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Taxidermied robot mouse


me:  It’s weird how many of our conversations start like that.

Victor:  No.  It’s weird that I just looked at your account and saw a receipt for a taxidermied robot mouse.

me:  Have you met me?  Because – considering my history – that doesn’t really seem weird at all.


me:  What’s wrong is that you never told me that if I was buying taxidermy to write about on my blog I could use those receipts as tax deductions.  That robot mouse is practically paying for itself.

Victor:  So you’re going to give the IRS a receipt for a taxidermied robot mouse?

me:  Well, I bought it online so I don’t have a receipt.  I thought I’d just send them a letter with a screenshot of this post.  Think about what a pleasant change that will be for them compared to boring lists of server costs and standard occupational deductions.

Victor:  You’re going to get us audited.

me:  Only because they’ll want to come see the taxidermied mouse in person.  BECAUSE, WHO WOULDN’T?

Victor:  *sigh*

me:  Wait.  Take a look at it.

AND he's a former movie star. So there's that.

Victor:  Huh.

me:  Right?  How do you say no to an ethically taxidermied mouse whose eyes light up?

Victor:  It…it looks like a tiny Ghostbuster.

me:  EXACTLY.  And I’m going to make a tiny green suit for him and call him “Venkman” and pretend he’s been recently possessed by Zuul.

Victor:  Hmm.

me:  Oh my God, you’re trying not to smile.  I’m finally breaking you down with this one, aren’t I?

Victor:  We’ve been married 16 years.  It was bound to happen eventually.

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