Site icon The Bloggess

One does not simply walk into Mordor and see an angry vagina.

What it’s like being friends with non-geeky girls:

Friend: Why did you just send me a picture of an angry vagina?

me:  I didn’t.  I sent you a picture of a kick-ass cake.

friend:  No.  It was a hat.  With an angry vagina on it.

me:  It’s a cake with the Eye of Sauron on it.


quickly-becoming-not-my-friend:  The what of what?

me:  The giant, flaming eye.  From Lord of the Rings?

friend:  Really?  Looks like a vagina hat to me.

me:  Great.  Now all I can see is an irritated vagina.  You’re goddam contagious.

Friend:  Angry.  The damn thing is furious.  And why is it surrounded by Arabic?

me:  That’s Elvish.

Friend:  Sometimes I wonder why we’re friends.

me:  Sometimes I wonder the same thing.

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