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If you’re reading this I’m probably alive.

I wrote this the day before my surgery and scheduled it to post after my surgery so I’m either totally okay or I’m dead.  Probably the first one.

Now on to the real Sunday post, which is about how Google is trying to insult me with the baffling auto-suggestions it gives me when I search for things.  Am I the only  one who gets these things?  In the past few weeks I decided to record those that were particularly questionable.  These are a few of the most confusing:

I don’t even have a dog.
I couldn’t even remember what I was googling because the suggestions were so fucked up.
Don’t let Google pet-sit for you while you’re out of town.
What are you implying, Google?
I have two of the first three and now I’m wondering if Google is trying to tell me to flee the country.
Wait.  Are all three of these related?  Because ew.

Stop trying to help, Google.  You’re just making it worse.


And in other news, it’s time for the weekly wrap-up:

What you missed in my shop (Named “Eight pounds of uncut cocaine” so that your credit card bill will be more interesting.):

  • Nothing.  I’ve been busy.  But there are hundreds of things to buy on there.  But only if you turn your content filter off.  Otherwise you only see both of the G-rated things I’ve created.

What you missed on the internets:

This week on shit-I-didn’t-come-up-with-but-wish-I-did-because-it’s-kind-of-awesome:

This week’s wrap-up is brought to you by Pretty Strip.  I thought it was a joke at first but one of my friends swears by it.  It’s a water-proof thingie that you use as a sort of a backward stencil to make designs in your lady garden, I think?  Hang on.  I’m not explaining this right.  “Pretty Strip is an easy-to-use product that allows one to perfectly shape unruly underwear hair into desirable designs.”  Much better.  You should check it out.  No, seriously.  Go look.  Then buy some so you can shave designs on your pets, or on unruly chest hair.  The possibilities are endless.
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