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Okay.  I totally get that women’s halloween costumes are all slightly skanky compared to men’s costumes and I don’t begrudge your personal choices in costumes, but I think we have officially crossed the line.

Body bag costumes…men vs. women:

To be fair, you can zip the hood up over the woman's face for "more coverage". Also, that thing around her neck is her "toe tag". Truth.

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


Victor suggested that if I want to leave the planet I should dress as an astronaut.  These are the costumes that popped up for me.

The name tag on the middle one is "AUSTRONAUGHTY." I couldn't even make this shit up.

They also recommended a costume for when I arrive on the moon.  It’s called “Lust in Space.”  What in the actual fuck, you guys.

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