Site icon The Bloggess

Blogging is dead and I’m awesome at it.

Today Time Magazine came out with its list of Best Blogs of the year and somehow this blog was on it.  I can only assume that someone at Time Magazine was very drunk.  In their defense, they did begin the article with: “For years now, pundits have been knowingly declaring that blogging is dead, rendered irrelevant by alternative means of personal publishing such as Facebook and Twitter.”  And that makes more sense because I pretty much only become successful at stuff right around the time that it becomes completely archaic and obsolete.  In related news, I’m getting slightly less shitty at hacky-sack, and my pog collection is fucking stunning.  

It is actually very nice to be recognized by Time and I really do appreciate it, but I feel like I should just leave a small disclaimer here for people who find this blog for the first time:

Hello.  This blog is totally overrated and seldom makes sense.  It is ridiculous, offensive, and vaguely cult-ish, but in a good way.  If you like weirdness, taxidermied ostriches, cat pictures, profanity, and jokes about dysentery then you are in the right place.  Introduce yourself, or lurk.  The comments are almost always better than the posts, and if you leave a nasty comment I will most likely completely agree with you, or I will edit your comment so that it’s full of cringe-worthy double-negatives and spelling errors.  That way both of us will feel like assholes and balance will be restored to the Force.

Humping you furiously, Jenny”

For those of you who are already long-standing members of this ridiculous community? Congratulations.  Everyone familiar with this blog knows it’s a team effort and that means that you just got recognized by Time Magazine for creating something awesome (and possibly even more useless and unnecessary than it ever was to begin with).  Regardless, this is a big deal, as the best celebrations are for useless and unnecessary things.  Case in point:  I have no idea where my college degree or social security card are, but the certificate I got from the Mayor proclaiming me a Czar of Texas so that I could beat NASA and bring a donkey to an award show is hanging in a place of honor in my office.


I have them.

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