Site icon The Bloggess


I just wrote a very long, vaguely witty post and then the electricity went off and it now it’s gone.


Let’s try this again…

Last night’s book club meeting was probably my favorite, mainly because I was wearing my lucky fake nipple and had several people sweet enough to point it out.  That’s how you know that have friends on the internet:  when hundreds of well-meaning strangers don’t let you inadvertantly live stream your nipple.


In other news, I got nothin’.

Except for this.  Several people asked me what they story was with my icon picture.  “Why are you wearing curlers?”  “Who took the picture?”  “Is that you?”  “Is that a real nipple?”  And the answers to these questions are here.  Except for the nipple question, which I already answered.  Try to keep up, people.

Yes, that’s me up there in the curlers.  Six years ago I was blow drying my hair and I thought “I wonder how long I’ve actually spent standing in front of a mirror styling my hair just to wake up again to tomorrow and start all over again?” and after doing the math I figured that I’d spent almost 2 years doing my hair.  Which is ri-damn-diculous.  It was at that moment that I decided to take a picture of myself blow-drying my hair to use as my icon, because then at least that time wouldn’t have been completely wasted, as I’d at least have gotten a good banner picture out of the deal.  I still have one of the original color pictures that shows the top of the camera:

The camera, nightgown and house are all gone now. I still have the blow dryer though.

Tonight is the last night of #BloggessBookClub and I’ll be doing a reading and giving out prizes so please come. Pretty please? Just check my twitter feed at 7pm central and I’ll give you the link.

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