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Help me, internets. You’re my only hope.

So I’ve been a bit MIA lately because the power company decided I didn’t need electricity anymore so I spent the day eating all the popsicles and dressing up the dog.

This time, Dorothy Barker decided to go a little more pop-culture than before.  Can you tell who she is?

Victor’s guess was “plotting her revenge” and yes, maybe, but I’m looking for something more specific.  Hang on.  Lemme add a wig:

She actually didn’t hate this one, but probably only because I was giving her dog bacon (made for dogs, not out of dogs) and it was a fair bribe.  But then I ran out of bacon and she did this:

At first I thought she was reenacting that scene where Leia bends over to have R2D2 take that selfie of her, but Victor was like, “What is happening here?  You gave our dog scoliosis.”  But turns out that she was just wilting because she realized  I was out of bacon, and I completely get that because I also ran out of popsicles and I was totally feeling the same way.

I have to go now because I hear drilling and I think we’re going to lose power again, and also because I found more popsicles.

PS. Hunter S. Thomcat requires no bacon.  He’s just too lazy to get off my desk.  And he is working the shit out of this look.  Take notes, Dottie.

PPS.  Ignore the haters.  You’re beautiful.

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