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Summer vacation. UPDATED.

This isn’t today’s post.  Today’s post is here.  It’s about cats.  As usual.  This is just something I need advice on that I can’t fit on twitter.

Hailey’s off for the summer and we want to take a family vacation but we have no idea where to go.  We want someplace exciting, but not super stressful or  crowded.  Someplace where you can sign up for tours/activities, ideally.  Our favorite vacations were Alaska (glacier-watching, crab-fishing, hiking, whale-watching, panning for gold, hanging with bear) and South America (cave diving, exploring ruins, hanging with monkeys) but it would be awesome to find something new that’s easy and fun and can be done in 4-5 days.  I was thinking Yellowstone but Victor thinks it might be boring.  He was thinking New York but crowds freak me out.  Hailey was thinking Jupiter because she’s nine and doesn’t understand the concept of limits.

I need advice.  What’s the best place you’ve ever been and what did you do there that made it awesome?

UPDATE:  You guys are the best and holy shit, do you love traveling.  After going through all the comments we winnowed it down to 5 spots less than 3 hours away and then my friend Karen called and was like, “Why don’t you just go to Hell?”  It seemed a bit abrasive for Karen, but turns out she was referring to Hell, Grand Cayman, which was on our short list because apparently the island has pirates, rum and a sea turtle farm.  This works well because I like pirates, Victor likes rum and Hailey likes turtles.  We just bought our plane tickets but I haven’t booked a hotel or anything else.  Since crowd-sourcing worked so well this morning I’m trying it again…those of you who pushed (or who’ve visited) Grand Cayman:  Where’s a good place to stay?  What should we do and/or avoid?  Why am I paying money to go to Hell when I’ll probably end up there for free eventually?  Pick a question.

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