Site icon The Bloggess

I fucking love you people

I put commentluv on my blog awhile back and it’s nice because it’ll tell you the title of the last blog post that each commenter has written.  It will also make you question their sanity.  And it’ll make you want to buy them a drink because they all seem to have captivating stories.  Captivating and totally baffling.  Bafflvating. I think I just invented a new word.

Personally, I like to look through the blog titles because I imagine these are exactly the kind of thoughts that people are having when they are looking very studied and serious as their boss is lecturing them about the importance of TPS reports.  As a psychological tool it is fascinating.  And slightly terrifying.  Fascifying?  No.  No, that would be ridiculous.

Actual blog post titles pulled directly from my comment section which make me both proud and a little bit intimidated of the community we’ve grown here:

Did I ever tell you about the time I got thrown in jail in Venezuela?

My dog likes to smoke Marlboros.

This is not a hooker/ pimp transaction.

Why does my food keep talking to me?

Calculators FTW!

A dollar for your stache

The man with a booger in his ear

Excuse me – you’re standing on my neck.

I need a witty title to go here but – eh- fuck it- I’m too lazy.

There’s a bucket in my hole.

Why does my house smell like omelettes?

Oh!  Sparkles.

The new adventures of a naughty schoolgirl.


Hemingway just rolled over in his grave.

Cryptorkian WTF

Got sucked in – but no snorting

The night I fell down the stairs.

So long and thanks for all the cheese

Today is my 41st birthday and I’m celebrating by not having a massive mental breakdown.

Mitochondrial DNA and Generational stages – Pillow Talk

RIP Brett Favre

I can’t make Mario Lopez ugly

Dear lady who fell into a mall fountain while walking and texting – let me show you how it’s done.

Samarai Mushroom Comics Chapter 7 – The meeting of the three

How do you say “Please don’t vacuum up the dead wasps” in Spanish?

Short and sweet: I think I just saw a clip of a penis

The chicken dance of shame.

Being lazy with your speech causes your spouse to question your sexuality

Greetings, Vegetables.

Animals are trying to kill me.

The two stupidest people on earth live in our house

Could you party like a rock star in a funeral home

We don’t eat them because they are too cute

I’m never buying panties again

Where banana seats come from.

My prettiest toe

I find myself in love with an inanimate object yet again

Dear nudist

Update – Don’t let a monkey write your query letter


To hell with the curtains.

My fartpartment

Waiters are people too.

Sarah Palin in the aquarium

A bushel and a uke

Heidi the cross-eyed opossum causes media frenzy

The Bastardization of American Literature

I’m no cleaning guru but at least I know better than to drink a mopped-up soda.

I’m pretty sure I’m being haunted by a ghost who wants to steal my identity.

My cat would never wear this.

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