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Everyone is beautiful.

And this is the post where I get all mushy about my friends. You can skip it if you want.

Earlier this week my friend & author (Katherine Center) asked my friend & photographer (Chookooloonks) to take pictures of her painting the last paragraph of her latest novel (Everyone Is Beautiful) on me while my friend & girl-I-wanna-be-when-I-grow-up (Laura Mayes) kept me distracted enough to not want to run away when I stripped down to my bathing suit. I expected to be able to write something funny about how terrible it was and to have Katherine give up completely but I never expected how therapeutic it would be to have someone write beautiful words over your scars, or cellulite, or parts you keep hidden from the rest of the world. And Chookoolooks (aka Karen Walrond) captured it so perfectly but we were all a little surprised at the response her photographs received from both men and women. She admitted that the day had seemed like a fairy tale to us but wondered why people reacted so strongly to the photographs, but I think I know.  There’s something very golden about the honest emotions of the words, and the flawed body that becomes art through the lens of a friend. I think it just reminds us all of the truth…that everyone *is* beautiful. It’s a gift for any woman who has doubted herself, and a knowing nod to any man who has “found” beauty in a girl who never saw it there herself.

(I took these pictures. Check out Karen's for the less gritty versions.)

Go.  Look.  Explore.  Watch the video.  Then go tell someone how beautiful they are.  Because for the first time in a long time I almost believe it myself.

Comment of the day: Every flawed body is art & every body is flawed – it’s a body who wishes for the best but accepts the worst that is graceful – art is oft times accidental – grace is in the acceptance of what is – not would we wish it to be…and if you don’ t believe me ask any woman over 50… ~ Suzanne

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