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Letters to my sister

Emails with my sister (who is recovering from surgery and is not really a junkie):

Lisa:  I’m taking lots of Percocet and it just makes me sad.  But then I watch Arrested Development & that makes me happy.  But then I start hallucinating ghosts and stuff & that makes me confused.  Thought about going for a walk earlier, but I’m pretty sure that’s the first step to being homeless.

me:  You are terrible at being a junkie and those drugs are wasted on you.  Switch to crack, maybe?

Lisa:  I was thinking Rogaine.  If I’m going to be strung out I might as well have nice hair.

me:  I’ve always wondered if the people on Rogaine ever get insanely overgrown thickets of pubic hair?  Because how does the pill know exactly which hair you’re wanting more of?

Lisa:  Huh. How does Rogaine know where to grow?!  You wanted a mullet?  TA-DA, back hair!  French braid?  How about knuckles so hairy you don’t need gloves anymore.  Thanks, Rogaine.

me:  What if suddenly your eyebrows are like dwarf beards, and you have to braid them just to see stuff?

Lisa: Oh, but you could weave beads and stuff into the braids.

me: Or daisies.  You could have whimsical hippy eyebrows.

Lisa:  Remember when hair feathers were a thing?  I bet we could bring those back.  But now they’re eyebrow feathers.

me:  Oh, and ear hair.  MY GOD, THE EAR HAIR.  Although, I guess if you had long enough ear hair you could just super-glue it to your cheeks.  And then?  BINGO-BOINGO: Mutton-chops.

Lisa:  Except when people were like, “Nice mutton chops, lady” you probably wouldn’t be able to hear them because of all of your ear hair, and so you’d miss a lot of compliments.  And then people would think you were bitchy for not acknowledging them.

me:  That’s why I’d wear a t-shirt that says “Sorry.  I can’t hear you over all my awesomeness.  And by ‘awesomeness’ I mean ‘super-excessive ear hair’.”

Lisa:  This makes way too much sense.

me:  It’s because you’re still high.

Lisa:  Ah.  That explains it.

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