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Haters gonna get vagina-punched

Conversation with my friend who doesn’t want to be named because she’s afraid of critics and doesn’t know how to punch hard enough:

friend: I don’t understand why people are so upset by critics.

me:   They’re probably just not used to it yet.  You have to develop a layer of “I-have-no-shits-left-to-give-about-this-ness.”

friend:  I think you just have to realize that there will always be critics. Haters gonna hate.

me:  I prefer “Haters gonna get vagina-punched.”

friend:  Seems kinda sexist.  Not all haters have vaginas.

me:  Obviously you’re not punching them hard enough.

friend:  Oh.  Ow.  And awesome.

Clarification:  I do not condone punching people in the junk whenever you’re criticized.  Critics can be amazingly helpful and if you dismiss them out-of-hand you’re denying yourself the chance to improve.  Unless the critics are just being complete dicks and they said something about your mother.  Then you should junk-punch them.  End Clarification.


And in other news, it’s Sunday, which means its time for the weekly wrap-up:

What you missed in my shop (Named “Eight pounds of uncut cocaine” so that your credit card bill will be more interesting.):

What you missed on the internets:

This week on shit-I-didn’t-come-up-with-but-wish-I-did-because-it’s-kind-of-awesome:

This week’s wrap-up is brought to you  by Dayna from Princess Burlap, who blogs to inspire (and sometimes offend).  From Dayna: “Truth is, life can be sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, sometimes all at once and that shit is not delicious. But it’s life and it’s such a wild ride, isn’t it? Some days you’ll laugh with me, some days you’ll cry with me (trigger warning), but you’ll always get unbridled, unhinged and unfiltered me. That’s a promise. And a threat.” She’s lovely.  Go visit her.

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