Site icon The Bloggess

I rinse them out first. Stop judging me.

Victor:  Why the hell did I just see Hunter S. Thomcat running into the bedroom with a bottle of pills?

me:  I think you just answered your own question.

Victor:  No, seriously.

me:  Relax, it’s empty.  I put my empty bottles on my desk to remind myself when I need to call in refills, but then he knocks them down and chases them all over the house.  Those pill bottles are his favorite toys.  Those and lasers.  That cat could not have been named better.

PS.  I’d like to clarify that neither Hunter S. Thomcat nor I would like to glorify drug use in any way.  Drugs are bad.  Unless you need them.

Much like lasers.

PPS.  Remember when this blog wasn’t half cat pictures and HST quotes?  Me either.

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