Site icon The Bloggess

I’m that kind of asshole

I hardly ever get preachy on here but I’m going to do it today because I’ve had too much caffeine to think reasonably.  The Mom 2.0 Summit is coming up in a couple of days and I’ll be there.  This conference is a personal favorite because it’s small, it’s run by some of my best friends, and because it was the first conference I ever went to that had no drama, no weirdness and no classism.  It’s a conference where it doesn’t matter if you’re A-list or Z-list or a vendor or a bartender or a homeless person who wandered in off the street.  All that matters is that you’re a person and everyone is nice to everyone else and it makes me proud to be in social media.  I hope everyone has a chance to go to a conference like this at least once in their lives and what I’ve learned from these conferences is that they are what we bring to them, and personally I’m bringing a whole lot of xanax.  And love.  And anxiety.  And if you bring drama to this sweet conference I will punch you right in the nose.  And then I’ll have to punch me in the nose because I just started a fist fight at a conference that’s supposed to be about love and acceptance.  LOOK WHAT YOU JUST MADE ME DO.

My point here is that it’s easy for silly dramas to overshadow good things and for small slights to get blown out of proportion and that the best thing that you can do if someone pisses you off or hurts your feelings is to go up to them and give them an enormous hug.  Both because it’s healing and it’ll make you feel better about being so totally selfless and also because it’ll make the person who was mean to you all paranoid and they’ll be too disoriented by your kindness to be mean to you anymore.  It’s a win for everyone.  Especially for all of your friends who don’t have to spend the rest of the evening awkwardly picking sides and watching the whole debacle unfold on twitter.

Of course, the awesome thing about social media is that you have a voice and you don’t have to listen to any of this and can go out right now and write a post about just the opposite of this one and call it “Why it’s important for me to be an asshole” and I will support that post entirely because everyone has the freedom to choose the type of asshole you want be and I celebrate that freedom.  Personally, I’m going to try to be the kind of asshole that looks for the goodness in everyone, hugs everyone I see, and suffocates any drama if I see it.  It’s my fondest hope that you’re that kind of asshole too.

I think I’m supposed to put up a badge that says I’m speaking at the conference but I never do that so instead I just made my own badge.  Please feel free to steal it no matter what kind of an asshole you are.

Comment of the day: There’s something about your badge that makes me want to use a public bathroom. ~ Marinka

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