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The Doctor Who post I can never write

Remember YEARS AGO (in blog years) when I tweeted that I had a crazy Doctor Who story but I couldn’t share it because then people could use it to figure out where we lived?  Well, I just moved so I can finally publish this post.  Except now that I re-read it it sounds even crazier than normal so feel free to skip it.  Also, I apologize for the plethora of Doctor Who posts this week.  I’ll get back to normal dead animal posts soon, promise.  Here’s the original post I wrote forever ago and then never posted:


You guys?  I just met The Doctor.

And he’s my vet.

First of all, EVERYONE he works with just calls him “The Doctor” and then when he came into the room he looked EXACTLY like #9 and then he handed me his card and I was all “Hang on…YOUR NAME IS ‘TIME LORD’?” and he was like “Um…the ‘I’ is soft.  It’s Tim.  Tim Lord.”  But it was pretty clear I’d broken his cover because I was all “Gallifrey this” and “sonic screwdrivers that” and then he looked a little panicky and pulled out a syringe and I started to think about Dexter, but then I remembered that The Doctor was a vet and I was there to get shots for my cat.

But then I totally didn’t remember driving home later and I’m pretty sure I probably had some crazy adventure with The Doctor for years and then he Donna Nobled me and now I just can’t remember any of it.  So then I asked Victor “What exactly was I wearing when I left?” and he had no idea because he never thinks of the possibility of me getting time-travel abducted because the man has no sense of adventure.  But then for weeks afterward whenever Victor would ask if I’d taken out the garbage I’d be all: “OH MY GOD I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN WEEKS.  I’VE BEEN HANGING OUT WITH HITLER AND MY GOD IS THAT MAN AN ASS”  and that’s a perfect excuse for pretty much anything because you can’t even argue with it.

Also, I asked The Doctor if I could post a picture of him on my blog so you wouldn’t think I was just over-imaginative and he said it was fine so now you can see why I was freaking out:

It’s fucking uncanny.  Victor agrees, but for different reasons.

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