Site icon The Bloggess

Well, that's embarrassing.

I’m going on book-tour in a couple of days (for the love of God, please come see me so I’m not sitting alone) so I decided I needed to get my hair trimmed today.

Conversation I had with the stylist:

Her: So how do you normally do your hair?

me:  I usually just wash it and then let it air dry.

Her:  Wow.  You’re really not concerned with appearances, are you?

me:  Why?  Because I’m low-maintenance about my hair?

Her: No.  Because you’re wearing two different flats.


PS.  This is where I would stick the obligatory “I got my hair cut” photo, but it looks the same as always (except shorter) and it’s much more interesting to share a photo of me as a Walking Dead zombie.

A photographer once told me that if you open your mouth slightly in a photo it makes your face thinner and more seductive. I totally see what he means now.

(Dead yourself here.)

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