Not dead yet.


I know.

I’m sorry.

And I’m sorry for saying I’m sorry because I know you know you love me enough to not want me to apologize but that’s just how I roll.

If you’ve been watching twitter you know I’ve been very sick.   I think it’s been a week but I could be wrong and I’m too tired to check.  Atypical pneumonia, which makes sense because when would I ever do anything normally.  I’m not in the hospital but I’m on lots of drugs and bedrest and the last few days have been filled with fever dreams and that depression that creeps in after a long illness.  I have stories but I’m too tired to tell them.  I have plans for fun things about You Are Here but I’m too tired to do them.  I’m sorry.  The first month a book is out is the most important, especially for the strange book that it is, so I know I’m wasting golden time to make sure it gets to people who need to see it but I can’t today.  Maybe tomorrow.  Thank you for having my back, for supporting the book.  Thank you if you have a bookstore and you are giving it space.  Thank you if you are a librarian recommending it to people who seem like one of us.  Thank you if you shared it with others.  Thank you to the whole team of people who helped make it a reality and I’m so sorry I’m not doing better at being here for it.  I am here.  Just…sort of trapped inside my chaotic, unreliable body.  And thank you for never wanting an apology but for understanding when I feel like I have to give one.

I promise that one day soon I’ll be back and we’ll color together and share pictures and I’ll tell stories and give away lovely thank you gifts.



PS. An unpretty but honest look behind the curtain.  Click the arrows on the image to scroll through and see my ever-present nursemaid:

272 thoughts on “Not dead yet.

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  1. Oh, Jenny. The Universe is taking care of it all! You rest and the Little Book That Could is chugging along on its own good merits:). We’ll see you on the flip side of this nasty bug!

  2. Yay, Jenny! You are here, and that’s what’s important. And what better nurse than Dorothy? I bet she’s not afraid to touch your forehead. Lol. Welcome back.

  3. Take care, Jenny. Your well-being is more important than all the things left to do, because there will always be lots of to-dos for all of us. Sending happy healing fluffy thoughts your way.

  4. Your friends and fans all love you and just want you to feel better. Glad you are resting and getting medication. Take care of yourself and get well soon. We do miss you. But we want you better.

  5. Take care of yourself and don’t apologize! Pneumonia is nothing to mess around with, get better and the book will still be there when you are. And we will be too, because we’re not normal either so we don’t really care about first month or seventh month. 🙂

  6. I hope you feel better soon! The book is amazing. You’ve done the hard work. Now rest and let Dorothy Barker take care of you.

  7. I can’t wait to color with you. I mentioned the other day that I used to have to take Bob Ross and happy little trees to bed with me every night to soothe me to sleep, now I take you and You Are Here. I feel like it’s to be read randomly, flipping here and there and letting the pages fall open where they may, and I always find just the thing to read and to color.
    Feel better soon, take all the recovery time you need, and we will continue to prop you up the way you do for us. <3

  8. You walked long and hard doing the book tour (you did walk to all those cities, didn’t you?), so sorry the walk turned to pneumonia. those doggy licks shoukd have you up and running again soon, but of course there’s no rush on our part – we aren’t gong anywhere.

  9. Rest, get better, and come back when you’re ready. We’ll be here, markers at the ready, quips locked and loaded, and desks prepared for hiding under.

  10. Take care of yourself and take your time. You Are Here arrived at my house last week; I love it <3

  11. I hope you feel better soon. Get plenty of rest and snuggles. We will wait for you. ❤

  12. Feel better soon! Sending well wishes. I constantly apologize for things I can’t control as well. Self-care is most important. PS just got the tote bag in yesterday and I love love it.

  13. HHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGGSSSSSSSS – that says HUGS not HUGES or something…but BIGGGGGGGG HUGGGGGS – we are here and we love you…<3 <3 <3

  14. Above and beyond all other ‘things’…rest and tell evil pneumonia germs they are NOT welcome. Feel better soon. Hugs

  15. So glad you have a furry nursemaid – I’m sure she’s doing a grrrreat job! Get well soon, and don’t worry about the book – I’m sure it is going great places even if you can’t go with it just yet xx

  16. I love you no matter what. Take care of yourself and get better.
    PS. You Are Here is amazing!

  17. I love you lots and totally get you! On my way to the doc today for similar crude. Hoping I am just having a bad asthma flare and not bron/ pneumonia. Been there before, lots of soup and cuddles feel better!

  18. Sending you lots of hugs and wishing you a speedy recovery. You’ve got this xx

  19. Rest, concentrate on getting better, and know your book is kicking ass all over the world. You did a lot of work already making it, and you did a book tour… You deserve some peace & quiet! Hope you feel better soon. Love you, Jo

  20. Dogs are the best sickbed companions. Except when they walk over the top of you to find the best place to snuggle. And if they fart. But otherwise the best. Take care of yourself. We’re not going anywhere.

  21. I’m sorry you feel so bad! I’ve had walking pneumonia twice and it sucks. The first time I had it, I was basically confined to my bed for nearly two weeks. I kept making my dad go to the library to check out more books for me because about all I could do was read books or watch tv. Even taking a shower felt like a challenge. Take it easy. Don’t push yourself; that’ll just make it worse. Curl up with a good book or maybe a favorite movie or podcast and just let yourself heal. We’ll be here when you get better.

  22. Here’s to a speedy recovery! It’s a well known fact that dog kisses are some of the worlds best medicine so it looks like Miss Barker’s got you covered.

  23. I went to a bookstore with a friend and got her to buy a copy of You Are Here because I knew it would help her out. She was very excited! Don’t worry, we’ll be your promoters while you’re recovering.

  24. I’m sorry you feel like you need to apologize for getting sick… we are a group of the most understanding people because we personally know how little things can turn into major things and disrupt all the plans you may have had. It’s just a part of Spoonie life, yo.

  25. Focus on getting you better. Everything else will fall into place. We’ve got your back and are keeping people talking about You Are Here. HUG!

  26. I wallowed when I had walking pneumonia. I did no walking. It suuuuuucks. You are awesome. You are hard on yourself, and – pot thou art black- most of us are too. You wrote, and FREAKING ILLUSTRATED an amazing book. It is a best seller. REST!!!! Rally up, and then fucking party, even if it’s just with the cats, and the pooch. We love ya, and are behind you…not right now. That would be a fever dream. Sorry.

  27. Am I the only one hoping that fever dreams turns into crazy goofy posts in the future?
    Jenny, get well soon and take it easy! Glad to know it’s not the plague, people died from that shit, you know!? We (speaking for all of us) would be devastated if you died! Plus, if you died from the plague now they would probably put your body in quarantine and do experiments on you. And then we wouldn’t be able to follow your corpse on a float down the street that was made of flowers and fairy houses and dog costumes.

  28. We are out here colouring and sharing for you! You rest. We’ll colour. All will be well( or at least better) with time. Dogs are the best nurses.

  29. I had aspirating pneumonia for a year before the doctors figured it out. Hubby just had CAP (community acquired pneumonia) in January and is still recovering from it as he has ALS. We are both short of breath today with the cold temps and snow on the way as we’ve had extra warm temps this month 60’s and 70’s. Sending healing and prayers your way! Get well soon! {hugs}

  30. You have one job and that’s to take the best care of YOU possible. Know you’re loved and supported 100% every step of the way.

  31. You apologize enough to be Canadian! Take care of you. The book is fantastic and we (that is the collective tribe “we”) will continue to promote all that you do. Sending you healing vibes.

  32. Don’t worry I tell everyone to buy the book and I work in a job where I see and talk to over 500 people. So if just a few buy your book everyday it’s still good. But seeing your sick I’ll step up my game. Don’t worry we go your back. Get better soon because we adore you.

  33. I bought a copy last weekend for a friend who’s recovering from surgery, and my mom bought one for herself at the same time (I pre-ordered my own copy). Hope you feel better soon!

  34. Awww, Dorothy Barker is healing you <3 I hope you get better very soon. I’m going today to get a copy of You Are Here for a friend in desperate need of it. I’ll be giving it to her when we visit her to make her dinner. I think it is just what she needs to know she is not alone. You are loved and appreciated, Jenny. Take the time to heal.

  35. I hope you feel better soon, remember, THIS TOO SHALL PASS! Your book is just amazeballs! I read it cover to absolute cover the night I got it, and thanks for including the bonus back filler stuff at the end where other people put blank pages! You just give so much to us! You really get us! This book is the best example of living with depression and issues that I’ve seen, you really get us!

  36. Sounds like it’s the walking pneumonia AND the boogie woogie blues. You will overcome this. I am coloring from your book on my day off and sending you healing thoughts from Pillow Fort Worth.

  37. Your book is already a success, so you can rest easy. Anything else is all gravy. Or is that frosting? With chocolate drizzled on top? Let your body heal.

  38. Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re under the weather. Take care of yourself and get better, we’ll all be here when you get back. <3

  39. I almost never buy books. We have an awesome library system here, and I mostly use that. But a few days ago I saw You Are Here at the store and after flipping though, knew it had my name all over it, so I bought it. 🙂 feel better soon! Going through chemo right now, and the book seems perfectly timed.

  40. Take it easy, Jenny. That pneumonia is nothing to mess with and you can relapse if you don’t take the time to get completely well. I’ve been there – I know. AND I’m crazy, so there ya go. BTW, just finished “Furiously Happy”. Just adore it – spoke to me in so many ways. Be well, sister sicko.

  41. I am so sorry you are sick! Why do they call that shit “walking” pneumonia. I don’t know anyone that feels good enough to walk around when they have that! Feel better soon. Rest, rest and more rest… (and take the medication as directed).

  42. You know, a month break isn’t a terrible thing for a book like this because we’re all still so very excited about it that we’re giving it out to new people left right and center and then after a month or so things will start to die down a bit and then that’s when you get better and BAM! You’re able to do all the exciting promotional stuff and everyone is super excited all over again.

    So really I think getting sick when you did was a very strategic move. You sly dog you.

  43. Pneumonia is BULLSHIT. Hope you get better soon. I always get sick after something big and stressful and I’ve never even been an author on a book tour. I would probably get the plague or something as well

  44. Ugh, fucking pneumonia. Been there, hated it. geez :-/ Now have full blown asthma to add to the list of things I can complain about (it’s long – why not make it longer?! 😉 ) Your tribe is here. Enough apologies. You don’t owe us a thing. Do all the good things you can to pamper yourself. Curl up on the couch with an endless list of great movies, a warm blankie, your various pets and a cuppa of something that makes you feel good. Sending warm positive thoughts through the stratosphere to you 🙂 (it’s a long bloody way from where I live 😀 )

  45. #1, Jenny, there’s never a need for you to apologize (as you already know). Secondly, we got this (as you already know)! C) Thank you for Thanking the booksellers, librarians, et al who HAVE YOUR BACK. I have a spare copy that I carry around with me, waiting for it to jump outta my bag into the needy-yet-grateful arms of That One Person.

    I still haven’t broken in my own copy yet, because I’m so afraid I’ll mess it up. I was Furiously Happy when I pre-ordered it, but I haven’t yet expressed myself in doodles or adult coloring, and I have fear of not getting it right. So maybe, when That One Person finds me, we’ll color together! (I’m also carrying my copy and 24 coloring pencils with me, everywhere I go)

    So, Jenny, you just focus all of your energies on healing, and if your body gives your brain a break and you need to color or doodle for a little while, we’ll still forgive you. And we’ll see you on Twitter or Instagram or here when your body is all better and lets your brain return to us.

    Even when you’re not here, you see, You Are Here. And we love you for it.

  46. Gentle hugs and best wishes. I hope you start to feel much better soon, but give yourself time, it takes a while to bounce back from something like this.

  47. You just take it easy, Ms. Jenny. Speaking from personal experience, this pneumonia is a real asskicker. Just let Dorothy Barker do the work and you get rest. Sending you healing thoughts from under my safe place in the closet.

  48. ask your mom to feel your forehead…it always makes me feel better when my mom does that.

  49. Just picked up my mail and found guess what? My YOU ARE HERE tote bag. I am so thrilled.
    Wasn’t even sure my signup for it had succeeded. Anyway, my point is that now I will be carrying this with me everywhere and promoting your book to all and sundry. I am sure that everyone else who scored a bag will do the same, so take as long as you need to feel better.

    Also, you have an empath dog to heal you and make you smile again, right up to the moment
    when you say, ” Enough already, Dog, get off of me!” and both you and Dorothy will spring up
    and dance, or maybe at least wobble out into the daylight.

    Shutting the Hell up now, Love you, Jenny.

  50. Take care Jenny. Look after yourself first. You do amazing stuff, and you’ve been working so hard. I hope you recover completely and please don’t return to work too early. Make sure you feel comfortable yourself before getting back to the tour.

  51. I love that Dorothy Barker is near you. And I love Dorothy Barker for being her Dorothy Barker self. Thanks for sharing, caring and being an all around unique gal.

  52. I hate the way getting sick makes depression so much worse. Love and light to you, Jenny. You still totally rock.

  53. Jenny…I am so sorry you’re sick, and sad and stressed on top of it. But you have a huge bunch of devoted fans who will buy your books and recommend your books to friends and strangers and read your books in random places so others want to buy them. We’ve got your back. Rest, relax, pet your fierce and adorable nursemaid, and heal. We love you.

  54. Jenny, it’s okay, really it is. It’s very sweet for you to think about us at a time when you are so sick, but you should be thinking of yourself and getting better. Just do what you need to get yourself better. You will get there. It will be okay. Like the first comment said, you have saved us, now save yourself, or something like that, because I have short term memory and have since forgotten, but it was really cool. Many, Many hugs to you. I hope you feel better fast. Love you!

  55. Please, please, please take good care of yourself. You matter. You make a difference to so many people. We’ll be here when you’ve recovered. Love and hugs.

  56. You’ll weather this, and you have so much support. We’re with you (well not literally, haha), but in thought and understand! You are awesome. Be sweet to yourself! I just went through a rough patch, and guess what? I read one of your books again to cheer me up during my three day “bed tour.”

  57. Ah, the joys of fever dreams and night sweats… We will be with you in spirit while enjoying the new book and dreaming days to color together. Take care!

  58. Sweet girl you look so tired let Dorothy Barker take care of you and try to rest! We are all here for you. 😊

  59. You apologized so much there I thought you were Canadian 😉 get better soon! We’re here waiting for you!

  60. YOU and your health are important. Now is the time do you to rest and heal and to practice self-love and self-care. Your fantastic new book is out there for the world to see and experience and color in. And when you’re better you’ll be out there again. You are loved, and you deserve to rest and get well.

  61. My whole family got pneumonia a few months ago after my son committed suicide…so I know how you are was bad enough my son was dead….but i felt like I was dying as well. Hope you feel better soon my friend and know we are all here beside you…or in front of you or behind you…anyway, we are HERE!

  62. Jenny, you are our fearless leader, and even when you are sick and not as engaged, your presence is still very palpable in all our lives. You have given us hope, provided much needed laughter, and have made each and every one of us love you. NOW. No more apologies. Whatever occurs, just stay alive goddammit!! And get better! We we all still be here when you do! xo

  63. Oh, dear. Please take care of yourself! That’s more important to all of us. We will always be here to support you!

  64. You do you, babe, and don’t sweat the sorry, we’ll just make you an honorary Canadian and then it’s all good. I hope you’re on the mend and can start telling your stories soon. I got my tote bag in yesterday’s mail! My hubby thinks it’s awesome. I’m using it to transport my coloring books (including yours of course) and pencils and phone and tablet and meds and glasses and a variety of other crap up and down my stairs every day so I don’t have to worry about doing the stairs with no handrail. So it’s not only an AWESOME gift, it’s USEFUL.

  65. No group of supporters could ever be more understanding and compassionate, than those of us who adore you.
    Take your time. Feel better. The sickness season has been brutal this year, we get it. I am currently ill, watching Antz with my daughter, sitting beside my computer full of work tasks waiting for me while I shove my anxiety about inadequacy deep deep deeeeeeep down. Oh, my house is also a disaster and groceries from yesterday are still in the middle of the floor waiting to be put away. Whoops.

  66. Oh, Jenny… get better soon and be happy knowing i have bought so many copies of You Are Here that Amazon suggested that I needed a dash button for it! 💙💙💙

  67. I am so sorry that you are sick! My friend and I went on a cruise earlier this month and she was sick for a couple weeks after we got back. I pre-ordered your book and gave it to her on Saturday when she was just starting to feel better. She texted me later that night about how much she loved it and that she ordered 10 more copies to give to people! I hope this makes you feel a little bit better and secure in the knowledge that we are all out there supporting you and your book!

    Love you Jenny!!!

  68. well i feel good – out of the funk of the past two weeks. ill be handing out copies of all your books at my little girls birthday party this weekend! i took last week off and now its your turn jenny, ill cover you for this weekend!

  69. I was ill for four weeks, and barely recognized myself by the end of that run. It takes time to get well, and though you (OK, maybe just me) think you don’t/can’t take the time, you don’t get to pick. Get well. That is all.

  70. I just received your book this weekend as a present from my husband :). I absolutely LOVE it and have colored my first picture in it. Love ya!!!

  71. I’ve been thinking about you, hoping you’re ok. Even though Dorothy Barker is on top of things, I’m still going to worry about you until I see a chirpy “I’m back y’all” on your homepage. Feel better, stat!

  72. Just keep breathing and Heal quickly! I’m almost over the same thing layered with asthma – sucks big time!

  73. Your unneeded apology is accepted. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, please just take care of yourself. Sick sucks, and I just really want you to feel better. Everything else can – and will – wait. I assure you: we’ll be here. The book will be here. But for now, I give you permission to focus just on you and your needs and wants. Much love!

  74. I had atypical pneumonia 2 winters in a row. It sucked balls. I didn’t know I had it. Just felt horrendous and continued doing what needed to be done until I collapsed in front of my kids and scared the shit out of them. Rest. To hell with everything else. Rest. That’s what you need right now. Learned my lesson. Don’t learn the hard way. Rest.

  75. Ah – the faithful companion. Rest, drink plenty of fluids, sit in the sun and know that you are covered in healing lights from one of your multitude of fans 😊

  76. I just did the pneumonia thing a couple weeks ago and it was AWFULLLLL. Rest up and I hope you feel better soon!! Also, I have gifted the coloring book to 5 people so far (including 2 teens who are former students of mine and 1 friend who is currently in jail for some negative choices) and all have loved it just as much as I did. Thank you for getting us!!

  77. No one likes fake feel good all The time people or superficial sunshine. You’re the real deal. And we get it and Love that about you. We will still be here while you recover. Get well.

  78. Hope you feel better soon!! Being stuck in bed is no fun, no matter how much you dread going outside or being around people! 😉

  79. I have always suspected that you are an actual human being, instead of a mystical alien sent to help us love our strangeness. The fact that your body got tired after a stressful (but fun, and wierd, and amazing) book tour proves my theory.

    I think the tribe will love promoting your book, and handing out glitter wands while you get better. I’ve had walking pneumonia and you’ve got to be careful with that motherfucker. And this is your chance to binge watch EVERYTHING on Netflix. And to test different versions of chicken noodle soup. (Just don’t let Beyonce know). Get better, rest up.

  80. Hoping atypical pneumonia a-tiptoes the hell out of there. I got the six copies of your book I ordered and gave some of the people who need it their copy already and I get to keep two and I’m talking with other people who are getting their own and you gave us this wonderful thing and don’t owe us anything. Rest and feel better.

  81. No need to thank “us.” Thank YOU…for all that you do. You have helped so many of us. You have helped ME! Thank you so much for being here and sharing your story. Your books are glorious!!!!!

  82. Oh my gosh! So sorry to hear you’re so sick. Focus on getting well, not us! Hugs.

  83. I’ve had walking pneumonia and know it’s not fun! Hope you feel better soon and give that nursemaid a good snuggle!

  84. No apologies needed & no more stressing about what you work you “should” be doing, cuz the only should you should have right now is to focus on getting better! Stress & the immune system do not get a long at all, so no need to throw fuel on that fire. Besides, we are family here & Ohana means no body gets left behind! Let us give back to the giver <3

  85. Feel better soon! We are fine and will be here when you are ready!

  86. Dogs make the best nurses — although one we had was a bit pushy about it. She didn’t want human assistance. At all.

    “I’m the nurse. I’m the nurse!”

  87. We all knew you had a good reason for not checking in, and after a book tour it would make sense that you’d gotten overextended! But everyone here loves you, no matter what! Just get better so you can come back well and strong! And I agree, no apologies necessary!

  88. If we could, we’d all be doing what Dottie’s doing: taking care of you. Well, without dogbreath yawns in your face. Hopefully.

    Take as much time as you need! We’ll hold down the (pillow and blanket) fort until you get back.

  89. It’s good your dog is a nursemaid when you’re sick. Mine just periodically sniffs me to see if I’m dead before she eats me. I have no illusions. She’s waiting for the best meal of her life…

  90. I hope you feel better soon!!! Take some Jenny time, even once you’re feeling better. You deserve it!!!!! Thanks again for saving my mind when it gets too much. Thank you for the honesty, laughs, and making me feel less alone. You are bloody amazing and your body is probably like “Gaaaah !!! I can’t ha doe all this amazingness in one human body, slow down so the world can catch up!!!” 🤓😻💗

  91. Awww… that sucks. I hope you feel better soon. Dogs are great nurses!

  92. Consider us your street team. We’re getting the word out. I’ve already bought one, gave it away, then I found two more people who need it besides myself, so that makes four sales from one person.

  93. well, if you stopped licking doorknobs, you wouldn’t get so sick! (it’s ok- I lick them too. I had that crap last week- still can’t stop coughing).

  94. I know Dorothy means well but your particular illness requires a cat or two, applied liberally to the area. Cat picks exactly where. Cats are the very best nursemaids ever! You will feel your magical powers returning, SOON! My cat said so.

  95. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs. You are so loved. Be kind to yourself. Be compassionate.

    And listen to podcasts! There are some amazing podcasts out there: Invisibilia, The Hidden Brain, Myths and Legends (very funny, too), and the ever-cheesy The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, to name a few. Plug in and chill out, sweet lady.

  96. Good heavens, woman…you just travelled all over the country on a book tour. Even if you didn’t catch the plague, it would still be perfectly normal to hide in your house for a while and recover from all the people-ing. You don’t owe anyone anything. Except your lungs. You owe them lots of rest before you cough and expel them.

    No one’s goin’ anywhere. You do you, Boo.

  97. Dearest Jenny, stay home, take care of yourself. We’ll all be here waiting for you and loving you for who you are. We’d rather wait than have you die because pneumonia can kill people, and we like you being alive. Take your time and get healthy. Big hugs.

  98. You — just you. I admire you so much. First because you made me laugh, but even more when you came out and told us about all the pain. But there is also another level when you go out on these book tours, and I can’t even imagine how difficult that is. You are not weak and sick as much as you are strong and recovering. Love you!

  99. Sending you so much love! I’m so sorry you have the plague! It’s going around and it is really hard to shake. Get plenty of rest and I’m so glad you have a furry nursemaid to make sure you are staying in bed! 🙂 Get well and healthy then come see us. We’ll still be here and still be as strange as ever! MUAH!

  100. Priority #1: Take care of you.
    Priority #2: See Priority #1. (Everything else will take care of itself in good time.)
    P.S. Received my book bag today in the mail today. Thank YOU!

  101. It’s funny, actually, because this book is totally about being broken and ‘broken’ being ‘ok’.
    So y’all just rest up and get better and we’ll be here colouring in. Although I keep looking at the book and thinking “Jenny worked so hard on this and what if I screw it up?” so…I’ve not done much colouring because I don’t want to mess it up. Which one part of my brain realizes is a totally broken way to look at it but, well, there ya have it.

    The nice thing about books, though, is that they’re pretty shelf-stable. I know that ‘they’ (whoever ‘they’ are) will try and tell you that this first month is ‘critical’ but really, people still read Shakespeare and that’s HOW OLD? Your work will endure. And your Misfit Legions are out there making sure it’s goodness is spread far and wide.

    Also, I am super happy that my tote bag (Ferris Mewler-sized) arrived and was not pilfered by neighborhood hooligans.

  102. Sending best wishes for comfort and healing. Much love to you and the various animal and human helpers. I hope you feel better soonest!

  103. I’ve been feeling pretty under the weather this past week too. You never, ever have to apologize. Sending you lots and lots of healthy vibes!

  104. I’m not dead yet. I’d like to go for a walk. I FEEL HAPPY!
    Or something like that. Feel better. Dorothy looks like an excellent nurse.

  105. Stress can make us more susceptible to illness. I know this from experience. And what can be more stressful than a book tour with all the strangers in all the strange towns sleeping in all those strange beds. You sleeping in the beds I mean, not the strangers. Although their beds would be strange to you as well. I swear I’m not saying you follow strangers home and sleep in their beds. Unless you use that airbnb thing. Right, so you rest and get better and I’ll just show myself out. Oh, and no apologies needed, lady!

  106. I always get super sick after a stressful and important thing I am doing. ALWAYS. It’s like my body holds it together so I can get the THING (whatever it is) done and then when it’s over my immune system walks away shaking its head and mumbling something about me being ungrateful and I get stupid sick. Take the time you need. The book is doing its lovely thing without you for right now.

  107. Please take care of you (and let your family take care of you, too) and do nice things for yourself that will make you feel better. We’ll still be here when you’re healthy again. As if you could get rid of us. 🙂

    P.S. – Thanks for the Monty Python reference!

  108. At first I thought you had a therapy fox. Think i might need some sleep.
    Get well and stop feeling guilty about things beyond your control. Which is everything when you’re that sick.

  109. I ordered your book for a friend. And then I had to give it to my daughter after I peeked inside and then ordered another for that friend and 2 more for other friends. And I’m getting ready to order another for yet another friend. the first friend got hers yesterday when I finally saw her and she’s in a very bad headspace right now. Very. And she texted me later that it was one of the best gifts she’s ever received in her life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making life more livable for her right now. Even when you’re sick and miserable and your own depression is creeping in, your work is out here spreading and saving people. So yea, you are accomplishing work while you are in bed sick. I do so hope you feel better soon. I got a bad depression from a bad surgery recovery and I know how it can creep in all sneaky-like.
    Much love.

  110. It looks like you have a good nursemaid there. Your post makes me feel better about not accomplishing anything this week, and I don’t have pneumonia, and I haven’t written a book! I hope all these good thoughts help you to get better quickly. Or not. Whatever is best. We’re with you.

  111. Eh, time’s not a-wastin’. The book will be there when you feel better, as will everyone and everything else. Take your time. Take your medicine. Take it easy. ❤️😘

  112. Walking pneumonia is nothing to mess around with. You take care of yourself and don’t worry about us. We’ll be here when you get back. ::internet hugs:: Also little dogs make the best nurse maids. 🙂

  113. I have never met you – but I am pretty sure you are one of my favourite people. Please take are of yourself and try not to feel guilty about not posting. Give Dorothy scritches for me.

  114. Taking care of yourself IS golden time, not wasted time! There’s a whole flock of Bloggessarians who can help promote the book, but only one you.

    I went into a bookstore this weekend for the first time since forever and about lost my mind when I saw your books featured. Damn, I should have taken a photo. I was so excited I bought two and told the cashier that she must check out all your books.
    Then I got home and remembered I have three coming from Amazon. More to give away! It’s like bonus gravy! (except I don’t like gravy, which is ok, since that means More Gravy for Everyone Else!)
    Gave one copy to a co-worker whose daughter is going through a tough time. She look one look and said it was perfect.

  115. Dude, you legit changed my life, if you wanna apologize cool, totes accepted, but you never ever need to. Unless you stole my cat, or made a rude face at my kid, maybe. I’d still prolly be like it’s cool, can you sign my miniature Beyonce please…

  116. Focus on taking care of yourself. We’ll be here when you’re ready.

  117. Jenny, I saw you at Quail Ridge bookstore in Raleigh, NC and it was so lovely to hear you talk about the funny and tragic life that we with mental illness experience every day. As you spoke, I realized how very similar we really are, and it hurts my heart for you. I say to be gentle with yourself and heal, but I also know that the brain has other plans at times. Just read this and know your back is had – we support you, love you, and are so proud of you. Well, look at me speaking for everyone. Sorry about that, guys. I support you, love you and am proud of you. Better?
    Anyway, thanks for sharing yourself, and you are enough as is.

  118. Oh, sweetie! I am so sorry you’re going through all this crap. Know that we love you no matter what. Sending you prayers and good vibes. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  119. Jenny-
    Did you know your blog isn’t responsive/mobile? Not trolling. Just letting you know it is good business to be able to view on a cell phone. You should talk to your webmaster. This could be easily fixed….Now, since you’re delirious, pretend this delicious bit of wisdom came as an epiphany. Happy fever dream…ing.

  120. Any kind of a pneumonia is no feckin joke dude. Seriously, take it easy and don’t let turds worry you. I mean, unless they’re coming out of somewhere they shouldn’t. That would be worrisome.

  121. Feel better. I’m dealing with a throat full of razor blades and a head full of bowling balls rolling loose myself. This sucks!

  122. It’s probably a good thing we don’t know your address, because if we did you’d have 4,000 of us on your doorstep with chicken soup, toast, ginger ale, fuzzy blankets and a few sloths. Hang in there and do what you need to do,to get well. We will be here. Hugs!

  123. Feel better! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. My mom and I both had viral bronchitis this month. She went in the ambulanceto thehospital for five days (she will be 90 in Sept). No fun being sick. Put the book put of your mind for now and just feel better. Love the book! Take good care of You!

  124. Holy shit that sixth picture!! Rest up and don’t worry about us—we’ll be here when you’re ready.

  125. I have my book and my bag and I’m telling people about it. It’s magical and honest and sincere. I’ve cried and laughed. I so love you! (Not in a creepy way, more like a kindred soul way) Please rest as long as you need because your family needs you and so do we. 😊❤💐🐾

  126. Well done on making it through your book tour before getting the plague.
    I love the idea of “buy books in lieu of get well cards” and instantly thought of someone to buy one for. And everyone who already said it is right – rest!!!!!!!

  127. I’m so sorry; I just got over mine, which was the tail-end of a 4-mo-virus. You will be very tired for quite awhile; go w/ it as much as you can. If you have residual coughing, have your doctor give you breathing tests & check for bronchial spasm – I just got an inhaler & it’s saving my life, though I don’t have bronchitis or asthma. Bless you, woman; hang in there!!!

  128. Don’t worry! I for one will still keep sending your wonderful book out into the world by giving it as birthday gifts and I bet lots of other people will too. Get well soon! It will all be here waiting whenever you get back.
    Also- I’e been wondering- how do you draw such perfect circles?? Do you do that freehand or do you trace it or use a compass ….or what?

  129. I’m so sorry you are so sick. Things sometimes have a way of turning to crap. ( the story of my life)
    Take care and don’t worry about the book. We’ll all deal with it for you!

  130. And I am buying your book RIGHT NOW, if you promise to go to bed, rest up, drink tea, or whatever they tell you.

  131. I’m glad Dorothy Barker is taking such good care of you. Rest. Get well. We shall patiently await your return while coloring.

  132. So sorry to hear this! I am keeping good thoughts for you to feel massively better but still take time to rest and refuel while piled with animals and family members. (P.S. It should be clear, but I am sorry you’ve been sick, not sorry that you’re not dead yet. That would be really rude.)

  133. Reading the comments on your blog always restores my faith in humanity!
    Rest and recover for as long as you need. It sounds like your book is finding its way into the world
    with a momentum all its own. The best books always do!

  134. Damn. I’d have that stinkin’ pneumonia for you if I could. Big smoochies, we’ll be here when you feel better, miss lady.

  135. It’s interesting how easily it is to tell someone else to take time, rest, heal. For some of us it’s almost impossible to take the same advice. Take the time that is necessary to heal. (Those words are for me as much as they are for you!)

  136. Feel better soon Jenny. At least your in good hands with Dorothy Barker being your nurse. Relax your colouring book is out, that’s the hardest part. People who need it will find it.

  137. I think you’ve been doing an outstanding job with your new book! Maybe see if you can be a little easier on yourself <3 And Dorothy Barker is kicking ass as proving why dogs are so damn awesome!

  138. I wanted to post the link here to cheer you up but it’s not letting me so go on YouTube and search for drunk girls chris elia. You will love it!!!

  139. Please take care of yourself and rest. We got your back; I went to Barnes in Kildeer Illinois and bought both You Are Here and Furiously Happy and did a “WooHoo!! This Jenny Lawson is awesome!!” right there in the store! Yes, I did that.

  140. Give yourself time to get well Jenny, pneumonia of any sort isn’t a picnic. I love getting really sick. I know that sounds weird but it’s the one time I don’t feel guilty for allowing myself time just to be. So I get the need to apologize. Love you to bits.

  141. Not sure if you’re aware, but there’s a horse behind you in that last photo.

    Also, I messed up on one of the colorings I was doing. I was holding a marker and not a shading pencil and obliterated something I only wanted to shade a little. Now I have to buy another book so I can do it the way I meant to do it, which means I can have more drawings to color and this is a good thing. I’m not a little OCD, not one little bit.

  142. I like the 4th picture best. The look Dottie is giving you is concerned yet a little impatient. Like she’s saying I’ve been helping you get better, what’s your deal, human?

  143. Depression is lying to you if you think you need to apologize. You don’t. Get better soon. We’ll all be here when you’re back to full, beautiful, witty, intelligent strength. And that is the truth.

  144. I have been battling severe anxiety and depression since I was 8. I’m 33 now and seemed to have myself under control but the demons have returned. I went back to my therapist today for the first time in about 4 years. My husband drove me as I have been unable to leave the house for the last two days due to anxiety and I wouldn’t have made it to my appointment without him. While I was there, he went and bought this book for. I love him so much and I love you for making me feel like I’m not alone.

  145. Sending get well thoughts your way! With all who love you and your books I don’t think you have to worry about getting the book out to people. I know I work at a library and I have my copy with me all the time and recommend it to fellow people like us. Just work on getting better. I always have thought you are my spirit animal and we would be great friends so take care!

  146. Feel better, girl! Saw my own psych today and he said “Damn. That’s a lot of shit… But you’re not alone.” Then he told me about “Furiously Happy,.” Told him I already read it and he said lemme write you some shit and keep reading; “You’re not alone.” As much as I hate taking meds, I’m blessed to have a very public figure I can relate to with similar diagnoses. Sometimes, I feel like the queen of anxiety, but I read your posts and I’m so glad I’m not alone. From a fellow Texan who dreams of living in the Hill Country… You’re incredible and I want to be friends. (Awkward..I know) Thank you for being you. And ALL of you.

  147. Also, it was really easy to purchase your book at my independent bookstore because they had it smack at eye level in the new releases shelf, perfect part of the store for after you walk in and get acclimated and start looking around… and then BOOM! There’s your book. Perfect.
    Auntie’s Bookstore in Spokane, WA. Thank you, and you’re welcome.

  148. I got on the blog tonight to tell you that my You Are Here book bag showed up in the mail today.
    I have had the book for a while now, because I am one of those who pre ordered as soon as you announced.

    Love you, woman. This is very upsetting, actually.

    I read my husband your blog posts on Saturday mornings. He just asked if we need to drop everything and drive to Texas to console you. We’ll come if you need us. He wants to know if he should make you a malted milk shake. He’s making himself one, so it’s no trouble. I suppose if we put enough Ice in the ice chest we could make it from California to Texas with the shake.

    Seriously, I am going to color in your book now, as a prayer. I am glad Dorothy Barker is there for you, and Victor and all. My household loves your household. Please get well.

    P.S. I wish I could post a picture.

  149. Why do you feel it’s not okay to be ill? That is all kinds of f’d up. Would you begrudge your daughter being sick? I’ve spent so very much time apologizing for nothing. I loathe watching other people do it. Stop it. The book will be great-and if not, screw it. You are already tremendously successful with many loyal and caring followers. Take a breath

  150. Feel Better, Jenny. We love you.

    My only regret other than you not feeling better is that you couldn’t be around to answer this tweet

    All right, guys. For reasons that are too complicated to explain in 140 characters, I need punny names for a taxidermied squirrel. GO!

    Because I’m sure your answers would be awesome. In lieu of a get well card, I promise to carry my YOU ARE HERE tote everywhere as soon as I get it.

  151. You are an amazing person You are not allowed to apologize for having pneumonia!
    You hide in your pillow fort and drink great stuff that someone better be getting you! Get/feel better. Take your time. We’ll be waiting right here. You are surrounded by your tribe. 😴😪🤒😢
    🐺🐱🐈🌺🌷🌸🌹🐝🐼 Much love!

  152. I know you have a gazillion followers. Far too many to keep up with in person anyway. Your first book made me roar with laughter and cry too and I applaud you for keeping the online world real. Sorry to hear you are unwell so rest up. Impressive sales on your latest book by the way. No wonder you are tired.

  153. Just another note to say “feel better”! <3

    Don’t worry. We’ll be the momentum for your new book while you recover. I’ve already told my entire support service that they need to read your Furiously Happy, and shown off You Are Here at art group. And read out sections of both to other participants. Generally while laughing myself silly. <3 Also, the support worker I have who has ADD thought the section about Rory in Furiously Happy was brilliant. 😀

  154. Listen you – first of all you have nothing to apologize for. The most important thing is you. Period. I know exactly how you feel, having a disease that defies normal boundaries. I live with one too. Look at it this way, you are an overachiever without even trying 🙂
    And you are loved for just being you, and putting yourself out there so that we can feel like part of a tribe and not alone in our own disasters. We love you for that, your sense of humor, and your joy at the craziness that sometimes can’t be controlled.
    Feel better soon, but always feel loved and appreciated, because you are <3

  155. i bought an extra copy of the book. and i convinced my uncle to buy not only it, but also furiously happy. will keep spreading the word. in the meantime, rest well and dream of large women. wait.

  156. Hi Jenny – Old home remedy is to wrap yourself in cats and one dog and you’ll speed up the recovery! Take care and hope the meds kick in soon. Meanwhile, we will all be coloring in your new book. Hugs!

  157. Your books bring so much joy, the work is being done to spread the word while you rest – sending healing love.✌️❤️

  158. “so I know I’m wasting golden time ” – Please let go of the idea that you are failing. You are sick. Period.

  159. Walking pneumonia is no joke. I had it for 4 months several years ago. Even when the fever breaks and you can breathe halfway normally, you will be SO tired – for a long time. I came home from work and went straight to bed many times. Take care and feel better.

  160. I understand needing to apologize, even when you don’t need to apologize. So, apology accepted, and we all hope you feel better soon! Also, dogs make the best nursemaids. Thank you so much for all you do.

  161. Take all the time you need (like you need my permission). I can only imagine a whirlwind book tour like that would take a lot out of anyone, lowering your resistance to nasty bugs. As far as the depression side of it, someone once told me that Depression Lies and that You Are Not Alone. Can’t remember who that was, but I think you’d like her. 🙂

  162. Despite being vaccinated, I came down with influenza on March 2nd (yes I know the day because I had to cancel a presentation the following day). Finally went to the MD around the 9th and got on antibiotics for a secondary infection. Long story short, I’m still sick. Have no more sick leave and irritated boss because I was off work for 3 months due to a broken leg and surgery. Happy Spring! Don’t mean to whine, but misery loves company 🙂 Enjoy your nursemaid and feel better soon <3

  163. I’m glad you are feeling a little better! Rest and relax and take it easy! We’re thinking about you!

  164. Hope you get well soon. Enjoyed meeting you at the signing in La Jolla. You probably got sick from the unhealthy air in the airplane, and if you are staying in a hotel room that has windows that don’t open. Unhealthy air. Just returned from a trip to Sacramento and have a horrible cough, sore throats and cold. Drink tons of water.

  165. Jenny, I haven’t read all the replies so if someone else said this, I’m sorry. Keep in mind, sickness is temporary,your book, your talent and all it has done for so many will live forever. Rest and concentrate on getting better. We will be here to celebrate your recovery.

  166. I hope telling you that I bought four copies of the best, most inspiring book ever might help you feel better. Two signed and personalized from Bookpeople and two just because I need it and so did my friend who has been hospitalized several times for severe depression!
    It is now a prized possession for both of us!

    Please get well. Sleep, drink lots of great liquids. We’ll be right here when you are ready!

  167. Glad you’re in recovery mode. And? Already got a nice thank-you gift, thank you! (Fantastic tote – just arrived 😘 )

  168. Taking care of yourself is the best example! It shows people that even when that lier in your head tells you to feel guilty, you still take care of yourself <3

  169. I hope you feel better soon, Jenny! I had walking pneumonia 10 years ago and it sucked big time. It took me about a month to recover, but I hope that it doesn’t take that long for you. I’m glad you’re on meds for it — that’s pretty much the only way to avoid having it hang around for a long time (longer than a month that is). I’ve been checking your blog for updates every day, so I appreciate your update today. Hang in there — I’ll be thinking of you this week and hoping that you’re feeling better each day. Smile, wave (hugs if you’re okay with another Jennie hugging you) =)
    -Jennie Norton

  170. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, you overachiever you. You are not “wasting golden time to make sure [the book] gets to people who need to see it.” If anything, you are providing fodder for your next book. Should you choose to write one. No pressure at all or anything. Take care of yourself!

  171. I am so sorry that you aren’t well. I hope you recover soon.

    But I wanted to mention I got my tote bag yesterday; it’s AWESOME!

  172. So sorry to hear you are ill. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!
    On a side note, my tote bag also arrived and I LOVE IT!!!! Just wanted you to know. 🙂

  173. Hope you feel better soon! Don’t apologize for being sick. I love your new book. It is very inspiring to me because I often feel the way you do. I am also grieving over a big breakup with my boyfriend so it gives me extra encouragement that things will get better.

  174. Just your nursemaid Dorothy Barker chasing away your furry feline associates/accomplices-or are the felines slacking? (Hope you feel better!)

  175. Walking pneumonia is no fun, but it sure beats the one where they tube you up in the hospital. You’re home, you’re safe and warm, you have Victor to fuss over you, and the meds they give you can slow time, I found. Or reverse it.

    You know as well as I do, you go away and get all wired up and excited and every time you come home and step into that big gooey pit. It happens, and no one will love you any less for being human and vulnerable.

    We are all sitting outside your door humming softly, breathing carefully. Take your time, no one will leave (except to pee) until you’re better.

  176. Take care of yourself! You’ll beat that walking pneumonia! Lots of love and hugs from France! ♥

  177. It is a wonderful book. I pre-ordered three copies last summer when you first announced it. Unfortunately I gave them all away to friends on a girls day out. I ordered another right away. Gave it away too. Getting ready to order copy number 5.

    By the way, I got my tote bag this weekend and it was awesome!

  178. You can’t pour from an empty cup! I think it’s absolutely amazing and inspiring that you’ve managed to publish not one, not two, but THREE books to date! That’s no easy feat for normal, sane people whose bodies don’t try to kill them. You’re a huge inspiration to us, even (or especially, rather) when you’re “down with the sickness”… <3

  179. #6 photo with you/Dorothy Barker is a modern day piece of “Picasso-esque” art! Brilliance, and fightin’ the plague at the same time! Must be Countess ZuZu Petals reaching in to help. Feel better soon. Laughing eyes and smiling heart, Kim

  180. Hang in there kiddos! You’ve beat worse! We’re all giving you prayers and good juju. Remember: drink plenty of fluids, take your meds and get lots of rest. Hugs to you and your gaggle of nursemaids!

  181. Hello Jenny 🙂 I love your books. My co-workers and I are listening to Furiosly Happy, having bipolar disorder, anxiety, etc it is easy to realate and laugh until I cry. My co-workers say, “now I understand you (me) more! And why our conversation consist of 3-5 subjects in less than 5 minutes and how they go terrible wrong. I however, don’t understand why they can’t keep it 🙂 Anyone, thank you for sharing, it helps me understand I’m not alone and there is nothing wrong with my analysis of life’s situations or exciting moments and opportunities to f*** with people. I’m not crazy, they are just way to serious. Thank you!!!!

  182. Jenny: First of all I am wishing you a speedy full recovery so you are back on your feet and feeling awesome. I truly empathize with you, I spend my days in bed, why bother doing anything else? I have read all of your books and I received the latest from Amazon. I am just. Waiting for my new Prismacolor set to arrive before I tackle my new treasure. I think you are a genius. I feel as if we are friends who share secrets, clothes, recipes (although I don’t cook). When I read your stories I can only think holy shit that is so familiar- I could have been there or it could have been me. So, my dear friend get well very soon Speedy recovery! You have lots of friends wishing and praying for you. You are in our hearts And lunatic minds.

    Barbara Joy

    Sent from my IPhone


  183. Guuuuuurl…I got sick for a week…spent this week trying to catch up…kinda screwed something up yesterday which I allowed to make me feel incompetent, weak, like a poseur, and sure that I would never work again. At bedtime I was SO down on myself, and lonely, and couldn’t think good thoughts: so I grabbed The Book, found a blurb and a picture that I liked and colored until I was mentally and emotionally in a better place. Today’s been hard too, so I will probably indulge in some more color therapy. 🙂 Being sick is hard, letting people know you’re human is hard, but look: even when you’re sick, you’re still healing others. 🙂 xoxoxo

  184. Hi, I saw your post a while back about podcasts and I have 2 you might like. Sword and scale is a true crime podcast and undisclosed follows adnan seyed the serial guy and it is interesting. Also lately the only reason I get out of bed is to go get ice cream on my way to school and then my cousin tricks me info driving the whOle way and takes advantage of getting a mcflurry. Sometimes we listen to yyour audiobook. This s all random but I can’t sleep so I’m writing.

  185. I’m not surprised you got sick…touring like you did would take it out of anyone!!!! When I’m highly stressed or out too much as an introvert/highly sensitive person I go right into illness…and I go down like a DOG. Remember that you are absolutely extraordinary.. Sick, well, whatever! You could go away for years and your fans would still follow you to the ends of the earth. Also darling dorthy barker reminds me of my precious dog who died late last year.. She used to sit on me all the time when I was sick…last year was ear infections…. She was my little healer. Dogs are truly angels on earth! Thinking healing thoughts for you!!

  186. Get better soon! Remember warm drinks help loosen the chest gunk and soup is good food! ( just none with milk it makes more hunk). Sleep and get your strength back- we will all be here when you feel better!

  187. LOOK AT ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU^^^^^ don’t worry about being unproductive there’s literally no way around it and that’s okay. And although you feel weak, do not let the monsters tell you youre anything but amazing. I just finished Furiously Happy, and I love it so much. I would be a number 26 (but the count of people you have helped is probably much higher by now), and the book was exactly what I needed. Thank you immensely. I hope you feel better soon, but don’t doubt that you aren’t incredible.

  188. I’m letting my friends sign mine when they are done reading. Missing pages in my owners manual already as I give them to whomever they resonate with

  189. omg, you look terrible. (Don’t you hate it when you feel like death but people tell you that you look fine? I am here to reverse that.)

  190. I’ve had pneumonia two or three times. The last time I got the antibiotics without a confirmation of the illness because they’re starting to think I’ve had enough radiation. Sleep as much as you can and don’t feel bad about all the things you’re not doing. You’ll get to all of that other stuff later. Take good care of yourself!

  191. Reading your posts reaches so many of us with so much care and love for all of us who are IRREGULAR too! When you need a break we all get it. It’s what you encourage us to do too when we feel the same way. That just keeps giving back between us all, and you started it by speaking it’s name – Voldemort I mean.:)

  192. Hi! I’m just having the most awful heartbreak and bad thoughts go through my head, and I can’t keep them out, I came here to diatract myself and see if I can laugh again and thanka to you, I did just that. My mind is unreliable sometimes

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