70 thoughts on “If it’s Monday, this must be Minneapolis

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  1. Welcome to our lovely city! We ordered up really nice weather (for her, for this time of year) for you. Hopefully you’ve got time to see something interesting and pretty while you’re here (there are lots of options) and to eat some of our amazing foods.

  2. I’m smilin’ and wavin’ at you! (yeah…I know …Oregon is a long way away…but soon, we shall feel your presence )

  3. I’ve never figured out how to hide my weirdness. There was a time when I would have liked to but you and other kindred spirits have shown me there’s no need.
    Enjoy Minneapolis. From what I’ve heard you’ve picked a wonderful time of year to be there.

  4. Good luck tonight! I hope the Minnesota nice show through wonderfully for you. Wish I could come see you.

  5. I’ll be joining Amanda with pass #12! (Hopefully the person with #11 is nice!). See you tonight!

  6. So I don’t know if you read these, but I figured I’d try. I am currently (and finally) reading Furiously Happy. There are two things I want to share: you are an inspiration to me (so thank you for that), and the other is that I challenge anyone to read the chapter about your sleep study without crying from laughter.

  7. That’s an amazing graphic. And my mother used to say “why would you want to be like everyone else”. Learned too late to tell her just how often she was right about things….

  8. Normal is beige. Why be normal? Weird is so much more interesting!

    Wish I could make it tonight!! So lucky I made it to the Houston signing. Have a blast up here. 🙂

  9. Yesterday was amazing. I felt horrible and felt like I was being the worst mother ever because our Halloween activities Thursday and Friday wore me out and I wasn’t able to get out of bed all weekend or do any of the fun things we’d planned. But your Twitter feed kept me laughing all day and helped tremendously.

  10. So jealous. If you came to my neck of the woods I might even wear something other than pjs. Maybe make up but probably not because it would take a lot of Xanax and then I would just stare vacantly at you. Best to read your blog and books and keep the pjs.

  11. I am so terribly disappointed I missed you in NYC in October (says mentally kicking herself in the head!)…. i have been reading your blog for a few years now and you have helped me deal with life in more ways than you will ever know! God Bless Jenny! I hope to see you in person sometime really soon!

  12. Can’t wait to see you next Saturday at Powell’s in Portland, OR. I’m afraid I’ll get excited and embarrass myself by insisting I am your friend and should be allowed to sit next to you while you sign books. 🙂

  13. You’ve got some fantastic weather here tonight. It’s always a crapshoot this time of year – 70° or 3ft of snow. Looking forward to seeing you tonight at the U!

  14. Welcome to MN–wish you could come down to the Zumbrota Library where I work! 3 of us (employees) have already read and loved your book!

  15. I only hide my bizarreity (is SO a word) for stuff like; job interviews, court appearances, first dates, funerals (depending on who’s) and stuff like that…

  16. It took me a long time to embrace my gooberness and eccentricity. Now I embrace it. It makes life SO MUCH BETTER. And easier. Playing a role (pretending normalcy) is exhausting after a while.

  17. Hey Jenny, did you see the photo I sent you of my son’s kombi / bus? That quote… 😀

  18. So excited! My roommate and I have been hording spoons to do this!

    I am hopefully breaking my craptacular streak of ending up in Urgent Care instead of at appearances.

  19. It’s pretty cool that after two years of forgetting that this amazing blog exists (I do that sometimes, it’s ok, I will binge later and probably buy something from the ads), I hopped on here after that Buzzfeed article about awkward moments and you’re chillin’ in my city! Welcome to “Mini-Annapolis,” as my husband from Ohio calls it, not because it’s cute, but because he’s used to saying Indianapolis and can’t pronounce our city as a result. #EvenCuter

  20. I’m doing my best wo make it tonight. Both my husband’s work schedule (so he can watch the kiddos) and my social anxiety are preventing me at this time. If the first hurdle can be cleared, I’ll push myself over the second to make it. You have been an inspiration to me ever since I happened upon your blog 2 years ago.

  21. I am in Minneapolis. I am on East Bank Campus (where your signing is) even. However, I am in class, reading about Kant and the sublime, and unable to attend. More furious than happy. Still, have a LOVELY signing and enjoy the Twin Cities’ lovely weather today (which I am sure is in honor of your arrival)!

  22. Welcome to our fair city! Full of wierd, have you seen our fabulous spoon?! Can’t wait to meet tonight! Counting the minutes!

  23. Welcome welcome welcome! I so wish I could be there tonight–I know it’s going to be AMAZING.

  24. I am having a hard day and I thought, ‘I don’t know how to deal with this but I know where I can go.’ I came here. Where I know I’m safe.

    I have to have surgery in two weeks and I’m so upset about it. My dad had half of his thyroid out in May and they found cancer. He will have the other half removed on about a month. My sister had her thyroid removed in June and they found cancer. She is fine and 100% cancer free now. I have a nodule that wasn’t conclusively determined. I’m so scared and for some reason, this has hit very hard and I’m so upset. I feel unsure about even posting this. I feel like it just looks like I’m fishing for attention. I feel like that’s why I haven’t mentioned any of this to anyone close to me except my husband. I’m just struggling and I just wanted some support and I know, even though I don’t know you all, we are a weird and caring family that I love. Thank you to anyone who read this. I’m just sad.

    (I’m sad with you but I’m also hopeful for you. I had a nodule too and they had to do a lot of needle biopsies and it’s scary. Mine was fine and I’m sending love and light to you and hopes that you will be fine. Breathe deep. You’re going to be okay. ~ Jenny)

  25. Dang it, I forgot you were here today! But I probably couldn’t have made it because my 4-yr old had a school event and I was preoccupied with attempting to make the impression that I was a caring parent who had it together. Instead of, y’know, just trying to keep the kid alive for the 4 waking hours a day I’m responsible for him. They have HOMEWORK. In preschool!

  26. Would love to come see you, but I’m in Michigan. Maybe next book tour? I would love to meet the only other person who has acknowledged, out loud, that there needs to be a P in “hamster”, because we’re all pronouncing it anyway. Love your books! Oh! And you should sell prints of the artwork on the cover of Furiously Happy. Pretty please!

  27. I hope you’re loving Minneapolis – we’ve saved the best fall weather for your visit. Please please please go on the radio with Lori and Julia of MyTalk 107.1! If you do, I will take Rory out to Darwin to see the World’s Largest Ball of Twine Made By One Man, http://www.darwintwineball.com/

  28. Can’t wait to see you in St Louis tomorrow! I’m taking a few days off to be furiously happy with my camera as I make the drive down and explore parts of the city I’ve never been too!

  29. That was the best last-minute road trip ever. My sister and I drove up from Des Moines yesterday for the signing (we were the poor souls who had to follow the awesome lady with the taxidermy form – that is a tough act to follow!)

  30. Last night was wonderful. I am so glad I didn’t chicken out. 🙂

    After we left the bookstore, my husband said to me “I like The Bloggess because she is a foul-mouthed yob, just like you.” A compliment of the highest order, for both of us. 🙂

    Hugs to you Emma!!! If you read this, please know a stranger/friend is thinking of you and sending love.

  31. You are in my home state! And in a liitle over a week I’ll be seeing you in Seattle! I have my ticket & am super excited!

  32. Thanks for signing my earring and book. Loved the talk. Here are the things I wanted to say to you but couldn’t because, well…

    On page 185 you ask who ever eats shoe leather? Magellan and his crew did. They didn’t know how big the Pacific was so they didn’t have enough provisions. They ate stow-away rats and they also dragged shoe leather in the ocean to soften it for better eating. So, starving mariners ate shoe leather.

    Also, Thank you for making it ok to talk about mental illness. After our dad died one of my brothers kind of went over the edge. We weren’t allowed to talk about it, so not only did we have to process losing our dad, but we had to figure out what the hell was happening with our brother. Needless to say, no one came out of the ordeal without deep wounds. If only we could have talked through it 🙁

  33. We drove 2-1/2 hours to see you in Minneapolis. It was SO worth it, even though we didn’t get home until midnight and had to get up way too early to go to work. Thank you for what you do – not just for being open about mental illness, but also for being smart and funny and wildly creative. Or maybe I should say thank you for who you are? You know what I mean.

  34. I really loved meeting you in Minneapolis. I am a huge fan and crazy as shit. I function with drugs, crocheting and a great support system! Cheers to you Jenny!

  35. I’m so glad I came to see you in Minneapolis. It was awesome! And I loved how a group of strangers from throughout the state became friends while waiting our turn to meet you. Circle of Cool FTW! I’m sure it was a long day for you, but you were still as gracious and lovely at the end as you were at the beginning. Thank you! My friends are jealous 😀

  36. I know I’m a week late, but I’m still sad that I missed you in Minneapolis. :/
    I hope you & all the attendees had a wonderful time!

  37. “Jenny Lawson’s book is so true, and I know it’s supposed to be funny, but I keep crying on like every other chapter because it’s an enormous weight off my shoulders to hear someone describe things exactly the way I feel them, to know I’m not alone.” Text from my daughter at 2:32 AM.

    When you toured with “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” I attended the hippopotamusing Dayton, Ohio signing. I asked you what advice you would give my daughter who was unable to attend the signing because she was away at college and having a really hard time dealing with her own anxiety and panic disorders. You said she was amazing because you didn’t even have the courage to go away to college and the best advice you could give her was the advice Neil Gaiman gave you, “pretend you’re good at it.” Since she and I are also huge Neil Gaiman fans this was doubly cool. We’re seriously considering it as matching mother / daughter tattoos.

    Anyway, after waiting an eternity on the local library’s virtual copy (I have never understood waiting for a copy of a download but that’s a story for another day) of the audiobook, it was finally my turn to download “Furiously Happy”. I texted my daughter and told her to download it too. Fun fact, even though there are supposedly a limited number of library “copies” of audiobooks, once it’s finally your turn, you can download it on as many devices as you want. Hmmm maybe that’s why they’re limited. Maybe it’s to keep library books from multiplying like tribbles? I honestly don’t know. As another aside, I often end up buying multiple copies of the books I download from the library to keep and to give as gifts to friends and family, so they just end up multiplying anyway. Well, at least around my house. Wow, sorry, I shouldn’t send meaningful blog comments before coffee. Also, I discovered your blog originally after several people told me you and I have similar writing styles (actually they said “holy crap, I think you’re the same person”, but that’s just weird). Regardless, I take it as a compliment. In all seriousness though, I’m a lawyer in real life, so I can write super coherently. It’s just not any fun. Also, this “comment” is clearly proof that I should find time to go back to blogging. Obviously I have a lot to say.

    Getting back to the point though, the universe was clearly holding your audiobook back from me until just the right time because my daughter was just let go from her job and was really struggling and feeling down about herself and her abilities and feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of post-college life and having her first apartment and trying to wrap her head around studying for the GRE and applying to grad school when she got a text from her mom saying “go to the library app, I finally got Jenny Lawson’s new book” and, as she said in her 2:32 AM text, it was exactly what she needed.

    I will add, the universe was actually about 2 weeks late on all fronts because we missed your recent Dayton signing in part because my daughter was working at the job that just let her go. I guess the universe can’t get it right all the time.

    In closing, your book meant a lot to my daughter at a time when she really needed it (and to me too, but this comment is about her) and I just wanted to say, “thank you”.

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