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Strange things will happen if you let them.

A pictorial essay of things that happened yesterday:

Got waited on by Grizzly Adams.

Oh, Texas.

Stuck my finger in (what I hope was) an alligator vagina.

Also, no. I can't tell you what possessed me to stick my finger in a sketchy alligator orifice but it's probably the same compulsion that makes me unable to not touch all the satin in fabric stores or to not try on old hats that belong to people who may have died in them.

Contemplated how odd that last statement was.

Contemplation face:
"WTF, me?"

Considered buying a human skull in an antique shop.

Surprisingly, I don't have a caption for this.

Watched my daughter ride a giant banana

I just want to clarify that this was in the middle of a serious art gallery and I was all "No, Hailey. You can't ride the banana" and the lady at the counter was all "Oh hell. Girl, you ride that damn banana. Art is for living, not for looking at." I'm pretty sure she was high. And awesome.

Bought a vampiric doll which will eventually be used to create dioramas of creepy Blythe doll death scenes.

All in all, it was a good day.


And now, time for the weekly wrap-up:

Last week on Ask the Bloggess:

What you missed on my sex column (which is satirical and vaguely safe for work if your boss isn’t a douche-canoe):

What you missed on Good Mom/Bad Mom on the Houston Chronicle:

What you missed on the internets:


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