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Soup: Real life vs. In my head

Today I’m in Portland doing a signing and reading so while I’m on tour I’m running some of my old posts.  This one is from 2008:

This is how the conversation went in my head:

Waiter:  Would you like soup?

Me:  No.

Waiter:  I must insist!  The soup is excellent!

Me:  Soup is all flavor and no substance.  I do not like soup.

Waiter: I bet you like broccoli and cheese.  I’m going to blend this broccoli and cheese until it’s mush and then add a gallon of water.  Okay?

Me:   I don’t want you to add water to my food.  I do that myself.  It’s called ‘spit’.

Waiter:  How about some potato soup?  We warm up some water and then we wave a baked potato near it for a few minutes.  You’ll love it!

Me:  No.

Waiter:  How about some thin gruel?  It’s all the rage in Europe.

Me:  Please leave me alone about the soup.

Waiter: We’ll plop some ice in it for you.  Make it a nice ‘summer gruel’.

Me:  Listen, the only soup I like is soup with big chunks in it and even then I only eat the chunks.  It’s only good if it’s boiled so much the water evaporates and it becomes a solid again so why don’t we just skip the middle-man and you just bring me damn solid food?

Waiter:  Ah.  I’ll bring you a bisque.

Me:  You’ll bring me your death warrant and a machete!

This is how the conversation went in real life:

Waiter:  Would you like soup?

Me:  No.

Waiter:  It’s quite good.

Me:  *sigh*  Okay.

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