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It’s National Hug Your Cat Day.

Today is National Hug-Your-Cat Day which is awesome because you know what cats really love?  When you squeeze them hard and pin them down and they can’t escape from your forcible groping.  CATS LOVE THAT.

Hurry up, because in a few hours it’ll be National Get-A-Lot-Of-Stitches Night, and tomorrow is National Don’t-Forget-To-Rinse-Out-Your-Wounds Day, and then comes Does-This-Look-Infected-Friday. It’s weird how they clump all of these holidays together.

PS.  If you don’t have a cat you should go to a shelter and get one because they are awesome if you’re not assaulting them.

PPS.  Maybe it should be National Let-Your-Cat-Hug-You Day.  Some cats are totally into that.

PPPS. That video is several years old and now when Hunter S. Thomcat tries to hug me it’s when I’m unconscious and I wake up thinking that I’m being strangled. Possibly because he’s strangling me. Maybe what I thought was adorable kittenish hugging was just weak, practice strangling. Hard to tell with cats. Happy National I-Don’t-Know-What-Cats-Are-Thinking Decade, you guys.

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