992 thoughts on “OHMYGODYOUGUYS

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  1. Omg, Jenny, congratulations! Seriously awesome. Glad I helped you get there with my book purchase. >.>

  2. Congratulations!!!!!! That’s amazing and not at all a surprise! You make me laugh all the time, no one deserves it more. Hooray!!

  3. Congratulations Mrs.Lawson, you have become a living legend.

    I hope you’ve planned for a celebratory trip to Disney World.

  4. I’m told a good primal scream of triumph goes a long way in this sort of situation.

  5. YAYAYAYAYAY!!! Congrats, Jenny!!! I read your book already and recommended it to everyone! It was brilliantly funny and moving!

  6. It’s because you are THE BEST and now everyone knows it!! Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂

  7. I think you’re the only person who’s even the slightest bit surprised. The rest of us are calmly celebrating, smug in our knew-it-all-alongness. Congrats!

  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! That is so amazing!! I was actually reading your book when I saw this!! Congrats!!

  9. Well now you can claim to be a number one best selling author.

    You’re SPECIAL!

    Also, I got my copy in the mail yesterday. SQUEEEEEE! I’d come to a book signing but it was a reeaallllllyyyyy long drive. 13 hours was the closest I saw.

  10. Neither do I, except that I’m so proud to know you and that you deserve every bit of it, for being brilliant, awesome and brave. Mazel tov, my friend.

  11. Holy fuck, you bested Rachel! My two favorite women on the top of the best sellers list. Fuck yeah!

  12. I was going to have you sign my boobs tonight, because I bought the Kindle version of your book and I left the Kindle at home accidentally. But now my boobs aren’t worthy.
    So excited for you!

  13. Because it’s awesome! Can’t wait to begin reading after my exams are over tomorrow!!!

  14. I’d argue that you had plenty of the words, and they’re a joy to read. That’s why you’re there!

    Looking forward to meeting you at Book People tonight!

  15. Read the book first day it was out and want to buy one for everyone I know. Well deserved. Congrats!

  16. congrats! sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well deserved. i still have to buy my copy. i’m getting right on that…

  17. Let’s try words like: congratulations. You go girl. Stop crying and be happy.

    I could go on & on, but I think all your fans here will help with the list. ;D

  18. Number 1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list!?! Doesn’t get much better than that! I’m crying for you too.

  19. Don’t turn into Barbara Cartland. Actually, promise you WILL. Pink hair, cocktails for breakfast, pink poodles.

  20. Oh my God! I’m so excited for you that I teared up a little! Of course, it could be the pregnancy hormones coursing through my body, but I think it’s mostly because I’m just so happy for you!

    You should totally get a wallet-size version made and laminate it to carry it around in your pocket all the time. It’d be way more useful than the little laminated, pocket-size diplomas they gave my class when we graduated from high school. Still not sure what those were for…it’s not like I’ve ever needed to provide proof on the spot that I graduated from a little school in East Texas.

    Sorry, off topic (I’m blaming the pregnancy again for my wandering baby brain)…Congratulations!!!!

  21. Yay you! I checked your Amazon ranking yesterday, out of sheer curiosity, and saw you were #28 out of the entire books category. I figured, with those numbers, you’d make some bestseller list or another.

    Congrats! It’s an awesome book and you should feel proud. 🙂

  22. I’m reading it right now and the fact that I wish my dad had thrown a bobcat at my fiance is a testament to your storytelling. Or, actually, to the fact that I don’t have a fiance but the last guy I dated was a douch and deserved to have a bobcat thrown on him.

    Anyway, not surprised at all. Rock on, sister friend!

  23. Go Jenny!! So proud!! And I am so loving reading your book this week, I have been looking forward to it for years!!

  24. Everyone who’s surprised, raise your hand. *looks around* Nope, no hands! 🙂

  25. JUST finished reading my copy and was so disappointed that it was over. You are so fantastically random and inspiring all at the same time. The first page I go to when I get home at night is yours in anticipation of whatever new adventure/mishap you’ve gotten yourself into. Honestly not surprised your book is on top. Congratulations!

  26. I just finished the Audiobook and now I must INSIST that everyone who bought the book (I got both) go buy the audiobook too. The bonus chapter and outtakes are sooooo worth it. … Not to mention listening to the words in your own voice.

    You are awesome! Congratulations to a wonderful lady!

  27. Add that to People mag saying “Can’t wait till Jenny Lawson puts out her second.”

    I love this, because it’s YOU and because of YOU. I love a phoenix that rises out of the ashes.

    How could we NOT??

    We love you, Jenny Lawson.

  28. That’s the best news ever and I truly feel so happy for you. I would feel happy for me if people would read my story about pork chops. I was bawling my eyes out at the end, because I miss my stepdad.

  29. F*CKIN RIGHT!!!!!!! need to buy my copy still 🙂

    P.S. come to chicago, please and thank you.

  30. That’s where it should be, Jenny! I noticed it was #4 on Kobo this morning, but didn’t have the chance to check NYT. So happy for you. 🙂 xoxo

  31. Congratulations!!! Not surprising though, your book is fantastic! Also, I agree, please come to Chicago!

  32. Well deserved, the book is absolutely hilarious! I devoured it in two sittings, laughed til I cried.

  33. I’m sure that at least 100 people have said this by now but…this makes me FURIOUSLY happy. And not surprised in the least. Even though I’m probably 10 years older than you, would you consent to be the voice of my generation? Because you are.

  34. I read probably half of your book to my husband, who is annoyed because he wants to read it, too. You so deserve this – congrats!

    PS: I’m in Austin and I’ll be coming to your BookPeople event. 🙂

  35. OMG that’s so exciting. I definitely did a happy dance when mine came in the mail on Monday. I also may have dreamed that you came to my office for a book signing, but I think that’s just because it was something fun to think about instead of the 20 events we had going on that week at work. Or maybe I’m crazy. Either way, so excited about the book and apparently event planning even in my dreams . . .

  36. Awesome! And not the tiniest bit surprising. You ROCK, Jenny! xoxo

  37. I think that you’re the only one who is surprised, Jen. We all already know you rock and knew that you’d hit it out of the park.

  38. I wanted to write something really pithy so that you might acknowledge my presence, but all that comes to mind is a genuine “we are all so proud of you”. I have loved reading your book ( and since I was a VP in HR, you can just imagine which part was my favorite)!

  39. I think this means I have bought a NYT bestseller for the first time in my entire life. It just arrived at my door yesterday and I can’t wait to read it!

  40. Awesome. Amazing! And totally weird because I was just searching around for where your book was on the bestseller list (cause I knew it had to be up there) when this came through on Twitter.

    I cannot think of anyone more deserving. All those years of procrastinating this paid off!

  41. So furiously happy for you 🙂 I originally bought it on my Kindle, then I went out and bought a hard copy because my best friend can’t afford it and she needs to read it 🙂 you deserve this so much!!!!

  42. This is aweome!!! So great!!! So… so…
    What’s bigger than awesome?
    Whatever that is, it’s THIS!!!!
    Congratulations, hon!!

  43. You’re amazing, congratulations! You were awesome in LA and I am getting all teary-eyed just because I’m so excited for you! YAY!

  44. Congratulations! Now we know why Juanita has been cheering, she’s a fortune teller and was cheering about this, just a bit early 😉

  45. You deserve it. Refreshingly great book. I’m buying it for all the Mom’s in my life for mother’s day.

  46. That’s amazing and exciting! But… I notice the date in the corner of the screenshot is May 6, 2012. Are you time travelling again? Didn’t I tell you that wreaks havoc on your digestive system? 🙂

  47. Fantastic and SOOOOOO Deserved, enjoy it, bask in it and write 17 more right away !!

    Kathy (Alivada)

  48. Okay, so now I’m crying on the train I’m so happy for you. Yes, really. This is so, so awesome and so, so well deserved.
    You’re awesome.

  49. I read it in 2 days and it is HILARIOUS and TOUCHING and SWEET and YOU. DESERVE. THIS!!!!!!

    Enjoy it, Friend. 🙂

  50. Congratulations! I am almost finished with the book and you deserve every bit of praise and recognition that is coming your way.

  51. Just finished the book ten minutes ago. Fabulous and hilarious! Definitely not a book to read when you’re at lunch alone in a restaurant. People will look at you strangely as you smile and quietly laugh to yourself.

  52. If you didn’t know you were fucking fantastic, now you have proof in print in the motherfucking NYT

  53. Weasels! It’s all the dead weasels buying the book! They are unjustly discriminated against when trying to shop at their local bookstores, but these critters can point & click on Amazon.com like nobody’s business.

    Congrats to The Bloggess! You are #1, and weasels everywhere are thankful that you’ve shown them that even though they are dead varmints, they can still dress up in spiffy clothing. It’s a win-win!

  54. WOW. Ain’t that something SPECTACULAR. Congratulations to you!!! And I’m going to go buy a copy now (cause it seems like maybe it might be good or something?) I don’t know. Off to Barnes. Bye.

  55. YAAAAYYYYY!!!! That’s SO SO cool. Like, on a scale of one to ten – about a trillion billion. You deserve it, truly. Are you running around the place, bump chesting and high fiving everyone you meet?

  56. Well, obvi. Freakballs amazesauce, I tell ya.

    Congrats. Enjoy every single minute. You so completely deserve it.

  57. Careful! At this rate, you’re gonna run yourself right out of to-do items on your life list.

    Time to get a bigger list, I guess.

  58. deserved 🙂 Make sure Juanita brews you some tea to soothe your tired throat

  59. Congratulations. It couldn’t have happened to a more fucked up human being. (I say that with as much love as possible.)

  60. Because you’re fantastic, and so is the book! I finished it a few days ago, and I’ve been pestering everyone I know to read it as well. I would love to buy your second book, when can you get it to press, please?

  61. WHOOP! The UK is waiting with baited breath for its release over here…seriously excited. Many congratulations!

  62. Also.. now that you are #1, why not come to some states not bordered by oceans? The Tattered Cover in Denver is a rocking bookshop. And you can sign Oscar, the 60+ yr old deer head who doubles as our holiday tree!

  63. Congratulaions, Jenny! You certainly deserve it. Seriously dude, that is the funniest book that I’ve ever read (but I did cry when Barnaby Jones died).

  64. So I bought your book yesterday because your blog makes me laugh out loud and your book isn’t letting me down either. You go girl! Congrats on the number 1 spot!

  65. I read through your book so quickly, because it was awesome – now I wish I had slowed down – because it was AWESOME!

  66. Congrats! And I am loving the book — half-way through. Already recommended it to friends. 🙂

  67. That’s awesome!
    If you could bottle how you are felling right now, it would be sweeter then Yoo-hoo.

  68. I’ve never commented on here before, but I have to say congratulations! You deserve it, your book is amazing!

  69. Have you been visiting the future, too? I wouldn’t be surprised. Cause you’re that awesome and probably know all the time lords by now.

  70. Very nice. Still waiting to see where it ends up in USA Today, where I get my news. But congrats on a first step.

  71. Congratulations! I hope it’s everything you ever dreamed of. *raises a glass of good champagne in toast*
    Also, towels. Victor must buy you lots and lots of towels.

  72. Congratulations, Jenny! There’s no one in the world I’d be happier for. And for the record: I’m not the least bit surprised!

  73. So incredibly excited for you. I’m knee deep in your book now and loving every minute. This is well deserved! Thanks for bringing so much hilarity and general awesomeness to the lives of all your fans. You, Jenny Lawson, are amazing.

  74. I’m about 1/2 way through. I read at night in bed and I keep waking up my hubby because I’m laughing so hard.

  75. Living the dream, baby. Living the fucking DREAM. Mazel tov! Loved every pixel of the e-book, now I might have to get the audio version since someone above mentioned “bonus chapter.” Yes please.

  76. I’m listening to the audiobook version – had to pull off the side of the road during the diaper in the swimming pool chapter. Could not stop laughing. No, seriously. I could not stop laughing.
    p.s. You’ve made me a better swearer.
    p.p.s. Thanks.

  77. Wow – well done! The taxidermists of America will be thinking Christmas has come early.

    Is it too early to start thinking about the movie adaptation?

  78. Nobody deserves it more! And, at least for me…not even a little bit of a surprise 🙂

    Truly, thoroughly enjoyed the book, couldn’t put it down, read it in a day. You’re awesome!

  79. OF COURSE IT IS! It’s fucking amazeballs! You deserve it, darlin’; and the second book will be number one as well. Your fans will guarantee it. 😉

  80. My copy gets here today…I’ve been stalking my front door all day long.

    I think you earned a much bigger mouse orchestra for this one! 😉

  81. Our fifteenth anniversary is coming up this year. My husband says he will LET me buy towels. Hee. I still bought a chicken on a stick to put in our front yard. Just to warn him.
    Congrats the books is Fab-u-lous!!!!!!

  82. Awesome! We just bought the Nook edition yesterday, and I’ve been reading it to my wife – when I’m able to speak, that is – there are parts that I’ve been laughing too hard to read out loud. 🙂

    We’re only about halfway through so far. Best book I’ve read in a while – well done, and well deserved!

  83. My copy just arrived today in the mail (the pre-order shipping was a bit slow). I already slapped my signed bookplate inside of the book and love it so far! <3 Thanks for what will be a great read.

  84. Congrats! That is so amazing and well deserved. I finished your book this week, and I loved every page. Keep on posting and writing.

  85. Well duh, woman! Give love to receive love, and you give a helluva a lot of love to your followers!! We are thrilled and #furiouslyhappy for you!!!! 🙂

  86. Time to celebrate! And by celebrate, obviously I mean go out and buy a taxidermied beaver. You can call him Beaver Cleaver.

  87. I can’t even express how happy I am for you! Congratulations, you deserve it!

  88. Major,well-deserved congrats w/ a side order of whatever taxidermied item your heart desires! (wow that sounded way more epic on my head)

  89. Mine just came in the mail, Jenny! Congratulations! I have had three friends (all unrelated contextually) talk about this book and how excited they were! I cannot WAIT to start reading this!

  90. YAY! I knew you could do it. I made my family buy at least two copies. So does that make me a best selling author by proxy? I think so. You’re welcome.

  91. Well deserved! I just finished the book and I have to say I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in years! (Which is kind of sad, if you think about it – so I won’t!)

    Congratulations! And even though I don’t know you personally, I’m still so very happy for you. You seem nice, and like we could be good friends.

    Does that sound weird? Because I think it might sound weird.

  92. That is WONDERFUL!!! And so well deserved!!! Your sense of humor and timing is incredible, your stories are fabulous, and you have MAD SKILLS with putting it all on paper/on screen!

    I’m so glad that you are being recognized for your hard work and for your contributions to workplace reprimands, subway, bus and airplane stares, tardiness and hooky-ism everywhere, peed pants, marital squabbles over bedquakes, and injuries sustained while laughing by hundreds of thousands of loyal fans and new readers!! Kudos and many congratulations!!!

  93. Congratulations….the women of Texas will one day rule the world… but we knew that already didn’t we???

  94. Not even surprised. In the slightest.

    A woman on twitter bought your book and they sent her the audio version instead. She wanted the book so she’s sending me the audio version and buying another book.

    OBVIOUSLY she’s a giant fan of yours who is luckily a fan of mine.

  95. congratulations!! that is amazing. i wouldn’t know what to do with myself besides cry if that happened. enjoy it!!

  96. Wow! Well done 😀

    Really looking forward to it coming out in the UK.

  97. WHOOT! And I havn’t even bought mine yet!!! Way to go baby! You deserve it!

  98. I was listening to the audio-book when I found this! Congratulations!!!!
    Nathan Fillion HAS TO pose with twine now!
    Canada is still waiting to meet you!!!

  99. You completely deserve this. I just finished your book today and it was HYSTERICAL. I seriously snorted through the whole book, causing my husband to shoot me dirty looks. Yours is a rare (and fun) talent.

  100. Congratulations Jenny!!! You deserve every bit of this rainbows and lollipops kind of good news. I’m doing the happy dance over here for you. Keep this shit up!

  101. Jenny, you have NO IDEA how amazing and inspirational you are. It was because of YOUR writing of your struggle with depression and anxiety I finally got the courage to get treatment for my own depression/anxiety issues. I have been getting counseling and medication now for about 3 months, and it has made all the difference in the world.

    You are an absolutely incredible — like Mother Teresa, only better.

    PS My husband says to tell Victor, “I feel your pain dude.”

    PPS I know you will back me on this, if I say a man who truly loves his family will buy grenade launchers to protect from the zombie apocolypse, right? I mean the CDC has a page on it. This shit is real, people!

    PPPS Oh yeah your book was totally awesome and I have Facebooked it, Pinned it, and shoved it in all my friends faces telling them they must read it. Now.

  102. That is so awesome! Congratulations!!!!
    Have you gone hoarse from screaming, and are just making raspy noises now? 🙂

  103. I can’t afford to buy a copy right this second, but I am in the library queue to get it, and there are FIVE people left ahead of me. I have never checked the status of my library account so damn often.

  104. I am reading it now and laughing out loud! It’s great! Congratulations!!

  105. your book is awesome! a friend just told me about you and i read the book in 2 days. i love love love you!

  106. You act surprised!

    While I’m a fast reader, I do usually try to savor new books over a few day time span.

    Not yours! I flew through it (reading aloud to a friend while we were on a road trip, mind you) over the weekend and you literally had us laughing our asses off. We had to pull over at one point because we couldn’t see through the tears. Just when I’d start thinking “Okay, this is exaggerated,” you’d share a picture and I’d lose my shit again.


    Absolutely the best book I’ve read yet this year.

    Congratulations on a spot on that list that’s well-deserved, Jenny!

  107. You act surprised!

    While I’m a fast reader, I do usually try to savor new books over a few day time span.

    Not yours! I flew through it (reading aloud to a friend while we were on a road trip, mind you) over the weekend and you literally had us laughing our asses off. We had to pull over at one point because we couldn’t see through the tears. Just when I’d start thinking “Okay, this is exaggerated,” you’d share a picture and I’d lose my shit again.


    Absolutely the best book I’ve read yet this year.

    Congratulations on a spot on that list that’s well-deserved, Jenny!

  108. Congrats! That’s so great. I’m listening to it right now on audio (just started this morning), and haven’t done anything but pin things on Pinterest, and clean out my email and computer files, just so I could have an excuse to sit at the computer and listen. I’m laughing non-stop!!

  109. So happy for you, but I’m not surprised in the least. I tried to make your book last, but I read it much to quickly and was sad when it was over. So I read it again. Then I bought a copy to give to my Mom for Mother’s Day because I love her that much. Way to Go Jenny!

  110. No Surprise! I was so excited when my book arrived in the mail earlier this week.

    By the way, you are also #1 and #4 (digital and print) on the Amazon best selling list for humor.

  111. Eeeee!!!! Way to go, Jenny! (And also, just got through the Jenkins chapter on the train on the way home and everyone in that car thinks I’m crazy because I couldn’t stop laughing. Now I have to change train cars.)

  112. Congratulations, and you more than deserve it! Enjoy time at the top, and don’t forget about us all down here, bowing down to you.

  113. I started listening to the audio book today, and I was laughing out loud all day long. It is the fnniest book I have ever read. Thank you for writing it. It is great!!! Everyone needs to read this book, and I love all the sound effects in the audio book, but I may also buy the paper back just to see the photos! 🙂

  114. I’m not surprised but I’m happy. Good thing I can’t find my phone or I’d be up reading until the wee hours.

  115. CONGRATULATIONS!! Now you have documentable proof of how truly amazing and gifted you are! Thank you for all the laughs online as well as the ones I enjoyed in your book!! 🙂

    And that is EXACTLY what I wish I would have said to you when I met you at the book reading/signing in San Francisco instead of the crazy babble about how your book was a parenting tool because when my son thought I was crazy or weird I could hand it to him so he could see that I wasn’t. WHICH CAME OUT COMPLETELY WRONG. What I meant was he could read some of the crazy situations that you had been through and realize that what he has had to deal with is pretty tame. Sorry that came out weird. I babble when I’m nervous….which I’m sure you understand. 😉

  116. I am so excited and happy for you! You so deserve this! Congratulations!!!

  117. AWESOME!!! Congratulations, Jenny. This is so deserved, the book was great!

  118. I am so happy for you!! Your book is by far one of my absolute favorite! I laughed so hard I cried!! PLEASE, PLEASE WRITE BOOK 2!!!!

  119. What a second, that list is from May 6th, 2012, that’s the future! So that may not happen. Because if there’s one thing that watching Doctor Who has taught me is that the future is unwritten. It also answers some questions. Mainly does Jenny Lawson have a time machine? Answer: Yes.

  120. Congratulations! You so deserve it! Thank you for making us laugh, cry and open our wallets to those in need!

    So are you going to build out a fantastic spacious closet to hide in when you have a lapse in judgement and forget how fucking awesome you are! You should hang a picture of that to put in the closet. It would be like we were all hugging you without all the awkward.

  121. This makes me want to cry FOR you, in happiness because you SO DESERVE THIS. So proud & excited for you!!

  122. YEA! Just finished the book & am sending it to my daughter. Don’t know if I should laugh, cry or just hug you! Fantastic journey!

  123. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those posts that crashes your blog again. Congratulations! Well deserved, I’m sure. Can’t say I’m not jealous.

  124. I was hoping you’d make the top 10 list and there you go, blowing my expectations all to hell. Seriously, wtf? And now you know that your obit will start with, “New York Times Bestseller Jenny Larson died…”

  125. Woo Hoo!!! I hope you celebrate by buying something furry and Victor doesn’t complain. Well wait no he needs to say something because otherwise it won’t be funny!! Congrats! You deserve it! Maybe now you can extend your tour?

  126. just be happy that we are all not so contrary that we refuse to read your book because it’s #1… it does make me happy to be reading about drugs and taxidermy in the room with all the uptight moms at state testing for my kid… 🙂

  127. WOOT! Way to go!
    I bought a digital edition of your book…. then I needed a place to put my signed book plate, so I bought a print version, too! First time I’ve ever bought 2 copies of the same book… worth every penny!

  128. Congrats! You so deserve it! I am almost done with your book and it has kept me laughing the whole way through!

  129. FURIOUSLY happy!

    Also, gloating just a tiny bit, because now I can tell people that a NYT Bestselling Author follows me on Twitter.

    Will have to purchase the audio version, now, though, as promises of bonus chapters and outtakes make me itchy!

  130. Wow we finally found a way to make you speechless ;-). My book arrives from the US in about a week, can’t wait. See you in London once we get the word to Europe. You deserve it all, and Victor, I predict a stuffed hippo in your future.

    Smile, enjoy the ride, and own it girl.

    Love from England x

  131. You’re completely deserving of this. Don’t ever sell yourself short.

    I didn’t just snort a few times while finishing the book on a flight today (confusing the people around me, i’m sure), but actually teared up at the larger message. Thank you for putting the idea of “normal” in perspective for so many of us who thought we weren’t doing it right.

  132. Well, duh! I’ll be buying one for all my girlfriends if they don’t already have it. Love, Love, Love! You are brilliant and bring so much encouragement and joy to mine and so many other’s lives. Thanks! Power on sistah!

  133. Jenny . . . I’m reading your book but it’s going to take me a while to finish. I have to schedule times where I’m able to sit on the toilet and read so I don’t pee my britches AGAIN. Love it, love it! I’ve had breadcrumbs between my toes, too . . . you are not alone.

  134. Congratulations!!! You win at book writing! I’m reading the book right now, and it’s amazing and hilarious. You totally deserve this!

  135. Yay! I have it on my Kindle. Loved it so much I bought a hard copy too. It has earned a special spot on the shelf I used to reserve for only Tim Dorsey books. Congratulations!!!

  136. Congrats! Reading your book is the highlight of my day right now so I am savoring it. Truly deserved. So so happy for you!

  137. Congratulations! We knew you would get here! My husband and I are both having a great time reading your book.

  138. I got the book today, thankyouAmazon. I’m hoping it takes the sting out of my daily commute to Brooklyn via mass transit. That may be setting the bar a little high though….part of my day is spent admiring the “Brooklyn Wishing Well,” where the filthy subway tracks are partially flooded and someone dropped a dime. Ah, it gives the resident rat a place to get a drink….

  139. I was just waiting to see this. Numbers one an. d two are that order on my reading list

  140. Very Awesome! Congrats. Your book is so good that even my husband is reading it…and he doesn’t read anything (except Harry Potter and William Gibson)

  141. WOOT!! Awesome Job and well deserved. I have my digital copy.. gonna read it again.. just ’cause I can.

  142. Happy for you. I guess you didn’t think it would have but I knew it was going to happen. You’re awesome of course it was going to happen! Congrats!!

  143. So excited for you! Your book – which I would’ve read in one instead of two sittings if I didn’t have a stupid job to go to – is fantastic. And it makes me happy and sometimes sad and sometimes disturbingly nauseous from laughing so hard in a really serious this-makes-me-feel-so-connected-to-others-in-the-universe kind of way.

  144. Because you’re brilliant & it’s well deserved, luv. In the end, it wasn’t luck that paid off. It was just plain old hard-work. Congratulations, Ms. Bloggess.

  145. P.S. Looks like the taxidermied cat is out of the bag, in terms of your wonderfulness. Hope this is just the latest of many, many triumphs!

  146. Fuck yeah! Those are the right words! I finished it this morning and NYT has it right!!

  147. Not to detract from your victory, but NO ONE reads nonfiction not written by awesome people like you. So that limits the list to about three books excluding yours. But you beat them! Good job!

  148. Finished reading it today and am not one bit surprised to know that others are loving it as well. It is a fantastic book! Congratulations.

  149. Not surprised in the least- BUT FURIOUSLY EXCITED JUST THE SAME!!!!! Congrats! Here’s to being wrong in all the right ways!

  150. *does the happy dance* YAY! Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to get my copy in the mail (live in Australia)

  151. This is soooo amazing and truly deserved. I literally laugh out loud at almost of your posts. I just smiled for this one.

  152. Congratulations!! Not gonna lie, I also splurged and got the audiobook when I realized you narrate it yourself – brilliant ploy that has also resulted in multiple copies of David Sedaris books floating around my house & on my ipod. Thanks for making me giggle like a fucking loon when I should be working, it get’s me through.

  153. I leave for Europe tomorrow and I haven’t even allowed myself to take your book out of the packaging it came in, or my complete and utter lack of willpower means that fucker will be read before they call “boarding row 32”. However, I DID finally receive the bookplate yesterday. And I’ve decided this means you and I are best friends. Thanks so much for your gift, bestie! You always get me!

  154. YES!!!!!! Soooo celebrating the moment with you! : ) Doing a little dance, Juanita style. Thanks for all the late night laughs (book) and all the midday laughs (blog) and all the laughs in between (chatting with my girlfriends about your new posts). BUT, sad news: I didn’t win the lottery, so my girlfriend Jen & I cannot rent a private jet to stalk you on your book tour and pretend to take not such good care of your cat to justify our unexplained repeat appearances in every city. PLEASE COME TO WASHINGTON DC OR MIAMI!!!!!!

  155. Said it before, and I’ll say it again. Good things *do* happen to good people. Good for you, Jenny (and good for us).

  156. Congratulations!! Loved reading the book (I could not put it down and really really annoyed my significant other staying up all night reading it with a booklight and cracking up) and, I have purchased a few to give as gifts!!

  157. Not surprised – not at all. I put my signed bookplate under the clear iSkin on my iPad so Ican show it off to all my friends. I think you definitely deserve something ethically taxedermied and a couple of wine slushies. CELEBRATE good times, c’mon!!!

  158. I just bought the book (up to the arm condom incident, I live on a farm, I totally understand everything) You are awesome, you totally deserve this, and I understand you a little more.

  159. Tearing up for you – so cool! (am also pms-ing and coming off citalopram but mostly just extremely happy fr you)

  160. I think this is the first NYT Bestseller that I’ve ever owned AND I am not even the least little bit miffed that I have to buy a copy (second copy) at the bookstore for tomorrow night’s signing. ( in 23 hours, 58 minutes and 39 seconds… if I were counting)

    So very, very happy for you! You ABSOLUTELY deserve this (and all the good things I know that life holds for you)!

  161. Couldn’t happen to anyone more deserving. Your book is absolutely terrific!

  162. Gratz lady!

    I don’t suppose I counted in that, well, count, since I bought the audiobook. It was a huge bonus and a pleasure to hear you, Jenny, reading your book. I work in a lab and there were a couple of Chinese chemsists in there with me, looking puzzled at me as I laughed to myself muttering things like “Ha ha, Franken-gina, oh my god that’s RICH!”

    Put that in your translator, Chinese dudes!

  163. I just finished your book this morning! Laughed my ass off. Congrats on being all famous-er and stuff. (Although, honestly, I pretty much think you were in as soon as you were BFFs with Neil Gaiman and Wil Wheaton.)

  164. Oh Jenny! I am knockered in the knickers for ya! That is just swell. Swell, I tell ya! Congratulations!!!!!

  165. Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!

    I knew it! I knew it would happen. I’m so happy for you. You are now allowed to gloat.

  166. I believe it. I wrote about reading your book today. You wrote an awesome funny book and those who read it want everyone else to read it too.

    Congratulations for the accolades and NYTBR ranking!


  167. Well duh, of COURSE you’re a huge success—you ARE all-that-and-a-bag-of chips!! I couldn’t be happier for you if I tried!!! ENJOY the love every single one of us feel for you!


  168. Oh CONGRATULATIONS! That is so wonderful. I am listening to your book during my drive to work and just love it. I’m to the part where you and Victor are about to marry. So sweet…. I love romantic nightmare comedy. Nightmare in a good way though.

  169. I think the words you are looking for are ” I’m a total bad-ass!” I am entirely happy for you- you totally deserve this awesomness-ess!

  170. What an amazing accomplishment, I don’t have anything eloquent or clever to say, just that I’m so happy for you and this is so well-deserved. Halfway through it, and know I’ll come back to it again and again. Congratulations! Yippee!!!

  171. WOOHOO!!!!! I’m so happy for you! You completely deserve it. Your book is AWESOME. I tried desperatley to make it last, but I couldn’t put it down. I have loaned it to my sister and my niece to read. I so totally <3 you.

  172. I’m so happy that I jumped on the “#1 best seller bandwagon” before the bandwagon was formed, since I had the Kindle version pre ordered since Christmas. You deserve a new taxidermy animal for this!

  173. YAY!!!! Congrats!!!

    Does this mean that all of us that bought the book before you were a New York Times Bestselling Author get to be hipsters about your book?
    “Yeah, I liked her even before she went mainstream”

  174. NIIIIIICE! Congrats!!!! I know you must be so excited! I am tickled for you! And proud! And happy! We *heart* us some Bloggess at my house! Knock knock, mother fucker…You made it!!!!!

  175. What you need now is a large poster with that screen shot and the caption “How’s THIS for ‘relevancy’, motherfucker?”


  176. Holy shit snacks! You have to go on Colbert now. Or Wil Wheaton can go and pretend to be you.

  177. Yes, yes, congratulations and all that, but how is it that you have a copy of the May 6 NYT Book Review? It’s still April 25 where I live. You must be even more awesome than we realized!

  178. Ok skeptics who are questioning the date … go to the NYT Bestseller website and read their procedure notes at the bottom of the list. Yes, it hasn’t come out yet in print and on the web, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. The lists are posted quite a while after the week of actually tallying. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Just be happy for her and quit questioning her! I would imagine if you are going to be at the top of the chart someone somewhere contacts you (or rather your people) to let you know it is happening.

  179. Congratulations! I’m loving the book like mad. I’m excited to finish it so I can read it again. This time out loud, to my husband.

  180. Congratulations, Jenny. I came to your website just recently, and I love it, and LOVED the book. I use the past tense because I read it in one day. It is most excellent. I am so happy for you, you totally deserve this.

  181. That is so freaking cool. I haven’t finished the book yet but I love it so far. Really happy for you!

  182. Long-time reader, first time poster…as someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression, let me just say THANK YOU for the thousands of laugh-cries as I’ve read (and re-read) your blog, and now your book. I literally savored every chapter of that book and had a serious withdrawal when I finished it. On behalf of the group of women with whom I regularly chat about your blog, THANK YOU for putting yourself out there for the world to enjoy. Thank you, Jenny Lawson!

  183. I just finished reading your book. People were looking at me strange, because I was LOL’ing so much!

  184. Wow, Jenny. Well played, girlfriend! Can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.

  185. You completely deserve it! The book is incredible. I tried to make it last (because I didn’t want it to end), but still managed to finish it in just a few days.

  186. Well duh!!!!

    You deserve it, it’s a ridiculously funny book about a wonderfully funny lady!!

  187. Well deserved. I’m halfway through the book and I am causing the other parents at my kid’s LAX practices to think I have some sort of voice tic, as I burst out intermittent snorts, guffaws, and out and out belly laughs while reading on the side of the field. The coaches have asked me to read in my car from now on.

  188. Yay! Congratulations! You are amazing and totally deserve this! Your book is wonderfully hilarious and it was truly an honor to meet you, Juanita and Copernicus at your book signing in San Antonio!

  189. I’m so happy! I found this blog last week, and bought the book on Monday. I loved it and I think you’re amazing! I’m buying another two copies for my friends when I get my paycheck this weekend.

    I bought the ebook because I love reading books surreptitiously on my phone, but I couldn’t because I kept on laughing out loud.

    It’s an amazing book and a laugh out loud one and thank you so much for writing it and being you. Because you rock.

  190. Of course you don’t have the words. You used them up IN YOUR BESTSELLING BOOK. Now you have to leave tiny bottles of tequila under your pillow at night for the Word Fairy. She’ll replace them with words in your head the next morning.

    Of course, if you try to help her by drinking the tiny tequila bottles in the middle of the night you might not like the words you end up with.

  191. Ohmygod, also I just had the most amazing idea! We should get you onto The Daily Show! You should go and talk about your book.


    … don’t let it go to your head, as my advisor would say 🙂

    < all words I think are applicable in this occasion

  193. 1.) You are a PR genius.
    2.) Your minions are awesome.
    3.I’m am proud to count myself among them.
    4.) Congrats! I was anxiously waiting to see where your book would debut.
    5.) I had no doubt. Really.

  194. Your book is very good so far! But it makes me say the inappropriate things that are in my head to my girlfriends and then we laugh until it hurts. I think people think we’re drunk or insane.

  195. You deserve it because you’re awesome and you wrote a great book! YAY, JENNY!

  196. Why are you surprised? The mighty army of Fans of the Bloggess are not to be trifled with. If WE say the Bloggess is tops, then she is. End of story!

  197. So deserved! Just so you know, I bought it on the first day and told the cashier that he should put them out in a more prominent place because it was fucking hysterical. Maybe I left out the fucking part, but still. Then, today, I carried it to my son’s taekwondo class to start it. I looked like a lunatic in convulsions trying to suppress my laughter. Then I got to page 28 and fell over.

    They really wanted to call an ambulance.

    Congrats, Jenny. I’m so fucking proud to call you a friend! Well, I’m the disturbed friend that put a headless barbie in your cleavage 4 years ago, but that totally counts, right?

  198. So excited for you! Your book is AMAZING – has me laughing with almost every page. Aaaand – my husband is from Slovakia, and the way you described your grandparents had me in stitches. You.Are.Fantastic.

  199. I’m commenting because I want to partake of your joy and reflect it back to you xo Congratulations!!

  200. So exciting! I finished reading your book on Monday and promptly loaned it to a friend. LOVED IT! I’ll be starting the audio book tomorrow. Congrats, Lady!

  201. What level of Unicorn Success Club is THAT??? WAY beyond Double, that’s for sure! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! You DESERVE it! Enjoy every minute.

  202. Thank you for proving that depression is a liar. You give me strength. Congrats girl!

  203. You deserve every bit of it! You earned every bit of it!

    I was on the way to see you tonight when I got sidetracked by 5 in-laws arriving. I wish I was there to share your moment. Maybe we’ll have another romantic,-infested cruise someday. Cylon

  204. Congrats! Now I’m even MORE upset that I haven’t read it yet. My husband works for a library wholesaler and he was SUPPOSED to get me the book on the DAY it came out, but here I am 8 days later with no book. I’m hoping he got it for me as an anniversary gift for our 1st anniversary on Friday (the paper anniversary after all), and I swear, if he didn’t, he’s getting a giant metal chicken at our front door. Which will be incredibly awkward, since we live in an apartment building, so it will likely block the stairs and he will not be able to get inside. Which is what he deserves if he didn’t buy me this book. Angry neighbours and a giant metal chicken.
    Congrats again 🙂

  205. I read the book. I laughed, I cried, I read excerpts to my husband and friends. I became a Bloggess follower. My life is changed, Mother Fucker!

    Oh, and Southern women could rule the world with a Martini glass in one hand.

  206. That’s awesome news… I’m reading it at the moment and I have to limit myself to about 10 mins at a time… for several reasons.

    1: I’m laughing so much my sides hurt
    2: If I’m out and about, people are staring at me strangely
    3: I want to make the book last as long as I possibly can.

    Whens the sequel due? 🙂

  207. It’s as if the voices of millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror that Rachel Maddow would beat you, and were suddenly silenced.

  208. @ Natalie, comment #433: That’s freakin’ hilarious, I just snorted coffee out of my nose

  209. SQUEEEE!!! I totally just did a happy dance for you!! Then I showed this post everyone in my house and said “Look how freakin’ AWESOME Jenny is!!!!!” for the record: they were all impressed!!!

    I am almost finished reading it and I’m sad………don’t want it to come to send yet =

  210. I am in love with your book! I should get a book sales fee lol – I’ve told everyone I know and even bought a few copies for friends. Laughing hysterically on the train, on my lunch break and before I go to bed. Everyone thinks I’m insane now

  211. I’m a total lurker but read your blog everyday and could not be more excited for a blogger to have such success!! You deserve every bit of this and so much more! Obviously all of America was wanting some honest humor from a zombie, taxidermy, and metal chicken lover. Don’t be surprised when Stephen Spielberg is knocking on your door…

  212. So my week has sucked – my one year old broke his arm and I got some nasty test results and the doctors are making me do this whole biopsy thing tomorrow….I thought my husband was going to explode from the stress of final exams, working a full time job, having a baby with a broken arm and a wife who apparently is grows suspicious cells – but last night he went out and bought me your book and we curled up in bed and laughed until our bellies hurt. And today at work when I wanted to cry – I just flipped through the titles of your chapters and it made me smirk. I’m bringing your book to my biopsy tomorrow. Thank you for the comic relief. P.S. – In my head, we are friends.

  213. Absolutely the coolest thing I’ve seen lately! Love the book so far but I keep laughing out loud and waking my husband up.

  214. I literally read mine in one day, and it’s proudly sitting on my living room table right now. I can’t bring myself to put it away because everyone here needs to read it. lol Congratulations.

  215. I’m really loving the book and sad I’m not in Austin anymore and couldn’t be there for the book tour. I’d have suggested my mother-in-law go see you on my behalf, but she’s really probably more concerned with protecting her sofa cushions for my next visit. She’s never gotten over how, on one visit, my dogs killed an armadillo in her yard and drooled its guts on her nice floors. I now know that your understand how that sort of thing goes. . .

  216. Ok so my last comment was really all about me and YOU just hit number one on the New York Best Seller list so I should add…..you are freaking amazing and your book is made of awesome. Congratulations!

  217. I never comment, but I just had to say: it has really been a joy witnessing all the great things that have happened for you in connection with this book. I am truly happy for you.

    I know that I don’t know you, but I also have to say: I’m not sure all of this could have happened to a nicer person. Seriously, I know you have things you struggle with, but there really are few people out there who are so willing and intent on spreading joy and hope whenever possible. Congratulations on the book, everything connected with it, and for just being a truly awesome woman.

  218. That’s wicked awesome, and I’ll have you know I bring your book around everywhere and laugh so hard I cry and then I have to find tissues, or napkins, or something, and people keep looking at me weird until a colleague busted out with a Beyonce keychain and now we’re instant friends because we both love your blog (and work–bc I love your book too)

  219. Yay congrats! I almost never buy books, so if the library doesn’t have it I don’t read it. But when our library didn’t have your book I suggested it and the bought a couple copies. And when they arrive, I get to read it first!

  220. Congratulations!!! :-)…. I’m in India – I was wondering what that faint screeching sound was… now I know!

  221. I bought TWO copies! (I’m sure that was what put you over the top…either that or the tens of thousands of people who already know you are AMAZING and the millions who are just discovering it…could be that too).

  222. Congratulations! 🙂 I got my copy this morning and I can’t wait to read it! 😀

  223. You my dear will now be, among other things, always referred to as Jenny Lawson, NY Best selleing author! That’s awesome sauce.

  224. Congrats! I love your book! I am going to suggest my book club reads it.
    Your book needs to be shared! Plus you will sell more books. 🙂
    I already bought the hardcover and the ebook!

  225. Was at your book signing tonight in Austin. Thank you so much for stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing yourself with us! Truly enjoyed it and loved be part of the your first of many #1 days!

  226. Yay for you! Totally deserved. When my Kindle said I was 90% through the book, I started reading r…e…a..l.. slow because I don’t want it to end! Your life experiences are hilariously disturbing and/or disturbingly hilarious. I’m impressed with the level of sanity you have held onto. Allegedly.

  227. AWESOME. But then, of course you rock. I actually had to put the book down because I was laughing so hard trying to read it aloud to my friends.

  228. Oh yeah, you DO have the words >>> the book sales prove it….. So happy!!! Furiously happy, even!

  229. Way to GO!! Must buy it..

    Read a review of your book in Oprah magazine the other time. You have hit the BIG TIMES gurl!

  230. Yay, YOU!!! *screaming right along with you*
    Amazon delivered mine but my hubster snatched it quick and I guess he gets to read it first… he better read fast!

  231. And I haven’t even bought my copy yet! There’s at least 1 more to count! So proud of you!

  232. Now Victor can’t protest, right? You could even buy a little separate house for ALL the taxidermied animals you choose to acquire!

  233. Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment! I have two copies. I bought the second one at Book People tonight so you could sign it. Thanks for being so awesome.

  234. Amazing!!!!! So wanted to see you tonight in Austin and take you out for drinks before and after to celebrate!

  235. Do you think it ever stops being surprising? I feel like I’m on this journey with you! I teared up a little at this post. . .

  236. As it should be! I started reading it this weekend while I was at the cabin with my in-laws. I just kept shaking because I was trying to laugh without making noise. I’m so glad I bought your book!

  237. YOU are the best OF EVER! Not even trying to be clever here … you just fucking ROCK!

  238. While I read multiple books a week, I never spend money on them. I splurged on your book, I’m halfway finished and I’m upset that I can’t do anything at work aside from think about reading your book, but I can’t, because I’d laugh too hard. Love it! Congratulations, well deserved!

  239. Zomgzomgzomg!!! SO totally geeked for you! Eat it up, honey, you’ve earned it! <3


    It’s no suprise to me. That is one amazing book you’ve writen. I laughed, and cried… because I laughed so hard… and also because I woke my husband up laughing, and he pinched me.

  241. That’s great! My book arrived last week. I LOVE the lining pattern – they did a really nice job on the book design.

    So a few of those other authors listed have been on The Daily Show recently. When are you going to be on?

  242. So…tonight I cried a little because not only did I miss my normal small group Bible study, but your book signing…(you’re the real reason I cried a little …those other girls will forgive me and see me this weekend at the party.)

    Either way, it is all due to my wedding reception that is this Saturday and while I thought I had planned a perfect amount of time to do it all (I totally did), what I didn’t plan for was a blown fuse, people calling me to buy my software (daytime job) every 10 mins (this is awesome!) and having to put together little gift baskets for guests attending our party this weekend…

    Long story short…I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wish that I had been able to come to your book signing tonight. I was saving buying your book for this. Now I just have to get it online and miss the chance to try and make you my best new friend. My partner (husband/whatever) already agrees that both of our lives would be more full if you were part of it…and not because he thinks I am lacking. It is because then he would not have to be my “Victor” and he would probably not have to give me crazy looks if you and I were friends.

    Congrats on all that is so obviously deserved! I look forward to continue sharing you with everyone I know!

    Kile (like a boy…but with really good doctors so I look like a girl…mostly cause I am, but makes a better story to say that “I have good doctors” while covering my throat.)

  243. You shouldn’t have the words. They are all in that book you wrote. Which is apparently really good. And by apparently, I mean actually. Congratulations!!

  244. Congrats! You and the book deserve it. You are amazing and so is your book!

  245. Congrats! This is the first book I purchased for my new nook, too. 🙂

  246. CONGRATS!

    This may also be the first ever time I have read a book on the NY Times list while it was still on the list.

    Confession: I could have finished reading already, but two friends want to borrow the book when I’m done, so I’m trying to delay having to pass it along. I want it to go on forever.

  247. delurking to post my first comment: WOOHOO! You deserve it. I’ve already finished the book and I have to say that I loved it.

  248. Have you seen the reviews on Audible.com? The best one, when asked to describe you in three words, says “Unicorn Success Club”. I now have to get it…

  249. Me and two friends were waiting outside Book People in Austin for it to be time for your appearance there when one friend got the tweet; we all screamed for you! It was simply amazing to meet you and we all just had an absolute blast! Thank you Jenny…seriously, this is so well deserved!

  250. Yay!!! Congrats!!! (btw, I read your book the first day I got it. It was awesome! There’s a reason it made #1!)

  251. Could not have happened to a better person! CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy every minute!

  252. *HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!* I’m doing my happy dance for you! (Be glad you are not here to see it!) You deserve a bestseller! It was an AMAZING book!

  253. I truly believe that Nancy W. Kappes, Paralegal, is spraying Judy Garland Trail Mix throughout the afterlife in your honor. Very, very proud. And so grateful to have been part of this journey for so long. Belly shots, Giant Labias, Wolverines, Ninjas, Christmas miracles and discovering my very own red dress in many forms…oh, and Japanese boobie pudding. And that time we….. And that other time…and and and….and, well, thank you. For leading the way. And never stop. Never. Even when the dark parts crowd in…remember, the sparkly bits will come through…..usually with a spatula….

  254. I finished it in one day. So flipping funny.

    I will never look at squirrls the same way

  255. Just bought your book yesterday and I am facebooking and texting like crazy to tell EVERYONE I know to run out and buy it as soon as they can. I literally have never laughed so hard in my life and I am only on page 100!!! Seriously it is now my favorite book EVER!! I want everyone I know to read it or I might just never speak to them again. Write more books because I don’t want to stop reading them….EVER!!

  256. this makes my accidental double purchase so worth it. not returning either of them.

  257. Congratulations! It’s an amazing book and I’m so excited to see you at the Dallas book signing tomorrow! Congrats Jenny!

  258. Reading it, love it, thrilled for you…. And love the generic description on the list, a blogger recalls her unuul childhood … Wow that says sooooo much!

  259. Congrats! I am loving the book! I got both the print and audiobook because I had to hear you read it, since you weren’t coming to NC on your tour.

  260. That is just how awesome you are (and how awesome/hilarious your book is). Now come to Seattle for a reading, for the love of GOD!!!! You have a huge following out here, and I would single-handedly make sure everyone I know attended. 😉 Congratulations!

  261. Very impressive & well deserved. Thrilled to have seen you in Texas & agreed about the Tattered Cover.

  262. WTG, sista.

    Now get back to work. I need new material to make me laugh hysterically and cause concern amongst the people sitting near me.

  263. Congrats! That is a completely deserved honor! I can wait to be done with classes next week so I can finally rack open my copy!

  264. Congrats! I checked it the other day and was mad/sad Drift was number 1. Missed you passing it up but knew it would happen!

  265. That’s fanfuckingtastic.

    If I wasn’t busy with school, internship, work, homework / midterms, I’d be finished by now. I’ve only got about 60 pages left. I want to finish, but also if I finish, what else will I have to look forward to? Piles of ethnographies and boring archaeological articles. I’m looking forward to finishing, yet not at the same time. I’ve waited for this book for so long, I have nothing to look forward to now.

  266. Yay! Jenny, you’re my hero and you’re so deserving! Congratulations! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and your book is your blog times a billion fantabulous!!

  267. Congrats!!! It’s 10 years in the making, well-deserved and shows good things happen to awesome people!

  268. Honestly, I’m not surprised. I bought your book because I like your blog and I wanted to support you.

    The book was excellent. I would have loved it even if I had never read your blog. It was really well-done. You deserve the success!

  269. Congrats! I absolutely love the book! I hope all this fame doesn’t go to your head…crap! We are screwed…there goes the chance of a second book!!

  270. Congrats! I’m not surprised though. I tried to buy a copy a few days ago at Target, and there were none to be found! I had a feeling you’d hit #1.


  271. This means that you’re absolutely a “novellist” now, right? So my kids can come to me in the next few years and tell me that the schools have replaced “The Red Badge of Courage” with “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”. That’s obviously how it works, yeah?

  272. Amazon “recommended” your book to me on my Kindle. They thought I’d like it. I’m totally spooked now because clearly they have me pegged. I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard. I read the chapter about Stanley out loud to my husband, but I had to take breaks because I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t see through my tears!!

  273. YAY!

    Saw you tonight in Austin. Friggin star-struck…but what a fun time!

    It was you. Yes, it was. And I didn’t think there could be anything better than your blog and your book.

    But I was wrong. You in real life. THAT is pretty damn awesome.


  274. Yay for you! My kids couldn’t figure out why I was in the other room laughing so hard all by myself. Loved it.

  275. Congratulations! I’m now buying it for other female friends, simply because they MUST have it!

  276. There are small-medium-large-extra large & GIANT metal chickens proudly standing taller all over America now! On behalf of the Beyonces I own or have given as gifts, I say,
    “Knock Knock””
    “Who’s there?”
    “Motherfucker who?”
    “Motherfucker, it is JENNY on top of the world famous NYT Best Seller list!”

    Congratulations, Jenny …. and to Victor who loves you!

  277. You will forever be “best-selling author Jenny Lawson” or, more formally, “New York Times best-selling author Jenny Lawson.” It sounds really good, whether it’s “best-selling author Jenny Lawson donates millions to charity” or “best-selling author Jenny Lawson spotted streaking in Mall of the Americas.” It dresses everything up. Yay you! Go streak!

  278. Woohoo! Poor Victor–how in the world will he ever be able to win an argument again when his opponent is a NY Time number one best selling author!!!!

  279. Huge congrats from us over here in Spain still waiting for our copy to arrive (Kindle version wasn’t good enough, I wanted an actual touchable copy). Now I’m even more excited to get t!

  280. Yay, Jenny! I’m hoping that I can at least half if not all of the personal/arts educatitional scholarship head your way regardless of talent… you guys and gals need to show us old fogeys what you’ve already got… Bazinga!

  281. two thumbs up jenny! when you are in dallas come visit me. I’ll make brisket. Or quiche. Or potato salad. You can only have one as I am lazy.

  282. I got my book today at noon and just finished devouring it. Is there a spot above #1? There should be. You deserve it!

  283. it is everything you deserve – and not the least of the everything. the kind of everything that grows and grows and grows until everyone you touch feels it deep in their hearts and touches you back (but not in the bad way).

    it is gratitude and it is thankfulness and it is relief and it is understanding …. and it is endless!

  284. Congratulations! I tell everyone who will listen that you are the funniest woman in the world.
    My partner thinks I’m crazy because I often start crying reading your blogs…from laughing, not because they are sad. Then I try reading them to him and he can’t understand a word I’m saying because I’m laughing too hard so he says he will just read it himself but I won’t let him because I want to read it to him.
    Anyway, I think you rock.

    BTW….haven’t read the book yet but as soon as I have the money I will be getting it. I can’t wait….I might try to fit it into our food budget. 🙂

  285. Because the Amazon UK distributor sucks, I still haven’t recieved my hard copy. However I do have my Kindle copy and that’s even better, because instant gratification is kind of what I’m all about.

    I’m really pleased for you, but not even the least bit surprised. Don’t you know by now how much you are adored?

  286. I read your book the day it came out and loved it. I was laughing so hard I almost choked on an orange. Congrats!

  287. Wait, that says May 6 2012 in the top right corner? You get messages from the future? That’s fucking awesome!

  288. A “flipp-over”. You turned that “shit around!

    I love you. Come to sweden, your mostly welcomed.

  289. Congrats!

    I bought one copy on the day it came out as a birthday gift for some friends.

    Guess I gotta buy another one next week to keep you on top of the charts 😉

  290. SO incredibly awesome! Just like you! Congrats! That leaving the house business paid off! You are a wonderful inspiration for all us anxiety grrls!

  291. Squeeeee!!!! How exciting!!!!! HUGE congratulations – I can’t wait for the book to come out in the UK! (You can never have too many exclamation marks, no matter what Terry Pratchett says…) J x

  292. Definitely deserve it! Just finished your book last night and it was totally worth $45 lol. I was in tears at the end. My dh says flustrated all the time. Drives me crazy!! Thanks for being you!

  293. I got my copy in the mail yesterday….and after the shoot me in the head three times, still alive but wishing I was dead kind of day I had….It was the BEST thing that could have ever happened. I do not think I have ever read a book that A. I didn’t want to put down and B. Laughed so hard I was having trouble reading because I kept losing my fuckin spot!
    Thank you Jenny Lawson for totally fixing my fucked up day!

  294. Morning. I’m a little bleary eyed because I was up late reading a #1 seller. I’m on Page 161. Enjoying your story Jenny. Congrats

  295. Things like this sometimes happen to people who deserve it.

    I marched my ass to the bookstore this week – with kids AND Mother-in-Law in tow, mind you – to buy a copy at full price. This is how much I respect what you’re doing. What you’ve done.

    Dammit, Jenny, you deserve to never stop screaming. You’ve done good.

  296. It should be on the best seller list for a long time — an absolutely wonderful, heartwarming, gut-wrenching, laugh-outloud, made me cry memoir.

  297. That is so f’ing cool!!! Congratulations!!!! So excited for you!!!!

  298. Congratulations Jenny, But I am still pissed you’re not coming to Minnesota for a book signing!

  299. Awesome! Now you will get to have NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER stamped across the tops of your books! 🙂

  300. You deserve it! The book is so funny I wet my pants…literally…while crying because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t contain myself….and it was only chapter 3!!!! Congratulations!

  301. Fucking awesome!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wil announced this on Facebook. 😀

  302. I am sure Ellen’s people will be calling you soon so you can continue your discussion of the zombie apocalypse, your birth canal and your lady garden on national TV! When you leave the house, you leave the house big time! Congratulations!

  303. Well, it’s because your book is da bomb, duh. I was reading it last night in the tub and I was in there so long, not wanting to stop reading, that I got all pruney and my bathwater went cold. It’s that good! Ever read “A Girl Named Zippy”? Like that, except in Texas in stead of Indiana.

  304. Currently reading and getting looks while on the treadmill as to why I’m laughing out loud and crying:) Great job so far!!

  305. Congratulations! I’m enjoying your book on my commute. I need to find a more serious book to read because my fellow commuters keep edging away from me because I periodically break out in hysterical laughter.

  306. My favorite new line ever….”My turn-ons are Rainbow Brite and unicorns.” Pure awesomeness.

  307. Congratulations! And thank you so much for the reading in Austin last night! I laughed so hard I cried!

  308. I’m pretty sure there’s a law that states if you hit #1 on the NY Times Best Seller list you must book tour in Boston. Just sayin. Congratulations! So very well deserved.

  309. I totally just burned my eggs because I couldn’t stop staring at that chart, laughing at all the other books that thought they had a chance. You owe me breakfast. These eggs are godawful.

  310. Seriously, tears in my eyes for you. I’d scream too but I’d scare the dog (part of the downside of having living creatures, vs. stuffed ones, as friends).

    And see? The guy who wrote “Heaven is For Real” (#6) was right! (minus the dying stuff)

    Many many congrats!!!

  311. I clapped, gave a little squeal and did the Lindy Hop! 🙂 I’m pretty sure by law that debuting #1, you have to extend your tour to Oklahoma. Contrary to popular belief, WE DO ACTUALLY READ. heee!
    I could not be happier for you – and I never doubted for a second that #1 is where you’d end up. CONGRATS!!!

  312. The only reason I haven’t gotten the book yet is I am letting son and hubby buy it for me for me for Mother’s Day. And it’s KILLING me to wait this long, but I have to give them SOME guidance on gifts or I’ll end up with another teddy bear on a three wheeled bike with fake flowers in the basket. Gawwwwwwwd.
    Mother’s Day can’t come soon enough……


  313. Way to get on board six years late, New York Times. I suppose you’ll be writing about the zombie apocalypse after it happens. Congrats Jenny!

  314. Congrats! I just bought your book and can’t wait to read it. I’m a daily reader of your blog!

  315. Congrats!! You are fucking awesome! I haven’t been able to put the book down (well my Nook, but you get the idea) and I successfully used Stabby in a sentence yesterday and that made me kind of awesome, but not to the level of your awesome and for that I thank you.

  316. If this isn’t a sign of the zombie apocalypse, I don’t know what is. Congrats, btw. My book sold 117 copies, I think you got me beat.

  317. Congrats! Well deserved. Now maybe the rest of the world will know what your “regulars” have for years- you are awesome!

  318. Congrats! Just finished the book last night. Laughed so hard I cried. Then told everyone I know to buy it.

  319. because you are worth it, because you are amazing, and because your book was pee-in-my-pants funny. Good for you!

  320. Well of course! Your book is amazing!! My sides hurt and I’m not even finished yet! Congratulations!

  321. Woo hoo! I”m a few chapters into the book and our parents may be long lost cousins. My sister and I used to catch armadillos too! However I was not aware of this racing option for them. We spray painted letters on their backs to name them, and attempted to walk them on rope. Not an easy task!

  322. Everyone is posting that this is a testament to your greatness, but I think that the REAL testament to your greatness is that my 9 year old son now routinely uses the term “stabby” . THAT is “trending”. You know you’ve achieved something when you can manipulate the American vernacular.

  323. That’s because your book is a beautiful combination of everything wonderful about your usual blog posts in a griping memoir style that just begs you not to put it down! I’m only a handful of pages from the end and can’t wait until lunch today so I can finish. You are awesome!!

  324. Congrats! I died laughing and loved every word of the book! Can’t wait to see you tonight in Dallas!

  325. So thrilled for you, Jenny! And a well deserved honor. Thanks for sharing your life and your stories with us!

  326. i just bought 20. guess what EVERYONE IN MY WHOLE FAMILY IS GETTING FOR CHRISTMAS? its not a spoiler b/c they don’t know how to use the internet.

  327. Who would have thunk it?? YOU SHOULD HAVE!!! You have done a wonderfull thing and bring joy to many by just being you. Congrats and I hope it seriously gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better. If not, you’ll have something else to write about!!

  328. This is awesome!!! Congratulations future Jenny!!!!!

    But I am a little perplexed as to how you time traveled to May 6 to know that you were going to be #1 then? Did you get your tardis up and running again?

  329. Congrats! I was reading your book when I suddenly got a text from my brother. It was “snausages”. I was like WTH?
    He said, “secret word”….

    OMG, everyone and their brother is reading your book! It’s AWESOME and hilarious!

    Thank you so much for sharing. It’s good to know I’m not the only one out there with this crazy wonderful weirdness.

  330. You rock & you deserve it. Bought my ebook version and devoured it all in one week. Thank you!

  331. Congratulations! I am not surprised in the least. I have been enjoying the book emensely, though I will admit all the giggling was a bit rough post laproscopic hysterectomy surgery I had on the 17th, but so worth it 🙂

  332. That right there is so worth some ugly-face crying. Congrats!

    Reading it right now and it’s rocking my face with awesome

  333. I’ve not read a book in years that’s made me laugh half as much as yours has.
    I’ve been making everyone I know pick up a copy.

    I can only imagine everyone else is doing the same thing.
    That spot is well deserved.

  334. Completely deserved. The other day, I was sitting in bed reading your book and wishing that reading could be more of a group activity, just so I wouldn’t have to laugh like a lunatic all by myself. So I asked my husband if I could read him a chapter, and he said no, because he’s planning on reading the book after me and he didn’t want me to ruin it for him, but I did it anyway because that’s how I roll. And then I started laughing so hard while I was reading it that I was crying, and I couldn’t go on, so maybe reading it out loud was a bad idea. But then I realized my husband was TOTALLY enjoying it, which only proves that I’m always right and he should just defer to my wishes all the time.

    ANYways. Point is, this book was already the best book I’d ever read EVER even after I’d only just read the first page. When it ends, I’ll be sad, because other books will pale in comparison. So many congratulations. 🙂

  335. It’s because you are so awesome! I read the book in 2 days because I could NOT put it down. Within the first 4 pages, I had laughed OUT LOUD 5 times & laughed so hard I was in tears & was getting worried looks from my daughter.

  336. Congratulations!! It really is an awesome book and I keep telling my friends how much they need this!

  337. How awesome!!

    I have an almost uncontrollable urge to keep buying more copies, just to make sure you stay at #1.

  338. You had me at “Knock knock Mother fucker” and I haven’t stopped checking your site daily for new exploits and adventures

  339. Congratulations!!! Just bought it on Tuesday and have plans to read it this weekend. Can’t wait! =)

  340. Wow! Congratulations! I’m about 3/4 of the way through the book and am already sad that it’s almost over….I am LOVING IT!
    Victor must let you buy towels now….lots and lots of towels….and taxidermied weasels.

  341. You and Rachel Maddow in the two top spots?!? That is my idea of heaven- funny, smart, and politically astute women out in front. YAY!

  342. You seem surprised, but most of the rest of us saw this coming. You sold over 6,000 copies, before it was even released, did you not?

  343. YAY!!!! So happy for you!! I hope to see you tonight in Dallas (aka Fairview!)

  344. This news is not the least bit surprising to me at all! I pre-ordered two copies and have already finished reading mine and today, I’ll be purchasing two more when I come to the book signing. What’s really crazy is that it’s quite rare for me to purchase a book brand new….but I knew it’d be worth it and I was totally right!

    One of the things I love the most about you (and your blog and your book) is that you are real, with everyone else and with yourself. That’s hard to come by these days – and to be so fucking hilarious at the same time? Near impossible to find!

    Can’t wait to meet you tonight! We’re making it a family affair – myself, my sis, my boyfriend and the kiddo and we all so look forward to it! Congrats!

  345. You beat out Rachel Maddow, a book about the Titanic, and a book about HEAVEN AND JESUS.

    Well done 🙂

  346. Congratulations! Although it shouldn’t be a surprise. Like KMarrs said -you presold over 6,000 copies, right!? I got my book on Tuesday and have laughed my ass off with damn near every page. You are one talented writer/story teller. You should be very proud.

  347. Awesome people should be rewarded for their awesomeness, that’s why. I can’t wait until I can afford a copy. I am probably going to annoy everyone by reading it aloud.

  348. This gave me goosebumps. I’m so happy for you! You deserve it. I can’t put the damn book down and have forced everyone I know to buy one. So… you’re welcome? 😉 Kidding. You’re amazing!

  349. So now when I come to the book signing tonight, I will be meeting a Best Selling Author, not just the funniest woman I never really knew. I don’t know if I should be seen with such high fallutin’ society types. But I’m still going to make the effort…for Jaunita. She hasn’t let fame go to her head.
    Still love you more than my luggage, (and I have FABULOUS luggage, honey!).
    Your #1 fan who is still not your friend on Facebook,

  350. Because they put the words “In bed y’all” behind all of the titles?
    And I think maybe yours sounded the best with added words and thats how it won!

  351. Congrats! This is awesome and you absolutely deserve it. Your book is so much better than the Bible. Amazingly funny and completely perfect.

  352. If this doesn’t make you furiously happy, sweetheart, then perhaps you need to go get some bobcat urine.

    Congratulations. Your book was phenomenal. I’m recommending it to all my like-minded friends. And by “like-minded” I mean as equally beautiful and fucked up as I am.

  353. Totally worth sticking your arm in a cow’s vagina for a #1 best seller. Read the book last week and LOVED it. I’m so inspired by your tenacity to do what you do with an anxiety disorder. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  354. No one here is the least bit surprised. Very happy for you! Congrats! Now go buy a dead creature all purty’d up to celebrate!

  355. I bought your book on Monday and I am thoroughly enjoying it! I just burst out laughing and can’t control it! I look forward to reading your blogs and am hoping there is another book in my future!

  356. WOOHOO! i bet mother teresa never made the NYT Bestsellers Li-what? she did? well, crap.

    CONGRATS!! SO AWESOME. I bet Juanita Weasel looked VERY excited to see the news:)

    i laughed so hard reading your book last night I cried. the cat was not amused. (only because she can’t read…if she could she TOTALLY would have been laughing too)

  357. Doesn’t surprise me one bit ~ you’re totally awesome!!! A huge congrats!!!

  358. So psyched for you, Jenny. And for me, too … because now I get to spend the weekend telling everyone that I’m friends with the author of the #1 book on the New York Times bestseller list. 🙂

  359. Congratulations!! You totally deserve it. I read the whole book in two days. I just couldn’t put it down. I laughed and cried and laughed UNTIL I cried. I have bipolar disorder as well as crazy anxiety; you perfectly describe what it’s like to live with a mind you can’t always control (I actually circled the section where you describe an anxiety attack before I handed the book off to my boyfriend to read) and it made me feel good to know there really are other people out there who understand it all.

    And also – my grandma had those exact same gross plastic mats in her house and my brother and I used to flip them over and walk on them ALL. THE. TIME. Kids are weird.

  360. I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who’s surprised…. then again, we have an unfair advantage since we’re the ones buying your book. 🙂

  361. Yay & congrats!

    I was a little disappointed with the book… because it ended. 🙂 It was great – no doubt it’s #1!

  362. I’m halfway through the book – laughing out loud on my lunch break at work – then kinda hoping no one will ask what is so funny because hwo can I say that HOBOS eating a pet is funny? You are so amazing. I’m so happy for your success!

  363. You so deserve this. I read your book and thought it was amazing. I laughed (a lot), I cried (a little) and finally came to the conclusion that I am not so strange after all.

    Thank you for your book. It’s one of the BEST I’ve ever read.

  364. i can’t imagine how awesome that must be for you. heck i am feeling pretty damn good that i read a # 1 best seller and before it was:) thank you. i loved your book and on many occasion laughed until i cried and had to stop reading. i did not not pee my pants laughing so hard.

  365. I purchased said book. By page 17, I peed myself. I literally urinated. Right the fuck. IN MY PANTS. So I should charge you for an upholstery cleaning, since I was sitting on my couch when the piss went down. But I won’t because you are made of awesome. And I feel bad because your fucked up childhood was the reason I was laughing.

  366. Just returned from jumping up and down like an excited 6yo girl–in the public restroom at my workplace, because it seemed like the most appropriate spot to celebrate your achievement……

    Hooray for Jenny!!!!!

  367. Dah-yum! You go girl! Of course, WE all knew you were this good, because you’ve been making us pee our pants laughing for YEARS now. So this was NOT unexpected by any stretch of the imagination. You rock, Jenny! Thanks for just being who you are, and doing what you do. The highs and lows you share make me feel like I’m not alone in struggling through this roller coaster called life, and when you can make the journey funny, you do. And the lows don’t seem as low, and the highs get higher. So rock on, sister.

  368. Congratulations Jenny! We knew it would reach number one! I’m sure this won’t be the only list that you’re on. So happy for you. Enjoy this time of your life. Can’t wait for the sequel. <3

  369. I think you can now sufficiently justify that Harry Potter collection of dead animals to Victor. Great seeing you in San Antonio. Love reading the book [and intermittently losing all bladder control]. Keep going, Girl!

  370. And I helped! And so did my sister! And my husband plans to buy his own copy instead of borrowing mine so we can keep helping! *squeak*

  371. Congrats! This is super exciting news. I haven’t had a chance to get your book yet but it seems like it is you in book form. Since you are awesome it thus makes sense that everyone would love it. I’m glad that everything is going according to the master plan that I’m sure you have in place.

    1) Conquer the internet by being amazing
    2) Write a book
    3) Become super popular in the “real” world
    4) ?
    5) Cage match with JK Rowling
    6) ?
    7) World Domination

    I personally am looking forward to the various well dressed dead animals that will soon be watching over all of us and keeping us safe.

    Congratulations again. We’re all super proud of you obviously.

  372. SOO happy for you! I got the book on Friday, finished it last night and LOVED IT. I laughed so much, I recognized myself and my family…I instantly went on to my facebook and announced it was one of the top 3 books i’ve EVER read (and I read A LOT). You are such an amazing inspiring woman Jenny. For real.

    Just to point it out-I identify so much with you and you inspire me with your braveness, wit, sense of humor and courage. My Dad, to whom I am close, moved away when I was 18. He recently moved back home and I’m 32 now. He’s been saying he needs to “re-learn” who I’ve become as a woman: my dry wit, sarcasm, what I find funny, my likes and dis-likes, etc. I knew right away, the best way to show him- I’m going to make him read the book.

    You rock forever. Keep on Keepin on.

  373. The book is amazing – I am telling all of my friends to get it – and giving it to the ones who don’t. Rock on 🙂

  374. Congratulations! You deserve all the kudos you get. It’s an awesome book. I laughed so hard the dogs came to see if I was okay.
    And congratulations on being able to meet and greet all those people.

  375. So, about 10 people have mentioned the May 6 date or that this post is from the future. That’s 1.3% and I’m upping that to 1.4%.

    Jenny, I’m glad you found a working TARDIS. That may deserve as many accolades as your #1 ranking. Please help us prevent the coming zombie apocalypse.


  376. Your book is awesome and your blog has me in tears regularly. This is very well deserved. I can’t wait to see what you do next… If you feel like coming to Boston for a book signing, I’d be first in line.

    Keep the laughs coming, if you can laugh about it, it lessens the chance it’ll kill you.

  377. May I please have some of the bags of money you (I assume) now use to decorate Beyonce? I want to buy an ethically taxidermied animal and also maybe pay mortgage.

    ps nevermind, you deserve all of it.

  378. What I love most about commenting on this post is that I had to scroll WAAAAAYYY down the page because so many people are here professing their love for you. Awesomeness. Misfits Unite!!! Congrats, Doll!! I SO knew you would be number one… <3

  379. Absofreakinglutely amazing!!! 🙂 HUGE congrats!
    I blew through the entire thing in a couple nights- even inspired my own “Victor” to read it because I LOL’d so much. In spite of his stoicism, he has done the same.
    Already awaiting your sequel!

  380. I THINK I’M SEIZING!!!!
    This book IS funnier than the bible. Plus, we get to finally see Victor.

  381. Congratulations! I am so so SO happy for you. Last weekend my husband and I scoped out your book on the New Arrivals table at Barnes and Noble. I handed him your book and said, “this is going to be HUGE based on Jenny’s republished publicity.” My psychotic ability was dead on!

    Any book that takes 10 years to write deserves this.

  382. I already told you your book is awesome. But it’s awesome. It made me believe in something, made me realize that I’m ok, we’re all ok, and that sometimes weird things happen in life and we all get over it. Thank you for…just thank you.

  383. yay!! enjoy being forever known as a new york times best selling author– you absolutely deserve it!!

  384. Well done that woman! If I still had the recording I would play Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ in tribute to your stunning and well earned success. It is the song I listened to frequently during my last 10 days in Vietnam. I am so very happy for you.

  385. I was a part of this! I love that you reached #1 in your debut week and I HELPED! Yay! I know that I didn’t PREORDER my book but bought it at my local Target on the day it was released, but if you have any extra bookplates, could I have one? I have my receipt; I could show it to you.

  386. Congratulations, Jenny. I’ve followed you for a long time and am thrilled to see you get this recognition. Thanks for all the laughs you have given me.

  387. SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Amazing 🙂 Many congratulations to you! My husband just went out of town on a work trip and the number one thing I requested (/demanded) was your book. Yes, I live in a small town with no book store. Anyway, it’s hilarious and endearing and making me feel sane and some slight jealousy, and then I remember that I am from a culture that still values hunting/gathering very highly and I have some pretty great blood/dead animal filled memories including helping to skin a caribou on our living room floor.

    Anyway, I can’t put it down. Other than to comment here, or when I made myself tea, or when I made some ranch dressing to accompany my lunch.

    Also, I am not jealous of the the whole rheumatoid arthritis thing, cause I got that shit and it fucking sucks.

  388. You’re AMAZING and SuperAwesome! So fun to hear you speak & read last night!

  389. So happy for you. Congratulations. And for my book review, I found it far more moving than I could possibly have imagined. Stay strong – and never lose your ability to see the wry humor in all situations. Loved the book and love having discovered your blogs. Thanks for the laughs!

  390. Can’t stop grinning for you! It’s like you’re the square peg that said “Fuck you, round hole, you’re overrated!”
    Wow, that came out really dirty.
    And so did that! You’re rubbing off on me!
    Yikes I did it again. I think I need a shower.
    Must. Stop. Now.

  391. Wow…I’m just so proud and overwhelmed and am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO celebrating right now.

    Your Book (yes, I’m capitalizing it because it DESERVES capitalization) is just rad. And “rad” isn’t a word I throw around lightly. #1. WOW! JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHITBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  392. I am so happy for you!! Congratulations! I have the book and can’t wait to start reading it.

  393. I can’t help but think about that jerk from Brandlink right now. It would be fun to take that screen shot and put it in his face and ask, Is this relevant enough for you? You’re making the world laugh and that’s the best thing anyone could ever do. Congrats! You deserve it all.

  394. Jenny that is awesome covered with awesomeness!! I am so excited for you!! Yay!!!

  395. Okay, this post did it for me. I finally bought your book for my Kobo! I’ve been debating since you announced that it was coming out.

  396. Dude. You beat our Rachel Maddow. That’s rock star status in my book. CONGRATS!!!

  397. That’s because you make us laugh out loud, and in this economy we all need to laugh!
    Your book is like the Weasley twins’ joke shop in the 6th Harry Potter.

  398. Not sure why you’re surprised – This very well SHOULD be the best seller! For ALL the evers!!!

    Thank you for making life so laughable… And for transitioning your priceless humor to tangible, new-book-smell book form in such lovely fashion=)

  399. I’m not surprised. I finished reading my Kindle version several days ago, and I’m still giggling.

    I’m also smiling because today you are in Dallas (McKinney). I’m very excited, and am so very prepared to hang out in the bathroom.

  400. Because we are aware how amazing you are and have elected to tell all our friends to go buy and learn how amazing you are.

    Because you are cooler than ice!

  401. i think this is cause for a celebratory taxidermy purchase, don’t youuuuuu? hugest of happy congratulations for well-deserved .

  402. So is this in the future? Because it says May 6th. But maybe I just don’t understand how best seller lists work. 🙂

  403. Because it’s amazing and you totally deserve it.
    I caved and actually *bought* it on my Kindle proceeded to read it for the next two days, WHILE I HAD A CRUSHING MIGRAINE. And it made me laugh out loud – I really don’t remember the last time a book had me giggling.
    Thank you ; )

  404. It’s because your book is chock-full of hilarious fantabulousness!! Congratulations. I’m trying to get everyone who walks into our bookstore to leave with one…

  405. To add to the excitement we can now all place bets on the May 6 NYT best seller list and put all our Non-Bloggess loving friends in their place. Who am I kidding, I got rid of my non-Bloggess loving friends long ago.

  406. Well deserved, Ms Bloggess!

    BTW I bought my aunt, who is recovering from breast cancer surgery, your book. She is now howling with laughter. Thank you. (0:

  407. Umm. May 6, 2012. It is totally deserved but the date there says May 6, 2012. which hasn’t happened yet. TOTALLY DESERVED.

  408. Congratulations! I just finished the book and it is amazeballs (finished withing 12 hours of getting it into my grubby hands. You’re like Hunger Games, but with less – er, well, different – blood and childhood trauma. In a good way).

  409. I’m so excited that I mayyyy have peed my pants a little! Congrats! Well deserved…the book is awesome!

  410. we’re broken and we like to read. so maybe not so broken. if you get started on the next book you can be #1 again in 10 years. kickass.

    so please get on that stuff ’cause i’m mowing through your book like it’s popcorn. or heroin. popcorn flavored heroin. ’cause that’s how we roll.

  411. Congratulations!!!! I am totally tearing up about this for you right now, and I don’t even know you personally. Lol. Seriously, seriously well deserved. You are a phenomenal woman. Congratulations again and again.

  412. Great, now I’m going to have to wait in a long line when you get to Miami. Good for you Girl, see you May 4

  413. The book was so good my husband kicked me into the guest bedroom until I was finished it because I kept him up laughing!

  414. Of course it did…it’s hysterical. Every time I chuckle someone asks me what I’m laughing at…I tell them to buy the book! Congratulations Jenny! And Hey thanks for having a hysterical life!

  415. You beat out Rachel Maddow…I am torn. It’s like both your kids competing in the same race.

  416. My first thought is, “Yeah. Um, duh. What’d you expect?” but then my second thought is, “Oh, I need to be nicer because you probably have a really REALLY sore throat by now.”
    So…Yay! Yay for you and your success and for finally seeing the cold, hard data that proves that lots and LOTS of people love you!

  417. Your goose got eaten by homeless people?!!??!?! I mean, OF COURSE you’re a top seller!

  418. I began reading your book—and I have decided that, although I can’t stop laughing, we could never be friends. I would constantly try to one up you with the ridiculousness of my own world. That being said, if you would like to borrow any of the stories from my childhood in Texas feel free (my parents allowing me to ride on top of the van when we were “almost home,” my parents taking me and my brother to float the river…in a flood…are two of my favorites). Congrats to you-a very talented and funny lady! Can’t wait to continue the read!

  419. So SO happy for you, and this is totally deserved. Congratulations! Also, just so you know that my husband and I are such awesome fans – he bought the Kindle version, and then I bought the audiobook just so we could listen to it on our long ass drive from L.A. back up to Tacoma, WA. Totally worth every penny!

  420. Of course it is No. 1 (with a bullet). I read it in the morning while exercising and laugh until I cry and sometimes I just cry. Great way to start the day! Thank you for being you . . . and writing about it . . . and then sharing. Gold star!

  421. I never doubted it would happen, I’m only surprised it didn’t happen the first day it hit the shelves. Loved it, loved it, loved it!

    ***singing*** Please come to Raleigh in the Springtime…..

    Or Durham
    Or Chapel Hill.

  422. Oooh, a thought just crossed my mind…with all the money this book will be raking in VICTOR CAN NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT TOWELS AGAIN. TAKE THAT, VICTOR!

  423. Doesn’t really surprise me either. I peed a littel last night reading your book, which is the hallmark of a great story. And surely there are millions of other people out there reading and peeing and laughing.

  424. We love you, Jenny, oh yes we do.
    We love you, Jenny, and we’ll be true.
    When you’re not with us, we’re blue.
    Oh, Jenny, we love you!

  425. Whoa. You are on the same list with Tina Fey, and Bossypants, one of my favorite books of all time. And BTW, thanks for writing a book that causes me to shoot wine from my nose. My husband is so falling in love with me all over again.

  426. CONGRATS!!! I checked the NYT website yesterday to see if the bestseller list was out yet. Woo hoo!

  427. Woohoo! So Happy for you! Someone sent me a link to your blog a few weeks ago and my husband and teen daughter are now addicted! Way to go! 🙂

  428. I’m on page 153 and have been wiping away tears of laughter and have scared both dogs, the postman & the yard guy with my snorts and shrieks! (But not my vagina).

    I’m recommending it to everyone I know.
    This book was fucking BORN to be #1! Congrats!

  429. I just KNEW it would hit #1! I had no doubt in my mind!

    I was soaking in the tub last night after my second ass kicking workout of the day, ugh, don’t ask, and reading the chapter about reanimation vs. reincarnation. Freaking hilarious. And how I would love to be at one of your socially awkward dinner party’s. I would be the one laughing loudly making everyone look at me funny. I have an obnoxious laugh and I know how to use it. 🙂

  430. Coming out of lurkdom to give you a big huge virtual hug and heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS!

  431. Congrats!!! So happy for you. My copy arrived last Sat. morning and I spent the rest of the day buried in it. So happy for you!

  432. I’m not surprised at all because you know, I put aside the Stephen King book I was reading to read YOUR book the day it downloaded to my Kindle. So very happy for you, lady!!! You deserve this!

  433. Just got my audio book delivered this morning! So excited, but wish I hadn’t had it shipped to me at work – now I want to leave…

  434. I finished your book a couple of days ago and am not shocked one bit that it has landed at number 1, if only because I have told everyone I know to buy it. Not that I know a whole lotta people, but I’ll go ahead and pat myself on the back. You are welcome Jenny!
    Oh, and I love your book.

  435. I am so freakin excited for you Jenny! I knew the book was going to be a hit. I was actually checking The Book Review list LAST week because I knew it was amazing and destined to be H U G E. Sean and I are really looking forward to meeting big ol famous you in Miami-ish. You helped him when he was being bullied by offering to send Copernicus down here to deal with those shitheads. I will always love you for that.

  436. Congratulations! I just finished your book a few minutes ago, and I have irritated my sweet boyfriend by guffawing out loud and forcing him to listen to me read passages to him, even though he couldn’t understand a word I was saying because I was snort-laughing the entire time. Nevertheless, he’s urged me to hurry up and finish so that he can read it next.

  437. Woohoo! Congratulations, Jenny! I got a copy for myself and a copy each for two of my girlfriends. 🙂 I haven’t had much time to sit down and read yet, but what I have read has had me laughing out loud (and getting strange looks from my husband). Also, sorry to hear about your experience with the deer sweater. That really must have sucked.

  438. YAY JENNY! I’ve been reading your book and I love it 🙂
    Are the autographed bookplates already gone? I pre-ordered my book and then spazzed like a college student does during finals and forgot to sign up for one 🙁
    Also, please come somewhere close to DC on your book tour! I want to get my book signed more than ANYTHING. The other night I had a dream about a taxidermied hamster signing YOUR name on MY copy, and I WAS THRILLED.

    I DONT EVEN HAVE A HAMSTER. Let alone a taxidermied one. Do you? Because then I think maybe the dream-autograph was legit. If not, be aware that there is an imposter on the loose.

  439. YAY!
    I’m picking it up next week. Your the awesome.

  440. I’m a little over halfway through and I love it! The line “MAKE ME SOME BASKETTI” hit me so hard and I was on that hysterical laugh/cry edge for about 20 minutes, I just couldn’t pull it together. Even now I’m laughing. Love it!

  441. You should have this framed and placed on your wall – for those days when you are starting to doubt your incredibleness.

  442. Wow!!! This is sooooo awesome! I am so very happy for you!!!

    My daughter and I had the immense pleasure of meeting you at Book People in Austin last night (I’m the chick with purple streaks in her hair who got laid off on Tuesday). My daughter started reading your book as soon as we got home last night and finished it before noon today. She laughed, she cried, it became a part of her. Now it’s my turn to read it. Thank you for your wit, honesty, and craziness – you are most definitely an inspiration!

  443. Just think, from now on, you’ll be introduced as “Best-selling author Jenny Lawson”. How cool is THAT?!?!?!?!?!? 😀 (And I have a signed copy of a book that debuted at #1 this week, which makes me part of it, too, like those nits that fly around a camel’s ass its whole life, or the Fashion Bug and Murphy USA stores that pop up around every Wal-Mart.)

  444. Well deserved and not surprising. It was a fantastic read and I can’t wait for Volume 2!

  445. So THAT’S why I’m almost done reading it! I’ve laughed harder reading your book than I did when I read Christopher Moore’s book Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal. Seriously funny shit.

  446. Jenny, I haven’t even bought it yet because I’m waiting for pay day. Just think of the people like me!! You have made me laugh, cry, grossed me out and creeped me out. Mostly, though you’ve helped me realize that being an anxious nut who can’t sleep and drinks a little too much isn’t all that un-normal. So thanks. I’m so happy for your success. 🙂

  447. Um… not to rain on the parade, but May 6th? It’s still April. Wait a minute… that means… HOLY SHIT!!! JENNY LAWSON CAN TIME TRAVEL!!!

    Nice one!

  448. It just goes to show that while dysfunction sucks eggs when you’re a kid, it becomes a treasure trove full of taxidermied animals and best-selling books in our adulthood.

    Cheers to you, dear Bloggess, from one bat-shit crazy lady to another.

  449. You are the queen bee of badass blogger babes.

    Ok, well, that sounded stupid – but: Chin chin lady. You deserve it!

  450. Congratulations and thank you… I’m only about halfway through the book but I love it and thanks for giving weird, awkward girls everywhere a real voice. My dad was a raccoon hunter too and I bottle fed baby coons (among other creatures) as a child. And while boys got the first day of hunting season off from school – my dad always gave me a day off from school to help butcher the deer. Like you, I mostly escaped my upbringing but I can still cut a fucking awesome butterfly steak. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to feel like we know you!

  451. Congratulations! You wrote a wonderful book; I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you take this in the spirit intended — it’s going in the rotation with Harry Potter and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as books to read when life doesn’t make sense. Love ya.

  452. You have officially written a New York MotherfuckingTimes #1 Best-Seller, and you are a New York Motherfucking Times #1 Best-Selling Author.

    And you will have done so/will be FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. No-one can take that away from you, ever. Congratulations. You deserve it. You earned it. I am so, so happy for you.

  453. Jen,
    Could you possibly post a pic of the page with the winning Lottery Numbers for May 6th, 2012? I’d be really thankful -> 60/40 split?

  454. Sooo excited for you! I got my copy a few days ago and am LOVING it so far! I’ve been recommending it to all my friends!

  455. Woot! I finished it yesterday and have to tell you that the only 2 books that have made me laugh like that were Naked by David Sedaris and Dry by Augusten Burroughs. Gotta tell you, it’s awesome to have such a funny female voice out there.

    You’re awesome.

  456. LOVED THE BOOK! I laughed out loud, often. So often my teenage daughter suggested maybe I shouldn’t read it in public. I was drawing a bit of attention in her doctor’s waiting room. This is a definite MUST read.

  457. That just may be the most fantasmically awesome rad sauce ever! I have to say, I am on pins and needles waiting to get my book!! I got the signed book plate last week and have been patiently waiting for my book to arrive to place it into. After my patience wore out I checked with Amazon and had a brief moment of freak out when I thought I was going to have to wait until June for my copy to arrive. I made the mistake of pre-ordering another book at the same time I got yours, and hadn’t thought about the fact that I should change my shipping preference, which was to combine my items into fewer shipments. I contacted Amazon and got them to split up my order, so my book is scheduled to arrive tomorrow! EEEEEEEKKKKKK! I have a feeling that I will be VERY unproductive this weekend. 🙂 Congrats Jenny! You are my hero!!

  458. I bought two copies (one for myself and one for a friend) and just finished reading mine. I read over half of it out loud to my husband because it was too hilarious to keep to myself (and he’s not a big reader). THANK YOU! Reaching #1 is well deserved.

  459. You better believe it Girl!!! Not only did I get the book day of release, but I was snorting so often sitting in my cubicle reading it (Shhhhh, don’t tell my boss), that three of my co-workers wanted to know what I was reading. I told them and then was all “Go buy your own so that Jenny can make the Best Seller list!!” and they did and you are and that is FAWSOME!!!!

  460. I’m so fucking happy for you, I can’t even express it.

    I’m not even going to get a copy of your book until Christmas, what with being in Australia and poor and stuff, but I can’t wait to read it, like I don’t trust those RSS reader thingies to tell me you’ve updated, so I check your blog manually on a daily basis. OK, so I check it numerous times a day. You’re in Texas, I’m in Adelaide, you post at random hours and sometimes the fates collide.

    Uh, what was I saying? Oh yeah, YOU FUCKING ROCK JENNY LAWSON.

    Thanks for sharing what’s in your head with us, and making us all feel like what’s in our heads is OK.

    Not sure that last decision to have another wine was the best one, but please be aware that you make my world a better place EVERY. DAY.


  461. I don’t even know you (although sometimes I feel like I do) and I’m so excited for you!

  462. I’m so thrilled for you! I read your book in like two days and my boyfriend spent the whole time looking at me like I was nuts. Between the fact that I kept bursting out laughing and that everytime he’d look over my shoulder and catch a snippet of what I was reading it was always the most bizarre and awkward phrase on the page. And he just kept asking me what on earth I was reading! It was awesome. You’re so my hero!!

  463. Hey Jenny! First, congratulations on the NYT Best Seller thing, because seriously. Damn. This is that guy in Austin with Rasputin and the War Pig. (Oooooo… obscure sentence is obscure). I just wanted to thank you again for 1) existing 2) writing about it 3) not sucking at writing about it and 4) signing your book. I had a blast, and my addition to your Taxidermy World of Harry (Hairy?) (P)Otter is already in progress! You advised that I steal your audience, and so I shall!! Here’s hoping that you post the pictures of you and the War Pig and tell people that I’m made entirely from rigid beams of awesome.

    Glances slyly at his website link, putting the b in subtle.

  464. Yay!! Congratulations!

    I’m only reading mine while riding the subway so my random laughter can freak out the other passengers. For some reason, I figured you’d like it better that way. 😀

  465. Yay! Congrats! I’m a part of your combined! That said, go home, rest up, blog some more then go back on tour at some point in the near future and come to Portland, OR so we can meet you too! Please.

  466. Congratulations! You’re awesome and your book totally deserve that number 1 spot! Cheers!

  467. Yay!! Congrats. I loved the book, and for my 11th wedding anniversary made the hubs read it twice so we could discuss it. The 11th anniversary is supposed to be steel you say? Of course it is which is why I threatened to chain him down with steel handcuffs until he read the damned thing with me. Because I’m a romantic.

  468. Also? Nancy Kappes is probably doing tequila shots filled with pride for you!!! Excellent job!!

  469. Delurking to say a HUGEMONGOUS congratulations!! I’ve never known a famous author before =) Love all of your stuff & can’t wait to read the book. #1 bestselling author, how’s that feel!?

  470. On April 17 I received a Kindle as a gift. On April 18, after the e-reader charged up, I downloaded your book. You and your writing are magnificent.

  471. I just made my purchase of your book to keep you on the top of the list. You’re welcome.

  472. Congratulations!!!

    And for those of you commenting on how it is in the future – the list that will be published on May 6 will actually be based on sales from the week ending April 21, so even though it has not been officially published yet, it has already happened. How’s that for time travel?

  473. You earned it! Your book was absolutely wonderful. I don’t remember the last time I laughed that hard.

  474. Cuz we love you! (I am even making our library get a copy, to spread your beautiful, bizarre gospel.)

  475. Congrats to you, Jenny!!! You deserve to have the top spot – your book is wonderful. I can’t put it down – and am refusing to let anyone else read my copy. They should get their own, right?!

  476. …am I the only one who’s noticed that book tours have given her the awesome power of seeing through time?

  477. Loved the book, and it turns out that it was way funnier than the bible. By chance my three year old son actually stole a bible from a hotel that we stayed at recently….I laughed out loud at your book, and he just ended up with a papercut from his stolen bible. I win.

  478. Awesome!! Reading it on the train and being the person others look at with pity in their eyes because I am randomly laughing out loud!

  479. Fuck yes!! You are a literary rock star! Like Michener or that conglomerate that writes the Nancy Drew books!

    And better than Mother Theresa for sure, because I think her memoir only went to #4.


  480. My first reaction: You’re the only one who is surprised. You fucking rule. Of course, you’re at NUMBER ONE!
    Second reaction: Way to NOT suck, Best Seller’s List!

  481. Awesome! I’m proud to have added to the sales figures for the upcoming weeks! I think you need to go back to that “PR” firm and point out yet another measure of your “relevance”! A huge congrats to you!!!!!

  482. OMFG, I go to work and buy my weekly “trash” rags to read during my lunch hour and lo and fukin behold, you’re on page whatever of People magazine.. I was like “I know this chick! She and James Garfield fuckin saved Christmas!” Then no one understood and I tried to explain but there was too much to explain in the remaining 45 minutes of my lunch.. so I just sent them here…
    I’m slow on the congrats Jen…. you rock.. as always. xx

  483. Jenny, I know this is way far down and you may never see this, but I genuinely am thrilled for you. Stuff like this couldn’t have happened to a nicer person and I’m so happy you’re so happy. 🙂

  484. woo hoo! That you are first on the NYTimes bestseller list is wonderful – but no surprize to your readers. Congratulations for the recognition you so richly deserve
    I am so happy for you!
    Wendy the tattooed lady

  485. Goddamn that’s a lot of comments in a day. Don’t know why CommentLuv ain’t happening but who cares?!?!? Love this blog!


  486. Congratulations from a third world country! what you’ve doing is awesome, i wish the book was readily available here but its not so im gonna have to *show hidden text*. But i applaud you mama, you’re a great writer and a charmingly funny person you deserve this and hopefully it will open a million doors… and hopefully many little doors that lead to the taxidermied animals that you so love!

  487. I dont think a single one of us is really surprised, no one deserves it more than you Jenny! Congrats! Its an awesome book! <3 you!!!

  488. Wow! You and Rachel Maddow, way up there! Maybe we’re not headed for the apocalypse after all.

  489. Well, of course. Where else would your book be on the list?

    p.s. I have my copy sitting on my kitchen counter, just waiting for a big ol’ read-fest. Somehow the anticipation of reading is so delicious that I haven’t yet cracked the book. My resolve is likely to break down over the weekend — so if anyone sees my kids still in their pjs at 4 pm, feeding frozen waffles to the dog, you’ll know that I’m focusing on literature.

  490. i can only read you book in small doses, because i cannot stop laughing enough to continue and pay attention to the next set of awesome sentences! thank you for making me practically illiterate! 🙂

  491. …Also,
    I wasn’t offended by anything in “Let’s Pretend”.

    Guess that means *I’m* completely fucked up, too–
    let’s go get margaritas!!!

  492. My copy is on its way from Amazon. I had a baby 6 months ago so I’ve fallen behind w/ reading, one of my favorite pastimes besides writing/blogging.


  493. i downloaded your book from itunes as an audio book. i’m training for my first half-marathon, and your book gets me through the long runs…sometimes i am laughing so hard i almost fall off the treadmill! thank you for being so hilarious, so open, so creative, so genuine!

  494. I am a little more than halfway through the book. My husband gets a kick hearing me laugh out loud. I thought I was going to die laughing with the overdose of ex-lax chapter.

  495. You absolutely deserve it. I love your blog and your book was one of the most entertaining things I’ve ever read. Congrats!!

  496. I wish I would have placed my retirement account down on a bet that you debut at #1 on the NY Times within two weeks. Vegas Sucks. Congratulations! Funniest.chick.ever.

  497. OMG… just finished reading Stanley, the Magic Talking Squirrel chapter. Laughed until I cried. My daughter introduced me to your blog, I have made all my friends start reading you too. You go, girl!

  498. I expect nothing less from the woman who can get Will Wheaton to collate paper…LOL

    Seriously congrats…read my copy in one day and then bought 4 more for families and friends…

  499. This is just awesome, and so well deserved on all fronts. The book is fantastic! It’s genuinely laugh-out-loud funny… there’s apparently no end to this pool of entertainment and enlightenment. Enjoy every second of it!

  500. Awesome Possom! And that’s not just any ‘ole possom, that’s an Awesome Possom! See, now you need to find a taxadermy possom wearing sunglasses and giving you a double thumbs up. THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! A-FREAKING-MAZING!

    -The End

  501. OMG, I am so freaking proud of you I have tears in my eyes. Also, it’s totally because I bought a copy. Way to go, me!


  503. Your blog has been great (and mommy’s travel too, right? So I’m not too far off here). I’m looking for inexpensive (no-cost!) ways to get more traffic and I’ve already found so many ideas from your blog. Thank you!

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