If you’re reading this, you win.


If you are reading this, you win.

If you are reading this it means you’re here.  It means that you’ve made it through the bullshit that life has thrown at you.  It means you’re still surviving.  It means that you are stronger than every bad thing that has ever tried to take you down.

It means that you are brave.  And strong.  Stronger than you think.

It means that you are broken.  Because you can’t get through it all without being touched by challenges you’ve fought through, and are still fighting through.  But broken is okay.  As Leonard Cohen said, the cracks, after all, are how the light gets in.

If you are reading this it means that you have touched people.  That you have helped others in so many ways.  In reading this you remind me that my words are important…that my struggle is worth it.  You make differences every day without even knowing it.

If you are reading this you probably feel guilty.  You have screwed up.  You regret.  That’s okay.  That’s how you grow.  That’s how you learn.  If you have regrets it means that you care, and that same empathy and introspection are what make you compassionate and kind.

If you are reading this I love you.  Even if I haven’t met you yet.  Even if we never meet.  There aren’t enough of us out there in the world…the misfits and the weirdos.  Stick around. Be my friend.  And I will be yours.  Forever, if you are reading this.

584 thoughts on “If you’re reading this, you win.

Read comments below or add one.

  1. Jenny – Please keep talking. I need this more than anything right now. Sometimes it hurts so much. Please keep your voice loud.

  2. And we love you. We always have and we always will.
    You have given us all a home and a family.
    I, for one, am eternally grateful for that.

  3. Love you Jenny. Needed this today. And reading what you post always makes me feel like a winner!

    P.S. I need photos for a book idea. Titled “the shenanigans of Belligerent Squirrels – Volume 1”. Can you help??? Xoxo

  4. We all adore you and so grateful for the light you shine on our crazy little band of misfits and weirdos! Keep fighting the good fight – we’ll always have your back!

  5. You are truly awesome.
    I felt you wrote this just for me.
    It is so good to know we are not alone; although so much of the time we feel we are.
    Like being in a crowded room and still feeling alone.
    You really touched me today. Thank you.

  6. This made me weep. I have been so down on myself, feeling so helpless despite feeling grateful for the abundance I have. (No, I’m not a suicide risk.) It’s like Sisyphus trying to roll the damn boulder up the hill. How many times, knowing it will roll down again? Before you’re #justtooflattened? Thank you, thank you. Because you are right.

  7. I wish I was worth even a fraction of this. I’ll keep trying. Thank you for being you and for helping me try to be better.

  8. Thank you, Jenny, for reminding me that broken is okay. If you read this, know that you have helped me and countless others. Don’t ever stop being you.

  9. You’re an impossibly awesome collision of overcome obstacles, constant revisions, and all the right reasons to get out of bed.
    Your heart is the best-written book that I’ve read
    -Dallas Clayton

  10. We met once, a few years ago. I broke down completely because I wanted to say so many of these thing to you but I couldn’t get my brain to work. I love you too.

  11. Thank you for all you do, Jenny. Both of my kids are “weirdos” and “others” — one has severe social anxiety and the other is on the autism spectrum. I have read your books with both of them, and it healed parts of them that couldn’t be reached before. We love you!

  12. ❤️ to you! I’ve recently started reading poetry by Nikita Gill. She is magic, and her words pick me up and dust me off the way yours do. In case you need any book recommendations.

  13. The greatest advice you have ever given is “depression lies”. I know it helps you, but you probably can’t imagine how many other people you have touched with those two little words. And with living them every day for all of us to see.

  14. I needed to hear this today. I’m sitting here crying, just recognizing myself in these words. I hate my life right now – everything seems to be going wrong. I’m trying to organize my thoughts enough to make changes in my life so that I don’t hate it. But it’s just so much sometimes.

  15. You sometimes almost make me cry, and that’s fine.
    Sending mutually loving hugs.

    You are the best user of this inter-thing.

  16. I met you one night while I was in pain. You, somehow, relieved that pain and kept me company. For this I thank you and I love you! Be strong, I will be with you even if I’m miles away and probably I will never never meet you in person. But if you ever want to come to Naples, remember that you have a fun and a friend there. Love from Italy.

  17. This made me smile and cry at the same time. Thank you for all you do and are. We love you right back.

  18. This made me cry happy tears. Thank you so much. I am so grateful to be part of this community of broken people, because I am broken too.

  19. I just got home to my house being burgled for the 2nd time in just over a month.
    These words were truly cosmic and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you, and we love you so ♥️

  20. Love you, Jenny. I’m glad to be here and I’m glad you all are here as well.
    I’d give you all hugs, fam, so whenever you are in or around DC, hit me up for one. <3

  21. Thank you, Jenny. Like many others have already said, I really needed this, and today in particular. The light is having trouble getting through the cracks…

  22. Thank you! You are all over my house, your 2019 calendar in the kitchen, and my most loved Furiously Happy raccoon bag hanging on the coat rack makes me smile every time I walk into the room. The joy you give is real.

  23. Broken … scarred … bruised … but oh, so FIERCE. Nothing is taking me down. And none of the rest of this tribe either, because together we are awesome. Thank you, Jenny, for reminding us.

  24. This weekend I went to my first Drag event, which was endless amounts of fun. At the close of the event, one of the artists announced “We don’t always hear ‘I love you’ from enough people…so, if you haven’t heard it from anyone today, please know that I love you.” It was a touching moment, and meant a lot. So, I send you, and everyone here, my love. I love you.

  25. I needed this today…. the last year, plus a little more, I’ve been suffering from PTSD, and anxiety. I’ve always had the latter, especially social anxiety, but the PTSD is new. Let’s just say that someone I thought was a friend turned out to be something else…. I’ve been working with a therapist, and I’m in the process of getting a service dog since I’m too afraid to do anything alone, and my friends can’t be at my beck and call, 24/7, and I need to be able to start to regain my life. Thank you for this post, because it reminds me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel if I keep walking

  26. Aw shucks! Right back at ya. We can tell the world has served you a beat down lately. Don’t
    think for a minute that it’s your fault. Be good to you and yours. Sending good energy.

  27. That is beautiful and was much needed right now. Thank you, Jenny. I love you, too, and the world is better for your words and all of our weirdness. 😊

  28. I AM here. I HAVE survived the bs, and I continue to survive it on the daily. And we HAVE met, and I loved you BEFORE we met, and I do and will still love you forever, until there’s no more of me left to give or receive love. Thank you, Jenny.

  29.         Thanks for this post. Today's my birthday and I am alone. Depression is such a bitch and I have been a hermit for 15 years now. Agoraphobia is horrible four days of the year. (Christmas, birthday, mother's day and Thanksgiving.)        

    (Check your email. I sent you something. ~ Jenny)

  30. Right back at ya! Love you too, especially your weirdness. In fact, it’s that weirdness that first drew me to you. Love following you and your family. Wishing you the best, always. ❤️

  31. Jeez, crying.. Again.
    What I would give to hear these words from ‘RL friends’.
    ❤️💡💌 Thank you.

  32. By finding your works and the others that love you we have all won. I know that I’m not alone in being different. I know that doing the things that make me happy may not always seem like the best idea to other and that’s ok. I’ll wear a tiara and dye my hair in rainbow colors because that’s what makes me me and not a weirdo and I know this clan accepts me as I am. Thank you!

  33. Thank you for this. On a day where I’m feeling unwanted and unloveable, I’m so glad I read this.

  34. Thank you, Jenny.

    I am so, so tired. I can feel it all in my bones. This made it feel a little better. Gravity lightened a little bit.

    Thank you for that.

  35. Thank you and I love you too. I have since I first read “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” and fell in love with your crazy spirit and sense of humor.

  36. Thank you so much – this is exactly what I needed to hear this day. I love you too. Always. Thank you!

  37. Reading this reminded me of something else I read today, or thought of, but I couldn’t quite get the image of the thought into focus. But, it doesn’t matter, does it? We are all here. That’s the thing that matters. Thank you for bringing us all together. I love you all, too.

  38. I really, really, really needed to read this today. Thank you for sending this shooting into my universe. 🙂

  39. “There aren’t enough of us out there in the world…the misfits and the weirdos.” AMEN. Thank you. <3

  40. Your words have taught me that my words matter. Your words have taught me not to be ashamed. You taught me that I can be strong. You’ve given me so much! We’ve never met but I honestly consider you to be one of my best friends. You’ve saved my life so many times when nothing and no one else could. You’re my superhero!

  41. Thanks for making me sob at my desk (as if that didn’t happen enough being 21 weeks pregnant). But thank you. I needed this and didn’t even know it. Sending you love from one weirdo to another. xoxo

  42. Jenny, I have to tell you. My 11-year-old daughter was suicidal. I bought Furiously Happy because someone recommended it as uplifting. As I read your stories about your struggles with mental health, I would read passages of the book to my daughter. She laughed. She asked me to read more. Soon. She asked me to buy her some clothes. Not conventional clothes, things like sweatshirts with a cat eating pizza on it. I asked her why and she told me that this was her way of being furiously happy. It’s been about six months and she is doing much better. Hearing your struggles and willingness to seize life and embrace your weird side helped her to see her own weirdness as her being herself and not as her being unworthy. It is still a struggle, and will always be a struggle, but I wanted you to know your book made a difference. Thank you for your books and your blog posts.

  43. Lovely. I, and the collective “we”, love you, too. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  44. ❤️. Thank you for that today. My favorite Leonard Cohen lyric, too. And I hope your week is a little brighter this week.

  45. Love you back. Thanks for reminding me the cracks are where the light gets in. I needed that this week.

  46. And I will be here loving you right back ❤️ We may never meet but you have held my heart and my hand and that’s what I call a friend.

  47. This can be changed, in your case, to “if you are WRITING this, you win”…..

  48. I needed this today. My daughter is 17 and has depression. The last five years have been quite a ride, sometimes we see the light, often we don’t. We’ve learned so much as a family about depression and anxiety. Thank you so much for being so outspoken about mental illness and that it’s ok. My daughter is currently in a good spot and is learning how to cope although it’s taken years. I know we haven’t won the battle but I know she will be ok.

  49. Thank you, and YOU are loved, very much. Keep doing you, girl. You got this.

  50. Thank you, Jenny♡♡
    If you are reading this you are loved and have been of vast importance to many beautifully cracked souls.

  51. Thank you, Jenny. It’s been a difficult week so your timing couldn’t be better. I hope you know how much your words help others. ❤️

  52. Oh, my fellow misfit and weirdo, I love you too!! And I will be here for you, whatever you need, whenever you need it.

  53. Love you too, Jenny. Thank you for all you do and all you say – it makes the world a kinder place.

  54. I think this quote I saw once somewhere on the internet is applicable here: “The Bible says ‘God never gives you more than you can handle.’ Apparently, God thinks I’m a badass.” We are all the things you said, Jenny. We are also all badasses. 🙂 <3

  55. Thank you for this, Jenny. I’ve been struggling this week and your words always bring me comfort. I appreciate it so very much. ❤️

  56. Thanks Jenny! I’ve been in bed for the last 5 hours with a migraine, and my home in Minnesota is about to get hit by -30 degree temps for the next 2 days! Waking up (at 3pm, haha) after battling this migraine felt like being hit by a brick, so I absolutley felt like I was losing at life, and then here you are, reminding me I’m actually a winner! And you’re right, which seems crazy, but you’re right! Like you said in your book, if you’re still alive, you’re better than ANY person who is dead, becasue they can’t change a thing any more. WE can still make the world a better place, simply because we’re still fighting 🙂

  57. I love you too. Needed to hear that today. We all bring something to this world, and have to remember that. xo

  58. Feeling the love girly, and you win too because you are here – thank goodness for that!

  59. As I pack up yet another place that was just a stop and not a home — I needed this today. Very badly. <3 thank you for all you do, the words you write, for being a friend on the internet for nearly a decade. I wouldn’t be doing it without you.

  60. Thanks for these words. They are Just what I needed to read after a really really bad day.
    Love you for your kindness Jenny

  61. I love this! Thank you.
    As I get older that guilt and regret pile just keeps getting bigger.
    Somme days it feels too big, but I think I’m learning from it…I hope I am.

  62. As I was driving home from work yesterday, I suddenly got it into my head to group and count every single thing in my life that didn’t go the way I foresaw (and wanted it to) in my youth. The list was painfully long and I was starting to feel pretty sorry for myself until I remembered I’m not homeless. So, there’s one good thing. If I squint, I’m sure I’ll be able to see more good things. Thank you for your kind words, Jenny. Today and every day.

  63. Thank you. I needed this today. I don’t know what’s going on in my head and I fear it’s a revolt due to hormones. Damn squirrels.

  64. I really needed this. I am alone on the other side of the world from everything I know. I was thinking of ending it tonight. I’m all alone because my depression has caused me to isolate so much. This is all I have. Thank you.

  65. I just finished a book where the author gave you a shout out! It was cool that I knew to who she was referring. 44 Chapters About 4 Men by BB Easton.

  66. Thanks, I needed to be reminded of all that today while writing up something personal for a thing tomorrow. I’ve only ever met you once and I said thank you then, but I feel like thanks need to be spread around more. And love, and compassion. Lots of stuff, really.

  67. It was misfits and weirdos what saved the world… (said in my best Samwise voice).

  68. Jenny, you touched my heart with your beautiful writing,I don’t feel so alone. The other thing I feel is so protective of all of our little hearts and souls on this earth. I just read that neuro-scientists prescribe the beach, three times a year for the brain! Greatest news i have heard this year, haha.

  69. I do win. Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for sharing your journey and letting me know I’m not alone in how I feel at any given moment. Your words are so powerful. ❤️

  70. A friend of mine lost her son just before Christmas. I’ve copied this to her, thank you Jenny.

  71. I love you to the moon and back, and send you big hugz and healing purrs and head bonks and ankle rubs (yes, i’m a crazy cat lady) and as a “mental health professional” and as a simple hoomin being i think you are ahMAAAAAAzing and one of the most lovely people on this planet. Sorry for your recent trials, and so glad to have you back!!!!!

  72. Thanks, Jenny!
    It’s normal to go through hell in one way or another at some time in our lives, for some of us many times, and it’s normal to have all the negative feelings you’ve talked about. It’s normal to be broken. Normal, ordinary people are astonishing to contemplate in terms of what we can survive and overcome.
    The question is, when these things happen, what do we do with them?
    Once, walking past an art gallery, I noticed some interesting sculptures in the window. I went in, and it was a whole showing by one artist. It was all found object art. I’d never heard of that, but he explained that he had two rules: (1) all his materials had to be things he just found, broken, on vacant lots, in the street, and so on, and (2) he wasn’t allowed to break anything to use it – it had to be already broken when he found it.
    That seems like a good metaphor for God or a Higher Power or the universe or whatever people believe in. When the bad things happen they aren’t because they’re God’s will – they’re either because of someone’s free will being misused, or because shit just happens.
    We can use the breakage because it gives us knowledge we can’t get any other way, and we can use that knowledge to help ourselves and others. We can talk with someone going through something like what we’ve gone through, and just by letting them know they’re not alone, we can offer comfort; if we’ve learned ways to cope and heal we can offer those too.
    The people who’ve done the most to make the world better, or worse, have all been broken people. It’s all a question of what we do with it.
    You’ve done more than most to make this a better world and reached more people than most. Thanks again, and keep it up. We’re with you.

  73. I love you too. I am grateful to have found you and that you are part of my life.
    Thank you Dear Jenny for your inspiration, generosity and kindness.

  74. Jenny, I see part of your life; the part that you chose to share, and I DO feel that we’re friends. I may never get the chance to meet you face-to-face, but through the wonders of this electronic world, we can meet and I can share your joy and sorrow and worry at know I’m not alone in mine. That’s what friends do. Hugs to you, my friend.

  75. Never felt like I belonged anywhere, until I found you and your group of weirdos. group hug

  76. I do a guided meditation that includes the line, “As long as the body is breathing, there is more right with it than wrong with it.” That always makes me grin … or cry. But it’s true.

  77. Jenny, I really needed this today! I love you and I like you although we’ve never met.

  78. Thank you so much Jenny. You have had such an impact on my life. You help me to see that things will always get better. You have helped me to see that sometimes I just need to hear that everything will be ok. I respect and admire how you are willing to put your heart out there for others to see. You are a kind soul for giving us the gift of hope. I will say that I love you just because you are you. Thank you for your generosity.

  79. Hi and thank you for being you. Wanted to share a quote with every one. “If you don’t heal what hurts you,you’ll bleed on people who didn’t hurt you.”

  80. Thank you so much Jenny. You have had such an impact on my life. You help me to see that things will always get better. You have helped me to see that sometimes I just need to hear that everything will be ok. I respect and admire how you are willing to put your heart out there for others to see. You are a kind soul for giving us the gift of hope. I will say that I love you just because you are you. Thank you for your generosity. 😎

  81. We’ve met twice at your book signings….we’re friends dammit! Much love to you and your family.

  82. Damn. You always make me feel like you do know me personally. And like I know you, too. Which is false. But still true at the same time. Like that invisible thread that ties us all together in this world twinkle once in a while when you’re not looking at it face on. Because you were laughing your ass off at F-ING Jenkins or telling a friend who is sad, “you need to read this book, here, meet my friend Jenny.” Or you see it twinkle and connect us when you’re up during wee hours worried about your own child and read a post about magical, terrifyingly brilliant Hailey. Damn, Jenny. Thank you for twinkling today. I see it.

  83. Thanks Jenny. I just had to have my cat put down today so this was really nice to read, especially today. Thank you for all that you do.

  84. This community is my safe space. Thank you Jenny for bringing us all together. I feel I know you and I know I love you for being the person you are.

  85. Now I’m wondering if you’re psychic, or there’s some planetary conjunction going on, cos I really needed this today. Like, right now. Thank you. Lots of love and awkward introverted anxiety from here…

  86. I am sure you will never read this, but you caught me when I was at my most broken. How did you know? I have RA too and some days I do not know how or if I can go on. You understand the pain one endures. Every day is a battle of mind, body and spirit. My heart goes out to you, with all of its broken pieces….you are a shining star.

  87. Thank you, Jenny. ♥️😍
    The weirdos and the misfits are my kind of people, my tribe.

  88. Thank you, and I love you (and all my fellow readers) too! This morning was a whirlwind, but this afternoon is getting better for me. May everyone else’s afternoons and evenings get better too.

  89. Jenny I’ve read your blog for so long now but this specific post speaks to me more than any other one ever. Thank you. I needed this today.

  90. Needed to hear this so badly today, thank you! Damn prednisone messing with my emotions!
    It helps so much to know this is a thing, a real thing, and not just me .. if that makes sense. Thank you and we love you and your family and wish everyone well. Hugs.

  91. Thank you. I didn’t know how much I needed you today. It’s as if you got into my head and softly patted. Thank you. I hope you someday realize how powerful you are. Thank you.

  92. Oh my goodness. You touched my heart so deeply. You really are a gift to all of us. May you be blessed. 💖

  93. As I sit in a hospital room, praying over my husband, wondering if cancer is our battle, and will he die at 50, I needed these words. Thank you for reminding me that I am stronger than my circumstances and that God’s got this for me.

  94. Love to you and your family Jenny. And to everyone else who’s broken too. Maybe if we plug all our broken selves together we can help hold each other up so we feel a bit more whole xx

  95. Many thanks. Been having an existence ache that isn’t super lovely. You are awesome and though I’ll not likely ever meet you, it is a powerful positive influence you have.

  96. I’ve written and rewritten this comment an absurd number of times, but I can’t say all I want to, so I’ll just go with this: your blog and your books saved my life, and you continue to make that life brighter and better through posts like this and videos of your pets and random tweets. Thank you. So much.

  97. There is a metric shit-ton of love to in your orbit. Thank you for letting me be part of it and for sharing yourself with the rest of us.

  98. I cannot thank you enough for this. Currently going through a miscarriage and feeling so lonely and down. These words were like a hand pulling me up out of the water.

  99. The misfits and weirdoes are my people. You are my people <3. Thank you for always being an encouraging light!

  100. Love you right back Jenny! Your words have gotten me through many tough times. xo

  101. We are all so beautifully broken. Sometimes the darkness overwhelms me, but I’ve learned that the light will return. Sometimes it’s just the tiniest sliver in the distance, but as long as I can focus on that little shard, I know I’ll find my way back to the living. I hope you have many bright cracks in the dark to guide your way.

  102. What if you’re not the weirdo when you’re the kid that did everything right. What if you’re the kid that got into an amazing college and had perfect boyfriends. What if the your the girl that has held in her abuse for many years. What if you’re the girl who is molested by a family member. What if you’re the girl the continually that is told their life is perfect. You don’t tattle because every time you have as an adult it has been thrown in your face. Because it is easier having people believe in you and route for you. I could care less about being pretty or popular. Maybe I should have been the weirdo

  103. I read your work always. It always touches my heart and makes me feel that I’m not alone. Thank you for your words today ~ you are most likely right, we’ll never meet ~ but that doesn’t mean there is no connection. Thank you for that. sgh

  104. Thank you for reminding me that broken is okay. I lost my husband 2 months ago and my daughter 2 years ago- both on Tuesdays. I needed to win today!

  105. I know everyone thinks you wrote that for them but I know you wrote it for me and I appreciate it. 🙂 Love you, too. Definitely more due to the light coming through the cracks.

  106. Thank you, Jenny. I love you, too. I fall asleep listening to your audiobooks. Every night. It helps. YOU help.

  107. Your daughter is so fortunate to have you as her mother. . . the lessons you’re teaching her about self acceptance, self appreciation, and not letting the whims of other’s get you down. These gifts will carry her far in this world. Bravo!
    I wish my mother had been capable of viewing herself, or me, with such grace. I guess when you know better, you do better.
    So thank you, Jenny, for your words, your humor, your spirit. Yes, we’ll likely never meet, but count me in on your team.

  108. Decided to go back on my anti-depressants on Monday. Just having the prescription in my pocket eased some of my feelings because I knew it would get better.

  109. I absolutely love this message- there are times when I feel alone and then I read a message like this or talk to someone and know that I am okay. I wish I could share that with you as well.

  110. This is so beautiful. I started and deleted many comments, because none of them sounded “right”. Just…thank you, Jenny. Thank you.

  111. Thank you, Jenny.
    Sometimes, you’re the cracks.
    Sometimes, you’re the light.
    Love, always.
    Your online family of misfits and weirdos.

  112. I don’t know how you knew that I needed, very badly, to read this today. But somehow you did. Thank you for your kindness and generosity and beautiful words. From the bottom of my heart.

  113. you have no idea, how much. i . needed . this. today. thank you – with all my heart.

  114. I listened to both of your books all summer because it kept me going to hear someone say, with such conviction, that I mattered and it’s okay to be broken. Seriously, I’d finish it and just start it over. Thank you Jenny. and thank you for all the cat posts as it makes my heart Happy 😽😽😽

  115. I’ve a Spotify playlist of songs that I will listen to on repeat for weeks, even months at a time; sometimes when I’m commuting the ridiculous 84 miles one way to HQ, I’ll listen to one song on a loop and sing until my voice is cracking. One of those songs is “This Is Me” from the movie The Greatest Showman; the other is “Audition (The Fools Who Dream)” from the movie La La Land.

    (…somehow I still haven’t watched either movie? I need to remedy this.)

    Lines from both songs cross my mind frequently when I read your posts or watch your videos on Instagram, but the bridge and chorus from La La Land’s “Audition” seems particularly apropos right now:
    She told me
    “A bit of madness is key
    To give us new colors to see
    Who knows where it will lead us?
    And that’s why they need us”
    So bring on the rebels
    The ripples from pebbles
    The painters, and poets, and plays
    And here’s to the fools who dream
    Crazy as they may seem
    Here’s to the hearts that break
    Here’s to the mess we make

    Oh and hey. I love you too.

  116. I’ve never responded to any of your posts, but this time I knew I couldn’t not. I can’t not say thank you, for making us laugh, cry, and working through this crazy thing called life with us if even at a distance. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

  117. Thanks so much Jenny! You’re the best. Sending love right back at you and all you love.

  118. You have our hearts, and we’ve got your back (a wonderful quote shamelessly stolen from the British crime dramedy “No Offence”).

  119. I’m sending your first book to a nurse at the hospital where I had surgery, I know she’ll love you too. Her kindness and humor got me through the horror

  120. Jenny, how did you know? In the middle of one of the worst weeks of my life you make it, not all okay, but survivable and me worth it. I love you my forever friend.

  121. Thank you! I ❤️ you, too. You’ve taught me to own my stuff and that laughter is healing.

  122. Loving your words.. I often feel guilty, like I can never do enough, can never do things right. Then I feel guilty for feeling guilty. I’ve never heard anyone talk about guilt as the result of caring before. I’ll be thinking about this post for quite a while.

  123. Thank you for being you and making this a safe spot to struggle and be open about struggling! Much love and respect and hugs and chocolate and and and

  124. I love you too Jenny. Thank you for being perfectly, imperfect you and helping me know it’s ok to be perfectly, imperfect me.

  125. Thank you. Thank you for getting it. I wish everyone understood that life works like that. My husband doesn’t seem to get it. Empathy seems to escape him.

  126. I needed to hear this today!! It has been a crazy day and my emotions are all over the place. And I’m super jealous of the normals right now.

  127. we all have our own beauty and weirdness and issues and thanks for helping us see we are okay and love each other—AND I love you right back xoxo

  128. Needed this right at this very moment. Thank you ♥️
    Jenny Lawson for Patron Saint of those suffering from mental illness!!

  129. This post made me cry.
    This post was exactly what I needed to read, at EXACTLY this moment.
    This post made me feel seen.
    This post made me feel like I matter.
    This post made me feel not alone.
    This post made me a teeny tiny bit less afraid.
    This post made me know where my tribe is.
    I love you and every single person who read your post, those who felt brave enough to comment, those who didn’t.
    This post made me want to comment even though I don’t feel brave.
    I never feel brave.
    But I feel love.

  130. I needed this today. Today, in an absolute clusterfuck moment, my husband gave our dog one of the antidepressants I hadn’t started taking yet, instead of her post-surgery antibiotics. A potentially lethal dosage roughly 40X what a vet might have given her under other circumstances. I didn’t discover it until four hours later. Induced vomiting. We’re in “all we can do now is wait and see” mode. It’s going to be another loooooooong night.

  131. Thank you for being here, Jenny. You bring a lot of us hope even when I know you’re going through your own stuff. Hugs to you, so many hugs!

  132. You’re the sister I never had, the mother I lost too soon, the daughter who didn’t happen and a best friend I adore and cheer for. Always–

  133. Today I saw a documentary about the making of the musical ‘Muriels’s Wedding’, based on the film of the same name, and it made me think of you and this wonderful tribe of misfits. Watching that film the first time was such a relief, I finally knew I wasn’t the only one. Reading your books and blogs makes me feel the same, reading other’s responses makes me feel part of something bigger and I feel less alone. (I also found out from the documentary that the story was based on the reality of one person, so I now know other people have families like mine).

    Thank you Jenny, for sticking with it all, even when it gets really tough. You are also stronger than you think.

  134. Love you too, Jenny – and if I ever have the chance to meet you, I’d be ecstatic. Thank you for your messages of love and kindness. ❤️

  135. I’m honored to be your friend. I’ve been depressed and Netflix binging for over a week, and while I do that, I’ve been coloring in “You Are Here.” It has made things a little bit less painful, so thanks.

  136. Very nice of you to put your blog out there. By the way, I think the hero of your first book was your father. Quite a chartacter.
    Enjoyed it very much.

  137. I had my first mental health appointment today. I’m terrified but it’s long overdue. Watching you gave me the courage to make the appointments and go. Thank you. You are a wonderful human Jenny.

  138. I just want you to know I think you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your self with us.

  139. Thank you! I really needed this today. Sometimes it is hard to remember that life is actually better if you stay in it

  140. First of all this worries me aand I hope you are ok.
    Secondly I don’t happen to be able to believe you right now.
    Not brave, not strong, just being swept along :/
    But thank you for the sentiment

  141. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Sometimes we just need people to be with us either in person or from afar, but in touch. Recently lost my mom after a long battle with congestive heart failure So thankful for those who truly stepped up, especially those who I would not have expected to do anything. But truly dismayed by those who I thought would be there and were not. Stay strong and be my friend. Lean on those near and far who stay in touch.

  142. Thank you so much, Jenny. Your unseen family of internet misfits and weirdos loves you.

  143. Can’t stop crying, but it’s ok. Been holding it in for a while….thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have such a beautiful soul it shines through the pain❤️💙

  144. Thank you for this & I hope you’re ok. Based on the stuff you’ve posted recently, it sounds like you’re going through hell. Doesn’t it seem like God makes a bargain with us? Like, “I’ll give you an amazing sense of humor or X talent or Y talent, but in return, you’ll be fighting demons for most of your life” And though we aren’t capable of making deals as an unborn baby we’re like, “Fuck yeah! Sign me up G!” You are the only humor blogger/writer I can think of that has taken a crappy hand of cards (aka mental illness) and found the funny/gift that it can be. Does that make sense or do I sound like a real ass hole right now? You’ve saved so many people and you have many more to save.

  145. You touch my heart. And I needed this this week.

    For all you’ve been through and are going through – love and hugs.

  146. Have you ever gone to church and been convinced that the minister had somehow psychically lured you there because the sermon was exactly what you needed to hear? Preach on Sister Jenny! I cherish the quote that “weird is a side effect of awesome !” Keep on being awesome!! With much gratitude for the light you cast into the darkness!!

  147. Love you, Jenny! We are all superfresh candypants sugarblossom weirdos. Keep letting your light shine, you bad ass mofo!

  148. We’re friends?! Best news in a long time. Thanks, Jenny. Soo so needed that.

  149. I forwarded your post to a friend today. I hope it helps. I, of course, live a charmed life with no problems and I have never felt broken or even chipped. I also have some nice bridges for sale — one in Brooklyn, another orange one on the west coast — to anyone who believes that.


  150. Jenny, you are super-duper! Lucky V and H, and lucky us! Thanks, Sweetheart, we love you.

  151. Thank you love, for posting this. Thank you so much.

    Love you, your friend forever,
    Renee in frozen North Dakota

  152. I love you Jenny. Thank you for helping all of us through your wit, humor, and understanding. Your passage you shared is making me cry right now.

  153. What is it about this week?! My anxiety is kicking my butt. And it’s only Tuesday!! This was perfect timing on your part btw. Thank you!

  154. Thank you, Jenny. Wish I could give you a huge hug – I needed this today, too. ❤️

  155. I appreciate your remarks about feeling guilty and having regrets. Lo, I have screwed up plenty. It’s good to know there is some benefit that can come out of it. Thanks.

  156. I tell myself that while a pane of pure glass is beautiful, it’s the broken, stained ones that elicit the most respect. Let your rainbow lights shine!

  157. Tears are in my eyes. Oh how l needed to read this tonight. You are amazing and lovely and loved far more than you know.

  158. Holy crap Jenny. I gotta stop writing with my curtains open lol. Man have you nailed my mood today.
    I’m looking at a photo of my Mother who used to tell me, “I wish I had your courage.” But she died before I could tell her that she did have courage. Courage to rise above her family’s abuse and try for love, courage to have children and courage to bear a horrific loss when her son died in utero before he could be rescued thanks to arrogant doctors. She was made of courage and no one told her. Today I’m wiling her: I would not be possible without seeing you do it first.

  159. I don’t comment often, because there’s always too many for you to have to wade through. But, I have to comment on this one. I’ve told my husband for years that you and I are best friends, even if you don’t know it. And, as I finished reading this post, I turned to him and whispered, “she knows.”

  160. Your words do mean much to so many. The truth you share gives us all courage to get through our own days…persist…move on. For all of your words, I thank you.

  161. A couple years ago at a Furiously Happy book signing I gave you a bookmark I made that included the words “I’m still here.” So much has happened since then, more good than bad, and I’m happy to say that the words are still true and you still help make it possible.

  162. Thanks for reaching out 🙂 Your warmth and sense of humor is such a joy. You remind me that there is a lot of good in the world and your messages brighten my day.

  163. Thanks for reminding me that I am NOT the weirdo…its all the people talking too much and not saying anything.Stay close for us….

  164. Thanks for reminding me that ‘I’ am not the weirdo….its all the people talking too much and not saying anything. Stay close for us…

  165. You probably won’t see this because I’m way down at 400+ but that is OK.
    Thank you for being my friend. I am yours too. And I love you.

  166. years ago i was part of a bulletin board community where people would respond to each other and talk a lot. It’s shut down now. i love this site and i love the tribe and i love what you do, i just wish we read and wrote back to each other and not just hundreds of people writing back to jenny in a void

  167. Thank you. I needed this reminder more than I knew. It wasn’t until the tears came that I realized just how much I needed this reminder.<3 You are loved and greatly needed in my world. Thank you for being here.

  168. thank you for confirming my belief that I am the luckiest girl in the world. I feel so furiously happy tonight and I am in debt to you. and ever so grateful for your Presence. Much love to you.

  169. I needed this much revthan you’ll ever know. I love you too,! You are amazing and give s voice to our pain. I had my husband read “Furiously Happy” and it changed everything. He said he finally got a real glimpse into what it’s like to live in my depressed and anxious brain. ❤️

  170. You are the best. Your books and blog posts have made me laugh so much and delighted not just me, but my husband and my 12 year old daughter, who heard me laughing and sneaked a peek at my book – she was, naturally, delighted by all the swearing and the cat stories.
    I’m sorry that your beautiful family has been having such a hard time lately and I send you so much love for healing and for the deep, easeful breathing that comes after such difficulties. May the deep love you obviously have for your family be the healing that everyone needs to move forward.

  171. Thank you. This is a time I really needed it. You are appreciated more than you can know

  172. I needed this today. I’ve been struggling a lot. My anxiety has taken on a new life form. Thank you.

  173. OMG! THIS….This is just what I needed today. Just like you I’m broken. My heart is broken being born with congenital heart defects that have put me through nearly a dozen surgeries in my near 44 years walking the planet. I have cheated death 3 times in the past 4 years due to medical issues. I have broken kidneys leaving me in end-stage renal failure (terminal). I am broken because I have debilitating arthritis, especially in my spinal cord due to bone loss. The arthritis causes horrible migraines on a constant basis. There are days I can barely move. I am broken because I suffer from severe anxiety & OCD that sends my head spinning. I’m always beating myself up when I don’t do something right or perfect. I criticize myself all the time. What gives me peace & comfort is knowing that there are people out there who suffer from congenital heart disease or renal failure or arthritis or anxiety & OCD. Hugs to you! All us weirdos are just trying to hang in there!

  174. Jenny, you are so good at making us feel good about our brokenness, at helping us laugh our way through and love ourselves and our fellow brokens. Years ago, when you were still a child and I was going through my darkest years, someone named Ram Dass appeared in my world and gave me a similar gift. I would not have survived without hearing his voice (via audio tapes) every day. Thanks to him, I began to see the humor and absurdity of human civilization and to start laughing at it all rather than sink deeper into despair. I’m grateful to him, and to you, for giving the world (us) this beautiful gift. Namaste.

  175. I needed this soooo much today. My battle is autoimmune disease, not depression, but being sick all the time while trying to have a life does create bouts of sadness. Thank you for being able to turn your own struggles into light and love. I need you to hang in there, Jenny. You have no idea how much I need you, warts and all. Thank you thank you thank you.

  176. Thank you Jenny. Thank you tribe. We need each other. Let us lift each other up.

  177. Love the tribe. Misfits are unique. Unusual. Special. You, Jenny and the rest of the tribe, are all of those things. Thank you. I would be lost without you.

  178.         Well...  I'll let you in on the inside, where no one else gets to be.  I'm really tired.  I am really tired of this bullshit.  Not your blog.  This is wonderful.  I'm tired of the bullshit this fucking life has sent my way.  The last few months - since August - have been the very worst.  I don't see it getting any better.  It isn't worth it.  I'm not going to do anything overt, but I'm not going to try to prevent anything either.       

    (I’m here. I’m sending you love. Be strong. ~ Jenny)

  179. The number of posts indicates how much we love you and how you have touched each of us. Thank you for being you.

  180. You shine such a bright light in a world of darkness. Please keep on shining always. I love you too.

  181. I needed that. More than you will ever know. More than I knew!!
    Thank you for being.

  182. I needed this today. My best friend passed away three months ago today and I’ve been spiraling since then, and I just really needed something positive right now. Thanks so much Jenny 🙂

  183. Wow Jenny, this is why I introduce you to everyone I know. Somehow everyone I really know is a misfit; apparently I wear a homing beacon to signal my people.

  184. Thank you so much Jenny. I’m torn though, because I feel like aww you’re so sweet to say that, but also want to say, nah you don’t know what you are saying.

  185. You WILL be ours, and we love you. <3

    I just had to surrender a huge dream that I have been working toward for decades, because of my health. And I am grieving. But you help make it better. That’s an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us, Jenny.

  186. Also this:
    Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive
    Do every stupid thing to try to drive the dark away
    Let people call you crazy for the choices that you make
    Climb limits past the limits
    Jump in front of trains all day
    And stay alive
    Just stay alive

  187. Of all the days, this coudn’t come at a better time. Thank you Jenny, I love you too ♥♥♥

  188. It’s 2 am and I’m in a hospital bed for the 5th night feeling miserable. I needed this post. Love you, Jenny.

  189. Thank you so much for this tonight and all the nights, Jenny. You are an amazing human being. xoxox

  190. Thank you for making me cry happy Tears. Those are Always the best, just like you.
    I love you,too

  191. Thank you. I love you forever too…even if we never meet, you have become a friend and someone I care about. Thank you for being you and loving me for me.

  192. Yes, Jenny my dear, we win! As do YOU! Thanks for still playing, for showing up for us, for all of us for showing up for you and each other! We all win! Hooray!

  193. I never felt like I really belonged anywhere… that I was too sensitive-too quirky. A sneaky fear creeps in now and then in the back of my head even after all these years-well, maybe I’m just not enough. This fear made its home in my head long ago when I suffered emotional abuse from my dad’s side of my family growing up. I was like the ugly duckling with those people…. I was never accepted for who I was.

    Now in the present, I luckily have the right people in my life that I cherish wholeheartedly, but I don’t always feel understood…but here, I feel like I have my own little “weirdo” corner of the world. 🙂

    It’s wonderful to feel that, and it’s also encouraging to watch demonstrations of the best of humanity come to light in this space. It inspires me so much..to believe in myself, the world, and others when I forget to. Believe in the good-this place a shining example of goodness for me. Thank you, Jenny. Love you so much and everyone else here!

    “Some say the world is getting too small
    I say with kindness
    There’s room for us all
    Our world is always changing
    Every day’s a surprise
    Love can open your eyes
    In our world

    When night lays sad upon you
    Go watch a laughing sunrise
    Love can open your eyes
    In our world”

    -Ma Otter (Jim Henson)
    Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas

  194. I never usually comment but this time had to. ❤️❤️❤️this. Thank you ❤️

  195. I needed to read this sooo badly today. I’ve been up at the hospital since 1/25 praying over my dad in the ICU who may or may not live. It’s been a long & painful few days, and my husband is getting frustrated me because he is being both mom & dad to our 16 & 12 year old & doing all the things that need doing. I feel torn & scared & sad & alone & so many other bad feelings. Your words give me hope, and make me feel less alone. I know we’ve never met, but I feel like you know me better than my family sometimes. Love you Jenny, and I pray that things continue going uphill for you & your family!! 💕

  196. Beautiful message, Jenny. So important for us to stick together and validate each other, especially since it is so easy to forget to validate ourselves.

  197. You don’t know how much I needed to read this today. Love you too, stranger friend.

  198. You’re gift is putting into words so many experiences and thoughts into exactly how we feel.

  199. sobbing in corner Thanks you for your words I didn’t realize how much I needed to ‘hear’ them.

  200. Look at all these comments, Jenny. You are so loved by so many and you are changing the conversation of mental health and inner dialogue for so many people. Thank you for being a light in this darkness. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making so many misfits feel loved.

  201. I meet with my oncologist again this morning, to discuss the breast cancer that took up residence in my brain. I just finished the first stupid year of treatment in June, then had to have brain surgery on 12/21. Tomorrow, I drive to Portland, to meet with a speciaized radiation oncologist. About radiating my brain, of all the crazy nonsense. I’m not happy about any of it, but I’m reading this, and I am here. Broken, worried, angry, scared, accepting, Here. Thank you for being here, too.

  202. I crafted a long, raw comment. But then I decided to create a WordPress account and it was lost to the ether. But that’s okay. The important parts are:
    – You posted this yesterday, on my son’s 8th birthday, a day in which I was trying to feel capable but ended with feeling like a failure.
    – After my shower this morning, I looked in the bathroom mirror and thought, “I am capable, but I’m also broken.”
    – I later sat down and began to read this, but had to stop after the third paragraph because I was weeping too hard.
    – After making tea and breakfast, I came back and finished reading. I wept more. I heard my despair wonder if you were wrong, if it’s not true, if I really am too weak and just not nearly strong enough to survive all the little traumas and hardships. But I kept reading.
    – I shared this post on my Facebook page. Seeing all the other weirdos and misfits come out to share their love and support here means so much to me; I want to better recognize the ones that I know personally.
    – You have been an inspiration and source of comfort for me for years. We are already great friends; I just have to start sharing my shame, my struggles, my capability, and my resilience so that you can see me the way you have allowed us to see you.
    – I am broken and cracked with light spilling in, darkness shrinking away. Sometimes it’s the other way around. I have much to accept and learn about myself, but I know that I am grateful for you. I am grateful for your words, your journey, your presence. Thank you. Forever.

  203. You are my touchstone and my true north. I ache for you and laugh with you – sometimes at the same time! I’m so so so grateful to have found you!

  204. So lovely and timely. My son is going through some wicked anxiety and related depression and some days are so hard for him. Your gentle note is just what I want him to hear. Thank you so much for that.

  205. Jenny,
    I love you. I have the signature sticker from one of your books in a prominent position at my desk. It reminds me that I am not alone, and that I have value. Thank you so much for that. xoxo

  206. I didn’t know I needed this, this morning. I’m doing okay right now, mentally, at least I think I am, but goodness this past month has been so difficult in other ways. Sometimes I feel like I’m just going through the motions. Reading your posts, this one especially… Thank you.

  207. I read today’s post and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

    It took awhile for the air to return to my lungs and the tears to clear, darn cedar pollen.

    Thank you.

  208. You got me and my peeps right in the feels!!! <3 <3 <3 Everyone in my house…we love you…thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for loving us even when I can’t love myself<3

  209. Oh, how I needed that! I’ve been struggling the past year and not getting a whole lot of support from family. It’s been really hard to let people know what I need. But just in the last few weeks my mom–who according to her, has never felt depressed in her life–had some depression due to health issues. I really felt like there was some deeper understanding there. It’s the thing that makes her health issues less terrifying to me–we’re relating better, and that’s a gift.

  210. I just recently discovered your books. Mi Mamacita sent them to me for Christmas. I feel so lucky to have had your books cross my path. Thank you so much. Forever grateful.

  211. THANK YOU, Jenny. I needed this so much today. It’s asshole customer day here in retail land. I will never understand how people can talk to other humans the way I’ve been talked to today. I cried at work. But I managed not to walk out the door, go me!

  212. YES. Thank you. And by the way, you win extra for writing this as well as for living it.

  213. Jenny AND Leonard Cohen? I feel a little swoony…..but seriously, thank you for trying to be the light in the darkness of everybody’s life. I hope such kindness comes back to you, magnified.

  214. It’s so easy to judge ourselves harshly. Thank you for the reminder. Love always.

  215. I’m not crying…yes I am! I resemble every remark. Thank you, I needed this today ❤️

  216. Your timing is impeccable. How did you know I so desperately needed this right now. Thank you . . . from the bottom of my heart.

  217. Yesterday when you wrote this, it was my birthday. It really wasn’t a good day. I wish I had seen ithis yesterday, but today it’s just as good. Sometimes, life is weird and fun and all sorts of good things. Sometimes life is horrible. But, I AM STILL HERE. Just like you, Ms. Lawson and everyone else in the comments. We are all still here and trying to laugh through the good and the bad. So much love to all of you. You matter. You are strong. You are talented. You are worthy. You are loved. Don’t give up.

  218. Dang it, Jenny, you made me cry! LOL. Thank you for being my inspiration in this really difficult world. I know I can do, because you are doing it. I love you too!

  219. Thanks! I needed this today. It is always good to be reminded that there are other weirdos out there.

  220. I dont think you will ever know how much I truly, TRULY needed to read this. I read it, then read it again, and it’s the longest mantra I’ve ever had. Thank you.

  221. Jenny–You are fabulous!!! I consider you a friend . Have read and so enjoyed your books. Love your coloring book!! You hold a very special place in my heart though I’ve never met you. You are a blessing in this crazy world!!!

  222. Thank you. These past two weeks have been a flaming bitch. I needed this. Thank you.

  223. Thank you for being my friend. I have very few. One died on Halloween and I am still mourning her, So thanks. I know you have tons of fans and a wonderful family and support network…but I would like to be your friend too. All the way to arriving at your door with a shovel if need be. (Semi-metaphorically speaking.)

  224. ♥️ I had a dream last night from which I awoke feeling so alone. Misfits and weirdos. 🙃 thanks…I feel ever so slightly less alone now.

  225. Even if we never meet, please keep writing for all of us. Some of us need you more than you know.

  226. I read this yesterday and it helped. I read it again today and was grateful once again.
    Thank you.

  227. I can’t tell you how much this touched me. Because I am broken, and I do feel guilty, and I am so grateful for you and your words, and your willingness to share your struggles with us. I don’t feel brave, but you help me feel better. I may never meet you, but I love you!

  228. I love all you weirdos. We need to love ourselves. These moments really help. Thanks Jenny.

  229. Dear Jenny, I read your blog as if we are friends. Reading through some of your recent posts, you must have experienced a shattering or challenging life event. The perspective you write from comes from love and being humble. You share of yourself in your writings, but this post is slightly different. You talk about guilt and forgiveness of oneself for mistakes. There is one mistake that will last a lifetime. For him and for me. That guilt is not protecting your child from the hardships of life. I cannot take it back. I cannot make it better. This guilt is unbearable. What gets me through the day, are my friends who are also going through the same emotional struggles. I hope whatever you are going through, it is better now. I wish you peace and strength. Read and write on!

  230. Needed this so much today. It’s one of those “Maybe it’s time to go” days. I love you, too. So maybe not yet. Thank you for being you and sharing with us.

  231. I have a shirt that says “Stronger than you think” and I wear it when I need a boost of bad-assness. Hugs to you Jenny!

  232. thank you, thank you!! These past few days have been rough, and I keep feeling like I’m on the verge of a breakdown. I am yours forever and ever

  233. This broke me down but in a healthy way. I needed to hear all of this. Thank you for being our ambassador.

  234. Thank you so very, very much for this and every word you have evrr written. Some days, you are the person who keeps my life going. I have never met uou, but I love you.

  235. Well, i AM reading this. So it looks like you are stuck with me. Maureen from Dr Who country.

  236. There are no words grand enough to thank your for this. I needed this today. This beautiful reminder. Blessings!

  237. You are one of us, I know, you know how much this means to me. I wish everyone understood how hard it is. You gave me leaky eyes, which is a good thing. We love you Jenny.

  238. Welp, I am still here. Tonight my coping mechanism is eating a can of chocolate frosting. Sometimes it’s sleeping, sometimes it’s binge watching moving, but tonight it’s a can of chocolate frosting. I am still here.

  239. Even though we have never met YET ,I feel as if we are already friends. Your words have done so much to help me realize that I’m ok. Even on bad days,I’m ok. I’m not responsible for how other people are,only me,myself and I. I have learned how to control my crazy. As you have said we each have to do what works for us. I have my tools and know how and when I need them. Luckily the need for them i s not as often.Thank you for being you. I love you too

  240. Thank you for this. I need it. So many weird surprises lately have made me lose my bearings. Bless you.

  241. Needed this today. Thank you. Did I miss your birthday? I fought off one plague only to get hit with another, so, it is quite possible. My brain is trying to stab me today, but, you are correct. The world needs me, and all of us weirdos and misfits and broken ones. We know how it feels to be drowning in the darkness and don’t want anyone else to ever feel this low; so we are the uplifters of everyone around us. I may be a nothing, a waste of space to some, but I will keep shining my weirdo light so the other weirdos may find me, and find solace, in not being alone. Thank you for always being our lighthouse, Jenny.

  242. Can you run for Secretary of Education? Or something? Because we need more thoughts like this in the US. Well, in the universe for that matter! Keep at it, systah! Your voice, your words, are holding so many together. Strength in numbers. LOVE!

  243. Thank you.
    i’ve read your books and have laughed and cried. Now i’m going through a lot of shit where i don’t trust what my brain is saying to me. i’ve finally admitted to myself and some others that i’m struggling with mental illness and i feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed. I also feel very very helpless. I know what’s happening and i feel powerless to stop it some days. Your post gave me hope…and even though i’m sitting hear with tears in my eyes, i’m smiling. So thanks for that.

  244. Awe, you wrote that on my birthday and I didn’t see it until now. My birthday is usually the worst day of the year, not because I dread getting older, but because, like clockwork I always fall into this existential Why-the-fuck-am-I-even-alive kind of depression. I will bookmark this and look at it again next year. I want to be better about my birthday.

  245. Just read this. I was sitting in bed crying about the Groundhog’s day-like shit show that just keeps coming. Now I’m crying because you just told me I still win even though I’m broken. Just what I need to hear, just when I needed to hear it.
    I love you Jenny and everyone else in this tribe.

    Two songs that help me: 17 days and Come Home by Prince. O+>

  246. I really needed this today. I love how that works- when sometimes when you need something at a certain time it just falls in your lap. I am feeling so misunderstood lately and also so angry- that could partly be due to my monthly friend arriving today, damn her. Anyway, thanks for loving so hard. I love you harder.

  247. Needed to see this today. The cracks are how the light gets in – so true. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle and at times it’s hard to remember that – but k owing people are there and in your corner – that’s what gets us through.
    Thanks for this – you don’t know me and I don’t know you – but you’re encouraging and letting me and everyone know we aren’t alone.

  248. This touches my heart strings.. I relate and it is nice to know I am loved for me… Love you <3

  249. Please know that your books have changed my life. Please keep writing and inspiring us weirdos!
    I love you right back.

  250. I needed to hear this so much and just stumbled upon it today. Thank you!!! You’re amazing. ❤

  251. I love you, too. Keep effing going!
    P.S. — Read the first chapter re how my current living nightmare began if you’re looking for a distraction.

  252. Wonderful post. I tend to disagree with Cohen and believe the cracks are what let our light shine through. As Carl Sagan said, we are made of star stuff … how f***in’ amazing is that?

  253. Having such a hard time and I keep re-reading this post. It really helps to know I’m not alone. Thank you Jenny and thanks to all of you who are reading this. I love you all.

  254. Thank you. I needed to hear that today.
    My life has been hell and I’m scared. People seem to go away when i show my darkness so im drowing in them.

  255. I am going through the worst bout of depression since two years ago and when you wrote this post I saved it to my favorites, because I had a hunch I would need to read it again. I was right. I found it today, while at work, and I had to rush to the back to cry my eyes out. For the first time since this wave hit me, I feel that little voice in my head that says it will be ok, you will get through this, you are not alone, it has finally come back again. It might not stick around for long, but for today, you have definitely made me feel less alone today, and for that and ALL the other things you do, THANK YOU. <3

    (I am sending you so much love today. ~ Jenny)

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