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Dress your cats up with heroin.

Part three (of four) of my ongoing “Who-has-the-geekiest-costume” contest currently taking place in my home.

You’ve already seen Hailey and me, but I think it’s important that we include all members of the family, and that includes the cats, because OF-COURSE-IT-DOES-DON’T-QUESTION-ME.

The cats were surprisingly not that into wearing costumes because they hate Halloween and don’t care about my joy.  I considered buying some wine for my cats to loosen them up because apparently that’s a thing now, and I think that you can’t be a complete crazy cat lady unless you’ve gotten to point where you’re sharing your cheap wine with your cats, but then I read that grapes are toxic to cats so I decided to just go the safe route and inject them directly with heroin.  But then I couldn’t find any heroin so we had to do this sober.  This is why the cats look so pissy.  Because I didn’t have enough heroin.  And because they don’t like wearing pants.  WELCOME TO MY WORLD, CATS.

Happy Meowloween, y’all.

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