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I don’t even know why I bother

Today I’m in Phoenix doing a reading and a signing.  Come?  And while I’m on tour I’m reposting a few of my older posts.  This one was from 2008:

Hey, did you know that if you get bored enough you can use postage stamps to make yourself fake nails?

Because you totally can:


One would have thought that my husband would have been all kinds of excited about my new marvelous manicure but he was just pissed off that I’d depleted his dorky superhero stamp collection to make my fake nails.  My talents are totally wasted on this guy.  At this point I don’t even want to show him the awesome découpage job I did on the guest bathroom toilet tank with his Wolverine collection.  Jerk.

And on a surpringly related note, I can’t stop watching the trailer for “Italian Spiderman”:  Un super festi puncho puncho ram ram. Un fantastico voyage de spidermafication!!!  Italian Spiderman totally kicks regular Spiderman’s ass.

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