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To be honest with you I don’t even like dead whores

Fun Fact: In the last month, 25 people have found this blog by googling the phrase:

 “It is, however, truly comforting to know that you really respect the dead whores”. 

So…you’re welcome?

PS.  You could replace “Fun Fact” with “I think I’ve found my tribe and sometimes they bewilder the shit out of me” and it would still be true.  Also, you people who came here searching for “cures for my dead dog” are pretty much destined for disappointment.  And also you probably shouldn’t be trusted with dogs.  I mean, I’m not judging you here because lord knows I’m guilty of doing weird shit to dying animals but if you’re the kind of person who thinks I have a cure for “deadness” you are probably the same person who keeps leaving dead animals near my house and it’s disconcerting.  And Victor’s all, “Wow, lots of wild animals getting hit by cars in our neighborhood lately” but I’m pretty sure it’s really some sort of test to see if I will resurrect them.  I won’t, people.  So just, you know, stop asking.  ‘Cause it’s getting kind of weird.

Comment of the day:  For five days in the last month, nobody cared or asked about the dead whores. That’s the real tragedy.  ~Yelocrab

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