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This isn’t a real post

This isn’t a real post.  It’s just something I tweeted about that was met with so many questions I decided to answer them all here instead.

The tweet: The newest addition to my haunted dollhouse. #dontblink

Answers to questions: Yes, I do have a haunted dollhouse. You can read more about it here. It took me over a decade to build and it’s still unfinished.  It’s 1:12 scale and I either built, repainted or distressed the majority of the pieces in the house. The weeping angel, however, I just bought.  I need to rework it with paper clay to camouflage its joints because you can tell it’s plastic if you look hard enough.

I would add something witty here but one of my eardrums exploded yesterday (true story) and all of the cleverness leaked out of my ear.  At least, I assume that’s what was leaking out of my ear.  Could have been brain fluid.  Hard to tell at this point.  I probably knew what it was before all my brain fluid oozed out.  That’s the problem with exploded eardrums.

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