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We won!

Remember when I was on the Katie Couric show last year to talk about The Traveling Red Dressbut then my cat totally hogged the lime-light?  Well, apparently whatever Hunter S. Thomcat did worked, because I just found out that the segment won an Exceptional Merit in Media Award last night.  This is very nice because it’s the swankiest-sounding award I’ve never heard of before, and also because the segment would not have been possible if it wasn’t for the support and amazing work done by thousands of you here on this blog.  And that’s why I’m giving the award to you.  It doesn’t exist in real life, so you just have to trust me that I’m handing it over to you.  See what you don’t feel in your hands right now?  That’s the award.  You are welcome.

And to celebrate, I’m giving away red evening gowns to several randomly-chosen commenters.  (You’ll get a gift card so you can order your size correctly.)  Just leave a comment if you want in.  And if you want to donate a red dress, photography skills, or want to ask for a red dress yourself you can check out the Facebook page.

PS. It just occurred to me that pretty much anyone can make up awards for anything they want so I’m making this one for you.  Feel free to use it in your resume.

PPS. Several of you have pointed out (quite correctly) that “first annual” isn’t really a thing.  Probably because they recognize I’m not responsible enough to have a second annual award.  And they’re right.  But bad-ass motherfuckers don’t care about logic and grammar.   They care about kicking ass and being awesome.   And about who would win in a fight between zombies and unicorns.  And sometimes they care about grammar too. Dammit, Jenny.  Get your shit together.

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