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Halloween, a bit early

First of all, IT’S HALLOWEEN.  It’s my favorite holiday of the year and to celebrate I’m posting a two sentence, two minute horror video to celebrate:

Right.  So, I’ll just never sleep again, shall I?

And in the spirit of things, what’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen?  My real-life ghost story is too long to write here so I’ll just stick with scariest movie I ever watched (A tie between The Ring and Troll Hunter) and the scariest book I ever read (IT) which was probably only so completely terrifying because my mom said I wasn’t old enough to read it so I ended up reading it under the covers at night while listening for the sounds of my insomniac mother and a murderous clown that wanted to eat me.

Your turn.

PS.  Real Halloween post coming soon.  This is just to tide you over until I get Victor to put his costume on.

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