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Seeing things

I’ve been sick this week with the same upper respiratory crap that everyone has, but then it got weird when I had an episode of what I thought was either a flashback, a detached retina or hysterical blindness. Basically there were blind spots and dark shadows all around, and then a snowy, glittery ball showed up in my peripheral vision and started moving across my field of vision.  It was like I was being stalked by a disco ball.

After a ton of tests my optometrist said she thinks it’s “migraine with aura”, which seems odd because I didn’t have a headache, but she explained that aural migraines don’t hurt, which seems sort of the opposite of what a migraine is.  The “seeing auras” thing is nice though because I think I can charge for that, right?  Want to know what your aura looks like?  Glittery.  Send me a dollar.

“Stay away from LSD” is the take-away here, I think.

I don’t have a good picture for this post but Ferris Mewler did a fairly strong impression of me in the middle of the episode:

“Are you guys seeing that? No? Ah. Me either. Never mind.”
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