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Furious rabbit forehead.

I was just looking at my dog’s face and I realized that there is a small, visibly-furious, bipedal rabbit in his forehead.  This feels like some sort of Rorschach Test that I’m failing and I’m tempted to call my shrink to ask her what it means but I’m pretty sure this is one of those things she’ll make me “come in to the office to discuss” and I can’t really afford the co-pay at the moment.  So instead I’m turning to you, the internets.  Am I crazy or is there a fucking rabbit in my dog’s head?

It's there, I swear.

Hang on.  I drew in a face to help people who have poor imaginations:

But what does it *mean*?

This is where I’d put some funny closing statement but I don’t know that one exists for when you’re asking people if they can also see the angry imaginary rabbit on your dog’s forehead.  I could be wrong.

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