Our marriage is finally legal.

me: Dude.  We’ve been married 21 years today.  Our marriage is old enough to drink.

Victor: Or do crack.

me: I don’t think there’s a legal age for that.

Victor: 21 years ago this minute my father told me that he had tickets to leave the country if I wanted to bail out before the wedding.

me:  21 years ago this minute my aunt was telling me it wasn’t too late to jump in the car and just drive to Mexico.

Victor:  What if we’d both taken them up on it and then accidentally ended up in the same town running away from each other?

me:  I think we just wrote a 90’s romantic comedy.

Victor: And it only took us 21 years.



230 thoughts on “Our marriage is finally legal.

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  1. Happy anniversary Jenny and Victor. I hope you have at least 21 more years of fun together with Hailey and the dead animals and Beyonce.

  2. Happy anniversary! Also with you too it would probably happen exactly like Victor said lol

  3. Happy Anniversary! Someone once told me that marriage was the best mistake most people ever make.

  4. Happy Anniversary!! It would have been hilarious if you had both run away and ended up in the same town in Mexico. That would have been proof you two were meant to be together. Good thing you went ahead and just got married while everyone was gathered for it, isn’t it? 🙂

  5. Great googly woogly! They allow children to marry in the U.S.?

  6. Congratulations on 21 years! Somehow my reader stopped following you, and it was only when I realized that I hadn’t read a post from you in while that I discovered the horrible problem. Glad I’m back in time to celebrate though.

  7. You both look young, but he really looks like a child. Was he legal when y’all married?

    (Barely. Although he’s a few months older than me. He’s always looked younger though. Not fair. ~ Jenny)

  8. Happy Anniversary you two crazy kids!
    Keep on enjoying each other’s company.

  9. Happy 21 years! Also, I think you just outlined the plot of your first work of fiction!😊

  10. You both look gorgeous. And sooooo young!
    Congratz on the anniversary and i wish you both many happy years to come.

  11. Mazel tov! 25 years ago today my mother, in the back of a church, asked if I wanted to go bowling. I took her up on that offer 3 years later. #BeginnerMarriage

  12. Happy anniversary!! You look exactly the same (minus the fancy dress). How is that even possible?

  13. Happy Anniversary!! After listening to/reading LPTNH multipl times, I imagined your dress much differently, but it and you look gorgeous (though definitely outside of your taste).

  14. Happy anniversary! You look very lovely in your 90’s poofy dress (no sarcasm, you’re soooo pretty!)

  15. I fondly remember giggling over your wedding story in your memoir. Have a lovelyday!

  16. Congratulations you beautiful, beautiful people! Wishing you both many more years of blissfully weird, health, happiness, and lots and lots of love. ❤️🍾

  17. Is Victor much, much younger than you…or was he just a late bloomer? Well, you’re both just gorgeous. Ever and a day!

  18. So the whole country celebrates your anniversary and you save all that $$ on decorations and food? Pretty damned clever, I’d say!

  19. Happy anniversary!! What a lovely couple!! Love you….hope you find wellness

  20. Happy Anniversary! Just finished reading about your wedding (in Let’s Pretend this Never Happened); it sounds like it was a truly memorable affair, and like Victor is perfect. After all–how many men will drive around all night waiting to hear his proposal on the radio, and then buy you your dress after seeing it in a window and knowing it was perfect for you? Have many, many, many more happy & crazy years!!

  21. Happy anniversary!!!I doubt you remember me, but months ago I commented on a post that I was ending my marriage.we separated in the 30th. I’m enjoying my independence day. No more sexual abuse, or gaslighting or feeling like everything is my fault. I may be 31 and alone but “if I’m flying solo at least in flying free”
    Lots of love to you both!!

  22. Happy Anniversary! Also, good looking out on a July 4th date — an anniversary party with fireworks would probably kick a lot of ass.

  23. No way! We got married exactly 6 months after you did on January 4, 1997!
    Happy anniversary Jenny & Victor ❤ It’s been a great first 20ish years; looking forward to the next amazing 20😙

  24. Happy anniversary! 21 years seemed like a long time. Then I realized thats only 4 more years for us. Then it dawned on me, 21 years ago was the in the 90’s. I graduated in 90. Reality check: I’m old!! Holy CRAP!! When did THAT happen?!? 😨

  25. Happy anniversary! Marriage is hard, and wonderful, and mysterious, and also really hard. In a world where most people give up when things get too difficult or uncomfortable or inconvenient, a marriage of 21 years is a big deal. Congratulations to you two for persevering and continuing to love each other and laugh together (pretty much the most important thing, in my opinion), and share your messy, beautiful lives.

  26. Happy anniversary! You guys were adorable then and adorabler (yes, that’s a word, says me) now. Best wishes for your futures too!

  27. Goodness, y’all are still so young! Winter solstice is our anniversary, we drove to Texarkana (me with a summer lace dress and high heeled sandals to wear to our courthouse wedding)…we went to bed with weather in the 40’s and woke up to SNOW. We laughed. Much laughter has followed through the past 8 years for we two re-runs, may much laughter keep following for you and Victor, also!

  28. Happy Anniversary! You are still just as beautiful, 21 years later.

  29. My wife and I just celebrated 30 years. It’s nice to see some marriages still lasting in this age of quicky divorces. And no offense to you or Victor, but damn, girl!

  30. Could you be any more adorable?! I always said my parents had been together as long as they had because neither was willing to concede defeat. That’s love for ya!

  31. Aww happy anniversary!!! You look so pretty! And victor looks all of 15 lol. My husband and I have been married 15 years and nobody offered escape routes but everybody thought we were weird and/or preggo because we were early 20s and bought a house at the same time!! Anyways good for you and victor:)

  32. Today is our 17th anniversary. Anniversary buddies! Congratulations on 21 years

  33. No, you just wrote the Pina Colada song.

    Happy anniversary from someone whose marriage is a week older than yours!

  34. What babyfaced cuties you were! You two could have been extras on Felicity back in the day. Happy anniversary!!!

  35. Happy Anniversary to you and Victor, blessings for many more years together.

  36. It would have been great if you’d ended up in the same bar in Tijuana and The Piña Colada Song was playing on the jukebox. I’d watch that movie. I’d roll my eyes so hard I’d have eye sprain but I’d watch it.

  37. That is really an incredible accomplishment in this day and age. Congratulations. Well deserved.

  38. Wow. You 2 look amazing. Congratulations! It’s been one heck of a ride hasn’t it? Here’s to another crazy 20yrs!

  39. Happy Anniversary! Agree with TK – you look 12 in that photo, except for the boobs. Maybe 14 or 15?

  40. Happy Anniversary to my favorite psychotic author! Victor is a lucky man, your daughter is a lucky young woman and we, your fans, are blessed by your talent and insanity!For all the times you’ve saved me from myself, thank you! Happy Anniversery to you both. In your honor I’m blasting Springsteen’s “Drive All Night”.

  41. Happy Anniversary, from someone who just celebrated their 38th a little more than a week ago! What a great looking couple of kids! So glad that you found Victor because (1) he’s the source of some great dialogue for your books and blog, and (2) seriously, who else would have been able to survive with you this long? 😃 (You know I’m only kidding, right?) Congratulations, and best wishes for the next 21 years plus lots more!!!

  42. Happy Quatro de Julio and happy anniversary! You two look like infants!!

  43. Happy Day to you and Victor! I married my first, best love 18 years ago today. So, Al and I are having an anniversary too– but you’re the winner, by 3 years. In the spirit of celebration, I’ll also give you the win for “puffiest sleeves on wedding dress”. I can admit when I’ve been outdone. Cheers to us all!

  44. Happy anniversary you two are awesome. I’m glad you found each other if for no other reason then the freakin stories. I really want to know what he got you for your anniversary. What do you get someone with such discerning taste as you 🤷🏼‍♀️

  45. Happy Anniversary, life is better when you have your soulmate beside you.

  46. You look like a veered Selena Gomez and year hubby looks too young

  47. When I used to get carded, I would tell them I had underwear old enough to drink. They don’t ask anymore, maybe because I threatened to prove it.

  48. What a beautiful bride/couple in the photos. You are a very, very lucky woman to have someone that is totally committed to you, good and bad. Know another one of those like Victor that I could have? I would be very grateful! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!😍

  49. Happy anniversary! Does an anniversary need witnesses like a legal marriage usually does? If so, there are lots of taxidermied animals (as well as some untaxidermied humans out there in internet land) who can do that! 🙂

  50. Those are some amazing sleeves, Jenny. Happy Anniversary! My husband sends his regards to Victor, to whom he often feels a certain afinity.

  51. Happy anniversary, dear Jenny and Victor. And best wishes for many, many more years together!

  52. Happy Anniversary! Was Victor in junior high when you got married?

  53. Happy Anniversary! Now that your marriage is legal, make sure you guys take it out for a drink! 🍸🍸🍸🍸

  54. “If you like piñata coladas and getting caught in the rain…”

  55. Happy Anniversary, kids!! Best wishes for many, many, more! Y’all are lovely!!

  56. Happiest of anniversaries, Jenny! You’re beautiful inside and out! 💖

  57. Weird question: was the picture on the right on a different day? Just because your hair looks different. 🙂 Happy Anniversary!

  58. You beat me to wedded bliss by a week. Congratulations.

    Movie scene: after a night of bar hopping in the Mexican town you both ended up, you wake up together. For a moment you think you’re on your honeymoon…

  59. I’m so happy that you two found each other. Your relationship has brought laughter and joy to more people than you ever could have imagined 21 years ago.

  60. Oh my! Both so beautiful – but what were you, 12??? 🙂
    Happy Anniversary, and thanks for all the fish.

  61. OMG! You were both so cute!
    Like little hedgehogs cute. Or like Baby owls! Or baby rhinos. or cute like baby sloths!

  62. Congrats!
    I thought it was an exciting time when I celebrated that my first car was finally legal (which wasn’t as exciting because in Canada “legal” is only 19 and I’d only had it for 4 years at the time) but it is way more of an accomplishment to have a legal marriage in this day and age!
    Have an amazing night, here’s hoping it includes fireworks!

  63. Beautiful pictures! Happy anniversary! With you and Victor, you probably would have ended up in the same place.

  64. There is a book of wisdom (of comedy) in there somewhere! Congratulations!

  65. Love, congrats, and happy anniversary, and wishing you AT LEAST 21 more years together.
    Nah, make that: wishing you at least another 42 years together. This is only the first third!
    Love to you.♥

  66. Aw…. your making me cry a bit. So cute and young. In the beginning, we poo-poo the “for better for worse” but you’ve been graced with that as well… it can/prolly has saved ya from the darkest depths of the longest darkest night of the soul EVER.

  67. Happy Anniversary! My best wishes for at least another 21 years of happiness for you two! And/or contentment. And respect. And a lifetime supply of chicken nuggets. Actually, a lifetime supply of chicken nuggets sounds really good right about now!!!

  68. Your anniversary is July Fourth? That makes you automatically the most patriotic couple in existence. Extra points for being a Democrat and a Republican married to each other. I wish the country could follow your example. Happy Anniversary and Happy Fourth!

  69. Congratulations! You look like you wore a wedding dress to your junior prom! I hope you and Victor have at least another 21 years together.

  70. You are so darn pretty, then & now. And who needs a car to drive you to Mexico when you could have filled those puff sleeves on your wedding dress with helium & just wafted there.

  71. Happy Anniversary. 37 years ago today, my hubby and I decided to get married. Since the courthouse wasn’t open, we had to wait for the 5th to get our marriage license. So, tomorrow is our 37th anniversary.

  72. Holy soft focus Glamour Shots, Batman! Congratulations! Here’s to many more happy years 🙂

  73. Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove

  74. Happy Anniversary. Now that your marriage is all grown up, please don’t become empty nesters. Continue to nurture and love it and poke it sometimes, just to remind it you’re still here. Wait, I think I’ve extended my metaphor too far. But we love you, and revere Victor as a saint – with a tilted halo, so you’re perfect for each other!

  75. Happy Anniversary!! You are such a beautiful bride!! You still are!

  76. More importantly, what is the appropriate taxidermied animal to gift someone on their 21st? I would send a nutria because they are plentiful in Louisiana and I could pick a good one.
    Something to ponder. Say the word. Also: Happy Anniversary!

  77. Happy Anniversary! You look like children lol! Here’s to another 21 years!

  78. Well at least you remembered! It was our anniversary 2 days ago and it took my parents to remind us…guess that happens after 29 years together.

  79. Wow, look at those two kids! I wonder if he ever contemplated how many taxidermied animals he would say “No, you may not bring it into the house” to? Happy Anniversary, Jenny and Victor!

  80. WOW Jenny. You looked GORGEOUS!! Happy Anniversary you crazy kids!

  81. Awww…you look so young and innocent, and more than a little scared (not that marriage isn’t scary, mind you…)–it makes me want to reach back and give both of you crazy kids a big hug and tell you it’s all going to work out in the end. (In a warped way, it’s good to know you both had relatives willing to help you bail if it came to that, even though it didn’t–it’s always a relief to realize someone’s got your back in a tough situation.) Happy anniversary, and may you have twice as many more!

  82. Mazel tov! Your picture is gorgeous!! You said your dress was ridiculous and huge, so I was thinkjust no Carrie Fishers dress in When Harry Met Sally! Yours is dated, but truly pretty!

  83. Now we all know what Hailey will look like on her wedding day. I know, bite my tongue!
    My husband’s dad told him to “always get the last word in. Yes, dear!” My mother offered us $2000 to “just elope so we don’t have to go through all that wedding nonsense.” Yeah, she’s a peach.
    Happy Anniversary!

  84. NO way we have the same anniversary! My last name pronounced Freed, I always say I was “freed” on the 4th of july. Yesterday was our 20th! You’re a year ahead. Congrats!

  85. Congrats to you both! An amazing accomplishment in this day and age.
    My husband and I will celebrate 15 years this August, and I told him 5 years ago on our 10th that I was expecting a giant metal chicken for our 15th anniversary. We’ll see if he remembers.

    P.S. You were legal in Canada 2 years ago at 19 🙂

  86. Happy anniversary! My folks are celebrating their 52nd today. (And they had the same conversations 52 years ago.)

  87. Did Debbie from Napoleon Dynamite make your dress from her prom dress pattern? I like the sleeves…they’re real big!

  88. …and if so, I bet you got your wedding photos from Glamor Shots By Deb

  89. I once read in a novel that marriage is a form of insanity–love hovering permanently on the edge of aggravation! Made me laugh ’cause it’s kind of true!!

  90. Been living together over 35 years (married, for the insurance of course, over 31). We have an agreement…if we ever leave each other the loser of Rock-Paper-Scissors has to get in the back seat.

  91. Apparently, then, that IS how this works, Victor! Happy anniversary!

  92. Adorable, you two! Congrats……………and may I be so rude to as who the other young man in the photo is? (I dunno….. maybe you have one of “those” marriages…… )

  93. what i say to everyone on their anniversary – “What were you thinking”????.

    still newbies at only 15 yrs. feels like 40…. Wait, did i just say that out loud?

  94. I think I had the same wedding dress. Seriously. My 28th anniversary is on Saturday.

  95. Hey! You said in your book that the dress was a frothy-Scarlett-O’hara nightmare… It actually looks really pretty on you!

  96. I rarely comment but this is HILARIOUS. Congrats to both of you for finding someone who understands your sense of humor. May you have another 21 years together. And another 21 after that… ok, at some point that wish gets awkward. Keep living, loving, and laughing together.

  97. Happy Anniversary! You both look so young. Are you sure it was legal? Very pretty!

  98. Happy Anniversary! You both look so pretty and handsome but young. Hopefully you were both legal age.

  99. If that really was a 90s comedy (the whole bailing out thing) then I’d totally watch it- I bet you’re glad you didn’t run though. Happy Anniversary! 🙂

  100. Happy Anniversary. Beautiful. I am glad you chose to be born and chose each other. What an amazing journey you have been on and the best part is you get to share it with all of us. Cheers.

  101. Well you should certainly drink to that, and write your romantic comedy. It’s a great story line!

  102. Happy anniversary! I think you are wearing my wedding dress…or one very much like it. Ya’ll look too young to be getting married.

  103. Doh! – I read “finally old enough to drink” as meaning aged like fine scotch, and wondered where you could possibly go with that metaphor, but finally grasped that this is a post about an awesome love story, not a seminar on metaphors for marriage. Congratulations. You were fortunate they allowed child marriage in your state, so you have many more years together still in front of you.

  104. Happy anniversary and congrats! Something was bothering me about your post title “our marriage is finally legal” and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I realized that I just finished reading your first book (Let’s Pretend This Never Happened) in which all sorts of odd and outrageous things happened in your life so far, and I think that I was waiting for the punch line of how your marriage is now legal because you accidentally weren’t really married all these years. Some technicality or something. That would fit with the book! (Really enjoyed the book – love your sense of humor and the dose of reality.) Now that I’ve figured out what was bothering me, I can just be happy that you’ve been married 21 years!

  105. Happy Anniversary! You both are lucky to have found each other. And you both are so cute!

  106. Jenny, you and Victor look so young! You both look like kids in your wedding pictures. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples (even though I’ve never met you in person). I love your blog and your books. God bless.

  107. I just realized that if you added my three marriages together it would be 25 years. Does that count? What’s the official gift for a 25 year anniversary spread over three relationships like multiple credit cards reaching their max limit?

  108. Loving that young puppy look we all have when we get married . . . the one that disappears after children, mortgage, taxes . . . oh, I need a drink:).

  109. Joyeaux anniversaire! I thought I’d say it in French to be all fancy for your big day. Which is now several days ago. But the sentiment is the same. 🙂 #alwayslatetotheparty

  110. Damn, girl–you’ve aged well! Or I should say, not at all!!! It’s official, then. Jenny’s a vampire. No idea how that translates to your own blood mysteriously disappearing, but I’m no good with math.

    Happy Anniversary!

  111. Congratulations!
    Remember when you could get married in a wedding dress with sleeves?

  112. I wound up in Mexico, but that was before I met my husband. Crazy times those seventies! We were recently married 43 years! Congrats to you both!……..jen

  113. I was more than happy to search out this internet-site.I needed to thanks on your time for this glorious read!! I definitely having fun with every little little bit of it and I’ve you bookmarked to take a look at new stuff you weblog post.

  114. Nothing taste better than fine wine and nothing lasts better than what has endured time

    This is so lovely and you look lovely together


  115. Aww you guys look so happy. You give me hope that I might find my own victor someday.

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