Site icon The Bloggess

This week is hard, y’all.

Hey.  This week is full of angst and anxiety for a lot of us but I just want to tell you what I want to hear myself: It’s going to be okay.  Whether you are protesting in the street or hiding in bed or trying to be positive or you’re confused or scared or angry…it’s going to be okay.

We’re going to be okay.  It might take work but work is being done.  In small ways and large ways and quiet ways you may never know about.

This week is full of scary shit and much smarter people than me have written more eloquently about it so instead I’m just going to share a few silly things that I think are pertinent.

First, know that it’s okay to not be okay:

People love you and want to offer comfort.  Sometimes we’re just really, really bad at it.

But the thought is there, even if it’s scary to reach out.

Know that even when it’s overwhelming you aren’t alone.

You are loved.

And bunnies still exist.

And cats.

And cake.

We’re going to be okay.

Get in here.

And if you still feel scared, watch this:

Keep breathing.

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