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Spellcheck is a lie.

I was just congratulating myself on the fact that the last 10 posts I’ve written have been immediately applauded by spellcheck as having “NO MISSPELLINGS FOUND.”  And I thought, “My God, I’ve finally done it.  I AM A REAL WRITER.”  Then I realized that that was pretty unlikely.  So I tried something else…

Der dee doopy doo schloop.  Moopy croodadoo.  Hey, spellcheck.  Are you even listening?  Because I don’t think you are.

Schnurple durple fundacunt.

Lipslaver umbrellican.

Catswalloger liberry time!

And then I ran spellcheck.

Well, dammit.

I initially suspected that spellcheck had reached self-awareness and was beginning to sabotage the world.  Starting with blogs, apparently.  But then I thought that it more likely that spellcheck just got tired of me just making up my own words and killed itself.  Or maybe it’s just drunk.  In fairness, I probably would be too if I had to spellcheck this blog. I usually have to be fairly sloshed  just to write it.

Touché, spellcheck.  Touché, indeed.

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