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This might be the most boring post I’ve ever written. Feel free to ignore it.

My friend Laura is working on a project where she’s looking at the desks and working spaces of bloggers and she asked if I could shoot her a picture.  I did and then I thought, “My God, I could totally post this because I always love to snoop in other people’s offices, and also because it’s a fucking ridiculously easy post and then I could just spend the time I would have spent working on a real post watching When Harry Met Sally instead, because apparently I’m the only person in America who still hasn’t seen it.”  And then I agreed with myself.  Because I am lazy.  And agreeable.

So here is my office.

This is it when we first moved in a few months ago and were still in remodeling hell:

I don’t have a true “before” picture, but it looked just like this, but less messy and without the half-built bookshelf.

And here it is today:

It’s not finished, but it’s close.  I’m still saving up to replace the giant chandelier with something smaller and to have a plug installed in the floor so I don’t have to trip over that ugly extension cord every day.
The walls are a bit…odd.
And they sort of keep getting odder, but it’s my office so Victor can’t complain. Much.
My posse.
The nice thing about weird shit on your shelves is that it looks nice even if it’s dusty.
I made this. Not the deer. The deer was rescued from a flea market. But I did bedazzle his nose and make him magical.

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The left head hates the tie. The right head loves it. Victor would prefer it if I’d stay away from his ties.
And this is the corner that’s hidden when you first look in and it’s also where I put all my shit when my real desk starts getting messy and gross. I highly recommend having at least two desks so that one always looks clean and the other always looks like you’re actually working.

And that’s it.  You’ve now seen the inner-workings of my personal escape hatch.  Now I feel very naked.  Feel free to join me.*

*In sharing your desk.  Not in getting naked with me.  I have boundary issues.

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