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Tell me something good.

If you’ve been here long enough you can tell that I’ve been wavering in and out of a depressive period for awhile now.  I know it will pass.  I know it lies.  I know to hold on.  It stops up my head though and nothing clever can come out.

In an hour or a day or a week the light will come out and I’ll bang out a chapter and cry with relief but for the moment I’m in that place where writing would make it better if I was healthy enough to write but since I’m not I feel worse…like my head is constipated.

I promise to be funny again soon.  Until then, thank you for sticking with me.

Sharing this video because Victor sent it to me and it was so completely on point that I’m fairly certain someone is in my house watching me.

Also, three months ago I was literally wearing a cardboard box on my head in front of my neighbor.  Full circle.

Want to help?  YOU CAN’T.

Sorry.  That was the depression talking.  You actually can.  Tell me something good that’s going on in your life right now.  Even if it’s little.

I’ll start.  I saw The Last Jedi yesterday and managed to avoid all spoilers.  Still haunted with the question of why Chewbacca is always naked and what his junk looks like.  Also, how does he wipe?  Because when Dorothy Barker just gets a little bit too hairy in her downstairs department I’m constantly having to cut dried dingleberries off of her butthole.  Seems like Chewy would have serious problems with his dumper.  I may have thought about this too much.

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