Site icon The Bloggess

Dinosaurs are making me feel fat and I haven’t even eaten any of them.

I’ve read that our universe is constantly expanding but that we can’t tell because we’re expanding with it and so we are get bigger at the same rate everything else does.  So does that mean that if we traveled back into the past with a time machine that we might be bigger than the dinosaurs since they were around when the universe was smaller? Either way, I think it explains why I feel so fat today.

Unrelated:  Right now I’m in New York recording the audio book version of FURIOUSLY HAPPY and that is exciting and terrifying and exhausting all at once.  If you want to send good thoughts I would love to have them.  I would also accept random compliments, small kittens, or fried cheese sticks.  I’m not picky.  I’ll take whatever you have in your pockets, really.  Surprise me.

No, seriously.  What do you have in your pockets?  Or purses?  Or desk drawer.  What’s the weirdest shit you’ve got on you right now.

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