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Where I was this week…

I don’t have a weekly-wrap-up for you today because all this week I was recording the audio version of my book.

I gargled half of a honey-bear just to sooth my ravaged throat and sang show-tunes to the baffled producers in an effort to convince them that this book should be a musical.  They were unconvinced.  I also demanded more cow-bell and they brought me hot tea and a sandwich to sober me up.  A free sandwich.

All in all? I’d call that a win.

PS.  I get home this weekend so I’ll be back to posting real stuff soon.  Pinkie-swear.

PPS.  The audio producers said that I’d managed to create one of the most impressive set of out-takes and bloopers they’d ever witnessed, and that it might end up in the audiobook because otherwise no one else would believe them.  I’m choosing to take that as a compliment.



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