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And then we were murdered in our sleep

Every night before I go to bed I write “And then we were murdered in our sleep” in my journal so that there’s always an ending even if the worst happens.  Victor thinks it’s a sign I need to up my medication but I’m pretty sure it’s just a sign that I’m a really considerate writer.

And now, time for our weekly wrap-up:

What you missed on my sex column (which is satirical and vaguely safe for work if your boss isn’t a douche-canoe):

What you missed on Good Mom/Bad Mom on the Houston Chronicle:

What you missed on the internets:


This weekly wrap-up sponsored by the tremendously kick-ass website Gaggle of Chicks, which offers up deals of up to 70% off stuff moms want. Stuff like cooking supplies. And crack.*

*Gaggle of Chicks doesn’t actually sell crack.


**Gaggle of Chicks has no plans to ever sell crack and they greatly regret allowing Ms. Lawson to write this ad copy.

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