Site icon The Bloggess

I’m not actually a huge fan of either, if I’m being honest.

Excerpt of messages from my friend (who asked that her identity remain a secret because she’s embarrassed to admit that she knows me in real life.)

me: Ugh.  Don’t tell Victor, but I REALLY hate jizz.

friend: Um.  Okay.

me:  I mean, I get the draw, but it just doesn’t do it for me.

friend: Why exactly would Victor be mad at that?

me: Because he really likes it and he wants me to share his interests, I guess?  I just can’t get into it.

friend: Speechless.  What does he expect you to do with it?

me:  Just enjoy it, I guess?  He collects it.

friend:  Like…in a jar?  This is kinda TMI.

me:  Oh, holy shit.  I just reread what I wrote.  Not jizz.  JAZZ.  I meant to write JAZZ.  Victor wants me to appreciate JAZZ with him.

friend:  Oh, thank Christ.

me:  I really need to spell-check this shit before I send it out.

friend:  The “i” and the “a” are like…not even remotely close to each other.  Was that an autocorrect?

me:  I don’t think so.  I’ve never even written “jizz” on my phone before.  I must have done it unconsciously.

friend:  That’s a weird Freudian slip.

me:  I guess I just had jizz on the brain.

friend:  Stop typing.

me:  No way.  My phone is finally starting to recognize jizz.  It’s like it’s learning.

friend:  You’re corrupting your phone.  With jizz.

me:  Ew.

friend:  I need a shower.

me:  You and me both, sister.

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