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Lost in Translation

This week Victor came back from his annual trip to Japan.  This is a picture he took there.  I’ve added a caption that is much less rude than what his response was.  You are welcome.

And in vaguely-related news, I’m off to Australia tonight because I’m bad at saying no to things, and because you’re not supposed to turn down trips to Australia simply because you have a terrifying fear of travel, and of change, and of death, and getting chlamydia from koalas.  That’s a real thing, you know.  Koalas have chlamydia.  They’re just dripping with it apparently.  Or possibly it’s the fear talking.  All I know is that some koalas have chlamydia and I drunkenly told Australia that I wanted to hold one while dressed as one.  And then the park that lets you hold koalas told me that I had to submit a picture of me in my koala costume first because they have to protect the koalas from being distressed, so now I’m being judged by a bunch of koalas who probably have VD.  I think I might have hit a new low and I haven’t even left the country.

PS. I’ll still be posting stuff while I’m gone, but if you want to keep up with my Australian VD adventures you can go here.

PPS.  I assume Australia is regretting this already.  Sorry, Australia.  Sorry, koalas.  Not your fault.  You can’t take me anywhere.

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