277. I cried my eyes out on the kindness of others and the need of some. I wish I were able to help but I’m in need myself. The company I worked for closed down in April and part time work has been the only opportunity I’ve been able to find. I’m on four months with no electric and I’m constantly running weeks late on my rent. This if the first time that I can not provide Christmas as it is a struggle to buy every day supplies. Things have never been this bad for me and I know I have the same story that thousands of Americans are experiencing at the same time. Bless every one of you that are Angels on Earth.

  278. I’m almost crying. But it’s from happiness so it’s A-okay.

    I should be thanking all these people for giving a shitload of faith in humanity. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

  279. My Fiancee and I dont have much to give, but we can help out a little bit. If you have someone who doesnt have a donor, let me know. We’ll do what we can.
    Once again you’ve made me realize that humanity isnt the lost cause it usually seems like. Thank you Jenny.

  280. This is the true spirit of Christmas. I was so tempted to ask for help when you first posted, because this whole year has been such a struggle for myself and my two children. I’m disabled and we’re currently living in public housing…which is humiliating to me, but at least my kids have a roof over their heads. It will be a very meager Christmas but we have love and that’s all that’s truly important. You are reminding us all what the true spirit of Christmas is – generosity, kindness, and love.

    Thank you for helping soooo many unfortunate people.

  281. It is hard to ask for help, but if there are still kind people out there who want to help, I could use it. I have three boys and a Christmas shopping budget of $26. They won’t get nothing without help but it will be very tight. I’d really like to be able to get my sweet, hard working husband a present too but I don’t think the $26 will stretch that far.

    If you are out of donors that is okay. This has been an amazing thing to watch.

  282. How I’d love to be helping this year instead of feeling a bit desperate. I think my 3 year old has enough to make her eyes sparkle on Christmas morning, but I am unemployed, single mama… just went back to college this year to become an RN. I’ve had the gift/trial of surviving a critical illness and have a great deal of respect for the nurses who were so wonderful to me during that year. After working in the social services field for 20 years, I didn’t expect to be 40, laid off, returning to school, and the mother of a wonderful kid. Anyway, we are stuck for rent money for January. I am praying that my job search will pay off soon. If anyone has the ability to help a little, I would appreciate it so much. Last March I got sick again and had major surgery unexpectedly right after the holidays. I am just so scared that I’ll get sick again, this is rough going. I will pay it forward, asap! Thanks for considering it… this is a beautiful thing that is happening here. Kalli sanders.kalli@gmail.com

  283. Please count me in to donate to someone’s PayPal account. I know it’s been said many times — this is an extraordinarily humane thing you’re doing.

  284. A friend shared the link to here. I have to say, these are the sort of things that restore my faith in humanity.

    Even little things can make a huge difference. There was a homeless guy outside of my local supermarket for the better part of a year; he was a mechanic who’d lost his job and was stuck living in his van. I always asked if I could get him anything inside, and all he ever asked for was a small thing of milk that he could keep in the cooler in his van… just enough to have with cereal in the morning, before going out to job hunt. It was such a little thing, I figured why not? I never really thought about it in the long term.

    Then one day he wasn’t there anymore. Four months later, someone calls out to me in a coffeeshop… and here’s the mechanic I’d seen before! He’d found a job and was back on his feet, and wanted to say thank you; he said that being able to have a bowl of cereal each morning meant he was able to face the job-hunt feeling more human.

    That has stayed with me, even four years later.

    Ever since then, any time I go shopping I’ve made a real point to ask the homeless folks outside a supermarket if there’s something I can get for them inside. Sandwich, coffee, whatever. It won’t add much to my grocery bill, but even little things like milk — or a $30 gift card for the holidays — can make a huge difference.

    If you’re still matching donors up with those in need, I will happily put together a gift card to brighten someone’s holiday.

  285. I want to help, Jenny. I love you for doing this, for making me laugh, for making me cry… I can contribute 30 bucks or so. Let me know who to send it to. Thanks.

  286. Hey Jenn, I’ve been a commenter for a wee while (I did your Country Dancing elves of last year) and I’ve been really touched by all the comments. I feel like my heart really has grown 3-sizes and all I had to do was read your blog to achieve that.
    I was in the same boat as the person from Sydney, Australia I wasn’t sure how I could help (I’m in Melbourne). However, I’m more than happy to figure out how to contribute to an Amazon Gift Card or if you know of anyone who needs help this year via PayPal let me know – I have $100 spare.
    Also…I’d probably be able to send a cuddly koala to a wee kiddie too! Although…considering the late offer it may not reach the family by Christmas.
    May you all have a great Christmas,

  287. Jenny,
    A friend sent me your link and suggested I write… we’ve had a tough time since my beloved husband of 20 years finally passed in 2009, after 13 years of fighting the congestive heart failure, pituitary tumor/emergency brain surgery and resultant diabetes, kidney failure, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc….
    His church buried him and we’ve yet to set a headstone.

    We count our blessings, but it has been so tough on my two disabled adult stepdaughters, who suffer from closed head trauma syndrome and seizures and have no source of income save myself… neither of whom are getting adequate medical care because we just can’t afford the tests and doctors and all…. and my brave adult stepson with mild Aspereger’s syndrome, who works and pitches in as he can. I haven’t been able to renew the title or get the inspection done for the 1989 wheelchair lift equipped van… we just didn’t have the extra $120 in July. The vehicle my stepson uses needs additional repairs so it can also pass inspection and we can renew it’s tags , so it’s being driven out of legal compliance. I’ve been in the hospital myself this year, and since May have had repeated procedures for degenerative disk disease and arthritic degenerative spine stuff, operating now on less pain medicine than would make me comfortable but I have to function, I’m still paying off the deductible to the hospital but thank god for insurance… and I can’t take off 3 – 6 months for the recommended surgery because who would support the household? Every month something goes unpaid so something else can be, and so we rotate what’s behind. Sometimes it’s the choice between the utilities, medicine and food. Linda needs a new computer, one with a graphics capability, so she can put her art on line, to sell and generate some income. She is an amazing artist,,, all hand drawn… and inspired. I know we are not as bad off as a whole lot of folks, and we are grateful for that, but we are on that razor’s edge, and it won’t take much to knock us into the abyss. If anyone would consider helping us, the above email is also our paypal.

  288. Thanks so much to Jenny and our Secret Santa Maura. I keep tearing up when I think about the amazing generosity my family has been shown. I’m so excited for Julian to wake up to a tree full of presents on Christmas morning!!

  289. I’d like to help – we have more than we need. I can donate $ or send gifts or whatever the need is.

  290. I am looking for help, to help 2 little girls who just went back into fostercare.They are being placed in a temp home an we are trying to put christmas together for them. They are great girls 3 an 4. If anyone would like to help us out that would be great.

  291. I promise I will help next year if you do this again. I am so unable financially to help this year though i wish i could. It breaks my heart i can’t help. After reading your blog my landlord and her secretary gave me a month free for christmas, since they know i am unemployed. So you ended up helping by showing. Thank you Jenny, you are the best.

  292. My sister has just this moment told me of this website and generosity,I don’t know if it is too late and I’m hoping its not. My wife of 15 years passed away last January leaving myself and my 15 year old daughter to pick up the pieces,we have love for one another in abundance and she honestly does not ask for anything I don’t know what could be done at this late date but we are struggling and any help would be appreciated. God bless all of you,even the very idea of this has blown me away

  293. Are you completely exhausted, Jenny? I’ve read every word of the last two posts and comments, made my Toys for Tots donation, but I could be counted on to do more if you need me.

  294. Becka,

    I am so happy I could help you out with getting your son some “Christmas Shoes” and a train! It brought tears to my eyes reading your update and it feels nice to help out!

    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  295. WalMart gift card: $30. Paypal donation: $30. Helping someone in need renew their faith in the holiday spirit and human nature in general: priceless.

    Hit me back and let me know where to send it.

    God bless you: you’ve made all of us better off for having known you this Christmas.

  296. I read your blog a lot, and this is just amazing!! I wish I was on the other end and could help someone in need. I was able to buy my kids a few presents this year, by dipping into my money I am supposed to pay daycare with, but it will be worth it to see their faces Christmas morning, as long as we don’t get kicked out of daycare, lol. This makes me believe! This is what Christmas is all about! It’s not about what you get, it’s about that feeling. Thank you for being awesome!

  297. I’ve already surpassed my charity budget for the holidays, but I still want to help. Do you have a mom on the list who has already received help for her kids, but could use a little love for herself? I can offer up a $35 gift certificate for my etsy shop and provide some mama-pampering goodness. Please give me an email and I’ll send a gift certificate. Thank you for letting me participate! My shop is picnicbasketcrafts.etsy.com if you want to see what I have to offer so you can match me up good. (-:

  298. I would love to help however I can. Thanks for bringing us all a bit closer in this great big blogosphere. I am in awe.

  299. Your post brought tears to my eyes. My husband and I are very fortunate this season – we are both gainfully employed and live comfortably. For my husband’s present this year, we rescued a kitten. I want to help more though. I would like to offer $250 (in total) to those in need. You can decide how many families it will go to – just let me know where to send the money.

  300. I’m willing to help and can donate a card .. Just let me know who/when. You’re amazing and inspiring!

  301. Jenny: You’re an inspiration. While I won’t be around to make this happen on the internet community, I’ll be sure to make some sort of donation to my close-knit rural community where a lot of people are in need of assistance. Thanks for your kind heart, genorosity, and making me laugh all year long!

  302. If there is anything extra I could use some help. My son has outgrown his infant car seat and we need to get a convertible one so he can be safely in the weight limit. We have some money set aside but it’s just not enough. I would so appreciate it. Jenny, thank you so much for starting this!

  303. If you are still looking for people that need help, I’d like to put in a request. Several business in my town shut down in the last year. As a result, more people applied for the local charity, Shop with a Cop, then it was able to help. So my daughter’s school is collecting toys to give to some of the families who missed out being helped. I would like to help them, but we only afforded Christmas by the skin of our teeth this year. I would use any money given to contribute to these families.

  304. I would love to help out! Just tell me who and where and I’ll be happy to do all I can!

  305. Hello Jenny and all of you amazing and wonderful people!

    I’m not asking for financial help. I am so very fortunate to have a family that will never leave me without. However, I am asking just for some words and prayers for my little family. My husband has been hit with depression really bad and he has been out of work for almost a year. He’s shipping off for the Navy in Febuary. We just got married and the thought of being without my hubby next year is heart breaking right now, (we won’t even be able to be together for our first anniversary). I recently had to switch jobs, so I’m making very little money. The total topper? Now we have to struggle on whether to put our kittty to sleep or not due to bladder problems that we just can’t afford to keep fixing.

    I’ve been having to put on a brave face for my Hubby and family because I would never want them to see me down. Sometimes, it would just be wonderful to get some words of encouragement and prayers. I battle bi-polar disorder and I’ve been without health insurance for over a year, so somedays all I want to do is weep and let someone comfort me for a change. I’ll even admit that I seriously almost killed myself back in October, which my family doesn’t know. However, I have to put aside my own feelings so that I may be strong for my husband, for my kitty, (vet said that our cat is very sensitive and he feels our stress. He totally does), and for my family.

    I know this is a weird request, but I figure people who read TheBloggess like I have for several years understand what I am saying. All I want for christmas this year is for a chance to put down the brave face and jokes that I make all day and to know that I’m not alone and someone out there really does understand. Some nights it all seems so overwhelming that the thought of stopping life seems better.

    I feel so lame and stupid and even pathetic doing this. I just hope you guys understand.

    Thank you everyone for reminding me that not everyone sucks.


  306. long time reader small time voice 🙂 while I don’t have the means to help I don’t have the need either! I have however spread the word and I hope it helps! Happy Holidays!

  307. I left a message on your last post not realizing you had updated (I linked from another blog) Please let me help if I can.

  308. I have a special request, not for me, but for a fellow blogger/friend who suffered a devastating house fire this summer. Not only did she lose her home, but she lost 2 of her 5 children. I know this probably sounds like an odd request, but as this is going to be a difficult time for them financially as well as emotionally, I thought I’d take a chance at sounding odd.

    I can give you additional details (her email address, the link on my blog to her story, the link to her blog, etc.) if you contact me via email.

    Nothing can replace her loss, but I know a little Christmas joy would go a long way for her and her family.

  309. I just wanted to say that your last two posts have moved me to tears. It’s so easy to forget sometimes that people are capable of such grace. Thank you to the giftees and the donors for reminding me of that. And thank you, Jenny, for giving them the opportunity to do so.

  310. Jenny: I just discovered your blog a few months ago and since then have been an avid reader. I’ve been addicted to it for your hilarity, your personality, that really comes through in your writing. But this and the previous post are unbelievable. I know it’s the people who contribute who deserve thanks as well, but you are the one who started all this and it seriously brings me to tears.

    I’m not sure how the matching up is going, and there are a lot of families here in more need then I, but I have a request for my mother. It’s just me and her and has been my whole life. She’s done a wonderful job raising me but unfortunately is in a lot of debt. She would probably kill me for posting on here but she really does need help. I have a minimum wage job and always give her my paychecks to help with the bills so there’s never really money for extra things, which is not a big deal. But she has basically, single-handedly, payed my way through a private college education: taking loans, refinancing the house, cashing in her bonds – and that leaves a lot to be paid off – and I know my education to her pales in comparison but it’s hard to see her so stressed, even though she tries to hide it. Absolutely any money that is extra would make her so happy and help a lot, I know it.

    And I suddenly feel the need to confess one other secret – I know she refuses to even acknowledge my birth father (who I never met, thank goodness, beacuse he abandoned her and she had me on her own) but when I was first starting college I found this letter in the trash (on the computer – beacuse my mom doesn’t understand how “permanently delete” works) titled with my name, and it was a plea to my birth father for money to help with tuition (I didn’t even know she had his address) and I know there was never any reciprocation from him. I never told anyone that. I also know she never got a dime of child support from him beacuse, she told me, if she put him down as my father, he would have been able to fight for custody and even though he didn’t want me in the first place, she didn’t want to take any chances. My mother’s love for me and her generosity overwhelms me and I am more grateful for her then anything in the world; she is my best friend.

  311. Words cannot express the blessing you have been in my life. Even before this, you were my hero. You make me laugh every time my world gets too blue, and now you’ve saved Christmas.

    I love you Jenny.

  312. Hundreds of emails matching people have gone out so far and I have another 85 that will go through tonight. I just need to take a break to relax for a bit and then I’ll get back to work. This is taking over my whole life but it’s so worth it. More matching to come…

  313. The winter is hard on our budget not only for the obvious reasons like heating our home and kiddos growing out of their clothes but because we make $50 too much to qualify for food stamps. My daughter has a severe heart condition and she is g-tube dependent. Our insurance pays for formula but we believe the blended diet has really kept her healthy and growing strong. I buy, prepare, cook and store her food on a shoestring budget. We qualify to get a Vitamix blender for medical reasons through their company but at $299 there is just no way we could swing it. We need a second deep freeze since her frozen foods take up at least 1/2 of our current one. We are a family of 8 doing the best we can. We never expected that we would have a special needs child but we would never have it any other way. She reminds us that time is precious and it’s all we really have. God bless.

  314. I’m only re-posting beacuse I realized that I gave you the wrong email address a minute ago and was not sure how to go about correcting that… this is the right one….

  315. I keep coming back here to read more comments and I end up in tears every.single.time! It just amazes me. This really restores my faith in people. I am in so much awe over how kind people can be, especially after seeing over the last 6 months just how cruel people can be. I just…. um…. wow. Ok, I’m gonna start crying again.

    (I hope the people who sent us Amazon gift cards received the “thank you” messages that Amazon gave me the option of sending when I added the cards to my account! Again, thank you so much!)

    Jenny, please do this again next year so that I can pay it forward and help another family the way mine was helped today.

  316. In the spirit of this I randomly gave away a GC I’d not used to a Twitter friend after he randomly mentioned how broke he is. To do so makes me smile, it makes me happy and the saying is true – it really is better to give than receive. I only wish I had more.

  317. I was one of the lucky one blessed by TheBlogessClaus and her ‘elves’…..I hate to admit that I have ‘feelings’ and ’emotions’ but I must admit, I cried tears of joy this morning when I saw the email and the gift card. I can’t tell you how much that $30 helped me get my girl Christmas presents. Some may think ‘$30..big whoop’ and let me tell you, to a mother like me and so many others, it really is a big friggin whoop and it’s a whoop that wouldn’t have happened without you. Thank you, so very much for helping me and so many others….thank you~

  318. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on trying to establish a college fund for my very best friend’s son in South Africa. I lived there for 5 years and saw this sweet boy grow into a man. He graduated from highschool with very high marks and wanted to enter college last year but the family cannot afford the fees. Many times I visited htem and they were eating tea and bread with butter. Since he couldn’t afford college he is working now as a sort of socal worker at a police station. He would be the 1st person in FOREVER in his family to go to college. His mom and sister and grandmother never finished highschool. One sister finished highschool but doesn’t want to go to college. He said he wanted to go to college to take care of his mommy.

    If anyone has ideas, I’d love to hear them!!

  319. Jenny, if you need another donor, please contact me. I’d be happy to help. I didn’t offer before ’cause it looked like you had a lot, but since the need keeps growing, I must step up. Thanks for all you do. I’m n ot exactly sure how to handle the transaction, but if you give me a hint, I’ll follow up.

  320. Hey everyone just want to say thanks to the people that have done what they could to make my kids’ christmas a happy one.I still have one small problem after getting my oldest 3 the one gift they wanted a piece plus shipping and handling I still have 1 child that won’t get anything.She is 2 yrs old.If there are still any donors out there willing to donate my family just 1 more gift card.Or maybe someone that lives in Nashville,tn that has any Barney the dinosaur items and or winter clothes for 2T we would so appreciate it.I posted my story earlier today but ill write it again here.My husband was deported yesterday(I can give his info to anyone who needs it as well as the ICE deportation website so you know I am not lying.he was the only income in the home because I have health issues and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.my kids have cried themselves to sleep everynight and we pray that one day he will come back to us.he is in honduras.they are good kids that deserve a good christmas.they are already heart broken over the fact they won’t have their daddy for christmas.I as their mother am there voice.so I am asking if there are anymore donors out there who can spare just a little more plz contact me.I will give you what ever info you need to prove that my story is legit.please help my children have a good christmas.

    Thank you,
    Christina pena

  321. Hi Jenny, I can help. Thanks for reminding me what Christmas is really all about. Just let me know who and how!

  322. Jenny,
    I am commenting not for myself but for a dear friend who I have known for over 10 years. Every month, let alone Christmas, she plays a delicate balancing act to make sure she has enough to eat. She works hard, but like so many is trapped in her place of employment passed over so many times for advancement. I myself am limited on funds this year, but sent her Christmas Cheer by way of a tin of baked goods. However if you find you can spare a gift card to help her it would be amazing, especially as she is facing a transportation issue this month which is causing a health issue. I can go into more details privately.

    My friend would never think of asking for herself, but she gives everything she can to her friends. She deserves a break, even if it is just a small one so she can have an amazing Christmas dinner or get the love of her life a small gift.

  323. To Anna Marie, Dan & Elena & of course, Jenny,

    Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts. Christmas will be rife with joy, laughter. love and running water because of your generosity! Our early New Year’s resolution is to pay it forward. We will start on Christmas Day by volunteering at a Community Christmas Dinner. I will bus tables, the hubby will help in the kitchen and the kids will “sing for their supper” caroling throughout the tables. I know this year is going to be better, I just KNOW it!

  324. Pretty sad when my daughter, age 20, sends her mom this link to ask for help. I’ll be alone for Christmas, and I can’t buy my 3 kids or 5 grandchildren anything for Christmas, again, this year. Nor will I be expecting anything from them either, as we are all struggling like many many others. My husband is living 30 miles away, on the streets. He, at least, will be able to have Christmas Dinner courtesy of the community. I don’t even have a car to get to town to go with him. My last bit of income will be coming in January, but I owe back taxes and may lose my house. It hasn’t always been this way. But it’s never been this lonely.
    I was impressed reading the blog and posts, and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I know I’m way too late in asking for something for myself, or my family, but God Bless you all who have visited here.

  325. I’ve commented on a few of your posts because you remind me so much of a hybrid of my BFF and me, it’s a little scary. Right now, I’m sitting on a mountain of overdue bills, a husband bringing in $250 or less a week working a shit job, and a 3 year old daughter who getting up every morning and asking me when Santa going to bring her her presents. I don’t have the heart to tell her that the only present “Santa” has for her is a secondhand Candy Land game that one of my friends gave me to give to her. I’m not asking for anything huge because I know there are people out there who have more debt than me, more kids than me, less food than me, but I just need a little something so my girl doesn’t think Santa didn’t bring her anything because she accidently broke the DVD player by trying to load a PB&J sandwich in it.

  326. You deserve a break, Jenny!

    First of all, I want to say that I’m officially a reader of your blog now. I’ve stopped by a few times in the past, but I never think to “follow” anyone’s blog. But you seem like an amazing person. I look forward to reading your future posts.

    Second, I want to thank my donors (again!) for being so kind. I was able to get a few gifts with one card and buy essentials (toilet paper, laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, etc) with the other. Those may seem like small items, but I absolutely could NOT afford them right now. This is the kind of thing that doesn’t cost a lot, but it really goes a far way in improving our life. Now I don’t have to take money away from a bill or drive with my gas light on. All thanks to the wonderful people here. THANK YOU.

  327. I am willing to help someone in need. My husband is currently deployed and I love helping others when I know that my girls are taken care of. Please let me know. Thanks.

  328. Hello, I was given this link by a friend and I feel so moved.. I want to help out. So if you match me to a family in need I will send a link for an amazon gift card. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

  329. I’m ashamed (enough that I’m not using my real name) to say that I really could use the help, although if someone else could use it more…
    I have $50 to my name and I don’t get paid again until 1/4.

  330. Your post provided money to a great new friend of mine – MaybeCrazyMama. I very much appreciate that you were able to help her out and would like to pay it forward. Please let me know if you are still in need of sponsors.

    My husband is not employed, but I am, and I feel very fortunate and want to share my blessings. Please point me in the right direction to help pay your kindness forward to another family.

  331. Asking for help is a very hard thing for me, but I have two daughters who keep asking me when we will have some presents under the tree. So, I am swallowing any pride I have left, and asking for help. I just want my girls to have memories of a happy Christmas, not a heartbreaking one. Thank you to Jenny and all the other angels keeping the magic alive.

  332. Oh, and if you have any extra people that want to donate… my friend, Heather (I work with her) sewed and raffled off a handmade quilt to raise funds to cover her nephew’s deductibles. He is 15 and has a brain tumor and his mom, Heather’s sister, had to quit her job to care for him due to all his seizures.

    She was able to raise $2,000 of the $3,000 he needs. It was a great fundraiser, but I didn’t have the influence to get the word out wide enough to help her quite meet her goal.

    Please don’t take away from families that have kids that need Christmas. But if for some reason, you have some extra… please consider Tyler’s cause.



  333. Don’t mind me. Posted on your previous entry because I am an idiot, it is late and the week has been long. This experience has been so incredibly restorative and awesome, I’m back to offer another e-giftcard. (I’ve read every. flippin’. comment. here and there. Beyond atypical: I help folks all day, like I need to fixate here? *smile* Good on ya, on all of us. Smooches to Anderson C.

  334. I am a bit late on this train, and am not sure how to even ask…but I am a single mom of 3 daughters, trying to support them on Unemployment benefits(that are about to run out) Christmas is very small this year, only able to make it happen by asking for extensions on our utility bills. I know there are people worse off than I, but when it comes to my daughters, I felt compelled to see if there was room for one more donation. I want to be able to buy them some new clothes and shoes, as they got very little when school started, and have worn thru most of that already. I hope to be back on my feet soon, so I can pay it forward to another family in need. Happy Holidays to all 🙂

  335. If there’s anything left, we could really use some help. I saw yesterday where you ran out, but I wasn’t sure. My husband’s driving on bald tires (past the legal limits) in this bad snow, and I’m scared to death any time he’s on the road. He says he has to drive really slow, bc his tires spin easily. They don’t plow the roads out where we live. So this Christmas it’s “Do we buy the kids gifts, or do we replace his tires?” I’m just waiting for the call that he has wrecked. We are trying to get back on our feet after I lost my job, but it always seems to be one thing after another. He’s only bringing home $220-240 a week, but he carries our health insurance. I know a lot of people have it worse than us, but in this case, it’s a safety issue. Any help would be appreciated. If it’s not possible, I totally understand.

  336. Is it too late to ask for help? I know there are so many other things to worry about than presents, but obviously we’d like for our son to have some. I recently had to return to work after many years of staying home with our boy. My husband’s been sick for over 3 years with some unknown illness – debilitating abdominal pain, no explanations, on hard-core life-altering meds… We were living with my parents, but it’s been a year there and we drove each other crazy. Perhaps literally.
    We are moving back home to San Diego to live with the hubs’ mom this weekend. They are carrying us financially until we can figure out some way to live on my measly income.
    *sigh* I don’t know why I feel like I have to fight my case. We’re really fine and the boy will get some stuff from his grandma… I’ve just never had to imagine what it feels like to not buy my son a toy to put under the tree.

  337. Hi Jenny,

    I have read your blog religiously for a couple of years now, and this is the first time i have ever left any kind of comment on your blog.

    Reading your latest posts literally made me cry, and if i’m honest, i’m still sobbing a bit now, because what you have done is so unbelievably touching.

    When my partner was growing up he struggled for a very long time, and it really means a lot to both of us to try and help someone else struggle a bit less. I told him this story because I knew how much it would mean to him, and because I want him to know there are GOOD PEOPLE out there, like this community.

    Telling him this story made his eyes get a bit watery, but he said as a man he needed to keep his emotions inside, and then made a joke about being a zombie. He’s a keeper 🙂

    We just paypal’d $100 your way all the way from Australia because we wanted to help make a difference.

    Thankyou for helping keep the true Spirit of Christmas alive.

    Merry Christmas,
    Grace and Jon

  338. I’m not asking for help for myself, but for my two sisters. They are both SAHM’s and their husband/fiance are unemployed. One actually starts a job on Monday, but not soon enough for Christmas. My sister Kayla has two little boys, ages almost 2 and 9 months. My sister Erin has a little boy who is 10 months old and she is 6 months pregnant. Anything to help these little boys out would be appreciated.

    I’m trying to help them myself, but I have my own two little ones to think of. They won’t know that things are tight this year because we subscribe to the 4-gift principle for Christmas (in case you don’t know: 1 gift is something to wear, 1 is something to read, another is something they need, and the last is something they want).

    Thank you. 🙂

  339. ****Jenn the bloggess please read urgent***
    First off I want to thank u for the gas money I have a problem though.I have been arguin with paypal now for 3 hrs.I cannot get into theaccount because my son made that account and doesn’t remember what he put in.I told them he is a minor but they refused toi let me in the account.they said you can do a reversal though.so u would have to go in take out the funds and if you could please send them back to email lynnsaavedra@ymail.com I have set up a paypal account with that address.I am so sorry for the inconvienece I had no idead he had done this.the email u originally sent it to was babyhydro99@yahoo.com you just have to do a reversal and place the funds in there.we really need this and I am so so sorry


    It won’t let me do a reversal but I went ahead and sent you money on the better account. No problem! If you don’t claim the money on the other account in 30 days it’ll be returned to me anyway. Merry Christmas! ~Jenny

  340. May I just say, the power of people is great. I have, for a couple months, struggled to figure out how to help my friend give her kids a wonderful Christmas. With the power of this blog (which I LOVE and share daily!) and the power of amazing, giving individuals, my friend is able to give her kids a Christmas now. THANK YOU!!! Thank you Jenny, and thank you Stephanie and anonymous (and the MANY others who gave to others in need!). It seriously brings tears to my eyes to see this kind of selfless giving. Merry Christmas!!!

  341. I cannot thank the people who helped me enough. I cannot express how grateful I am. How I love knowing that there is a community of people who can pour such love and peace into the world. Over the years I have been on the giving end- and this year on the receiving end. And honestly, they both feel pretty damn amazing.

    This is an amazing reminder that the people who need help are most often in our own backyard. That the woman in the grocery store just buying eggs and milk and bread might not be doing so because she just needs to pick up a few staples, but becuse it’s all she can afford for her kids.

    Santa is real. This is proof.

  342. I’d like to contribute two Amazon gift cards or Paypal donations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  343. THANK YOU!!!!!! You have really made my Christmas. I needed a smile badly, and you supplied it. Its hard for me to ask for help. Boy, did it pay off. Thanks again.

  344. We just adopted a baby. The birthmom is the sweetest woman, but is facing hard times (obviously). There is so much we would like to do for her, yet little we can actually do (legally, gifts must be limited & financially…well adoption is brutal on savages account!!). If anyone would like to help someone, she is an amazing one. Ultimate sacrifice, which both breaks my heart yet has me feeling like we won the lottery!

  345. I hate to ask, I really do. But I’m disabled, and my SSD is currently our sole income. (My partner just got a job, but won’t be paid until the new year, and it might only be temp at that.) I don’t have any insurance, so I’ve not been able to get my medications. But the pressing thing for me is that I don’t know how we’re going to pay our power deposit, two months of power bills, and afford anything decent for Christmas dinner. I don’t need a lot; really, anything would help. I’d just like to have something beyond sandwiches for Christmas dinner.

    Thank you so much, for this post at all. It’s really touching, how people are willing to help out perfect strangers. I’ll most certainly be paying it forward as soon as we’re able.

  346. Jack & I were leaving his dad’s house this afternoon and just gearing up for an argument. My Blackberry pinged that I had an email. From my blogging account… I opened it and tears came to my eyes… Jack was so worried about me he had to pull over so I could show him the message. I literally couldn’t speak. I am so grateful!

    Thank you, Jenny, for caring, thank you Anonymous Donor, and thank you Blogging Community! My heart overfloweth!

    And, yes, I will pay this one forward until the day I die… Jenny: my offer stands on admin help if you want it for next year…

  347. Dear Lesley and Jenny and all of the Christmas Angels in the Bloggessphere.
    You have given more than money. Lesley, with her generousity and compassion, has given me a way to spend time with my children. She has empowered me to take them to the Store and let them chose something for themselves. I dont have to say “no, we cant afford that right now” this time. I will spend the day with my children, laughing and being silly and I will get to enjoy it without guilt, without worry about having enough money to buy groceries this week, without stress.
    This gift of time and love is more wonderful than words can express.
    Thank you.
    From my heart (and so many others here too) Thank you!

  348. This is beyond amazing. Seeing all this giving has truly made this a beautiful Christmas. I think it’s wonderful how many people are struggling themselves, but have been renewed in a spirit of giving and gratitude, and want to help someone else.

  349. I’m probably coming late to the party, but if there is anyone out there who’s still looking to help, boy I sure could use it right about now.

    I’ve been unemployed for just over 2 years, looking like crazy but the jobs in my area just don’t exist or the companies aren’t hiring externally. I’ve been making ends meet by unemployment, credit cards, and by liquidating my 401k. Unemployment has expired (and don’t be fooled, the ‘extension’ about to be passed in DC doesn’t actually add more payments. Those who have run out of help aren’t getting any more money. ) Over the last 3 months my financial world has absolutely crumbled around me and I’m am at my wits end about what to do about it. I’ve been making decisions about paying the electric bill or buying food and that’s totally ignoring the fact I only have a small fraction of my rent covered for January.

    I have job prospects and I’ve spoken with several recruiters, even this week, but since it’s the holidays they can’t promise any hiring managers will extend interviews or make any decisions before the new year. I’m in a jobless limbo and things are looking really bleak, I don’t want to become homeless before a job comes through. The “holidays” don’t exist this year for me, at all, except as times when I *know* I’m not going to to be getting any call backs about work. There is nothing “merry” about it.

    I need help, and if someone would like to give a helping hand to me to make it through the next hurdle to keep a roof over my head, it would be a Christmas Miracle.

    I don’t expect anyone to help, frankly, I’ve never been one to rely on charity. I don’t want to post my paypal email publicly, but if you’d like to help please email me at rob@veovix.com and I’ll forward it to you.

    Thank you.

  350. Again, I’m absolutely in tears, and this is probably the.. what, third? Fourth time in the last couple of days? I can’t even begin to say enough about what a kickass person you are, and what kickass people you’ve attracted to your blog. It’s beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I feel really blessed to know you even online. 😀

  351. OK. I’m crying. How whacked is this but how amazing are the people who are helping out? Society people. This is what it’s about. I’ll be doing my bit down under.

  352. I just wanted to say thank you so much to those who donated to my children! And to those have donated to all the others on here, you are all angels!! I keep sitting here thinking how nice it is to know that there still are kind-hearted souls out there! This will be something that I will forever be grateful for….! Something I will remember for the rest of my life! You have done a wonderful thing here Jenny! May all of you have a Happy Holiday season and best of wishes for the new year to come!

  353. Hey, I would be more than happy to help. Please let me know what I need to do.


  354. thank you for your open heart, jenny, and for reminding us all what christmas spirit really means.

    while my at-home family is doing fine (not great, but so much better than many and therefore not asking to be in the running for any of the donations), my 20-year-old son and his live-in girlfriend are struggling to get christmas gifts for their 11-month-old (my granddaughter Arianna!) and for each other. they are both fulltime college students who will not receive their next round of financial aid until almost halfway through january, so all their “extra” money had to be budgeted to cover the gap between semesters, including january’s rent. (funny how landlords who rent to students still don’t make allowances for the students’ delays in receiving money at the beginning of every.frakkin.semester. sigh.) anyway, santa will definitely be visiting them, but they would like to be able to give one another some small tokens of their commitment to their little family, too.

    if a kind donor is willing to help them out, i would be so grateful and will happily supply my son’s email address upon request.

    btw, they have *no* idea this movement (it is a movement, you know) is happening or that i am submitting them for consideration. and if i could afford to subsidize their gifts to one another, i would, but it’s just not in the cards this year.

    thanks for considering them.

    and thanks for the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful community of people. i have been reading (and sharing your blog via my facebook) for months and have commented under my real name, but to preserve my son’s privacy, i’m using a nom de plume this time. still, no matter what moniker i use, i wish you and all of us a wonderful christmas and an even better 2011.

  355. You are awesome. Every single person giving here is awesome. I cannot help out. I wish I could. Actuallly, I am giving only what I have this Christmas to another family who needs. But this is amazing and I wanted to tell everyone here who donated and even those who took the time to wish they could help, that you are all amazing. Seriously. Merry Christmas!

  356. Don’t know if you’ll find me down here at the bottom of all the comments, but if you do… I’m in for $50 – paypal or whatever is easiest. In case you don’t find me, I’ll look for other ways to carry this forward.

  357. Ok I have read the posts so let me make the following unoriginal comments. 1) Thank you so much for doing this. 2) You are a truly amazing person.
    If you have some people who are still looking for a donation, hook me up. I got it covered.
    You are without a doubt the best Blogess ever!

  358. Always read, but have never commented – until now.

    Count me in for a $35 gift card. Just hook me up with someone.

  359. Jenny,

    I don’t know what to say. Oh, wait… yeah, I do.

    I owe you my thanks. More than you’ll ever know.

    (unless you read my blog post, that is.)

    Happy holidays (every one of them), to you and all your readers (every one of them.)


  360. Thank You Jenny, and to my (perhaps not so) Secret Santas. I don’t really have words, but you can bet if I were able to do so, You would be squished with so many hugs right now. Than You So Much.

  361. Oh Jenny. I read this and cried. It is so beautiful. I don’t have much in the way of money, but if anyone in the OKC area needs food for Christmas diner let me know, I can help.

  362. Are $30 gift cards the standard? If so, count me in for three. Otherwise, I’d be happy to do two $50s for folks in greater need. This is awesome!! 🙂

  363. I can’t stop coming back here & reading these comments. And crying. And reading more comments. This is AMAZING. I’m honored to have been a part of it.

    Incidentally, my mother has been kind of blue this December, since we don’t have any extended family left in the area to spend Christmas with (all my grandparents are gone now, so it’ll just be Mom, Dad, my sister and me this year). She’s said, on more than one occasion, that it “doesn’t feel like Christmas.” So this morning I told her about the spontaneous Secret Santa going on here. I told her I’d sent a complete stranger a gift card. I told her she’d raised me right and that THIS is Christmas. Once she stopped bawling, she agreed with me. Despite her red eyes, I think she’s a lot less upset now.

    <3 Merry Christmas, y'all. <3

    (Just to make it clear, my mother and I DO NOT need any donations. I just wanted to share that story.)

  364. Hi Jenny-I just sent you an email as well, but I still want to help (from the original post), but haven’t been contacted yet. I just need two addresses to mail some $50 walmart or target giftcards to. Thank you for reminding me of the joys of giving. 😀

  365. Jenny, you’re obviously an angel in disguise. Thanks for reminding us that a little kindness goes a long way.
    I can go for round two, so if you need another donor, count me in! Also, since you probably haven’t slept in days, if there’s anything I can do to help you out, just say the word. Santa has nothing on you…;-)
    PS- Hope you, Victor, Hailey, Posey, James Garfield, Anderson Cooper, and your mom, have a wonderful Christmas!

  366. We have been through a very tough year in which my fiance/law partner broke his ankle, and suffered multiple surgeries and six months without working (and counting!). We were humbled and amazed when the local bar association and criminal defense lawyers’ association organized two fundraisers to help with our medical expenses (due to his life-long struggle with diabetes, we have no health insurance). We were truly inspired by the community members, former clients (most of whom we represented because they were already indigent), and fellow lawyers who donated their time and effort to help us. I would love to be able to “pay it forward” in a small way now. I cannot afford much, but I would appreciate the opportunity to send a little something to someone in more need. Thank you for organizing this.

  367. this is awesome and amazing and i’m so impressed and proud of humanity right now! I am adding my name to the list and can do up to a $40 donation. Let me know if you need help. Happy Christmas!

  368. I have been debating with myself about posting again. I don’t like to ask for help. I dont like to feel like I can’t do things myself. I hate being the one needing help. I always try to be the one who helps and gives unconditionally. It’s embarrassing to say I need help, but I do. Money is so tight right n

  369. Whoops. I guess that was my daughter saying I am done. No talking myself out of it I guess. If there is still anybody left out there who is in a position to give, my family could use some help right now. If not, then I am still thankful for the people who gave to others less fortunate for christmas. Bless you and yours.

  370. Hi, I’d love to help if you still need people. I’m in Canada but could probably send something to the States if that’s more helpful!

  371. wow. it takes a lot to make a 17yr old boy cry. THIS did just that. Mostly because i can relate to the stories of the people who need gifts. Last year was amazing for my family. we went on a mini-vacation for out Christmas but this year not so much. I am not asking for help. We still get by and still have gifts but seeing how others are excited and willing to help people in need convinced me to say THANK YOU. THIS is what Christmas is supposed to feel like, THIS is how people should act. You made my year Ms. Jenny. THANK YOU.

  372. Count me in for a $50 gift card, to wherever someone needs it. Jenny, I work with you at The Stir (for another month) and have loved your blog for a long time. I actually wanted to do something for someone like this this Christmas …just be Santa to someone directly and know I helped make someone’s Christmas better. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do it.

  373. Jenny I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done here and how grateful I am that you found such caring people to help my mother. We are truly shocked, I knew it wasn’t a joke but I just felt like in 2010 people on the Internet do not send money to strangers. What a wonderful surprise to find that they do! Thank you so much. Thank you for helping and thank you for always making me smile. Thank you also to the people who donated to my mother and the kids, it means the world to me and them.


  374. I was brought up by my mother to believe that you work hard and make your own way so it’s always been really hard for me to ask for help. But having a son at 18 has shown me that sometimes you do need help. I think now is one of those times. I live in an appartment with my 7 year old son. We get by, but it can be tough. My son LOVES to read and I am so grateful for the public library, which has really allowed him to explore books. I am able to ocasionally find him a used book or two but would love to give him the oppertunity to own a new book. a luxury he has yet to enjoy. I don’t need much, but if he was able to have an Amazon or Chapters gift card for Christmas I know it would mean everything to us. I am so happy to read all the stories of kindness on here…that’s enough of a Christmas gift for me. To everyone on here, God bless!

  375. don’t usually read your blog, but linked here from hollywood housewife. this is an amazing demonstration of human kindness. would love to be a part of it. please email me monday if you still need help. megan

  376. I have only recently been turned on to your blog and now read religiously! You are hilarious and so entertaining, and now it seems also a philanthropist as well! It only take a small spark to ignite a flame, and your kindness is spreading like wildfire! I love this idea and would love to help by sending a gift card. Let me know, thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

  377. oh, this just warms my heart in all sorts of fuzzy ways. you did a really good thing here, jenny…really, really good. i know you probably already know it, but hey, one more compliment never hurts.

    merry christmas!

  378. I have a $20 Bath&Body Works card to contribute…I’m sure a stressed out mom could enjoy it xoxo

  379. Jenny, I couldn’t believe it when I got emails from two people offering me gift cards. This makes a huge difference to me, and I appreciate it (and them!) in ways I never could have thought possible. So huge thanks to you, Stephanie from Canada, and Halee. I thank you so so much. And I PROMISE I will pay it forward, and in as many ways as possible, in honor of all of you. THANK YOU!

  380. WOW. I have been hating on Christmas for years….but reading this and seeing the response from your readership is really great. It really warmed my heart and reminded me what the holiday season is SUPPOSED to be about. Sadly, I am a super broke person right now- but I’d love to see you do this again next December when I am hoping to be in the kind of financial position to donate. Keep being awesomely funny and kind….you are inspiring so many people to do the same!

  381. Jenny, I’m sure this has taken over your life. Thank you for still being willing to help coordinate it all. Yesterday, I just imagined all the electronic pulses zipping around the globe as a result of all of this–little lines of electronic love as the money and gifts zipped from bank to store to someone’s home. How wonderful!

    I, too, have read every comment and must stop coming back! But, count me in for one more donation if you need it. I’ve taken care of the ones you’ve sent so far. Thank you again!

  382. I received the gift cards for my family members. Thank you so much. It means the world to them and to me, knowing that the world is so full of wonderful people.

  383. I’m number 409 above, but I’m still reading these (heart-breaking) comments. I’m addicted. If the little boy who’s never had a new book before still needs help (Jeanine’s comment number 502), I’d love to send him some books.

    You rock. I just set her up with a few people who can’t wait to give her gift certificates. 🙂 ~ Jenny

  384. My friend was so overwhelmed with the generosity, she cried. Not something she does often. In the 30+ years I have known her, I have seen her do it twice, maybe three times. She was stunned at how many people out there actually still care about others and wanted me to extend the biggest THANK YOU possible. From both of us, to ALL of you, THANK YOU. For renewing our faith, restoring our hope and bringing the magic back into Christmas. And to you, Jenny—this should show you that those of us who follow you truly are your friends and you never, ever have to feel alone. I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a prosperous new year. Bless you all.

  385. I missed out on your giftcards I have a little girl and am a single mother I dont work because Im disabled would be happy if u could tell me about any other places to get help would be awesome!!! You are totally cool for helping so many families in need… Merry Christmas and have a great New Year !!

    I’ll set you up with a donor. Merry Christmas! ~ Jenny

  386. God bless you! they are smiling in heaven today…you have reminded so many people what christmas is all about! thank you!

  387. I can’t stop following these updates. I am very excited for everyone. I’m so happy everyone is getting help and that I may have found my own little way to get a present for my boyfriend (pawn shops might turn out to be a wonderful thing)

    Once again, thank you Jenny, and thank you to everyone for getting involved!

  388. Thank you for all you are doing Jenny and thank you to my Santa Laura. She saved our Christmas and I will forever be grateful to her.

    Please do this next year so I can help!!!!!!

  389. As someone who is currently preparing to shuffle her kiddo around via city bus, to get a toy from Salvation Army, I say thank you. These types of stories make my heart so big, and it embodies the true meaning of Christmas. This year has been a true struggle for my family, and let me tell you all. So many families are in the same position. It was a hustle to get her into the SA this year due the overwhelming demand. I can’t wait for the time when my family is finally secure enough where I can pay it forward.

    So if anyone is still looking to donate to a couple of kiddos, who’s Dad just received the last bit of unemployment he’s going to get for quite awhile, let me know. We’re still figuring out Christmas Dinner.

    I have a donor who wants to help you. ~ Jenny

  390. You are fabulous Jenny. Like glittery gleeful fabulous. Thank you for doing this, I can’t describe to you how awesome this is. But, you probably already know that 🙂 I’ve sent you an email, and if there’s anyone who still needs a little help, or anyone who may pop up, count me in!

  391. Jenny, you are amazing. I love that you are doin this. I remember so many xmas’s when I was a kid that we had NOTHING but people in our community would always end up helping us in some way. Regardless of what we had we always did SOMETHING of service too. one year it was volunteering in the soup kitchen, another one we made quilts out of old flannel scraps for the homeless shelter, and we always always caroled to rest homes and other people who needed holiday cheer.
    I Hope to be able to teach my kids this kind of selfless service. This year is ugly. my husband lost his job. our car just got repossessed, we’re going to have to borrow money to get it back out, both our accounts are more than 400 negative, and I dont know how I’m going to do xmas for the kids… but seeing this post. reading all these stories. it gives me hope. and makes me feel a little lighter. thank you for what you are doing.

  392. I just want to say a big THANK YOU. My husband died 3 yrs ago and Christmas hasn’t been the same since. Not only did we lose a wonderful husband, father and all around great guy, but we also lost our financial security. I had always been a stay-at-home mom to our five kids, and now that is impossible, so in a sense the kids have also lost alot of me too, me being there for them after school and me being bouncy and happy. This time of year gets so hard and is so stressful with me trying to work as many extra hours as I can to try and provide a Christmas for all the kiddos. This time of year also is so painful emotionally, we really feel like a “broken” family. This helps soo much, I am so incredibly grateful to all of you, you are all touching so many lives…

  393. people are constantly surprising me with their generosity. constantly. people I’ve never met have been helping and supporting me and it blows me away.

    I just wanted to leave a quick comment and say that I wish I could help. I don’t have kids and I don’t even celebrate Christmas. but every penny I earn these days goes to pay for my cat’s cancer treatment. yeah, cat lady. I know. but I love her and I feel like her life is in my hands. anyway, my heart goes out to those in need of help. wish my wallet could to.

  394. I hate to ask for help, but after my fiance got laid off yesterday and I got the news I have to havea hysterectomy right after Christmas and our car got wrecked in a snowstorm, I kind of have to. We had to move in with my future in-laws when I was pregnant because I was wildly I’ll and couldn’t work, and I’ve been horribly depressed since her birth in October 2009, and had to pay for my treatment out of pocket (just like we’ll have to pay for my pending surgery).

    I hate sounding like a sad sack and putting my personal problems out there for everyone to read, but when we started wrapping empty boxes for the baby so she could open stuff and my sweet-hearted 11 year old said we could return his presents so she could have something (the day after we had to stand in line at the food bank with my parents), I cried. Nobody wants to be the one to tell their 11 year old who still believes in Santa that he doesn’t come for kids whose parents are broke.

    Merry Christmas, and I hope Santa brings you the halo you deserve.

  395. A little 2 year old boy named Jayden Nelson needs our help. They live in the community next to mine. He and his mom were picking up their holiday photos, beautiful photos of Jayden holding his mama’s hand, but he was getting fussy so they didn’t wait the hour for them to be printed. As she was was strapping him into his car seat a gun fight broke out, protecting the babe with her own body she was hit and killed. The confusion and pain this babe is going through breaks my heart. While no amount of money or toys will make this right , maybe it can help brighten this little boy’s christmas just a little bit. I am donating money and toys and if any one here can help i can collect items/gift cards/money or you can send checks directly to the memorial fund set up for him. Donations can be made to Farmers and Merchants Bank of Sacramento.
    “The Jayden Nelson Memorial Fund”.
    > Please bring or send all deposits to;
    > F&M Bank
    > Capital Office
    > 1303 J Street
    > Sacramento, Ca. 95814

    If you are local, toy items are being collected until 12/26 at the following locations
    Hanger 17 (Midtown)
    1630 S Street
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    (916) 447-1717

    Yunece 61 (Rosemont Are)
    9657 Folsom Blvd
    Sacramento, CA 95827

    And if you can’t give in material ways could you please keep this babe in your heart?
    Thanks for reading this hug your family tight
    xoxo Kate
    links to the local stories are here http://livewire.kcra.com/Event/Fatal_South_Sacramento_Shooting_Under_Investigation

  396. This is the first Christmas in awhile that everything has been alright for us. I would love to donate if there are still people out there that need help.
    Thank you Jenny, for being here.

  397. This is so wonderful! I just started blogging a few moths ago, but now I have a goal to get enough readers so that when next Christmas comes around, I can do this myself. Thanks for being such a blessing!

  398. Oh no… we don’t want you to have hives! Hives make for a no good horrible very bad day. Please take care of Jenny and accept help from all of the readers who have offered to help with this. (and me too… I’m more than happy to transcribe or e-mail or be your personal assistant for a few days to take off some of the stress! I can send you my resume… I have references and, true story: I could have been Monica Lewinsky! Well, maybe not, I like to pretend that I’m smarter than that. Ahem. )

    Eustice says that maybe you should pet him… he says that he never gets hives because of the lanolin in his soft wool.

  399. I’d also like to be a backup donor, please email me if anyone is in need. Thanks for the inspiration!

  400. I received a $30 Amazon gift card from Jenny today. Jenny, thank you so much. I am beyond words. This will indeed brighten up the Christmas holidays.

    I wish you all the best. I wish I could do more for you. If there ever is anything I can do for you in return, please let me know. This is wonderful what you are doing.

  401. I’m sitting here balling. It could be because I can’t take meds since I’m nursing a newborn, or my grandpa just died this morning, or I just found out (in the same call that I was told Grandpa passed) that my 35 yr old sister has breast cancer. All the while, creditors are ringing my phone off of the hook. It’s really been a banner season for bad news… However…it’s none of those reasons… I’m crying because I was recipient of a similar kindness that you are doing here, recently. A kindness that I am used to being able to be on the giving end of. A kindness that I was humiliated to admit I needed. So much so, that I did, in fact, plan to end the “Santa” mystic for my kids. Some very kind and dear people stepped in to make sure that there would be a Santa for my kids this Christmas and, though it was so hard for me to accept, I did. I appreciate what they did more than word can say, but what they may not realize is that they saved my life. I’m ashamed to say it, but I was feeling like a complete failure at life (having to make a decision to heat a house and feed kids vs. giving them presents) and not knowing if I could go on.

    Their generosity was the slap in the face that I needed- to realize it will eventually be OK, I WILL get through this, and that I have friends and family that love me and need me .

    What you’re doing just reiterates to me that others also have problems, too – it’ll be OK and that people are inherently good. Thank you so much!

  402. First of all, Fuck! I’m crying just like everyone else!

    Second, while skipping presents for my toddler this year is ok (due to a plethora of doting grandparents) paying the bills is not going ok. I know it’s a late request, it took some time to swallow my pride, but if you have some left over, I would be forever grateful.

    You have been an inspiration since I found your blog over a year ago!

  403. Put my daughter and I down to help another person if they need it. I was so honored to help someone out, and my 15-year-old daughter wants to help, too – so let me know if there’s someone else we can send something to.

    You – are amazing, Jenny. Thank you – so much.

  404. O M G – brought to tears immediately! I would love to help out anyone for anything they need – I can give $100. We are so, so, so fortunate to be in a good situation right now that I feel like it is a miracle and I need to pay that miracle forward – I know there are so many in need. As a mother it breaks my heart to see other mothers suffering. So please let me know how or who I can help. This is amazing! 🙂

  405. Hi. My mom sent me over. I am so embarassed i cant even leave my whole name… I can’t believe I am going to do this, but we could really use the help. We don’t even know how we are going to pay rent next month. We have 2 little boys and have been struggling to find jobs since I was laid off in July. Thank you for what you are doing. We don’t even know what we will have for Christmas dinner let alone gifts under the tree.

  406. I’m coming late to the party, but if you need another donor, please contact me!

    This is amazing, and I love how you’ve brought so many people together during a really rough time for many families. I was reading your post aloud to my daughter, and we’re both really moved.

    Here to help if you need it 🙂

  407. A young man named Ryan came through with such a generous gift card at Amazon that we will be able to buy a gift for a child in a shelter this year. Which we’ve always been able to do prior to Annus Horribilis.

    This is an amazing, amazing thing you’ve done, Jenny—from the bottom of my heart—and to all the angels who are getting to play Santa.

  408. Hoping against hope this single Dad could get a little help for Christmas for my daughter always expect a miracle.

  409. I found this blog via a friend of mine on Facebook.

    I’m a bit embarrassed to ask for help….but finances are looking to get really bad for me and my family in the next month or so. I’ve been unemployed/underemployed for 3 years now and it’s looking like my unemployment benefits are finally going to run out. Through some careful buying earlier in the year…I have gifts for my daughter but what I’m most worried about is keeping up with household expenses. Added to that is the complication of my husband and I separating.

    If anyone wants to know more details…I’d be happy to discuss via email (weirdodragoncat@gmail.com)

    I have no expectations…..I’d be happy with any help available. I’ve always tried to help people when I can…it’s not often with money…but I do what I can.

    Thank you for reading.

  410. Thank you to the generous donors and to Jenny. There are really no words to tell you what this means to me. Someday I will tell my boys about this and our family will pay it forward in honor of the kindness we have received.

  411. We’d like to send two gift cards if there’s still time. Suddenly, it feels like Christmas around here!

  412. I saw a post about this blog on Cafe Mom & since I’m in dire need this year I figured to give it a shot. Reading this blog has brought serious tears to my eyes (had to re-read it to by hubby cause he couldn’t understand me). My name is Stacy & I’m a mother to 3 great kids. To say the economy tanking has effected us is an understatement. In ’07, less than 1 yr. after having my daughter, we had to sell most of our stuff & move in with my mother. My husband’s home business went down the tubes & hasn’t rebounded enough for us to have Christmas this year.
    Our story is very long but I’ll keep it as short as possible. My mom is disabled with Lupus, MS, Osteoporosis & Fibromyalgia & lives on disability checks. Though she’s a widow with a limited income she took us in & we now live in her 2/2 apt. We are thankful to have insurance for the kids through Medicaid & food stamps but as we all know, it doesn’t go far. We moved into a smaller apt. since the government didn’t see fit to give anyone an increase on their Social Security/disability. The little bit of money my hubby makes barely pays our bills of a van payment & storage unit with the very last of our belongings. We’ve come close many times to losing everything & have had to borrow in the past. Sadly, when we couldn’t re-pay the borrowed money fast enough we lost that option.
    I’ve looked for work time & again but it is hard. I help to take care of my Mom as her health has gotten worse this year. She’s been on IV steroids twice this year due to extra weakness from her MS. She has Medicare but it only pays for so much. If we have any extra money it goes to her medical bills. One steroid she was on this year she was told would cost thousands if she had to pay for it 100% (not sure the exact amount). On top of caring for her I home school my children because we cannot afford to send them to school (both of our boys would be in school). My hubby has had a couple of jobs but they didn’t work out. He also has herniated discs in his back from a car accident in ’98 that keep him from standing or sitting for too long. During his last yearly MRI we found that his discs are so bad that he should have surgery but we haven’t the insurance to have it done. He relies on medication that doesn’t do much for his pain & stays in bed most days. It breaks my heart to see my loved ones so frail.
    This year we haven’t a tree or any decorations put out & the kids know that Santa may very well not stop by because Mom & Dad can’t afford to send money to Santa for gifts. It breaks my heart beyond words. On top of our financial issues our children have outgrown their clothes & wear things that are worn & two sizes too small. I went to our local Good Will store with $20 only to realize that I couldn’t afford anything there.
    This whole situation has been a major shock. I grew up & have raised my family to donate to others. It started when I was a kid. My family would donate food after hurricanes or during the holidays then we donated to Toys for Tots. After I got married for awhile my husband always thought it a waste to donate (just a poor decision on his parents’ part to not teach their kids the gift of charity) but I always told him that it made me happy & that you never know if you’ll be in that person’s position. Well, here we sit. In that person’s position. I’ve taught my children to donate their old toys & clothes to different groups be it Faith Farms, the group that helps breast cancer patients or domestic violence victims. We’ve even donated to the Salvation Army & of course to the firefighters in our city after 9/11. To not have the ability to help others also breaks my heart.
    The only thing that I ask for is help with clothes for my kids. Though we live in FL we’ve had temperatures this last week in the mid-30’s. It’s hard to tell your kids that they must stay inside while their friends are outside playing because they don’t have the proper clothes to wear in even just chilly weather. My 3 kids are soon-to-be 14, 7 & 4. They are the ONLY thing keeping me going right now & I want to be able to give them some hope this year.
    If anyone is willing to help then I thank you & if not then I still thank you. My oldest son wears a medium in men’s clothes, my 7 y/o wears a 7 (he’s tiny) & my 4 y/o wears a 6/6x. I will stay positive that I am one of the lucky few to be adopted & have a Christmas miracle this year. Thank you again! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
    Stacy S.
    Coral Springs, FL

  413. Jenny, I’m a single mom of a preemie and last year I was touched by all the help and support I received from my community for Christmas; this year I’d like to pay it forward. I can’t really help monetarily but I can help in other ways. I have a ton of boys (some brand new) clothing size micro preemie to 12 months old. I also have a ton of toys for newborn and up that I would be willing to ship express myself. I’ve read all the comments and I would love to help Chelsea Z’s family if she is interested. I could probably get others in my family to help as well so all the little boys in her family can know the excitement of Christmas (even if they are tiny!) please let
    Me know!

  414. You’ve got me crying all over again, Jenny. : )
    This is beyond beautiful. And I am thankful a million times over to you, and to all of the lovely people who are donating. I promise to pay it forward as soon as I’m able to.
    This is the Christmas I will remember for the rest of my life.

  415. You’re an angel. I’m in for $100. I’m eagerly awaiting my Christmas match!

  416. I can’t remember the alias I used before..but although I am now humbled beyond words- I feel I can use my real name because I needed help and because of Jenny and her generous donors and one angel in particular- who I feel I must I have known in a past life or something she is so kind.. I no longer want to stab Santa Claus in the eye. My family is going to have a true Christmas. Jenny, you deserve some sort of award..a Pulitzer, the Nobel Peace Prize, something..for what you have so graciously done for so many families ..that were crying tears of sadness and are now weeping with joy. The joy that you have brought to so many children.. Jenny, the donors, everyone. I too think I have an enlarged heart now ..where there once was a lump of coal. boy that’s gonna mess up that echo I have to have here pretty soon ;p Bless you all. xxxooo

  417. Jenny – I’m a recipient of your gift card via SueBob and I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am. I wasn’t going to be able to buy my 16 year old anything beyond some really inexpensive make up this year but now she’ll have something to unwrap on Christmas morning. It killed me a little inside to accept charity but I do plan on paying it forward as soon as I can. Thank you again. You are a lovely, lovely woman.

  418. Jenny, and my match, Peggy,
    How wonderful this is. I am so blessed to have been helped so my grandkids can have gifts from their grandma this Christmas. I cannot thank everyone enough, especially Peggy, for this truly generous gift. I find it very difficult to ask for help, and yesterday saw a Secret Santa on the news and silently wished for one for myself. The last time I asked for help on the internet (two months ago at wishuponahero) I was offered several hundred dollars to help me pay the back taxes so I wouldn’t lose my home. It turned out to be a scam involving fake money orders. Thank God I wasn’t taken in, but I was so saddened by the cruelty of that person. The generosity flowing from these posts and the kindness of these strangers coming together to help has brightened my spirit so much. Thank you so much for spreading such Hope and Joy to so many people in such hard times as these. I know we have all been blessed by the experience. I have just got to say being a part of this has removed a lot of my depression and anxiety that was building up each day as Christmas grew nearer and nearer, and I know I’ve been truly blessed this year. You folks are so awesome!

  419. Count me in as a helper too, Jenny. You never cease to amaze me. We just got an unexpected refund in the mail so that $50 was obviously meant to go to someone who needs it more than we do. Why else would it have arrived today?

  420. If there are still donors, my husband and I could use some help. We’ve been scrimping our money, even on gas & groceries, hoping to be able to buy presents for his parents and the siblings we each got in the drawing. Now we’re down to less than $20, and have only been able to get one present. We don’t know how to tell them, well, we bought you a present, but not you. And we hate the thought of returning the one present and just not getting any. We don’t have kids yet, but we are apart from my husband’s family this Christmas. We were supposed to spend Thanksgiving with them, but couldn’t afford the travel expenses… so we were really hoping to be able to join in on Christmas at least at a distance. And now we don’t think we can do that, not to mention not having any presents for my parents who we ARE spending Christmas with (I’m an only child, so there are no siblings). Plus, my dad’s birthday is two days before Christmas, and we can’t get anything for him for that either. So that’s our story. I know there are others out there in much more dire situations, and we don’t want to detract from their help. But if there are donors out there still looking for someone to help, we could use it. Thanks.

  421. Jenny,

    You’re amazing! I’ve been reading your blog since finding and following you on twitter over 1 ½ years ago, and I LOVE what you’re doing! I always love your posts, usually cry from laughing so hard, but this time I’m crying over the outpouring of help…and the stories of the people that need help!! I want to help, can do a gift card or PayPal for someone- please let me know!! I also have some boys clothes that my 2 sons have outgrown that are ready to be donated if that could help, too!

  422. I so adore you people. As of right now (3pm Saturday) everyone who donated here or on the last post is matched up with donor(s) and we still have 3 people waiting in the wings to help, plus emergency people Monday in case we need back-ups. I. Am. Exhausted. Going to shower and spend time with my daughter. But if you need help or want to offer help leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do.

  423. **fanning eyes** this is just amazing. so many wonderful people out there. we’re a family that’s not in need, but unfortunately has nothing left to give. i hope you do this again next year, Jenny! and i especially hope i can help out then!

    <3 here's wishing 2011 is a blessed year for each and every one of you helping out and a bright and hopeful year for those of you in need. <3

  424. I have never commented on one of your posts before but have been reading for quite some time… I think after this I’m going to start getting involved more with your posts; every single person here is amazing and I would feel strange not wanting to be a part! I’ve had a hard few weeks with Christmas and everything even though I’m seventeen, and this cheered me up quite a lot to see the generosity of others and the world going the way it should for once. (oh, and the don’t ask don’t tell ban being lifted in the US today made things even better, yes?)

    Thank you.

  425. I can only say middle of a nasty divorce. 3 year old boy and 6 year old girl. I am going down fast with lawyer fees, lost job and housing from my mother-in-law (yes, I worked for her.) Any help is appreciated.

  426. “Thank you for making me believe again.” No, thank you for starting this and helping all of us believe again. I wish I could have helped someone but things are tight here as well. Next year I’m so down though!
    I just hope you know how much of an inspiration you are for everyone. ^.^

  427. Everytime I read one of your updates and scroll through the comments it makes me cry. My husband probably thinks I’m insane…which is most likely true 😉

  428. simply wonderful.

    you’ve got my email in the comment thing, i assume. i’ll help. i’ll also need precise directions on how this paypay thing works because i’m frequently a complete technology idiot.

    so email me whenever and i’ll send off $100 wherever you tell me to (and you’re the only one alive who can say that i’ve said that to her/him).

  429. Please put me on your standby list, you know, just in case someone doesn’t hear from a donor. Or if you discover more people who could use a little (can do a little) help, please contact me. You are stunning. People are stunning. This is kind of beyond anything. Amazing.

  430. This is amazing! It makes me want to cry to see so many people willing to help others in need! I am a recently divorced single mother of 2 (4 and 5 yrs old), and I’ve really been struggling this year. I make around $700/month and have yet to see a penny in child support. My church stepped in and helped with some presents for the kids so thankfully Santa is delivering this year! I have been trying to find the money to get them gifts from me as well, and that’s a lot harder. I got them an MP3 player and wanted to load it up with their favorite music, but don’t have enough money for the downloads. If someone was willing to donate an itunes or rhapsody gift card, it would mean a lot.

  431. Let me know how to help. I don’t have a paypal account or even really know at all what that means, but I want to help. If anyone flakes, or you have more people requesting help that you expect, or anything, just anything, please let me know.

  432. Oh wow….I am so grateful for those that helped! Thank you so much! Really…..

    I will do what I can to pay it forward when I have the means. Everyone pray I get a job soon so I’ll have the means!

  433. I was hesitant to post on here the other day, but swallowed my pride and did so. Thank you Jenny and to the generous donors who enabled me to purchase Christmas presents for my daughter. I can never thank you enough and you have turned a bleak holiday season around for me. I will definitely pay this forward when I am able to do so. Happy Holidays to everyone. There are some true Christmas angels in this community.

  434. This is wonderful. This is Christmas. I am now crying and I am happy to know that there are still good people out there in the world.

    If anyone needs a donor I would love to help. It may be small but I hope that I could help anyone.

    Merry christmas to all

  435. If you need more donors, I’d love to be a part of this. And thank you for such a wonderful project.

  436. If there is someone who wants to donate that you haven’t hooked up with a donor, I was wondering if you’d consider our family, My husband and I are currently grossly underemployed (one eight hour minimum wage shift each in a single week is a freaking miracle) and have most of our needs met due to the kindness of our relatives. Most of these relatives we can make something for, but there’s one special person I just can’t cover and really want to.

    That person is my stepmother-in-law. My husband lost his father in February of this year, making her a widow. Despite her grief, she has been a guardian angel to our family, helping cheerfully with babysitting our daughter, making costumes and dress-up clothes and buying shoes for our daughter with money she doesn’t really have, and being much needed emotional support. Her financial situation, with my father-in-law’s death and the loss of his income, has gone from barely making it to not quite. She has a new job that should put her in a better place soon, but that has been jeopardized recently because she has had to deal with both illness and the brakes on her car going out in the past two weeks. I really want to give her something to put a smile on her face this Christmas, but every craft I know, she does better, and I don’t have the money to buy anything for her. If someone felt like donating to us, I would be able to brighten the season for someone who has brightened our life a lot. Thank you for reading this.

  437. Damn. Now I’m crying. You’re ruining my reputation here. But thanks for putting me in touch with the family I helped. I feel overwhelming happy that I was able to do that.

  438. Just saw this post. This is amazing… thanks for making it happen. Let me know if you need anymore donors.

  439. I am not complaining….this year my wife has not been in the hospital like she was last year.
    But as it stands right now we are not doing much of a Christmas with our Great Grandchildren. My wife is disabled and I am nearly out of my unemployment. I am not asking for anything, but I will be appreciative of prayers if nothing else.

  440. Hi, my name is Corina, i have been reading your blog for a while now! And i think this is great. I am a single mother, and i lost my job about 4 months ago. I too cannot afford christmas this year! I havent been able to afford anything since i lost my job because the very little i had saved went to bills. I feel like i have ran into bad luck after bad luck after bad luck, but i hate saying anything to anyone or asking for help. I am the kind of person that loves to help others. For Thanksgiving my son and me couldnt afford a diner of any kind so we went to the local Rescue Mission and did the Thanksgiving Drumstick Dash to earn money for the mission, its also called move your feet so others can eat! We had a blast and we saw all the families we helped, that also helped him not to worry so much about us not having Thanksgiving dinner. I would give anyone the shirt off my back, i’m far from used to having to ask anyone for thiers. But here i am, I dont know what else to do, i have no family, and no friends because i spend my days and nights with my son, so i have no where else to turn for help, and i’m scared not just about Christmas but about many other bills. My refidgerator broke 3 weeks ago, i cant afford another one so we got just a few things (milk, lunchmeat, etc) and put them out side in the snow, my son doesnt understand and he is more worried that the neighborhood kids will find out that our refidgerator doesnt work and make fun of him. Our electric got turned off about a week ago and we had to spend a few nights without power or heat but we made it thru, and sadly my son wanted me to sell the DS his father got him a 4 years ago for his birthday to pay the bill but i wouldnt thats his and thats the only things his father has ever gotten him. He breaks my heart everyday, he is such a sweet sensitive kid, he is 7 years old and the love of my life, and now i couldnt buy him a christmas tree to decorate so he thinks now that we dont have a tree that Santa wont know where to find him (because its the lights on your tree that help santa know where to land) and all i can think about is having to tell him Christmas morning that Santa forgot but when he remembers (when i can come up with money) he will get your gifts. I can stop crying, and now to top all my car is going to reposesed if i cannot pay $505.84 by the end of the month! Its one thing after another. And i hate the collections department of everywhere, all while i am crying on the phone with them they act like i want to lose my car, or go with out heat, and i must be sitting on tons of money, i hate it! So here i am, asking for help! I understand if you cant help or even if you can donate 2 dollars, anything helps, everything else, but i have nothing. I know this time of year is hard on everyone and i feel horrible for asking others who are also struggling for help, but i dont know what else to do. So if after you fullfill all of your Holiday dreams if you find that you have a few extra dollars, i would owe you forever. I truly believe in karma, and i know regardless of if your able to help me or someone else or even just to say a simple prayer for me and my son that God will bless each and every one of you simply for having the kindness in your heart! Thank you so much for listening to my story, and i’m sorry for asking for help, i may not even post this, i dont know….Merry Christmas, i hope you all have an amazing New Year….and God Bless each and every one of you…

  441. If you still need donors, count me in. I can pay for overnight shipping as well as the gift card.

  442. If you are in need of somebody to gift to, I’d like to offer my mother as a recipient. She has recently been deemed unable to work due to her vision loss and kidney failure, and has no income while she awaits disability. She just got out of the hospital a few nights ago, and will be starting dialysis soon. If I could give her something myself, I would, but my husband just worked his last day yesterday, and I am seriously underemployed as a substitute teacher. She has worked so hard her entire life, and lost so much. Merry Christmas!

  443. Does anybody know how many people got matched with more than one donor? I e-mailed the person Jenny sent me, but they already got something today and we want to make sure that no one’s been left out by mistake.

  444. Just sent off a $50 Target e-certificate to one of your readers and would be happy to do the same again. I don’t make a lot of money but I do have a job and some of these stories are breaking my heart. Please put me on the list as a stand-by donor.

    Also, for some reason I thought you might appreciate the below. **WARNING** Not Safe For…..well, anywhere really…..seriously…..

  445. jenny,

    i sent an email too, but you’re probably a bit swamped right now. there’s a gift certificate waiting for you at an austin spa – you deserve something for putting this together. let me know if my email doesn’t get thru and you need the details.


  446. If there is someone in Canada I could be matched up with I could do a gift card to somewhere useful as well. What your doing is amazing and beautiful.

  447. I already commented on the other post, but I said I didn’t know who gave you my name. I found her comment as I was reading this set. Dana, thank you. Santas, thank you. Jenny, thank you. My heart is exploding with goodwill and warm fuzzies. You are all amazing, and I am so very grateful. LOVE!

  448. I think that this is simply amazing. Though I’m neither in dire need, or am I in any sort of position to help, I’m amazed at people who are so willing to give, and I do wish that I had the means to help. As a newly single mom, going through a hell of a time with my separation from my alcoholic husband, I know I’m not in the best position. My kids are happy, we have a roof over our heads, I have a semi-decent job and I’m fighting through the best that I can. I only hope that next year I’ll be in a better position to help someone out, maybe someone who is going through what I’m going through.

    To those of you helping others in need, I commend you. I admire you all. Much love to everyone this holiday season and always.

  449. This is amazing. I can help. If anyone still needs it I can donate $200. Let me know and happy holidays!

  450. This is amazing. I would love to help. Hate to put more donator to donatee matching work in your lap, but I can put a $30 gift card in the mail or via PayPal.

  451. You are amazing Jenny!! You helped a friend of mine (6y request of another friend) and we all can’t thank you enough. Your heart is as 6ig as the state of Texas. May6e 6igger.

  452. Ericka! Oh my freaking God! How could I not have gotten this sooner: YOU ARE BRILLIANT FOR PAYING JENNY FORWARD. And to a spa, no less. Which she will need in spades after all this labor. Not much left in the cookie jar but, lordy, Santa Jenny deserves to receive as much as anyone. If you read this, please send me an email and let me know what’s near her home–or what she loves–so I can research more. Thank YOU for helping. Wendy (lassieandtimmy@gmail.com)

  453. I love everyone that’s commented on this blog so much. Donating to someone who needed it brightens my holiday cheer more than anything. I’m so grateful to my parents for always teaching me to give. Even when my father was unemployed for almost two years (just found a job not to long ago, thankfully) they still helped others.

    I’m in a song parody contest right now (I think I made it to round two). I was going to write my next one about Glee, but they can wait! It will definitely have to be about the Bloggess. I can’t imagine writing it about anything or anyone else.


  454. This is amazing. I really wish I could help, but I just spent $150 to make sure I had any presents for my own children, plus $300 for heating oil and $100 on food. I hope that maybe I can help out some of the more needy next year though. All of the people helping this year are wonderful.

  455. Can help. Will help. Too blessed not to help. Please add me to the list of those who can spread some cheer through PayPal.

  456. This is my second post, i am sure you’re swamped with people needing help and i fear i am too late. I am desperately in need, like i explained in my last post i am a single mother, i am out of work for four months now, my son is 7 years old, my car is due to be repo’d on the 30th, my refidgerator has been broken for a few weeks now so i am using the snow to save my perishables even tho my son said the neighbor kids are picking on him for it, i couldn’t buy a christmas tree and certainly cant afford gifts for my son and hell our dinners every night have consisted of sandwhiches or hot dogs, christmas dinner is out of the question, hell i have no where to keep any foond! This is horrible and i am truly upset with myself because not only am i living in this hell, my sweet innocent loving little boy is in this! I love him more than life and i never wanted him to have to struggle and to worry if mommy has the money to give him for lunch at school. He is upset with me for not buying him a tree because Santa cant find the house without the lights from the christmas tree, so i know come christmas morning explaining santa isnt real and i couldnt get him anything because we dont have any money is going to heart breaking, more to me than him i am sure lol, but this is killing me. I have cryed my self to sleep every night since losing my job, i never wanted my son to have to live like this and to have to worry about the lights getting cut off or waking up and the heat being cut off , which has happened to us twice since losing my job, and now worrying about losing my only means of transportation, of course i can keep my car if i can pull $505.84 out of my ass and send it to welsfargo auto finance before the 30th, thats not going to happen. I did get a job offer at my interview yesterday which gave me alot of hope but it doesnt start until the 29th and if i lose my car the next day there isnt any point in taking it because as soon as i take it i will lose it, so what do i do. P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens….and i hope something happens soon!!! I need help bad, but social services said i am too late to request assistance for Christmas, so here i am, my hands are tied, so here i am on the internet telling a bunch of strangers my story and begging for help… i’m ashamed and embarassed, but theres nothing else i can do…. if someone can help me at all, even if it is just with getting my son something for christmas i will be endlessly greatful and i will pay it forward everyday for the rest of my life! Any help is great!

  457. if you want to donate to my paypal thats fine if you want to send a gift card thats fine, if you cant help, thank you regardless for all the prayers, and well wishes and for everything! You all are truly amazing! I hope i can atleast give my son 1 gift to open christmas day! Thank you for anything and everything, from the bottom of my heart i love you all for helping me and each other! I hope someone can help me, and next year when i am better off i want to help too!

  458. This is such a wonderful project! I am amazed by the generosity and willingness of people to help strangers in need. I’ve never been one of those people who like to ask for help, or to let anyone know how badly things can be going. But, it’s like a stab in the heart when you realize you can’t provide a traditional Christmas with Christmas presents and everything for your child. I’m a single mom, as are many of the needy people on here. I’m a full-time student, and I have been caught up in an awful, bitterly evil custody battles with my ex and his new girlfriend. I’m praying that my daughter is young enough to not care, or notice, that I’m not able to give her a Christmas this year. It kills me that I’m unable to pay back my parents with any gifts to thank them for all they do for me, that I can’t pay my day-care providers. I’m not even sure where the money for the next batch of diapers will come from. There has been some good to come out of my situation this year, and I hope I can at least spread that positive part to the other downtrodden people on here. Even though you may not have money, or may not be able to buy your loved ones gifts, it has made me become a lot more creative in my gift-giving ideas. Everything now is homemade–my daughter and I are mainly drawing pictures or painting things to give to people as gifts. So, instead of being sad that I have no money this holiday season, I’ve been able to turn it into more quality time with my daughter and more personalized (albeit cheesy) cards to give to the people on my list. I just hope that she doesn’t remember this Christmas and not receiving presents, or that she remembers it as a ton of fun with her mom, and I hope that next year I will be in a position to help us out and to pay it forward to someone else…what a wonderful Christmas wish! Bless you for what you are doing, it is truly amazing–especially the vast response you’ve received from people all over! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

  459. I’d like Santa to send my grand kids something … When I visited them in November, their heater was not working … They could really use a visit from Santa.

    My son’s email: Fred123@epix.net

    My wife lost her job and we relocated to reduce our living expenses so we could afford the college tuition not covered by loans/scholarships for our two daughters.

  460. Corina, check Craiglist in the free section. Many people are giving away trees because they have upgraded to different ones. WalMart has live trees discounted from 10-21 dollars. If you lived in Oklahoma I’d loan you my tree. Keep the faith. It will get better. There are angels everywhere just waiting to be able to help.

    This season I am trying to put on a happy face. For the past two Christmases I have lost my Dad, my childrens great grandfather and great grandmother, and my dearest friend. I have more hospital bills stacking up daily. My van broke down and my son needed prescription refills and a trip to the doctor. So what money I did have saved was gone. I decided to ask for assistance for my brothers kids mostly and maybe something for my own too. 5 boys and 3 girls. 3 of them boys have special needs. But if help runs out before it gets to my request I still say Merry Christmas and Thank You for all that you have done for so many people. You have lifted a heavy burden from them and I know it is appreciated and will always be remembered. Just reading these posts has put a smile on my face and cheered me up more than you could know.

  461. This is the best gift I’ve ever given. Ever. Thank you Jenny!

    Nicole–you are so welcome!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!

  462. this is a very special thing your doing for ppl! i know i work my butt off just to pay my bills, sometimes it really sucks when i look at my tree and see i cant give my kids what i had as a child! you are a blessing to alot of ppl who you help! everyone needs a little help some time! if your still helping it would be awesome to help this way a little but i understand that you’ve already helped ALOT of ppl! hope you have a marry christmas!

  463. Hi, I am a mother of 5 young children, and I just want to say what a nice thing you guys are doing here for those in need. I know first hand what it is to struggle, and God bless you for helping others, it will come back to you x100!

    This Christmas we have been blessed with help from family, so we will be ok, I just wanted to tell you that I think this is amazing!

  464. I’m commenting again. I can’t help it. I keep reading through these and my heart just swells. I’d have to agree with the person who said “you made us believe again”. It’s easy to forget the good in people.

    You better do this again next year. I’ll try and help someone out next time.

  465. I am just catching up with some blog reading…. and I am so overwhelmed with what your offer of some $30 gift cards had exploded into. This is truly the spirit of Christmas at work.

    If you still have families needing help… please add me to your list of people able to help. What an amazing thing to be a part of!

  466. Wow.that’s all I can say you all are a godsend.angelS in disguise.I had so much help delivered to my inbox it was wonderful.my kids are going to have a great christmas because of all of you.I also ended up donating to a friend of mine 50 I gift cards because I had gotten what my kids really wanted and wanted someone else to have as well she has 4 kids as well.single mother she works full time and doesn’t get any government help at all.she doesn’t have a computer so I am posting for her.if there is still any help that can be given at all if not she appreciates the 50 that was donated to me that I was able to send to her.thank you so much.I will hopefully get to be a donor next year.and jenn you have gotten a new reader on my end your wonderful.and all of you angels out there who have helped thank you so much.OH just wanted to inform the target e gift cards cannot be used for some reason.I have a 30 dollar card I cannot use the website won’t let me for some reason.pls if anyone can help another mother of 4 let me know so I can get the help to her.thank you

    Christina pena
    pls only send gift cards she is not in need of cash

  467. Christina

    I’ve never used an E-gift card before with Target but I can try and help. I can’t find much info on the gift cards (there’s no FAQ for them on Target.com). When you were purchasing how far did you get in the process? Is the redeem code working?

  468. Christina

    I don’t know if you entered your credit or debit card information. Apparently you have to even if you’re using a gift card or e-gift card. Just in case your order is over the amount on the gift card. Target takes the amount off the gift card first, and won’t charge YOUR credit card unless you go over the amount. I guess just extra security on their end.

    Info here: http://tinyurl.com/28kol3p

    But if you did that too and it still won’t work I’d call customer service. I’m sure the card works, and there’s some small problem customer service will be able to help you fix! 🙂

  469. I want to help!!! Please match me with someone or let me know what I can do to get someone less fortunate a better holiday. I have been blessed with a healthy family, a beautiful home and a job I love. I want to help someone else have at least a little bit of what I have been blessed with. Thank you so for doing this!!!

  470. I am really late to this but I am hoping someone will still want to help. I am a single father to my 2 daughters 6 and 8. Their mom developed a prescription drug problem after a surgery and walked out on us after pawning most of our belongings and cleaning out our savings in October. The girls are confused and upset by all of this and really need a good Christmas. I wish I could give them more but all I can put under our tree is a few dollar store coloring books. If anyone can spare a gift card or two I would be very grateful. Thanks for listening and Merry Christmas to all.

  471. I just wanted to thank Wendy and Beth for sending my boys a smile…and to thank everyone here for giving to so many others…we have nothing…I have nothing with which to return the favor except for a novel I wrote…a book I have published…I would like to offer a free copy to each and everyone who has helped and to all of those who might want to offer it as a gift to someone else…that is if I may…if it is alright…Grab a FREE E-Copy of ‘Where the Sun Sets’ @ smashwords.com…enter coupon code SY34P at checkout…Expires:January 31, 2011…Happy Holidays !!!

  472. This past year has been so difficult. I went through several jobs and had to reach out for help many times. By the grace of God I kept a roof over my head and food in the cupboards. I had to stand in line and basically beg for the help of a local nonprofit organization for my rent money one month. But you know what, they came through. The last few months found me with stable work and enough income to cover everything — its been such a blessing. I would like to pay forward the kindness shown to me as I understand how dire things can be. Please let me know if money/giftcards are still needed. I still have a little left in my Christmas budget and would like to help. Thank you.

  473. Erika!!!! You’ve done a wonderful thing! I’ve been thinking about Jenny and her hives off and on all day (I get hives sometimes too and I. HATE. THEM.) Bless you!

  474. Jenny – I just want to thank you so much. We were out today shopping. I hate shopping. I was looking for gifts for people who really need nor want anything. It seemed so silly. And, it put me in a really crappy mood. When we got home after purchasing nothing, I was thrilled to find your email and instructions and to send a gift certificate to “my person.” It was the best I’ve felt in weeks and weeks!!! THANK YOU.

    I’ve been thinking all evening, and if it’s okay with you, I’m going to start giving my parents the “best gift they never received.” I’m hoping you don’t mind because I’m going to put it on my blog (giving you due credit, of course) and, though my readership is small, maybe more people will be helped. And, who knows, the more people who see this kind of thing will adopt it as a holiday tradition?

    You’ve done a wonderful thing and I’m thrilled to have played a small role. Tell your parents Merry Christmas! They should be incredibly proud of you (and themselves, they did something right!)

    Thanks for making my Christmas.

  475. Thank you Jenny for sending Alice, my angel, to me! You have taken the seemingly impossible and tackled it head on in a way only you could do. Thank you both for making the holidays bright and beautiful for my two little girls!

  476. hey, jenny. i know i’m really late to this game, but if you need a monday morning “swooper,” i’d be happy to help.

  477. i am catching this thread very late, but if your head is not overwhelmed yet, i would love to donate $100 to someone in need. Paypal is easy for me, but please let me know what’s easiest for you at this point.
    I am available to send whatever is needed…. you are wonderful for reminding folks what the christmas spirit is all about. thank you for taking the time to extend yourself.
    i hope you have a wonderful and happy holiday season.

  478. oh.. i am also a jeweler and would be happy to donate a few pieces to the moms who are only looking to buy for their children. moms need something to open as well….

  479. I needed to make sure my paycheck was deposited before I could offer – If you need any more donations, I’m good for $30 or so. This is just fantastic Jenny!

  480. Just when I was starting to hate this Christmas, I read your blog and the world is a better place again. This has been a hard year for my family, but not so hard that we can’t help another family in need. If you still need some helpers let me know. I can donate a gift card if you have more people ask for help or if anyone flakes out on their gift.

    Merry Christmas!

  481. I just want to say thank you so very much, Jenny, and “A family”. Your generosity is truly overwhelming. I am so grateful and appreciative of the gift that I was given. I hope to be able to repay this kindness someday soon to someone else in need. The joy and spirit of giving is alive and well this holiday season and it’s totally moved me to tears. Thank you again!

  482. This has really brought my spirits up. I was able to donate a bit, and I cant believe how much it has raised my Christmas cheer. We took our 3 year old to drive around and look at Christmas lights tonight and were all having a great time, when my husband said “you’ve really been a grinch the last few years, but this year you’re all into Christmas” and it’s all because of you, Jenny, and how you’ve opened my eyes to the fact that not everyone in the world is a selfish jackhole. Thank you and God bless.

  483. Oh Jenny,
    He Who Loves All Things Wicked and I were just discussing the fact we felt a little strange about how fortunate we have been this year when it has been so hard for so many. PLEASE let me know if there is anyone left unmatched or anyone flakes. We would be thrilled to help!

  484. Since you seem to have a large number of Givers yet I thought I’d ask…

    My husband has worked so hard this year. He has back problems and has been working right through them to take care of our family. We have been able to get a few things for our children. He always works so hard to take care of us, but this year has been our hardest on him. I would love to be able to surprise him with something from the kids and I this year. Even if it’s something we get him Late and surprise him as an after Christmas gift. I know nothing will show quite how much we love and appreciate him, but I would like to try to give him Something if someone out there is willing to help us.

    You are the best Jenny. I know God has a special place for people like you. The ones who can reach so many people and use that to bring so many together to help others. Even if you can’t help us with this, I still want you to know that I love you for doing this for so many people this year.

  485. I want to thank Mir for her phenomenal generosity.

    One of my kids is an artist (if he knew about berets, he’d be wearing one). I ordered water colored pencils for him, as well as a clutch of “doodle” books. Coloring books aren’t where it is at, for us, but these are different. They give starting off points from which to draw–which is perfect for him as he lacks the kind of confidence to just do “anything.” With good prompts, though…. I’m just so happy imaging the fun he is going to have:-)

    Books! I ordered books! Emily WIndsnap and Little House and, umm, the name escapes me! And Legos! I’m going to be cursing in the dark after stepping on lots of those suckers! And my daughter is getting a nerf gun! There will be mayhem Christmas morning. Happy, happy, mayhem.

    Jenny, and Mir, and every single one of you wonderful people, you’ve given me the best Christmas I think I will ever have. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  486. I now have a grand total of 95 in my paypal account I am still a little short on a bus ticket to see my son.if anyone can help with just a tab bit more it would so be appreciated.

    Thank you

    Lynnsaavedra@ymail.com on paypal

  487. i offered earlier today to be a backup for monday… but i’ve been following this thread, and it seems that there are plenty of people who can use the help before then. please match me with someone in need! i can send a gift card, pay pal, or specific gifts – whatever is needed most. i’ve been very blessed and would love to make a difference in a family’s christmas. again, this is amazing and you are amazing.

  488. If you can find a way to help one more, my family could use it. Our car broke down this morning and it will take the Christmas budget to fix it. We sat our two boys down and told them there will be no presents. Their reply was that’s ok mom Santa will still bring us something. This is soul crushing for us. Please help those in desperate need first. We have a roof over our heads, pleanty to eat and warm clothes to wear but if there is anything left over to keep the magic of Santa alive for a little longer we would be so thankful. ~Kate and Rob

  489. I am way late on this and I don’t have a lot to offer but if there is anyone left who needs a gift card, money sent to paypal, or a toy or something for their child, please let me know. I would love to help!

  490. Hi Jenny,
    Thank you for matching me up with someone – it made my whole holiday season. And I hate the holiday season, lol!

    Please put me on standby for any latecomers – I can manage one more gift card.

    You are all JUST. AWESOME!!!


  491. Thank you to Becky for the Amazon card! It helped so much. This really renews my faith in humankind. Thank you all and Merry Christmas!!

  492. Hi. So. We are one of the millions of families who weren’t going to have money for Christmas this year. I started furiously knitting fun toys for the kids, but still felt terrible. Little did I remember that I had signed my kids up for the Angel Tree here in my town about two months ago. My husband also got brave and entered our names in The Reddit Angel Tree. Then we got gift cards from two anon people who knew our plight this year.

    We received from the Angel Trees this weekend, and used the two gifted visa cards for a few more small things for our kiddos and wrapping paper. I just wanted to cry because, honestly? Since I’ve became a mom five years ago, I have never seen people be so generous or kind hearted. I am so thankful to have gifts under our tree for our kiddos this year, you can’t even imagine.

    So….Thank you for doing this for people too. Thank you for having a real spirit of kindness. I can’t still quite grasp that people actually stood up and said “I will help you” to us this year when we’ve been in soul crunching poverty for so long. I am so happy that other people are being helped too.

    And . . . I can’t wait for the day when I can stand among the numbers and hold out my hand to say, “I can help you.” You have made me so excited for that day.

  493. I want to add my thanks to Mak and Amy, and to again thank Jenny and Peggy. And thanks to all donors! Also, a special thanks to my daughter, Saxon, who has truly given me the greatest gift of all by sending me the link to this wonderful Christmas Miracle. Today is a day I will never forget. You are all angels and heroes and have blessed so many people. I know these are the gifts that will keep on giving. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  494. This has been such a hard year, and I wasn’t able to do the kind of charitable helping that makes the season so great, and so I was kind of melancholy and after a few days of following the comments here and yes, crying a little, I want to thank you all. You really made it feel like Christmas, even for someone who couldn’t donate.
    I am so grateful that my needs are met, and that you guys are helping so many. Merry Christmas, to all of you, and especially Jenny.

  495. Jenny, if you need more donors I can swing another $30 on paypal or Amazon.

    Honestly, this is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen done. Jenny, you really are an angel.

  496. I will happily donate, but if you have what you need now, please hit me up later in the year when the giving is less prevalent. P.S. this is a beautiful idea and it gives me such hope that it worked out so well.

  497. My sister sent me a link to your blog I think its amazing what you are doing. It’s nice to know there are still good people in the world. If it’s not to late to get in on this I am a young mom to two beautiful girls who don’t ask for much bc my usual response is no bc it’s not on sale. I hope that one day I can pay it forward I try to do that now by passing out coupons I don’t use Or printing out doubles and sharing those. It’s not much but that’s all I can do right now.

  498. OK, Jenny…2 cards down and I can handle another. Courtney and Jared should be able to breathe a bit easier. I’m blessed and can share.

  499. I so love you people. As of right now (Almost midnight on Saturday) everyone has been matched with donors and I have exactly one donor waiting in the wings to help. (Thanks, Cindy M!) Also, I have several donors set back for Monday emergencies in case someone else flakes or if I’ve messed up and missed a name somehow.

    I’ve sent out over 500 emails matching people. Amazed that I’m able to go to bed tonight with my spreadsheet of givers still outweighing recipients. Thank you.

    I’m exhausted and far too sober, but happy.

    I hope everyone who asked for help gets it. At least I know though that SO, SO many people have already been given Christmas miracles. I’m still open for donors if you’d like to help.

  500. I have never felt so many emotions reading one blog…Ive laughed, Ive cried, Ive gotten angry but this…this is more than ive felt in a long time. You are an angel on earth. I got a 25 dollar gift card from my husbands work, but we are fortunate this year. So I will donate it to a local toys for tots. If the whole world thought as you and your readers do…oh what a wonderful world it would be.

    Love and Christmas wishes

  501. I have 2 children, and I’m currently unemployed. My husband works at KFC and has had his hours cut back so we’re not making too much money right now. On top of all that our water pipes in our trailer froze and burst because the woman we bought it from didn’t plug in the heat tape ever. Our truck’s breaks keep going out and our electrical fuses keep shorting out. Because of all these repairs we have to keep up with, we don’t have very much money for Christmas presents. Anything to help us out would be so great.

  502. A friend I work with suggested I come here and all it did was make me cry, happy tears though. We were in serious financial trouble already and my hot water heater broke this morning, leaving most of my living space soaked in water. We will not be able to afford gifts this year for our kids. My son is 8 and my daughter will be 2 in January. Like other posters here, I’ve considered breaking the Santa news to my son so he understands that he wasn’t a bad kid or anything. He’s such a sweet boy and he tries so hard to gain approval. He deserves a Christmas. His clothes aren’t as nice as the other kids in class and he often has to listen to the other kids gush over new toys every weekend. My son does all of this with class and dignity, but this is going to hurt him deeply to be without a single thing under the tree. I have no pride left. I’m begging, please help me get him something. My daughter is only 2 and she’d be happy with a single dollar store toy, but my son is going to be so disappointed. I’m tired of disappointing him.

  503. To Cindy M

    You didn’t leave an email so that I could thank you properly so I hope you read this. Thank you so much! Because of you and Monica my girls will have a great Christmas. It takes a lot to bring me to tears but I am astonished by the kindness total strangers are showinng my family. Merry Christmas and thank you!!!!!!

    Jared, Hailey and Samantha

  504. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Bria, Jen C, Kameron and Marla! My son will get to ride to his Grandma & Papa’s for Christmas safely in his new car seat. We wouldn’t have been able to get it for him with out your generosity.

    Jenny, a special thank you to you too. I appreciate you working so hard to make this all happen. I know it’s been an overwhelming amount of work for you but I am genuinely thankful. I hope you consider doing this again next year because I would love to be able to return the kindness shown to me this year.

  505. I don’t know what I can do to help really, since quite frankly, I’m holding off on rent a couple of days to pay for our Christmas dinner, but if there’s someone in the KC area who could use a gift card to a local restaurant as a quick stop gap or as a gift for a friend, parent, etc. I’d be happy to donate one.

    Let me know…

  506. thank you again, jenny-claus, and a special thank you to the kind donor who let me forward a $45 amazon.com giftcard to my 20-yr-old son and his 19-yr-old girlfriend, so they could get a little something for each other and for their 11-month-old (my granddaughter arianna!) this year. that kind donation, along with the $35 walmart giftcard i gave them this morning, will go a long way to making them feel less vulnerable to the whims of the economy (and the seeming capriciousness of their college’s finanial-aid timing), as they struggle to build a future for their little family. from the bottom of my overfull heart, merci-grazie-gracias-thank-you. and merry christmas to all of us.

  507. I can help Laura #610 who wants to buy her mother something. Can you find out if her mother likes jewelry? I can make her something.

  508. Jenny, I’ve been a faithful reader since I found your blog a while back. Your blog is a must-read for me, and I come to you to read hilarious, outrageous stories, to laugh and smile. Today though, I am truly blown away. I don’t have much, but I can spare $50 – either in the form of cash via Paypal or a gift card, receiver’s choice, no questions asked.

  509. I think my request was overlooked ( http://thebloggess.com/?p=9474#comment-81505) , but that’s ok. I talked our local Home Depot into donating a 6 foot tree for my friend and her kids. I took it to her house and we decorated it with popcorn, candy canes and cookies! The kids made paper snowflakes and paper garland and we decorated the livingroom. They were SO HAPPY, my friend and I cried to see the kids so happy. I’ll figure a way to wrangle some small gifts, fill up a small stocking for each of them.
    Thank you Jenny, for everything you have done for so many people. You are amazing.

    I just checked and at least one donor said she emailed you but hasn’t heard back. Check the email address you have listed with me. Is it accurate? ~Jenny

  510. Hello Jenny! I just graduated from college in May and I’m currently working two part-time jobs (yay for students loans) but, I’ve been meaning to leave a comment here for awhile. I can spare $50 in the form of a gift card. Just let me know how and when!

  511. I can donate. Reading your post just gave me the time to slow down and realize it. That knowledge had kind of gotten lost in my self-absorbed first world ‘problems’. Please let me know how and when.

  512. God knows if you’ll read this but you’re wonderful. This post made me shed a couple of happy tears.

    I’m unemployed and poor myself but I did giveaway books on my blog and I sponsored a child this holiday. Hope that makes up for it. LOVE, Annah.

  513. I have a Target giftcard I got from my work for Thanksgiving. Since we always go out for Thanksgiving, I haven’t used it (dunno the amount, since you need to scratch off the silver stuff to find out). I could use it myself, but really, why not let somebody else have a bit of Merry with it?

    Can you match me up?


  514. Hi, I need help with christmas presents for my grandchildren. It doesnt have to be extravagant they love anything. Their mom struggles to provide for them and I am usually no help because I live on SSI. The babies name is Marissa 1, then theyres James 6, Tiffany 4, and Aaron7. My daughter really needs some help she works full time but their father left them after she got pregnant with Marissa. He never was any help anyways. I would really appreciate the help and I know they would too.. Ive read alot of the posts you are sure working hard. Make sure you have a good christmas too.
    God Bless

  515. Jenny, This is awesome. My daughter isn’t getting anything from me this year because I haven’t worked in a couple months. I hate asking for any help, but I guess this is for her, so I can swallow my pride and do it.

  516. Ms. Jenny, what you’re doing here is absolutely incredible. If you need someone else willing to donate a gift card or whatever, count me in; in the scheme of things, my year has been blessed and I would like to help someone else out too!

  517. I’m happy to send an Amazon gift card if you’ve had more requests for help or a previous match falls through – just let me know.
    Many thanks for organizing this, Jenny, and to all your readers for reminding me what community (online or otherwise) is really all about.

  518. I was sitting here a little while ago wondering how to pay the cell phone bill and still get my 2 1/2 yr old son, Alex, the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse stuff he suddenly asked Santa for this week. Mindlessly clicking on bookmarks, I found this amazing thread/event. We would gladly accept any assistance one would give and praise you wonderful people for this holiday spirit.

    Merry Christmas (yeah, I said it)

  519. This is just amazing, Jenny.

    If you do this again next year you can SO count me in. I’m working MAYBE six hours a week and despite my lack of rent and utility bills I just can’t swing it this year but I would love to donate sometime.

    Between my lack of work and donating what I didn’t manage to sell at our last yard sale to a girls-only group home here in town, I have NOTHING to offer, and I hate that.

  520. Jenny did tweet me back saying that she was looking for a donor that could help me, however i have not heard anything since. I dont know if she couldn’t someone that could help with the huge need i have or if there are no donors left, or maybe its too late at night and i may hear something tomorrow. I think this is amazing, truly, i keep reading the comments of all the people donating and needing help and the kind words alone are enough to make any one cry. Like i said in my other posts my car is going to be repo’d on the 30th unless i can come up with $505.84 to give to welsfargo auto finance, my fridge has been broken for 3 weeks now so i have no way to keep perishables even if i could afford to buy them, and most important to me right now is i cant afford to buy my 7 year old baby boy anything for Christmas this year. if you cannot help i understand there are so many in need, or if i am too late i understand, it makes me feel warm all over just to see the love and kindness spread about by a simple blog offering a few gift cards. I hope a miracle will happen and i will be able to give my son a Christmas he deserves and maybe be able to save my car so that i will be able to work the job i have been offered (which doesnt start until the 29th). Thank you all for everything you have done for one another, thats what this country was built on one neighbor helping another, if we as a nation could remember this all year round the world would be a much better place. I know its easy to forget when someone is rude, or the guy in traffic flips you off, or the chashier at the store is ugly to you, remember you never know what they could be going through, everyone is human. I hope everyone gets their needs met, and i will continue to hope and pray for my miracle! Thank you Jenny and all of her helpers it will come back to you ten fold…and then some….you are all angels!!!

    I love you all!!!! xoxoxox! Merry Christmas! God bless you all!!!! I wish you the most blessed New Year ever!!!!

    Hi Cynthia. The email address you used in the email box is @gmail.com but the one in the comment is @yahoo.com. If you own the gmail account you might want to check it as I set you up with a donor willing to help. I also emailed her this morning to ask if she could contact you through the @yahoo.com address. I paypalled you $50 myself so you could go ahead and pick out a present for your little one today. 🙂 ~ Jenny

  521. I don’t have a blog of my own, so I’m going to borrow Jenny’s for a moment…

    It’s been a tough year, I lost my job this year and have been feeling off-kilter… I know it’s the economy, but still, it feels like I’m in flux… do I wait for the dream job that is sooo close (but currently has no funding) or try for a crappy job and a 40% pay cut? I never thought I was one of those people who was defined by their jobs… until I didn’t have one anymore.

    But today, for the first time in a long time, I made a decision I feel is absolutely right. I gave back. I gave money to complete strangers and it feels really good. I don’t have a lot of money coming in right now, but I’m better off than most. I have a roof over my head and a nice cozy wood stove to keep me warm and some money in the bank and food to eat and people that will take care of me if things ever get really bad, so I told Jenny I would help. “Sixty bucks,” I said, “count me in.” And then I waited…

    When I got the first email from Jenny with the emails of people I could help, I was so excited… it was better than opening any Christmas present ever. So, the $60 turned into $200 and then $300 and finally $400 and I feel great (exhausted, but great–I don’t know how you do this all day, Jenny)!

    So I want to say THANK YOU to Jenny! And to the recipients who were so grateful and wished me Merry Christmas and to “A” who called me an angel and to “D” who sent me a beautiful smiling picture of his kids! THANK YOU ALL for making me feel like a person again, actual and whole.

    I made a difference today.

  522. A friend just told me about this. I am hoping you can help. My son and I are having a very horrible year, it started with my now ex fiance losing his job and taking off on us. He left behind a pile of bills and rent I can’t afford. Basically my phone and power will be shut off Monday and my landlord is threatening eviction. I have been searching for a job but haven’t had any luck.I feel like such a failure to my wonderful baby boy. Is there any way you can help?

  523. Hi Jenny, I recieved help for my three nephews and I’m so grateful. I mentioned this blog to my older sister (I have three sisters) and she was going to post on behalf of herself, but I don’t see her post. I don’t think she can handle asking for help (she’s used to being the helper, not the helpee, as the oldest of 7 kids). If you haven’t passed her e-mail along to anyone (maybe I missed it, or she disguised it so I wouldn’t know that they are in need), I put her email in the box above. I’m sure she’d be suprised and overjoyed if a little miracle showed up in her inbox.


    She did leave a comment and I set her up with a couple of donors. Thanks! ~ Jenny

  524. Thank you so much to Lindsay, Allison and Julie. I ordered gifts for my nephews that they’ll be so happy with and that their parents could of never provided on their own.

    I called my mom to seek her help in just what I should get for them and she told me that my sister’s tried to get gifts from a Secret Santa program in their hometown, but they ran out of gifts before they got up to the front and were sent away. How disappointing! To swallow your pride, go stand in line, in a town where ever one knows just who you are, and then be told, sorry, we don’t have anything for you to give your little ones on Christmas.

    I am so happy that I’ll be able to make their day Christmas so much brighter.

  525. wow. i was not going to reply, as i don’t need a gift card.
    however, i do need money for medicine.
    my neighbor is remodeling his (very old, mold/mildew-ridden) house and i have not been able to shake a bad asthma reaction to it since, say, october.
    consequently i have to go to the sliding scale clinic and somehow prove income (which i kinda can’t) in order to simply get my inhaler prescription.
    i am of course grateful there’s sliding scale help – but also i am wondering how to tell them i support myself by being a (poorly-tipped) stripper, therefore i don’t exactly have a paycheck stub.
    so i may have jumped on this bandwagon a little late, but, if someone would like to help me defray asthma inhaler costs, i will gladly send you a reply letter full of thanks? and perhaps pay it forward soon?

  526. Thank you Olivia G. (comment 554) for you thoughtfulness. Jenny hooked me up with three donors, one for each nephew. 🙂 I’m sure someone else can use your help more than they could now. Thank you so much for thinking of us though!

    Merry Christmas to you and your tiny little miracle.

  527. Wow, what a touching story. I wish I had known about this earlier. I’m one of those people in need…my family is struggling to keep what little we have, we’re losing our house, we have pets we need to place and can’t find homes for but are having more and more trouble caring for, my mom’s been out of work for over a month, I’m self-employed and barely scraping by (as there’s no work and I have some health issues)…it’s a position so many people find themselves in anymore and it breaks my heart. I just want to keep my heat and power on and eat heh. I don’t have money to spare, but I would be happy to maybe donate a few small items from one of my online shops.

    Your stuff is way underpriced. I just bought all of your skull and crossbones soaps and I’m sending you some extra cash now. ~Jenny

  528. I am so grateful for one of the deserving recipients of a gift card for passing this story along to me. I have been through a lot of mental anguish lately & it has had me questioning whether there are any decent people left in this corrupt world that we live in. This has given me much needed affirmation that indeed, there are MANY good people still out there. Thanks to all of you who have helped brighten my spirit in a time of need. Thankfully, we don’t need the gift cards. This simple story of kindness has done more good than money could ever buy. Thanks to every one of you!

  529. I was ashamed to ask but my christmas wish is for help with my rent Ive been trying to catch up on my medical bills and got behind on my rent. I have rheummatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and I also suffer from depression related to being in chronic pain. I get alot of steroid injections my hip injections cost 400 per visit.. I get injections for my wrists and my neck muscles. My toes are twisted under. I need surgery to straighten them. I wish I didnt need medicine but the pain is unbrearable. I dont have medical coverage and am on SSDI. My daughter received two gift cards already for christmas which really helps.. I havent told anyone about my debt because its very emberassing. Im just asking for some kind of help my paypal is my email address. Anything would help with some of my bills. Ive never been this bad off before. Ive lived with family for a long time and now that Im on my own with my daughter I feel like I cant survive. I read that I will get medical coverage after two years of being on SSDI. So that will help alot then. but thats far off. Im not asking for all my bills to be paid just something so I can pay alittle on my rent. My phone is gonna get shut off on monday so thats why Im witing now. Gee this sounds desperate but oh well what do I have to loose.. My little girl has no idea what kinda situation were in… I dont think my landlord would evict us in the winter.

  530. Just when I’m certain that our society deserves to die out like the Romans, I see someone like you trying to make a difference. And for no other reason than you can. You are an amazing person. Match me up with someone and I’ll send them a gift card right away. Keep being you.

  531. I’m a little behind in my blog reading and was very moved to see what you have accomplished in just a few days! This is the Christmas Spirit that I feel gets lost in all the craziness of the holidays.

    Count me in to help if you need more donors.

  532. Ah Jenny and minions – this is so amazing!! Reading the comments has given me more Christmas spirit than anything else this year.

  533. I missed out on the original post on this, but please put me down on the backup donor list for a $30 Amazon card. I don’t know what next year will bring (baby on the way and childcare is going to be $$$) and I don’t know if I’ll even be able to sponsor a child like we do at work, so I want to put in extra this year while I can.

  534. As of this moment we’ve been able to set up everyone with at least one donor but we only have two donors unmatched as of this second. If you want to help and haven’t heard from me yet please leave another comment with your email. With all of these comments I’m sure I’ve missed a few people still wanting to help.

    (But give me 10 minutes first because I’m sending out “here’s your match” emails to the 15 of you who’ve offered to help since last night. (Thank you!)

  535. Add me five deep to your $30 Amazon Gift Card donor list. (I’ll need the instructions again, though.)

  536. I’ve been touched by some holiday angels this morning. I opened my email and saw not 1 but 3 emails from angels giving wonderful gift cards to my family for Christmas help. I am beyond words to share what this means to us, but I had tears streaming down my face as I told my husband. I can’t wait to order some gifts for my girls today and because of the generosity of my angels, I will be able to get my husband something as well, and we’ve not exchanged gifts in years since we always put the kids first.

    Thank you to Amy D, Kate M and Juli for bringing tears of joy and soon to be smiles and joy from my kids to us this holiday season.

    Thank you to Jenny, “The Bloggess” for showing me and your readers that the true meaning of Christmas is still alive and well. I am hopeful that if this done next year I’ll be able to give back!

    Happy Holidays!

  537. Hi jenny,

    I left a comment on the other thread, not sure how I got there or here hehe. I haven’t heard anything as of yet. It’s ok though there are many families in need and tons of comments to look through. my email is givennsz@yahoo.com

    I saw your other comment and set you up with a few donors. 🙂 You should hear something soon. ~Jenny

  538. I just wanted to come back and say thank you to the two angels who donated to me. Diana and anonymous, thank you from the bottom of my heart. My son will have presents under the tree & that means more to me than I can express.

  539. Jenny, if you need more backup donors, please let me know! Otherwise, let’s be honest, I’m just gonna spend the cash on whiskey, and while that’s important and all, I think the liquor store will make it through the holidays without my contributions.

  540. I left a comment on the other post asking for help for my sister… but I also want to say that I have about $30 in Paypal that I could send to someone who needs it.

  541. I’m in. I have no idea how paypal works and I live in Australia, don’t know if that’ll be an issue, but I’m definitely up for giving someone $20 or so, if I figure out how to do so technologically.
    Also if you email me and I don’t respond straight away, it’s because my email is being an asshole.

  542. Jenny – my mom asked me to thank you for providing this opportunity for her to help out someone in need. This is her first Christmas without my dad (they were married for 58 years), so it’s been a little tough. She’s always been an extremely giving and generous person, and being part of this loving community of yours has made her very happy.

    Thank you.

  543. I don’t need anything. Except for possibly crutches and narcotics. The only thing I really want is to remember to accept help myself if we do this again next year. This is so not something one person can do alone administratively and next year I’m going to take the help offered instead of doing it myself.

  544. Oh my goodness.

    Thank you, and thank you Rebecca.

    This is … overwhelming, and I’m very grateful. I don’t even know what to say.

  545. Running out of what I can donate, but there’s always something. I can give a small gift card or paypal donation, maybe a book or two (or three) for MG/YA. sarah dot laurenson at gmail (dot com).

  546. I have $20 I could donate to someone in need either through amazon or pay-pal. Just e-mail me 🙂

  547. I just want to say Thank YOU for the all the help. Iwas able to help 2 little girls in need of christmas who were just put back into the foster system. I called around to all the reg places you would ask for help an no one has money/toys yet. I have 2 of my own kids an just didnt have the extra money to go out an buy a christmas for these kids. With your help I got them each 4 gifts off amazon. Thank you this will make for 2 very happy girls.

  548. Hi Jenny!

    If you need anymore donors count me in for a $50 GC or money directly to Paypal. I’d love to help!


  549. I can do a $50ish or so order from Amazon. PLEASE NOTE! I only do cool gifts, such as Legos, Transformers or chemistry sets.

  550. My Bloggess Match sent me a sweet e-mail and a picture of his beautiful daughter who will be getting the presents the money I sent will buy. Suddenly, I don’t feel so unhappy anymore. Thanks D & A. You made my Christmas much more happy than I could have possibly made yours. Bloggess, words fail me. Thank you.

  551. I just want to say that this really touched my heart and I was all teary eyed by the end of it. This is the true meaning of Christmas. It was a wonderful thing that everybody did, and it’s amazing to know that there are still awesome people in this world. Bless all of you, especially you Jenny.

  552. I don’t know how to contact Metamorphosteph – but if you’re listening…
    I can’t get you a job, but I might be able to get you some speaking gigs. sarah dot laurenson at gmail (dot com)

  553. I don’t even know what to say. I thought about this for a while and I really cant decide which side im on! I myself am personally struggling to make ends meet. I had to give out presents that were home made and (probably not so awesome) this year instead of getting my family what i wanted to give them. They told me not to get presents – they know I’m trying to make ends meet- but i can’t help it. Giving is what the holidays are for!

    So even though I’m struggling to pay my rent and utils — I know that, as a single girl without a family of my own, I could be SO much worse off and at least I just have to make ends meet for ME and not have children to depend on.

    Which makes me feel like I should be on the donor side— I don’t have much but so many other people are worse off than i am and i wish i could make a huge donation and show them that im thinking about them and praying that their christmases are full of love and joy, and at least a good meal on their table.

    So I guess I’m just calling it even! Im struggling myself, but im ok enough to not have to ask for donations, and for that im extremely grateful to God, but I don’t have anything to give except my continuous prayers for those who are worse off that I. I hope that for every donor you have – there has to be at least one other person wishing they could donate more- I fall into that camp.

    This unannounced project that took off is amazing and I’m THRILLED to be silently watching it’s progress and I’m praying for every family in need and thanking God for every donor.

    Merry Christmas to each and every one of you.

  554. Hi-
    I have a new set of Scholastic hard bound animal encyclopedia type books that would be perfect for a seven year old. I would love to send them to Jeanine (comment 505) for her son. I’ll run them to the UPS store today if she is interested.

  555. Jenny,

    I sent in my $50 giftcard to my match. I greatly hope it helps someone and I KNOW you’ve heard this a lot this season, BUT THANK YOU. I give a little to charities when I can and I love how this goes directly to the source. You’re honestly an inspiration. Keep doing what you do! I hope you still have time to have Christmas with your family as well!

    Also! Everyone sending in Amazon giftcards–today is the last day to order gifts from them for use for Super Shipper Savings to be delivered in time for Christmas! Just a reminder! 😀

  556. I’m glad that you’re going to do this again next year, Jenny. This is so much fun! Last week I was hating Christmas. Today I am singing Christmas carols and am so excited to help.

  557. I wish I had seen this blog sooner. If you need any more donations, Jenny, just let me know.

  558. Wow, just wow. You guys are amazing. I truly wish I could offer up a donation, but the truth is I’m on the other side of the fence. A week before Christmas and my bank account is literally at zero. We live off of SSI right now and I can’t work because my daughter is on a hospital/home bound education plan. I didn’t sign up for any of the local Toys for Tots programs because at 9, 11, and 13 my kids aren’t in to toys and I didn’t want to take away from any other kids who would really want them. So, if there are any donors left we could really use some help.

  559. I want to thank Jean from Francesca Fine Jewelry for making my daughters Christmas. She is sending me some jewelry for her. I am so excited, wish it was Xmas day already hehe.

    My grandsons are 1 and a half and 2 and a half and my son is 20..He understands about the finances and such but I would like to have something for him to open with the other kids.

    Thanks Jenny for matching me as fast as you did. You are one fantastic lady. 🙂

    You’re matched with a few other donors too. You should hear from them soon if you haven’t already. ~Jenny

  560. Jenny – after the dust settles, and you have a chance to enjoy your spa trip (as well as some time with your family), let’s talk. If you are going to do this again next year, and you want help, then help you should get – and the *first* thing to do IMHO is to plan it out, and see if there is something that can be done to make this every bit as successful, but a little less work on you.

    Enjoy your holiday. And again, thanks.

    (a.k.a. “one starfish among many”)

  561. I am seriously overwhelmed by all of this. I didn’t want to ask either because there are so many people who are in much more dire situations than I am. I am able to buy my son a few presents but only because family members lent me some money and because I’m not paying a couple of bills this month. It’s been a very stressful year with the constant worry over how I’m going to pay bills and now to pay back the money I borrowed. You have the most wonderful readers and you Jenny are AWESOME for organizing this! If I am one of your lucky recipients I promise to pay it forward as soon as I am able.

  562. Jenny,

    Thanks so much for hooking me up with some recipients. I hope Grandpa Dave’s son doesn’t think my random Amazon gift card is a scam.

    Things have been rough for me emotionally this Christmas (chronic depression, work stress, and my mom’s health are a combo breaker for me), but being able to give a little bit to those who really need it helped lift my spirits.

    I even put up my tiny 24in fake Christmas tree up last night >_>

    Happy holidays, everyone!

  563. You’re so welcome, Tanya! I love making jewelry for the girls. My daughter is 21 and her friends light up when I give them something. Teen girls just love their jewelry!

  564. I can donate $25 via Paypal. Drop me an email if you need it, and thank you for doing this. It made me cry when I read your post, and I don’t cry at much. I’ve been one of the people barely scraping by in the not-distant past, and I’m grateful this year we’re doing a little better and I can pass some joy along.

  565. Dear Thebloggess,
    I already posted a quick little comment asking for help, and said that i wouldnt go into my story on here. But i realized that was very rude. I shouldnt be embarrassed to ask for help, even though I feel it. It’s just the way I was raised.

    im 22, a college student, paying my way through out of pocket. My dad went to iraq in 2001 and returned in 2006 with a disabling back injury. He and my mom are retired and use their income for doctor visits, medication and their own little bills.

    I usually work 2 jobs while in school, however last month my hours have been cut (Im a waitress and a receptionist) They have been cut so bad that im making less than 100 dollars every two week. I ended up with loosing both jobs due to lack of customers. My birthday was the 4th, I turned 22, I spent it with a few close friends watching DVD movies, but I couldnt afford to buy a box cake mix for my birthday cake. Im use to living on Ramen and other bulk foods, but money is tight right now and even ramen is looking to be expensive.

    Im still looking for a job and have a few leads for a few but they wont start until January. And I havent paid my rent. its $225, but every day that i dont pay it my landlord adds a latefee. Every Day I get deep and deep into this rent hole that Im afraid i will be homeless when Christmas rolls around. Ive tried talking to her and explaining it to her, but I was late paying last month so she wants me to pay now. (currently up to $300.)

    I’ve asked my family for help but being from a Poverty stricken town in Eastern Kentucky they cant. Im the First of my family to go to college, and its rather a big deal to me and them.

    I know that everyone has probably already helped everyone and im late to the game but I just wanted to see if anyone could help, anything would. Im not asking for a miracle and have it completely paid for, thats a lot of money, but
    $.50 cents or anything could help me out. I promise that Im a real person, that my cause is real. I could talk to you (but i cant promise you that I wouldnt cry through our conversation.) I just want to have a place to stay when Christmas arrives. Eat my ramen and Not be so stressed and worried that I make myself sick.

    I know there are others out there who dont have a home and are far worse than me and Im usually the one who is passing out warm drinks and food and blankets for the needy.

    If I can just make it through December, I know things will get better.
    God Bless everyone Who has helped out others, May your Holiday season be full of warm love, kind memories, family and friends, wrapped in bows and filled with chocolate.

    Thank you.

  566. Jenny, this is what I get for not coming around and checking your blog as of late, but by all means, fix me up with someone deserving if they pop up. And get yourself into a Santa suit, stat!

  567. If there is still time and someone who needs a little I would love to give what I can. I knit kids stuff and make a few other baby items, I will give anything I can. This is amazing Jenny.

  568. What you are doing is wonderful. I have been collecting donations for the past 3 weeks for a lady I met that needed help and I am sending her over $400 tomorrow to go shopping. but the truth is I need help myself. I only work part time and I support 5 people. I just don’t have the money to shop for my kids this year. I am trying to figure out how to answer the questions on Christmas morning as I know my youngest is not going to understand why he doesn’t have anything from Santa. It is heart breaking. My oldest two have already been told that there will be nothing for Christmas and that is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. People have asked me why I am I collecting for someone else when I need the help myself and well because that is just who I am and It broke my heart to hear her story. I can’t morally collect donations for myself as that is just not right. But I did tell my oldest two kids that we were helping someone else and they both agreed that that is what Christmas is all about is giving and not receiving. So I think what you are doing is wonderful. Keep up that good work.

  569. Jenny,

    I am bawling my ass off. I need to help. Please match me up with someone in need. Or? I will stab myself. Do you want that on your conscience?


  570. Oh with the loving of the YOU… and of the everyone.
    Would love to help if needed. Also… last minute if your hands falls off, let me know- I can gladly collect info on my site, and take care of the last few days!
    *big sloppy kisses*- and I don’t have a cold, I swear!

  571. Jenny you are so selflessly amazingly awesome. I am so happy to know there are people like you in the world. In the chance you see this and have another Christmas angel standing by, I could use a small miracle as well. While I am blessed enough to have a job and be able to provide for my family, today is my daughters 3rd birthday. I havent even began to figure out what we will do for Christmas morning. I’m sure there are others who could use this more but since there are so many people willing to give, I figured it wouldnt hurt to ask. God bless you and everyone else in this community. So heartwarming to know so many people who had no hope this year now have a true real Christmas miracle to tell their families for years to come about the one year they didn’t think Santa would make it.. seriously in tears here, not for me but knowing how powerful this is and what an impact you are making on so many people.

  572. Jenny,
    My sisters in Nashville always participate in the various charities there, but I seem to get absorbed into work and stuff and miss these things…so I want to help too. I can do a $50 gift, or two $30 gifts…whichever is more effective. Amazon or PayPal.

    Bless you for doing all this work for people…this is why you are awesome. Helping people who need it, and you say “fuck” a lot.

    If you and Victor are in Austin sometime, drop me a line. I’d love to buy you guys a drink.

  573. Hi Jenny-

    I’m not particularly religious in any way and have never cared much about the holidays … but no matter what time of year, this is a fantastic thing you are doing and bringing out in others. I have gift cards to Bliss, Sephora, and Bath & Body Works that I would be happy to donate.

    I also nerdishly love making Excel spreadsheets and hate the thought of one person trying to organize her way through all these comments. I know it’s a little late, but I would love to offer help on the administrative front–whatever you need, just let me know.

    Thanks, Jenny.


  574. Happy to help if you have some last minute ones in need. This is really what the holiday is about! Thank you for making all this happen!Email me if you have someone in need

  575. This is fabulous! Paying it forward and enjoying the joy it brings to others faces is amazing!
    This year as always I collected diapers, wipes, gently used clothes for the ladies of a family shelter here in my area and took 20 of the ladies out to lunch. I didn’t do it alone I had some very special ladies who offered to sponsor a lady for lunch and supply her with a gift for her alone.
    We took over 100 cases of diapers and wipes and the look on the 49 Mom’s faces as we carried it all in the door was worth every sleepless night and all the hard work.
    The other night I planned to take 35 pizza’s to the 99 residents of the shelter. I bought them and headed down to the shelter and ended up caught in bumper to bumper traffice cause a slight sheet of ice had formed and the city wasn’t prepared. There were accidents everywhere and people falling all around. After 3 hours of getting nowhere I had to turn around. I was so upset! They were waiting for me and I had to let them down. Maybe not a big deal but things like Pizza and soda are never provided in the shelter. I ended up giving out all 35 to people in my own area that I knew were struggling! The looks of the faces as we knocked on their doors was priceless. I had to find a way to make it up to the shelter residents but didn’t know how to provide more pizza as I am broke myself and I had no more to give. I save all year to do this and sacrifice things for my own family to be able to provide it.
    I sent WMMR a letter and they read it on the air and 2 pizza places have offered to donate on 2 different days. Sometimes the Lord has better plans than I do! LOL
    Truth is with 7 kids, 2 in college and not a pot to piss in these days I was stretched beyond belief to do what I did this year but I did because its the right thing to do! A hand up for those who try to help themselves is what we should all be doing.
    Now I find myself in trouble. My big ass 12 passenger van broke down and I have no money for repairs. My son’s car broke down and it needs fixed to take him to school and work. My Christmas shopping is definitely done since the money is done too! LOL It’s all fine …..my kids understand. But I hate to think of all the kids who have nothing.
    We will find a way. I just have to believe that. God will have a better plan.
    What I’m trying to say is that we all have too many curveballs thrown to us in life. It’s all in how we hit them outta the park that matters! I’m becoming one hell of a hitter! LOL
    Please don’t take my comment wrong. I’m NOT asking for help at all. I’m just pointing out that sometimes all it takes is one big heart to get a good thing rolling and I wanted to tell you just how proud I am of you for doing this for all these people. You are a girl after my own heart!
    I wish I could contribute and usually I am the first to jump in but this time I’m gonna have to leave it up to you and these kind hearted readers of yours.
    Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers! You are helping so many people and that in itself is the best Christmas present in the world to yourself! Big hugs sweetie! Take care and have a wonderful holiday season!

  576. I want to thank Jean who offered to make some jewelry for my daughter. It is so much appreciated. I hope you understand though that I will not be able to give it to her on Christmas without things to give my 2 boys but I will make sure she gets it.

    I’ve hooked you up with a few donors so you should be able to get presents for your boys as well ~ Jenny

  577. Oh My Gosh. Jenny thank you so much! What a wonderful thing. You can not imagine how that makes me feel. I am sitting here in tears reading all the comments. I think I have made it through page two of them. Everyone here is awesome and it is warming my heart to see what all everyone is doing to help each other out. I am so happy I was able to help the lady I helped it made me feel so good!!

  578. I know my slow self is late to the party, but my family is so blessed this season and we would love to be able to help another family have a happy holiday.

  579. You are such an amazing inspiration Jenny with the heart of an angel! Sign me up please on the donating end. Love to you & your family for a wonderful Christmas!! Cheers, Sandy 🙂

  580. My donor was burried in my spam box and my mail proxy wasn’t checking my mail for the last 3 days. I had to get in and hunt it down. thank you thank you thank you. You guys are amazing!

  581. I am one of the lucky recipients, I have been hooked up with a couple of unbelievable donors! I am overwhelmed at the generosity of total strangers and I hope it comes back to those 100s of times over. My stress level has been reduced significantly and now I can enjoy this holiday season with not only financial relief but by also having experienced this Christmas miracle. Jenny, I am so happy that your heart is huge right now because you did an unbelievable thing and showed us all the true meaning of Christmas. I can’t thank you enough for that and I will be sure to pay it forward as soon as I am able to!

  582. I already got in touch with my match and got the card to her, so go ahead and consider me back in the donor rotation for Monday if needed. 🙂

  583. Oh Jenny – if you need more donors, I’m up for round 2. I have more money – can paypal, Amazon (with extra to cover expres shipping), whatever the need is.

    I know that you have heard this, but you have made Christmas for me. My husband has been deeply depressed all year and dealing with that has made me feel a bit scrooge-ish when it comes to making Christmas special for my kids. However, now it feels like Christmas. Well, that and because I finally dug out the chili pepper lights. Because Christmas ain’t Christmas without glowing chili peppers, especially up here in Seattle, where they are sorely lacking in the redneck Christmas spirit.

  584. This is such an amazing story– truly the spirit of christtmas. I’d like to go on the list of donors if any more are needed.

  585. Great story. Hit me up with an address if anyone else is in need. I have access to a post office through Thurs am so I can overnight something. Great story.

  586. I would like to help as well. I know you’re flooded but I’d like to donate $50 to someone in need. Thank you SO much for doing this. Unbelievable.

  587. i didnt know you had this going on because my internet has been off for several weeks. jenny, we are in need. i have 5 beautiful children who have gone through a really rough year. i moved them across the country from indiana to texas last year and promised them a better life. what they got was 6 weeks of homelessness over the summer when we didnt find good jobs fast enough and we got evicted. i promised to make it up to them this christmas and here we are less than a week away and im falling short. i lost my foodstamps this month because i didnt know that i had to reapply in nov in order to get december benefits and now my new application is floating around waiting to be processed. i need help with gifts for the 5 of them .. and help putting food on the table christmas evening. i hope its not too late because these kids really deserve to wake up to hope on saturday morning.
    much love .. always,

  588. Thank you so much. So far I have Jean making some earrings for my Daughter and Thanks to Emily was able to order my each 1 toy from Walmart. This is so awesome. Now at least their won’t be nothing under the tree!!

  589. This was amazing to read and really touched my heart. I know all about times being hard. I lost my job 2 years ago and have been unable to find another one despite having a solid background of experience and college degrees. I had to give my apartment and move back in with my mom over a year ago, which has been an adjustment for a 40-yr old who is used to being on her own. Thank goodness I have no children…it’s just me to worry about. My unemployment benefits ended 2 months ago, I exhausted all 99 wks. So now I am living off of what my mom can get via social security and I get food stamps and some public assistance. We’ve had a lot of mishaps happen like we had a bed bug problem where we were forced to throw out our beds and furniture. I only had enough money for my mom to get a bed so I have been sleeping on an air bed for about a month. I don’t go out often because I just don’t have money to spend and am hesitant to even spend $4.50 on a roundtrip on the bus or train unless it is mandatory. I owe the IRS about $3000 because I had to cash in all of my 401K early to live off of. But thru all this, my mom always says to me, “We’re going to be alright as long as we have each other. We have the basics in the fridge and roof over our heads.” And I lean on those words daily. I probably have about $200 left in the bank at the moment to live on so I don’t have much to give but I would be willing to donate $20 to someone in need. Because in the end, there are people who are worse off than I am. I count my blessings daily and have faith that things will get better. So please let me know! Thanks!

  590. Hello…How AWESOME are you? Thanks for going the extra mile during this holiday season.

    If you haved a gap tomorrow, please let me know I will be more than happy to send a gift card to someone in need.



  591. I was so wrapped up in my own stuff this week that I got behind on my reading. Clearly selfish, right? It’s been 10 minutes of tears before I could even type this note. Count me in – I’ll send a gift card directly.

    My heart grew three sizes, too.

  592. I’m a little strapped myself, but if you need another donor, I can find $20 to send someone.

  593. Such an amazing thing you are doing. I think I commented yesterday, but can’t find it. I could use the help. We don’t even have a tree this year, sad huh. This Christmas is going to suck but at least we are all healthy.

    I set you up with donors yesterday. Check your spam filter. And make sure the email address you’re using here is the correct one. Thanks! ~Jenny

  594. I don’t need money or gift cards but those of you who believe in a Higher power can really help me out with some prayers. I am on the verge of losing my job and maybe I can keep it through a miracle. I have been very fortunate and my kid will have a great Christmas with more presents than he needs this year, but reading this comments has made me realize how quickly things can change and how I could be on the needing end next year. So, if you could spare a minute or two and say a prayer on my behalf I’d appreciate it. And if I can do something to help someone I’d be more than happy to do so. Merry Christmas!
    PS. This is awesome!

  595. I have just sat my husband down to have him read this post. Then I told him of the help we have already gotten with a gift a piece for each of my 3 kids and this is a man who doesn’t let emotions show about anything at all and he is in tears in just plain awe that people are helping us out like this. It is truly amazing what this community is doing. You are amazing people and we are definately paying it forward!!

  596. I’ve been watching this all unfold and been wanting to help. I don’t exactly have a lot of money and since I don’t consider myself Christian, I don’t celebrate Christmas any more. I have been somewhat mourning my loss of Christmas. However, I absolutely love Christmas and I don’t have to change my views to support someone else and donate a bit to help them have a happy Christmas. I would love to help, I just don’t want to be involved in you getting carpal tunnel. If you promise to not blog about how we gave you carpal tunnel, I would love to contribute.

  597. JC # 784 Prayers are on their way. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily that you don’t lose your job!

  598. This was amazing to read and really touched my heart. I know all about times being hard. I lost my job 2 years ago and have been unable to find another one despite having a solid background of experience and college degrees. I had to give my apartment and move back in with my mom over a year ago, which has been an adjustment for a 40-yr old who is used to being on her own. Thank goodness I have no children…it’s just me to worry about. My unemployment benefits ended 2 months ago, I exhausted all 99 wks. I don’t tell many people but now I am living off of what my mom can get via social security and I get food stamps and some public assistance. We’ve had a lot of setbacks happen like we had a bed bug problem where we were forced to throw out our beds and furniture. I only had enough money for my mom to get a bed so I have been sleeping on an air bed for about a month. My mom has had breast cancer twice, is diabetic and is constantly needing medications and going to doctor appts. I don’t go out often because I just don’t have money to spend and am hesitant to even spend $4.50 on a roundtrip on the bus or train unless it is mandatory. I owe the IRS about $3000 because I had to cash in all of my 401K early to live off of. But thru all this, my mom always says to me, “We’re going to be alright as long as we have each other. We have the basics in the fridge and roof over our heads. We have our lives.” And I lean on those words daily. I probably have about $200 left in the bank at the moment to live on so I don’t have much to give but I would be willing to donate $20 to someone in need. Because in the end, there are people who are worse off than I am. I count my blessings daily and have faith that things will get better. So please let me know! Thanks!

  599. As usual, I am very late to the party. The good part about being perpetually late is that you are freshly ready to engage with other late arrivals!
    With that said, we’re having a tight Christmas here – BUT not so tight that I can’t help someone else in need.
    Please count me in. I can do $25-30 with no problem. I also have Amazon’s Prime, so items can get shipped right away – or I can paypal. Whichever is easiest.
    I’ll check Monday morning to see where we stand.
    Love you Jenny. This just adds to it. Best Christmas party ever. 🙂

  600. Jenny,

    Get in touch if you need another donation. I’d be happy to help and yes, I’m one of your minions for a long time now. And yes, we are awesome.


  601. This has been an amazing blessing. Within fifteen minutes, several different people had sent their love and help. Thank you so much, Jenny, and everyone who has been so unbelievable kind and generous!

  602. If you need another donor put me on the list! I mean for a gift card, not for a kidney or something. I don’t have any sick time left.

  603. Oh, Jenny. I am in tears at the thought of your generosity. I am writing on behalf of my mother and brother. They are on the verge of being homeless and are struggling for the bare necessities right now. They both work very hard and are doing the best they can, but unfortunately it isn’t enough. They live without heat and hot water (the oil burner is broken and much too expensive to fix) , and often times there isn’t enough food to go around. I do as much as I can to support them, both financially and emotionally, but my modest income can only get them so far. Every penny of my expendable income goes to helping to improve their situation, but I still feel like a failure because it’s never enough. They’re recently swallowed their pride and applied for government and community assistance, but these things take time and help hasn’t arrived yet. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for any assistance you and your wonderful readers can offer. I will be sure to pay in forward.

    With infinite gratitude,

  604. Jenny–I just got wind of this and I’m happy to help. Count me in for three gift cards. I will overnight them to whomever to tell me to overnight them to. Very awesome that you are coordinating this effort.

  605. Wonderful, Jenny. I reposted this on Facebook so hopefully some of my friends will consider being donors too.

    Sign me up – I’m in Canada, so that’s a little more straightforward (in terms of exchange rate, etc.) but I’d be happy to help anyone I could.

  606. I’m probably too late but if you have any more donors my family could really use some help. All I want for Christmas is to be able to take my kids to visit my parents. They live almost 3 hours from us and I can barely afford presents let alone the gas it would take to get there. My truck gets 12 miles per gallon and when gas is $3 a gallon it adds up way too fast. We haven’t seen my parents since august cause they can’t afford to get here either. I’m praying that with my taxes we will be able to move closer to them, it really sucks ass that I have no friends here and no family. My husbands fam is wonderful but it’s just not the same. I have 2 boys that are 3 and 12 and my daughter is 7. I got them a couple things from the dollar tree, I go to school full time and have been trying to find a job for almost a year but theres just none in this town. The state assistance that we gets just pays for my truck payment and insurance and not much else. If it wasn’t for food stamps and food pantrys we wouldn’t be eating. If theres anyone that could help us, it would be truely appreciated. If I’m too late I totally understand, I could sure use prayers if thats all I can get. Bless you all. I need to get a tissue now.

  607. I just found out about this! If you need more donors, please put me on the list!

  608. Jenny –
    I hate to bug you! I got my hookup last night, and she was in need of two, so I was trying to figure out how to co-ordinate with her. I wrote her an e-mail and she has not written back. Should I just let it go?

    Oh, and I will definitely supply you with crutches and narcotics – just say the word! 🙂

    Hmm…it might be stuck in her spam folder but if you don’t hear from her by Monday just let me know and I’ll put you on the back-up list for people who still need help. There are still people coming in to ask for help and as of right now we have about 4 donors waiting to be matched. The donors increase as the need increases. It’s kind of amazing. ~ Jenny

  609. I’m totally a scrooge about Christmas this year and I hate materialism… but between you doing this and my mother baking cookies for poor babies I think I found my heart again. I have $30 for the cause. Let me know how to do it…

  610. I want to help in situations where things don’t come through on Monday, if needed. I can replace up to $60 worth of whatever; just let me know.

    Thanks for everything you’ve done. You are amazing, and everyone else who has helped out is too. This is truly what it’s all about, my friends.

  611. Jenny –
    I have checked all spam and junk (kind of obsessively) so….I’m-a just gonna chill….and read more of your blog. I cannot believe I found you this way, and you have me laughing so hard if I blow my nose I’ll wet my pants. I keep interrupting my husband reading to him. You are like a fucking crack-pipe

  612. Wow, you really ARE like Mother Theresa. Only WAY better. What with being alive and all.

    For the privilege of that snarky comment, I will be pleased to be a match for up to $100; let me know.

  613. Hi there! I think what you and all of your readers are doing is amazing!
    My family has sort of adopted a family of 4. Really they have no place to live and are currently living on our couch. I have the food taken care of, but would like to get their 2 daughters something more than a coloring book or pair of fuzzy socks for Christmas morning. If anyone can help me with this, I would totally appreciate it! In return, I would love to send someone a nice, warm pair of handmade slippers, (it’s all I can do to say thanks!)

  614. I don’t know how anyone can read this and NOT be touched. What an awesome blessing and an AWESOME thing you have started!

  615. I must admit that I am not a devoted everyday reader but my wife is. She always has me read the blogs regarding depression though because I battle with that everyday and it really helps. I was laid off 3 months ago and this next week has been a major stress to my wife and I. We always tell each other that we will just worry about the kids this year and next year will be better. My wife is such a great person and works full time and is going to school full time to get her masters degree. I really wanted to get her something this year so I secretly saved a few bucks here and there after going to the grocery store because she wouldn’t have me spending anything on her when we have 3 small kids to worry about. So in an effort to hide her gift that she has wanted for so long so she wouldn’t find it with a few other gifts for the kids in my car I left myself open to a thief. My neighbors car as well as mine were broken into the other night and they got everything. It’s so very disappointing but at the same time I know that those are just material things and I have all I could want in a beautiful loving wife and 3 healthy kids. The thief surely must need those gifts more than us…..So I am reaching out… as hard as it is to ask for help my family is worth the slight hit on my pride this year. If it is too late for us, that is fine too because what people have done already for others in need has really made me feel like there are way more angels out there than grinches and that feelings is what Christmas is all about:) Thanks for reading this and thanks to all of the special people out there who have helped others this holiday season.

  616. I would like to help someone. I don’t have a snarky comment to insert here but I really, really want to help.

  617. hey lady, I am sure this got lost in the cavalcade of awesome that is happening, but I would like to donate a grown up bracelet or two, so some Moms can feel presenty…I am cool with regifting if that makes them happy, too.

    I know you know this but, you are the shiznit.


  618. Wow. What an incredible community. I love coming here for the fun and laughter, but the heart is just beyond belief.
    I do not have any children, else I would be one of the ones in dire need this year. I live on a tiny disability pension with my elderly mother (who receives a small old age pension). We have decided that we will simply not celebrate Christmas this year. There are no small children who will be let down as all of my siblings are full grown with families of their own. I can imagine the stress of the great people of this community, struggling to find a way to have Santa in their homes. It brings tears to my eyes to see so much compassion, warmth, and generosity of strangers.
    Keep sharing the love, dear Bloggess and friends. You are the very best kind of special.

  619. Thank you. This isnt the first time Ive thanked Jenny Lawson with tears in my eyes. And something tells me this wont be the last. Thank you Jenny, and thank you to the kind and generous angels who are helping to make this possible. You people are crazy amazing!

  620. I love this. Love it. I don’t have the words to express my amazement at what one person can do in this world. You’ve not only changed the holidays for the better, but you’ve changed lives for the better. I hope the happiness that you’ve brought to so many carries you through your own dark days.

    You are truly an inspiration and more than a little spark of light in this world. Thank you.

  621. Someone sent me 50 no name, wanted to say thankyou!!!!! Also lovin angels and Leanne M! Thankyou so much for the gift cards this means so much to me and my grandchildren. This is a truly amazing experience to think that people you dont even know are there to help you. Thankyou thankyou!!! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You have brightened my outlook on everything.. Warmed my heart and filled me with love. I am going to look forward to next year. I want to give next year and will save up just for this. Jenny you are an amazing woman to be working around the clock finding help for everyone. You are angels. God Bless!!!! Hugs from all of us

  622. Jenny-
    The gift has truly been ours that we are in the position to help this year. Please let me know if we are needed for another donation.
    Aunt Buckethead and family

  623. Not sure if my comment went through because I got a server error message, but if not, I would love to be an additional donor. I could do either one $30 gift card or two $20 gift cards.

  624. If you still need donors, please put me on the list. Sorry for the delayed response. I’ve been slowly catching up on my very backlogged reader. What you have done here is amazing.

  625. Hi Jenny,
    I’m a huge fan of “A Day in the Wife” and just read about your blog and donating. Is it too late to help someone?
    Thank you,

  626. I’ve had enough lean years to appreciate what you’re doing here and I’d love to help. I’m in the UK but get paid in $, so I’m up for donating a gift card or a direct Paypal in either currency.

  627. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve witnessed this season.
    I can help donate a $30 gift card or paypal if you need another match.
    I think it was around this time last year that you had an email that pulled me out of my scary, dark place.
    Much better this year. THANK YOU.

  628. HOLY FREAKING COW!!!! We were a recipient thanks to Ying Hua and Melissa. We have no way of thanking you ladies except here, and I still feel I cannot express enough my thanks. We are usually the ones who give, and so this has been THE most humbling of years. To those of you who gave and it kept you from committing suicide, I just can say that those of us on the receiving end, especially for the first time, cannot cannot tell you how much you have impacted our lives. Let’s ALL keep paying it forward and reaching out – for those who are less fortunate and for ourselves. The feeling of fear (in whatever form it takes) may not go away for a long time, but the choosing to have faith over that feeling of fear and taking action is STRONGER!! Thanks again so very much, Merriest of Christmases to you ALL!! Especially to Jenny 🙂 Cherie Vann

  629. My cousin Dina has received help from here. She reffered me. And has let me use her computer. I dont have internet at my home. She is so happy and excited about everything.

  630. To Cassie S. and Secret Santa-

    Thank you so much for your generosity and giving and compassion. You will never know what this means to me. I wish I had your email addresses to send you a personal note of thanks, but I hope that you will see this here and know how grateful I am.

  631. Jenny –
    Catching on a little late here but in awe of what you’ve created. The true meaning of Christmas. I would happily be a donor if you still have folks who need a hand.
    Best wishes.

  632. Jenny, you are a WONDER. Truly this is a Christmas miracle – I have no words.

    Things are pretty tight for us – but not as bad as last year, which was scary & awful. I’d love to help along the miracle with $30 to someone in that scary, awful place this Christmas. Please put me on the list and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. Real proof that people are wonderful is hard to find.

  633. Im late to the game but if you need any additional donors let me know, im more than happy to help in whatever way I can. This is the true meaning of christmas. Im so happy that not everything about this holiday has become commercialized. And you The Bloggess are amazing.

  634. Jenny-
    Thank you & the donor for the GC. It will give a little bit of joy on Christmas morning to have more than dollar store stuff under the tree. As a recipient, I can’t tell you how much this has touched me. With all the worrying and stress of all the everyday stuff & then to add stress of Christmas, the glimmer of hope that things will get better and people DO care that you brought to us, saying just thank you just doesn’t seem enough. The true spirit of Christmas has burst forth from what you started & you and everyone else will be remembered in our prayers of thanks this holiday.

  635. Have to post another Thank you!! We received and amazon gift card that allowed me to get another gift for each child so now there are two gifts each going under the tree. This is truly amazing. Jenny I just have to tell you to please not send paypal donations to this email address as my paypal addy is different and I noticed that some where getting those so I wouldn’t want someone’s money to get lost in the mix. You all have been wonderful and I am thankful that there will be a couple of gifts under the tree now!! Truly amazing and you have touched our family in such a way that you could never imagine!! this is about the 4th time I have been here today with tears in my eyes.

  636. You and this amazing online community are physical manifestations of true Christmas spirit and I can’t even tell you how much it’s touched me. If you’re still in need of donors, please let me know. I’d like to offer two $25 gift certificates for Amazon.

    Thank you, Jenny. Merry Christmas.

  637. I just wanted to say Thank You to my Angels. You have no idea how much your generosity and grace will mean to 8 children. I wish I had the words to properly express it but all I can say is Thank You!

  638. oh crap. your update is going to make me cry again (but in a good way). I don’t have time to cry!!

  639. If you still need donors, I’d like to give $30.

    This is just an incredible display of Christmas spirit, and I’m just so filled with hope reading through all of the comments. Thank you to everyone involved – I’m just in awe.

  640. This is simply amazing. I am a new reader (I found this article through your twitter) and I am SO glad I stopped in to read it. The power of people never ceases to amaze me. I wish we had this kind of capacity of giving all of the time. It takes a village they say, and you have quite a fine village. 😉

    Happy holidays!

  641. I am not sure if you are still matching people in need or not, but here goes:

    A little Background: My son, who is disabled and autistic, had spinal surgery over a year and a half ago. After the surgery, he needed a new wheelchair (he is paraplegic and once he was “straightened out” from the surgery, he could not longer use the chair he had prior to surgery). The vendor ordered a chair that didn’t fit him and the long battle and wait began. After about a year, we finally got the money together to purchase him a chair because he was stuck in a hospital bed unable to leave the house for a year. When he finally did get the new chair we brought, the frame was bent and it had to go back! It looked like he was never going to get a wheelchair and get out of bed! Finally, after a six month wait – he got his new chair just last week. For over a year and a half, he sat in a hospital bed in the living room waiting to get out. Nobody came to visit him and every day when the mail came he kept asking if he got any mail (he loves to draw and write letters). Nobody loves Christmas and people more than he does. He has been busy all week drawing pictures and writing poems about Christmas waiting for Santa to come. Anyway, here is what we could really use:

    Christmas Cards. He loves to get mail and would really love to get a few cards. I don’t know how to go about this because I don’t want to just post my address on a blog – but if we could be matched with a person or two who would like to send him a Christmas card to cheer him up, it really would mean so very much.

    Thank you.

    Cindy, I’m going to set you up with a few donors because Christmas cards delivered are nice but Christmas presents delivered are sometimes nicer. If you feel comfortable adding your email address to a comment then people could email you directly for your address. No pressure though. ~Jenny

    UPDATE: Here’s the email address created to contact Cindy if you want an address to send Christmas cards (or New Years cards) out: xmascards00@yahoo.com Thanks! ~Jenny

  642. I’m so proud to be part of this community. I’m so proud of each and every one of you, donors and recipients alike. I love you all so much. THIS is what the season is all about. Merry Christmas to you all.

  643. This has been the best Christmas gift. All I was able to do was send a little boy in Tennessee some clothes and a couple of matchbox cars, but it has made a world of difference in changing my attitude this Christmas. I have been feeling bad that we are having a pretty light Christmas and we couldn’t afford to do everything we wanted. Coming here and reading everyone’s stories has made me so thankful for what we do have and for the love that surrounds us…even the love from total strangers. I’ve been wanting to do something nice for someone, but just hadn’t motivated myself to do it until Jenny started this awesome chain reaction. Thank you all for the best Christmas gift…hope!
    Merry Christmas one and all!

  644. I dont’ have the words to explain how i’m feeling. You have such a beautiful soul and i think you SO MUCH for helping me out this Christmas. I only hope this tradition keeps going and maybe next year i can be blessed enough to help someone out. Your last update gave me goosebumps and you and all of these wonderful people really have opened my eyes that not everything in this world is dark and ugly. Also, I don’t know if he’ll see this but THANK YOU SO MUCH NATHAN. I will forever appreciate you for helping me and giving me hope. I hope you have an amazing Christmas!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  645. Jenny,
    If you have anyone else that needs some help this Christmas, let me know. We are able to help, and I’m happy to do it. I’d prefer to help a family with children, but will help where help is needed. Just let me know and I’ll make it happen. Also, you’re awesome!

  646. I’m out of money to donate but I would gladly make/send a few Christmas cards.

    Sending you Cindy’s email address now. ~ Jenny

  647. If it’s not too late (and I like to think that with something like this, it’s never too late), I’d like to play too. I live in Canada, but the exchange rate between Canada and the US is pretty much on par right now, so if i get matched with someone there, that’s ok, too.

    Thanks for being so awesome, not just right now, but all year round.

  648. (from Sunday 2pm Update: There were even some who admitted later that they were considering suicide until this gave them hope.  Some of those people considering suicide?  Were the donors.  Some felt isolated and depressed in the holiday season and being able to have someone somewhere count on them made them feel connected and less alone.  I know just how they feel.)

    I am one of those people that you may have unwittingly saved. I have suffered from suicidal depression. I have been on the path to recovery but as you know it is a slow journey with many bumps. I slowly, but deliberately, disconnected my self from others over the course of many years until I was left with know-one but myself. I had become cynical and jaded.
    Giving to your cause has truly helped me see that it is up to me to have a little blind faith in others. I never thought that in helping others that I would be helping myself . It has been an uplifting experience and a valuable lesson. I promise that I will reach out more from now on.

    Thank you to all of those who came together and made this an extraordinary life lesson.

    To Jenny, I found this faith because of you. YOU. ARE. AMAZING.

  649. I had two sales today thanks to this blog. 🙂 Every little bit helps, plus people buying things makes me feel like less of a mooch. :/ I hate having to ask for help, but sometimes you just have to swallow your pride. If there’s any Target, Trader Joes, or Pet store gift cards floating around out there I could use them for sure. Again, thank you Jenny. In case my email doesn’t show up for some reason, it is nemesisn72@yahoo.com

    Also, Jenny, I am working on upping my prices. I just want people to be able to buy things and worry about raising them too much.

  650. Hey Jenny,

    I’m late on the bandwagon with this one…but if anyone needs help or a little extra please send me their details. (Logistically it needs to either be a Paypal or Amazon transaction because I am outside of the states).

    Thanks for creating an awesome community.

  651. Is it too late to look for help? My 9 year old son, Austin, was adopted by a Christmas Angel on a website (CafeMom.com) but we found out THIS MORNING that she can’t ship anything! I missed the deadline to sign up for Toys for Tots or the angel trees in my area, and I have no idea how I’m going to get him anything. If anyone can help us, it would truly be a Christmas Miracle! I live in California.

  652. We don’t have a lot – no jobs for a while now – but we have a rooof over our heads, clothes on our backs & food to eat. Even though we aren’t in an ideal situation, we still are not suffering.

    I try to save up all year long when I can so I can do something charitable around the holidays. I could manage to give two $25 gift certificates to two folks in need (or deposit into their Paypal accounts if they have accounts). I’d give more, but a friend is struggling to keep on top of things so I’m going to be buying her some groceries with the rest I’ve saved up. I wish I could do more.

  653. I’d love to send Cindy’s boy a card from Ireland… it would have to be a Happy New Year card as the post isn’t that quick. Let me know. 🙂

  654. Thanks for the inspiration. Took a bunch of toys to a Toys for Tots donation sight for the first time. You rock!!!

  655. I am back again with my heart full and feeling so utterly blessed to those that gave gift certificates to my family, to the owner of this site you are an angel and doing gods work in helping others in need bless you! I am utterly thankful for the help given to our famiily I will never forget your kindness and generousity at this time in our life. it means the world to me and my family thank you from the bottom of my heart, May god bless you all and Merry christmas!!

  656. Just wanted to say that I am working on Christmas cards today and would love to send out one to Cindy’s son as well. Feel free to give her my email address or send me hers.

  657. This is awesome!

    I think it needs to become an annual thing and I will jump on board.

    My heart is in my throat since there are a few people in my own community that could stand to hear this story and realize how truly blessed we are to be able to provide a Christmas for our own children.

  658. Well I really dont know what to say.. I am bawling my eyes out right at this very moment because its amazing to know that there are so many people that care.

    I could really use some help this year but honestly its not for me that I ask this it’s for my sister who is way too prideful to ask for anything herself she is struggling, in fact the whole family is but her four children mean the world to me and I really dont want them to go without anything and knowing the financial burden that has been put up on this family is why I am asking I Just want the children to be able to have something. If there is anyone out there still willing to help please. And thank you in advance for anything.

  659. Thank you Jenny!!!!

    Here is the email address I made to put up on the blog/public: xmascards00@yahoo.com

    Perfect! Just to clarify, this is the email address to contact Cindy if you want to get her address to send Christmas cards to her sweet son. ~ Jenny

  660. First time here, what a wonderful world. I’d be happy to kick in a $35 gift card if you’re still taking donors.

  661. I was referred here, for help, i have read through all of your comments, and my heart is so full, i think i too now suffer from an enlarged heart but it is worht it. I am in need, and i understand i may be too late. I dont have ready internet access, so my friend that referred me offered her computer to me to use. I am a full time college student, and i provide care for my 89 year old grand mother and my mentally handicapped uncle, they both have been very upset this year because my grandmothers SSI has been cut back and now she cannot afford her house payment and electricty, medication, food, nothing, she does get $100 in food stamps but really thats nothing, my uncle had to sell his church suits at a consignment shop to come up with money to help with bills, now he refuses to go to church because he feel like he needs dress clothes to attend the church that he has been going to since his accident when he was 18 (he is now in his 60’s). He has provided care for my grandmother his entire life, he said after his accident (when he was 18 he and his friend where on the way to the beach as their high school grad gift and they were hit by a drunk driver attempting to commit suicide, leaving my uncle in a coma and the dr’s said he would never walk again) my grandmother took care of him teaching him to walk, talk, feed him self and everything that he now feels he needs to take care of her. She is on many many medications (That she hasnt been able to afford in over a month), oxygen, and has managed to worry herself so sick about these finances that she hasnt been able to eat, barely sleep, and i feel like she is literally killing herself. I love both of them very much, and i have been looking for night time work so i could work while they are sleeping to bring in some sort of income but havent been able to find anything. I know i have come in very late in the game and no i have no small children to worry about, however i am very worried about my grandmother and uncle, the bank is threatening to take her home, and the electric is due to be shut off wed of this week, her oxygen and heat are both ran off of electricity. I have found a back up oxygen for her that has about 4 hours on it without needing to be plugged up but i know she is just grief stricken worrying with this. I over heard her the other night in her room praying that God would just take her home so that i could move on with my life and for my uncle to go into an assisted living and to use her house to pay for her bills, it kills me to hear her talk like that! This is the woman that raised her children, her grand children and even her great grandchildren. She is an amazing woman and it kills me what bills alone can do to someone. I never want her or my uncle to feel like i would rather be anywhere else than where i am with them. I hope you have someone that could help, if you do not i understand, this is an amazing thing that you are doing. So i have tucked my tail inbetween my legs and have come to ask for help, i know my grandmother is going to cry so hard when i tell her about this, she fears that there arent any good people left in this world with all the hate, hurt and crime she see’s on the nightly news, she wonders what this world is coming to. She has also said to me that she feels this time of her life is worse than living through the great depression because then she was a child and didnt have medication needs, and also she said those times were different, what you didnt have if someone in the town had it they would share with you, so i know this will touch her heart greatly just to hear of all the good deads. She isnt worried about christmas gifts, all of the children are grown as i am the youngest, but i know she would appreciate any help with these bills, medications, food, finances, anything would be a great help. I dont know how this works exactly so i set up a Pay Pal account at PayPal.com and i dont know what information you will need to send money there but from what i understand you just need my email and it is Sfultz6411@yahoo.com. If you can help let me know! Thank you soooooo much, God bless you all, i am so grateful for everyone here, helping and having the balls to ask for help. If you do this again i want to help, when i am on much more stable ground and have my grandmother living the way she deserves to live at 89 years old! Thanks again!!!

    contact me if you need any other information or anything! Thank you all so much, i cant wait to tell my grandma and uncle that we may very well be able to keep the lights on, stay in the house she has lived in for over 40 years and get my uncle some church clothes and maybe even make a Christmas Dinner! xoxoxox Merry Christmas to everyone, my thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you!!!!

  662. im a single mom of a disabled child i signed up for toys for tots those toys came unwrapped and my wallet was stolen with my car payment in it so obviously i have no saving if i did i’d dip in so my child would have the greatest christmas ever i have nothing left to pawn just really would appreciate any help i can get

  663. I so wish I could help, but alas I literally have nothing right now myself. My 4 children and I are barely surviving through a bad divorce ourselves. However I wanted to commend ALL of you for what you are doing, I’ve read through the posts here and I am wishing every single one of you the absolute best and all of the blessings in the world. I hope you all have the merriest Christmas ever for all that you have done for families in need ~ you truly are angels to everyone in need and it melts my heart and brings a tear to my eye to see so many willing and ready to help others during these times. BLESS YOU ALL!

  664. Hey everyone! I’m a reporter with the Washington Post (and a huge Bloggess fan) and I’m overwhelmed by everyone who’s commented on the posts, contributed and asked for help. I just spoke to Jenny and I told her how I felt like I was watching the digital equivalent to the end of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” with everyone in town giving gifts of money to the Baileys. I’d love to talk to any of you — either people who have asked for help, or people who have sent off gift cards. If you’d be willing to share a little bit more of the story with me, could you contact me? I’m at bellm (at) washpost.com. Thank you so much and happy holidays! Melissa

  665. Do you know how difficult it is to admit you need help? All my life I was taught I didn’t need anyone. My mom was a single parent and raised me & my sister alone from the time I was 4 and she was 2. I swear when I admit I need help it literally gets stuck in my throat. What a situation to be in.

    Funny you would make a comment about families considering telling their children there is no Santa because of the lack of gifts under the tree this year. That is exactly what I was saying to my husband just the other night. My children are girl 8 yrs old, boy 5 yrs old, and boy 3 yrs old. They are all SO EXCITED that Christmas is coming. My 5 yr old has been counting down the days for over 2 months. For what? To wake up Christmas morning and have nothing under the tree? And a few days later to lose your home?

    Yes we got a foreclosure notice on our house as well. Only weeks before Christmas. Happy holidays, right?

    Then I read a news story about Michelle Obama paying $2500 FOR ONE DRESS. ONE DRESS. I have never in my life had a dress that cost that much, not even my wedding dress. And ironically THAT SAME AMOUNT would SAVE my children’s home. But I guess I don’t understand the importance of that dress.

    As I sit here typing my story I am just bawling. What else can I say? My husband works so hard, 6 days a week, EVERY SINGLE WEEK, yet we are losing our home. How does that make sense? Someone please make sense of it for me.

  666. We have been strangely and gratefully blessed. My husband, who had a good job that kept him out of town for two weeks at a time, lost his job on October 1st. He is on week two of a new job that pays better and has him sleeping in his own bed at night!
    Our power bill, which we were so behind on, was taken care of by the benevolence of NC.
    Two nights ago, my youngest son struck up a conversation (I was only a few feet away) with a man who afterward handed him a church tract and told him to give this to his mom when he left. It had $100 in it! How can I NOT give back. I’m taking the money to buy my kids jeans, which they are sorely in need of. The money left is going on a gift card and will be handed to a mom who looks desperate, just like I did a couple of weeks ago.

    Thanks for the inspiration, Jenny.

  667. Jenny –
    Last e-mail, promise.
    I just worked my checkbook, and I made a screw-up ( kind of a big one, for my limited income, and I feel like a total moron)- I am so so sorry but I am not able to cover my second donation – I did get in touch with the other donor, and the woman is covered with what she needed, but I just wanted to express my deepest apologies for thinking I had enough to do a second gift card. I am really embarrassed, and just hope there are others out there who can jump in and take my place.

    My sincerest apologies, again.

    Merry Christmas, everyone.


    No problem! We’re fairly caught up as of now and have a few extra donors so I can put someone else on the second donation. Thanks so much! ~Jenny

  668. Wow! What an amazing read this has been…so many caring, giving people at such a blessed time of year. I am a single mom to an 11 1/2 year old son with Spina Bifida. Times have been tough for us this year–my son suffered a 2nd ruptured bladder in September that required airlifting to Mayo Clinic in MN for emergency repair. I was off work to care for him for 6 weeks without pay, as I only has 13 hours of PTO time at work. It’s been hard to make ends meet since then as the bills are piling up faster that I can get paid. But we are blessed that he is back to being healthy and we still have a roof over our head that we can call home! That’s really what the season is about–finding a way to be grateful for what you do have and for having people to love. Much love to your followers who all seem to have overflowing hearts of joy! Merry Christmas!

  669. First i want to say THANK YOU to everyone… for helping me and one another…. I requested help on here and i have a donor, who has helped me beyond with just Christmas but she has also restored my faith in mankind! I obviously still dont have the funds to help anyone as financially i am still short with bills etc however i would like to make Christmas cards for a few children who would like a card from santa, they will be hand crafted by me and my 7 year old, but if anyone would like a card for their children or family, i could probably get ten or so out in time for Christmas is you would just email me for now thats what i can do to give back the help i have gotten. Also i am still in need if anyone can donate even just $1 or $2 to my paypal and of course i am going to remember this day and this holiday season forever and so will my son and i am going to pay this forward forever….so please if you can help, or if you would like a card email me and i will try to get some together and if you would like a personalized message for your child in the card i can work that out too just let me know! Thank you all for all of your help!!!! You all are so kind and huge hearted and i know my cards arent much but its what i can do right now!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my too enlarged heart… THANK YOU!!!!!

  670. I notice someone on FB asked if they could help with the spreadsheet/matching work – I would love to help you with that too, if it’s needed/possible, now or in the future. I am so grateful to be able to be in your donor column, and hope to do so again next year (if you can handle doing this again!)

    Santa doesn’t live at the North Pole, folks – SHE lives in Jenny’s house – oh, IS Jenny! 😉

  671. Wow, what an amazing blog! The kindness of strangers is amazing… We are having a tough year as many across the country are also experiencing. Health problems have plagued our family and money is super tight. However; my two kids will be able to have a small Christmas (two presents each: one from Santa and one from Mom and Dad), and for that I am super thankful. have talked to my 5 year old and my 7 year old, and they realize Christmas comes from the heart and the family that we are lucky to have. We would like to help with your project. We don’t have much to spare, and we can not donate the full 25 or the thirty dollars, but we hope that you could take our small donation and pair it with someone else’s donation to help a family! Thanks for making my eyes swell with tears and my heart feel joy, Merry Christmas and God Bless you and your awesome Christmas project.

  672. Sara # 867 I understand totally where you are coming from and how bills can do this to a person as I go through this daily myself. We don’t have heat in my house we use 1 karosene heater which only heats one room and at $40 every 3 days I have borrowed so much that my income tax check is gone when I get it repaying everyone. However, I do know that with a medical condition such as your grandmothers ( in any state in the U.S.) it is illegal for them to cut off her electric. All you need to do is call the electric company and and take the required documents to them and they can not by law cut off your electric. How do I know this you may be wondering? I have a son who is 8 that has asthma, though he is not on a machine it is a respritory problem and that alone makes us medically eligable to keep our electric on. This is part of a government action so I know it is the same way in every state so please do that so that they can keep their electric.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish I could help but I myself received help from this post and was able to get my 3 kids 2 presents each with the help I got so now I can concentrate on how to get karosene tomorrow to give us a little heat for the next week. I will be praying for you and your family.

  673. Other people in need for christmas we all live on an Indian Reservation in SD.. Low income poverty sticken area.. LaceyJewett 1 person, sd_redrose 5 children, monicajewett 2 children.

  674. My kids and I would love to send some cards/mail to Cindy’s son. Would you pass along my email or forward hers?

  675. My friend from Francesca Fine Jewelry sent me over. Jenny – this is what the true spirit of Christmas is all about. We all have too much and forget about those who are struggling. I have an online Children’s Clothing boutique, sell on Amazon, Sears and Ebay. I will donate a $100.00 shopping spree for clothing or toys on my website to any needy family. Please match me up and thanks for your time !!

  676. they have a dial up connection so may take awhile to recieve any thing… Very slow connection.. But thanks in advance we truly are in need of help here. Especially my aunt and her 5 kids she has a full house the older ones live in the basement the younger ones live upstairs. My aunt is the strongest woman I know been through alot during her time.. Please if ur gonna help someone help her she really needs it.. not alot of people have five kids to care for…

  677. I just came across your site by a friend who sent me the link. Is there still time to ask for help? My 3″2 kids are young still and don’t know they they will miss out on presents, but they will know when we lose our electricity and water. My job has been very slow and I’ve only been Nanking enough to cover rent and one utility, so I cycle through. Since November, I haven’t been able to pay a utility and I’m very afraid of waking up with no electricity. I have called the utility help services but they told me they’re so swamped that it will be 6-8 weeks until they can even review my case. I’ve never been in such a difficult place, and it’s scary. If you by chance have some extra help available, I would really appreciate it. I understand if it’s too late. Merry Christmas.

  678. I just read this through another blog. I cried to see so many people helping out. Iam really not the type of person to ask for help. But this Christmas has been by far the hardest on us. Ive been out of work for quite awhile and my husband makes min wage. With having 4 kids it makes it hard to get them thier needs met. I was getting unemployment but it stopped since early this year. We have struggled to get the bills paid and all the other needs. But kept trying to give the kids a nice Christmas, I even had a bakesale to try to make money. But that only helped pay some bills. I would really appreciate any help that is available.
    Thank you and God Bless,

  679. If there is anything I can do to help out please let me know! I would love to help someone out. I am actually trying to find families in need around my area (Marion & CR Iowa) who are in need of toys this year for girls ages 2-4 and boys 2-8 as I have a lot of extra new toys that I have forgotten about or over bought for my 4 kids.

  680. I would like to ask for help for my 21 year old son. I am so proud of him. He has been living on his own since he was 18. He works 2 jobs and just started fire fighter academy at our local community college. He saved for a year to pay for the tuition himself. 2 years ago, he took out a small loan to purchase a used car. He made his final car payment last week. I got a phone call this morning at 5 am, he had was in a car accident on the snowy roads coming from work, and totaled his car. Since it was an older car, he just carried no-fault insurance. My heart just breaks for him, he worked so hard to finally get that car paid off. His sisters and I are helping him all we can, sharing rides and rearranging schedules so he can still get to school and both his jobs over the next few months until he can try to get another car. I know it would lift his spirits so much to receive a little something in his stocking this Christmas. Please email me if you can match him up with somebody! God bless you!


  681. Jenny – I was prompted here by Single Dad Laughing and wanted to let you know that I’d love to help if you still need a donor. Though I’ve been out of work since September, we are blessed that my husband has been able to work a lot of OT and I’ve been able to collect unemployment. Though it’s not what we used to be bringing home, it’s still much more than most people have and my 4yo daughter will have an amazing Christmas. I’d like to make sure another child has an amazing Christmas, too.

  682. You are all amazing. The good you are doing in this world for people who don’t have enough is incredible.

    I know a family in desperate need. If you could help them I would forever be greatful. My friend and her husband have been on a rollercoaster of one medical nightmare after another for 21 months. They have 2 children, ages 14 and 9. The dad is currently in the hospital and the mom who is still trying to recover from her illnesses is working part time. They don’t have money to pay their basic bills let alone extras. It is 100 miles one way to the hospital and my friend is there as much as she possibly can be but not having the money for gas makes it very difficult. The medical bills alone are over a million dollars right now. Their children did not have Christmas or birthdays for 2 years now.

    My family has sent $100 gift card. If there is anyone out ther who can help them I would be so thankful to you.

    Thank you to all of you angels,

  683. I love that so many people have gotten the help they needed, or at least a little bit. I never commented because I was taught never to ask for help when I was young, no matter the need. In fact, even writing that kind of hurt. My husband and I made sure to get enough for our daughter for christmas but now we’re waiting for the electricity to be shut off. Here’s to hoping it stays on until the 26th! At least I’ll be able to see my daughter’s beautiful smile that morning. That is worth the world to me.

    You are an amazing person Jenny. You make the world a better place.

  684. Sheri #881 i was wondering if you could look into getting space heaters that are electric, they are much cheaper than kerosene and that is what i currently have, because i cannot afford gas for my heater. I know walmart has small one’s for $10 and 1 of them alone heats my entire living room beyond warm. I would look into it that way you could save quite a bit and also if you are looking for space heaters check out Freecycle.com local in your state there you can usually find someone giving them away or willing to help you get one! Take care and i will pray for you and your family! Also i dont know how old your children are but if you would like me to make them a personalized card from Santa please let me know.

  685. I can’t do space heaters because of the wiring in my house. We used them last year and it jacked my electric bill up to over $300 for one month and the wiring in my house is so old that the land lord is afraid it will catch on fire with the space heaters. We have found that the karosene heater works much better without the outrageous electric bill. Luckily I am in TN and we don’t have to run the heater during the day only at night so that helps.

  686. Jenny,

    I’ve taken care of the ones you have sent to me, and have confirmation they received the cards, so all is well. It has been a tremendous ride. I was watching Mr. Deeds Goes to Town last night and thinking about the similiarities in the “care for your neighbor” movement started by Mr. Deeds in the movie and what is happening here. I feel so very lucky to have been a small part of it.

    Today I stopped to get a hamburger for lunch. There was a woman in line behind me, whom I allowed to go in front of me. She looked a little lost, and when I turned to let her go in front of me I noticed she had a black eye.

    I went to my seat, but could not sit there. I told myself, “Mindy, you were once a battered woman. You cannot sit here until you know her story.” So, I got up and asked if I could join her for lunch. It didn’t take long before I had her story. She was staying in a local MHMR transitional house, had injured herself recently, was trying to get home to her family in another city. We had a good long talk. She told me some of her fears. I hope I was reassuring to her. When she got up to leave, I gave her the $20 I had in my purse. She told me that I had no idea how much this meant to her. Because of that, she could start the trip home today.

    So, you can add Mary to your spreadsheet as someone else who has been helped because of this. The stories everyone has been brave enough to share caused me to really look today, when I might not have before, and be braver today, than I otherwise might have been.

    I cannot thank you enough for all you are doing to help us all by coordinating this. Please put my name on the reserve list for Monday in case you need it.


  687. I found your blog through SDL. Wow! this was such a heartwarming post to come across. I know what it’s like to not have. If not for the grace of a really good friend last year, my kids would have gotten nothing at all. this year i’ve barely managed to squeak them something as our circumstances haven’t changed. I’m not asking for anything. I just wanted to say how much seeing all the people who really care doing something good for someone else who really needs it. It’s wonderful to see it paid forward. I think i’m going to add your blog to my daily agenda. thanks 🙂

  688. Thank you to those who helped me,I was able to get a few gifts for the girls.We are counting on our town for Christmas dinner as funds are tight.Still wanted to say thank you for all we were given. Jennifer

  689. Jenny

    If anyone on your list is still unmatched with a donor, I’m here to help. And I would like to apologize to Mr. Dickens for all those times I scoffed at how ‘unrealistic’ characters like the Cheeryble Brothers and Christmas-morning Scrooge were. Clearly, you and he are wiser about people than I. Thanks gods.

  690. Alohahowards you are a pure angel!!!!!! I am so relieved thankyou soooo much from the bottom of my heart… I feel like crying 🙂 Theres so much emotion going on here. Amazing so much thanks….

  691. This is very inspiring and gives people who don’t know how to help an opportunity to show they care.
    Would love to offer a gift card if you still require more – just let me know.
    Merry Christmas!

  692. I LITERALLY got goose bumps reading these posts! That there still remains so much goodness in the world totally just made my Christmas.

    I wish I could do more other than say this kicks so much ass that I’m sending everyone I know here, so that they may be able to help, too.

  693. 700+ gift cards sent out. There are still another 20 emails I need to send out but as of this moment (unless I’ve miscounted) everyone commenting so far will get at least one donor to help them.

    More emails will go out late tonight or early tomorrow. My mom is in town and I have to stop to visit with her. Her visit is my Christmas miracle.

    Also, I would LOVE to have help with this but I feel weird about sharing all the email addresses so I’ll try to power through as long as I can. I think tomorrow morning we’ll start winding down.

    Thank you so much everyone!

  694. (through tears) Thank you for doing what I wanted but was unable to do for so many reasons. I spent most of my childhood short on money but not love. I know there are people out there that are putting themselves in credit card debt to avoid disappointment in their childrens eyes, and I so want that to stop! Christmas puts such terrible stress on low income people that it makes me sick. If anyone reads this and needs some ideas for Christmas gifts that dont cost alot please read my webpage and TOTALLY IGNORE the Amazon module please. I just want you to get the IDEAS from it. God Bless all those struggling, and I pray that 2011 will be better. From a person that faced lean Christmas Days as a child, LOVE meant more…..Mum and Dad did their best and we always had SOMETHING to open Xmas day, even if it was only a couple of dollars worth. There were always hugs and kisses to go with the Christmas gifts, and they last forever!

  695. Thank you Jenny and thank you Heidi for being so good to my family. I am at a loss for words and thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. This is all just so…..magical.

  696. I came here from Single Dad Laughing. This is just amazing and incredible. I am one of those people who was “in need” this season, but I was fortunate enough that my family came together to provide for my children. I also received help from a local agency that generously gave a gift card to my children. It’s truly heartwarming that so many people were willing to help those less fortunate. Especially in this large world of the internet. I just wanted to say that I am thankful to all of those that helped out the less fortunate (like myself) this season. That is the true meaning of Christmas.

  697. I, unfortunately, am one of those in need for Christmas. I have a 17 year old girl, an 11 year old boy, and an 8 year old girl. This is the most difficult year we have ever encountered. My husband and I were both laid off 2 years ago, so unemployment benefits are long gone. He just recently obtained employment as an independent contractor with FedEX, but his first check comes Christmas Eve, which will go for past due bills. My oldest daughter understands, but the 2 little ones really do not. They have been such troopers for 2 years, going without any extras, and I would love to be able to make Christmas happen. If there is anyone out there that can help, it would be repayed so many times again. If not, I understand that times are hard for most of us right now. My daughter is asking for an American Girl doll, and my son for an IPOD touch. I would be happy just to have a gift or 2 to wrap. I am so thankful so many have been helped here, and hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.

  698. a friend showed me this blog. How amazing! Please, Id love to get matched up with someone. I can’t help much, but I can send out a gift card to someone in need!

  699. I have to say that I’m impressed. Hearing and reading all of these comments and everyone pouring inwards with the ability to help absolute strangers during this season…It’s done something to me. When I saw the repost on FaceBook through Single Dad Laughing, at first I was going to jump in and post and see if there would be any gift cards still available. However, after reading the post, and then reading many of the comments that followed, I’ve been touched by what you’re doing here. It is a wonderous thing. *smiles* I would love to say that I could donate as well, but I cannot. I lost my last job a couple of weeks ago – thankfully 99.9% of my Xmas shopping was already done! – and even though I begin a new job tomorrow morning, bright and early, I only have a few bucks in the account until my first paycheck. ^.^ But I know I can make it. And I know that there is local help available for me, if for some reason I begin to run out of food or gas in my car. I am nowhere near as needy as some of these people already here. Money doesn’t mean to me what it means to a lot of people, and I’m sorry if this doesn’t fit most people’s perspective, but I don’t see the need to go out and buy all the latest toys and gadgets for my daughter. Her father is good for going in on the competition on that end…I know that there are quite a few things under the tree that are second-hand that I bought for her, or they were bought at dollar stores or something like that, but where it comes from doesn’t even come into the picture when she opens the presents on Xmas morning and her face lights up – and when you see that, the world is alright. ^___^

    So, I guess that I sort of fall in the middle here, in the shadows. I cannot donate – no matter how much I wish – and I do not really need the help. But I do want to say that you all are doing a thing here – all of you, the blogger, all the commenters, and EVERYONE who has joined in to help – you are ALL doing something that many people don’t know how to do anymore. You are giving because you want to. You’ve seen the need, and you want to fill it. No strings attached, and you surely aren’t looking for acknowledgment, since most of the people receiving these gift cards don’t know you from Adam (or Eve). You’re just giving.

    And I want to say THAT’S GREAT!
    I guess today is a good Sunday, after all.

  700. Hi- I can help someone if they have Paypal. Let me know please, Merry Christmas Jenny.

  701. Hi I am limited on my funds for christmas as is my daughter and sister. My daughter is the one who told me about this. I have two kids to get presents for. Thankyou for your time. I would appreciate any help you could offer. Even the smallest amount of help would be cherished.


  702. I have five children my neice told me about this site and I just had to inquire. My kids have been through many hard time, ups and down. The death of their father (2 years ago), no money, no food. But we pull through on love. It would be a tremendous help if you could possibley spare something for us. I also have an address if u want to buy the things yourself even late presents are still presents and they dont have to be expensive.

  703. I was comment # 504 on the the original post – but I’m re-posting the entire thing in case you missed me, as I haven’t received an email from you yet.. (and if Jenna H – comment #573 on this post hasn’t received an iTunes gift card for her kids yet – I’d be glad to help her out!) PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW I CAN HELP!!

    Hi Jenny –

    First – I’d just like to say what so many others said (so much more eloquently) before me – you.are.amazing. and inspiring. and did I say amazing? I mean it. You truly are.

    Second – I don’t have much to give, as we’ve already given to our local Toys for Tots (twice!) and purchased an Angel off the Angel Tree at my daughter’s daycare, and I still don’t know how I’m buying gifts for my parents this year, but I want to help. I have enough Swagbucks saved up to get either a $20 Target e-gift card, or a $25 Amazon/Amazon CA e-gift card (or even a few $10 Barnes & Noble, Starbucks or $15 iTunes gift cards)… I’d gladly cash them in to help someone who needs the help making their holidays merry & bright…

    I know you had covered everyone needing it at last update, but if you get more requests, or know of someone else who could use what I can provide, please let me know.

    Thank you for being amazing (and hilarious!) and may your Christmas, New Year & all of 2011 be blessed.

  704. I just heard of this through Ayeletw on twitter. You are doing a wonderful thing.

    We just put some money in your paypal account for you, anticipating that a lot of people will want to help and your bandwidth/hosting costs will get hit. If you need help with unmatched need, we want to help with that too.

    Jon and Marian Gallagher

  705. I am so full of joy reading these blog comments and posts. I know I’m too late to ask for help but as a newly single mom to three and recently laid off and Knowing what a struggle it is it warms my heart knowing that people that care about others are still out there. Christmas is what you make it. Ours won’t be filled with presents this year but it will be filled with love. Merry Christmas to all.

  706. I just want to say thank you so much. I was one of the amazing lucky ones to receive a gift card and I was able to make my kids Christmas a little brighter. I always thought there was magic around Christmas time and this confirmed it. Thank you for giving my kids a reason to believe!

  707. I’m late to this party, but I had tears in my eyes reading this. If there is anyone that still needs help, please forward me information and hubs & I will happily donate a $30 amazon gift card. Sometimes I need my faith restored in humanity. Today was one of those days. Thanks.

  708. My husband has been out of work for 18 months. Things have been really tight & stressful around here, but I know good and well it could be so much worse. As I sit here in my warm house with many blessings I too would like to help if possible. I am able to contribute $25. I know it’s not much, but hopefully it could be helpful to someone in greater need than we are in my family. I have a paypal account, or could get a gift card in the mail tomorrow. Please email me if I can help. I love what you are doing here and wish I stumbled upon this earlier than just today. God bless you and everyone donating and those in need.

  709. Hi I have two kids that are in need of presents. My daughter told me about this and was all excited. “Mom you have to try this”!! I will be so relieved to get help with presents. I just need two for my son and daughter. They would be greatly appreciated.

  710. I had posted earlier on the first blog post, not knowing about this one. I was able to get each of my kids one small thing this year, when a friend asked me over to show me your blog. I wasn’t able to make it until today, and since she found this post as well I was wondering if there was still help available? My husband and I have taken in my mother and had to dish out quite a bit due to a water leak and the electrical box getting drenched by it… so we had to spend our Christmas stash to get those things fixed. Its been a rough month! I just can’t believe how many wonderful people there are out there…

  711. Jenny, I have loved your blogs for a while now, and also fallen a bit in love with you. Now I love you even more! What an angel you are! I am going to send Cindy and her son a card, and hopefully send out a gift card to some other who need it.
    I thought I was crazy for sitting here crying while I read through the comments, but I see that it isn’t just me. It’s funny how it takes something like this to spark the real joy of Christmas within us. I am lucky that I have a job and a family and an amazing boyfriend and that I am healthy and can pay my bills. I haven’t always been in this situation though so I can appreciate the situation these people find themselves in.
    I just want to say, don’t feel bad for asking for help. For many people it is the thing that can change their lives and keep them going until they get a job or what not. And when you find yourself able, you do something small for someone else.
    I wish all of you the best and hope you have a smile and enjoy your family on Christmas xo

  712. Dear Jenny,

    I have been a long time fan and usually do spit-takes when I read your brilliance. But this is a different kind of water coming from my face. I have been in a state of the weepies all day after reading about your gift card giving. We were about to go out Christmas shopping for our best friends who always spend Christmas with us when I came across the last entry. I emailed my pals and asked if we could skip our modest gift exchange and buy gift cards instead in their honor. Please, please, please match us up with someone who is in need! We too have had our share of financial worries over the years but the tree has always been surrounded by gifts for our son and the thought of a family having nothing to give breaks my heart into slippery shards of sadness.

    What you are doing is so fantastic and festive and feverishly kind. Thank you for being the Bloggess Bad Ass!!


  713. At first I was just worried about my little daughter receiving a present but my older boy Chaske needs one too hes 13. He lives with his mother.


  714. Having been one of those people in need in the past…

    I can’t thank you and all of those involved enough. That little shimmer of hope that there’s still good left in in the world is quite often one of the biggest boosts that pull us through the rough spots.

    This brought the biggest smile to my face!

    Bless you all!

    – Violet

  715. I am new to your site and have loved reading your blogs and comments. I would really love to help someone out but we are just so snowed under with everything that Christmas just doesn’t have the same spirit for me that it used to. I am even struggling to muster up enough happy thoughts for my 2 year old this year. We had her through IVF, then moved interstate to be with family and since then have not regained any of our financial footing. Both hubby and I suffer severe depression with associated expensive medication expenses, and we cannot afford to buy anything for his wonderful parents who have supported us constantly. We rent, we don’t take holidays and we both work only part-time because our illnesses don’t allow us to cope with any more than that. Unfortunately my parents have disowned me (due to being ‘mentally ill’) sp they have never known their beautiful granddaughter. I have siblings but they too have told me to get lost and get over my problems before they will speak to me again. We are both Christians and try to forgive and forget but it is a very hard thing to do, especially at this time of year. I cringe at the thought of asking for any help…… I really do……. I don’t know what else to say now because I am upset just writing this and knowing that there are people far worse off than us. I so wish that I could give….. perhaps it would make me feel better. You are all so wonderful and generous and it has been a pleasure just to read through the hundreds of comments. Anything will be greatly appreciated and maybe just some of my prayers will be answered this year.

  716. @Heidi who emailed me last night with ideas. (wink) I strongly encourage you to read and follow up with commentator #871, Melissa Bell. Right up your alley, girl. (smile) ~ Wendy

  717. Jenny,

    I just sent the gift card from Amazon…Let me know of you need help with emails and things. I’d be delighted to do what I can. Cheers!


  718. I was glad to see that you said you have people matched up. I’m hoping that means you had a match for me too (comment 640 I think). I’m so full of hope that we’ll be able to surprise him with a christmas present too, since all he’s gotten for so long were things he Had to have weeks ago, and nothing he wanted, even for his birthday a few months ago.

    The only reason I’m commenting again is that I haven’t received an email from anyone. I have a blumail.org address and I know that I still add an E to make it BLUE so I wanted to check that the email from my giver wasn’t sent to the wrong address. I even mistyped it just now.

    You really are a great person Jenny. Really, I don’t know how to tell you how Wonderful you are for putting this all together. And everyone who is donating to everyone else… I just wish I could hug the stuffin out of all of you.

    You have a donor matched to you so I bet you’ll hear something soon. ~Jenny

  719. I’ve come and gone from this post several times. I’ve started a comment, but deleted it a few times. I’m in awe of you and your amazing community. I need any help that I can get this year. I would be forever grateful if there is still someone out there willing to give….

  720. I would be happy to help out if anyone needs it. I asked my parents if instead of buying me a present they would let me do this instead. I struggle with major depression and PTSD and spend almost 4 months of combined time in hospitals this year, most recently up until 12/17. I want to do this to help someone else, but I also want to help myself remember the true humanity of the holidays, and indeed, mankind.

  721. Jenny~

    I am so happy your posts got such a response! I love your blog and so many times I have read it and been uplifted but this truly has uplifted me most of all. My husband has been in and out of work over the past few years and we have struggled so much and to hear that others have been helped by total strangers that is just amazing. Keep it up Jenny!

  722. Wow! All I can say is “wow”. I know what it is like to receive an unexpected Christmas blessing and it brought me to tears and completely changed my outlook on the world. Your community is amazing!!

  723. Getting in on this really late in the game but this just really brought home the meaning of Christmas for me. If there is still enough time for me to help someone please contact me. There really IS a Santa Claus!

  724. Jenny, if you still have anyone in need, I’d like to help. I told my young sons what you’re doing and they are excited to be a part of it. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

  725. Jenny, you are amazing! I received two gift cards from two amazing donors and my daughter’s first Christmas is going to rock thanks to you all!

    I’m commenting with the email address of my friend Karen. She has two beautiful kids, aged 9 and 3, and is struggling as a single mom. Daycare costs are over $1,300 per month and she’s facing the choice to let her oldest take care of her youngest or move back to her family home in Puerto Rico. She and I are moving in together to save costs in a few months, but in the meantime I know she’s struggling to make ends meet. She told me today how hard it is for her to get presents for her kids, but she so desperately wants them to have a great Christmas.

    I hope there is someone out there that can help her, even though it is kind of late in the game.

  726. You need a donor… let me know… my kids even offered to donate… they are ages 9, 9 and 7… kinda makes a mama proud….

  727. Happy to donate if you still need people! Things are good for us, I would love to be able to pass it on! This has also given me the kick in the pants I needed to take my three boys and buy presents for those struggling this year so thanks for the reminder! Oh and if anyone has contacted you for help from Australia (where I am) I have $60 worth of gift cards for Susan (women’s clothing store) which I would be thrilled to give away, just need a postal address. Keep up the great work! Sarah

  728. Please put me on the donor list for a $30 gift card.

    I’m sure this has taken much more of your time than you expected. Thank you for stepping up to coordinate this flood of goodwill you started. I’m not familiar with your blog but after this I will certainly be back.

  729. I admit that I am not one of your normal readers. I stumbled across this through SDL, a blog that I follow sometimes. So…maybe its not fair of me to ask for help…but I guess I’m going to anyway. My husband and I are expecting our first baby in January. A little boy. Anything and everything that comes into our bank account goes toward purchasing everything we need to prepare for his arrival. The result is that this year, there will be no Christmas. This is fine for me, but my husband desperately needs a new bike as his finally broke completely down a month ago (a problem as its his main source of transportation). Even the smallest amount of help would be so so appreciated and could help me get him something he needs. Might there be a gift card out there for our family? Bless you Jenny and have a Merry Christmas!

  730. hi jenny,

    i sent you an email too, but i just wanted to say here too (in case this is faster) that i am happy to donate a $30 gift card to someone who needs it. i know that isn’t too much, but maybe if tacked on to another small donation….

    love this, and you. merry christmas all!

  731. Jenny I was just talking to my kids and they thought you might be able to help out 2 boys that we know. They are 17 year old twins in a children’s home. Since they are both seniors in high school they had to live in an apartment on the home’s grounds but not in the main house.
    One twin works full time and attends high school full time all while keeping an A average! The other twin needed a little more guidance and recently moved to another state with his old house parents. He works 30 hours a week and maintains great grades. These 2 boys have no one! We help them out on occasion but can’t handle too much since we have our own 7 kids.
    If you have the ability to help them out let me know and I’ll send you their addresses.
    They are 2 of the most grateful, hard working kids I’ve ever met and they could surely use a hand up this Holiday season.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  732. Wow, Jenny, you are an angel. This thing you’ve begun has truly reaffirmed my faith in humanity. I know I am very late coming to this–my sister just told me about it today. I was really hesitant about leaving my first name and e-mail address, because I am truly embarrassed and ashamed to have to ask for help. And, I know I’m late, so I more than understand if I’ve missed out–even so, this movement has put a smile on my face and warmed my heart. I am a single mom and a full-time student. My daughter’s father is verbally abusive (to me, not her) and threatens to take my daughter away from me, and I’m struggling to find a lawyer that might be willing to do something pro-bono to help me, because he doesn’t even pay his child support. I wonder if there are any family lawyers or lawyers that do custody issues that visit this blog…that would be amazing, even if I could just email them and ask for advice as to where to go from here. I know it seems silly, but I haven’t even been able to afford a hair cut for the last six months! I don’t want to sit and whine about my situation, because I know I should be content that I have a place to live, I just…I feel like such a failure as a mother that I cannot get my daughter any presents for Christmas…I’m almost hoping that she will just forget about it and not notice at all…but, even if I’ve missed all the donors–does anyone have any words of encouragement to help me feel less useless and like I might still be a good mom? I have two diapers left, with less than $20 in my bank account. I have no presents for her, I don’t even care that I have none for me or that I can’t step up. This feeling of failure is just overwhelming, and I wish I could thank my mom for being so self-sacrificing and being amazing. She’s driven hours to pick up my daughter when I wasn’t able to, even taking time off from her job, losing money, with only a few minutes of notice to just to help babysit my daughter when I had to be rushed to the hospital (three ER visits and one visit to a surgeon in the past 2 months). I don’t know how to pay those bills, to pay any of the bills sitting very near the trash can because I’d love to just throw them in there and forget about them. I’m not even able to pay for my anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medicines, my pain medicines, even my inhaler. I’m so sorry that I am here, invading your blog (it feels like), to ask for help. I’m not even certain where to begin with what to ask for. And I don’t want to be demanding saying, I need this and this and this. This is just so hard for me to even write this. I’m just so embarrassed and ashamed of myself as a mother. How could I fail my daughter like this? No, I’m so sorry. I cannot feel sorry for myself, I need to be strong. Even if it’s too late for me to ask for help, I am overwhelmed and amazed that good people like your donors and receivers on here, that there are actually people out there, in this world, willing to help strangers they don’t even know. I am going to become an avid reader of your blog, because you simply amaze me. And, I want you to know, that if by some miracle there is still someone left willing to help me, that I will double their goodness and pay it forward next year. Even if I don’t get help, you have reaffirmed my faith, and I can share these amazing stories with my daughter and that could be a present enough. Maybe even if anyone has any diapers, pointe/dance shoes (for mymom), toddler girl’s clothes or used toys, I don’t know. I didn’t know if it’s easier to write some gift suggestions? I’m so embarrassed I am so sorry for writing this. Maybe I shouldn’t have even tried out my luck here. But, no pity party, I’m terribly sorry. Thank you for what you do Jenny, you are a beautiful person. And I did get to see your pictures of James Garfield, and those are just hilarious. Do you have any of those cards? They’re the cutest! I am going to become an avid reader of your blog, and if I get even $5 worth of help, I will pay-it-forward doubly next year. But, if not, thank you for reaffirming my faith in the human spirit. That, in and of itself, is a Christmas miracle! Thank you, thank you, thank you Jenny!

  733. How can I not join the fray and tell you you’re my hero.

    If the requests keep coming in, count me in for helping. I’m lucky that this is a year I’m on that end and not the other.

  734. If you are still in need of donors please let me know. We’ve been very fortunate this year and are will to help out someone in need.

  735. I don’t know if it matters, but I live in the Missouri/Kansas/Oklahoma area, and I didn’t know if you had heard of any donors in those areas? Oh no, this sounds even more selfish, I am so so so sorry

  736. I would be happy to donate a $50 to anyone who needs it. Send me an address and I will send the money tomorrow – it might make it for xmas to someone on the west coast of the US.

    This is such a good thing. There really are no words big or poetic enough to express what I have felt reading about this. I love what a generous and inclusive person you are, Jenny. Thank you for being you.


  737. Please set me up with someone or a couple of someones….I can donate $60 – cards or paypal, or whatever is needed.

    Thanks! This is an awesome thing you are doing!

  738. Thank you to Jessie for the 50.00 Walmart card and to Jean for the earrings I am going to be receiving for my daughter. I am still in shock as to how many people have been helped. Next year I will be on the other side and be posting as a donor. God bless everyone….Christmas time is about miracles!

  739. What you are doing here is amazing. I cried while reading this, it’s a truly touching gesture.

    I’m not sure if you still have anything to give, and if not that’s okay. I’m here for my sister. She’s currently living 12 hours away, far from her family. She had to move because her husband is in the army, and they’ve hit hard times. They have two kids, both still very young, and because she has to take care of them alone most of the time(her husband is on base most of the time), she doesn’t have time for a job.

    They’re struggling to pay for their bills and their food, so Christmas is hard for them. To top it all off, they can’t come home this year because they don’t have the money to pay for it. I’ve had to pay for their phone bill twice, which I’m fine with, I’m happy to, but I can only do so much to help them.

    So, if there’s anyone left to help them, we’d all be very grateful. Thank you for your generosity up until now!

  740. Hi, I posted yesterday saying that I didn’t need any help for gifts as my family has helped us. They sent us 2 boxes full of presents for our 5 kids, and I will be forever grateful for that. However, I don’t know about Christmas dinner. My hubby doesn’t get paid until next Thursday, and we ran out of money quicker than we thought we would. That can happen pretty quick when you have so many children, one of them always needs something unexpected. If anyone could help us just a little, I would really appreciate it, but if not I totally understand. Thank you so much for the oppurtunity to post here.

  741. Belated, but if you still have requests, count me in for a gift card (or PayPal if the recipient has); I’d love to help. As a side note, I also have a few extra sets of holiday cards and postcards so if someone is interested, I am happy to send those along as well.

  742. hi jenny,
    you’re friends with my friends brene, karen, and katherine. and i think you are the bees knees.
    i am a new mom to an 11 week old baby boy named true. i cannot imagine not being able to give him a magical christmas. in his honor, i just sent you money to your paypal acct to send to a family in need.
    thank you so much for the opportunity to do this.
    kelly rae

  743. I don’t want you to run out of donors! I can swing a gift card for $25 or so, if needed. We’re a bit tight for funds this year, too, but we’re not underwater yet.

    A man stopped in front of my apartment this morning because I’d left my newspaper out. I wondered what he was doing, so I went down. I said hello, and he said – oh, I was just looking for work. He wanted the classified ads. I wished I could’ve helped, but we couldn’t find any in the paper. Nor was there anything else I could give him.

  744. I am taking a huge leap here and throwing out some of what my daughter and I have gone through this year.
    A friend of mine boasted about this site and I would like to be a person that could donate but this year things haven’t been so great for us.
    A little history – I am a single mom to a 7 year old girl, she doesn’t see her father at all – she hasn’t spoken to him in 2 years and we think he lives in Texas…this summer my girl had a mental break down, she started hearing voices and felt as though the devil was telling her to do things, very naughty mean things. It got to the point where she said she wanted to kill herself or me – she said she didn’t care if either of us lived and she felt she was going crazy because the voices wouldn’t stop. We went to the childrens hospital, spent the night for observation and the next day they sent us on our way with a referral to a day treatment program for adolescents. The next week my little girl had to start day treatment M-F from 9-3p for 18 days. It was a Godsend program but also very very costly. She has been diagnosed with a mood disorder, anxiety disorder and adhd. She started medication her first week at the program and it has helped so much.
    Every day is a work in progress, every day we have to stop and look at each potential issue and make the decision if we are going to recognize it or let it go.
    We continue with therapy and psych appts and I have faith that she will grow up to be a wonderful adult someday…
    I don’t even know what to ask for or how to ask for help – but if anyone out there can help in any way – I sure would appreciate it. Thank you for reading this blurb of our story.

  745. Being the only income in the family and working a barely-above-minimum wage job, I just want to go to sleep and wake up after Christmas. About half my weekly paycheck goes to my fiance’s medical copay, and he’s unable to work or get disability. Luckily my two year old has grandparents that spoil him and he’s too young to really understand why there’s no presents under the tree at my house. He’ll have plenty to open at theirs. Its my 11 yr old son I’m worried about. He lives with his father, on the other side of the country. I haven’t seen him in over a year now because I couldn’t even afford plane tickets to fly him home last summer. He has lots of family out there and gets lots of Christmas presents but this year, like last, I won’t be able to send him much of anything at all. I couldn’t afford to send him a birthday present last month either. I know he’s old enough to understand why, that I don’t make enough money. But I can’t begin to imagine how heartbreaking it is for him to not receive a package in the mail from his own mother. I just want to be able to show him I’m not the poor trailer park trash that I will forever feel like when every holiday goes by.

  746. I’m so mad I walked away from my Reader for a week b/c I totally missed all of this! I’d love to help. Seriously. I will never ever not read you again Jenny. This post and the one before it have me bawling.

  747. I’ve been amazed at the love and kindness from every single person involved in this. I’m coming a little bit late to the party but I would love to be a part of this. Our family has been blessed this year, so if any last minute gift cards or donations for medicine, electricity, rent or a holiday dinner are needed. I’d love to help.

    Thanks, Jenny for coordinating and inspiring…

  748. Thank you for restoring Some of my faith in humanity. I appreciate the help some of you have sent so much that I can’t even begin to describe it in words. Happy Holidays to everyone. <3

    I'd like to return the favor. If you know of someone who'd like a small gift sent, I have two shops you can choose something from (there's a link to the other one in the announcement of the Spooky Grrrl shop). I can't go crazy but I'd like to give something back. Please let me know if you know of someone who can use a small pick-me-up or just needs a tiny gift. I currently still have some supplies for bath and body goods or I could send a nice little 5×7 print to someone.


  749. Please add me to the list of people who are there to help if need be. Hoping you’re RA decides to go the f*** away. I have an autoimmune malady as well, so I sort of get it. Be well. Merry X-Mas.

  750. This post made me cry. I am absolutely astounded. My cousins have been trying to make ends meet, and have had several serious medical problems come up, that they don’t have enough food in the cupboards. They could really use a Christmas Miracle, even if it came a day or two late. Please, if there is still enough to help them e-mail me and I will send you their address. You are a god-send, and may God bless you and all your supporters. You are angels in my eyes.

    You have a gift card that hasn’t been redeemed yet. Check your spam folder. ~Jenny

  751. You have done a wonderful thing. I wish I would have seen this a few days ago and possibly have gotten some help (Husband has been laid off for two years, We have seven children and I have been able to get the three youngest a tiny something to open on Christmas morning, the four older ones are just going to have to understand) oh well a little to late, but I am so glad to see that things like this go on in the world, what a Christmas miracle!

  752. If you need more donors I am also in. I can afford about $40. Please let me know if I can help.

  753. Jenny if you could broker this- next up you NEED to tackle mideast peace and world hunger– I am in awe of what you’ve started and the seeds you’ve planted 🙂

  754. How can you not cry at the shear beauty of this? If there is still a need please let me know. I might not have much, but I’m happy to give what I can. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in years. Thank you. To everyone, thank you.

  755. I used my husband’s credit card for the two Amazon gift cards (heh heh) so that still leaves money in my Paypal account. If anyone needs Paypal funds, please send me their address!

    We’re damned lucky people AND cotton went sky-high this year. I am so happy I can help!

  756. thank you for inspiring so many,. and unlocking what we always KNEW was in there: goodness and human kindness. Do not send to me, just pray for my mom, as she is dying ( enlarged heart and she is 91)
    I sent my gift to a Family in India, so they could put on a Christmas party, dinner for the people in their neighborhood. Pay it forward.. God is so good

  757. Someone pointed out that I forgot to list links. Whoops! So here you go:




    Please contact me though so I can let you know whether I have the item in stock or not if you are looking for last-minute holiday gifts. I make my bath and body items and candles to order now. Hopefully I can brighten someone else’s holidays the way you guys have brightened mine.

  758. I’m a single mama and an unemployed full time college student. I get financial aid but it’s run out now and I won’t get anymore for about 6 weeks. My son’s father recently decided he didn’t need to pay child support anymore. Consequently, I have had to dis-enroll my son from his beloved preschool which means that I can’t get a job. I’ve requested assistance from the state for day care expenses but there’s a waiting list of over 8,000 families. We receive state medicaid and food stamps but there is no money for presents for him or my mom, with whom we live.

    And if that wasn’t bad enough, I drop him at his dad’s tomorrow for 10 days so I won’t even get to spend Christmas with my beautiful angel. My son is 2 years old.

    There are far more families worse off than ours but if there is any assistance left over, I would really like to buy my son and my mom something small for Christmas.

    Thank you.

  759. This is the kind of thing that makes me grin and cry and so thankful that the power of the internets gets used for awesome. <3

    I want to make a small request for my good friend E.
    Her daughter turns 1 month old today and E. is having some pretty serious struggles with PPD. Bebe isn't gaining weight fast enough for the docs so she's on 2 hour feeds – any mommas that have done that know just how extra sleep deprived and crazy that will make you.
    Bebe is covered for the most part, since she's so small only newborn clothes fit and they don't have many of them, but between E.'s family and ours that should be covered for Christmas, and bebe doesn't really need toys, being a month old an all 😛
    What E. needs and won't buy for herself is a baby sling so she can doze in the rocker without worrying about dropping the babe. She could also use some headphones and a small music player so she can take a auditory break when she needs one.

  760. hi, someone gave me the link to this site and I may already be too late, but I would like to ask for a little help for christmas. My husband died a couple years ago and since then I have been struggling just to keep a roof over our heads and the bills paid. I have two wonderful daughter that really aren’t asking for anything and I have managed to get them a few items of clothing but if at all possible I could really use a few more groceries to be able to at least have a nice meal for the holidays. This would really be a blessing in itself
    Thank you and God Bless

  761. I feel awkward doing this but I have no where else to turn.
    I am a 29 yr old emt/paramedic student. My husband lost his job and has been unable to secure any other work. He was also recently denied disability for health problems. Our seven year old son has special needs. I work a 24 hr shift every third day on an ambulance and go to school full time as well.
    Normally I use my holiday bonus from work to get our Christmas….but we did not receive this bonus this year. As of right now, there will be no Christmas in our house. It is breaking my heart as I don’t want to disappoint them….I have not told my husband how bad it is as I don’t want to worry him. I just want to be able to see them smile on Christmas morning.
    Thank you for doing this.

  762. please let me know how much and what i need to do to get it to you or someone else who might need it

  763. I can help out with a couple of families in need. Just let me know what I can do (paypal, amazon, etc.) What an amazing, make-up ruining miracle you’ve created. Now I need a tissue! 😉

  764. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing. I have received from a Secret Santa across the US that is a good friend to the woman who I found this out from. How cool is that from a random pairing. You are amazing…

  765. To Craig (post 849): I feel as you do, that Jenny helped me more than my donation helped whoever it went to (I was an Anonymous and prefer it that way.) I, too, have battled crippling depression and self-loathing. My father committed suicide when I was 18 and I have struggled ever since with my own demons. In the past 3 months, both my Grandparents (who raised me) died, my Grandmother on December 2nd.

    I’ve been trying to keep it together for my kids, give them a good Christmas as they deserve. But in private? I was sinking. Then Jenny started this, and I read the comments, and realized even if all I have to offer was a bit of money to some stranger, that it would help someone have a better Christmas, give them some hope and faith that the world wasn’t full of cynics, remind them that people actually care. I’d be lying if I said it was a cure-all, but it was something, something that helped me from circling the drain as I am so wont to do. Something that let me see that my life is going to be okay.

    So thanks, Craig, for your comment because it spurred me to tell my own story. And I hope you’re alright, don’t shut down, reach out when you need it. Because complete strangers will be there to catch you. Jenny has shown us all that in the past 3 days.

    And thanks of course to Jenny, for giving me a piece of myself back when I needed it most. You are amazing.

  766. If you’re still looking for people to help, I’d love to be matched up with someone.

    This is what Christmas is all about. Thank you.

  767. Lori your stuff is amazing! I bought something for a friend who deserves some lovely smelling soap. Seriously. Your items are way underpriced! 🙂

  768. I wish I had found this earlier… we’ve been struggling to find a way to fill our propane tank to run our furnace. We’re heating our house with space heaters with a foot of snow on the ground, temps near zero, and 2 under 2.

    What you’re doing is amazing and you, and all who give will truly be blessed!

  769. Hi Jenny,

    I emaield you a few days ago wantingto help out, if I still can please let me know as I would still love to.



  770. I would like to ask for help … but not for myself.

    For the past two years I have watched my mother and stepfather struggle. Two years ago he got laid off and one week into a job he got after being laid off for 3 months he had emergency gall stone surgery. He was out of work for nearly 5 months from complications and had no health care … They have been on the point of losing everything for months now. Unable to get out from under the huge medical bill …
    They also take care of my 10 year old niece. I have offered as much assistant as I can the past few years … to the point of anonymously shipping presents so that my niece would have a Christmas. This year I am not able to help as much as I usually can. My husband and I recently moved and I have not been able to find a job. I would appreciate any help people would be willing to give my family. Thank you.

  771. I’ve been unemployed almost two years, lost my home because of it BUT I’m still in a position to offer help to someone else and for that I’m grateful. I WANT so much to be apart of this. My Dad lost his job just last week which terribly changes things for them and their retirement (he’s 71) BUT they’re going to make it just fine also. It’s in times like these that you want to give to someone else in need. Its through giving to others in need that makes your struggles seem so much more manageable. Who can you pass my way that needs a gift?

  772. I’d gladly help out. Pls match me with someone in need and I’ll be sure
    To get them something they need!

  773. Jenny, if you’re coming across people who are out of work and job-hunting, I would love to help. I do writing services, and most of my work is in resumes. Tell anyone you come across that if they contact me through the web site or e mail address I used here, and use the code word “Bloggess,” I’ll give them the resume package for free. (They just need to understand that if I get a lot of requests, I’ll go as fast as I can but I’ll take them in order.)

    Love your writing, love you,

  774. Tuning in late, and overwhelmed and overjoyed at the spirit of the season that you’ve created here. I’d love to help if you tell me how and where to send it.


  775. Jenny is a christmas savior thanks to these christmas donations I have 1/2 my rent paid for!!! Thanks cotton mom!!! You are unbelievably amazing in every way!! Im not sick with worry anymore. I cant believe people are willing to help each other! I am definately gonna try to help next year..

  776. hi,
    If anyone still needs assistance, please let me know…
    Our family is so truly blessed in countless ways, one being a new job for me that started this past Monday, so would love to pay it forward… 🙂
    To all a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Year!
    Char 🙂

  777. This is such a wonderful thing that you’ve started. I noticed that requests for help are still coming in. I would love to help make someone’s Christmas a little brighter. I can help two families if needed – either with gift cards or sending gifts from Amazon.


  778. You are an incredible woman and a huge inspiration! Bless you, and everyone who has put forth money to help those in need. This blog has been a source of constant amusement to myself and my coworkers. We’re all college students and recent grads, and while not the best paid, we truly lack for so little. These sober moments are just as meaningful as all the laughs and a great reminder of how lucky we are, even when we don’t always think so.

    I’ll be passing along news of your efforts to everyone who has laughed with me and I hope they will all pitch in as well. I can only speak for myself, of course, so here goes! Please connect me with one of your late requests. I’ll gladly PayPal my donation directly.

    Thank you again, and happy holidays!

  779. Hi –

    I’ve only just seen this, but I’d be delighted to help, either with a gift card or PayPal.

    Thank you so much for doing this! I’m in awe.

  780. I hope I am not too late, but I would like to ask for help..Not for myself, but for my mom. She is now sick and physically disabled and I know she spent whatever she could to make sure I will have at least something to open under the tree.So I am not worried about me..but I am still in school, so I don’t have any kind of job to buy her anything, and even tho I did make her something I know I could never get her the one thing I know she really wishes for..and I am not asking for a brand new one as I know they are lots and lots of money, but I was hoping that maybe if someone had a nice used one they no longer needed, or if they got a new one for christmas, maybe they’d pass their old one on? She really really wants a macbook laptop..I know because I see that it’s getting harder and harder for her to sit in her wheelchair at the desk and use the one computer we share..and she is always trying to win one on the giveaway contest thing on facebook. And when I asked her about why she kept entering that contest and it’s probably not even real.. she said it never hurts to dream and that it would be nice because she could rest in bed and still use a computer that way..and that I wouldn’t have to share my desktop one with her no more..so I know it’s her big wish to get one someday..but money is really tight as I’m still in school and she can’t work..so if anyone could help me to surprise my mom this christmas I promise to pay it forward after I graduate from school and get a job someday..my mom is the bravest person I know. thanks

  781. Is there anyone left who needs to gift their teenage daughter, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, or special girl/woman who likes jewelry? I’m working on my list and still have more that can go out on Tuesday via Priority Mail for delivery by Christmas Eve.

    I would also like to say to everyone who is experiencing hard times. I know what you’re going through. The stress of how you are going to feed your kids, pay the bills, keep from being homeless-it consumes you. You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you look at your kids and just want to cry. You wait until they go to bed and then you do cry. Christmas is the worst time. I promise you that things will get better. It just takes time. For me, I prayed a lot. That helped the most. It took years after my ex husband left for me to get on my feet and become established, but it happened. It will happen to you too. Don’t lose hope and don’t ever give up. Things will get better. It may take more time than you want it to, but things WILL get better. May God bless each and every one of you, who are in need and who are donors. Jenny, there are no words to adequately describe what you are doing. May God Bless you always.

  782. Thanks for the link Teri!
    Wow, what amazing comments, stories and Christmas Angels! Yesterday I participated in a Toys for Tots event, I have never had to before. It was really heart breaking to see the long lines of families struggling. But it was also great to see the church and an organization like Toys for Tots handle such a massive distribution. While I am so grateful for the toys that were provided, I am struggling with explaining to my six children why Santa brought them one gift that wasn’t even on their list. My husband and I have been self-employed the last few years and were even in the position to bless other people for awhile. Now we are wrapping up his business since he literally broke his foot off his leg last year and the work dried up completely. Getting this other business off of the ground to be able to support our family has been the most monumental amount of stress we have ever had to deal with because if it doesn’t come together soon we will just have to allow it to fold up. He is working a temporary job right now that doesn’t pay enough to cover food and bills, let alone anything extra. We have to put our house up for sale to avoid foreclosure and have been wrongfully denied food benefits from DHS ALL year long. I just got the determination back from the OKC office in the last few days and the food situation should be corrected this week. But it just doesn’t make up for the struggle that it has caused all year, I could have been paying my mortgage this whole time but now I am losing my house because of their mistakes, the only one most of my children have ever known.

    I have been working really hard to make a way that will stustain my family without any results, yet. I just wanted to be able to buy my kids at least one or two things that are on their Christmas lists so that they can still continue to have some hope in something, even some reassurance that things are eventually going to get better, like I know they are. Now, having six children, it makes it more difficult. I can narrow it down to 5 though, since the youngest is only 11 months old she will be happy with the two gifts I have for her, plus the wrapping paper and boxes (haha). I do not have anything for my 13 year old girl and only 1 gift for each of the other 4. Their lists are not unreasonable or long and include stuff like a Sock Monkey hat for my 13 year old, a spy watch for my 9 year old boy, a pretty dress and necklace for my 7 year old girl, anything Iron Man for my 5 year old boy and Barbie dolls or baby dolls for my 4 year old girl.

    We have been blessed with the money to pay our gas and electric this month and should be getting our food stamps within a week too! We are also looking foward to a lot of opportunities early next year to support an ‘official’ start up of our business and a brighter future for our family. Thank you for those of you who read this and pray for us or even think good thoughts for us, positivity helps a lot! Merry Christmas!

  783. I sent an email directly, though I suppose that may have been the wrong way to go about this. I feel really bad for even considering asking help, but for my daughters sake I need to put my pride aside at the moment. My daughter-in-law just showed me this thread, and I so need the help… if it is still available as I know I am a very late-comer. I had a heart attack earlier in the year and have been unable to return to work yet. Disability checks are few and far between. Last night, my sister used me as an example to her children while my 10 year old daughter and I stood by; she said: “See, you boys have everything and there are poor people out there like your Aunt who have nothing; your cousin isn’t even going to get any presents because your Aunt has no money”. I had to leave because I could not stop crying. It is not fair to my daughter and I feel like I have let her down. Please, if there is anybody left to still help, I would really like to be able to get at least one small gift for her. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for caring about me and everybody else struggling to get through each day.

  784. My boyfriend and I are sitting here crying. I just read this entire blog to him. (choking up the entire time) It’s is so moving that there aren’t even words. I wish there was something I could do to help, but unfortunately we can’t because we are in the receiving position this year and have needed help with Christmas for our four kids. I have struggled personally to get motivated to do anything in regard to the holiday because it’s depressing….thank you for reminding us what the holidays are really about!! It’s an honor to have passed through this space and absorbed some of the love that radiates from it!!

  785. If help is still needed, please let me know! We’d be happy to help someone who needs help. Jenny, you’re amazing- look at all the good you started 🙂

  786. I’d love to help! I’d be happy to send money through paypal or send a gift card. My mom and I also make hair accessories for kids and we’d be happy to donate some to a little princess who needs something to make her feel special on Christmas morning. Please let me know how I can help!

  787. well ok now that i posted that short thing let me try to get this right im not very good with the computer and i still type one finger at a time so i apolagize ahead of time im 28 years old and have four boys im divorced and dont recieve help from thier father who we can not seem to locate i work thirty to fourty hours a week in a slower waffle house in st louis missouri i dont even have for the rent let alone christmas it would be a blessing any help i could get this year things just seem to get harder the more you try i work third cause days counter acts with the time my boys go and come from school i get help from the government and its 200 dollars a month not even 1/2 the rent i make 3.63 an hour i make do most of the time but this year things are really sad .i pride my self that my boys are content with the love i give and are not materialistic they seem to get alot these days in lessons they arent ready for but we try to stay close in love and that seems to help alot i would be very gratefull for any help i could get this year no matter how small every little bit would help alot thank you so much echo

  788. I have a teenaged daughter, two SIL’s and a dear friend whom I would love to gift jewelry too if there is any left over. There may be others who need it even worse so put me at the bottom of your list. trbooklover@aol.com

  789. I’d love to help out two someones. Either gift cards or paypal.

    You rock a lot of people’s worlds Jenny! Thank you for giving some of the rest of us the opportunity to reach out a little bit too.

    Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all your readers and fans.

  790. This is so great. In fact, it’s the best, most Christmasy things I’ve experienced this year. I want to donate. Can you match me with someone? I can send a gift card or do a Pay Pal transfer. I love you!

  791. This is beautiful. It’s always amazing when people can spontaneously come together like this. Well done. But I feel I should point out that there are organizations which specialize in things like this. For example, onesimplewish.org keeps a list, year round, of small things that would make a big difference to specific people in need. So does modestneeds.org. Bless you for doing this. And everyone who helped. But if you want to keep that good feeling going, might I suggest turning to existing groups?

  792. Hi, I dont know if Im too late to ask but if there is any one who is still willing to donate a gift card i could definitely use one.(I dont have a paypal account) I couldnt even afford cards for my family this year let alone gifts and I would love to be able to get my little brother the small toy he wanted when I get back. (Seperated parents, spending Xmas with other half). Either way everyone who participated in this is amazing. Merry Christmas to all of you 🙂

  793. I have a $30 gift card to West 49 that I can give to someone who needs something for a teenager. If they live in the Vancouver area I can get it there before Christmas. notesfromthecookiejar(at)yahoo(dot)ca

  794. I would love to help out. I’m so proud of everything you do for this community Jenny.

    Thank you

  795. This is so awesome, and amazing to read about. When you move past the commotion and busyness of everyday life, there is a goodness and love for others that everyone has inside of them.

    Jenny, please check out this website. http://www.trashmountain.com/Default.asp

    Today I heard a first-hand story about a little girl who was 1.5 years old, and couldn’t hold her own head up. She was living on coffee grounds and tang. She is only one of hundreds of kids who live at trash dumps in third world countries. Their stories will BREAK. YOUR. HEART.
    Please, please, please consider helping to raise awareness of this sector of society that so many are unaware of. Thank you, and God bless.

  796. Jenny,

    It is with a heavy heart that I write this to you. As of right now my husband and I have done nothing to celebrate Christmas together. This year has been a tough struggle on us with my medical bills piling up and me only being a substitute teacher for the first 8 months of the year. We were so far behind in things that just last week we struggled to borrow money from various other bills to be paid just so that we could get the water turned back on in our house.

    We have so much love for each other and we have had the discussion that this year we just won’t have Christmas as much as it breaks my heart. Christmas means so much to us because it was when we became a couple just 2 years ago. We have traditions such as cutting down a tree, filling each others stockings with goofy, yet practical gifts, and spending time with family that we haven’t been able to do this year.

    Money is constantly what we are worrying about and I am only asking this to see if there is possibly a donor out there who could help make something of our Christmas. I don’t want us to remember this year as the year we didn’t celebrate because of no money and I hurt to see how much this affects my husband.

    I understand if all the donors are gone or other people have greater need and I applaud all that you have done. Thank you for reading this.

  797. Hi Jenny,
    I could help out by sending a gift card or paypal money, please let me know. I think this is wonderful.

  798. Jenny,
    you are an amazing person! I can’t thank you enough for helping me to make someone else’s Holidays a bit brighter!! I used the Amazon gift card to get each of the girls a couple of things.
    Thank-you Jenny and everyone who is helping to make the Season bright!

    Maija Bowens
    p.s. Jenny, if you are okay with it, I would love to send you a pair of handmade slippers, I only need a shipping address! Or I can send them to whoever you want them to go to!

  799. There are really no words…just amazing…..

    Like so many others, we have been hit hard these past two years. My husband lost his job 19 months ago and we have done everything we can think of just to get by each day. Our three kids have been very understanding, to the point that it breaks my heart. However, they had to learn a tough lesson when their 10 year old cousin passed away almost two years ago. They (and the rest of us) realize how unimportant the “stuff” is and how they would trade all the stuff in the world to have their cousin back. Friends of theirs lost their dad right before Thanksgiving and my kids feel so badly that they asked their grandparents/aunts & uncles for gift cards they can donate to this family instead. They asked Santa to give their gifts to this other family too. Our six year old daughter told me that her and the boys decided they didn’t want my husband and I to get them anything for Xmas since “Daddy was still trying to go to a job” and we should keep our money to buy food. While I am so proud of my kids for caring so much, that is just too much burden for a 6, 9 and 11 year old to worry about. I resisted seeking any help because I want to make sure that others that may need it more are taken care of. If there is any help left after those are served, I would be forever grateful if you could consider our family. Our children are my world and am so thankful for them every day.

    Thank you so much to all of the angels who have touched the lives of so many. May your Christmas be filled with the joy you have brought others.

  800. I love you, Jenny. That’s all. YOU are a special magnificent woman who give us each a gift with each blog entry. And you are the sole reason for the love avalanche that happened here.

  801. Jenny… I have spent the entire day in tears reading every comment, on both posts.. overwhelmed by it all. I can only imagine how you’re feeling! I have read the post to my boyfriend, to my children, my mother and have shared the link on facebook. I too have been in the position of asking for help… this year, I’m blessed to not be asking for help, although not in a position to give much either. I can however afford to give a little ($50 ..so one or two people).. please put me on the emergency list if you need last minute help.

    I’ve no idea when you’re cutting this off, for your sanity, I hope soon! 🙂

    Merry Christmas, Jenny. As someone else mentioned, this is an amazing paying it forward.

  802. Hi I just finished reading all the stories and comments on here..and even tho I was hoping to suprise my mom this christmas ..I see that soooo many other people need help too..I can’t help because I’m in school still, but maybe if I take back my wish for help, you can then help someone else instead of me and my mom..so please do that..I am so lucky to still have my mom around and we have some food and heat..and that more then some other people. so thanks anyway..but I wouldn’t want to stop someone from getting their christmas wish who needs it more..oh and my letter was number 1008 so you know who I am..thanks..Hilary

  803. I’m shamefully late to this, as I have been with everything this month (I have a 17-month old and I’m pregnant and work full time, so I blame the circumstances).

    My husband and I want very much to donate. Please let me know how. (Will email, too.)

  804. Put me on the list too. I can also make jewelry for moms and some cute pajama pants for kids (size 12mo – 6years) and have ’em shipped out by Tuesday. The swollen eyes and drippy nose are the best gift I’ve gotten after reading this.

    I’m a divorced mom of one who had to make some serious holiday changes this year, but with what I’ve saved from what I’ve sold and not spent – let me help. My situation is by no means dire. Hard, yes. Dire, oh hell no. If I can do another act of giving this year to make someone’s Christmas brighter, I better be on that list.

  805. I have to say, every year I get more and more frustrated with how commercialized Christmas has become, it drives me up the wall that people buy meaningless gifts and spend so much money. This has totally restored my faith in humanity, that there are people out there who actually care, and realize the reason for the season. I dont have anything to give, because as a student its tight, (and am already giving in other ways) but wanted to say that I am so happy, literally to tears, that there are those of you out there who would give. May you all be blessed for your generosity, kindness, and love.

  806. OMG. I am amazed at this! I’m kind of feeling embarrassed.. well okay.. maybe not a lot, but definitely a little.. to ask for help. Our family has had a really awful year.. husband is laid off, unemployment cuts off at the end of this month, and I’m making $9 an hour (I took what I could get) and we are a family of 4. Our son James just turned 5 and Natalie, our miracle kid (she has half of a heart) is 3. So as you can see, we are not picky people. We’ve been very lucky to get a few hundred bucks a month for food stamps but it’s $223 a month.. that’s almost 2 weeks worth of food. To make sure we have enough dinners we make a weeks’ list of what we can make and there are some days that we don’t have anything to make. Luckily, tomorrow I can go to our local food pantry.. but that’s a hit or miss in our area. We live in a very largely populated county in Colorado.
    I guess what I’m asking for is money for food. I totally understand if all of this ended, ran out of donors, etc. I mean, there are lots of people who already asked for help who probably need it more than we do… But I came across this blog through Yvonne at “Joy Unexpected” and thought “why not?”
    What you’ve done here is AMAZING. Truly truly amazing. I hope to finish reading all of the comments. lol

  807. Heard abou this on the hbcafe would like any kind of help we are a 2 parent household with 5 kids. My husband works very hard to provide for our family but every penny goes to rent and bills. We would love to have our kids get what they asked santa for but we can only do so much with our budget.. Thank you so much .We would be grateful with any help.

  808. Wow. Just…wow. In less than an hour it will be Monday morning and so far pretty much everyone who asked for help is going to matched with at least one donor. I still have another hundred emails to send out but it looks like well over 800 gift cards will be sent out if everything goes through as planned. I’ve been running on adrenaline and caffeine but I can tell I’m about to crash so I’m going to call this as of right now and say that’s it’s been the most successful, unplanned, celebration of giving that I’ve ever accidentally been in charge of.

    If you still want to help then please leave a comment because a lot of people near the end could use a bit more help to pull off a Christmas miracle for their little ones. I wish I could do more and I’m sorry that I can’t but I’m so proud of the fact that we were able to help hundreds and hundreds of people make Christmas feel special again. If you were matched with someone prior to this comment and don’t get a response from your donor by 10am Monday morning then leave me a comment. We have a few donors waiting to help people who may have fallen through the cracks. With any luck by noon tomorrow we’ll be done and I’ll give you a final total on how many people were helped.

    Thank you. To the donors and to the recipients and to the people who came to cheer on both. Thank you.

  809. Jenny, I want to say thank you to you and Tom, Lisa, and Diana. I wish there were words to adequately express my gratitude but anything I come up with just seems…less. To the silly people who say Santa’s not real? I challenge you to witness this and say that. Santa is the spirit of the holidays and it is alive and well!!!

  810. We don’t have a ton to give, but would be glad to donate gift cards or via PayPal.

    Would be thrilled to be matched with a family in need!

  811. Jenny – I’ve seen quite a few comments here for things that gift cards to Amazon can’t provide – if you have any specific needs, please let me know. I am happy to send $ for anyone looking to get Christmas groceries, etc. (hard money, not just PayPal – wanted to make that clear.)

  812. This is one of the most amazing showings of love for one another that I’ve ever seen! To and from complete strangers! This fills my heart with joy! This is what makes the world go around!

    I wish I could be on the giving end, but this year my family is in need. Not so much my 3-year-old son, Christian, as I’ve been purchasing Christmas gifts for him throughout year. Thank God, because we’re in a worse place financially than we’ve ever been before.

    It’s funny that I found out about this blog when I did, because my husband asked me tonight what I wanted for Christmas. I was stunned because I wasn’t expecting anything, and we might not have enough money in the bank account to purchase small last minute items for each other, even if we wanted to! As I stood there in the kitchen, I was trying to think of small things that I may want, like a $5 Starbucks card of a small box of chocolates; something that wouldn’t extend our bank account. I told him that the things that make me happy are the things he already does for me, like detail my car, make amazing meals, clean our house and love our son (and me) with all of his heart!

    Then I heard about this blog and thought what an amazing thing, if I put my story out there, maybe, just maybe a someone out there with a truly kind and giving heart will understand our current circumstances. A $20 gift card would mean a lot to us this year. It would be a surprise blessing if my husband and I could exchange a simple, yet thoughtful, gift this year.

    I remember past Christmases and think about the expensive gifts we used to give each other, before I was laid off work and when the economy was doing well. I think to myself, if we ever get to that better financial place again, I am never going to look at gift spending (or any kind of spending) the same way again. I’m going to be keenly aware of the folks who do not have much, and cannot give as they would like, because now I understand. Now I’ve been there. For me, this is a blessing in itself. I very much am looking forward to being once again in a place that I will be able to pay it forward.

    Thank you for listening!
    God bless every kindness on this blog and in the world.
    Julie B

  813. I can donate. $100. Just tell me how.

    I am an absolute faith (not religious) enriched
    woman when it comes to this time of year. Yule, Christmas, Solstice,
    it’s all about facing into life together.
    In old times..the worst was yet to come
    may as well celebrate what you’ve got on right now
    in case spring finds you dead.

    This year, there is a complete lunar eclipse
    on Tuesday concurrent with solstice.
    That has not happened in 300 something years, and will
    not happen again until 2094.
    If the sky is clear, look for it.

  814. I wanted to add another story to this, only related by Christmas miracles. On the outside, my little family unit looks like it’s doing just fine but my dad has been laid off for two years, my mom stays home to take care of my son while I work, and my job (pet-sitter), while completely fulfilling and awesome, is so sporadic that sometimes I get paid $100 a week, $30 a week, or nothing at all. And my kid is 3 years old. I was able to buy him a couple things for Christmas, and luckily he gets to have like 5 Christmases because his father and I are split up, but for me it came down to toys or a much-much-much needed oil change… and if I don’t have a functioning car, I can’t work, which means I can’t buy more toys in the future. So the car won. Suddenly, out of the blue, a neighbor tells my mom that he volunteers for a toy charity and that all their donees applications had been completely filled and they still had toys left over. And that he saved all the toys for my son. I’m just… touched and speechless and making him like 300 cookies to show my gratitude.

    So to all the donors out there, and donee’s turned donors, you are all amazing human beings. Hopefully next year I’ll win the lottery (or have a second job) and I can turn around and if this runs next year, throw in a gift card or two for people in my position.

    You’re all wonderful. THIS is what Christmas is all about.

  815. I feel pretty certain that I am too late to try to ask for help, so I’ll keep it short and try not to make it sound like a sob story. This is the first time I’ve ever been able to swallow my pride and ask a bunch of strangers for help. My cousin told me about this blog and what you were doing, so, I just had to come and see for myself. And after reading your post and all the following comments, I was filled with a small bit of hope. I am completely broke, and I am okay with that, I just wish that there was something I could do for my sister. She babysat for me for free and was always there to let me cry on her shoulder about my money problems, my frustrations with my ex-husband, the abuse I still suffer at his hands…She knows I’m going to be alone in my apartment for Christmas Eve and Day (because my daughter will be at her dad’s house for Christmas, unfortunately, but hopefully that will help her forget that her mommy doesn’t have any presents for her), and she even invited me over when they have so often fed me and my daughter dinner when I know they do not have that much money to provide for their own family. I’m pretty sure she loves reading (Oh, I do know her oldest daughter is very into, but doesn’t have, all those Narnia-C.S.Lewis books), movies (obsessed with all the twilight ones, I make fun of her for that!), but I don’t know. I don’t even know if any help is left, so I’m definitely not trying to give out a list of wants and needs. I’m so sorry. Even a $5 gift certificate of any sort could help. I feel so awful. I try to thank her every day for everything she has done, but, I just feel so awful. I don’t mind that I have no presents for me, no presents for my daughter, but to be able to thank my sister for all the sacrifices she has made for me would be beyond amazing. If I am able to receive anything to pass on to her, I will pay it forward doubly–I will start saving for next year on January 1st to ensure that I’m able to. Thank you for what you do, you are an inspiration, and I’m sorry to ask for help–it’s truly very hard to humble yourself enough to do that. Admitting defeat. I’m hoping and praying my daughter is too young to notice she has no presents under the tree, and I haven’t bought myself anything since she’s been born, so I’m not worried about me, but I feel my sister deserves the world for all the sacrifices she made to help me with my daughter. I’ve rambled terribly, I’m so sorry. And, it will be just fine if I’m too late, I understand. But, thank you Jenny for all of this and what you’ve done!

  816. I can send a baby sling to Bean’s friend. I have plenty on hand (used to do product reviews and product design, and have dozens still.)

    Awesome! I’ll send you her email. Thanks! ~ Jenny

  817. What an amazing thing to see! It’s so heartwarming to see such generousity from complete strangers. It really makes you believe that there is still good in the world!

    I wish I could give this year. In years past I would have, but this year my husband was laid off and has not been able to find another job. We have a 19 month old Son and I am just glad that he doesn’t really understand Christmas yet since we don’t have the money to buy him things this year. I know that next year we will not have that luxury, so in that instance we are very lucky. I don’t need anything for Christmas, I have asked everyone to just buy for our Son, and that will make me happy! I have to say that I am really looking forward to this Christmas, even without all the gifts. My plan is to bake cookies and give pictures of our Son to everyone. I know they will understand, we are definitely not alone in this. (as evident by all the posts)

    My heart goes out to everyone that is having a hard time right now. I understand. I never really did before, but I do now. And I promise that next year at this time, if I am able, I will defintely be giving and paying it forward!

  818. To Jean of Francesca Fine Jewelry and to Amber, who didn’t leave so much as an email address to track her down to thank her more personally but gave us a gift card, I want to say thank you. Not only was I able to get my mother-in-law a gift she’ll love, but I was able to get my husband the gift he really wanted, too.

  819. I am a father of 5 and a wonderful wife who goes to thrifts stores, garage sales to cloth our children She tries to make every penny I bring in count. This morning she came to me upset that we would not be able to provide the christmas our children would want. I work full time but with business being slow my hours have been cut. My wife doesnt work because she is busy with the kids and taking our son to speech and hearing appointments. I would love to be able to tell her everything will be okay and we can have a great christmas. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, A very hopeful father .

    If your wife is Gloria then you can tell her I just set her up with two donors. She beat you to it. 🙂 ~Jenny

  820. I am willing to help if you need another donor … I am in Canada but can help anywhere electronically. God Bless You, Jenny, for taking this on and making sure people get a Christmas.

  821. This is great. I’d be happy to donate a gift card or just $30 through Paypal if you still need donors.

  822. I can do a $25 gift card if you have someone without a donor. Thanks for what you’re doing!

  823. Hi everyone,

    I am also very late to this. I am so extremely touched by what I have read. In past years I have been in the position to help others and hope to be there again some day. My heart aches for those that are struggling to make it and just can’t seem to pull ahead. I know the feeling firsthand. This will be my second Christmas as a struggling single mom. I took on an extra job last month to try and make Christmas but so far all I seem to be able to do is keep my utilities from being shut off. On one hand I am so grateful for the job, as I wouldn’t be able to pay bills without it, but yet I haven’t been able to get much for Christmas for my 2 little girls. Just when I feel bad about my situation though, I meet others that are just as bad or even worse off. A lady I work with has 2 sons and I know she has nothing for them. I wish I could help her, it tears me apart to not be able to do something. I have tried to think of a way, but seeing how I barely have anything, I can’t. I figured I would see if maybe someone out there was still looking to help. I do not have any expectations and think the very fact that people out there are helping others this way is heartwarming and inspirational. Thank you everyone and Merry Christmas.

  824. I actually had a very generous someone provide me with $30 through Amazon to get a couple of Christmas presents.

    This evening, I found myself with an unexpected chunk of money, and so I’d like to give it back, so to speak, if it’s needed. I can put $30 toward an Amazon card or into PayPal if there’s still anyone left over who needs it.

    It’s not a lot, but this project (for lack of a better word) has left me feeling all warm and fuzzy and wanting to help like I was helped before I knew I could actually donate.

  825. You were wonderful to do this! If you ever get involved in something like this again, just remember-ELVES! Even those who cannot donate monetary things probably can donate time.

  826. I don’t have a whole lot of money (poor college kid), but I can send $20 to someone in need. It’s not a lot, but maybe it could help somebody?

    <3 – K

  827. I’m sure you are overwhelmed but good for you for doing such great work. I would love to donate and help someone or more than one person. Please let me know how I can help. I’ve got $100 a hole in my pocket.

  828. This is amazing. I have 2 $10 (so $20) Target Gift Cards sitting on my desk right now. It’s not much, but if they are needed please let me know!

  829. Wish i would of heard about this sooner. I have 2 kids and with a job loss this will be a safe Christmas this year

  830. Hi, I just found out about this site and the wonderful things you have done. My daughter’s house was robbed in early November and they took quite a bit of stuff. I sold a bunch of my stuff so that I could give my daughter some $$ to buy my 3 grandsons ( aged 17, 10 and 8) presents for Christmas.

    This past weekend the robbers struck again and this time they took all the the presents my daughter has gotten along with the TV,VCR, DVD player her money and jewlery. How can people do this? She is a single mother and works her tail off to provide for the kids. My youngest grandson is autistic and it has been very difficult for him. I am just so sad as I can’t replace the things for the kids. Thankfully I had gotten them a few things and kept them here.

    I would love to give someone a gift card for Christmas. I know there are others out there that are much worse off than my daughter. I don’t have a pay pal account but I can send someone a gift card if you can provide an address.

    There will be many happy people this holiday season because of you. Isn’t it mind boggling at how one thought can turn in to this wonderful outcome? I know you never in a million years thought it would but am happy that it has.

    Thanks for all you have done.


  831. thank you and yes she is. she is sleeping as I just got home from work but I am very grateful with the help our family is being given. Its just like her to beat me every single time!!!

  832. I think I’m a little late reading this, it is an amazing thing you are doing. My 10 year old son was thrilled when we found out his picture would be in the paper. He’s a great kid so he didn’t even think to be embarrassed that we were in the article about getting a food box for Christmas. My kids are the best in the world I love them so much! If I could write to Santa I think I would be asking for help with heat. We are in a tailor and we usually use a kerosene heater but I just can’t afford kerosene any more. So its going to be cold, I am hoping there is someone that can help use four electric blankets would be great! Joey will have something under the tree from Santa, I don’t care how poor we get I won’t let him not have Christmas. But I can’t do it all. If there is anyone that can help with something like that that would be great.
    Merry Christmas!!

  833. What a wonderful thing that has happened here!! I decided not to celebrate Christmas because of lack of spirit due to a rough year. Thanks for creating a spark for me Jenny and all who gave and received. Just brill!

  834. Jenny, if you still need help I can donate $40. Please let me know!
    P.S. You’re freaking awesome. Say hi to James Garfield for me!

  835. Hi you amazing fabulous woman! I got a $50 American express gift cheque from
    a vendor at work…I’d love to pass it along to someone.

  836. Wow, grateful tears here. Love, goodness, generosity, humanity. You’re all awesome. I am not in need of help today, but I also can’t offer help. I love what you’ve all done here though. AMAZING.

  837. Jenny, I already posted above, sorry not sure what number! But I can help more than one person. Happy to do two or three. Just let me know. I don’t want to hear of someone missing out.

    Just wanted to you to know that this is my first time to your blog, I have no clue who you are, what you write about and at this point I don’t care (I mean this in the nicest possible way!) I just love being part of this, something way bigger than all of us! So thanks for doing this and I look forward to getting to know you!

    Sarah (in Australia) x

  838. I saw tweets about something going on here & now I really wish I’d been speedier in coming by.

    I would really like to help. I can donate up to $100 by gift certificate or PayPal. And, if there is anyone in the CA Bay Area who specifically needs a few games for their kids, I’ve got them on hand and can deliver them whenever. They’ll go to Toys for Tots if not, but I’d love for someone from here to have them. I also have a $15 iTunes gift card that is sitting here waiting for a good home. 🙂

    Also, Jenny, you are beyond incredible. I’d be happy to help you with this next year if you still need help.

  839. Do you think you can help me? I have two boys and no gifts…..I can offer a donation of my time to a family and out with babysitting or make a meal for a family and deliver it.

    God bless…..

  840. If you are still short of donors, I’m happy to donate to one or two. I love that this thing happened. Jenny, you are wonderful.

  841. I’ve been damn lucky this year. SIgn me up for $500. If I can pay that to kennel my dog while I visit family I can pay the same to make someone’s holiday a little bit better. Sorry about being so late to the game. Been avoiding computers as of late.

    All of you are wonderful!


  842. This is absolutely amazing. It’s it’s not too late and there is still someone that needs help, I’d love to donate $100 either via gift card or PayPal.

    You have an incredible heart.

  843. This is making me cry, and I really don’t want any more reasons to cry this year. I wish I could help, I am just very lucky that someone is helping me right now. Unless someone really wants an obscene amount of yarn for Christmas? I would be happy to send that along. Jenny, I hope you don’t sleep through your own Christmas – you’ve done an amazing thing here – how amazing that your life led you to this point, however circuitously, so that you could help everyone who’s been helped this Christmas.

  844. wasn’t sure i would be able to help, but i was just given a small gift of money (25$) which i would be willing to buy a gift card with, or send the money via paypal if the need is still out there. i’ve been reading this since you started wishing i could help, knowing that my husband and i are just scraping by and didn’t really have the means to help. i got a christmas card in the mail today with 25$ and as soon as i saw it i knew just what i wanted to do!
    i know i’m waaay late to the party, and maybe everyone is matched up. if that’s the case, i would be willing to send the card to you, so that you will have it for next year if you like. if not i will donate the money on my own to a charity in my area. THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS!!!!

  845. My husband and I would love to help someone out this year with $50. We both remember being told Santa might not make it, and would like to help out where we can. I don’t know what makes me cry more, the heartbreaking stories, or the heartwarming giving of others.

  846. Longtime lurker, but I had to come out of my shell to see if I could help. I can donate $30 if anyone still needs it.

  847. Maybe this is a long shot… I’ve been on unemployment for the last two years and it will end the end of this month. I have a beautiful 10 month old boy who brings the best out of me everyday. He is so happy, giggly and just melts everyones heart. Without him I don’t know where I’d be. My husband lost his job two months ago and we’ve been surviving on what I can get on food distribution places. Our rent is 995 and with only getting my son a $5 gift of a sippy cup he needs we only come up with 500. I dont know what will happen. I’ve been blessed with handme down clothes and toys from friends for my son. They cut off our gas last month and it took two weeks for me to come up with the payment. Let me tell u mac n cheese doesnt taste as well in the micro as it does on the stovetop. Im starting school again in January but am nervous as I dont know how we will survive. If there anything anyone can help with I’d so appreciate it. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! God Bless!

  848. Every single time I read a new update, comment, etc. about this, I tear up. This is absolutely incredible and heart-warming. Thank you SO much for making this year’s Christmas special and wonderful.

  849. to BEAN (#982) – I have a code to get a sling gift-set from http://www.sevinslings.com for $5 (regularly $45) plus $9.95 shipping & handling… if there is anyone who can help pay for it I’d love to be able to share the code to get your friend the sling she needs!! Merry Christmas to everyone!!

  850. Wow, what an amazing thing. Christmas…as I was taught is about giving. So how can you hold your head up when you have nothing to give and 4 kids waiting for Santa? I kept telling myself something would come up to allow me to get the kids just what they wanted, but this year was extremely tough. I know I am late, and I know many are ahead of me…but if there is anything left for the late people, please keep me in mind. I have 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys, and anything you can help with would be great. I have been searching for employment for over a year, and there simply are no jobs here. I do get help with food, but all my utilities are behind and with record cold temperatures already, it will only get worse. Merry Christmas to all, and Jenny, thanks for your huge heart and act of kindness. You will forever be remembered, and what a great example to us all.

  851. @ soitnly – Ron! You are awesome and totally made me tear up! I love the way you think!!!

  852. I would love to help if you still need donations. Merry Christmas 🙂 Thoughts and prayers going out to all these amazing families <3

  853. I’m late to this, but I could donate $50 to someone who needs help. You’re amazing for setting all of this up!

  854. I commented back on the first post, but I never actually asked for help, so if it’s not too late, I’d like to join the ever-growing list of people who could use a little help this year. My last couple of years have been crazy- my apartment got broken into twice, health issues meant I had to quit my job and move back home, my car got repossessed and I had to scramble to borrow money to get it back.

    If donors are short, please please help someone with kids first, but if there are still donors looking to help, I could seriously use money for food and necessities. And ugh, I hate asking. I so look forward to being able to give help instead of ask for it, especially after being on this side and knowing how much even the smallest act of kindness can mean when you’re in need!

    Lots of love to everyone else who is struggling, and to everyone who has reached out to total strangers to give them some hope.

  855. There is a family we are trying to raise money for. The mom has been fighting Cancer for seven years (she is only 31) and is currently at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Illinois (we are in CA). The dad has been flown there to be with her so they may not be together for Christmas. Funds are tight because of the expense of the treatment and the fact that she has not been able to work. Now it looks like the dad could lose his job because of all the time off he has had to take.
    This is so very sad. They are a very loving and giving family. Even this year with all that is going on the dad volunteered to coach two of his daughter’s soccer teams. Any help they could get would be greatly appreciated – there is one person coordinating the effort to raise money and I can forward her info to anyone that can help. Thank you for opening up this avenue of giving!

  856. I would really like to help. I don’t have much, but I could throw 20 down for someone who probably needs it more than I do.

  857. If there is anyone who is still in need of small help I would love to get involved. My wife and I don’t have a ton, but we could certainly help out someone less fortunate than us.

  858. Hi, Jenny. Please count me in as someone who can help donate. I don’t know if you’re still short nine donors, but I’m here if you need me!

    BTW, you are made of all kinds of awesome. Merry Christmas!

  859. If you still have anyone in need let me know, I would be happy to donate a $25 giftcard from Amazon. I don’t earn very much myself but I have a family that has always helped me when I needed it and have never had to worry about presents under the Christmas Tree.

  860. 6am Monday morning…I am willing to help in anyway neccessary. Let me know.
    I haven’t done any of my Christmas shopping yet, so allow me to start here.

  861. I just want to add that besides all the joy you have brought to those receiving and those giving, you have brought HOPE to so many more. In this moment it does feel as if it’s a wonderful world. That is a gift to us all.

    thank you.

  862. I work overnights throughout Christmas weekend so I will barely get to see my daughter at all. It has come to this a lot lately dine I go to school during the day and work at night. Being a single mom is tough and I try to make sure she knows how much I love her even though I am not there. I barely have enough to pay the bills and get food and gas. She is 4 now and is really excited about the whole Santa thing. I know she will be heartbroken when Santa does not show up. I really don’t know how to give her something to make her smile just a little this year. Feeling a bit like a failure.

  863. I just stumbled on this blog completely by accident, but reading about the truly amazing thing you’ve done has made my morning, I’m really moved by it. I wish I could afford to get involved, but I’ll have to settle for telling you that you, and everyone who has helped, are totally awesome.

  864. Thank you Jenny for matching me with someone… I hoped that despite being a very late party attendee that I would be able to help.

    You see, I have this amazing colleague at work. This colleague has a beautiful piece of watermelon quartz as a necklace and I had asked where she had gotten it.. her sister’s store. When she went to help her sister at her store this summer, I asked her if she could pick me up a piece and I would give her money for it when she got back. A few weeks ago, on my desk appeared a tiny velvet jeweler’s bag and inside a tiny sliver of watermelon quartz in the most beautiful colours. Attached was a sticky-note.. “Enjoy!” When I asked her what I owed her, she told me to pay it forward.

    Thank you Jenny for having the courage, the energy, the extended caffeinated days.. to make this happen, and to your family for being understanding and supportive while your spreadsheets make you see rectangles in your sleep. You truly have become a Christmas angel.

  865. I was just told about this via email this morning–if you need add’t help with funds PLEASE email me at MikiHope********** I will send funds to a PayPal account as a GIFT so that no one gets a fee!!!
    I only wish I had known about this earlier!!

  866. If anyone (especially in Australia) needs it, I can help out with $50.

    Jenny, you are the best. This is my favourite new Christmas tradition.

  867. Jenny, I’ve got a $100 Amazon gift card with a family’s name on it if you still are still needing donors at this late hour. You’ve got my email and I’m also on Twitter if it’s easier for you to find me there.

  868. This is amazing. My girlfriend just told me she couldn’t get her daughter anything this year so we are trying to help her out with that. I love to be able to help her get some assistance. Her name is Kaileigh thank you.

  869. I’m aware that I’ve come to this quite late, but if you still need donors, I can give $40

  870. Hi jenny, if you still need people to help, plase let me know what I can do. Thank you.

  871. Hello there, I just read about your blog for a facebook friend. I was reading through all of the wonderful work you are doing for those needing some help this holiday season.

    I am an extremely low income single mother of 3, two of which have special needs. I don’t get any assistance other than financial aid to go to school and I survive with that. This year I managed to save up enough to get each of my children a couple of gifts each and have a little left over.

    I would like to be matched up with someone and I will send them a $30 gift card. It isn’t a lot but it is the best I can do.

    I also have some very gently used (hardly even noticeably used) toys for Toddlers that I could send if anyone wants them.


  872. Count me in to send a gift card or paypal donation if there are still people in need.

  873. I’m terribly late for this but I’d love to help if it’s still possible. I’d like to give 60$ but I’m in Spain, so unless there are other options I don’t know about, it’d probably have to use either an Amazon gift card or Paypal.

    Thank you so much for this, Jenny. Amazing does not begin to cover it.

  874. Wow! Just reading this had brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could help. It amazes me to see the outpouring of love and goodwill that your post has inspired!

  875. Please let me know if you still need help. I just found out about this and would be so happy to be a part of it.

  876. i would be happy to donate gift cards – please let me know who and where. thank you!

  877. In honor of James Garfield, I have a $100 Visa gift card I’d like to donate to a family in need.

  878. Jenny,
    I have not had to ask for help for 20 years because all my kids are grown!!! Now we are lucky enough to have four beautiful granddaughters. But we have 3 more on the way any day!!! Our oldest daughter has two of the grandaughters and twins on the way, she has not been able to work (Bed rest) for 3 months and we can only help so much. So if there is any chance that there is still any help out there we would be so grateful!!! What you have started is amazing. I remember getting help once when my kids were small, then for the last 20 years the school where i work does a gift tree for some of our families in need. This is the first year i have not helped.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas

  879. i am here to ask for help for my niece. saturday morning she was assaulted by her boyfriend. she called me from the hospital crying as she waited to have her face sewn back together. while she was in the emergency room her finance company called and told her they had gps on her car and they were coming to reposess it. they did. she also missed work that day because of the assault and found out this morning that she no longer has a job. she doesnt have internet so she has no way to ask for this help herself. shes a hard working mom and she didnt deserve any of this that happened to her. if you could send help to her, through me and my email, i would make sure she gets it. thank you so much .. and god bless.

  880. Jenny – thank you so much for all of your work on this! If you still need donors, let me know. I would be happy to help.

  881. I have a family on my son’s soccer team that won’t be getting any Christmas gifts this year. They have 7 children and I wanted to help but am unable too this year.

  882. Money has been tight all around but I have been able to provide presents for my firends and family. I would like the opportunity to help someone less fortunate.

    Let me know how I can help. I can provide $25-$30. I know its not much but it may make a difference to someone in need.

  883. I was matched up with someone, in the beginning she was simply SG, then as the emails continued she became S. lastname, then S fistname lastname. In our final email she just signed love firstname. She even told me to stop sending her money because she was able to afford stocking stuffers and gifts. She made me cry with how touching she is. She is so much stronger then I ever will be. Thank you jenny for not only allowing me to be able to help a family but by giving me a new found friend. I am the one who is truly lucky this season. xo

  884. Jenny I can do a $30 gift card/visa if you need it!
    This is an amazing thing you’ve done, you’ve made the world a little brighter for so many people!

  885. just got my christmas bonus… a litte more than i expected! yay! would absolutely, more than anything, love to help. i can donate $25 to $35. just tell me how 🙂

  886. A special THANK YOU to Becky for opening your heart and sharing a much appreciated gift card with a stranger! Blessings to you!!

  887. If you are still matching, please include me. I would love to help. Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness in organzing this Jenny. Hope there is still time because I want to help spread the word too…

  888. we can spare $30. would love to help if there’s still a need.
    thanks so much for doing this! 🙂

  889. Getting here late because I’ve been incommunicato for the weekend. On the off chance that someone out there still needs a hand, I’ve got some dollars in my pocket I can overnight to do my part.

  890. Thank you Jenny and all of your Christmas Angels! It is so humbling to part of a movement that is fueled by so much love and consideration. Enabling so many children to have that excitement and thrill that goes along with the Christmas Season, it has just gotten hard to find the words to express so much appreciation. Thanks to my Christmas Angels, Erin & Rachel. One day, when Christmas isn’t so magical for my children I will get to renew that magic by telling them about Jenny, Erin & Rachel and how blessed they were and didn’t even know it!

    I cannot wait to be in a position to be able to help a family next year! Thank you for the inspiration to make it through this difficult time in our lives. <3

  891. It seems like I have seen this kind of late but am more than willing to help. Please let me know how I can help if you still need it.

  892. I had to stop by and tell you again how much I appreciate your help. Yesterday I left a comment about how I had my husband read this post. We have been fighting for my husbands disability for 5 years now and with me only working part time it has put a great strain on our family and my kids have to without quite a bit of stuff. We have to pay for all his meds out of our own pocket and that and the bills ( which we are 4 months behind on) take everything we have. Thankfully we do get food stamps to eat on.
    What I am thankful for today is the way you restored faith and life into my husband. We have done nothing but fight all month long. HIm being stressed out because he has no way to help me with the finances and me stressed out because I was not going to be able to get anything for my children. After reading this post and getting the little bit of help we got from here yesterday he cried, this morning he is a new person. He is loving and caring and it is a nice change from the hard and callas attitude we have all had to deal with for quite some time now.
    You have brought me back the man that I married and you have no idea how much that means to me. All you Angels are amazing. We were able to get a couple gifts for my children. Some of them wont be here in time for Christmas but that is ok, we will have 2 Christmas’s which we have not ever done before. This has enabled me to now concentrate on other things that I need to do like heating and other bills. You truly are angels all of you and I probably would have never asked for help had I not be directed here.
    My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you.

  893. Thanks for matching me up Jenny! For anyone that needs to purchase gift certificates for children’s clothing as donations here is an offer. Buy a gift certificate to my store http://www.childhoodwayboutique.com and email me. I will add an additional $25 in merchandise to their order. Email us and let us know you are purchasing a gift certificate for the secret santa and who you are purchasing it for. We will take care of the rest!

    Keep opening your hearts !

  894. Hey Jenny, I’d love to help if it’s not too late. Let me know! I don’t cry very easily, but I sit and tears flow just feeling the love flow off the computer screen. What a lovely thing you and everyone involved has done this season. I want to be a part of it! Match me up with someone… I’ll be glad to help.

  895. I have been reading your blog for quite a while, but have never commented before now. I just want to say how incredibly amazing and moving this all is. I’m sitting in my office reading and trying to hold back the tears before someone walks in and asks what I’m doing – at which point I would likely start bawling AND be caught out reading blogs during work hours! It was going to be a dollar store Christmas for my 2 kids this year, but thankfully we were able to rearrange some payments, and had a bit of money come through so we’ll be alright. Just wanted to let everyone know how amazing you all are, both givers and receivers. It is a very hard thing to ask for help, but to do it so your kids will still be able to believe in Santa and smile at Christmas is as selfless as being the one donating.

  896. Hi!
    This is a wonderul community outreach, pretty amazin
    I was pointed in your direction Via Neil Kramer and I am happy to donate if you still need help.

    Happy Holidays to all,

  897. We’re tight on cash this year, but if it’s not too late we do have an American Girl doll (Samantha) that my girls NEVER played with. Still has stockings and shoes and everything. I even still have her box. She should find a new home with a girl who will love her! I’m in NC, so I think UPS will arrive by Christmas Eve on the east coast even if it doesn’t go out until Tuesday or Wednesday. Let me know if I can ship her out somewhere!

  898. I too would love to donate if you need an extra donor. I’d like to donate $50. Email me if there’s someone who needs a match!

  899. I’d be happy to donate if you still have people that need matches. Just send me the details.

  900. I’m late too – but also happy to help out. It is quite humbling to know how many good people there are who are prepared to help strangers – it gives me faith in humanity and I’d be super happy to be a part of it. What a brilliant idea – Merry Christmas! xx

  901. Another late arriver. I can chip in a $40 gift card if it’s still needed. You are all amazing and epitomize the Christmas spirit. Thank you.

  902. If it’s not too late, I’m in for $100. Thanks for thinking of and implementing this.

  903. Jenny, if anyone else doesn’t have a donor, I can send an electronic Amazon gift certificate. People can still order today to receive things by Christmas.

    This is just… amazing. I have done my normal charity stuff this year but I can’t help but feeling that I’d like to do more. It’s great that this is so tangible and that the donors and recipients are even chatting with each other. I love it!

  904. This is truly amazing. It really is. I’m not in the position to give right now, nor am I bad off enough to need to ask for help. But I’m just thrilled to see how many people are giving, to strangers, no less.

  905. Totally late to the party but humbled and awed. I’d love to help out – just send me an email if more is needed.

  906. I am a photographer in the Twin Cities, MN area. I wish I had thought of this sooner, read your previous post sooner, and commented sooner, but I would love to offer a free portrait session to a local family in need. I will also throw in a free 8×10 and a few smaller prints. It won’t be in time for Christmas, but a family portrait session is a very special way to capture some memories. Please email me if you are interested in setting this up, and either way, THANK YOU for starting this whole enterprise. You have an amazing, amazing community here and I am proud to be a reader of your blog!

  907. Merry Christmas! I can help with some cash or a gift card if anyone still needs it. Just let me know what to do.

  908. Normally I would be here to donate. I always try to plan for this time of year. This year it seems one thing after another. Car troubles, child support backing up and they can’t tell me why and I just got news this morning that one of my daycare mom’s (its what I do for work) can’t pay me until after the holidays. Um… that WAS the holidays for my three kids… it was also to cover what I just paid on the gas bill. I’m not sure where this leaves me now. My kids will not starve, but I’m not sure they will have much to open Christmas morning.

  909. I can donate.

    Amazon, Pay pal… or if there is a Canadian in need. I can get a package out thru the post.

    Proud to be one of your Christmas minions.

  910. If you still need donors, glad to help. Just found your blog thanks to Mom-101, and what a great Christmas gift you’ve given! Totally cool!!

  911. I already sent some money, but I’d be happy to be on stand by in case someone falls through the cracks, or you end up still needing donors.

  912. Jenn just when you thought it was winding down again I believe you have more donors than recievers again.you are wonderful people.I have donated a couple of the giftcards I got to a single mom of 4 kids I’ve known forever. If there are extra donors I can help her a little more.she doesn’t have a computer so I am doing this for her.

  913. Please let me know if there is still something I can do. Jenny, you’re amazing. Thank you so much for doing this. Merry Christmas!

  914. Please let me know if there is still anything I can do to help. You’re awsome, Jenny. Thanks so much for doing this. Merry Christmas!

  915. I have a couple hundred bucks going begging. Let me know if you’ve got someone with a big need.

  916. For #894 to the secret santa who helped out my friend. You are amazing, thoughtful, generous and kind. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!! It will mean more to this family than you will ever know. Lots of love and a Merry Christmas from our families to yours.

    Jenny, what you have done here is truly a miracle. THANK YOU!!

  917. I am not a regular reader, but came here from Donna’s post on Quiet Life, where I am a regular. 🙂 Please let me know if you still need $. I can donate $100.

    Bless you for doing this!


  918. Hello Jenny and Friends,

    You are all truly miracle workers. I know I’m late to the game, but a little birdie pointed me in your direction. Reading this thread has brought me to tears, both for the people who are struggling and the wonderfully kind souls who are performing miracles of kindness and generosity.

    It’s humbling to find myself in a position of need because I’ve always enjoyed helping others, especially during the holidays. I was a 4th grade teacher up until last year, when I was laid off due to large-scale layoffs in my area. Luckily, I’ve found other (albeit much lower paying work) and am so grateful to be able to afford food and shelter for myself and my younger brother who lives with me and I take care of. The reason I am writing to you today is because I’d love nothing more than to be able to buy my younger brother some Christmas presents this year. He has had a very difficult year physically, emotionally, and spiritually and I’d love to be able to have something under the tree for him Christmas morning. I’ve been working feverishly on hand-made Christmas gifts for him, but I’d really love to gift him something from his wish-list. Thank you so very, very much for all of your hard work and generosity. It has restored my faith in humanity.

    With Love,

  919. Hi Jenny, I don’t need any help, and as much as I wish I could donate I’m not able to right now. I just came to add my voice to the cheering section; this whole thing has been so amazing and heartwarming and real. I didn’t realize how cynical I’d been growing in the past couple of years until this overwhelming flow of generosity and love and community forced me to face the sad fact that I just don’t expect this kind of goodness from humans anymore. I’ve never been so happy to be wrong! Maybe there’s some hope for this world after all. I’ve been wanting to come and say that for a few days now, but I didn’t want to add to the pile of stuff you had to wade through until you’d gotten some rest and things had slowed down a little. BLESS YOU, Jenny, for being the kind of person that inspires others to reconnect with their own humanity and with the humanity of strangers. You are a rare gift in this world, and you are loved by so many! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  920. I just wanted to say thank you to Jenny for reading my letter for help and matching me up with Becky steammeupkid..You are like a real Santa’s magic elf!! Thank you and I sooo hope you do this next year so I can come back and be a helper next time!! Becky you are more than awesome, you are the most super coolest person EVA!! Thanks to you I’ll be able to really surprise my sick mom this christmas!! I can’t wait to see her face on Christmas morning and then show her this awesome site too!! I haven’t been this excited about Christmas since I was a real little kid..and it’s not even for me!! I’m in the 9th grade now, so I haven’t believed in Santa Claus since I was a really little girl..but thanks to you and Jenny and all the super cool people on here, I believe now!! XOXO 🙂

  921. Salwa Bullard – That is a great idea! I hope you don’t mind if I do the same… I don’t have much to offer in the way of money or gift cards and I have two angels offering to help me from here… but this is something I can do if there is anyone out there. I’m in the western NY area if there is a family that would like a portrait session here I will do just that free of charge and put some photos on a disk for them. Just let me know!

  922. It just occurred to me how much Nancy W. Kappes, Paralegal, wouldve fucking loved this. I don’t have much money, but I can do a giftcard/paypal if there is still need.

  923. Good Morning Jenny!

    You are absolutly amazing and I love stopping by your little corner of the web. I cheerfully bought your James Garfield cards (hello, awesome!) and am BEYOND THRILLED to know what you did with the money. And also with what you are doing here. I have been there (unemployed, hopeless, and then some) and I know how it sucks at your soul and heart. I am better now (not hugely, but I am now comfortably away form the daily fright I once had) and would like to pass something on. I would love to contribute $30.

    Merry Yule and may you be blessed by the diety of your choice!


  924. I have a quick question :). So everyone that posted up until 1033 will recieve a donor? That’s what I think the last post you made said. I have posted about help with Christmas dinner, but I totally understand if that isn’t possible :).

    That’s right. I have you matched with two donors so hopefully you’ll hear something soon. ~ Jenny

  925. Jenny, I have $100 in my Amazon account, and I have Prime on my account so anything I order will get there Wed, Thurs at the latest. Match me up with someone – I want to help!

  926. I can donate a $30 Amazon gift card or paypal or whatever people prefer. Would be happy to be on a back-up list or just make the donation.

    {I realize this is late and you must be running on fumes — or Christmas spirit!}

  927. I was looking for a way to do something like this – please put me don – card or via paypal – please let me know.

    SO FRIGGIN’ COOL! I’m going to start something like this at my businesss!


  928. Late to the game this morning, but if there is still a need for helpers, please match me up with anyone who needs. I am able to give $50.

  929. I know I’m late in the game, but if there is anyone that needs a donor or help with anything at all, I’m here!!!
    I’ve had a *furiously happy* year this year and want to help others that are in need!

  930. Thank you.

    Miracles do happen and wishes do come true. Hope is the greatest gift of all and I’m thankful to be part of this amazing event. Santa can bring something this year and my daughters will have new tights to wear on Christmas Day.

    Love to ALL of you!

  931. This is amazing and beautiful and moving. I wish I could do something to help out monetarily, but since I can’t right now, I just thought I’d drop a comment to let everyone know how phenomenal I think this is. I am very nearly in tears. You are all amazing people. Thanks for proving that people actually don’t suck at all (as I sometimes feel we do) – in fact, quite the opposite.

  932. Please email me if you still have a need. We would like to help. This is what Christmas is all about!! Thank you for helping all these families.

  933. To Kathleen: My heart is so full and I can’t keep the tears from my eyes. Thank you so much for your love filled generous donation. You have made Christmas for me and my family! God bless you and all those you hold dear.
    To Jenny: Thank you for making all this possible. You have yourself a new reader and someone willing to pay it forward next year! Merry Christmas!

  934. WOW! This morning I opened my email and someone had sent the 2 boys I spoke of in comment 948 a gift card!!! They will be thrilled. I did send the person an email thanking them but not sure it will get to the right person SOooooooo I want to thank that person from the bottom of my heart. I will make sure the boys know where it came from. I’m sure they will be forever grateful. I will never understand how or why their parents chose to give them up and place them in a home…they are 2 of the nicest kids I’ve ever met.
    JENNY…you along with all these kind hearted people are simply AWESOME!!! If you need any assistance with all this let me know and I’ll jump in…that’s what MOM’s do! LOL I know all too well that donations and pairing up recipients can be overwhelming since you don’t want to leave anyone out.
    I had a local high school coach contact me about new shoes for one of her runners. I posted on FB and within minutes someone pledged to buy her a pair. I had 2 pizza places volunteer to donate 25 pizza’s each for the homeless shelter I’ve been trying to help out with 99 residents. My heart is just swelling with all the kindness I’ve seen this year despite the horrible economic situation of so many!
    I just had a MOM with 9 kids ask me where to turn for help this year. I’m trying to hook her up with help in our area. Her husband has lupus and is now disabled. She was a home health aide and her 2 clients have both since passed away so she is now unemployed. I’ve invited them to our very crowded home for Christmas Eve I invite all the neighbors and friends I have with no families over that night and Santa brings each kid a gift. Now mind you not a big gift but something. I’m hoping to run out this week and buy 9 more gifts since she told me they’d love to come! Now I just have to sell a few of my own things on ebay real quick to pay for them. LOL
    My hub keeps asking me when I stop trying to help everyone….well we all know that’s not gonna happen. I can’t stop! LOL Some of us are here to help and I feel that’s my calling. Everyone needs a Hand up sometimes and we are all a few paychecks away ourselves from being in a very hard place in life. I will find a way…I always do!
    You my dear are a wonderful girl! Enjoy your time with your Mother. You so deserve it!
    Remember we may not be rich in others terms but we are rich afterall! All we have to do is look in the eyes of our children and we know just exactly what being rich really means!
    What make a person rich? Is it money or a great job? None of the above…its the happiness in your heart and the love that you share. Sooo…that being said…I am rich beyond belief and I’d have to say so are all these readers and commenters…AND you Jenny! God bless you sweetie. Big hugs! If you need any help please don’t hesitate to let me know!

  935. Hi Jenny. I commented on the first post but I didn’t receive an email. I hate to ask again, I know you are busy but it really would help us out. We still have no car or gas and the boys are already feeling our problems more than they should.. Anyway, I just wanted to check in. I would love to be able to get my two boys (3 & 15 months) something.

    Oh and I did check my my spam folder but didn’t see it.

    Setting you up with a new donor now. ~Jenny

  936. Really really late to the party, but I’d love to donate if you need more. This is amazing.

  937. This has been one of those years when it just didn’t feel like Christmas. Sure, the snow is blanketing everything in western New York, and Christmas carols are everywhere and the Salvation Army bell ringers are out and people are driving like assholes, but it just didn’t feel like Christmas. And the truth is, it really hasn’t for the last few years. Long gone are the days of waiting in great anticipation for Santa to arrive, and the days sitting with family by my late Uncle’s fireplace on Christmas are so buried in memory that they’re hard to retrieve. It’s not that Christmas has been bad, it just hasn’t been like it used to be.

    When did “giving to others” become synonymous with “lining up at 2 a.m. outside of Best Buy on the day after Thanksgiving to buy flat screen TVs for kids who don’t even have sufficient motor skills yet to hold the remote control?” I certainly don’t think it’s a bad thing to buy TVs for your kids—but seriously? Where the hell did all of this greed come from?

    We’re dangerously close to taking a holiday—the name of which we’re arguing over whether or not is acceptable to be said in public—about peace, joy, and love, and turning it into a reason to stomp over each other in stores, fight for parking spots, and make retail employees work insane hours instead of spending time with their families. What the hell is wrong with our society?

    But when I read your post, I realized the Christmas spirit isn’t completely gone. Thank you, Jenny and everyone else here, for restoring my faith in Christmas and in people. Thanks for reminding me of the true meaning of Christmas.

  938. Hi Jenny,

    I would love to help in some way if it’s still needed. I can provide a $30 gift card or a donation to a pay pal account. What are you doing is truly amazing. Thank you!

    Happy Holidays!

  939. Good Morning, this is a wonderful amazing holiday and a big thank you to all who are helping. Yes, it has made me cry buckets into my coffee. I have a bit of an unusual request. My sister in law is raising my niece alone and was homeless for awhile. They are both now safely housed but still struggle to make it, day by day. Sis in law has fibro and niece is an exceptional child who helps mom all she can. She is eight years old. My Amy is very resourceful and tries very hard to be pro active and productive. Please visit her website and purchase some of her amazing handmade creations. The little girl needs clothing and auntie here has made some for her. It would be a wonderful Christmas for my sis in law to actually have some cash from sales to care for her daughter. Thank You to all of you and God Bless You, everyone! https://sites.google.com/site/artamyahocom/home wonderful handmade, eco friendly items!

  940. I am so sad that I missed out on this 🙁 This year my 15 year old son isnt expecting anything for Christmas. but I woulda hwv loved to been able ot have a nice dinner for us. Instead we will be eating the usual what ever is in the cupboard! I would spend my money on a turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pie, and potatoes. We can eat cheaper by just keeping to our regular menu. My other son is on college on the other side of the country. THis is one of teh reasons why I am so broke! I have to pay his rent, my rent and buy us all food! My sons Christmas wish is an Xbox.. maybe next year, I told him!

  941. I also wanted to say (nursing baby makes it really hard to type sometimes so I kept it short) that you are all amazing. This time of year is so hard for so many & you hear so often of people going without (never thought it’d be me!) or people getting caught up in the stress of the holidays, that it’s nice to see so much of the opposite. I plan to tell my oldest about the real live angels I’ve read about today & when my little ones are older & don’t think Santa (who never struggles) is to thank for it all, I will tell them too.
    Merry Christmas.

  942. Jenny…I missed all of this. I was reading your archives…and made it through all of them (you are awesome). If you’re still doing this…and if people still need help, I’m in. I can be a donor.

  943. Hi Jenny

    I know this is very late but haven’t had any internet access until this morning. I can donate 40.00 if you still need donors. I can give a gift card or (if you can explain how it is done) send money through my paypal account.

    Sorry this is so late, and thanks for helping so many people

  944. Jenny, I’m a regular reader and have been catching up on the last few posts after a crazy week. I don’t comment often, but I want to say thank you for your original post starting this outpouring of love and kindness, and for the hours of energy and effort you have put into managing it all. I hope you get some rest soon, and just wanted to offer to be a back-up donor if someone still needs a small gift card. Our finances have been tighter than usual this year, but after reading all of the comments, I’m so much more aware of how fortunate we are to have a great support system and the ability to get what we need plus a few small gifts for our kiddo. If there is still someone in need of help, or anyone near me who might benefit from some toddler clothes or other items, please add me to the list to contribute.

    I’m in awe of the spirit and kindness of everyone here, and so inspired by it all… Thank you for reminding me how many good people there are in the world. 🙂

  945. I just wanted to post and say thank you so much to my wonderful donors. I really needed and appreciate that Christmas Miracle. I will pay it forward next year, and I’m paying it forward this year. My son has outgrown some clothing and jackets and toys, so I’m going to get together a box to give away on Freecycle. Even when you have nothing, there can still be a way to give something.
    Again, thank you. You are all so wonderful.

  946. This is amazing and I have tears streaming down my face. There are some awesome people out there and sometimes we really need a reminder that there are.

    My family is unable to buy anything this Christmas for our two children, age 2 and newborn. Our newborn daughter is running out of clothes that fit her and we use cloth diapers but she is getting too big for the sizes we have. Everytime we get anything saved, we end up needing to spend it on bills because we are coming up short. If you do have an extra donor, we would greatly appreciate being able to provide something for our kids this Christmas. Thank you and you are amazing.

  947. Maybe I’m too late, but I’d love to be able to help someone out. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, and thank you for spreading this homemade Christmas miracle.

  948. I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes. THIS is what Christmas is all about. I would love to help if I can. How wonderful of you to organize this and for your community to band together like this.

  949. I have 5 kids, and we are all healthy. We have a house to live in and food to eat. So asking for help seems selfish. I got laid off, and in this economy, that means that my husband’s paycheck must go to all the bills and necessities, which leaves nothing for frivolities. My kids understand, though. In this season of giving, they are more concerned with not being able to get gifts for each other or my husband and I than they are about getting the hottest new toy. Perhaps if there is someone out there who would like to help out, they would consider “adopting” one of my kids for Christmas. They don’t need much. Maybe just some new pajamas or shoes. And a Baby’s First Christmas ornament for the baby. It makes me sad that I can’t be one of the ones helping out this year. In years past, my family has adopted another family for Christmas. We always try to pick kids that are the same ages as my children so that they can get gifts for the kids that they’d like to receive themselves. I think they understood that those might be the only gifts those kids got, and they were very generous. It hurts to see us in that situation now. But at least we have each other, which is more than some people, and for that, I consider myself very blessed. Thanks to everyone who is helping make a difference this year. Hopefully next year I can be back on the other side of the generosity.

  950. Simply amazing… I am more then happy to help, drop me a quick line if there is anything I can do.

  951. Let me know if someone’s still in need… I’ve already placed my Christmas Jar, but I certainly can comeup with some more somethin for anyone who needs it.. Jenny, you’re the bestest …

  952. I know this is late, but our family really needs some help this year. I was a stay at home mom and my husband worked for a factory making auto parts. His factory closed January 1st of last year and it has been a really rough year for us. We had to move away from all of our friends and family just to so he could find work at a Walmart. We work opposite shifts because we cannot afford daycare. Neither of our employers will give us full-time hours. I just started working a seasonal position, but I will be out of work again in January. Since my husband works at Walmart, there is a good chance his hours will be cut after the holidays too.

    Bless everyone for what you are doing. This is truly amazing and inspiring.

  953. Hey. I’m sorry to bother you Jenny, but you said to let you know if we hadn’t heard from our donors by 10 today. I still haven’t heard from anyone and it’s 11 here. I was originally comment 640. My email is kankan@BLUmail.org so I’m not sure if it’s a simple email typo from the donor or if there was an issue on their end.

    Thanks for all that you’re doing Jenny.

    Setting you up with another donor. ~Jenny

  954. I really need help to give my grandkids a nice Christmas. My husband is on disability and I am unable to work. My son-in-law has been working hard to keep their home out of foreclosure and my daughter has not been able to get a job. She and I have been collecting building materials that people are giving away on freecycle to someday build us a house. We are living in a travel trailer now. My daughter took in her sister-in-laws 6 children, so there are 8 children to buy for. Any help we can get to give these children something for Christmas would be greatly appreciated.

  955. Sorry to be a slacker-responder – I’m just reading this post right now. Please contact me if you need a donor. I’d be happy to purchase up to a $50 gift card from any store represented on giftcards.com or egiftcertificates.com. THANK YOU for organizing – it’s no small feat and an amazing accomplishment!! Happy Holidays, L.

  956. I missed this whole chaotic, wonderful, spirit-lightening post last week!

    I am available to be a donor for about $50 if you still need it!

    <3 Minions OBVIOUSLY have big hearts. 😉


  957. Still me, logging in with a better email address. Please count me in for $50, just let me know how best to do it.

  958. For post 1203 (hanna)…..My name is Betty and I left a post hoping to get help with a gift for each of my two boys, but I think I was to late! However In my post I said I would love to “pay it forward” to a family by helping them with the gift of my time……I dont know where you live, but if I can bring you and your son a Christmas meal, I will! I do not have gifts to give my boys, but I did receive have a Ham and some of the trimmings from an “Elf” and would love to share. I was feeling so sad about the Holidays and having nothing to give my kids is heartbreaking, but when I read Hannas post about not having a x-mas meal for her son…..I broke down in tears, and I feel blessed that I DO HAVE A MEAL FOR MY SONS! Maybe it is time to tell them the true meaning of Christmas is to give, not receive.

    Jenny you are the flippin bomb! I dont know you, but I love you….

    Thank you for being you!

  959. My mother has received so much help and support from “secret santas” and she would like to pay it forward as much as she can! She makes beautiful jewelry from real stones and jewels at http://www.seagreenexpressions.com and is offering 15% off for anyone that mentions Jenny’s name or website! Thank you to everyone who helped her this Christmas, it meant the world to her and I!

  960. Came over from Donna @ Quiet Life…as we struggle to survive one day at a time, this has been such an uplifting, spirtual read, that has brought many tears. No way to donate this year, but I’m in for next year. The joy you will have brought to so many…overwhelming. It’s never easy asking for help as many have and we’ve had to do in recent months, but I “believe” it will get better. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you’ve restored my faith in mankind. I’ve always told my boys (especially the older one that questioned there not being a Santa) …Santa is (and always will be) in everyone’s hearts. And I know there will always be something under that tree come Christmas morning. No matter how big/small it is.

    So a simple Thank You Jenny bringing the spirit back into Christmas for many people.

  961. Hi guys! I haven’t heard anything from my donor. If anyone has anything left to give, please contact me at marie.montemayor@gmail.com — headed to work so I won’t be able to check this thread. Thank you all for what you are doing!! xx

    Setting you up with another donor. ~Jenny

  962. I am truly Blessed!!! I asked for help this Christmas and received more than a financial blessing, I received gifts of joy and hope. Through the help of your angels here, I have been able to get my 4 teenagers, clothes that were really needed and books and even a family game. My children are truly blessed as am I this year. I know that every gift that I put under the tree is going to say from: An angel in disguise. My kids knew that this year was going to be a meager one and even told us that all they wanted was a great day together with family. Now there will be unexpected surprises under the tree and a joyful peace in my heart.
    I know that next year I am going to pay it forward. Even if I have to start saving from the start of this coming year I will, so that someone else can be blessed and cry tears of joy non stop like I did. My friend told me about this blog (she is a huge fan) and received help for her little girl and insisted that I come and see if all the wonderful people who were getting help. I first told her I will look, but I am not going to ask for help. (I am one of those people that it’s hard to ask for something even when you really might need it) I am glad that she pestered me into asking because it gave my family gifts that I know I will treasure giving them. I truly want to Thank you Bloggess for opening your heart to others and to the many secret santas and angels who I know have truly touched so many lives this year. I can’t say thank you enough!!!!

  963. Also, Jenny my mother would like to give you something, if you would like to go to her site (www.seagreenexpressions.com) and pick something she will send it to you! It’s a very small way of paying you back for all the people you have helped! Merry Christmas everyone!

  964. This is great. I’ve already handed out gift cards to homeless folk here in my town, so they can go to the coffee shop and get hot sandwiches and drinks, and contributed to my usual holiday charities, but I’m so happy to see so so many other people getting into the right spirit. Makes me feel like we might all be ok after all.

    Also, damn you for making me cry at lunch! 🙂

  965. Jenny –
    I have not been checking the computer much over the past few days. Just saw your post. If you still need a donor & I know I am late – let me know! I can help too.

  966. On the off chance that you still need someone, please match me up. If you don’t, I will take the money I would have donated here and donate it to a homeless charity here in my area. Jenny – this is amazing. The Spirit of Christmas can show up in some truly bizarre places….like TheBloggess.com. 🙂

  967. Any Canadians? We don’t have much, but even 20 or 30 will help someone. Been there, I know it will. 🙂

  968. This is the most amazing thing… I’m not a crier, and I am totally in tears. My family is really lucky to be doing okay in this terrible economy, and I would love to share. So if you’re still in need of donors I can send up to $100 in pay pal or gift card- only caveat being that it has to be something I can do online, because it’s looking like I’m about to be snowed in!

  969. I just ran across this site and I can help if it’s not too late. If you don’t have anyone to match me with I can send more cards to people that already have gotten them.

  970. I wanted to say thank you for our christmas help, and I noticed my husband emailed as well but like he said I beat him to it! 🙂 We are very grateful to our one donor. May God bless your family for helping ours.

  971. Thank you SO VERY MUCH for the help!! I received a Target.com and an Amazon.com gift card from a “Blogess Santa”. THANK YOU!! For the life of me, I can’t find words that do justice to how I feel right now. Amazed, thankful, so very grateful, humbled. I just…thank you so much! I promise to pay it forward when I’m able. Like I said before, what am amazing thing you all are doing. Thank you for being the light in a time of darkness for so many people. Thank you for giving me hope!

  972. This….this is the true spirit of Christmas! This is what it should always be about! I just saw this on facebook, and would be happy to help someone. Just let me know and I will do it! 🙂 thanks for the opportunity to put the Christ back into Christmas!

  973. Every time I read this post I cry and then I think it is winding down… and then it keeps going and I come back and cry again but think you’ve got to be getting to your breaking point. But your Monday morning update says you still need donors… so please let me be one of them. I can’t say my Christmas spirit is doing very well this year but I’d like to help someone else.

  974. Jenny thanks for doing this. Our family was matched up with a donor & I am looking forward to buying some gifts for the kids–something I didn’t think i would be able to do this year. What a wonderful thing you have facilitated. Thank you also to each kind and generous donor who is giving such a wonderful gift to a family in need this year.

  975. Wow I am FLOORED by the kindness of complete strangers. Really truly floored.

    I wrote about getting a foreclosure notice on our house a few weeks ago. I actually had 3 people respond to that story. I wasn’t EXPECTING anything, mind you. I thought to myself, I came into this very late in the game and I’m sure there is no one left to care if my kids get anything under the tree or not, and I was so miserable and heartbroken over the recent news that I actually said to myself well who cares anyway, what good are gifts if one has no home to keep them in?

    These 3 people sent funds to my Paypal account. Between the 3 of them I have one fourth the money we need to stop the foreclosure process (they were going to start the process the first business day after the New Year). We had NOTHING, and NOW WE HAVE A FULL QUARTER of what we need. We are 25% closer to SAVING our home. And that is a REALLY REALLY BIG DEAL TO ME.

    I cannot even begin to tell you how much joy this brings me. I’ve been crying on & off since that first email came into my inbox. I couldn’t believe ONE person cared, nevermind THREE.

    And that’s not all. They sent me gift cards for Amazon. So that my children will have GIFTS for Christmas.

    At this moment I am practically speechless. (Which is unusual for verbose me.)

    This blog and these 3 people have given me hope, real hope. A real Christmas gift. They are Santa.

    My children are 8,5, and 3. They won’t really understand now what is happening, but you can be assured I will be telling them one day when they come to me and tell me they figured out there is no Santa: No, that’s not right, there really IS a Santa, just not in the form that you think of. And I will tell them how these complete strangers reached out to me when I had given up and pulled me back up.

    Thank you and God bless you. Thank you.

  976. Wow, what you are doing is completely amazing. I am in awe. And I so wish that I could be one of the givers, but I am actually going to be an asker. Just found out my little brother is coming into town for Christmas but he will not have any presents under the tree and I just can’t afford to get him anything. If you have any more givers, I would just be so thankful to be able to put something under the tree for him. Thanks for all that you do Jenny, for making me laugh and cry.

  977. I opened up your blog because I needed a giggle break and ended up crying (but it’s a good thing – I haven’t been feeling very holiday-spirited this year, and there are no adequate words to describe how moving this idea and the response to it is)! I can afford to donate $50. Please let me know how and where to send it.

    And thank you.

  978. Jenny,

    I just emailed you, but I have a $25 Target card and a $5 Toy’s R Us card that I am willing to send to someone. Please let me know.

  979. I commented on the original post, but I thought I’d reitterate here: you are all amazing.

    I’m far too late to ask for help, but just the idea that people care -this much- and to see people pouring out affection and assistance for people who have it rough renews my faith and love for humanity. It wanes when you’re working as hard as you can and still having to beg for a few dollars from loved ones to make rent every month. It becomes strained when people look at you like you’re failing at life when you say that, no, you can’t go out to lunch with them and your $1 TV-dinner-for-lunch is just fine and you can’t afford a $7 meal with them. It hurts to look around and hate that you’re pitying yourself for your child not being able to go on field trips with the other kids.

    Life hurts. Life is rough. But I have a beutiful little girl who deserves the world and expects nothing… but I’ll give her that world some day. We have to fight to get to the good parts, sometimes.

    Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you just for giving me that hope back. That is so much more touching than monetary gain (though if I’d have known, I’m pretty sure that I would have been begging for that when this began as well). The grind gets us down… but humanity IS beautiful. Thank you for existing, thank you for caring about others, and thank you for being the most generous batch of every-day people I can imagine.

    I love every one of you. <3

  980. Hi,

    This is an amazing thing. If you’re still taking donors, we’d like to help. We’re happy to donate to someone, although I think I’ll need to do it electronically for the funds to make it in time for Christmas. Please contact me!

  981. This is amazing and beautiful. We wondered how we would pull off Christmas this year and thanks to my blog and winning giveaways I earned some cash and gifts. The way people have stepped up here renews my belief that there are still some good people out there. Merry Christmas everyone and if we were in a better place I would be helping as much as I could.

  982. Seems as though I am a day late (typical for me) but I wanted to say that I think this is pretty frikkin cool. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer in may and hasn’t been able to work since then. Our girls are old enough (12 and 15) to understand that Christmas is gonna be small this year but we are just focusing on the fact that we get to have Christmas as a family and that is a huge gift in itself!

    God Bless You All,

  983. Jenny,

    I am totally in awe at all of this, and know you must be overwhelmed, but you told us to let you know if we were not matched with a donor. My original post is #909.

    Any help would be so greatly and richly appreciated.

    You should have a donor now. ~Jenny

    Thank you,

  984. Is it too late to be a receiver? I feel bad for asking this but I have a disabled daughter who is 16 and an older daughter 18 plus we took in one of my older daughters pregnant teenage friends who’s baby is due in January….Times are tough with money and food….we moved in with my sister who is newly divorced and struggles to make her house payments. She has three little boys, 8, 7 and 5 and although we might not have everything they want for Christmas we will be together as a family and we all have our health. That is the most important thing right?

  985. Wow. This is just so amazing. My friend linked me to this and I had no idea clicking a link could bring me to tears. Mainly happiness at the human condition. Just the kindness of everyone, toward complete strangers.

    I realise it’s now days since this project began, and that’s ages in internet terms, so I’m probably too late to receive a gift card. But just in case you have any unmatched donors left… I’m a broke student, my parents are on welfare and it’s hard times for the whole family, so I don’t think there will be much gift giving this year. I’d really like a gift card so I could get a present for my young cousins though – while the older members of the family can accept that presents are unlikely, they are 2 and 7, and that’s the age that you really want to make Christmas magical. I’d love to be able to give them something. They have the cutest smiles.

    Even if you’ve run out of donors by now though, please know that the knowledge that people really are good to each other if a wonderful Christmas gift. Thank you for that.

  986. Please let me know anyone who still needs some help. I can do 2 day shipping through Amazon if anyone has wishlists for their kids. Or gift cards. Please please please let me help. I am lucky enough to have found a job for this holiday season or we’d be in on the other side of this. There but for the grace of god.

  987. Hi Jenny,

    This is really amazing.

    If you still need more to donate I would love to. I don’t have much but if someone could use a $20 gift card to amazon or something I would love to donate one. 🙂

    Let me know.


  988. I can donate $30 to someone who needs it. Please count me in as well. I have to say that I think you are amazing and this kind of response is really something.
    xoxo Theresa

    I also wrote something about this on my blog, hopefully it will send a few more donors your way

  989. I’ve read through all these comments, let me tell you…I cried like a baby! This is just amazing, I’m probably to late, if I could donate I would! Unfortuntly we recently moved and santa will not be coming for my 2 year old and 3 month old,I’m not asking for help, there are far more children out there who do need gifts.I’d love to give my kids something,I’m just happy they don’t understand santa and christmas quite yet! You guys are amazing!

  990. Hello I am a single parent of 4 children.there ages are 8,5,18 months and 4 months.my two oldest are girls and the youngiest ones are boys. I also just lost my job and really don’t know how i am going do christmas and pay my bills.I was told about this from my sons godmother. thanks and have a good holiday.

  991. To Keri in comment 1195 – are you kidding? Of course I don’t mind!! I’m so glad you are able to offer this as well! I know family photos are a luxury compared to money for utilities or to go toward saving someone’s house, but it really does mean a lot to people to be able preserve a snippet of their lives, to have images of their family together and happy and loving each other.

    Also, since it wasn’t clear in my previous comment, my sessions do come with a disc of the photos. If the particular family has no use for a disc (i.e. no computer), we can easily work something else out for them to have the images.

    And also to Jenny – again, it is amazing that you are able to do this. This time I mean from an administrative stand-point. I do hope you are getting some help this year, too, since this appears to still be snowballing!

  992. When I originally posted I did so with the intention that despite me having a very tough year I would still like to chip in and help someone out. I guess with me adding that I’d had a tough year, I started to receive emails from those offering to help. To each I replied that even though I appreciate the offers, I wanted to help someone with the little cash I had left from a year of saving and after I bought each one of my children a gift. I knew $30 wasn’t a lot but its all I have left from saving all year.

    I worked all year, buying generic everything, going without prescriptions, no snacks, no hair products, none of the things that many people take for granted. Last week I managed to save $128 for the entire year that’s pretty good knowing what I have to live on. I spent $98 of it, one gift for each of my wonderful kids. Instead of spending the surplus on myself I wanted to donate it and I will should someone need it.

    But, Julie P. despite knowing I wanted to help someone else, offered to help me. Julie P., you are an amazing woman. I am humbled by your generosity. She sent me a gift card so I could treat myself. I am really just speechless.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  993. If I’m not too late, I’d love to help!

    Also, this is exactly what I needed today. Miracles DO happen.

  994. Jenny, I wanted to thank you so much for pairing me up with someone and letting me give my daughter a Christmas, and for Jean offering to set me up with some jewelry to give to my mother. You have renewed my faith in the goodness of people, it’s been really hard to believe that this kind of selflessness still exists, but this is just a huge flashing reminder that people are good and caring and amazing. I doubt it’s possible, but I wanted to write in for my best friend. I told her about the site, but she is very stubborn and proud and refuses to ask anyone for help. If I had the means, I would help her out as much as possible. I actually used part of the giftcard I received to buy her daughter a gift. Is there anything left that I could pass on to her? If not, that’s fine…she’ll probably be upset that I’m even asking, but, with the outpouring of generosity on here, I just had to give it a try. Thank you so much, Jenny, for coordinating all of this. I will be back next year to pass it on ten-fold if I can!!

  995. To Angie Bollero, thank you so much for the Target gift card! I’m finding myself wishing that I could do for others this christmas… unfortunately, with no job and no way to pay bills this month, it hasn’t been possible.

    All of you here are wonderful. You’ve certainly brightened up my holidays, and it’s so much appreciated.

    Have a Merry Christmas, and if there is anything I can ever do, don’t hesitate to email.

    Thanks again!

  996. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone that helped my family to have a great Christmas. This is amazing how far it’s got and how many people have helped. I hope next year I’ll be able to be a donor. Merry Christmas everyone!!

  997. What an amazing thing you’ve started!!! I’m not one of your regular readers, I was directed here by Doctor Lissa Rankin *www.owningpink.com* who posted a link to your blog on her facebook page.
    I to have felt pretty hopeless for about 6 years now. My parents marriage fell apart & my Dad has been stuck without a fulltime job since 2006. Honestly, if he new I was writing this he’d ring my neck, but I don’t care. We’ve got a $130,000 loan up against our house *when our mom left, she was ‘supposed’ to help us pay it off, as the loan was created by both of them, as a married couple. Needless to say, she didn’t help & the judge said she didn’t have to. Money was tight for both parties, but it was up to my Dad to pay it. 6 years on, we’re aprox. 7 months behind on the house payment *in addition to the loan itself*, & their going to evict us. It isn’t a matter of if, but when. My Dad married in the interum & now there’s my stepmom, her 8 & 11 year old girls, plus my 19-year-old sister & myself. I’m 24 & was born with a rare birthdefect called a Tessier cleft that left me blind. My face didn’t form properly in the womb & I’ve had 66 reconstructive surgeries to build up bone structure, close my lip, a partial palate closure, 2 rib bones were put into my face as well as two skull grafts. I use a computer with a speech program on it called JAW’s that reads everything to me & allows me to go on sites like facebook, have an account at gmail & now post here on your blog. We will have ‘some sort of Christmas’, but I’m living off of SSI, & can’t do much to help. I’m already paying $200 for rent, & do what I can to get the little ones school supplies & such. We’re also $832 behind on the rest of our bills *payments owed from last month & this month*. As a blind woman I feel inadequate sometimes, feeling like I’m more of a burden to my Dad & stepmom then a help. I also have a CockerSpaniel named Sadie who was rescued from a puppymill & then I got her from Last Chance Rescue. I can’t imagine giving her back, she’s an amazing dog! She’s made so much progress in the past year & 10 months I’ve had her! She runs & plays, even puts up with kids & my sister’s giant dog Duke! Lol. She’s happy go lucky & loving life! Our cat KittyKitty was rescued as well, she has brain damage from a near drowning, & I know noone would take her either. Even if they would, I don’t want to give her up. Because of my health problems, birthdefect & visual impairment, I’ve learned alot in my 24 years of life & want to become a humanitarian. I have wild aspirations for running homeless shelters, no kill animal shelters & working with people in any capacity I can to improve their lives, but I sometimes feel like that won’t ever happen because we just don’t have the resources. I can’t save enough money because I’m always helping my family & even when I do help it’s not enough. My stepmom works full time at a home for the mentally disabled, but that’s a minimum wage job. My Dad works when he can *he’s a house painter* & with the economy the way it is, people are deciding that they really don’t need their house painted for another couple of years or that they can do it themselves! Plus we’re in Michigan so winter has kicked in & you can’t paint outside in the winter when it’s below 32 degrees as the paint will freeze. My Dad doesn’t ask for handouts, never has & probably never will. He’s worked all his life as a painter *starting when he was 13*. He’s never been without a job until now & just a couple weeks ago he asked me if I ever thought I’d be worth more dead then alive. *Something I swore I wouldn’t tell anyone else*, but it frightened me. I was usually the hopeless one *I’ve attempted suicide to many times to count*, & now he’s getting depressed & feeling hopeless.
    Despite telling you my life story, I’m not asking for help. I just wanted to say that after all the hell we’ve been through, you to, have renewed my faith in community! Dad says it’s impossible, people don’t care for anyone but their own these days, I won’t make it not because I can’t but because noone will have the belief & offer the help I need as a blind person. He knows me & what I’m capable of, but they don’t & won’t help. But you & the donors here have taught me that just when I was ready to believe everything he said & quit, that he’s wrong & there are people out there still offering a helping hand! So thank you!

  998. If you still need gift card donors, please let me know. I’d be honored to help someone out.

  999. I just wanted to chime in that if there are any people in need from Ontario (Canada), please feel free to call 2-1-1 because we can try to help with winter clothing, food, toys, utilities, rent, etc… in case they can’t find the help they need here. So wonderful to see the kindness of strangers.


    Merry Christmas!

  1000. Ackk!! My spam filter caught your email Jenny – so I’ve only just now gotten an email out to my match.
    I’m not flaking out here and I certainly hope she doesn’t think so! It’s just been one of “those” Mondays so far.

    I know you’re resting (and well deserved!) but I’ll let you know the status. My timing is impeccably horrid.

  1001. Jenny,

    If you need more donors, I can donate a $30 gift card, just send me the details. Or if you have any people who need help that are local to Toledo, Ohio, I can do a gift card to a local grocery store (or other local store) instead, if that works better for them. 🙂

    This is absolutely amazing. You started something wonderful. **giant group hug**

  1002. Hi Jenny,

    Put me down for a $50 giftcard to Target or Walmart. Just let me know where to send it. Thanks!! This is quite possibly the most awesome thing I have seen in a long time,


  1003. Jenny,

    Thanks for the many many laughs! I would love to help anyone who is still in need. I’m good for $1000, just let me know where/how to send it!

    Happy Holidays,


  1004. I hope it is not too late to ask for a little help for my children for Christmas. I have three and have stressed over how I am going to afford anything for them. I know there are people who have it a lot worse, but I hate to disappoint my children. If anyone can still help, thanks in advance.

  1005. You’re welcome Laura! I’m having lots of fun. It’s very exciting to be able to help people with their gifts.

  1006. I wanted to thank the anonymous donor who sent the $50 Amazon gift card for the elderly couple who are trying so hard just to survive. I spoke with her this afternoon, (had to explain where the gift was coming from, she didn’t know anything about it) and she was so thankful. Anyway, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Merry Christmas!

  1007. Please disregard post 1273. I got a gift card for Amazon. Thank you to my anonymous donor….I can’t stop crying. You have truly touched my heart. I now have a book for each child ordered! Thank you again jenny.

  1008. May i please emailyou, to have a chat and ask a few questions?? or email me back, plz.
    Thank you for your time.

  1009. Dedanna-I am happy to have helped, I wish I could do more. I am so happy to have been a part of this. Jenny, you are truly amazing! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

  1010. Jenny – I’m probably too late to put a request for help in, as I just discovered your blog through a link on a local online cafe. If I’m too late, it’s ok, I understand. I think what you’ve done here is AMAZING!!! The vast # of people around the world you’ve helped, with not only something monetary, but I think with something even more important…giving them HOPE and a sense of rejuvenated spirit! There really, truly are heavenly angels here on Earth.
    I could use a little bit of help myself this year, if at all possible. I lost my job recently and have been looking for a new one, but no luck yet. I’m hoping something will break open for me right after the holidays, as I absolutely NEED another job by January. Aside from myself, I also have two beautiful cats (my “babies”) to feed and take care of. I’m not exchanging gifts with any of my family/friends for Christmas this year, as I can’t afford to buy any. Everyone in my life understands my situation, I’m blessed to have a wonderful family and friends…but it makes me sad not to be able to give gifts, as I love doing it. Any small amount of help for food and pet care items would be so appreciated! And I promise next year, God willing I’m in a better financial position, I WILL pay it forward!

    God Bless and thank you!

  1011. I’d love to donate if you still have unmatched people out there. What a lovely holiday gift — for the recipients and for the donors.

  1012. HI there Jenny,
    This is absolutely amazing – i am just reading this now – in Switzerland at 9.15pm – so i guess State side it would be about 6 hours behind us or something like that?
    Anyhow, i just wanted to say what an amazing thing you & your community are doing – FANTASTIC!!
    i would like to be a part of it – i can either send someone a gift (up to US$50) via paypal or else you can let me know how i can purchase a gift card for a specific need.
    You rock!

  1013. There is someone on here looking for help who I contacted (they posted their email). Please email me and I’ll put you in touch with her. I said I would see what I could do. malibucrush@live.com

  1014. I am willing to be a donor if someone needs a match.

    Happy holidays wonderful blogess readers.

  1015. My original post was #1055.

    I woke up this morning to a gift certificate to amazon in my inbox. I have to say that I am SO THANKFUL and SO TOUCHED by the generous people here. Thank you Merry and Evan. I am meeting with my coworker friend later this afternoon so we can put in an order for her boys. She is beside herself that this has come from complete strangers, and has saved her Christmas just in the nick of time. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  1016. Christmas just isn’t the same anymore without a tree, even if there are no presents. We still have our house, but not for long. I am stuck at home as caregiver to husband who is suffered more than one stroke and diabetic. It’s hard to give when I’m not right. If Santa asked me what I would like for Christmas it would be $151 to save my very much needed bank account. The internet is the only hope I have for light to shine thru the misery.

  1017. Thanks so much to my angels that helped me to offer some help to my 89 year old Grandmother and Disabled Uncle, they will be happy to be able to have their Medications filled for the first time in months, i know both of them have been trying to get by on what samples they could get from their doctors but most of their medications dont have samples. I was able to get more help than i expected, and also alot of love and support and even some suggestions for others means of help, i am eternally grateful and i know my grandmother will be too. She has been worried sick about this financial situation for so long that she was honestly praying for her death just so that she wouldnt have to worry and because she feels that she is a burden on me, She has never been a burden nor would she ever be a burden she is the biggest blessing to this family, being our family stone, never asking for a things, always offering, she is a true grandmother. Also my uncle doing the best he can to help her and to be a servant for the lord since his near death accident when he was 18, he made a full physical recovery when the doctors didnt think he would come out of the coma better yet walk again, however metally he still has trouble verbalizing his thoughts and putting together words and sentences. He is grateful as well, recently he sold his church clothes to help out with bills and has be ashamed to return to church because he doesnt have anything to wear, i hope to be able to get awarded a student loan to buy him some clothes so he can again return to church! I appreciate all of the donations, unfortunatly we are still a little bit short for the Medications, and i havent even made a dent in the electric thats due to be shut off this wed, however i have called the state in hopes they will help, but also the house payment is several months behind and i am sure thats my grandmothers huge fear is that she will lose the house she has lived almost her entire life in…. she keeps telling me that the great depression wasnt this bad… it kills me to hear that, so if anyone has any more to give, we do not wish for christmas gifts, my christmas gift is going to be able to help the people i love and care for the most my wonderful grandmother and my amazingly strong uncle defying all odd’s, living thru what everyone said he should have died from!!! If anyone can help any more at all…. i just want to make their christmas miracle happen…. thank you sooooo much god bless you all….from the bottom of my heart i love each and every one of you!!!!


  1018. I can make a $30 donation, assuming people are still in need. Please let me know how I can help! And thanks to all those who have helped already.

  1019. AWESOME!

    I posted on the older thread – didn’t realize this one had been updated. Are you able to turn off comments on the old post and re-direct here?

    GREAT JOB JENNY! I hope you still have time for your own family stuff… this could probably go on until Christmas Eve.

  1020. A good friend of mine just forwarded the link to this blog to me. I know I’m very late but i could really use some help this holiday season. Im a recent single mother of 4. I have applied for public assistance but am in limbo due to non exitant child support. Im late on rent, electric so I am pretty sure Christmas is not possible.

    I applied for toys for tots but was too late.

    I have just a few dollars left and am hoping that my application for emergency food assistance will go through soon.

    I could use any help anyone is willing to give whether it be for presents, food or whatever. I am appreciative for even the hope these blog has given me.

    Thank you and God bless

  1021. Add me to the donor list. Tell me what’s needed and we’ll make it happen. You make me furiously happy 🙂

  1022. Jenny,
    I think what you have done here is fabulous. I e-mailed one of the people in need off list and was able to help a little. I can help more if it’s needed with Paypal, etc.Don’t let this totally consume you though…take time with your family and don’t feel like you can’t call a cut-off! Just let me know!
    And everyone who participated in this, please don’t forget that this outpouring of love for each other is exactly what Christmas means! Keep it going in any small ways you can throughout the year!
    Christmas love,

  1023. I have been reading this blog for a while, but have never commented, and everyone here is truly amazing for being so generous. I am not in a position to be donating this year, but thankfully I do not need to ask for help either. However, if you need help organizing this in anyway; I have time to help. I am sure it is a bit overwhelming for you with all the comments still coming. Not sure exactly what I could do (maybe send emails or make spreadsheets or whatever)? Anyways, let me know. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

  1024. This is so lovely.

    A tiny part of me, to be utterly honest, is a little heartbroken that I didn’t find this a few days ago. I have a lovely, generous little girl who will be going without much more than some underwear and a few little bargain-bin toys this Christmas, and I really wish that I could have had this opportunity to give more to her… even if she keeps reminding me that she is happy just to have her family with her.

    I just relocated cross-country trying my very best to make a good life for her… but the bills are stacking up. I finally found a job this past September but it seems I’m in a perpetual state of catchup. It scares me so badly that everything might fall apart. I only wish to give her everything I never had. But I know there are many more deserving on this post than me.

    Regardless of my woes, though, this entire post gives me such happiness. Seeing the generosity and purity of all these people gives me joy and hope like nothing else. If I had anything to spare I would give it if only because I know what it is to be low. Next year will something like this be repeated? I hope by then I can help.

    You are all beautiful, every one of you, whether you need help or give it. This is moving. ~ empyrealfantasy@gmail.com

  1025. A stranger just made my Children s Christmas. I got them each two gifts & I plan on taking photos and emailing them to the woman who helped us. All my daughter wanted was a stuffed hippo and a baby doll with a stroller. I was able to get her a hippo & a doll and I plan on looking at a consignment shop for a stroller. Thank you so much.

  1026. Jenny, I’ve sent off a gift card to the match you sent me.

    If you still need elves to help others, let me know, I think I can manage one more.

  1027. Thanks you…thank you so much. This is the most wonderful thing I think I have ever seen in my entire life. Smoke and prayers to you and your family IRL and here. May the light of the Season fill all those who have participated. So many holidays are celebrated by so many people during this time of the year …lets hope that this will make as many of them as possible…wonderful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Laurel and Caitlin

  1028. Jenny – this is simply amazing. If you have anyone else that needs help of any sort I can donate $30. Please let me know!

  1029. Hello. I am wondering if there is room for one more. I know it is late and I know it would be really a miracle if anything made it on time, but I was just talking to a woman, who bless her heart, wished me a Merry Christmas, althought she is unable to give her daughter anything at all. She says she is just glad to have water and heat and a place to live. If I could do anything I would, but I am in no positioon to help. She works right next door to me and I see her every day. Can anyone help with just a small donation to allow her and her daughter to have a smalll Christmas?

  1030. I just read your blog about helping out people for Christmas!! My heart is warmed over. I am on the list of the unfortunate this year, wish I could help. But I can feel for those that are being helped. I recently lost my job, my wife is also unemployed, and we have wondered how we were going to make our holiday special for our children (10 and 12). We have been turned away from organizations to help with providing gifts for our kids, either based on the fact that they ignored our requests or that they were not simply able to help. We are still waiting for Toys For Tots, its been a month since we contacted them but we still sit here with our fingers crossed. We were fortunate to have someone donate a christmas tree and decorations so our kids at least have some semblence of the holiday, and our benefits cover food for dinner, but other than that we are relying on the family that has bought them gifts. We have hopes that that will take care of all our kids needs/wants this year. (Don’t get me wrong we still feel bad that our tree will be bare, but there is little we can do at this point, we have gone so far to as to search for things that we could possibly pawn or sell for a bit of cash to give them a little something) But we also know God is good and we will be blessed no matter the results of this holiday season!!! Bloggess keep doing what you are doing and thanks to your followers that are donating to help familys like mine and to those who need that little Christmas miracle, May God bless you!!

  1031. Just got emails from two people in need so we are all good here to send out gift cards.

    Jenny, thank you for making our Christmas about giving and growing. You have performed a real mitzvah, which of course, is a Jewish Christmas miracle. Just don’t tell my mother-in-law I used those two words in the same sentence! Ha! And for the record, I am posting your grandiose giving up on my blog and hope to get more people to pay it fast forward.



  1032. JENNY!!
    Do you need help with the logistics of matching people up? I see that the comments are still going strong! I imagine you are overwhelmed…I am PT self-employed, and have lots of extra time this week…anything I can do for you!

  1033. I know I am probably too late, but any help would be appreciated. My wife has been beside herself trying to figure a way to tell our baby girl there is no Santa. We have 4 kids. I have been without work for over a year, and no hopes of finding a job….there just don’t seem to be any available. I have gone back to school and obtained my CDL, so hopefully something will open up for us so I can pay it forward. Just keeping our home and utilities paid is a major struggle. This is heart wrenching reading these posts, and wishing you were on the other side to be able to help people. Merry Christmas all,and thanks in advance for anything you are able to do.

  1034. Geez…..you are amazing!
    It’s already Monday afternoon, but if you still need donors let me know and I’ll gladly send out a gift card.

  1035. I would love to send out a card (Amazon / Paypal / Whatever). Let me know… and thanks for doing something amazing.

  1036. Add me to the list, if there’s still time. I’m good for $50 worth of whatever. If there’s not still time, it’ll go to foster kids in my city, so it’s win win.

  1037. I just want to THANK the people who have responded to my blog. God Bless those who have helped. We have taken care of the 6 yr. old. She will have a good Christmas. The 10 year old boy is into Legos. and the 15 yr old sister is into makeup (of course). Please pray that the father finds a job and a home for all of them so they won’t be separated much longer. Thank you so very much, Ann

  1038. Jenny, if you need some more donors, please let me know. I think I can do another $30 or more, if need be. I can also send directly to a PayPal account, if someone needs that as well!

  1039. I’m cheering (and crying) from the sidelines. What beauty is held in this whole endeavor. I wish that I were able to help with more than just my spirit. We survived this year, and I want so much to pluck that name off the Angel Tree, but there’s just no extra funds to do it. Bravo to all these who are making miracles happen and much love to all those in need.

  1040. I am amazed at what is happening on this site. I am blessed to be a wife to an amazing man who works very hard for us and the mother to 4 beautiful children. We have done okay this wonderful holiday season but as Christmas draws close things are tight. I will be going in on December 28 to have surgery to remove a lump from my breast and this is the same week that my husband will be laid off from his job for a week with no pay. Everyone has tough circumstances and I am not asking for help as we have been blessed beyond measure to have a roof over our head and food on the table. Our children are warm, they have clothes and beyond that they are loved more than anything. Thank you for starting this and may God richly bless you. What an amazing thing to do! The world needs more people like you.

  1041. I friend told me about this site saturday morning and I’ve been trying to get up the courage to write..I’ve never had to ask for help before, I’m usually the one who reaches out to help others. I’m the one who’s supposed to be strong ya know..and I must admit things are pretty bleak right about now..and I’m at a total loss as to what to do? I woke up one morning just a little over a month ago to find that my children’s father had walked out on us, emptied our bank account even, and took the car and left..no warning,no telltale signs even, and he just left without so much as a note!!! Who does that? How the hell can someone just walk out on their children like that? And right before the holidays on top of it?? It took me a week and a half just to find out from his Aunt FINALLY that he apparently was involved with another woman behind my back and moved out of state with HER and her 3 kids!! I am still walking around in a state of shock and disbelief really..and the strain this has been on me and the kids has been tremendous in sooo many ways..I do have a job thankfully but at only 9 dollars an hour and only 20-30 hours a week, to say money is tight would be an understatement! I am barely managing to keep up with the rent, and food let alone think of christmas for the kids too! And I’m now behind on my utility bills on top of it..thankfully as of today I haven’t as yet received a shut off notice, but I’m sure it won’t be long til it arrives in the mail..How he could do this to me is hard enough but especially the kids it is beyond my understanding! How can someone not care about whether their children have gifts under the tree? Or a warm holiday meal even? Or not even be there to spend the holiday with them? These questions just keep playing over and over in my mind..and I’ve yet to find any answers, for myself or for my children..I have four girls, a 7 year old, 2 twin girls age 12, and the oldest who is 14.. she seems to understand that I just don’t have any money to spare on christmas at all this year. Tho I know she is bummed out with the whole situation..but I worry about the youngest one as she just doesn’t understand at all..I know I am very late posting on here so I’m not asking for or expecting any help..I just wanted to say that following this movement you’ve accidentally started and all the generous outpouring of love, kindness, and support has really helped to lift my spirits in spite of all that we’ve been thru of late..it has shown me that their really are still good people in the world..and good men too! And just being able to witness this and have the chance to even vent alittle is a huge gift in and of it’s self..You have all touched and cheered my heavy heart..God bless you all..and I so hope that you do this again next year..and God willing by that time I will not only be able to have a christmas for my children but help others again then too..

  1042. Hi Jenny, I was referred to your blog from another forum and although I know I’m probably too late I figured it would be worth a try. I have several people that I was hoping to be able to give something to this Christmas but, once again, it looks like that won’t be possible. I’ve been in a real rut for the last two or three years financially, especially after having my car stolen w/most of my belongings in it (clothes, computer, scanners, printers, etc.) while in the process of trying to relocate. And I haven’t been able to replace it since, which has been a real burden on my employment situation. Not to mention my design portfolio, which represented a few years worth of work, was also in that car which makes it basically impossible for a graphic designer to land a job. So I’m currently unemployed again – well, I guess underemployed would be more accurate – and am basically homeless as well; having no place of my own at present and having to rely on a couple of friends who are willing to let me stay at their places whenever possible. The only work I’ve been getting the last few months has been short term temp assignments, usually for minimum wage or close to it. And even that has been sporadic at best recently. The only thing keeping me going during times like these has been the generosity of my parents, and sometimes my grandmother, who have been willing to help me out whenever they could – which has been a lot more often than I would like to admit in the last year or so. My parents are divorced and remarried but I always make an effort to get together w/both of them for Christmas if possible (I’m in a different city) and they are always very generous even when having troubles of their own. If I’m lucky enough to see them this year I was hoping to be able to get them each just a little something to show them how much I appreciate everything they do for me. And possibly my brother as well, who has also helped out some. Even if it’s just several small gifts split between thiry or forty dollars. It really sucks having nothing to give like the last several years when they are always so generous. Of course, they understand the situation, and always tell me not to worry about it – not to even think about getting them anything. But just a little something would make me feel better. I’m not worried about myself; I’m a single guy w/no kids and I know I’ll survive. And I know there are much needier people asking than myself, but if you’re able to help it would be great.

  1043. Thank you secret Santa, Jean, Jessie and Danielle. This is so mind boggling still lol. I am soo blessed. My two kids and two grandkids are going to have a Christmas now. I was even able to get my hunny a little something.

    Now if Santa can perform the biggest miracle of all. For myself to find any kind of job. I pray that 2011 is the best year yet for everyone in this world. I work from home and hoping that something comes about. If this miracle can happen with my family being blessed for Xmas then anything is possible.

    Jenny you are the most amazing person, along with all of the donors here. I can’t even sleep at night as my adrenalin is just a flowing from all this excitement on this wonderful blog.

    Once again, God Bless xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoo

  1044. I am a mom to 2 kids. I have been struggling the past few months with going to school and trying to waitress at a local pancake house to make ends meet. I thought I would make enough extra to provide a decent Christmas but my bills have been outrageous this month and it is coming down to the wire. I took on shifts all week to try and make the cash I need but if anyone is still looking to help I would feel so blessed to have it. Merry Christmas to everyone! Also, Jenny you are an amazing person.

  1045. Jenny, no idea how long you’re keeping on doing this and I know it’s getting kind of late, but if you still need card donors, I can come up with another one.

  1046. I’ve got 2 people in need and I said I could help but came home to no paycheck in the mail. Is there anyone out there who want to touch base with me who can help them both out? That would be awesome.

  1047. Kelly, shoot me an email: jennymoorhead (at) gmail (dot) com, I’ll help your folks.

  1048. Jenny – just sent you the 2 emails of people who need help. Thanks so much!

    I have giftcards for Walmart Canada, HBC and Chapters if anyone could use them (for Canadian stores).

    Peace and love,

    Kelly @ malibucrush@live.com

  1049. I hope there is someone out there that can help out a struggling friend. She is such a sweet person and was and is a wonderful shoulder to cry on…She has recently been divorced and is raising three boys alone on a cleaning lady’s salary. I see her struggling and it breaks my heart. I don’t think she gets on the internet often (she’s so busy and I don’t think she can afford it) but if someone could send her a little Christmas gift I know it would be so appreciated. She gives so much to those of us lucky enough to know her. I’m gonna try to teach her a little couponing to help her budget stretch 🙂 Thanks so much Jenny for putting this out there. I have her email address and I asked her permission to share it here. She had tears in her eyes when I told her about our Christmas angels. Blessings, Crystal

  1050. I’m late to the party (as always) but please let me know how I can help, Jenny. I’m willing and able. Email me.

  1051. Hi Jenny,
    I posted last night (12/19) about my 4 generous, giving kids who spent a full day sorting and organizing 5 boxes of their toys to donate to a local children’s home as well as created special Lego creations and my daughter who is 6, gave her newly aquired American Girl doll to a family who couldn’t afford Christmas this year. All the while I was concerned that we would not be able to provide replacement toys for the kids for Christmas like we have in previous years. Anyhow, I saw at some point today my comment was posted (before comment 1033, I believe) and now I don’t see it posted anymore. This is uncomfortable to ask, but was I not able to be matched to a donor and then my comment was taken down? Thanks so much for this wonderful wonderful gift you have given to people. Merry Christmas, stephanie

    Stephanie, you commented on the post before this one. You were matched with a clothing company who offered you a $100 shopping spree for your children. Looks like you used another email that time though. Check your quantumbutterflies account. If you don’t see it let me know. ~Jenny

  1052. I’m sending out more emails matching donors right now and then I’m doing a final cut off so that I don’t make myself sick. I SO appreciate all the offers to help but I feel uncomfortable about sharing people’s email addresses since I said they would never be shared. Next year I’ll either pass this on to someone better at this sort of thing than myself or I’ll find a way to do it with help.

    THANK YOU! I cannot thank you enough.

    If you don’t hear from me by midnight then it’s likely that I just wasn’t able to get to you before breaking down. I think as of right now we’re at about 800+ gift cards given out. Incredible.

    If by tomorrow you still want to help and haven’t heard from me then call your local food bank to ask if you can donate. Most of them are having to turn away people asking for food and so many of the people here mentioned that they were given almost nothing from the foodbank because they were so understocked.

    Also, I’d recommend not leaving your email in the comments if you want to help because we did have one questionable person asking for help. Luckily the only person who fell for it was me and I suppose if you need money desperately enough to pretend to be someone else I’m not going to judge you.

    If you left your address in a comment I’ll leave it up for now but I’ll probably be deleting it tomorrow just to save you from any headaches.

    The response here has been amazing and I’m so proud to have helped with this. Emails are pouring in from people who’ve been touched by this and people have been so generous that many of the people requesting help told the donor that they were already okay and to come back and sign up to help someone who needed it more.

    That, to me, is the spirit of Christmas.

    Thank you.

  1053. Wow, this entire thing absolutely warms my heart. Even on this late date I have been wondering how we were going to do Christmas this year. And even if I am too late and can’t get any help, just knowing that so many others are being blessed makes me really have faith in Christmas and the Christmas season again.

  1054. Wow! i’m amazed that this is still snowballing!! It’s truly awesome to behold!! I can as i said before relate to the hard times. My husband has been unemployed for almost 2 years now. We lost our house to foreclosure a month ago, and luckily were able to move back in with my parents.(800 miles north of where we had called home) His unemployment is about to be reduced again. I did however manage to get each of my 4 kids (13,8,6, &23 months) a couple things each and that’s all it’s gonna be. nothing on their wish lists,but all stuff that can be used.
    Anyway. I just wanted to say that i understand the down and out feeling. at least my kids know that i love them and have given them that all year long.

  1055. I read about this blog in my Freecycle account. I think it is such a wonderful thing when people can come together to help one another. It shows me that God is there to provide in different ways. My family is struggling as well this year. We have 2 children and could use some help with having a nice Christmas dinner. If anyone can help out it would be such a blessing. Thank you so much

  1056. I am not rich, but I can help a little. PLEASE let me know and let me know how to do it!

    Cherylle in CA

  1057. Just wanted to say this was an amazing thing. Looks like I’m right behind your cutoff; if you find yourself missing a donor or few, I’d be happy to fill in.

    And yes, thanks for the reminder re food banks. America’s 2nd Harvest is national, btw.

  1058. I’m sure this is too late now, but I was wondering if there is anyone with even just a small amount of help to give. I am a mother of 7, who has tried to give my children a great Christmas, but in doing so, I am now behind in paying my mortgage. My husband is waiting to start a job (we’ve been waiting for almost 2 months for his police record check so he can start) But because he hasn’t started, this means no money coming in. I get a baby bonus that will usually pay our mortgage, but with Christmas coming it was either pay the mortgage and have nothing, or get the kids something. I’m sure my 15 year old would understand, and a 1 year old who doesn’t know anything about it anyways but we also have 9, 8, 5, 5 ,and 3 year olds who would be heart broken if they had nothing under the tree 🙁
    I’m hoping there is someone who would be able to help us out, even just a little so I can at least give them some money for the mortgage

    Hope I’m not being a bother

    Merry Christmas

  1059. Each week in church, the pastor asks if we would like to share where we have seen the face of God this week. THIS is what I will share next Sunday. I’m so amazed by the amount of people who have been willing to donate, some more than once. I have been so down in the dumps this season because I have been unemployed for the past 18 months. I was depressed worrying about Christmas for my children. But this is what the true meaning of Christmas is. Thank you everyone for helping me to remember that it is the season of giving, the season of love, and the season of hope. God bless everyone.

  1060. Jenny,

    I know this is probably over but I wanted to leave this comment on behalf of a lovely woman that my mother works with. Her brother passed away two days ago, she takes care of her grandchild and she has little money. Just today she was talking about her grandson didn’t have any christmas pajamas so we got him a pair. If there is any way to match her up with someone, I thought I’d try.

    Thank you for insipring.

    Her name is susan dunlap and her email is: susan@alssys.com

  1061. Jenny, you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable about giving people’s email addresses out. I think all the recipients figure that their email will have to be shared so recipient and donor can communicate with each other. Maybe next year you can say something like “your email will be shared with your donor.” It’s really nice to talk to each other. That was part of the joy, for me anyway. I really enjoyed talking to all my recipients. They are all so sweet.

  1062. Let this be a lesson to me for not checking your website often enough- it’s Monday night, and if you still need another donor- I’d love to send 30 dollars either by paypal or by sending a giftcard.

    Thank you so much for doing this, Jenny. It’s great to know that there are places and people who can help make the bleariness a little better for those who are struggling. It’s good to be reminded that we are lucky to be able to help.

  1063. Hi, My name is Natalie and I am a single mom of two boys ages 5 years old and 7 months old…. I am not one to ask for help but I have officially drained all of my resources this Christmas due to going through a divorce, being laid off and switching jobs at the end of December…. I don’t know if it is possible that someone else is willing to help but anything will help at this point, even to just get some diapers or something for my baby boy. If the help has run out, I completely understand. Merry Christmas!

  1064. You were matched with a clothing company who offered you a $100 shopping spree for your children.
    I can vouch for that. I’m the one who sent the clothing company here. The owner is my best friend.

  1065. Just wondering how I’d be able to recieve a Gift Card for my 13 y.o. son. I’m a single Mom and this year has been very, very hard. I’m very stressed and honestly don’t know where to turn for help. If they are all gone, Thank you anyway for such a generous gift.

  1066. I’d like to add to my post…. Original Post #1367

    If someone is able to help, but not willing to do cash and would rather do gift cards, I have receipts for the stuff I got, and can take it all back and do it that way. But any help is GREATLY appreciated!! I hope to next year be in a better situation to help out others! 🙂

    Thanks so much! Merry Christmas!!

    You’ve been matched with donors. ~Jenny

  1067. Jenny I for one want to tell you what an amazing thing you did with this. I would be more than happy to help you with this next year if you would like. I think there are probably many others out there that would be as well. I am so touched by the spirit, the caring and everything going on here that there are no words to express how I feel. I will be paying this forward next year and would love to help in any way I can when the time comes next year.

    Thanks for bringing out the Santa in everyone because Santa really does live in the hearts of those who believe!!

  1068. Wow. I just can’t think of any other words.
    I have been reading your blog for a long time and love it (thanks for writing it!).. I saw the original post and almost commented because, I’ll be honest – we really need help. However, I knew that there are so many others who have it worse than we do, so I chose not to comment for myself.

    Well you know how the holidays are.. I got distracted. And I forgot to check back. Now I did, and I’m just.. amazed. I cannot believe the incredible amount of generosity and goodwill I see here. It made me cry just thinking about it.

    My kids won’t have any presents this year, and that makes me sad. Between my bedrest, subsequent loss of income, surgical complications and a newborn to take care of.. things got a bit too tough this year. We have food to eat, though nothing special for a “christmas dinner” we would hope for.
    I am so grateful that we have a roof over our heads and the utilities are on. The kids are healthy, happy, and very much loved. And that is most important 🙂

    My newborn is young enough to not even know what’s going on.. It’s unfortunate my older two (4 and 7) will realize that something is missing this year.. and if there were an extra gift card or donor around with nobody more needy to match them with, of course I would be grateful but I would never want to accept anything when others are less fortunate.

    Mostly, though – I’m just blessed to have seen this outpouring of giving and kindness here. There are SO many good and kind people here, giving of themselves.. it warms my heart and reminds me of what the holiday season is about!

    Thank you for this post, and for what you started.. and thank you ALL for joining in and giving some amazing children a wonderful memory that they wouldn’t have otherwise had. 🙂

    Happy Holidays!

  1069. Hi again, Jenny,

    You hooked me up with a donor yesterday for gift cards to Sephora ($25,) Bath & Body Works ($25), and Bliss ($150.) I’ve sent my match two emails–one yesterday and one today–but haven’t heard back.

    If the remaining people in need could use toys or books more than girly soaps and stuff, I’m happy to donate a $100 gift card from pretty much anywhere–whatever anyone needs.


  1070. If you still need donors, I would love to help. This is just the kind of thing that would make my Christmas. Please let me know if you need me. Next year, I would love to get more deeply involved if you can use me.

    You are a special person. Pam

  1071. Jenny,

    i happened across this post this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. its this kind of thing that restores faith in humanity, for reals.. not in any cliche way. I thought it was so awesome I tweeted & FB’d it. I was just hoping someone might read it and get the happy i was feeling, no more agenda than that. But, seems this thing has a life of its own and will just keep growing. I just had a friend email me to say he passed the info along to a group he belongs to and they will help to see that whoever needs something will get it.

    you started & kept going a heck of a thing here. you and all those who had the courage to ask for help and those who stepped up to fill a need are all my freakin heroes. i just cant gush enough awesome wonderful things at you all. this is amazing and everyone involved have made the world just a little bit better place.

    so much love to you all,

  1072. At the risk of sounding redundant; this is a really really beautiful thing that you’ve done. Bollocks to all of those fools who say human beings are anything but wonderful. You’ve just renewed my faith in the fundamental goodness of everything. Thank you, and thank you to everyone who donated. You’re all beautiful.

  1073. When my parents got divorced, my father rarely came around and it was even rarer that he paid child support. My mother had not graduated high school and had very limited working experience outside of the home. Oh – and 5 of us. We lived in a house that actually had a red light in the ceiling in the living room because it had been the “red light” district. We used the stove for heat – in northern winters and we slept three to a bed with no heat at night to try and stay warm. That first Christmas my mother told us there would be no Christmas that year and we all said okay but our childish optimism would not let us believe her. Sure enough though – all through the Christmas season no presents were placed under the tree. But on Christmas morning there was a knock on the door and when we looked outside someone had left packages – presents for all of us. We have never found out who it was. But I will never forget it. I will never forget what it feels like to be cold and to be hungry and I would love to help someone not feel that way as I am now very fortunate.

  1074. This is a wonderful thing. I’m right in the middle right now – I don’t have enough to be a donor but I have enough to manage some sort of presents for my loved ones. I know very well, though, what it is to not have anything, to have to explain why there aren’t any presents, to know yourself, as a child, that there won’t be any. Thank you for making this world a brighter place. And thank all of the donors for doing what they can to extend your mission and make it so much more awesome than it already was (which was pretty awesome!)

  1075. I just wanted to come back and say thanks again to Jenny and my angels. I’ve been coming back every chance I get to read more comments and am just amazed at what I read. This has been the best Chistmas ever because my heart is so full from the love that has poured from these pages! I am like many of the other receivers here, I never thought I would be in this position financially. Asking for help was very very difficult for me and it took me a couple of days to work up the courage. As others have said, I understand that feeling of failure but deep in my heart I know I’m not, I’m just in unfortunate circumstances right now as an unbelievable amount of people are.

    One positive thing this horrible economy has done for me is teach me the value of a dollar. Before my circumstances drastically changed, I was living the life and I would have been one of the generous donors. Now I shop at dollar stores, discount supermarkets, where ever I can to save a dollar. I’m not complaining by any means, I wish I would have known these things sooner… I could have saved a lot of money!

    I just checked the Washington Post and Mellisa Bell’s article is up (great article Mellisa!):


    2010 is ending with a bang thanks to Ms. Jenny and her minions. To all the donors, thank you for your crazy generosity, for giving so many people the joy of having a Merry Christmas, and restoring a lot of faith in humanity! To those of us who received, we’ll get past these hard times… stay positive… 2011 is going to be a better year!

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

  1076. Hi! I just got linked to your site from the Houston Chronicle. Will definitely add you to my RSS feed.

    I know of a friend that’s in need. Her husband’s hours got significantly cut this year and they can barely afford to keep the power on. They had been trying to have a baby and she’s had 3 miscarriages this year. They have 2 boys and were trying for a girl. If anyone could help in any way please let me know. If you want to email me directly to save our Bloggess some time and energy that would be fine. ma(dot)vivian(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you!

    You’ve been matched. ~Jenny

  1077. I was going to come here and see if I could get in before the very end because I’m pretty bad off, and let alone pay the bills this month, my teenage son knows he’s not getting anything for Christmas. He’s a wonderful young man though and he understands times are hard.

    Then I was on my twitter and I saw a friend of mine there, and I know she’s much worse off than I am. She has a young daughter and lost her job earlier in the month and things are horribly bleak for her. I wish I could help her but I don’t have enough for myself. So, if it’s not too late, I’m asking for help for her and not myself. If I’m able to be matched up with someone I can give you her information. Thank you.

  1078. Fucking amazing! I haven’t been able to get involved but I’m gonna make damn sure I give extra becuase of this.

    You’ve demonstrated what Christmas is all about: thank you

  1079. I just got a link from a friend and read this post. I’m sitting here weeping. What a generous readership you have. its wonderful. We are a struggling military family and have had a rough year. We lost twins in January to a molar pregnancy and my husband deployed in February. I learned just after he was gone that we were pregnant again, although I miscarried that baby while he was gone. He returned in late July and brought so much joy home with him. We have struggled this year with my job loss and his pay cuts and have had to join WIC for our first time ever. We’ve also accepted handouts from family this year for the first time ever. But you know what? God is good. I have my 2 1/2 year old daughter, my husband is home for a short time and I am now 19 weeks pregnant with our second daughter. We are not doing much this holiday season. We’ve made as many gifts as we can for family and are doing things like chocolate covered pretzels and coupon books for each other. It just means so much to have family. And to read something like this, brightens my day even more. We’re trying to really enjoy this short holiday time together before he leaves again. Unfortunately, he will miss the birth and most of the first two years of our next little girls’ life, but I just pray our marriage can stay as strong as it is and we will get through that time and possibly even thrive.

  1080. i know it’s kinda late, but if there’s still some one out there who needs help, please, please sign me up!!

  1081. I just read I’ve been matched with Donors!! Thank you so much!! I can’t believe it! I am so eternally greatful!!

  1082. I wish i could have found out about this sooner. I have 2 daughters 5 and 6 and have been out of work for almost 2 yrs now. I can’t give them much of a christmas and i’m having trouble with rent so i’m scared of eviction now. I would love some help this xmas.

  1083. Just posted on our FB/Twitter fan pages… thanks for the inspiration… pass it on…
    “In honor of one of our favorite people on Twitter @TheBloggess, we will be giving away TEN $30 gift cards to use on our site. Read her inspiring story by clicking on the link. The first 10 people to post their story and why they need this gift card (for themselves or someone else) will get an email with their gift card. Merry Christmas!!!”

  1084. Carolyn, whoever and wherever you are – you made my mums entire month by helping with the giftcard. I wanted to say thank you but couldn’t figure out how to reach you. God bless you and keep you. What kind and loving souls you all are for helping so many.

  1085. Jenny,

    I just wanted to publicly thank you for for being the catalyst in the bigger than expected blessing. My dear friend Boo (Sarah, who lost two children in a house fire this summer), who I “nominated” for a little Christmas miracle, sent me a heartfelt thank you via email. She had scoured he hundreds (now thousands) of comments searching for the person who gave your readers her information. I would have preferred to stay “undercover” but I know she searched so that she could say “Thank you” – because that is the kind of woman she is. Although I am in a “good enough” place this year, I was not able to donate … or so I thought.

    You not only were a catalyst, you were an inspiration. My employer gave out $20 gift cards to a local grocery store last week. My next door neighbor visits our local food pantry each month. I know this because I have seen her when I was running a little low on cash and had to visit to the food pantry to feed my son and I. She is elderly, on a fixed income, and has 3 cats and 2 dogs that are her family. Although the food bank gives out vouchers for fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, it is often difficult for her to get food for her “family”. You and your readers inspired me to give that $20 grocery gift card to her – anonymously.

    That is what this post – this event – is all about. For those of you who are not in a position to give cash, give your time. Spend part of your holiday at a nursing home, at a homeless shelter or commit to helping sort and distribute food at your local food bank. There are so many opportunities out there to make a difference. Don’t *know* that someone else will do it – do it yourself.

    Thank each and every one of you for making my holiday so special this year!

  1086. Jenny, I know you’re swamped figuring all of this out, but I’m good for $30 if it’s still needed. Wish we were doing this all year…

  1087. Jenny you’re wonderful. I know this was an oversight with so MANY people to help, but I referred a mom of 4 here last week (who lost her home & everything in it, right down to her kids baby photo’s) but she didn’t hear from anyone. I don’t think she mentioned that in her post. Too proud perhaps. She may have felt guilty asking for help which is like her. If you have any possible way to still match her with a donor when things settle down for you, you would be making her life a living heaven. A few friends and I have gotten together to provide them with Christmas dinner and a christmas tree but being able to give her children a few warm clothes, blankets and books would really mean the world to her, if its still possible. If not I totally understand. I guess im just grasping in my desire to help her beyond my own means.

    Brandi, right? I have her set up with a donor so hopefully she’ll hear something. `Jenny

    God bless each and every one of you for all that youve done for so many people already.

  1088. absolutely AMAZING!!! first read about this yesterday and cried tears of joy over peoples’ kindness. i truly feel the holiday spirit and am just totally overwhelmed with joy that because of a single blog post, SO MANY people in dire need were helped. jenny – you did an incredible thing here!

    i didn’t get a chance to link up with anyone on your blog, but tomorrow i’ll be contacting my local food bank about which items they are in the greatest need of, and doing a big shopping trip. for christmas i’m also starting my toddler daughter a “giving book” where i’ll make yearly gifts to a charity in her name, and doment it for her to help fill as she grows…

    to those readers who stepped up here and donated your money or items here – YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!! i’ve seen this story spread all over facebook and twitter, and so many of my friends have been moved to donate to those in need because of your efforts. thank you for a beautiful reminder about the true spirit of the holidays. cheers!!!

  1089. Because of Jenny and the wonderful people who read her, my friend’s son and stepson will have gifts to open . Thank you. I’ve watched this family struggle and been part of their community of online (and RL) friends who have helped in the last 2 years. Because of friends, family and a lot of juggling they have food and a roof, but it was hard for her to not even to be able to get a board book for the baby. Now there will be a books and a toy for both children. One £20 Amazon gift voucher has made so much difference. On their behalf I say thank you. They would thank you themselves but they had to cut their internet off at Thanksgiving. Happy Solstice. Thank you again. Sometimes the smallest thing makes such a big difference.

  1090. I don’t think “Thank You” is a big enough word to some up all of my gratitude. Thank you soo much Jenny and all of the donors. You have certainly made a difference in so many lives. *happy tears*

  1091. I was sent here by a Twitter friend (simplydab) who was helping me “find my Xmas spirit” and what this post did was make me cry at the generosity of everyone here, especially you for creating this miracle. When I had stated that I wished I had the means to offer help but am on the other end, being a bit in need myself, this wonderful person offered me a gift card for my family. I did not accept since I was able to get my kids presents this year although dealing with foreclosure. I would love for her generous offer to go to someone who isn’t able to get their children presents, she deserves to be a Secret Santa to someone 🙂

  1092. I just want to add my appreciation and gratitude! This blog has shown so much love and kindness.

    Jenny, you are wonderful!

    God bless and Merry Christmas to all!

  1093. holy effin wow jenny. this was an amazing experience and i am blessed to have been the recipient of several peoples kind generosity … but moreso i am blessed to have been able to witness what has happened here. im pretty sure facebook has sent me frantic emails wondering where ive been because in the last 2 days ive been checking your comments to see all the new entries and ive been all ‘facebook who?’.
    to everyone who is wondering, as i am, how we will ever repay you and all the generous donors who made this possible, i think the answer is simple and the answer is clear.
    1) pay it forward, in whatever way you can. regardless of what your situation is there is always something you can do. i am a manager for a fast food resturaunt. a homeless lady comes in and sits for hours daily, sometimes sleeps sitting straight up in a booth close to the door (we are open 24 hours). the other managers warned me about her on my first day. they explained that they let her stay 1 hour and then ask her to leave. they said if i see her using her own cup or a cup she may have purchased the last time she was in to tell her she cant have any coffee or soda unless she pays for a new cup. i smiled and shook my head and agreed to what i was being told because i was the new manager and i was lucky to have the job … my kids and i were homeless for 6 weeks over the summer before i got that job. i made it a point to talk to that homeless woman everytime she came in our store. when she came in for coffee i brewed a fresh pot and gave her a clean large cup and slid her money back across the counter to her, everytime. i told her if she needed anything to let me know. i asked her if she was hungry everytime i saw her and let her know she would always have a meal to eat as long as i was in the building. i had to work the dinner shift on thanksgiving and i brought her a plate full of all the thanksgiving goodies my sister in law made (and THAT was a treat…i assure you!!!) so, even though i dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. even though i have been blessed to have landed a full time job with a stable weekly paycheck, i am still playing catch up from the nightmare summer my family endured. when we lost absolutely everything we had to our names and they started school on the first day wearing last years uniforms and shoes with holes. i dont have a penny to give. but i have what i have at my disposal and i give it.
    2) jenny will be rewarded. as will each and every donor. thats how life works. you do good and you will be looked after.
    god bless everyone here. the donors. the recipients. jenny the bloggess. merry christmas.
    i cannot wait for jenny to recover from this project because as much fun as this was and as inspiring as it was … i need to hear more about excessive alcohol intake, anti anxiety medication … and all the crazy shit we have come to know and love that IS .. The Bloggess.

  1094. Pingback: Sorry, Me. |
  1095. Like Mother Theresa… only with Big-Ass Rollers in her hair! Awesome job! Beautiful opportunity… Thank you and your family (for making it possible for you to do it)… The world is a better place… one email at a time…

  1096. Jenny…I wish I had come across your site sooner! I would have loved to have helped out! You are truly an inspiration. Later this week, when you have time to reflect on your incredible deeds, I hope that you realize all the good that you have done. You sparked a fire like no other. One that has burned brighter and longer than any other, but more importantly, one that has warmed the hearts of everyone that witnessed it. Even those on the sidelines, like myself, are blessed to know of this story. Though I have already adopted an angel from the Salvation Army angel tree, I am inspired to do more. I am inspired to reach out even more to those in need – to give back in anyway I can. You are a hero.

  1097. If you still are matching people up and are short on donors just let me know. My preference would be to send gift cards, but I could do cash via pay pal as well.

  1098. I know it’s late, I know you’re weary…

    I was very blessed to receive matches. And I know Jenny has closed up shop, good for her, she needs some TLC and sleepy time.


    My daughter, Christel ( 320217@gmail – she says there’s no .com, but I don’t know…she just opened this to apply for college) really wanted to get some help. I thought she could make it to the library and post for herself, but she didn’t make it in time. I was able to get her 2 children, Abbey (4) and Dylan (1) a couple of gifts from the generosity of my matches, so I didn’t want to come back on and ask for more. Now, I can’t help myself.

    Christel is a single mom. About a year and a half ago, when she was pregnant with Dylan, she was the victim of family violence by Dylan’s dad. She did contact the police, and got that guy out of her life, thank God. But the man then made several reports to CPS which ended in Abbey being removed from her, and given into the custody of her equally bad dad. At least I know that guy loves Abbey, but he’s not fit to be a father at this time, really. And, vindictively, he then sued for custody and got it. Somehow.

    Christel did everything she needed to to be able to see her daughter again, by the rules of CPS. She really made a big change in her life. But Abbey’s dad was not going to let Abbey come home. After over a YEAR of battles in court, and really bad experiences, with the help of TX rural legal aid, Abbey finally was able to come home and Christel received full custody of her daughter. Child support was ordered, but has not come for November or December. She did get medicare for Abbey, and foodstamps.

    I am really proud of her, and her kids are fabulous. My matches got a picture of them for christmas. But Christel really has nothing but a few presents from the local Angel tree for her kids, and certainly nothing for herself or for her to give anyone else. She had to borrow money for stamps to send out a couple of Christmas cards.

    If someone here didn’t get matched with someone to help, I humbly ask that you consider sending Christel an email. Jenny, I’m trying to keep the work off your shoulders, but if this request is inappropriate and you can manage to handle this request, then God bless you some more.

    Christel doesn’t have a paypal account yet and is not signed up anywhere for online shopping. As things work out, Abbey is at her Dad’s for Christmas, so Christel is having a New Year’s Eve Christmas at her house this year. She’s bought ham, and turkey, and when she comes to pick up Abbey from her dad on the 28th, she will come out here and pick me up and take me there so I can be with my grandkids for the belated Christmas. And she’ll have gas to get me back home (she lives over 100 miles from me) thanks to my blessed matches.

    So, if someone can help, I’ll help Christel set up a paypal account, so she can shop with those funds or put them in her bank account to shop for her family. I’m sorry I didn’t know she wouldn’t be able to get to the library and post or I would have asked sooner. She lives in a small town and the library is about 30 miles away. I know she will be able to get there within the next day or two.

    She’s also starting college in January- really doing the best she can for her kids. Merry Christmas, everyone, thanks again to the bloggess and my matches, and I hope that your spirits have all been lifted as high as mine this year.

  1099. What beautiful amazingness. I know it’s late, but if anything further is needed I could donate a small amount. If not, it’s been awesome to see. And gives me hope that people are better than we think.

  1100. Jenny…you have been a great big stuffed polar bear of sparkly goodness in my otherwise crap filled life. As of a few weeks ago..I found a job…my electricity has been turned back on and my landlord has stopped my evection……It has taken all these terrible things that have happened to me to help me see how wonderful life can be…….I am truly grateful for even the smallest things that I have…..What you have done is amazing and wonderful….There arent words…..but like the Little Drummer Boy….I feel like I want to give you something…anything to show you how I feel about what you’ve done…But I’m not smart enough to add the link…its on youtube Ian Axel ‘This is the New Year’…..Please go watch…and thank you…I hope you do this again next year…I hopefully will be able to help. THANK YOU…….p.s. really please watch the Ian Axel thing…It will make me feel like I was really able to thank you.

  1101. I cannot thank you enough. This is the most incredible event that has happened to me. It is like a 7th sense. I vow to do the same someday soon. I will never forget this. I am so touched, I want to come back and read all these, but now I have to go make dinner. I can say Merry Christmas now and mean it with all my heart.

  1102. I just want to say thank you to Jenny and to my match Beth. Not only did her gift allow me to purchase some great gifts for my children to open on Christmas morning, I was able to put some much needed food in the fridge. I am truly a blessed woman and am at a loss of words for the kindness I have seen today/this week. This is how the world is supposed to be, look out for your neighbor.

    I start a new job in Feb(hopefully earlier) and will definitely find a way to pay it forward 100 times!! Thank you again Jenny and Beth and God Bless both of you and your families. I know he has blessed me today!!

  1103. I hope I’m not to late I heard about this from a friend of mine.we didn’t know this was going to happen so I hope someone out there still may be able to help. My cousin and her husband and their 2 kids had a house fire over the weekend here in nashville,tn. They have lost everything.their church is helping and donations are coming in but I was going to see if anyone would be able to.I hope I can still get some help for them my cousin and husband are still in the hospital I have her 2 kids with me. I hope someone can help them.here is their story http://www.newschannel5.com/story/13714846/family-loses-everything-in-bordeaux-house-fire

    Plz send donations to



  1104. 320278@gmail.com is my daughter, Christel’s correct email address from post #1412. Sorry for the confusion. As I said, she had just recently opened the account to apply for college and doesn’t use it often. Thank you so much!

  1105. A freind told me about that you have done for her and I had about thinks like this but I guess I didnt realy belive it. I’ll try to make this as short as I can. I just drove about 4000 miles to pick up my 3 grandkids from there mother because there mother is not taking care of them. That toke all the money I had saved + a months rent. I will not be able to give them any kind of Xmas. If anyone out there can help, they would be making 3 littlebabys very happy, they are going thouth a lot lately. Thank You……….From A NaNa in need

  1106. Thank you for this inspiration and for all of your hard work. If you still need donors, please do let me know. Meanwhile you prompted me to give locally. That was more rewarding than any other experience this year.

  1107. God bless all of you. My donors are amazing angels, and I will be grateful for this forever. This was truly a miracle, it helped so many people, andt brought strangers together that would have never crossed paths. Thank you for all that you have done Jenny, I hope your holidays are blessed.

    My kids want to thank you guys too! They don’t know the details, just that there are some great people out there that helped others. Just like I try to teach them everyday!

    Bless you and Thank you again!!!

  1108. Jenny,
    I learned about this amazing community giving thing through a friend’s FB post. I hope you managed to get some rest and have kept yourself from getting ill. If you have any people who need help, I’d like to step up. I don’t have much- been out of work for almost a year, but I want to help – so many of these posts moved me and gave me hope that I can still matter.

    I’ve also signed up for a local “giving back” organization where one does volunteer work a couple times a month….

    Thank you so much for starting this, and for keeping the comments open. I’ve loved reading it.

  1109. You are fabulous. And I love you and everything you have done/helped with this past week. <3

  1110. I’d love to help. Please email – I can go to the mall tomorrow to pick up gift cards, gifts, or Paypal someone money who needs it.

  1111. I bet Victor’s glad he bought James Garfield for you now! This is such an amazing thing that you have started. To my knowledge, I do not know any of the the givers or receivers, but I know that you have made such a difference in all of their lives. You have done a great thing here, and I for one am extremely grateful to you for you selfless act of making sure that each need was met with a donation and to spend sleepless nights and who knows how much time setting up the spreadsheet to keep it all organized. While my financial situation keeps me from donating this year, I do want to be a part of the Bloggess Family Christmas in 2011 (or if you decide to spearhead any other events throughout the year).

    God bless you and all that have been a part of this great event, both the givers and the receivers…


  1112. I’d love to be able to help if there is still a need. I could pull off a $20-$30 gift card.

  1113. If it’s not too late, I can help…. Thank you, your initial generosity have been multiplied so many times over.

  1114. This is so wonderful. Reminds me of a book I just read – The Secret Gift by Ted Gup – Shortly before Christmas 1933 in Depression-scarred Canton, Ohio, a small newspaper ad offered $10, no strings attached, to 75 families in distress. Interested readers were asked to submit letters describing their hardships to a benefactor calling himself Mr. B. Virdot. The author’s grandfather Sam Stone was inspired to place this ad and assist his fellow Cantonians as they prepared for the cruelest Christmas most of them would ever witness. Merry Christmas!

  1115. I posted once or so I thought but I have been unable to find my post. I have a familiar story. I lost my job a few months ago, lost my apartment and moved in with my girlfriend’s family. I have been searching everywhere for a job and have had a few leads but no one wants to hire until after the holidays which does not help me get Christmas for my 3 children. My girlfriend and her Mom have helped out as much as they can but are barely scraping by and are unable to help me buy gifts for my kids. If anyone could help me out buying my kids gifts and making sure we have a Christmas dinner I would be very thankful. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, you are doing a wonderful thing. Happy Holidays!

  1116. You are awesome 🙂 We were facing a pretty pathetic looking Christmas this year, too, but we were lucky enough to have a real life Christmas Angel come to our rescue. I know how much that meant to me, so I know how much even just a small donation can help! It’s not just having the money to be able to keep my kids believing in Santa for another year; it’s knowing there ARE people out there who care and want to help. That’s the best feeling of all!

  1117. I am leaving a comment because we are having a tough year. Christmas for my 3 children will be extremely sparse. We made decorations from scrap paper to go on a fake Christmas tree I found along side of the road. This year my husband stopped being able to earn an income due to clinical depression. I have tried to apply everywhere I can think of but no luck so far. We have been fighting disability, because its depression and they don’t want to pay benefits to him. We are in danger of losing our house because we can no longer make the mortgage payments with no income and we can’t get loans with no verifiable income. I am still trying to keep the Christmas spirit alive and fun for my children but it hurts a little when my kids seem so excited trying to guess what they will get for Christmas even though I told them they won’t be getting much. Please let me know if there is someone willing to help out. I would be grateful beyond belief. Thank you!

  1118. It is so amazing what you have done! I would have loved to have helped out, and still would like to if the opportunity exists

  1119. I can help. If you are still taking donors, please sign me up. I’ve been there and I’ve been so fortunate these past few years that I’d be grateful to help another person.

    You are amazing!

  1120. i’m totally late to the party — but i would love to help if still needed, or if anyone ends up backing out. you are wonderful for doing all this.

  1121. It does change the world, one person can change the world. Thank you for proving that theory. Thank you for going the distance and proving not only that, but also that one person can make miracles happen.

    Thank You Jenny, thank you for being you

  1122. I’ve been watching all this since last night when someone posted it on Facebook. I figured by then I was already too late to jump in only to find more still happening whenever I had the chance to check in today. Again thinking I was too late but wanting to help if I could I contacted one of those asking for help via her blog. She got back to me saying that she had indeed been matched up and gotten help.

    I just want to say that this is truly one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. The internet has shown itself, time and again, to have the capacity to be a conduit to many things both good and bad but this was something beyond even that. The love, the fun, the sharing, the thanking, the tears and laughs were a continuing joy to see. And, like so many others, I found it so beautiful to see so many examples of people who get it…that we’re all in this together and there, but for the grace of Whatever, go we.

    You, Miss Jenny, have been a catalyst, a teacher, a reminder. And you’ve won a place in many hearts for all the crazy amount of work you’ve done over these last several days. So, I’m adding my thanks and my applause.

  1123. Enjoy your rest…you deserve it! Thank you so much for all you have done for so many(including me).

  1124. Jenny, I also have lots of free time on my hands. I’m a teacher on winter break, visiting the ‘rents, and my hubby isn’t coming down for a few more days. If you need any help with the logistics of any of the additional emails, I would LOVE to help you with that. Again, I am also more willing to help a family in need.

  1125. I just got my gift card, bless you Meg, and bless you Jenny. My husband is out in out shed, with no heat, making me my x-mas gift. What a saint! (remind me about this the next time he shrinks my favorite pair of pants 🙂 Now I get to surprise him with something wonderful and completely unexpected for Christmas. I think I know exactly what to get him. I just need to stop crying long enough to be able to shop for it.

  1126. I have just been emailed and have received a gift through PayPal (thank you Jen) and feel wonderfully touched and blessed by this special person. Thanks too Jenny for opening up your heart and your blog to allow complete strangers to reach out to each other at this special but sometimes difficult time of year. I cannot thank my donor enough and will now be able to afford a few things that I couldn’t previously 🙂 I solemnly promise to pay this forward next Christmas and hope I can do the same for someone else. Thanks so much xx

  1127. Jenny. I hope you are watching twitter. It’s like a digital standing ovation. Fricking awesome to watch.

  1128. My original post had a typo in my email – please let me know if you still need a donor, this is awesome!!

  1129. Thank you for all your hard work and the generosity of others. A true miracle happened here! I’m blessed that I was able to see it/be in it!

  1130. Wow. :0o I miss the weekend and I miss a lot. You people are amazing! I applaude each and everyone of you for helping make this happen. Just wish I had been here to see it go down. I am in desperate need of some Christmas Spirit. Having a hard time finding it on my own. Like so many others, bad year. Bad Christmas. Good to hear some happy stories. Helps remove the Humbug Funk. Makes me less stabby. Less stabby is always good. Bloggess Minions Rock! Only mionions better would have to be those adorable (and tasty lookin’) 2-bite twinkie minions. The pooled together and brought down a moon for shit sake!!! And put it back… sort of. But being near them would only make me hungery and desperate to find out if they are cream filled. Near you, I feel empowered! And a bit peckish. *looks back* Wow… I went on a cream filled rant there, didn’t I? Still better than being stabby. Unless… it’s with twinkie. mmmmmmmmmmm

  1131. This may not have change THE world,
    but it sure as hell changed MY world.
    and this is coming from someone who was merely a bystander (I wish I could have donated, but I wasn’t quite sure how to do that without a credit card).
    I’m just some 16 year old, grade 11 high school girl, but you’ve definitely restored my faith in people to be genuinely kind and caring when it comes down to it.
    Thank youu,
    I really needed that reminder <3

  1132. I don’t know what to say….I received a gift card from my ELF MORGAN and am overwhelmed by her generous gift. You will never know how much it means to me, it was really hard for me to post on the blog and ask for help. I am a single Mom with two boys and I work so hard just to keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs and food in there tummy’s…Jenny and Morgan you are both my Christmas wish come true and if there is ANY way I can help you please let me know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! My hope is to be able to donate and pay it forward to someone from the blog next Christmas!

  1133. i’m at this computer, but i’m not alone. i feel in my heart that God directed me here 2 see what i see. i’ve always prayed to be useful. i’m a 30yr old single mom of 3, and my 16yr old teen thought my life wasnt complete unless she had a child. my 8yr old son, and 7yr old daughter are new residents at boys and girls country because i’m not home enough for being at work whenever possible, and when they were home, i think they were made to feel like they were only in the way. talking about my own mom, and that lazy ass 16yr old (whom i love in spite of). marlon(8) and layla(7) are living an awesome(motherless) life there, and for x-mas, they got their long-time absent dad, and few other things. i’m not here 2 ask, i’m here 2 give. i choose 2 forfeit a portion of my vehicle paymnt 2 do so(trust me, it’s cool, lol). this feels waaaay better than paying them. i already have a $20 toysrus gift card frm a previous purchase, and i can help a bit more. please let me help some1 who was in my shoes 1-2 yrs ago.. sharenda_nicole@ymail.com

  1134. Jenny, you have created something beautiful and you will never know how many lives (especially children) you have touched. I had hoped for just a little help in making this Christmas a little easier for our family and we were so fortunate to receive a generous gift from our “secret Santa” and I thank you Santa from the bottom of my heart 🙂

  1135. Jenny, you started this out of your kindness and compassion. I don’t know if I was “patient zero” but when I wrote you that email, but I was at the end of my tether. I felt like the biggest loser for losing my job. I still go in and out of that because, well, I’m me. But I’ve made a conscious decision to push thru it all come hell or high water. I won’t do anything stupid is what I’m saying. But I will admit that I still find myself in tears the better part of each day.

    Anyway, I wanted to say this came from you and spread one person at a time.Every bonfire needs a spark. You have been a spark so me on so many days but in these especially dark times, thank you for giving me one more reason to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Just thank you. My cup runneth over.


    Elizabeth, you were patient zero and you inspired me to start this. I’m so glad you’re here and I’m so glad i could help because you ended up helping so many others without even realizing it. ~ Jenny

  1136. I just saw this on facebook 5 minutes ago. What an incredible thing you have done. If you are considering adding donors my family would love to send a $30 gift card to a family in need. It sounds like you may be done for the season & I commend you for all you have done for others. Happy Holidays!

  1137. I held my breath and wrote in on Friday evening asking for help. Today I opened my email to find a message from Paypal telling me that I had received a completely unexpected amount of money from a complete stranger!!! She said she just felt she was supposed to help ME. Isn’t that crazy? Really, we’ve emailed… she does not seem crazy at all other than her spontaneous generosity to a single mom, as she had also been a single mom in the past. In her letter she also asks if I need any clothes for Grace and what do I want for Christmas? Amazing. I can’t wait until Grace is old enough to understand this story when I tell it to her, and that she’ll grow up understanding that giving is just what we DO, whether it’s Christmas or any other time of year. We all have something…time, resources, attention, or kindness to give.
    Regardless of the amount of money that was exchanged through the entire miraculous weekend, being “a part of” something so extraordinary has been a beautiful thing. It gives me hope and it’s a vote of confidence that things will not always be this way. My three year old daughter and I are destined to have a fabulous and secure future ahead of us. What comes around goes around, and I will be able to do something amazing for someone else, and it will be very soon. I can’t wait.
    Thank you, Jenny!

  1138. I do not know if it is too late to ask for help but if it is not my family would truly appreciate it. I am a 22 year old single mom of a beautiful 4 month old little girl. I live with my mom right now and we are really struggling. My mom has a home daycare but now only keeps three kids. I recently got hired to help out but will not start working until the 3rd. All ask is for help to brighten up our christmas. I do not have any money to buy my baby girl a gift for her first christmas. Or to have a nice christmas dinner. I just wish i could brighten my mom ands my daughter’s christmas. My mom truly deserves it. She has helped me so much through my whole stressful pregnancy and now. Thank you.

  1139. I haven’t received an email yet from my donors, I don’t want to bug, I just want to be sure someone doesn’t think I’m not answering them. I can give a different email if it is my email that’s not working

    Thanks so much again!

    You had several donors. Check your spam filter. ~Jenny

  1140. the last update and the washington post article had me in tears. this was the most amazing thing i’ve ever witnessed. thank you, jenny, for giving me an opportunity to open my heart up and make a tiny difference in the world. you are truly an angel. love, simone

    p.s. hope you get some rest!

  1141. Jenny, you just rock. This whole experience has reinforced my belief that people are good, that love exists and that we are not destined to simply get through this crazy life without a little help from strangers and friends. Merry Christmas everybody!

  1142. Much love to Jenrose for helping out with the baby sling/carrier 😀

    This is seriously magic and so heartening to see just how much people can share and spread love.

    If there is a family with a horse crazy kid who would love a Breyer horse or a My Little Pony(from a few years ago) and might not otherwise have something I can mail a couple tomorrow.

    I’ve matched her. ~Jenny

  1143. I left one message already but forgot to leave my email address and hope its not too late to be a receiver.
    here is my original message:
    Please post this….
    Is it too late to be a receiver? I feel bad for asking this but I have a disabled daughter who is 16 and an older daughter 18 plus we took in one of my older daughters pregnant teenage friends who’s baby is due in January….Times are tough with money and food….we moved in with my sister who is newly divorced and struggles to make her house payments. She has three little boys, 8, 7 and 5 and although we might not have everything they want for Christmas we will be together as a family and we all have our health. That is the most important thing right?

    I’ve matched you with donors. ~Jenny

  1144. I am not sure if I was supposed to e-mail to donate but since I wasn’t able to I did anyway, hope that’s okay Jenny!

    @ J – comment number 1369 – I sent Susan a gift card, hope it helps.

    And to Katrina P (sorry I don’t remember what your number was) – you have one too.

    Thanks again Jenny.

  1145. I’m speechless, I mean truly speechless! And that’s hard to do to me (seriously). I submitted a help request earlier today for a small amount, if at all possible, and in all honesty I didn’t think anything would come of it…not because I don’t believe in the goodness and generosity of humankind, but only because I found out about Jenny’s wonderful “Blog-pportunity” today, and thought it was too late.

    I just got back online tonight and there it is…an unbelievably generous Amazon gift card waiting for me in my in-box, from my “Secret Santa”, aka “T”, with a kind, encouraging note. I would love to be able to thank my Secret Santa directly, but if this is my only forum to do so, then here goes…

    “T” – you have shown a complete stranger who’s going through a bit of a rough patch, a level of pure kindness and generosity, the likes of which I have personally never experienced before…and I’ve had a pretty blessed life, until recently. I feel saying THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, doesn’t do it justice, but please know that you have made a very big, positive impact on my life right now, and I’m truly thankful!

    Jenny – words aren’t enough to capture the global impact you’ve made round the world in the past few days!! The positive power of one single human being with an idea, is infinite and contagious, and your generous spirit and this “accidental beast” you created, will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN by us all! Now sleep the next four solid days away to recup, and when you wake up it’ll be Christmas! =)

    Me being rendered speechless clearly didn’t last long! Thanks again,

  1146. I left a message previously – however I forgot to add my e-mail to the end.

    Is it to late to receive? I have a family member who is a single mom. This is the first year their dad lives somewhere else. They are 7 and 12 girls. They do not have much for Christmas. If someone can help, would you please? I know about the Amazon sales ($5 toys right now on Amazon) – so even a small gift will be sufficient.


    I’ve matched you. ~Jenny

  1147. I have been moved beyond words by what was created here.

    I’ve been unemployed for over 2 years (except an occasional one and two day fill-in type jobs). I am not eligible for unemployment. I have health problems and am losing my insurance, etc, etc. But I’m not here asking for help! I have a roof over my head and now I have hope in my heart. This beautiful blog, this amazing outpouring of love has lifted my spirits. Hope is not just a politically expedient rallying cry – it is real. It is true. I’ve seen it right here.

    What I most want this holiday is to feel the joy of giving – to help someone who needs it more than I, but I couldn’t figure out what to do. I used to give nice donations, but now I have so little to offer. But reading how even a small amount can help, I’m inspired to take my little $10 Visa Gift card that I won to McDonald’s tomorrow to buy one of those coupon books. Then I’ll give the food coupons out to the homeless I always see in the neighborhood. And I have a warm coat that’s in beautiful shape but too small for me now. I’ll take it to the local shelter. And I have some books I can donate to the local senior center. It’s very little I know, but I am GRATEFUL to be able to give any at all.

    Someone commented she feels like she’s failing at life because of her situation. I’ve felt that way myself this past 2 years. No more. I will find more ways to give – my time, my skills, even just a listening ear.

    So thank you to the donors who gave with pure hearts and great compassion and understanding of others dignity. Thank you to those courageous enough to ask for help. And thank you dear Bloggess for giving of yourself and lighting a spark – a spark that will not die as it’s carried in the hearts and memories and actions of those of us who got to witness this miracle.

  1148. You posted to let you know if we were not matched with donor. I was not matched, and hoping it is not too late. I cannot seem to locate my previous post, but have 4 kids at home and the youngest 2 still await Santa. I have been unemployed for over a year and just obtained a CDL, so feel confident something will come thru for my family so that I can pay it forward, but as of right now, we hold our breath, waiting for the next utility van to pull in the driveway to turn something off. I have seen my wife’s spirit dwindle to nothing, thinking about having to tell our baby girl there is no Santa. It is heart wrenching for a man right now, feeling as if he has let his whole family down and swallowing his pride to ask for help. If there are any donors still available, keep us in mind. If not, God Bless each and everyone of you who have taken part in this Christmas miracle. Hug your babies and love one another, because at times like this, you realize they are all you’ve got.


    I just matched you with another donor. ~Jenny

  1149. I am one of the receivers and all I know is there will be 4 very happy children this year thanks to you and Sister Merry Hellish thank you thank you thank you!!

    This is a small miracle and you are an amazing lady and everyone out there that has helped are amazing!!!!

  1150. People are incredibly amazing. It’s absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much for facilitating this. You all helped so many people, and this is why I am part of the online community. THIS is what it is to me – it’s good people.

  1151. “Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2)

    You will never know how far and for how long this circle of kindness will roll on; how many people’s lives will have been changed, even in some small way, by your ‘accidental’ philanthropy (which isn’t accidental at all by the way. Remember, you purposefully offered up your takings from James Garfield Christmas card money. That’s what inspired everyone else to run with this.)

    Yeah, I know you’re not religious Jenny. Like, in any way shape or form AT ALL…

    But you’re an angel all the same.

    (P.S. Have a good rest. We know and understand that the whole thing has been emotionally as well as physically overwhelming. We can wait until you’re ready to come chat with us again.)

  1152. Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous. I could use help for my son, which would be help for me. I work but most of my income goes to rent and insurance. My son is 16 and has Autism. He is a sweet, helpful, and bright child. He loves basketball and football. He could use new shoes size 12, sports stuff – New Orleans Saints are is favorite. If anyone has a gift card to an eye place located around New Orleans , that would be a huge bonus since my glasses are taped up on both sides and I don’t like looking anyone in the eye because I’m embarrassed. I feel lucky I have a job,and a roof over my head and it’s hard to ask for anything.

  1153. Jenny I understand you being overwhelmed. We are all just so proud of you 🙂 There are so many to help and you have helped all of us pay it forward. Thank you for helping me help the 2 boys I spoke of and the family of 9 kids. The 3 gift cards will go to them this week! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I sell a few more things this week so I can take the money from those sales and use it for gifts for those kids. I have no doubt things will work out.
    If you need any help just email me and by all means next year I’d love to take this over for you or help you out in any way I can.
    No matter how badly we have it there are so many who have it much worse and everyone can use a HAND UP every now and again. You my dear have given so many an opportunity to lend a hand up to so many. I know it’s been said over and over but you my dear have brought so many tears to my eyes over the last few days with this venture that I’d love to just give you all the Big Hugs I can!
    I know how hard all this must be on you. I do a big donation drive in the Philly suburbs each year for the Salvation Army Homeless Residence in Philly and it is quite a task. Weeks and weeks go into matching donors with people in need. People have asked “why bother?” I reply….”if each one of us has the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life….why let the chance pass by.” We can all make a difference each day with even a kind gesture, a welcoming smile or even a good thought. Imagine what a nicer place this world would be if everyone did that! You have started something here. You have helped so many make a difference and all of you should be so proud of yourselves.
    So today I ask all of you hug those kids tighter, call someone you love and just say “I love you.” Check on an ailing neighbor or invite someone without much family over to share your holidays with your family.
    Christmas Eve I expect over 75 people in my home this year. Every year we invite all our neighbors and folks we know who don’t have anyone to share the holidays with to our house. Santa brings each child under 16 a gift. A small gift but a gift regardless. Each older lady gets a flower to take home. We have an open house for 8 hours and the amount of people is overwhelming!
    I encourage all of you to reach out in your own way in your own towns. You don’t have to be rich just have a rich heart is all. Honestly I don’t have a “pot to piss in.” LOL BUT that’s okay. My husband and I save all year what little we can to pull this off each year. We pool money from side jobs to pay for it and it’s well worth it just to see the looks on the faces of so many who wouldn’t have a Christmas celebration to be part of if not for coming to our house. That is our gift to one another. Not a material thing but making a difference in someone’s lives! The best gift I’ve ever given or received so far! Love ya’s and sorry for going on and on!
    Jenny…anytime you need help you just give me a yell! You are a girl after my own heart! My Mom would call you a gift from heaven and since she was the best damn Mom ever….I would have to agree! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so WONDERFUL!
    MOM/ Mary Alice

  1154. I posted a comment asking for help for my niece. she has a daughter who wont get anything for christmas. she was also evicted and had her power turned off on friday. on saturday the father of her child beat her so severly she had to have her face stitched back together. while at the hospital awaiting her stitches her finance company called to tell her they had gps on her car and they would be coming to reposess it. they did. if that wasnt bad enough, she had $400 in her purse that she was going to use to put a deposit on a new apartment. it was the last of the money she had to her name. somehow she lost it. all of it. all of the money disappeared sunday night.

    She’s set up with donors. ~ Jenny

  1155. I read on LCB thru chilly that there might be help on here for Christmas.It’s not for me but my son.He has a auyoimmune diease called Bechets syndrome.He is on disability because of it and has 3 kids he can not buys Christmas gifts for.This diesase has takeb everything from him and is killing him and he is only 30.I’m not sure if this is the right place but he really could use a secret Santa or a angel.Thanks!!

  1156. @Robyn (1458) – I’ve just sent you a little something; sorry it couldn’t be more. x

  1157. Jenny,

    You have you an amazing voice and you’ve taken your gift and used it to help others. You have allowed people to be relieved of their guilt, if only for a day. With your small act of kindness you’ve somehow turned it into this huge snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger. You’ve personalized a sometimes non-personal way of giving. The receivers were able to tell their story (myself included) in a safe place. That in turn allowed the donors to empathize with the receivers and want to give in a completely selfless way.

    I am so grateful to you and my other donors (a.k.a. my angels) that there aren’t enough words to express the amount of gratitude I have in my heart. You, Danielle and Bri have given my family something more than a monetary gift, you’ve given my family hope. I have read almost every single comment and I could read and re-read them all day long. They’re comforting like chicken soup on a cold day. They make you realize you’re not alone and that there are people willing to help if given the chance. I hope that next year you will decide to once again give the gift of miracles and hope to others. I will be ready and waiting to give as much as I can to a family (families) in need.

    Jenny, you are a beautiful, selfless human being. To all the donors, you’re hope. To the receivers, sharing your story could not have been easy. But, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing so with such honesty. You deserved every gift you were given.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    P.S. Jenny, please get some rest and enjoy your Christmas with your family. I bet they are insanely proud of you!

  1158. Quick reminder to check your “junk e-mail” folder for a message from your donor.

    Late comers: if you are willing to publish your e-mail address in your post you may get picked up by a friendly secret Santa.

  1159. I know I’m too late, but if you could send my email to the woman who’s husband was killed in a drunk driving accident, with twin 5 year old girls, I’d appreciate it. I can’t help much, but I can do something. It would mean a lot to me to help her out. My 5 year old twin daughters would love to help too.

  1160. ‘re: Late comers Secret Santa’ you can reach me LAdaisy09@yahoo.com … My post is # 1477 we have moved three times in the last two years, we are trying to rebuild our lives and stay safe. I cry too much, but always keep the Faith. God Bless.

  1161. I posted above about my son who has bechets syndrome and my e-mail is rosebud488@hotmail.com.I will try to get his e-mail address today .We live 300 miles apart so it wuld be great if it went to his e-mail but I could always send it too!!!Thank you and may God bless and Merry Christmas everyone!

    You’ve been matched with a donor. ~Jenny

  1162. I am sitting in front of my screen with tears streaming down my face. So many families in need and we have so much. I know it’s late but If you can match me up with someone in Canada I can send a $100 gift card before Christmas arrives. Such a wonderful thing you and your family have done, Merry Christmas to all!

  1163. To any late comer Secret Santas, I’d appreciate any Holiday help if you can. This season has been really hard on my family. We have a shut off notice for our electricity that expires tomorrow, and I’m going to have to spend the money for Christmas gifts and food on that. Any help would really make a difference for us this year. I can be reached at stephanie.hairston1@gmail.com.

    You were matched ~ Jenny

  1164. Hi Jenny:
    I know that this needs to stop at some point. You are an amazing person but if some one is in dire need I am happy to give what I can.

    Thank you !!!!!

  1165. Jenny,I see from above, I’ve been matched with a donor..thank you but I’m not sure how it works..sorry.Any info to e-mail or on here would be great.My son will be sooooo happy.

    She’s emailing you this morning. ~Jenny

  1166. Thanks so much to my special Angel Alicia!!

    Jenny – I checked my spam and there is nothing in there. I did receive from Alicia this morning. 😀
    Thank you SO much for everything you are doing here! I hope you get a minute to relax and put your feet up. You deserve it!!!

  1167. Hi I was matched with a donor so I can get my little brother something and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you. I have to wait until Im with him so he can tell me which “guys” he wanted but I know hes going to be thrilled. I hope next year we can all do this again and I hope Ill be able to help someone else who will be in need like I am this Christmas. So again thank you. This whole thing is incredibly amazing, And Jenny if I can do anything to help next year go more smoothly let me know. I would love to be a bigger part of it if you do it again 😀

  1168. Thank you so much Jenny!!!She DID e-mail me and I hope it all works out for everyone.I wish I could help someone too,maybe someday soon.As it is I can only vonunteer at the soup kitchen…homeless shelter but it makes me feel good to be able to even do that!!

  1169. This made me cry.

    I’m having trouble right now making ends meet. I’m crafty so there’s Christmas for my stepdaughter but we’re short on money for heat right now. When I said this yesterday on twitter, someone gave me a small donation, and while it’s not going to pay the bills, it warmed my heart so much.

    This gift was from someone I know. What you’ve done is so much greater. To everyone involved, thank you. And Merry Christmas!

  1170. I know I’m really late on this, but if someone still needs a gift card, I can buy one from my local grocery store, and mail it to them. Just tell me the address to mail it to. Also, tell me if it would be better to give a Visa gift card or American Express gift card. Those are the 2 choices the store offers.

  1171. This is a Christmas Miracle!! My cousins will burst with tears when they receive the outpouring of love from this blog. THANK YOU!!!

    Merry Christmas (and I found the sponsor that I had missed- post973 thank you!)

  1172. Thank you so much for creating this phenomenal exchange of Holiday spirit and allowing all of your readers to really experience the true meaning of Christmas! I was so happy to have the chance to be a part of this and hopefully brought joy to a family in need!

  1173. OK, I know you’ve officially stopped, but if you need a last-minute, fill-in donor, let me know.

  1174. So I’m in Canada and I have $20 in Chapters/Indigo giftcards sitting in my online account. I can transfer them to someone who needs them (but they’ll have to set up an account on Chapters/Indigo) and will throw in another $30 for a total of $50.

    Let me know if this helps.

  1175. My husband said something yesterday, as we have been following this miracle since Friday: “You know, when you’re a kid, at some point you find out there is no Santa, and it’s kinda disappointing. Then you become an adult, and you find out that Santa is real after all. Just look at Jenny’s blog, and you can see Santa Claus is real.”

  1176. Jenny, Thank you so much for this, it epitomizes the Christmas spirit. If you decide to do this again next year, or something similar, I’d like to offer to help with the organization. I’m wicked good at spreadsheets and project management…..

  1177. Original Posts #1367 and 1376

    I could still use some help if there is some out there. I just wanted to thank everyone for any help I get. It is bringing tears to my eyes (actually I’m full out sobbing lol) At how generous people in this world can be. Just when you think it is the end of the world, you realize there are such great people out there!

    Thanks again Jenny for starting this!

  1178. Andrea #1476, my favorite verse in the bible is Matt 25:36. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” and verse 40. “And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” I bet that Jesus is very happy with all the presents he got for his birthday.

  1179. (Original post #1492)
    Thanks so much for doing this, Jenny. I’ll keep an eye on my inbox. 🙂

  1180. Well, Jenny, since I came so late and didn’t get matched, I decided to donate to ToysForTots and I’m also taking a huge load of kids clothing and toys to a local shelter later today. They wanted to sell it all in a garage sale in the spring but I told them this was a much better idea! I’m also looking for other things I can do locally to make a difference.

    See what you started?

  1181. To Jenny and Polly,

    Thank you so much for the generous outpouring of love and assistance this year.

    I posted a few days ago for some help and it arrive in the form of Polly who offered up a gift card. I’m currently searching on Amazon for some amazing gifts to get for my son and my mom. It is difficult not having my son with me at Christmas time but knowing that I can have something under the tree for him is worth it’s weight in gold.

    Sometimes a simple thank you doesn’t seem adequate, but I assure you that this time it’s because I simply don’t have the words to say anything more eloquent through the tears streaming down my face.

    I was not a regular reader until I saw the post from Single Dad Laughing, pointing me here. I will be bookmarking your blog and I will be back. I hope that you do this next year, Jenny and I hope that I will have the opportunity to pay it forward to someone in my shoes.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    Merry Christmas.

  1182. I knew it was probably too late, but you told us to re-post if we hadn’t been paired up with anyone. And if it’s still an impossibility, if all the donors have run out, that’s fine–thank you for doing this anyway. I wish you could get pictures of all the people the donations have helped, and all the smiling kids’ faces. That’d be wonderful. Thanks again. If anything is left, my original post is #1044. I hope you have the best Christmas imaginable.

    Laura, you were set up with donors but you were using a different email address. Check the email address you left with the number 85 in it. You should have help waiting there. ~ Jenny

  1183. I just sent Dawn (#1507) an email. I have a bit left over and I hope Polly doesn’t mind if I pay it forward!

  1184. Jenny must be exhausted so I’ll do this directly, If anyone still needs some help you can leave me a message here and we can exchange emails. or if you’re on twitter I’m @caffeinated_mom.

  1185. I don’t know if it is too late to request help with Christmas. I just saw your blog this morning. I lost my job a few months ago. I am about to lose my house. It is all I can do to keep the utilities on. I have a 13 yr old son that I have no way of buying Christmas presents for. My sister was kind enough to buy me a Christmas tree and she purchased us food through angel food ministry. If it is not too late and if there is anyone out there who is willing to help, I would be so grateful.

  1186. I wrote this here before, but you all deserve to hear it again:

    If God Himself were to ask for one present on His own birthday it would be for his children to behave like this. Congratulations to all of you; those with the means to give as well as those with the humility to ask

  1187. Jenny ~ I dont know if its too late! I hope it isnt!! I follow your blog and I just read this post, my best friend and her family of six is in very much need of some help. I would love to be able to help her out but I am a single mom myself and I can barley make it on my own, living paycheck to paycheck. My best friend has 4 beautiful children, she works at Jack in the Box part time and her husband had to have surgery recently on his back so he hasnt been able to work for a long time. This chrismas, and pretty much every month, is pretty tough for them. I pay for her cell phone bill so that they are able to keep in touch with me at least and their family and friends, it makes things tough for me but i make it work because I know that they need it. If you have anyone at all that is still wililng to be matched up to help them out that would be so wonderful and helpful.
    Thank you for everything you have done to all the people out there that has needed the help.
    Merry Christmas to everyone.

  1188. Still need help? I can give $50 via paypal or Amazon. Email me directly, colinsjunk at hotmail d0t c0m. First email I get.

  1189. You guys are incredible. I love that so many still want to help but if you put up your email address please be wary of the people who contact you. I’m sure most are legitimate but we did have one person asking for donations posing several people (luckily the only one who gave her money was myself) and her IP address is now blocked but that doesn’t mean she won’t email you directly. Just be careful out there just in case.

  1190. Just saw this, so I hope I’m not too late to help.
    I’ll donate $30 if you still have folks who need help.

  1191. I posted earlier (#1451) and didn’t request to be matched up with a gracious donor. For one, I thought it was over and two, I was a chicken. On a good year, I would have offered up a GC or some PP fundage. However, as mentioned before, this is not one of those years. They go in consistant waves. My husband is a temp worker and when he works, we do well. When he doesn’t… well… not so much. The problem is, where they employ him, you can only work for 1 year and then you must take 6 months off. He has been desperately trying to become permanet for YEARS! We seriously thought this was going our year. We were wrong. If it was just the two of us, it would be no big deal. However, there are 6 of us. We have elementary school children and a 6 month old. The 6th member is my Mother who moved in with us a little over 9 years ago. Full House. Like I said, we have been through this sort of year before, but this time around has been a struggle. Christmas is usually a joyous time in this house and this year, it seems to be more of a sore spot. We decided to stick to one gift from each person to each person. Great in theory. I’ve done what I could to regift and make some of the gifts. Normally, I save up all year ’round just for Christmas. I’ve even been known to stash gifts through out my house as I find them durring the year, but this year (between baby and cut in income more than before) that hasn’t been possible. If there is someone still looking to give, I would gladly humble myself to receive it. My family would thank you. I would thank you and more than happily pay it forward next year when we are good again. <3 <3 <3

  1192. I am so thrilled to have been a small part in such a hugely wonderful thing you created here.

    I am stunned.

    Just stunned. And it takes a lot to do that to me.

  1193. I didn’t get matched up here, so I made a donation to Toys for Tots this morning. As someone said earlier, thank you Jenny for being the spark that ignited this awesome example of how amazing people can be. My words just don’t do it justice, it is beyond my ability to put this miracle into words. I am in tears everytime I come here and read the comments.

  1194. Daisy:
    Post #1489 and #1477 I sent you an email. Please check your Yahoo account.

    Thank you !

  1195. I know its probably to late, when I heard what was happening I came on to see if it wasn’t. My husband and I have moved and have been struggling and selling our things to support our two girls. Christmas wasn’t going to happen for us as we can’t afford gifts or a turkey, but if there’s anyone who could help with a gift for my 2yr old at least please email me at teamcaylee@live.com.

  1196. Jenny, being mindful of your post about being careful, what would be the best way to do that? I honestly don’t know, but I know my post offering support got several replies right away, so obviously there are people still looking for help. And of course, as much as it sucks to think about it, some poeple may be taking advantage of the incredible generosity shown here. I guess it’s just an inherent risk of giving to anonymous strangers.

  1197. I was post #1296 and I figured I would be too late, but wanted to say I think this is so special. The generosity is overwhelming.

  1198. Just a quick thanks Jenny….I was glad to help out and thank you for all the work you did…I always enjoy reading your column but have only commented once..you are one true, wonderful woman

  1199. Came back again this morning specifically to read the new comments (btw, hi there Jean 1508!) and, oh no… Yep – it’s happening all over again. Must. Hold. Back. Tears. Oh rats, too hard!

    *WEEPS* all over computer keys…

  1200. Well, Jenny…..as I sit here at my computer and weep from the gratitude of you and other, I am totally reminded what Christmas is about. Next year, I will be the one giving. I have never felt anything like this, and thank God that I stumbled upon you from Single Dad Laughing.

    Also, I would love to send you a private email if I could and you could direct me how to do so.

    Thanks to all that have helped me and my family, you all are truly angels.


  1201. Jenny and Colin, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! :’0)

    Please take me off the receiving list.

    I sooooooooo will be paying this forward next year. Here if I can. ;0)

  1202. Hi:
    I just wanted to let you know that Daisy and I have been in touch.

    Post #1489 and #1477 I sent you an email. Please check your Yahoo account.

    Thank you !

  1203. Your welcome, Tracey. It does feel damn good to hear you saved someone’s Christmas.

    I also was contacted by Stephanie Hairston & sent her some help also, but that was to a different email address than what she posted above. Hmm…

  1204. Hey! I know I’m late, so I’m not asking about the donations. I am wondering if anyone here knows of places people can go to get help for Christmas? I have a friend… I call her my soulmate, and her and her husband are struggling. They have a 4 yr old who is sick, and they can’t afford even a visit to the ER, plus they have a baby on the way and nothing prepared for him. I want to help… but I don’t know where to go. Is there a place I can contact that will cover med expenses? Or that would aid them in getting stuff for their new baby? Or something? Again, I can help them if I just know *where* to go. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks! and Merry Christmas.

  1205. Jenny, I just wanted to say that you are one badass, amazing, beautiful person. I regularly read your posts, and usually they leave me busting a gut laughing. This made me cry…a lot. It’s awesome to me to see so many people giving to those that really need it. I started reading the posts from those in need, and just had to stop. I only wish that my husband and I were in the position to give this year as well. This really really touched my heart and I wanted to thank you for giving me some added holiday cheer knowing that there are still so many wonderful people out there willing to lend a helping hand. Keep on being awesome. <3

  1206. We would love to help, if you still need it. Everyone should have the ability for a Merry Christmas, even if it means heat and power. Thank you for doing this. May you and your family feel the warmth of love this Christmas.

  1207. Wow. Just. Wow. Jenny this is an amazing thing you are doing for so many people, and to many of the others who donated you too, are amazing. I don’t know if I’m too late, and if I am I’m very sorry but I’ve been unable to go online the last few days. I don’t know what to say other than I am in need of some help for my two boys. I lost my job months ago and am at my wits end trying to make ends meet. I’ve had to sell some of my sons toys, dvd’s, my clothes and more just to get us through the last few months. I thought it couldn’t hurt to see if maybe there was some help left over here. If not I truly understand, you all have done so very much for so many in need. And while I have a roof over my head and some food in our pantry I am grateful. I know I’m luckier than most even with the bill collectors knocking on my door. I just don’t want to think about Christmas morning. I’ve tried so hard to find used free toys. So freaking hard. My six year old has been so patient and nice, picking out of his toys to give to me to sell. I just want to have him have a happy memory this year. Again I’m so sorry for posting well past the date, I just had to and I hope that is ok.

  1208. Gosh. My request for my daughter doesn’t seem to have found any matches. Probably because I got her email incorrect, as several folks were matched who asked after I did for Christel. Jenny, I’m so sorry.

    these were from posts 1412 and 1419. I had corrected the email address in post 1419.

    If you had found a match for Christel, can you please have the donor try again with her correct email address:
    or send to my email address:

    thank you so much I don’t mean to be a burden with extra work for anyone, especially you, Jenny, right now.

    Your email address was matched with four people. Sending the email to them again to confirm. Check your spam filter. ~Jenny

  1209. As per blog’s request, if you have not been able to get matched with a family and would like to get involved there are so so many hungry families in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Here is a great and secure place to donate to them or volunteer with them! If you are from further away, the second link is for Feeding America, who provides financial support for Food Banks across the country



    Thank you for changing our world!!

  1210. I just wanted again to say THANK YOU.

    I had enough to buy what I wanted and to buy something for Dawn’s daughter. Plus, I had some left over, so I’m posting on my facebook profile —offering to help someone else last minute.

    I don’t have my son this year for Christmas, only through the photos and videos that his dad will send.

    Knowing that I’ve been part of helping others to have a nice christmas makes the aching and the pain so much less.

    Thanks to all again.

  1211. Hi Jenny,
    I hadn’t checked your blog for a few days, and came back to find a miracle had taken place.
    I have been struggling myself for the past several years, but I know how much worse so many people have it than I do. I think you’re finished with this lion’s task, but if you are still hearing from people who need help, I’d love to be a part of it. Just tell me how.
    It’s stuff like this that helps to lift that black stone in my chest, the one that keeps telling me to move to Canada or just despair because so much of our society seems to be driven by hatred and intolerance. It’s heartening to be reminded of just how much goodwill there really is in the world, and you are surely a star shining brightly in the firmament of such generosity. You’ve been so generous: with your wit and taste for the absurd, with your willingness to share your insecurities and imperfections, with your moving posts offering encouragement and acceptance. But this is by far the most inspirational thing I’ve read here in the two years I’ve been following this blog and your wonderfully warped mind.
    Thank you.

  1212. Jenny, I’ve been reading you for a few months now. I’m a single parent to my son (Mango) who has special needs. I didn’t comment earlier on this posting, because I wasn’t in need of the $30.00. My son is only 2, but he doesn’t know about Santa and Christmas, so he won’t miss it, and I didn’t want to take something away from someone that really needed it.

    Our situation drastically changed this morning. On the way to take Mango to physical therapy, the transmission in our 02 Neon failed. Luckily we were still close to home and had reverse gear. Our poor car broke down the first of November, and we begged and borrowed to get it fixed. We were told the transmission would be the next to go – and it did. Now I don’t know how to get my son to the doctor, to the hospital, to get groceries, to get to therapy.

    We were barely scraping by – now I don’t know what we’ll do. Do you think there would be a Christmas miracle out there somewhere for us?

  1213. I am so thankful for all of the people here. The ones who had to over come their pride to ask for help and the generous souls who offered their help. You are all wonderful and amazing souls. I wish our world had more people like you all in it.

    I want to say a special thank you again to Jenny and the secret santa who helped out my friend and a extra special thank you to Kimberly. You have all gone above and beyond to help out and I can never thank you enough.

  1214. This may get lost in the flood of comments, but THANK YOU for coordinating this. I wish I had found this last week but, on the off chance there is still time, please let me know if you still have anyone on the list that needs an extra hand.


  1215. #1541 Tell your friends to go the ER. No one can be turned away. Tell them to let them know they need to see a social worker and they will work something out for them.

  1216. Jenny – I know you said you are finished assigning people, but if you need a last minute match count me in.

  1217. Thank you to everyone who helped me purchase a gift for my wonderful wife and three kids. I can’t express my gratitude enough. To Alisa via the Bloggess, thank you!! You didn’t leave an email address with your gift card for me to directly contact you so I hope you read this and know what a difference you made for our family. Being out of work has taken a huge toll on my self esteem this holiday season and knowing that I can provide for my family with your help makes me feel like a man again.

    Happy Holidays to everyone! For those who are like me and needed to ask for help this year, let’s hope for a better 2011. To everyone who was willing to help, your kindness will never be forgotten.

  1218. Thanks So much to Kristi for ordering some books for my 9 year old daughter! She will LOVE them!!

    I really hate to ask for help, but I realized I need to just suck it up and ask for help when I need it, and then when I am in a better situation I can return the favour!
    Merry Christmas 🙂

    Original Posts #1367 and #1376

  1219. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read this year. It’s easy to forget the kindness of strangers and that there really is still good in the world. This post firmly demonstrates that the world is full of good and kind strangers. Thank you for facilitating this Christmas Miracle.

  1220. I clicked this link on facebook and my boss caught me dabbing at my eyes! So, of course I want to join in on this awsomeness fest! Let me know who needs a cash card and one will be on the way. (I’m able to do about $40, I wish it could be more, but my temp job ends in a month…). If I don’t hear back, no worries–I’ll lay the money on a homeless person begging in the street.

    YOU ROCK, JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And so does everyone else involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1221. I’m sorry I haven’t been here in the last few days to see his feat of awesome. I don’t have words – it is amazing and a miracle. You’re a truly wonderful person – this was a great idea that brought the Christmas spirit to so many in giving and receiving.

    it’s actions like this that make you a great public leader as a czar.

  1222. This is SOOO amazing, Jenny! I’ve been following along and just moved to tears! Thanks for getting us in the spirit!

  1223. My original post was 1520 but i forgot to put in my email address … i hope someone can help me help my best friend and her family of six!! Thanks so much.


    You’ve been matched with several donors. ~ Jenny

  1224. Just read this quote and thought it was appropriate for you.
    “Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” — Anne Lamott
    Thank you for shining so brightly for us!
    🙂 Sylvia

  1225. Jenny,

    To you and all those who have been so generous I want to thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. It was much needed. I know that you said that you were cutting off donations, but I saw 1553 and 1559 and my heart broke for them. I do not have much but please let me know if either of them has NOT been matched. I would like to try and help in some small way.

    My hope is that everyone receives their very own Christmas miracle.

  1226. Thank you Jenny, and everyone else here for sharing, for caring and for making me remember what Christmas is SUPPOSED to be about. I had forgotten, but now I know. I am sharing this story with my children because I want them to know how many wonderful, helpful, kind people there are in the world and that they should always strive to be one of them. Thank you all for the beautiful gift of kindness.

  1227. Would love to donate a couple of gift cards if it is not too late…please shoot me an email if I can still help.

    Thank you for setting this up – this is what Christmas is all about (or should be)! You rock Jenny!!

  1228. I know it might be too late but I would like to help out a family… even if it is after the holidays. Just let me know who/how. Enjoy the holiday with your family!

  1229. Hey – if anyone is lacking a donor – I’m (late and) willing to help. Just let me know how much.

  1230. we’re a bit too late, but please… if you do this next year… let me know in advance and i’m positive my sewing group will want to help. this is very encouraging and moving. you are AWESOME!!

  1231. Hi This is a wonderful thing that people are doing this Christmas. I usually go out of my way to help friends in need like buying diapers when they are sale or clothing and food to help others. I do it gladly with no expectations of anything in return and I’ve had people tell me “Why do you do that when you know you won’t get anything back from those people?”
    I say “That is not why I do it”! Well this Christmas I was hoping to get papers filed in court to spend Christmas with my children I haven’t spent Christmas with since 2002(domestic violence destroyed my life) . But I am a survivor and back:) They thought they were going to get the paper filed and that at least I would see them for Christmas. I went out and bought each one a small gift around $10 each and still no court paper. My friend gave me a tree to set up but my heart is not in it! I know the children are more important here but I am just hoping to have a just a little extra so that I can visit friends and family so that I am not alone. I just had some unexpected expenses having to pay for some dental stuff that I had to pay cash $50.
    I wish I could be the one helping more this year…
    I am so glad to hear so many people and families will be having a better Christmas.Any kindness is not expected and would be a surprise. I hope I am not asking too much.
    This isn’t easy for me so I just want to end this with a Merry Christmas!

  1232. This is just amazing. I am so touched by the hearts of these complete strangers helping others in need.

    We received a little extra money this year and I’d love to help someone out!

  1233. Oh my goodness!
    I have to say.. today has been.. stressful. To say the least. :/
    I’m stressed by the financial crunch, and I know the kids are feeling that stress even when I try really hard to hide it. So then they start acting up and feeding off of it.. and it has been a snowball effect from the moment I opened my eyes.
    I finally got all three kids down for a nap, and came in to check my email and try to get five minutes of peace and zen and hopefully renew my spirit for the remainder of the day.
    I’m sitting here crying, stressed beyond measure.. and I open my email, and what do I see?
    An email from Amazon.com – one of Jenny’s elves has sent me a gift card!

    Oh my word. I was not expecting to be matched with anybody. I just don’t know what to say, other than THANK YOU to Cara, my elf in shining armor. And to you, Jenny – for starting something so big, so amazing, that people just can’t help but join in. A lot of peoples’ lives have been touched this season, and it’s all because of you and the wonderful donors who joined you in creating a holiday to remember.

    I can’t possibly say thank you enough. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!! My spirit has most definitely been renewed – I feel like I can take on the world! (or at least my kids. LOL)

    Many many thanks and blessings..

  1234. I am in Total Awe! Everyone of you are incredible people!! You have given me back faith in Human Kindness!! My 11 yr old daughter and I aren’t doing Christmas gifts this year because of money issues, but we are baking goodies for each other (usually I don’t bake-dislike it very much lol) this year and she is totally happy with that. Yes I have an awesome kid!! It was her idea that we bake cookies for each other instead of trying to buy gifts and then be short on groceries for the month. My kids (also have a 26yr old son on disability) are awesome in the way that they are so adaptable to every situation that comes their way. I am truly blessed with them in my life and for sure next Christmas I will be looking to help anyone who needs it! Thanks for the Inspiration!!

  1235. I previously submitted a comment directed at a couple of specific posted requests for help, not realizing you were still doing matching. They’ve probably already been matched up, but if there’s anyone else who needs help, I’d like to do something.

  1236. Thank you to Megan from http://www.agirlmustshop.com, helped me get some books for one of my daughters! (Im in Canada and Amazon will only ship books, music and DVD’s) I now have more then enough books for my daughter who reads reads reads!

    Original Posts #1367 and #1376

    Jenny- If there is still help, I could use it for my other 6 children. (Especially my 15 year old son who is the best son I could ever ask for. He is such a great help around here, especially in the rough spot we are in right now. I couldn’t ask for a better brighter wonderful Son!! )

    I know I was set up with multiple donors, but only one contacted me (and believe me, I am eternaly greatful to her) I checked spam folders, but there was no others 🙁

  1237. I stumbled upon this late, but if there’s a straggler I can help, please let me know. Money’s unfortunately tight this year, but I can spare $30 if there’s someone who needs it. Just let me know!

  1238. I just thought I would come back to than everyone. I found out about this from a coworker who had responded earlier on asking for help for another coworker. We are all single moms and part time waitresses at a Denny’s restaurant and work pretty hard for little money. The girl who asked for help the first time is a student, single mom, and struggling herself, and yet she didn’t spend a dime of the gift she was given on her own family. She brought her laptop into work and sat down with our other coworker and placed an order for her sons right then and there. I decided I would ask for help as well, because Christmas was looking extremely bleak after paying enough on my utilities to keep them on. I am now in contact with Julie – another AMAZING woman – who is helping me out. It sounds like I have a few different food cards on the way and I am excited to take my 2 little girls somewhere special to eat, we NEVER get to go out. I promised Julie I would start looking for ways to pay it forward instantly and believe me, I am.

    Anyway, I was touched by my coworkers actions, touched that she thought of me as well and told me about this, and touched that I have had the opportunity of witnessing this. It’s all pretty amazing. Happy Holidays to everyone.

  1239. I can set someone up with an amazon uk giftcard if there are any last-minute people in need on this side of the globe. xo

  1240. I did not truly expect to be set up with a donor when I posted this afternoon. I had thought I’d come too late and that there wouldn’t be a Christmas for my sweet little boys. Then I received an email from Mark. To say I am grateful and relieved and amazed is an understatement. He’s giving my boys a Christmas, helped me to get diapers for my youngest. Jenny what you have done this past week has touched the hearts of hundreds and hundreds of people. I know I’m not the first to say it, and I’m sure I won’t be the last. Thank you. Thank you to you, to Mark and everyone else who has helped those of us in need. I know this is one Christmas that I will never forget, ever.

  1241. This is incredible and so inspiring. Please let me know if anyone else is in need of a donor.

  1242. I know this is supposed to be finished, but I can still help. I have a $25 Visa gift card, a $20 Walmart card, a $25 Borders/Waldenbooks card, and a little cash I can spare, as well. Email me at samantha at samanthabecker dot com and I’ll do what I can.

  1243. Hi Jenny,

    I saw this on Facebook and I know its late but if there is anything I can do, I will. I am in the UK but can buy a gift card/gift from Amazon.com and have it delivered in the US. I can donate up to $100 so please let me know if anyone still needs anything!

    Happy Holidays!

  1244. I loved reading the updates and was so very, very, very happy I was able to help. I got Jenny’s matching note when I was on my way to NYC to visit some friends Sat morning – so it made the trip even better when I was able to send the Amazon card that same weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed holiday season!


  1245. Late to the party but I can help a little too ($50). Email me at info(at)butterplease(dot)com. Amazon is offering free one-day shipping on gift cards…

  1246. Just found about this and wish so badly I could help.. is there still anyone else in need of help?? I know I am late but I would be more than happy to send a gift card along or a package… I love this idea so much, this is what the true spirit of Christmas is all about.

  1247. Thank you, Jenny. Thank you to my Secret Santa, and to Sarah. Your generosity has floored me, all of you.

    You’ve not only made a huge difference in our holidays, but also in my state of mind. I’ve got renewed hope, on so many levels…people really ARE good.

    Much love and gratitude.

  1248. Wanted to add that we are paying it forward in ways that we can: donating gently used toys to a local organization, and other goodies on freecycle. This makes me want to be a better person.


  1249. I think this is just wonderful. It’s what Christmas is really about. I am sad I did not see this sooner. I wish I could have helped. I will be sure to pay attention and be in line next time.

  1250. I am not back here to ask for money or gift cards. I am on the look out to see if anyone has any boys khaki or blue, or black pants ( school uniforms) in sizes 8 or 10 ( or both) or girls size 18 in Juniors in the same colors. My kids are wearing pants to small for them. I was going to try and get them some new ones for Christmas but that didn’t happen. You can reach me at sheric529 at yahoo.com

  1251. Hey I just heard about this. Can I help anybody on your list out? I would love to contribute.

  1252. “689 everyday, normal people”

    Wait, what? We ARE talking about readers of your blog, right? I resent that description! 😉

  1253. I just found out that by phone that it is certain that I will not see my children for Christmas.
    I just hope to make it through this Christmas and next Christmas could be more hopeful.
    I hope I am not stumbling too much in my words in my comments but today has been a very upsetting day:(
    I hope it’s okay to share my story here.

  1254. WOW this is just amazing. My husband and I are out of work and I’ve been very ill and once again there would be no Christmas for us and I was feeling sorry for myself, then I read this blog about all the wonderful generous people out there. I was praying for a Christmas miracle for us, but just knowing that so many people were helped made me feel better. Reading about all these great people stepping up to help gave my heart such a lift. Knowing so many children will have a gift on Christmas morning because of all this generosity is beautiful. God bless all of you and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.

  1255. Pam – have you been matched up with anyone yet?  Please let me know.  I don’t have much but I can help a little.  You can contact me at lballard1@hotmail.com.  Thank you !  
    Pam December 21, 2010 at 10:16 am I don’t know if it is too late to request help with Christmas. I just saw your blog this morning. I lost my job a few months ago. I am about to lose my house. It is all I can do to keep the utilities on. I have a 13 yr old son that I have no way of buying Christmas presents for. My sister was kind enough to buy me a Christmas tree and she purchased us food through angel food ministry. If it is not too late and if there is anyone out there who is willing to help, I would be so grateful. 

  1256. I know I’m late, but I wanted to say this is amazing! I do have gifts for my little ones due to the kindness of family members, but I’m behind on everything else. I know that I’ve been blessed already to have gifts for them, and I am thankful.
    I’m just worried that we’ll be facing eviction at the end of the month, with nowhere to go. I hate asking for help… but I’m not sure what else to do at this point. If anyone is still able to help, I would be doubly blessed to have that sense of security knowing my kids will have a roof over their heads.
    This whole post and all of the comments have warmed my heart immensely, and I’m glad to see that so many were willing to ask for or give help! You’re definitely a Goddess for starting this!

  1257. Thanks again Jenny and to Jill for helping with my son.She was just amazing e-mailing me back and forth until everything was set-up for my son.He was so happy that he cried when I told him it was on its way.You are truely a godsend! We will never forget you or your act of kindness!!!

  1258. This holiday time has been a wee bit off. As for many it has been a tough year. I haven’t been feeling Christmas this year but reading this has made me cry and smile both at the same time.
    I am not asking for me but for my sister. She is a single mom with two children as well as a 15 yr old foster daughter. She’s not actually a foster parent yet but due to some pretty crazy circumstances has now had her for 4 months. She does get a little bit of money for having her but not much. My sister also lives on a piece of land with my aging parents (with our father now physically disabled) as well as my mother’s sister and does a lot for them. She hasn’t been able to get a job as these responsibilities have ended up being pretty much full time. She has been making it on child support, the little bit that she gets from the government (she lives in Canada) as well as the little bit of reimbursement that she gets for having her foster daughter. My husband and I help as much as we can. My dad brings food over when he has extra money and has found a good deal on something (she feeds my parents regularly). They always get by. For some reason the money for child support came late and was only 30% of what she normally gets. It was already going to be a tight month but now she won’t be able to pay the bills that she had on hold waiting for the money. I am hoping to be able to help with some of the bills. The kids have a couple of gifts under the tree from my husband and I (practical ones – jammies and backpacks) and I do not feel that they will be upset. My main concern is that they have enough to be able to have Christmas dinner. She will be feeding everyone on the property (~8 people). They live in Canada so a gift card to a place like Superstore would be ever so lovely. She’s a frugal shopper so I feel confident that she can make a little bit go a long way.
    My sister is one of the most loving people I know, people gravitate to her. But I know that she would never ask, so I am asking for her.
    You can email me and I will send her email address.

    Thank you so very much for your kindness.

  1259. Do you still need help? I would be willing to overnight a gift card so it would get there in time.

  1260. If anyone is still offering help I could really use some. If you e-mail me at klparker at gmail dot com I will tell you my story. Thank you.

  1261. I’m late to the party but this would be the best spent $50 of the season. So if there’s someone to match me with, just send me the details. It’s a beautiful thing you did, Jenny. You should be very proud of yourself and your community for making something so wonderful happen.

  1262. Oh, and I have a huge, HUGE amount of really nice teenage girl clothing to give away to someone in need. Mostly smalls and extra-smalls. Just let me know and I’d be happy to send stuff out.

  1263. I very much want to contribute. I’m not sure of protocol or how I can best go about helping. I know you’re just one person doing a BIG amazing thing…so I will hold tight until I hear back on how to best help.

  1264. I posted this yesterday, and earlier this morning on the other post. Maybe no one saw it… It’s not much, but I have a $25 gas card and a $15 walmart card that I can send out tomorrow morning. My email is writinglab.houston@yahoo.com

  1265. This is nothing short of amazing. I am in awe of all the wonderful people here. And you too, Jenny, for organizing all this.

    I honestly wish I was in a position to help someone. My favorite thing in the whole wide world is RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness) and I have done my fair share this year and would love to do more but unfortunately things here are also tight and I’m currently trying to grow my service dog fund because my current dog will be retiring soon and I’ve got to get my future partner paid for, otherwise I’ll be forced to stay at home and depend on other people for help 🙁

    But thank you for making me believe in Santa again!

  1266. Like Vapid (#1531), I am not easily stunned. And I am.
    Or moved to act. And I was.
    And, you know, so much of this was for you.

    Because, at some point, each person became an extension of you. In some way. In my mind, in my heart.

    And MAJOR thanks to Melissa Bell for shredding Jenny’s gnar at The Washington Post, a personal fave.

    Y’all are just. so. great.
    You’ve *made* my Christmas in ways I cannot describe.
    I am deeply, humbly grateful.

  1267. Hope it’s not too late to donate. I’m all mopey about the holidays because I’m single and my family is far away and I can’t help feeling lonely despite a pretty solid support network. I didn’t think there was any way I’d be able to feel the christmas spirit. The ubiquitous decorations and christmas carols sure as hell do nothing to cheer me up.

    But this does. This is just amazing. Count me in for $150.

    Thanks for making me feel less Grinchy and more Santa-ish : )

  1268. Thank you jenny and thanks to my angel kristinia. I was able to get some of the needed supplies for dinner tonight. Going to try to find a nice gift for my baby at family dollar

  1269. This is so encouraging to read. I went today to try to get Food Stamps because we are doing really poorly financially. I was told it would take up to 30 days. I went there so hopeful and left feeling sad. The food banks in our area have had to turn people away. This is the first year my husband and I didn’t have money to put up a Christmas tree or get a special Christmas dinner. Thanks to Swagbucks I was able to get my son a Kung Fu Panda computer game that I know he really wanted. I have my fingers crossed that it will get here in time for Christmas morning. I see the kindness of your readers and it makes me glad that people really still care. I know my 2011 won’t be like my 2010 because I have hope that things will turn around for us financially. Your posts really gave me hope.

  1270. we are coming into this late, i know. but goodness gracious what a lovely movement.

    we are douglas cuddle toys, a leading plush toy manufacturer and folks who would like to help.

    email us at douglastoys@gmail.com and we’ll send you one of our products – maybe not in time for christmas but perhaps for the start of a happier new year!

  1271. The gift cards (post 1609) are gone to a good family – wish I could do more. Merry Christmas Everyone! God Bless us one and all!

  1272. I have a $30 iTunes gift card I would love to donate to someone….I know it’s getting late, but please let me know if there is someone I can send it to. Merry Christmas!

  1273. I’m here from a link on another site. This is so amazing! As a struggling single parent (my husband was killed in a car accident 3 years ago), this is just incredible. Wish I’d known about it before now as I’m definitely in need. Even though I’m a few days late, I did want to say thanks to everyone who had a part in this! Just to read here about the many, many, many people who have been coming together to help others is uplifting to me. It’s nice to know that there truly are giving, good people in this world.

  1274. Dear Jenny,

    I stumbled upon your blog through a posting on my Facebook wall, and have been shedding tears of joy ever since. The unending gifts of humanity that continue to be posted here are simply amazing and have helped to bring me out of the “bah humbug” doldrums.

    I am fortunate enough to have just enough to buy one gift for each of my 7 neices & nephews (I don’t have kids) and the adults are content to just spend time with family, which is the most important of all. I had forgotten that family time is what is the most important and that giving where, and when you can, will come back to you in ways you can’t even imagine right away.

    I wish I had some extra to give to a needy family this year but I simply can’t. There just isn’t enough extra to go around. In the past, I have been fortunate to be on the giving end and have seen miracles come to life. It has been frustrating to not be able to do so this year, and a bit of depression had set in. But your “elves” have done a wonderful job in jumping, without hesitation, to the aid of so many people across the world. You have all reminded me of what the true spirit of this holiday is and I want to simply say, thank you. Your generosity will never be forgotten by those you’ve helped.

    Merry Christmas All!

  1275. I’m also very late to the game, but would be happy to donate an amazon gift card or pay pal to help. Please just let me know what to do, where to send….

  1276. I found out today we are getting a small bonus at work, so is it too late? I can help! Match me with someone who needs a gift card, if there is anyone left! I can send one from Amazon on email!

  1277. Thanks Jenny. I wanted to tell you that your project here inspired me. I’m too much of a cynic just to donate cash blindly (years of working charity soured me to some extent), but I did still want to give somehow to someone in need.

    What I did was post on Kijiji looking for a young girl who would take the huge pile of out- grown clothing of my daughter’s (instead of consignment which was the plan) as well as some books, small toys (some still unopened) and our old, yet still perfect, table top Christmas tree.

    We found someone and, as a family, acted as Santa’s elves and did a delivery (bringing along a lovely new tea set and some chocolate for the mom of this 2 person little family).

    It was invaluable for my young daughter to understand that not every child is as fortunate as she is and to experience giving to someone who truly needs. And let’s face it, it felt good to know the clothes especially will be worn by a child who could really use them.

    When I got home, there was a thankful email from this family and the little girl referred to me as “aunty”…. As an only child that teared me up. Now I’m thinking that this little girl will be the regular recipient of all my daughter’s out-grown clothes as long as she needs it. This isn’t likely to be a “Christmas only” event.

    So I wanted you to know, Jenny, that your efforts have inspired and taught and I thank you for that. I even got a few replies from people who saw my original email looking for this girl and who were just warmed to read it. Also a response from a news agency which I turned down because it wasn’t at all what it was about (but now I sort of regret because perhaps I could’ve inspired more? Yikes… Just thought of that)

    Also, to those still wanting to give or those with no cash to spare but perhaps having other things like gently used clothing available, there is still time and still ways to help even at this late date. You could try posting an ad like we did too…

  1278. JENNY!!

    I had an idea today, if you want to keep this going, I can take it over for you, and you wouldn’t have to give out anyone’s information….I was thinking I could set up a gmail account just for this purpose, and you could let people know the email address, so they could choose whether to share their info with me or not.
    Email me if you are interested? Or we could talk on skype, so you would know I’m not a creeper.


  1279. I wasn’t going to bother you again, Jenny. But here goes.
    I first posted #449 and was matched with Peggy, and said my thanks and offered my thoughts on the project with post #559. I was also matched with Mak and Amy and again said my sincere thanks to everyone in post #651. My niece was helped by Samantha June and was the recipient mentioned in the Washington Post! I think that is just awesome! At least four of my needy online friends, rosebud, cindy, rena, and helena were all blessed here. So I’ve already received so much, and passed along the feelings the only way I knew how by letting people know about your blog and this miracle.
    When my daughter was unable to post, I made post #1412, but put her wrong email. Corrected it in post #1419. When she hadn’t received any feedback or emails, I posted again! #1555 and you said you had sent 4 matches to my email. I assume that means my angels Peggy, Mak and Amy, and God Bless one other match for my daughter. It had to be that unless you matched her with 4 people!
    I’ve had her email open for her all day long, as she is out of gas money to get to the library to check. I’ve checked her spam filters, and I’ve checked my email and my spam. Still nothing.
    I’m not complaining, please don’t think that. I am just letting you know. I had $19.01 left on my WalMart gift cards from my two matches, and had $30 on paypal I was going to use so I could see my grandkids before New Years for their late Christmas celebration when Abbey, my granddaughter, comes home. I’m going to change my mind about going and give that $30 to Christel. She definitely needs it more than I need her to have to drive me home on New Years Day and put another 250 miles on her car, and pay for gas. It’s no sacrifice for me to miss seeing everyone for the holidays. It’s much more important to me that these kids have a happy Christmas holiday and that my daughter gets to have a good Christmas for her children. She’ll shop the after-Christmas sales, so the money will go even further. I’ll see everyone next year.

    Thanks, Jenny, and everyone who read, posted, helped, and had courage to ask for help. I am so glad to have been part of the experience, thanks to my daughter, Saxon (kittypda-Jenny I know you know her but I don’t know what name she uses to post here) for lighting a torch for so many people just by letting me know to come here and rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas.

    You received extra donors because you asked for help for your daughter and grandchildren so I assumed all the donors who helped you would be helping your daughter as well. i looked at my spreadsheet and you actually received five different donors and it looks like several have already contacted you. With luck you’ll hear from the last one of two. If not I hope you can share the generous donations of the people who have already helped. Thanks! ~Jenny

  1280. Original Post #1010 – I have been matched with the most awesome people, thank you!

    Sorry to pvz if you wanted to remain anonymous, I tracked you down to your blog to give my thanks since it is the only thing that I have to give at the moment. Thank you!

    Rachel, you swooped in with a quickness and figured out a fast way to get my children gifts, while my head was still spinning. Trying to figure out how I could end up in such a wonderful place in the midst of so much chaos in my life. I cannot wait to go shopping for them now! Thank you!

    And Erin, so very thoughtful and considerate. Even though I did not ask for anything for myself, you still found a way to do something for me and my husband. Thank you!

    And of course Jenny — Thank YOU!!! Your fortitude, diligence and brass ( you-know-whatsies)… oh girl! I can only imagine the burden of such a monumental task, especially since it was not even intended, initially, to reach such extents. ========== So what’s next for you? World peace – just doesn’t seem so far fetched, now does it? ;D

    Sending out prayers (positivity), whatever you want to label it, for every recipient and giver of the 1st Bloggess “Christ-ukah-za” Miracle Drive. And the best of everything that the New Year has to offer!

  1281. Jenny,

    one of your angels named Alice helped me to provide a super trilogy of books for my son. He is just going to love them. Seveal of his classmates have been telling him about them and i was able to get them for him thanks tyto your readers genrosity. Thank you thank you thank you

  1282. Yes, Jenny, thanks! With the 3 donors I had, God bless them, I was able to get a gift for each of my 5 grandkids, and I felt bad asking for more for my daughter, but she seemed so disappointed she didn’t get to ask for something herself, and she’s been a good girl this year. If I hear from the two other donors, whatever they have to offer will be going to my daughter.

    I was just trying to say, if I don’t hear from them, what was leftover that I was going to use so grandma would be there, was instead going to my daughter, which will make me very happy indeed. I feel it may appear I was being greedy. Far from it. And I was starting to feel bad thinking that way. I do so appreciate all of your hard work and your time and generosity that was so contagious! You’ve helped everyone so much.

  1283. If there is anyone out there at this late hour I could really use some help. I have to children that were just suddenly placed with me. Their mother is in jail and I am completely unprepared for them for Christmas. They are 9 and 10. One boy and one girl. Both are good and gentle kids and they aren’t expecting much for christmas but I don’t have anything for them and I honestly don’t have any money. This was completely unexpected for me and the kids. I’ve already had to explain to them that Santa can’t really do it all in one night and that there Christmas is going to be later. I don’t know what to do. If you can help I can be reached at this address: a little saner now at gmail dot com but without the spaces of course.

  1284. It’s probably too late to put in a request for help. A friend of mine told me about this blog a couple of days ago, but I have limited access to the net. My husband and I are both working less than 20 hours a week, I have fibromyalgia, and my husband can’t find full time work. We have a 17 year old son. We live in a weekly hotel, and every week is a struggle to pay the rent. At any time we could wind up on the street. We do not have a vehicle, and over the past couple of years, thanks to the economy and being unemployed and underemployed, have sold or lost everything of value we ever had. We have asked for help from several local charities, and looked into being “adopted for Christmas” but one caseworker told us rather bluntly that our family was “not likely to get help because priority was given to families with small children”. My son is well aware that he will not be getting anything for Christmas. He did receive 50 dollars from his grandparents, which he promptly gave to us, so we could buy groceries for the week. If there is anyone out there who would still like to help, we’d be so incredibly thankful. Thanks and Happy Holidays.

  1285. I am a wondering if you may still have some donors out there to help? I have been looking for help and all the programs for assistance are closed in my area. I would love to be able to buy 1 or 2 things for each of my children for christmas that they really want but I am currently unable to do that if you can help me or know someone who can please let me know… you can reach me at sugarbabe_80@yahoo.com .. Thanks in advance I will give more info if you contact me back. I have 5 small children. I can’t even afford to get afford to get christmas dinner for them thanks again

  1286. My heart is pounding and tears are streaming down my face after reading your post. A couple days late, I find myself wanting to give. i must find someone local to help.

    And next year, I’ll do more. You have inspired me.

  1287. Thank you, Jenny, you are truly an angel! And thank you to my elf, as she calls herself. But I prefer to call her my angel.

    After our match up and email exchange yesterday, I wasn’t expecting anything until Thursday, as she had said she was sending a gift card in the mail and that it wouldn’t arrive until then. Well, the UPS man knocked on my door this morning and handed me a package. I thought that he had made a mistake and had delivered it to the wrong house. But my name was on it, so I opened up the unexpected package and saw that it was from my angel, I burst into tears, and started to sob as I realized that she had really listened to my story and had included a separate gift for my son, my husband and even one for me. As I read the individual notes from her to my family, I was bawling my eyes out, because these kind words were coming from a complete stranger who cared about someone having a brighter Christmas, and a little bit of hope. I wrapped the other two gifts and put them under our tree. They are the first presents under our tree this year. My son is beside himself! He can’t wait to open his!

    Her words truly touched my heart, especially the note for me. Reminding me that there is light just around the corner, even when it seems so dark. And that everyone needs help, and some encouragement, at some point in their lives. But I never really thought that one day it might be me. She is so right, and her gift to me will always remind me. I will wear it every holiday season, and to anyone who asks about it, I will share the story of kindness and hope that touched my heart this season.

    I am so looking forward to paying this forward. I have such joy in my heart. I will never, ever forget her kindness.

    God bless every one of us,

  1288. Hi there and merry christmas! What a great thing you have done here! It is amazing what people can do when they pull together!! I used to be in a position to help too, and I did for many years, It really is a great feeling to give. Now my 4 daughters are almost all raised and on their own, just one left at home, and now we aRE GRANDPARENTS!! It all happened so fast! And now we are the ones that need the help. my husband is disabled with 6 failed back surgeries and I am also disabled with RA, FMS, and several overlapping conditions. We are behind on our heat bill, past due tomorrow and due to be shut off, but also with christmas for the grandbabies. When you live on 1250 a month and your bills are 1500 + a month…You don’t really think about christmas until it creeps up on you. So, I don’t know if there may still be some help available, but we are in need this year…the first time in 20 years…we need help. Thank you for your time, and thank you for what you did here. even if we cannot get help, we are so happy for those that were able to get help. What a very very cool thing you did here!!! If you are going to do this again next year, can you please send emails out and hopefully we can all help next year to make it a wonderful christmas for those in need. Merry Christmas! ~Michelle Hooper

  1289. Ok…so my Mom just wrote you…Michelle Hooper…what she failed to tell you is that she is the greatest, most hard working Mom in history!!! She doesn’t know I’m writting this either…hehehe! My Mom has raised 4 daughters, worked 2 jobs most her life, before her disability took over, and for the past 19 years she has taken care of my Dad with all of his disabilities and back surgeries and all of that. She is always helping others with a place to stay, food, rides to work or the store, clothes…whatever. My Mom is a caregiver, a fixer, a never ask for anything for herself Mom. What she is also failing to tell you is how disabled she is. She has RA, fibro, rls, ibs, cfs, and lots of other stuff. She can’t get out of bed without me helping her in the mornings. She also has terrible hand trouble and pain…so…this is my request for my Mom, my wonderful Mom…Is there anyone with a used laptop so she can get comfy and use the computer? She has several of her fibro groups she talks with online daily that keep her in good spirits but sitting at a desk using a desktop computer is really hard on her hands, back and body. I know that might sound like a big thing to ask for and it is, but for my Mom with her disabilities…this would be a well deserved and appreciated gift. To me, there is no one that would be more greatful then my Mom. I love you Mom. Merry Christmas! And to Jenny the bloggess, thank you so much for helping all of the people you have helped here with this awsome thing you are doing! Hopefully this can carry on throughout the year for people in need all year long! You mght have really started something here!! XOXO Shelley Mae

  1290. Hi,

    I havent been matched with anyone and I am more then happy to donate $100 for one person or split between families .

    Merry Christmas!


  1291. Hi my name is Bill Buick, a friend who was going to send me a gift so I had something to give my wife suggested I contact you/ It has been a rough yr for me and my family. I am disabled and only get a disability pension which only goes so far. This year our Grandmother passed away and that made 5 family members we have lost in the last 6 yrs. We still have not been able to pay for Grammys funeral. Our van broke down and any savings we had went to pay for the repairs. This is the roughest yr we have ever had. I just want my wife not to feel so stressed and to smile again. It seems like forever since that happened. I live with my wife Shannon, stepson Josh who is autistic and 26 yrs old. he is such a awesome kid, well not a kid anymore for sure.
    The gift my friend was sending to me wont be here for Christmas as she did not know I lived in Canada so it will get here next week I guess.
    I thank you for letting me vent a bit here a bit and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & prosperous New Year.


  1292. I am another very latecomer.I am a divorced mother of 3 who has been unemployed for 14 months now. I have one son in college and am housing one of his friends, also. My rent takes 2/3 of my unemployment each month. My ex died this past March. He had no life ins. My medical ins. ran out 6 mths ago. I could go on and on.
    Basically, we will have no Christmas. If anyone could help, I would be grateful!I was laid off from my job of 24 years and it has been downhill ever since.
    Thank you, Jenny.:)
    Paypal acct: ratfinkw@bellsouth.net

  1293. To Tess Danesi # 1616
    If you still have those teenage girl clothes I do know of a family of 5 with 3 teenage girls that would love to have them and are in desperate need. You can contact me @ Brancato11@comcast.net and I’ll give you their address to mail them directly to them. If you’ve already given them away don’t worry about it. thanks!

    Jenny…you’ve done a good thing here girl! Each small act of kindness is changing lives a little at a time! thank you again for giving so many the opportunity to give and to receive! I think my heart is going to explode with all the goodness I’ve witnessed this holiday season! Big hugs!

  1294. I found your blog from a reader on another blog I read. I just wanted to say WOW! There are some amazing people out there! God Bless and have a Merry Christmas!

  1295. Jenn:

    Late to the party, but able to donate. Let me know what I can do to help.


  1296. A friend just linked me to this and I found it amazing, so great to know there are so many wonderful people in the world. I do what I can to help others out (like donating my daughters clothes that she outgrows) but I can’t do much. I hope its not too late to ask for a little help but I’m an unemployed single mom with no support or help from my daughters father. Im currently on goverment aid and was fortunately able to buy her a few things for christmas, luckily she is young enough to not even understand so I didn’t have to get much.

    I have christmas taken care of so i’m not sure if anyone can help with this request but, last night our water heater broke. We own our home so we have to replace it. Last night I had to boil water on the stove in order to give my daughter a bath. I’m not sure how much one costs, or how I’d even get it but figured I’d put out the request anyways, after all no harm can come from asking. Id be willing to provide photos and copies of any bill I get for a new one as proof that the donations are going to what they’re attended for.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, happy holidays and God Bless to all of you.
    (also if any of you have any need for 3-6 month fleece sleepers for this winter my daughter just outgrew some and I can donate and ship them)

  1297. Again thank you all for your help…we definitely appreciate it…. At this point not sure how we will spread the joy but we will spread it!


  1298. Wow, I just wanted to say what an amazing thing you have done here. It might be too late to do a gift card, but please count me in for $30 via PayPal if you are still accepting donations!

  1299. I was the recipient of a donor this year and I am so grateful for her. In her email she said, “I hope one day you can find a way to pay it back.” Well I was thinking and event though I have no extra money, I have cloths that I have out grown and no longer need and beauty products that I never use. So I got to thinking of who could use this the most.
    I was in foster care for 6 years from the time i was 7 until I was 13 and I would have loved if someone would have given me these types of things. I found an old coat and lots of teenage-looking nice cloths (along with a straightener, never used make up and a curling iron) and piled them in the car and drove them to two sisters that I know that are living in a foster care situation with very little money. My mother in law had been babysitting these girls and noticed that the oldest one had on a mans coat and commented that she wondered if anyone had one that she could have that was lying around. Well I did! So I took them these items and they were so unbelievably grateful for used cloths and beauty items that i wasn’t even using!
    I love that I got to feel a little of what my donors felt. Thank you, Julie.

  1300. Hello Jenny. First of all I want to say that what your’e doing is awesome. A lot of people are down this season, and this is really giving hope. I know that I’m late, but if any donors are left with anything to spare my family would greatly appreciate it. My wife is on bedrest with our 3rd child and I’m the only one working. Surviving has been tough. We had to tell our 6 & 4 year old that Santa’s workshop may be closed this year. I took in my sister and her family in August and they’re still living with us too. At this point, we have no tree, no gifts, limited groceries, and our power and gas might be turned off before Christmas. I feel bad for asking, but I’d also feel bad if I let my family down this year. My email address is georgeaj.05@gmail.com if anyone can help out. Thank you and I hope everyone has a great Christmas.

  1301. I just wanted to say Thnk You again to my wonderful Angels Chris,Pamela and Colleen. You have no idea how wonderful you have made the holiday for my children as well as my niece and nephews!

  1302. Dear Jenny,

    I just wanted to say thanks and also post this publicly to thank my “Secret Santa” donor, Liz. She sent me enough to get new pajamas for all 5 of my kids, plus a little left over to get them something small to wrap for under the tree. Thanks, Liz, for your generosity.

    Jenny, you have helped make our family ‘s Christmas to be a little more magical this year. And, by reading through your posts, I can see that I’m not the only one. Sharing, Giving, Showing the Spirit of Christmas, and making Believers again out of hardened-hearted Doubters. This is so inspiring. A wonderful display of the True meaning of Christmas.

    Now I am Doubly Blessed!

  1303. I’ve never been here before, but I think I’ll start hanging around. Any community that does this has to be incredible. 🙂

  1304. Hello,
    I am not sure if I am too late for this but I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a bit of assistance this Christmas. I am trying to make Christmas merry for my niece and nephew. I simply can’t afford much on my income and I want nothing more to see their great big smiling faces on Christmas. If anyone can help please email me at ck100888@gmail.com and I will tell you their story. Thank you very very much!
    Also, I wanted to tell each of you how much these acts of kindness have warmed my heart. This is so wonderful.

  1305. i feel like such a fool – wondering if i got enough stuff for my toddler – do i need to add more stuff to the pile hidden in the basement? no, i do not. thanks for reprioritizing what christmas ought to be about.

  1306. Jenny ~ I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I had asked to be matched up yesterday so that i could help out my best friend and her family of six (post 1520). Within minutes you had matched me up with Mark!!

    My best friend Melanie and I wanted to thank Mark personaly for sending me the paypal money so that her and I could work together to get her girls some extra special gifts for christmas, I even had enough to get my daughter a little something special too! Melanie was on her way to get a payday advance when i got a hold of her and was able to stop her and tell her that I had money for her to get presents for the kids. She and I were both in tears while I told her about what Jenny and Mark did in order to help this year for her and everyone else on this blog. This whole thing is very amazing and it makes me feel so good to be a part of it.

    Throughout the year I give my daughters clothes that she out grows to a family that I know doesnt have the money to go out and buy new clothes for their daughter all the time, and my duaghter knows that when her clothes dont fit her anymore then they go in the bin for the little girl, It makes me feel good to know that I am teaching my daughter these types of things. I will be making sure that next year I will be able to pay it foward to someone else in need durring the holiday season.

    Thank you Mark for your help, without your help this christmas just wouldent be as special for my best friend and her family. THANK YOU AGAIN!

    Merry Christmas to you and to all the “Secret Santa’s” out there, you are making this Christmas a wonderful one for a lot of families.


    Sara & her bestie Melaine

  1307. Thank you again, on behalf of everyone. I wanted to email you but I’m not sure how… I suppose I’m not having a “smart” day today.

    Merry Christmas to you, your family, the donors & the recipients.

  1308. I only found out about this today and have never been sorrier to be late to the party. I hope this becomes an annual event, or happens more than once a year or whatever. We don’t have a lot to give but have been through some tough times ourselves in the last year, and the most important lesson I learned was that there’s nothing wrong or shameful with humbly asking for help, because people do want to help! I would love to be able to give directly and where it’s truly needed.

  1309. I am not sure if I am in the right blog spot, apparently there is more than one, lol. I feel terrible that times have come to this, but this year has really taken a toll on me and my family. Reguardless of what happens though I am a strong believer that even if you dont have much you will always have the love of your family with you. And by family I do not mean blood, I mean people who have always stuck by you and supported you in the times of need. You people are doing such an amazing thing, and I hope all of you have a wonderful christmas. I believe in Karma, what comes around goes aroud. And for all of you helping these people in need I believe you have somehing wonderful coming your way. I wish I was here to offer to help someone, but infortunetly I happen to be in a tight spot right now myself and could use some assistance. I am just getting into college and trying to be able to do everything on my own while still helping my mom out. My mom is such a strong hearted woman and struggling to survive, she has my older sister and her boyfriend living at her house, but neither are employed right now. We lost our father a couple of years back and have been struggling since. All I want is for this Christmas to be somewhat like normal. For us to be able to all sit around our kitchen table and enjoy a honey baked ham with those delicious homemade mashed potatoes and macaroni. It would mean so much for my mother to be able to actually prepare our dinner as by the traditions rather than just whip something up thats in our pantry. Presents are only a bonus at this time, but to me our traditional family dinner means so much more. once again, what you guys are doing is absolutely wonderful, and even if I am too late and not able to be helped I would like to help next year if I am capable. I wish all of you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!! God Bless You.

  1310. I put a post in 1655 and was wondering if it is to late or what I have to do next. Do I comtact someone or do you contact me. I would have messaged earlier if I had of know of this site. I just found out this morning that a person I met on twitter was not going to be able to send me her gift in time for Christmas.
    I think what is being done here is the true Christmas Spirit and cannot wait until next year to pay it forward.
    Thank you again and have a great day.

  1311. Someone emailed me and told me that I should elaborate as to why I need help for Christmas. I just posted (Post 1668). I would like help for my niece and nephew. Their mother is out of work and their father is a farmer whose crops had a bad year. They are very short on money as am I. I have collected some used clothes that people were giving away on freecycle and plan to give them to the kids on Christmas but I really wanted to give the kids a toy. Even if it is one to share. I could really use the help to buy some kind of toy for the kids and possibly if there was enough money buy something special for my sister and her family to have for Christmas dinner. I would love to buy them a turkey. My nephew has been asking if santa is going to bring him a pillow pet for Christmas and I just don’t know what I will do if I cant find a cheap pillow pet somewhere. I would greatly appreicate any help. Thank you all very much!

  1312. @Catherine, I just sent you an email. I can send a toy for each of the children, they’ll be there on Friday if I can get the order placed in the next few hours.

  1313. If it is not too late, please let me know if I can donate. I don’t have much at all, but I just got a job after 11 months, and can spare something if that would help make a child’s Christmas.

  1314. George,
    I sent you an e-mail , if you get back to me, my family wants to help. Santa’s workshop shouldn’t have to close down, even if he does show up late.

  1315. Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking but wrote the wrong email address previously. It’s kclaybourn at gmail
    I could definitely help, but it’d have to be soon to get there on time. Thanks.

  1316. I am coming to this at the very last minute but I would love to be matched up with someone who is in need. Please email me and let me know if you have any outstanding requests.
    Thanks for doing this, for all of us.

  1317. Just wanted to come back and thank my donor, Amy. Because of you, my daughter will be able to have a stocking filled with awesome goodies on Christmas morning. She loves to read so I’m thinking that I can add a good book into the mix, too. My utilities are in danger of being cut off next week and every penny is going towards that, so this gift is truly a bright spot in our holidays.

    I e-mailed you Jenny as well, but just wanted to say thanks again. I know you are probably ready to throw your computer out the window at this point just so that you can get some sleep and spend time with your family. Every time I come back and read the comments here, I’m just amazed over and over again. You have really blown your cover with this stunt. Ha!

  1318. I heard about this just now, but if anyone still needs help or a gift card, I’m here to help someone have a wonderful holiday.

  1319. Oh My Gosh I can’t believe the kindness I received just now. My Christmas is definitely been blessed this year!
    I hope next year this blog is still here because I hope to give what I can back.
    This blog is a seed that has been planted for God’s love to grow!!!
    Thank you so much for all who have donated and Bless all the families everywhere!!!
    Much Love,

  1320. I know that I am definitely late to the game here but I just wanted to offer out what little I can give. I’m a college student living off of my parents so money isn’t an option but, I do have a ton of barely used clothing, as well as some other items. My family is currently in the process of moving to a different state so I’ve been cleaning out my room at home and have found a lot of things that will need to be given away as I no longer use them/have no room for them in my apartment at school. I have a lot of clothing to give out, including jeans, dresses, jackets, etc. I am petite (size 0) so my items would fit middle school to high school aged girls. Additionally, I have a large collection of dolls, stuffed animals, and books. So if any of you need these items or know of anyone that could use them, please email me at dealmeida.tm@gmail.com. I’m willing to ship items to anywhere in the US.

    Merry Christmas!

  1321. @Bill posts 1655 & 1673

    If you will post your email address, someone may be able to help. It looks like some of us are still checking the comments every now and then to see if help is still needed.

  1322. I see that I may be to late, but if there’s any help out there thatd be greatly appreciated, I was laid off a few months ago and my wife and four children had to move last month, we’ve sold most of our belongings just to get by on food and rent, christmas won’t be happening this year for us, but if there’s any help my wife and I would be so great full to give our kids something special or a good meal, thank you so much for reading this.

  1323. Wow, alll I can say is WOW!!! This was the first time I have visited your blog but after reading this I will definately be back. What a blessing to people on both ends!

  1324. Holy badgers!
    This is a good thing of such great goodness that I am, even now, doing The Happy Dance.

    I’ve not been part of it this year.
    Perhaps I won’t be part of it next year. But it won’t be for want of trying.
    (Does thinking about how to set up on this side of the pond)

    Thank you all for adding a few grains of sand on the good side of the scale.

  1325. posts 1655 and1680 1680 i so sorry I thought my email address i posted below leave a comment showed up. Im sorry if I did this wrong. My e-mail addy is wtb1952@eastlink.ca Thank you again everyone.

  1326. This was absolutely incredible!! I have never felt so full of the Christmas spirit as I have been reading the outpouring of help people have offered. I’m in again next year!! Love it, love it, love it more! Just when I think humanity sucks and there is no kindness out there, The Bloggess inspires this. Thank you lady.

  1327. If anyone has any help still available my children are set for Christmas but my “little sister” (through big brother and big sisters) are not. They just got out of foster care and are now living back with their mom who is does not work (or try to work) and will not have anything to open on Christmas. I just went through my own cloths and gave them a lot of cloths but it sure would be nice to be able to give them something else special. They are 14 and 12 so they do not believe in the Santa thing anymore so it would not matter if it came after Christmas. The girls are in dire need of a coat mostly, and also shoes. Again, it would not matter if it came after Christmas since they do not really believe in Santa anyways, and even if the cloths are used and we could shipped them to them they would really appreciate it. They both wear a size Large or Medium and are mostly in need of pants. Thanks to anyone who is able to help.

  1328. My email for comment # 1705 about cloths and coats and shoes.

    jonathan_mercurio109 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  1329. Hi there…just checking in to see if there was any help for my Mom as I posted in post #1652 (please read post) …I realize it is a big request, but my Mom is in need of this and has worked so hard over the years for so many others, plus with her disability, this would really be a big help for her….I would love for this Christmas wish of mine to come true for her…I just need help, I am in high school still.
    Thank you all and everyone have a MERRY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
    Shelley Mae

  1330. @ Lisa-post 1686…I sent you an email…I am looking forward to hearing back from you!!
    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  1331. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to my donors! With their help we were able to buy 2 heaters, new smoke detectors and a couple of little things for the girls. The first arrived today and it’s already made such a difference in here!!

    This is amazing, truly a blessing, and I am so looking forward to being able to “pay it forward”!

  1332. RE: post #1602 from Sheri looking for school uniform pants for her kids. I was able to help with this, in case anyone else was going to try, she’s covered.

  1333. Beautiful. Heartbreaking. Staggering.

    I cannot believe how awesome and generous people here have been. It just goes to show that community is still meaningful, even if that community has moved to cyberspace & beyond.

  1334. There are so many posts to sift through and I want to help someone, I can only do a little but I can do something! I can do a gift card via email or something like that. Please contact me if you need a gift for your child/children, food, etc. amandarslone@gmail.com

  1335. Just saw this and wanted to cry. This is truly what Christmas is ALL about. What a heart you have.

    In my own family we are not giving gifts this year to pay for the $29,000 of medical bills for
    my mom who overnight went from my mom to someone with a disabilty that we don’t even
    recognize. With my dad out of work – my siblings and I are settling for a small Christmas, but
    at least we have each other and stories like these inspire me.

  1336. Wow. I came across this from a tweet by The Pioneer Woman and I couldn’t get through this post without crying over and over at the amazing generosity of the human spirit.
    And thank you. Thank you for being the first to step out there and inspire others to do the same.
    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  1337. i can’t believe what i’ve missed here. my mother was diagnosed with cancer and died within 13 days of the diagnosis. so i haven’t been keeping up with my blogs until now.

    jenny, please please please let me know if there is anything more i can do. i would love to do something for someone else. i just cannot read through all the posts because i keep crying too much. it’s so amazing.

  1338. This is amazing. If you are still looking for donors, please contact me. I am happy to give what I can. Merry Christmas everyone.

  1339. I just wanted to say thank you so much I was matched with one Secret Santa in my email this morning. I am truelly thankful for any help. With 5 children it is very rough at this time of year. Thankfully for food stamps and social security we get by. 4 of our 5 children have disabilities. You have no idea how much this would help our family. We struggle every month not just xmas but this is even harder. And to everyone offering their assistance you all are just true blessings and I hope that you are blessed just as well.


  1340. Jenny, thank you so much for leaving this running. I’m afraid we took over your blog. I posted earlier – #1562. I did receive a gift, and I thank the both of you so very much.

    Since our car has left us stranded now, I’m going to order my son a toy or two to help with his therapy. I’m thanking God that it can be delivered – now he can have something from mommy/Santa for Christmas.

    May God bless you and keep you, Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year to you and yours.

    I’m in Omaha, NE. If any of your other readers need size 2 boys clothes, I have a few shirts and some pants, and a jacket I’d like to donate.

  1341. I found this post through Ree Drummond. It prompted me to check our local craigslist for any families in need. Sure enough, there was a family with 6 children in my small town who need help. Thanks for opening our eyes a little wider this Christmas.

  1342. My girl and I have five children. The mortgage is late, even though I have a steady job… Somehow this month nothing lined up right and I find myself here, asking for help, in tears.

    My oldest two don’t believe in Santa anymore, but I think the 5 and 6 and 2 year olds deserve better than that. It breaks my heart to see that there are so many of us in this boat. So many families who are hungry or cold. We have a roof and food and we are better off than SO many, we know! But… If there’s something left over when you’re all through here, something from these amazing, generous readers of yours, we would be able to have more than dollar store presents under the tree.

    Thank you, again, Jenny, for your beautiful words and for having the best group of readers anywhere. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  1343. This is the first time I’ve read your blog, and damn it you made me cry. I was seriously sitting in front of the computer, blubbering like a little girl reading your UPDATEs. I know what it’s like to be in need, and I know what it’s like to have excess. You’ve got some really amazing readers.

  1344. (sorry…I left this same message on another page…did not know it would go there)
    I know this is stupid…I can’t read the email because my eyes wont stop gushing…I need to thank someone named Beth…I cannot believe how blessed we are…I wanted to let her know that her gift card has made my boys sooooo happy…they can buy a video game…a game they can both play together…I cannot thank you enough…I cannot seem to find any return address….perhaps it is because I can’t stop crying but I wanted the boys to be able to send a thank-you note…please, please know how happy you have made them…and once again I cannot offer anything in return but a free e-copy of a book I wrote and published myself…I do not know if it would be something you would be interested in or not but I will post a coupon code for it just incase…feel free to give it to others as well…it is all I have to give…I am forever indebited to you…may God bless you in the coming year
    Good for any E-Reader as well as online and computer reading software…
    FREE e-copy of ‘Where the Sun Sets’ @ smashwords.com…enter coupon code SY34P at checkout…Expires:January 31, 2011…Happy Holidays !!!

  1345. Thank you. This is absolutely beautiful and inspiring. What a restoration of faith and hope in humanity! Even for those who are unable to donate or help out, the testament to love that this movement has created will still restore faith in others. Thank you, and thank you again.

    If you are still taking donations from people, I would like to do what I can. Looking forward to hopefully hearing from you.

  1346. if anyone can help with an amazon.com egiftcard … i need two inflatable mattresses for my sons. they are sleeping on the floor. amazon has 2 twin inflatable mattresses that are pretty cheap and i would really like to get them for my sons. they are currently sleeping on the floor. if you can help please email maxx_and_me at yahoo dot com
    thank you and god bless ya’ll

  1347. Hi Shelley Mae:
    Please email me at lballard1@hotmaill.com. I have contacted your mother and was planning on sending her an e-gift certificate from Target for $200. Originally, I was going to send her two different e-gift cards but thought that a $200 gift card from Target would help out. Please let me know if you think this will be helpful. I need to place the order tonight so they get it by Christmas.

    – And ugh – I just found out that my contract job will be ending in January but I rather give while I can 🙂

    Thank you !

  1348. I am the original poster of post #1660 (to summarize whats been said i’m a single unemployed mom and my daughters father doesnt contribute to us at all however I am in the process of getting child support Our water heater broke and we own our home so we have to replace it ourselves, last night i had to boil water in order to bathe my daughter.).

    Thank you so much to Jenny and my match I have already received $50 in home depot gift cards towards the purchase of a new water heater. I am so grateful to my ‘match’ for his act of total kindness. Its amazing that he (and so many others making donations here) do not know the person they are helping but are still willing to do what they can to make their Christmas brighter) I am definitely looking forward to paying it forward next year, and have already been thinking of ways to do so..

    I figured that the best way to receive donations would be in the form of home depot giftcards that way you can be sure your donations are being properly spent. The water heater was still leaking so i had to shut off my water to keep any more damages from happening. Thanks to this blog, Jenny, and the generous people reading these posts I’ll hopefully have a new water heater soon. I figured i should post my email address so that anyone wanting to help may do so tallen2k4@hotmail.com

    Thank you all so much, happy holidays and God bless.

  1349. This is for Ann Marie,
    Please feel free to email me at bethb1@cox.net. Your post above now has me crying too! I’m just thrilled that I was able to help you and your boys have a good Christmas. This whole thing has been so wonderful for everyone involved. Jenny should be sainted or something.

  1350. Thank you for letting me be a part of this amazing display of humanity. I havent been able to make my way through all the comments so I’ll just put it out there-if anyone needs an older imac but in VERY good condition, we have two that we are happy to send wherever. Not sure if we can get it there for Christmas Day but pretty darn close.

  1351. I was a donor. I am sobbing right now, after reading the updates you posted. Something small became something huge and beautiful and overwhelming and I’m just, well, typing through my tears. I cannot imagine how you must feel after organizing this. I was just one little donor and I feel blessed. You are…incredible. My image of you is shattered. (Back-handed compliment, or as I call them “Thank-you-Fuck-yous”). Thank you, truly, thank you.

  1352. I know i’m over emotional lately, but this post had me crying all over my keyboard. This truly is what Christmas is all about, you are such an amazing person and blogger!

  1353. My son got his first Holiday card today from three little girls who drew and pasted pictures inside the card – so adorable. My son thinks the card is from Christmas elves and has it hanging next to his bed. We received almost thirty responses from people willing to mail him a card! I can not thank you enough Jenny! You are wonderful!

    My heart had grown a little hardened over the past few years because disabled children (especially those who are homebound) are so often left behind and receive such little human contact from the outside world. It really hurts to watch your own child be so lonely. The overwhelming responses I received from your readers made realize that people really do care. I can not thank you all enough. You have really brightened his Holiday and brought the Christmas spirit back to mine as well.

    An extra special thank you to Sherree, Aunt Buckethead, and Monica!

    Happy Holidays everyone!
    Cindy (839)

  1354. I cannot tell you how happy this all makes me. There are still good people in this world! I know it is sooooo late, but I would love to be a donor. Please let me know if I can still help!

  1355. I just came into custody of two children. Their mother was arrested and they’ve been pretty traumatized by all of this. I don’t have anything for them for Christmas. I know I should be grateful that I can feed us all but it seems like this nine year old and ten year old deserve something more. If there is anyone who can help I would be so grateful. You can reach me at alittlesanernow@gmail.com

  1356. I thought that my comment was added but I don’t see that it is. I’d love to help where help is needed. I have all I ever need and so does my 3 children and husband. I can be reached at: bethyoung26@yahoo.com I’d like to order Christmas presents online or something and have them shipped overnight. I can do this through the telephone or email. Thanks. Looking forward to helping. Love, Beth

  1357. When I first read this post I meant to come back to it, but I never did. After reading all the comments, the article and the final totals I feel awe inspired and very glad. It is good to know that my daughter will grow up in a world where strangers come to the aid of others. It has been a rough year for my small family too and our family members are getting homemade gifts. This blog turned christmas miracle has inspired me to take what little extra we have and share it. Im not sure how I can help with the holiday being so close, but I want to do something. My email is brandise.ackerman@gmail.com.

  1358. Hello everyone I know I found out about this to late but still wanted to share my story. It started in Feb of this year my sister n law went in for a minor surgery (actually to get her gallbladder removed) and never truly came out. She had several complications and remained in the hospital for weeks having test after test ran on her. Meanwhile I had to leave my job (no family leave act for in-laws) because she lived in a different state and had 3 minor boys whose fathers are all nonexistent =(Leaving my 2 boys at home with my husband, I stayed by her side during the day and took care of the boys in the evening, She was diagnosed with later stages of cancer and died with in a month after her surgery. It was a complete shock and devastation to us all. Ada was only 35 and a single mother of 4, 3 of which are minors one of the boys has a learning disability that needs a lot of extra help and attention. My husband and I have the boys with us and have full custody of them they are adjusting well in a new home and new schools. It has been financially difficult since I am still unemployed and my husband works 6 days a week just to keep food on the table. My children have given up a lot as well, they have had to learn how to share their parents as well as their things. We have a small house with one bathroom and 5 boys it makes for an interesting life that’s for sure=) This Christmas is hard because we are unable to give our boys what they deserve and we are all still morning the loss of Ada. I would like to say one more thing, even though it has been hard and a lot of sacrifice to keep the boys together it is worth every moment when I see them smile or hear them laugh =) Thank you for taking the time to read my story…. rmcgenna@yahoo.com

  1359. @ Jayne #1739
    I see you have offered 2 older imacs…are they desk top or notebook? I posted a request for a laptop ( used or new) for my Mom who is disabled and isn’t able to sit at a desk to use a computer. She spends several days in bed every week because of her disability, RA, Fibromyalgia, IBS, RLS, CFS, ect…
    My post is # 1652 if you would like to read it. My Mom doesn’t know I am doing this…I am hoping I can get help for my Christmas wish for my Mom and suprise her…I am 16 and in high school still and have no way to help her. I am praying for a wish to be granted here. My Mom has done so much over the years for so many and I am just hoping maybe it can be paid forward to her…
    Merry Christmas to everyone! God bless
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1360. somehow I just came upon your post… wow…incredible… such hearts… such community!! What incredible Christmas spirit has come forth… You have given such a vehicle of caring!
    Don’t know if its too late, but I have a special request also… I am battling spinal cancer & other life-threatening disease for last few years so things..doctors gave e a month…4 yrs ago!! smiling… because of this & 24/7 pain while iI battle for life, things are tight financially. But this request isn’t for me. It is for my grown daughter.. She is battling for her life, with 2 serious diseases & lost an extreme amount of weight also this year… & is the mother of 4 young children. I have helped her as much as I can with food & money for her meds & her children. But this past few months, as my health has decreased again, my “well” has also gone dry . My daughter has not sounded well on the phone again, so I asked her about her meds- shots, etc..and life saving iron compounds & B shots ..both via prescriptions….. she told me she hasn’t been able to afford them for 6 weeks… She has no insurance and needs about $120 for a months worth. She also has life threatening sleep apnea due to tumors around her thyroid & goiter and desperately needs an anti-snoring , Sleep Apnea pillow. I have looked at them online & other places. You can find them at Brookstone for about $100. ( and I trust Brookstone…they guarantee their products…She called me 2 days ago that she awoke that night abruptly , gasping for air & had stopped breathing..so frightening. Sadly, I cannot at this time help her… God knows I would if I could. If anyone is touched by God to be an amazing Christmas Angel and her get the meds she needs this month & this Sleep apnea Pillow from Brookstone, we would be forever indebted… * my daughter is always trying to help others, in spite of her own lack.. I know how much this help would mean to her, and the givers can rest assured that it would be a gift that would keep on giving, as it would help her to gain back some measure of health!
    Again, thanks for all you are doing to help spread Goodwill during this Christmas 2010 season.

    Cathy B
    pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com

  1361. Is it too late to contribute? Please let me know.
    I think what you’re doing is beyond wonderful.

  1362. Jenn the bloggess.. I didnt mean to leave my email in the note… can you please remove so only you can see it?? thanks so much!!!!
    Cathy B

  1363. Cathy B, I think I can help. I am sending you an email now. Please contact me if you don’t see my email in your inbox.

  1364. @sammierae #1751 I sent you an email but didn’t get a reply, but I saw you posted on here. Did you get the mattress from Amazon today? UPS tracking says “LEFT WITH WOMAN” so I’m a little concerned. Please let me know. The other packages should be there tomorrow.

  1365. Maybe if I post my email address it might help… hoopershelley@yahoo.com
    also, maybe a couple people could get together to help me with this please??
    @ Jayne #1739
    I see you have offered 2 older imacs…are they desk top or notebook? I posted a request for a laptop ( used or new) for my Mom who is disabled and isn’t able to sit at a desk to use a computer. She spends several days in bed every week because of her disability, RA, Fibromyalgia, IBS, RLS, CFS, ect…
    My post is # 1652 if you would like to read it. My Mom doesn’t know I am doing this…I am hoping I can get help for my Christmas wish for my Mom and suprise her…I am 16 and in high school still and have no way to help her. I am praying for a wish to be granted here. My Mom has done so much over the years for so many and I am just hoping maybe it can be paid forward to her…
    Merry Christmas to everyone! God bless
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1366. How do you know these people were needy? I appreciate the feel good effort, but there is a better chance those 30 people scammed you out of gift cards, and had plenty of money to buy gifts for children…if they had children.

    It was done completely on the honor system and based on the response my guess is that there was little to no scamming. Most of the people I’m hearing from emailed their matches and ordered gifts for their matches directly. Things like toys, smoke detectors, diapers, baby car seats, dolls, diapers and children’s clothes. I did check IP addresses to make sure people weren’t pretending to be more than one person and there was only one person doing that and luckily the only person who donated to her was myself. Besides, if someone is so desperate for $30 that they’d go through all this trouble to get it then they probably really needed the help either way. ~ Jenny

  1367. Lee — I can send you a $25 Old Navy gift card Express USPS Mail tomorrow so you have it Christmas Eve or a $25 PayPal deposit. Which would you prefer?

  1368. Donna… I did get the mattress! I delievered it to my niece, Kayla and she and Aaliyah are, I imagine, sleeping on it right now! I was “the woman” he left it with! lol Looks like MY boys are getting help with new mattresses too thanks to the kind generosity of more people just like you!
    God bless you all! These are amazing miracles that are really making a difference in real peoples lives!

  1369. I may be the last person aware of this (staying offline, weather, illness) but man – if there is ANYONE still in need, let me know.

  1370. A friend sent me the link to your page. I’m not asking for help, even though things are tight. I wish I could offer help, but I’m exceedingly short of cash until after the first of the year myself. I write to tell you that my mom died on Monday, and all of us were looking to cancel Christmas. This has made us realize that even though life is tight for us all, we need to be together, if only for her sake.

    Thanks on behalf of the people you helped, thanks for being such a good person, and thanks to all the other good people. Your thread helped me feel better.

  1371. I think it is wonderful that the giving and helping has continued via this comment section. This is amazing! You all are just wonderful wonderful people! Great blessings to you all!

  1372. Oh man! This post and all the wonderful people who donated have me crying like a girl (oh wait, I am a girl!)
    So, if it’s not too late, I just have to throw my hat in the ring here and offer a donation as well.

    I’m in Canada, so I’m not sure these “cards” you speak of are available here, so interact transfer (it’s a canadian thing) or Paypal will work for me.

    Just let me know who/how to send it.

  1373. I cry each time I share this story with anyone. And I share it with everyone. I am a leaky faucet.
    My dear friend Mandy mentioned our hardship here, and we were lucky to receive one of the initial Amazon cards. We then turned around and bid on an item at a benefit /silent auction for a friend, and father of two who is out of work due to a freak illness. We thought to pay it forward asap.
    Today we received a second envelope in the mail from a complete stranger. A woman in BC who took it upon herself to sacrifice seventy five hard earned dollars so that we might breathe a little easier this holiday. To you Debbie W. I tip my hat, and my heart overflows with the wealth that is the love of human kindness. My daughters are thankful for your gift. I am overwhelmed by your generosity.
    By the way, we bought books and diapers with your card. Both necessities as far as we are concerned. Happiest of Happies to everyone here! I now need a tissue.

  1374. Great thanks to Kelly and Kathy who stepped forward and have provided my two sons with new inflatable mattresses (thank you kelly!) and brand new bedding (thank you kathy!)
    Wonderful thanks to Jayne for providing my daughter with an iMac! Wow! along with your amazing gift, we are thankful!
    Donna, thank you for your generous donation to my niece and my great niece! They will both be very comfortable thanks to you! And they sure needed a little bit of comfort right now!
    Fran, youre going to put many smiles on all of our faces with your lovely donation! thank you!
    Nicole, your quick and generous giving will be very useful and much appreciated!
    Elizabeth, thank you again for your kindness, please know your gift was much needed and we are all very thankful.
    You are all amazing and I just dont have the words to express how special you all are.
    Thank you .. and many many blessings to every single one of you!

  1375. I got a call this morning from my sister who carefully (because I’m a little stoic and usually pull myself out of tough spots) told me about this blog site, and that she had shared my story here. I have spent the entire rest of the day weeping happy tears for two reasons. Perfect strangers went out of their way to make a difference in my world this Christmas, which was looking gray until today. And because perfect strangers were doing this everywhere. I tell my children that Christmas is about greatness of spirit. And this here expresses that perfectly. thank you.

  1376. thank you… thank you, thank Dawn… thank you… “Christmas, my child, is love in action.” — Dale Evans

  1377. Hello,

    I think what you have done is incredible. All of the people who have opened their hearts to strangers are amazing. My Family and I are struggling. My husband has been laid-off for 2 years now we have 2 children 7 and 9 years old my husband has been trying so hard to find a job. He has been willing to take any job. I was diagnosed recently with Psoriatic Arthritis. Because of my condition my mobility is very limited. I have applied for disability but I have been advised it could take as long as 6 months to a year. My husband’s unemployment has been exhausted. We currently have no income. We have used up all of the savings that we had. We have lived at our home for 10 years. We have always been responsible people. Things are so bad we have been struggling to pay our electric bill and our rent.
    We had to sit our childen down and look them in their eyes and try and explain to them that we cannot afford to buy a Christmas tree this year. We had to explain to them that their will be no Christmas presents this year. It broke my heart to have to tell my children this. We have been struggling with keeping food on the table we have been going to a local food pantry for help. We have never had to use a food pantry. We have always donated to food pantries. If their is anyone out their that can help us by making a donation to our Paypl account or even sending a giftcard. Christmas is now only two days away. It is breaking my heart to have to let my children down. My family really needs a Christmas Miracle. Our paypal address is the same as my e-mail.

    Thank You

  1378. I just want to say thanks to Jenny for organizing this wonderful idea! My eyes almost popped out of my head when I opened my Paypal account to see money in it from COMPLETE strangers!! It makes me ponder the true meaning of “giving”. Giving is when you blindly donate with no expectations. This is what all these generous donors are doing through this “simple idea” that Jenny had.
    I am a missionary (unfunded at the moment, but God is great) who has seen some of the most unbelievable living conditions in 3rd world situations. Yet, a simple gift can change an individual’s life! The power of giving is one of God’s true blessings. He created us with this as part of our natural self, yet so many never tap this resource. Tap it people! It can and will change your life!
    Today, as I was receiving my blessings, I was delivering some items I had collected to a needy mother of 4. What goes around comes around.
    Thanks again to everyone…
    Thank you Jennifer, Natalie, and Tara for my gifts.
    Peace and goodwill toward everyone from everyone.
    With love and a happy heart, Sherri ( post # 1656)

  1379. I just wanted to say thank you so so very much to those who have helped me with such generosity. It is amazing how two perfect strangers could both do something so wonderful to brighten my holiday season and truly change my life.

    Thank you Pete and Erika. I will always cherish and remember what you have done for me, and so look forward to paying it forward next year.

  1380. Thank you, Jenny, for doing such an amazing thing. I love Christmas but the giving and recieving of gifts has become more of an expectation than something that is truly appreciated. It is nice to give to someone who truly appreciates it.

  1381. Thank you…thank you for giving these wonderful people a place to share, to give and receive – to make their worlds that much brighter. I had a Christmas miracle myself here recently – and reading this, knowing that not just receiving, but also giving can save a life and make someone’s Christmas gave ,e a whole new persepctive on my miracle. Thank you for posting this, thank you for sharing this wonderful miracle of the Season. I feel truly blessed to have read this, and proud to call myself a human being!

    Merry Christmas to you, lovie…


  1382. Ok…I have exciting news…I have 1 person, a wonderful woman, that is willing to pitch in for my Mom to have a new netbook if others can pitch in too…Here is the email she sent to me just now with the link she found for this netbook she found that has everything my Mom needs….
    If you can orchestrate it, I can pitch in a little. If you found one on amazon, or they have 10″ netbooks at walmart for 300, so if you could maybe suggest that the others pitch in for something like that, maybe that could work. maybe we could all send walmart giftcards. I am including a link
    Let me know…

    So please please please…can I please cash in all of my Christmas wishes to help my disabled Mom so she can have a muched deserved wonderful gift of a laptop to use. With her disability she cannot sit at a desk to use a computer and also she is bed bound most days. My Mom has helped so many over the years…I am begging for help to help my Mom with this gift. My original post is #1652 if you would like to read my original post to know why I am asking for such a big item…
    Thank you all so much and have a Merry Christmas! God Bless!
    XOXO Shelley
    P.S. Thank you Kathy for getting the ball rolling for me for my Mom…I am so greatful for this. Thank you 🙂
    Now I pray others can pitch in…it’s so close… 🙂

  1383. UPDATE for #1652 Shelley Mae trying to get her disabled Mom a laptop!!
    So far I have received 1 payment at paypal for $50. from a women in…AUSTRALIA!!! Can you beleive that!! So….$50. so far is a great start…I still have “kathy” who said she can help pitch in if others can too…just thought I should let everyone know…I am praying for more help hopefully this morning…
    Thank you Kathy and Alison for the great start for my mom! I am so happy and so greatful for your help…and so excited to getting closer to the goal!!! I am still praying that with all of your help my goal for my Mom can be met!!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS and God Bless!
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1384. @Shelley Mae:
    I sent your mother an e-gift card to Target for $200 this morning. I didn’t chech the postings first. I hope that this will help out with gifts or towards a laptop.

    Merry Christmas !!

  1385. @Andrea:
    Are you able to help Samantha and her boys? I was going to but didn’t see that she reaponded to me and helped some one else. Plus, I just found out that I will be losing my contract job at the end of January.
    Thank you !

  1386. This is wonderful and bless you for making it happen.

    I’d like us all to stop and think for a minute, as well, about why the need exists. Perhaps, just perhaps, if we weren’t so concerned with cutting the taxes we pay all the time, we’d have enough money collectively to care for more of those who are struggling. Far too many of our fellow citizens have been left to fall through the cracks while we all pontificate angrily at each other. We can and must do better as a society.

    Again, bless you, ma’am, and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  1387. Hello,

    I am original posts 1668 and 1681. I wanted to come back to say thank you because of this blog and these wonderful acts of kindness I am able to provide a toy for my neice and nephew. I am overjoyed. I can’t believe how wonderful each and every one of you are. My family and my sisters family are going to have a Christmas now. I can’t express how much this means to me. I am still trying to provide a nice dinner for my family and my sisters family to enjoy on Christmas. I have been searching my local craigslist and freecycle to try to find someone giving away canned food but no luck yet. I am just so joyed that the children will have a Christmas this year. Thank you so very much!


  1388. @TS Perhaps this is not the job of the government but our job as family, friends, neighbors and human beings to help those in need.

    @Stephanie Thomas please check your paypal

  1389. Jenny — I just wanted to pop my head up from my daily lurking to tell you that your gift card idea and Anissa Mayhew’s adopt-a-family drive over at Aiming Low inspired me to “adopt” a family for the holiday here in Philadelphia through Women in Transition, a non-profit that provides services to women and children who are working to overcome the effects of domestic violence, substance abuse and poverty . In the end, my husband and I decided that would be our sole gift to each other this year, so our “adopted” family (a woman and her two children, ages 12 and 7) received $1000 to help them through the season in whatever way works best for them. Next year, I think I may be able to get my parents, siblings and co-workers on board as well, to adopt more families. Just wanted to share a little piece of the ripple effect that your generosity has inspired. Best wishes to you and yours for a happy and peaceful holiday. You deserve it.

  1390. Lisa,
    It hasn’t posted to her email yet…I just checked. I know she has it all spent on the 4 grandkids already!! She was so excited to hear you were helping her! She went straight to target.com and found lots of neat toys for them…She is going to send you an email today…Thank you so much for helping her with everything…

    As far as the laptop goes, I have 2 people that are willing to pitch in if others can pitch in too…The one woman found a netbook for just under $300 at Walmart which would be perfect for my Mom with her RA and her hands.
    I put a post out about it…post # 1779 which explains why I am asking for help with this for my Mom…
    And so people understand that my Mom isn’t being greedy here, I POSTED FOR THE LAPTOP FOR HER WITHOUT HER KNOWING AS A SUPRISE FOR HER…it is all in the original post #1652
    Thank you and Merry Christmas!!!

  1391. Miss a little, miss a LOT! I could do a gift card for a family. It may be late, but maybe something like Target where a person could just go out and pick something up ASAP? I’m not sure what to do here, but I’m in!

  1392. I am normally not a person that would ask for help, and it may be too late, but i am unable to get my son and grandchildren any christmas. you see, my husband and i have been married 32 years, we have 3 grown daughters, and a teenage son.My 26 year old and her 3 children live with us as they have no father and we are trying to help.Unfortunatly, due to the economy our business has gone under and my husband has been unable to find a job we have sold everything over the past year just trying to keep a roof over all of our heads.
    My daughter is in school full time trying to make a life for her and her 3 kids, anyway there is no money for Christmas this year and i am terribly depressed. I am a giving person and it hurts to look in their little faces and not be able to do for them. My 16 year old son has been really wonderful by telling me that it is okay, BUT I know deep inside he would like a gift, he is more concerned about his 6 year old nephew and his 2 year old neice and 1 year old nephew. I would be eternally grateful and would happily do for someone else WHEN i am in a better situation. merry christmas to all of you!

    Well, it’s Christmas time so that’s fine to make like the Who’s from Whoville for now, but come New Year’s Day it better be back to hich octane disfunction or somebody’s getting a James Garfield tusk in the tookus!
    Jenny, any assurances?

  1394. I know I’m really late and most of this project seems to have happened already, but I saw other people are still commenting so I thought I’d leave a comment just hoping, maybe, someone might help me out.
    I’m unemployed, on welfare and struggling to pay off debts. I’ve been trying to find a job for months now but there’s just so much competition. My parents aren’t much better off, and I’m not expecting Christmas will involve many gifts this year. I’d be so grateful if anyone could help me out at all. My email is falling_mask@yahoo.com

    Even if you can’t stretch to one more miracle, thank you everyone that has done anything for someone else this season. This project is just amazing.

  1395. Hannahbanana,
    Good morning…and Merry Christmas!
    would you be willing to pitch in with Kathy and Alison for my Mom…Please see post #1652 & #1779
    Thank you.
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1396. Hi Shelley Mae:
    I’m so glad that your mom can use the gift card. Some one from Target will call me today and confirm that I want to send the e-gift and then it will show up in her email box. She should have by this evening at the latest.
    Thank you !

  1397. It is very close to Christmas. I have been contributing to the Food Banks. If there is someone in Columbus, OH, needing help let me know. I will do everything I can to help.

  1398. Dawn Simmons, please post yr email in a disguised form like, Your name at internetproviderdotcom

  1399. I’d love to help in what ever way I can. I’d be will to donate to someone’s PayPal account, but what I would RATHER do is regift some of my stuff because I’m divorcing myself and trying out minimalism. Does anyone need a tennis racket? Or some DVDs? Or a Futon in Atlanta? A USA or World map poster?

    Hit me up and let me know.

    All the best,


  1400. This “is” a miracle…and not on 34th Street either…it is the power of people fused together with a common goal…..make someone smile, lift the weight off someone’s shoulder, give and feel good about it and yourself. Gotta say I am so super bummed about just now reading this. I did make jewelry for some mentally challenged gals…just because…there was no request. I would LOVE LOVE to give to someone in need, as I am so blessed. And now I am even more blessed for reading all this.

    Blessings and Light,

  1401. I am post #1728, and I think I was supposed to post my email?

    I am overwhelmed by this whole situation, and all these amazing people!

    josh dot null at gmail dot com

  1402. Good Morning everyone,

    I am a father of 2 girls and have a wife. She stays at home with the girls while I work, I have been of work for 2 weeks now as I was in a accident at works and received chemical burns on my face and arm. Wcb compensation board does not pay very well for injured people off work. We have been struggling since the recession to begin with and this has just made things worse. We had our vehicle repossesed and are just getting by with an old one I managed to get for a cheap price. I just want to provide my family with the christmas I failed to give them, we have each other but I would like for them to have a few gifts and a nice dinner where we can all sit at the table and enjoy. I have sold a bunch of my own stuff from hobbies I do just to try and do what I can for my family. So if there’s anything anyone can do please let me know, if not then your prayers will do just fine.


  1403. Oh, Jenny, you are truly the very best of the best.

    Morgan, I just emailed you, so let me know how I can help.

    This is thrilling.

  1404. Boxes arrived at my house today, I have been informed. I can’t wait to get home. My daughter is going to be SO surprised to wake up and see more than the tiny little things we had under the tree. This place is miraculous. I love you all for existing.

  1405. I work for a children’s book publisher, and I would be glad to send someone a box of books & activities for their kids (sorry, with the time frame, I don’t think I could get them outside the US in time for Christmas). We have books for ages 1-12. I know it’s late in this, but if this would work for you, I’m happy to send something out today.

  1406. Dawn, I sent you an email. The return email will say “Snake Charmers” — don’t be scared!

  1407. I still find myself returning here to be inspired and read stories. Last night after placing an order with my gift card I cried tears of pain and peace. The feeling was a feeling I had not ever experienced before Thank You SoSo much Once again. May the blessings go marching on!!!!

  1408. I know I have posted before and I was linked to one sponsor and I very much appreciate the help. I was able to find a couple things for a couple kids, my only problem is I have 5 kids. It is so hard to manage xmas with 5 children, I have had to slim on 2 of their bdays and forget the party just to try to get xmas gifts for all of them. Struggling with disabled children and SSI income it doesnt give extra for the holidays!! Unfortunately we are a little slim on groceries this month and had to postpone a bill just to get through, I really am not one to ask anyone for help, but I am sadly tucking my tail in and putting myself out there. Im stuck between using the rest of the months grocery money on last minute gifts or buying food. My children are 2 boys both 13, 3 girls age 10, 9, and 6. Thank you so much for putting this up for all of us who are in dire need this year.

    Again thanks to anyone who may read this and feel called to help.

  1409. Dear BRUTALISM 31796 and THE SPECTRUM #1805

    I am trying to help my Mom who is disabled with a netbook…I have 2 wonderful people who have pitched in already (see post # 1779 & #1781) but we are still short…would you please be willing to help me with my Christmas wish for my Mom?
    Thank you.
    Merry Christmas and God Bless!
    XOXO Shelley Mae
    hoopershelley at yahoo dot com

  1410. I keep coming back to see the love that continues to flow, even after the “project” is over. We were a recipient from Polly and I was able to turn around and purchase items for several families as well as mine.

    I’m away from my son this Christmas because his father has visitation this year and my spirits are buoyed by seeing the generosity and love that is being poured out on this site.

    Thank you, Jenny for starting this and thank you for allowing it to continue. You are a shining example of grace and dignity.

    Merry Christmas!

  1411. i cant stay away from reading all the comments, even though all i do is tear up…. this is what we need every day. after sending out my gift card today, wich i am afraid will arrive after the holiday i have a sense of peace and joy that has been missing. thank you jenny, i know you had no idea but thank god you did. merry christmas everyone.

  1412. We’re going to have to get coordinated a little bit here. Who has asked for help and not heard from a sponsor?

  1413. Wow, this story totally re-set my attitude today. What an amazing community you’ve built here. ? ?

  1414. I cannot believe the generosity of people, it has renewed my faith in mankind. This whole year as we are turned away from job after job, I felt hopeless, and then my daughter told me about this blog and already
    two wonderful people have helped my family and they don’t even know us!! Ginger is sending books for my grandchildren to enjoy(I have 3 living with me and 4 others who will be coming to visit on Christmas day) and Marie has sent $50.00 to my family on paypal. I want to say Thank You again to these lovely people and God Bless!! Dawn Simmons

  1415. @ Marie. I have not heard anything, though I am far from in desperate need. We have a roof and heat and food.

    If Ginger would like to give books, our children are ages 2, 5, 6, 8 and 13. The oldest and youngest are boys.
    They would be thrilled, I’m sure.

    Thank you, everyone, for this heartwarming display of Christmas spirit.

  1416. I’ve got two people I’m helping right now. I could probably do one more for books (kids ages 1-12), but would need to know before 2pm PST.

  1417. Josh, I sent you an email but I’m not sure I copied your address correctly. Please check if you received a message.

  1418. To Marie @ # 1812
    I have asked for help with a special Christmas wish for my Mom who is disabled, and 2 women have stepped forward and offered to pitch in but I still need a couple more pitch-ins…please see post # 1779 & #1781…I haven’t had any other responses. I know it is a big request, but if you read my post you will understand why I am trying to do this for my Mom.
    My email is hoopershelley at yahoo dot com I also have the emails for the 2 women that have offered to help if you would like to cordinate with them maybe??
    Thank you so much.
    Merry Christmas and God Bless!!
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1419. @shelley mae —

    Is it best to get Walmart gift certificates for the netbook to you via email? I am happy to chip in for the netbook if that’s what you’ve decided on.

  1420. I just read about this over at Pacing the Panic Room, I want to help. I can donate $50.

  1421. My daughter is three & she loves books. It been a rough year with many days spent in the hospital with my son who was born prematurely at 29 weeks in October. I have been off work since we was born & my husband is doing all he can to keep our home. He will not be joining us for Christmas, but if anyone could help make her day it would be appreciated. She enjoys books, art supplies, normal 3 year old girlie things. We live in Toledo Ohio.

  1422. My email for this comment:

    My daughter is three & she loves books. It been a rough year with many days spent in the hospital with my son who was born prematurely at 29 weeks in October. I have been off work since we was born & my husband is doing all he can to keep our home. He will not be joining us for Christmas, but if anyone could help make her day it would be appreciated. She enjoys books, art supplies, normal 3 year old girlie things. We live in Toledo Ohio.

  1423. just want to say that I will be using the $50.00 toward a computer for my son and grandson for school. My son will be home schooling at the beginning of the new year, so a computer will be an awesome gift, that my grandson can also use. I am using my neighbors right now, so she will probably appreciate it too!! Again thank you Dawn Simmons

  1424. Hi everyone! i know it’s a little to late but i’m offering a 20 dollar amazon gift card. I know it’s not much ( i wish i could do more) but should help at least a little bit. please let me know before 7:00pm so that’ll give enough time to send it to you. I wish everyone here a very merry and meaningful christmas and once again i want to thank jenny and every one else who has made this christmas miracle posible!!!! you are the best!

  1425. jenn thomas: please check your email to see if the gift card arrived if not, please write me back.

  1426. Oh no! I didn’t comment because I thought it was too late, but just read that people are matchmaking themselves. It’s obviously too late to mail anything, but if someone needs something I can do via email / online, please let me know. abbesol at hotmail dot com

  1427. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to those who responded to me!

    Merry Christmas to you ALL, and know that what you are doing here is really, truly amazing!

  1428. dear jenn and mason; THANK YOU for giving me the true meaning of christmas! i only wish i could have helped out more.

  1429. Before i start i want to say i’m not looking for anything but neither can i afford to give.

    I’m recently out of a womens aid refuge after escaping domestic violence, January will also be 4 years since my son died.
    Last year my children had the most awful christmas with only a few cheap presents so i know how much something like this means to parents who have hit on difficult times. Finacialy i am no better off this year than last… except my 2 wonderful grown up sons (both recently lost their jobs too) have today given me some money so that i can buy a bit extra food for the 2 little children over christmas.

    I really wish i had the funds to donate, to at least try and help a child have a happier christmas and give a parent a bit of hope and faith but alas.

    Happy christmas everyone xxx

  1430. It may be too late to ask for help, but I’m going to give it a shot anyway. I’m not a desperate mom or dad with kids who need gifts, but I could use some help this Christmas, albeit a bit late. (If it comes down to choosing between helping me or giving a child a Christmas, please choose the child.)

    So, here’s the situation: I’ve got a lot of health problems, and I’ve been on disability for many years. My wife was working, and with her income and my Social Security check, we were able to get by pretty well. In late 2007, though, my health took a turn for the worse, and she had to quit working in order to stay with me full-time and care for me. We did okay for a while, but this year our savings ran out, and we’ve been living on just my disability checks. It’s enough to pay the bills, just barely, but there’s nothing left over for any extras. For the past three or four months, my wife has shopped at the local Salvation Army thrift shop in order to get inexpensive gifts for our family, and she’s made cookies and candy to give as gifts, too.

    But, my problem is that we don’t have any extra money for me to be able to get a gift for her. This might not be such a big thing, under normal circumstances, but the doctor told my wife that he would be surprised if I’m still alive in a couple of years (I’m not supposed to know, but I overheard them talking), and I’m tired of her making sure that everyone else has presents and then her not getting anything herself. I’m afraid if I don’t get her something this year, I may not have another chance.

    If anyone can help me out, I think I’ve figured out the perfect gift for her. Back when we had the money, she really used to enjoy shopping on ebay. I’d love to be able to give her a gift certificate to ebay and tell her to go have a little fun and buy something for herself.

    If anyone can help out, please contact me at timothyqueen at gmail dot com.

    Thanks for reading my request, and thanks for any help you can give me.


  1431. I am not one to ask for help, although it a very humbling experience. I didn’t see this earlier, I found out through single dad laughing’s blog.
    I am a single mother of two boys, one just turning two and the other just turning three. I am a full time student and was laid off in April. I happen to live in a city that the GM plant closed down in, my whole family worked there and this Christmas is scarce for everyone. So finding a job with limited hours I can work (I have both boys full time, their father has been a no show for almost two years now) it has come to the point where I don’t have any gifts. I take that back, I bought them one book, but would love to do more. I barely make it just providing for my bills with unemployment getting cut it just makes it that much harder. I know many people have been blessed, and I will still have a joyful Christmas even if I can’t give my boys anything. It truly is all about being with family, which I’m blessed to be able to. I know that although I don’t’ have much there are people with less. If anyone is still helping and does see this, I would be so grateful for anything. Wish you all a wonderful holiday.


  1432. hello,

    I posted once and had no replies, figured id try again, I just want my 2 girls (4 months and 2 years) to have a great christmas, I cannot afford anything as I was badly injured at work and WCB does not pay injured workers well at all. Its been tough enough to just pay the bills to survive. ANY help iss appreciated!

    Hope some prayers are awnsered.

  1433. I am not one to ask for help, although it a very humbling experience. I didn’t see this earlier, I found out through single dad laughing’s blog.
    I am a single mother of two boys, one just turning two and the other just turning three. I am a full time student and was laid off in April. I happen to live in a city that the GM plant closed down in, my whole family worked there and this Christmas is scarce for everyone. So finding a job with limited hours I can work (I have both boys full time, their father has been a no show for almost two years now) it has come to the point where I don’t have any gifts. I take that back, I bought them one book, but would love to do more. I barely make it just providing for my bills with unemployment getting cut it just makes it that much harder. I know many people have been blessed, and I will still have a joyful Christmas even if I can’t give my boys anything. It truly is all about being with family, which I’m blessed to be able to. I know that although I don’t’ have much there are people with less. If anyone is still helping and does see this, I would be so grateful for anything. Wish you all a wonderful holiday.

    you can email at everythingperfectiscoming at Hotmail dot com

  1434. Wow, I quickly received more requests than i can handle. Sorry I can’t do more, but maybe someone else can.

  1435. Hi, coming to this very late, but with goosebumps and tears! (good tears!)… We’re in Australia, but could manage to send a little electronically to someone if there’s still and need??
    People are AMAZING!!!! Karen*

  1436. WOW! What a tremendous thing has come out of this! I wish you all the very happiest of holiday seasons!

    I would not be the least bit surprised if next year this idea spreads far beyond this group doing it…

    Thank you Jenny; in hearing about this outpouring of love and generosity, albeit after the fact, you have certainly lifted my holiday spirits!


  1437. I posted @1538, if there’s any help out there, itd be greatly appreciated, my husband and I would love to make our kids christmas something special, at least for our 2yr old. Thank you. Merry christmas to you all.

  1438. @ TXSMR #1826

    That would be great! Wal Mart is were Kathy found the one netbook so a wal mart gift certificate/e gidt card would be really great of you!! You are the 4th pitch-er-inner! I have had 3 women so far offer to help! I’m not sure how close we are to reaching the goal but hey…the night is young!
    Thank you so much!
    Merry Christmas and God Bless!
    XOXO Shelley Mae
    hoopershelley at yahoo dot com is the best way to send it…thanx again! 🙂

  1439. @ Karen T #1846
    I am still trying to help my Mom for my Christmas wish with a netbook…she is disabled in in bed several days every week so this would be great for her…She has been wanting one since it is too painful for her to sit at a desk to use a desktop. She has RA, Fibromyalgia, and several other things that overlap those illnesses. I am still in high school. So far I have 4 people that have pitched in on a netbook at wal mart that Kathy found. Pitch-in-er #1 (see post # 1779 & # 1781)
    If there is anything you can help me with to get this for my Mom I would really appreciate it…
    My email is hoopershelley at yahoo dot com
    Thank you.
    Merry Christmas and God Bless!
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1440. So I’ve been watching this for days and I wanted to comment asking for help for my mom, but then it always seemed like other people needed it more. But then tonight I took my mom Christmas shopping at Target to let her pick out her own gift and it broke my heart how excited she got over the little things. Underwear. Socks. Two new bras. A soft pair of pajama pants. Things I and most other people take for granted that literally made her night. “No! I can’t get that shirt! It’s $10! You’re spending too much!” “No, mom, get the shirt.”

    Two Christmases ago my mom was in the hospital with congestive heart failure. She had just turned 50 that November. Within a month, she was having open heart surgery to replace the mitral valve in her heart. In March of this year, she lost her job, then thought she was having a heart attack and they discovered she had an 80% blockage in an artery that required a stent. Since then, at the urging of her cardiologist and family doctor, she’s been trying to get disability. Between her blood thinners (Plavix AND Coumadin), blood pressure meds, anti-depressant, and COBRA payments, any money she has is eaten up by medical expenses. I try to help as much as I can–whether it’s taking her food or buying her meds for her–but there’s only so much I can afford to do. I’m the oldest of four kids and she wasn’t able to buy anything for us this year but it’s really totally okay. We’re older. We don’t expect anything. But even though we were okay with it, my mom wasn’t okay with it and it broke her heart. I bought a gas card for my brother and gave it to my mom so that she could give it to him instead. I would have provided Christmas for all of them if I could, but this is about my mom, not me and my situation. And what I want for my mom is a simple gift card to be able to go into a store like Wal-mart and get her prescriptions. Or socks, or shoes, or any other small thing she needs that most people take for granted.

  1441. Karen T my 2 little girls would love your help!

    I can send you a picture of them to

  1442. @ Shelley Mae (#1849) How much more do you need? I know the accers at Wal-Mart are roughly $300, are you very far off? Let me know and i’ll see if i cant find you some assistance.
    Unfortunatly i myself cannot help as i had to ask for help for my Grandmother and Uncles medications, and bills and am still short but i may be able to help you find someone to help depending on the amount. So get back to me when you can.
    Again all of this is mind blowing, like i said i had to recieve help for my 89 year old Grandmother and Mentally and Physically disabled Uncle both of which i provide care for. I did get financial help for their Medications, Bills, and My uncles church clothes as he sold his old ones at a consignment shop to help with the bills. We are still short but i am eternally grateful and so are they. Before this my Grandmother was literally praying for her death as she is literally sick with grief over this financial situation and she feels like she is a burden to me, but she has never been anything but an inspiration to me and our entire family, now that we have a little relief i hope she doesnt feel like that anymore. This is an amazing thing that i am amazed i had the opportunity to be a part of, and even just a one person offering a stranger a dollar is mindblowing to me better yet this where millions of strangers collectively offer thousands of dollars to millions of strangers. I used the money sent to me to fill their prescriptions, falling a bit short as they are both on alot of medications, but they were happy to have any medication at all as they have gone for months without. We are still short on bills and the money i was counting on from student loans to help us with these bills has been suspended so i wont be getting it during the fall semester i have been looking for work but with caring for my Grandmother and Uncle all day everyday without help that is hard, but regardless my point is, we have all been a part of this amazing journey and it is truly mind blowing, and heart warming and i am thankful for all of the help i got.

    I hope everyone here has a wonderful Christmas, and although we have no presents under the tree at all the only thing i wanted was for my Grandmother and Uncle to have their needs filled, and for now at least they have their medications, and although the Electric is behind, i was able to stop the shut off because my Grandmother sleeps with O2 all night and my Uncle is disabled, and the morgage is way behind and they are threatening to take the house my Grandmother has lived in the past 40 years, I am happy because i have both of them and hopfully i will be able to get this financial situation taken care of and help my Grandmother to get over this hump of depression and suicidal wishes, and my Uncle will be truly happy once he feel he has clothes fit to go into the house of the lord so he can return to serving his lord but i think a woman from his church may be donating a few suits for him so he will go back to church as without proper clothes he refuses! Thank you all for everything….Keep your heads up…..your hearts full….and never lose hope! My Grandmother always says to me ……Be mindful of the people around you…stay positive…dont be hateful no matter how hateful someone is to you….try your best…never give up….and with faith, kindness and honesty you can make anything happen…and never be afraid to ask for anything….never say you are bored because i’ll give you something to do lol…that last one doesnt apply here but you get the idea…. she is an amazing woman!!!! So i have a hard time staying on track because i am emotional especially this time of year, without my parents, or siblings, the only ones i have are my Grandmother who raised me and Uncle who has always been there…. I love these two people more than anything i just wish there were more i could do…. But you all have done everything for everyone…. you have such huge hearts… and reading these posts make mine larger and lager… its sooo beautiful… you all are sooo beautiful! Thank you for all the help i am have already been given and any help i may be given!! You are heavens angels, Santa’s helpers, Jenny’s minions, but most important you are small miracle workers, making even bigger miracles happen!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND KARMA WILL TOUCH YOUR LIVES BECAUSE WHAT GOES AROUND COME AROUND 10 FOLD!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

  1443. Hi, I hope I’m not too late… I just learned this afternoon that the ministry that was going to help me provide a Christmas for my little boy can’t. They had some kind of problems. So now I am alittle concerned (panicked)

    I am recovering from just having Open Heart Surgery and cannot go back to work till spring. My little boy did not have a birthday this year and he thinks he will not have a Christmas either. What little money I did have saved is now gone. I am having trouble paying my mortgage and providing Christmas for him this year.
    I feel I’m reaching the end of the rope and I have a few months left before I can go back to work again.

    If you are still accepting stragglers, and if there are any Angels that could bless me and help me get thru this I would be forever grateful, I know this is alot to ask but I just don’t know what to do…

    Thank you in advance and may god bless you… Holly

  1444. Hi, I would really like to help someone out too if its not too late. please email me , I live in Canada but I think the dollar is almost par. 🙂

  1445. Hi Im ReGenna #1750, tonight looking at the tree and the children watching Charlie Brown Christmas my heart is warm and over filled with joy and I am so great-full for this blog and all the wonderful people who have made it possible… Thank you and God bless!

  1446. Tim (1841), Caylee (1847), Sara (1851), and Krista (1844), check your emails for something from paypal.

    Thanks Jenny for starting an avalanche of awesomeness.

  1447. Wow! This is amazing. I don’t know if it is too late to ask for help now, but i am going to try. I don’t need anything myself, but this is the first year that I haven’t been able to buy a gift for my 4 adult children (21, 20 and 19 year old twins). They understand that I have been struggling financially since my husband moved out, but it still breaks my heart not to be able to give anything this year. I have 3 beautiful grandbabies that I was able to buy toys for, but that was it this year. If anyone can help, it would be such a nice surprise for them since they aren’t expecting anything from me. Thank you so much, this is much appreciated!!


  1448. Hi, I was poster #1646, asking for help. My friend has been watching this blog, and noticed that I never put my email address up. I would still appreciate any help, even if it comes after Christmas. My son is 17, and he isn’t getting anything at all. We just don’t have the money. Thank you.

  1449. I am so touched by this. I would like to help you Holly (#1854) give your son Christmas. I am going to email you directly now. I can send you a $30 giftcard to your store of choice or send it via paypal. I just heard of this via a friend on Facebook – amazing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

  1450. TO TXSMR…you offered to help me with my christmas wish for my Mom (post #1826) and i still need some help…my email is: hoopershelley at yahoo dot com
    and yes, we are trying for the one at walmart, so a walmart e gift card would be perfect!
    thank you so much for your offer to help! My mom is going to really excited about this!
    Merry Christmas and God Bless!
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1451. Well I thought I had exhausted my ability to give this Christmas, but I received an unexpected blessing today at work, one of my resident’s parents gave me a $25 gift card to Walgreens. I know there is someone out there who needs it worse than I do, so I would be happy to mail it out tonight on my way home from work.

    Also, I have a side business, writing resumes. I normally charge $50 for a resume and a cover letter, but from now until December 31, I will provide my services for FREE. Just email me at writinglab.houston@yahoo.com with Resume in the subject line. I will send back an email with the information I need from you. Merry Christmas and God Bless!

  1452. If someone post on here that they would like to help specificly ‘you’, how do you get a hold of them? I have 2 people here that offered to help me with the netbook for my mom but i have no way to contact them …except to leave a message here…which i did… Any other ideas? Ii am so close to reaching this christmas wish for my mom!
    Merry Christmas!
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1453. @ angie 1855. I live in canada as well, also looking for a little extra help. @1848. If you haven’t helped anyone feel free to email me, thank you.

  1454. If you are still looking for help and live in Canada, please leave a message and I will see what I can do. I know this is late, but I just found this post.

  1455. I read this to my mom and said with pride THIS THIS right here is why I blog. Because of the people.. Thank you to everyone who donated.. I am sorry I missed out on it.

  1456. @ The Muskrat #1865

    I am still looking for help, for my Mom…

    Thank you and Merry Christmas!
    God Bless
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1457. I need help and dont need sleep lol, i was just contacted by my friend who tell me she just had a miscarriage and although before i was trying to get help to take care of my elder grandmother and disabled uncle with bills and medications, i would like to be able to buy my friend a small gift. She was 6 months pregnant with her first child they worked so hard to get pregnant and now this…. i just feel bad. Thank you….
    I still need help with caring for my grandmother and uncle post #1853 if you would like to help with that cause. And anyone that gives money instead of gift cards can tell me what they would like their money used for as i wouldnt want someone to donate for bills and have their funds used for church clothes or medications if thats not what it was intended! Thank you all so much…God Bless you…i know he will…

  1458. I dont need anything more for Christmas but I do have two boys who are in need of pants for school and new shoes. They are literally wearing shoes with holes in them because all I could afford to buy were shoes from WalMart.
    If anyone can help I would be so greatful!
    My boys wear shoe sized (mens) 12 and 13. The size 13 would like red/black/white shoes.
    They both wear uniforms to school and need black or khaki in size (boys) 16 and (mens) 32×34.

    thank you!

  1459. Hi, I would like to help! Please let me know if there is anyway I can help someone out. Jenny, what you have started is amazing! Thank you!

    New reader


  1460. Bloggess, I just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to do something nice for someone. 2010 hasn’t been my best year, but my problems just seem so small and petty compared to people with real problems.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  1461. Bloggess, I just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to do something nice for someone. 2010 hasn’t been my best year, but my problems just seem so small and petty compared to people with real problems.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  1462. This brought tears to my eyes. This is amazing, and I am so pleased to know that there are still kind hearts out there, and why I love blogging. So many amazing people out there! Merry Christmas!

  1463. so i’ve been watching this unfold, i’m stunned and happy for all that were helped. i faltered on asking, so many times this week…. I know there are more in need than me. However, I also know that I try to do everything myself and can’t, so maybe it would be ok to ask for help.

    I am single mother, in graduate school, my second year. I had to reduce my hours at work so that I could complete the internship requirements for my degree. I barely make my bills right now. I don’t want to tell others that I’m not really making it because everyone thinks that because I am living and breathing that things are fine. They aren’t and I don’t know how to give up, I don’t know how to say I can’t do this. Maybe I can do this. I tell myself that everyday… everyday I just feel like I hang on, just barely. And somehow, I think, if I can hang on *just barely* for three years, that I’ll have this degree that will make our lives better. Currently, I am exactly halfway to getting my degree. Exactly halfway.. when I never thought I’d even get my bachelors, nevermind working toward graduate level.

    My son is five. He gets the short end of the stick for my time and energy. I hate that. I go back and forth, telling myself “It’ll all be worth it, it will. Someday it will.” with “Oh my god, my poor kid doesn’t have any of me. Everyone wants a piece of me, and he’s last today.”

    I did manage to pull together an OK christmas. My family is pretty amazing and I got a bunch of Christmas cards with cash in them. I shop for sales and managed to find some things that I think he will love.

    Yesterday, I found out that they will not , in fact, be reimbursing me for the internship hours that I’ve completed this semester. They claim its my fault, I am certain it is theirs, but it doesn’t matter. It is $1200 that I had banked on, and it’s gone. In thin air. They can tell me this news, hang up the phone, and their day doesn’t change. They just dropped a bomb on my life.

    So that is what has prompted me to write. I don’t know what I need help with right now. I’m overwhelmed and overworked and still have no money at the end of the day. I think maybe if someone helped me to pay my electric bill, that would be more than generous and I would appreciate it more than you know.

    Thanks Jenny, for doing this. I laughed and cried through your video with the boar head.

  1464. This is so wonderful. I would love to help someone out. Please match me up with someone and let me know what I can do (if it’s not too late) Thanks!

  1465. im a college student in New York, and Im literally all alone. All my classmates went home for Christmas break and as I couldn’t afford to make it back to california, I’m here. I have no money, and I think I might end up starving if January 18th doesn’t get here fast enough. help please? This is amazing what your doing. I’m definitely going to try accomplish something as great as this someday..

  1466. I posted previously about having some items to give out, like stuffed animals, dolls, etc. I also have some clothes for size small teenage girls. I will be sending out a package to someone tomorrow so I figured I’d give it one more shot to check if anyone else wanted some of these things. Everything I’m giving out is in really good condition. Of course it’s too late to make it in time for Christmas but it could be a nice surprise next week. Let me know asap! I’m truly overwhelmed by the generosity I’ve seen on these comments, and it has made me extremely grateful for how blessed I am. Happy holidays to everyone!

    dealmeida.tm at gmail dot com

  1467. please if anyone could possibly help it would be greatly appreciated.
    my mom is disabled and i know she would have a heart attack if she knew i didn’t have a dime to my name, she would probably end up selling the little that she has to help and I couldn’t live with myself if she did…

  1468. Blogess – God bless you for what you have done here. You created a spark that burned into an inferno that has warmed the hearts of everyone who has given, received, or even jut read this blog. I pray that this leads to so much more for you. You gave me the opportunity to be a better person tonight. Thank you.

  1469. i didnt even know i had paypal till TIM sent me a gift! Thank you Tim!
    I am still in need of more generous gifts in order to send my boys back to school in proper fitting pants and decent shoes.
    I have never asked for help before mainly because i never knew where to go or how to go about it.
    I cannot thank you wonderful people enough. If I can send my boys back to school in shoes and pants that wont get them teased and made fun of it will definately start my year off on the right foot!
    Thank you everyone!

  1470. It’s too easy for me to take advantage of the comfort of a warm home, a full kitty and a house full of love. With it just being me and my dad locally, we typically don’t make a big deal out of Christmas. We’re just as likely to buy a gift for each other in May as we are in December.

    Money is always a paycheck to paycheck thing for me, but I want to help.

    I would like to donate a gift card for $30 or perhaps buy a gift or two online, pay towards someone’s electric bill, something. It’s not much, but everyone deserves to believe in Santa.

  1471. I have one day left to try and get my son a computer, Marie graciously donated $50.00 yesterday, and I am
    sincerely grateful. My husband and I spent the entire day scrapping junk metal and cashing it in at the recycling center which not only helped us raise money toward a computer for our son and grandson for home schooling but it also cleaned up the neighboring land a bit. We are only $115.00 short of the purchase. If any one has any ideas how we can earn the rest of the money, please give us some ideas. My husband and I lost nearly everything over the past year and a half, due to th construction industry slow down here in Florida. We hav both been turned down week after week for job after job. We have recently been added to the list of thousands whose unemployment compensation has been cut off just weeks before Christmas, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. God Bless you all this holiday season! Dawn

  1472. Hi Jenny,

    I know that you are (mostly) done with this and now (deservedly) enjoying Christmas with your own family. I received two gift cards to Barnes and Nobles as gifts ($25, $20). I would love to pass them along to anyone that had requested books (such as #505 Jeanine, #1691 Pink, #1828 Jenn).

    I know most people have already been matched — and won’t receive the gift cards until post-Christmas, but hopefully it won’t matter…too much. It would be just be something extra post-Christmas.

    Please send me an address if you have one. If not, maybe I can send them to you and you can pass them along if you hear of anyone needing a pick me up later in the year.

    If anyone could use these gift cards, please post in the comment section with your email address. I will get in touch with you directly to send you the gift cards.


  1473. Dear Dawn,
    I’ve just transferred $115 to your paypal account. I’ve also sent you an email with more of an explanation. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and much joy in the coming year.

  1474. I wish I could help someone here, unfortunately, I am on the opposite end of this.

    I want to get my brother a gift, but I may not even be able to pay my rent this month, let alone get groceries. I’ve donated plasma and picked up extra shifts, but I’m afraid I’m still under.

    I understand that this is for my brother, and I don’t have children that need gifts, but if after all those who need it more are helped, someone could help me, I would be very appreciative.

  1475. Hi I helped alot of people in my family but the present I got for my mother and father they were allergic too and had to give it to my grandmother (lucky her) 2 presents. So looking for late help if not its ok they will understand.

  1476. You know… although I myself am struggling and trying to make a dent in my service dog fund, I did think of someone even worse off than me. My husband’s ex-wife was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and has 2 children, my stepson age 16 and another small son age 7. Her job is only paying 75% of her salary during her medical leave for chemo and the situation just doesn’t look good at all 🙁 If there is anyone out there that would like to make her holiday season a little brighter, or even help with some of the costs for her treatment (she is exploring alternative treatments because quite frankly, the cancer has metastisized to her bones and liver and it is only going to continue to spread) I know she would really appreciate it.

    I know I’m the oddball asking for help for her husband’s ex – but nobody deserves to go through what she is going through and if anyone could use a Christmas miracle, it’s her.

    I can be contacted through my blog

    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  1477. To “me” at comment 1876–you didn’t leave contact info in your comment, so if you’re still checking this, please contact me. luv2cats72 AT yahoo DOT com.

  1478. I will send someone a giftcard by email if you send me an email address of someone who needs it…
    Merry Christmas,

  1479. I didn’t even ask for help… but I got some regardless. Thank you to my donor for the money into my Paypal, sincerely. I was a bit ashamed at first, but then I got a notice from my daughter’s school that if she doesn’t get a physical and eye exam before January 3rd, she can’t return to school. We lost our insurance in moving, as it was state provided back home. Damn differences in state requirements.

    That means every bit counts at this point as I scramble to find the funds for the appointments, so thank you to Jenny for matching me. Thank you for helping me despite my story not being so terrible, and thank you all for being beautiful example of humanity. Next year, I swear I will be stable enough to pay this forward.

  1480. Hey everyone, I had one family help me so far and am very grateful, so are my wife and 2 girls, if there’s anyone else that can help to make my family’s christmas a memorable one please let me know,

  1481. This is poster 1876, I forgot to leave my contact info last night. You can email me at klindsey82 @ yahoo.com. Thank you.

  1482. It’s me again. A huge thank you to Tara, post #1893 for her incredible donation to me and my family. I am storing this memory into my karma bank and will pay it forward perhaps next year or in two years when things are better for us. What an incredible, beautiful, organic way to do things this holiday season- thank you Tara.

  1483. Connected with Holly (1854) and sent some money to her. I remember when I was a kid and my single mom worked so hard to ensure we had a great Christmas – thanks for letting us feel the Christmas spirit this year.

  1484. I saw this because I read “pacingthepanicroom” sometimes…..All I can say is, good for you. You should be proud of who you are, and what you write about. As a Jew, I never really understood the materialistic atmosphere around Christmas time, we don’t really go crazy with the presents on Hanukkah…I used to wonder if most Christians lost touch with what Christmas really means a long time ago. You have made me aware that most Christians have not. So I want to send good vibes your way because you inspired me and many others.

  1485. @Leslie 1894
    Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve!
    I saw your post offering to help, I am asking for help for my Mom, she is disabled. I have been lucky enough to get some help for my christmas wish for her, but i am still $78 dollars short and the cost of shipping…maybe $10. My original post is #

  1486. I am sorry about that, this broken down computer is acting up. My original post is #1652, and has the request for what I am asking for, since then, a wonderful woman, Kathy, found a new netbook at Walmart for $278…her and 3 other wonderful gals have pitched in $50 each, so I am still $78 short plus maybe $10 for shipping, the closest walmart is an hour+ drive each way so shipping is the best way. I know this is a big request, but it would be a wonderful wonderful gift for my Mom on the days when she is stuck in bed with her pain and her disabilities.
    Anything you or anyone is would please be willing to pitch in to meet this Christmas wish for me to my Mom would be really appreciated.
    Thank you all so much for all your help so far! I am so close to getting this!
    Merry Christmas and God Bless!!
    XOXO Shelley Mae

  1487. Jenny, I know it’s already late in the day on Christmas eve, But if there’s anybody here who still needs a bit of help, I’d like to do it.
    Once, when my family was going through a difficult time, my mom signed up with Santas anonymous and we were ‘adopted’ by a wonderful family somewhere out there. When she showed up to pick up the gifts she’d hoped to get for us, she looked among the boxes and asked the worker which one was ours. As it turned out, they all were. She drove home with a carful of wrapped presents, crying the whole way, and when she got home, she was so shaken that she couldn’t hide from us that the presents were not from her, but someone who had thought of us this christmas. It was strange opening each present knowing that we’d been something of a charity case, but every single box I opened, I was struck with gratefulness all the same. Since then, I’ve always tried my best to do the same for someone else. What everyone has done here is incredible, just incredible.

  1488. Merry Christmas Holly, Krista And G, I wish I could do more. Happy Holidays to everyone on this blog, it’s warmed my Christmas spirit.

  1489. My friend just told me about all of the wonderful people that are helping to make someone else’s Christmas joyful. i am a single mother of 3 children under the age of 6. I do not receive any child support from their father, my mom babysits for me so that I can work and go to school. one day i hope to be able to provide for my children on my own. The father of my children has become an abusive drug addict. I am reaching out to someone for a little help with christmas even if it doesn’t come until next week. i promise to help someone else in need one day after i get on my feet. my mom does so much already, so if there is any kind of help out there, anything would be greatly appreciated. Much love and best wishes to you all!

  1490. Im dragging back in here at the last minute..I was blessed by my Christmas angel LeeAnn.. so my kids will have presents. I remember when I first posted I wasn’t going to post at all…thought there was no way I would get help. Then I took a chance..so here out of desperation Im taking a chance again. If anyone has not gotten Christmas please don’t even read this. If there is a donor out there that would like to help a needy family with every bill due at the end of the year and not enough food to last through the rest of the month..We could really use an angel. Even if its just torwards the $425 electric bill..or groceries. Then today I got hit with a toothache and a tooth that needs to be pulled..that will have to wait. I have 3 kids..and a stepdaughter. My husband works but we barely get by. I can give you my email address..I apologize for asking again. I have just seen so many miracles worked here..I suppose Im just hoping for one more. As I said.. if there is ANYONE IN NEED THAT NEVER GOT HELP>> DISREGARD THIS. This is just a final plea. Thank you and God bless. As soon and if I ever get back on my feet I will be paying this forward …even if just in small ways. I suppose I just don’t know where to turn.

  1491. Nevermind, Anna. Miss Melissa Taylor helped me.

    God bless all of you. You really are angels.

  1492. I’m always amazed by the kindness of strangers. This Christmas has been harder for me, as I am a self-employed photographer, and we’ve been hit hard by the economy. I lost my full time job in 2008 (replaced by the company owner’s wife) and have struggled to make ends meet since then. I’ve been looking and appyling for jobs everyday and hope I find something soon to supplement my photography income. I still feel blessed this year to be a witness of such amazing spirits wo are so giving to others who are less fortunate. The only Christmas miracle I’d like to see would be more clients for my business, which is something not many people can offer to give. I hope everyone who has given on this thread has the best holiday ever and knows when they are in a time of need, there are people who are willing to help anyone out!

  1493. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone offering their help, you have been and will continue to be a blessing to mine and many other families. 5 kids is a bit much to buy for so every little bit helps. And I am very much appreciative. I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Great New Year.

  1494. i am really humbled to see what people have done for others. it’s incredible. i usually do this kind of thing every year, but this year i was let go at my place of work for the past four years. this week’s paycheck is the last i will be getting and i’m terrified. i have enough to cover january’s rent but i don’t know where i will find food or afford my other bills like the internet. i applied to dozens of jobs and no call backs. this is the bleakest christmas i have ever had and all because an employer decided he’d let go of our department the week before the holidays – he didn’t even say sorry, but he ruined everything. my christmas wish is that a job will call back, because i am afraid of losing what i have spent years to gain at twenty-five.

    if not, i understand – it doesn’t change how awesome reading these comments has been. xoxo

  1495. As I am soooo grateful for my donors that sent me a few amazon and a walmart card the other day. Thanks to Jean for making my daughter some jewelry also. The mail has messed everything up. Tracking numbers are not updated. UPS, USPS and Fed Ex are so overwelmed I imagine. The mail ran here today and I didn’t get what I was expecting. I received two gifts that I have ordered on Monday and Tuesday. I don’t want to ask for any help but I really don’t know what to do at this point. My email is givennsz @ yahoo.com thanks and Merry Xmas.

    Tanya, I had the same problem and my suggestion is to do what I did. I just printed out pictures of what would the presents they’d get when the mail finally did catch up from all the weather woes. It’s not ideal but it works and in the end if your kid is anything like mine they’ll be so excited just to know that something is coming their way when the mail gets sorted out. If you family has your love that’s really the best gift they can receive. The material stuff can always wait. Merry Christmas! ~ Jenny

  1496. Well I got 2 small donations, nothing to provide the dinner I hoped for but we managed to buy the girls a small gift each, hard part about gift cards is they really hit you with shipping. If there’s anyone else out there that can help my family please email me I’m praying something comes our way. Thanks everyone

  1497. I’ve posted several times, was a recipient of a generous donation.

    I’m sitting here tonight with tears streaming down my face.

    I have 17$ at amazon.com left from my donor and I’d like to use it to buy something for someone who is still straggling and struggling. It’s already posted to my account so you’ll have to tell me what you want and send along your address so I can order it for you. It obviously won’t arrive by Christmas but I do have free 2 day shipping so it might arrive first of the week.

    I’ll take the first emailer and can chip in a few dollars probably to make it $20. I won’t be around the computer for awhile tonight so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

  1498. I ended up having enough left over to purchase a gift for my parents!! This is the best christmas we’ll ever have. This has helped me to do something I could have never done otherwise. I feel so thankful. I also got a free turkey!!! Last month we didnt even have thanksgiving dinner (ran out of food at the end of the month). My grandmother is so happy and the kids as well. Except my daughter found my hiding place and hasnt quit asking me to open her presents. She got to see santa at the bank today. I keep telling her not til tomorrow santa said. This was a true christmas miracle. Jenny a miracle worker. And all the people who helped pure angels with beautiful hearts.
    Thankyou Jenny and Everyone who made our christmas dreams come true!!!! Lots of love and christmas hugs from my family to yours. Bless you all…

  1499. Michelle,
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how much
    this has helped me and my 3 children. God Bless You!

  1500. Thank you to everyone who has helped myself and everyone else make Christmas happen! I actually have gifts for my son! That make me happy! I am starting a job on the 29th (another Christmas miracle in my opinion) however like i mentioned in my previous post my car is due to be up for reposession the next day if i cant come up with $505.84 to send to Welsfargo! I know this isn’t directly Christmas related, but i do need help! If someone would be willing to help me with this you could donate the money directly to Welsfargo auto finance i would be willing to give you their contact information and give them permission to discuss my account with you, whatever you wish. I was hoping if i came up with one payment it would save my car ($252.70) but they representative i spoke to said if i couldnt come up with the entire amount there would be no point in paying any of it because they will stil repo it if i dont give them the full $505.84!
    So here i am asking, begging, and praying! I need this job and without a car i will lose this job, i have lost almost everything since i lost my job over 3 months ago so this job is a God send but it would kill me if i lose it the very next day! Like i said if you would be willing to help i can give you their contact and you can anything you are willing to donate directly to them! Thank you soooo much! You are all angels, Karma will touch all of your lives, and god will bless you and yours!

    Thank you again, you all have been so generous to one another and i understand if there is no one left helping, i truly appreciate the christmas help i got, that alone was a miracle… i guess i am just praying for a little bit more magic… it is the season for magical miracles after all…. God bless each and every one of you and your loved ones! It is almost Christmas… hold them close and be thankful for what you have!

  1501. I just wanted to thank the two wonderful people who contacted me privately and are offering help. I am going to be able to let my son know tomorrow morning (Christmas) that he is getting something special very soon, and it makes my heart a little lighter. It’s been a horrible year for my family, and having people open their hearts to a total stranger is the most amazing present I could ever have gotten. Thank you so much. Blessings and joy to everyone out there.

  1502. TXSMR December 23, 2010 at 2:26 pm
    @shelley mae –
    Is it best to get Walmart gift certificates for the netbook to you via email? I am happy to chip in for the netbook if that’s what you’ve decided on.

    This comment was left for me on Dec 23, but I don not know how to contact TXSMR, and YES…i still need the help! I am really close to reaching my goal for my Christmas Wish for my disabled Mom.
    So PLEASE, TXSMR, please contact me at: hoopershelley at yahoo dot com…
    If anyone else can please help me…please contact me at the email listed above or here with your email address.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    Shelley Mae, I’m thinking you’re probably already to your goal by now because I know of at least one person who was sending you $100 when you needed $88 more. My guess is that you’ll see it by today. 🙂 Merry Christmas and I’m so glad that so many people were able to help get you closer to buying your mom a computer. ~Jenny


  1503. Sammierae and Jacob Harmon please check your inbox

    A little happier Christmas to all
    Blessed Be

  1504. @1909 embarassed mommy aka Regina

    Give me a holler. I’m still dealing with a second root canal (started in April) and I know about tooth pain and what it can do to your life. sarah dot laurenson at gmail [dot com]

  1505. Does anyone still need help? My mom and I would like to contribute. Please let me know! I can’t tell from the comments who’s already been matched/needs help. But we are eager to contribute!

  1506. Humbling does not begin to cover it. I wish that we could all chip in and give Jenny, Hailey, Victor and James Garfield a Hawaiian vacation somehow. Jenny, you have helped me many times over. I wish that you could have seen how excited the kids were when they opened their presents- I wish my sweet donor could have seen their faces! Then when I drag my sorry embarrassed butt back here praying for hope I get matched up with someone who helped me with some food to get us by this week. Then I see that sweet Sarah above (who I just sent an email to by the way) asks me to email her because she understands what it’s like to have a horrible toothache. Although I’m living this and going through this and crying everyday because I don’t know how we are going to make it? I still feel so humbled and undeserving. Yet I know my kids deserve the Christmas they got. And they deserve food. And a healthy mom. To the other donors and recipients.. you all amaze me.. each and every one of you. This place has became the land of holy water. Im sure Jenny never dreamed she could do so much good in this world. She has.. thousands of times over. I hope all of your dreams come true.. each and every reader of this blog. I hope all of our roads get easier to walk. I feel each of us have been tied together in someway.. I can now say I have been part of a miracle. Jenny, they need to take that facebook guys face off the cover of TIme magazine and put yours there..because to all of us.. you are truly.. woman of the year. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New year.. I have to quit typing ..I can’t see through the tears. Bless you all.

  1507. Heather,

    My family could definitley use the help, I can even send you a picture of my girls after!

  1508. Hoping someone can help us out so our family can have a nice dinner before the store closes.

    I know you’ve had several generous donors today and should be good for Christmas dinner now. Thanks!


  1509. I just want to thank Brenda W. She sent me $25 and I was able to get some groceries! If there is anyone who can still help a poor college kid trying to make it on their own, it would be GREATLY appreciated. I’m going to pay this forward a million times when I have graduated. Again, Thank you! I hope you are all having a blessed and merry Christmas!

  1510. Jacob, did you get the PayPal donation I sent? That should have gotten you well on your way to dinner, if not enough with some left over.

  1511. Hi, it took me a really long time to decide to post so I’m probably too late. But, I’ve been reading and you are all amazing people! If there’s any help left to be had we could definitely use it. Family of five, three awesome children, living paycheck to paycheck and really stretching the budget. The stretchy budget didn’t account for unexpected expenses this month. Christmas was good for the kids.. thank you craigslist and ebay. 😉 I am worried about the grocery situation for the next week. We have a small (kinda scary) amount of money to make it through the week and I don’t want to ask my in-laws for money because he has been laid off and living on unemployment, medical issues, etc. Only problem is that we have paypal but don’t use checking accounts (no bank fees on an already tight budget) but we do use a prepaid debit card. I don’t think you can withdraw funds from paypal to a debit card. You can add to the debit cards with greendot money paks. I know it’s a lot to ask. If help isn’t available, just reading all the comments has been heartwarming. Thank you and Happy Holidays to you all!!

  1512. Holy cow. That was insane. At last estimate over $45,000 given out to strangers needing a small miracle to put food on the table for Christmas or presents under the tree for children. The stories from both the people giving and receiving have been incredible. Thank you!

    Of course, as all good thing must come to an end, so must this. As time goes on the chances of someone finding this thread and taking advantage of people grows so as of right now this thread is closed for business. I know several of you wanted to come back to post about your Christmas miracles or check on people you helped or were helped by and you can still do that but any comments asking for money won’t be approved.

    If you still need help, there are far more organized places who can give you a hand…including churches, goodwill, and “Wish Upon a Hero”. Thank you all for the gift you gave me this year. I’ll never forget it.

  1513. @ShelleyMae —

    I emailed you directly after posting my comment, hopefully you received the walmart egift certificate already, as they phoned me yesterday to ensure that it was legit and said they’d process immediately.

    Hope that your mother enjoys her netbook and that you & everyone on this thread have had a wonderful Christmas.


  1514. Tanya, tell your daughter that she got two pairs of earrings so she knows that she’s getting something. I sent it out quickly via Priority Mail but it’s taking longer than their standard three day delivery. Just show her the tracking number so she’ll get excited that it’s almost there. I hope that your son enjoyed his gift from the gift card.

  1515. All day long, as I’ve watched my kids open presents and stuff themselves silly in the presence of loving family members, I’ve been thinking of the woman I donated to. Her sister relayed to me how astonished she was that a total stranger would help her, and how happy she was that she would be able to buy new clothes for her kids or shampoo that she chose herself, not donated…. Thank you, Jenny, for all the sleep you lost this week and the carpal tunnel you courted answering emails. It was an honor to be able to provide a needy family with something unexpected this holiday season.

    If I can make a plug, can I suggest anyone still looking to help people in need check out http://www.modestneeds.org? I’ve been a longtime supporter of this site, which helps people in financial need, and it’s philosophy is very similar to what I witnessed unfolding here.

    Bless you all!

  1516. Jenny ~ and to the Angels that god has sent to bless me…..
    He is watching and he will not forget ~ Neither will I ever

  1517. Each of my children came to me with big hugs today and thanked me for the best christmas ever. and they meant that. this was their best.christmas.ever. As we ate dinner I told them about what happened here. I shared the names of the people who helped us. And we all said thank you to you all, together.
    Samantha and family

  1518. Had an amazing Christmas and I am truly blessed with 5 of the greatest boys and the most wonderful husband =) We spent or Christmas together celebrating the greatest gift of all ? Thank you again to all that helped =)

  1519. So sorry I didn’t get to this post before Christmas or I totally would have helped… but next year I will!

    God bless you, Bloggess!

    Merry Christmas.

  1520. Pingback: True Miracles.. |
  1521. Congratulations and thank you to yourself and everyone that helped/was helped. It’s amazingly inspiring how much a single blog can influence things.

    It’s because of seeing all this that I’m asking for a late Christmas miracle. I know you logically nothing can be done, but damned if I’m not going to try everything I can.

    I found out yesterday that a friend of mine whom has really had one of the worst lives imaginable (domestic violence, multiple child death etc) has gone into hospital a few days before Christmas with heart problems. And she’s going to die, unless she gets a heart transplant. Which is understandably hard to come by.

    So I’d like to ask for help. I’m an atheist myself, but I’m desperate and she really needs some prayers for a miracle right now. It’s just not fair. She got married to the man of her dreams this year, gave birth to a beautiful baby and is now going to die and she didn’t get to share their first Christmas or even see her child’s birthday.

    So James Garfield pleasepleaseplease I am begging you, do the biggest miracle of all and save my friend’s life.

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