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Happy birthday to we.

Today is my birthday.

Birthdays that fall in the murky days right after Xmas and right before New Years are usually forgotten in the rush and that’s actually always worked out for me because parties terrify me.  But if you’d like to help me celebrate my birthday there is something you can get me.

For my birthday, I’d like you to pretend it’s your birthday too.  And for our birthday you should go out and do something great for yourself.

Take a long walk.  Buy a new book for you or someone you love.  Reach out to a friend to tell them you’re thinking about them.  Take a hot bath.  Drive somewhere you always wanted to go.  Get that thing you’ve been thinking about for a year but always put off.  Adopt a new pet.  Rent that movie you loved watching with your parents and watch it with your kids.  Write a poem.  Plan a vacation.  Find a magical death sword and use it to conquer the dark lord.  Anoint your allies with the blood of oppressors.  Invent a new color.  Eat a bunch of dirt.  Play a game.  Make a pie.  Whatever sounds good to you, basically.

And then come back here and tell me what wonderful thing you did that you wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Or don’t.  After all, it’s your birthday too.

As for me, I’m starting the day watching instagram videos of Phineas the Cat, who is totally me when I’m trying not to act like I’m drunk and it makes me look way drunker.  I super love him:

Happy birthday, everyone.

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