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“I saw this and thought of you.” ~ My shrink

Today I went to see my shrink and it was a great visit where I vomited out all of the crap in my head and she sifted through the pieces and put them back together like a Jenga tower made out of my neuroses.  I’ve gone through lots of shrinks to find the right one for me and I’m very lucky to have a doctor who will listen and then say “That’s totally normal” or “We can fix that together” or “Wow. That sounds shitty” depending on the issue.  And at the end of our hour she insisted I watch a video on youtube that she said reminded her of me:

So basically a video about a drunk woman, and a stabbing made my psychiatrist think of me.

And that, my friends, is how you know you’re with a doctor who truly understands you.

May you all be so lucky.

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