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I kind of wrote about this on twitter already so technically this is a re-run but you probably still need a refresher

Remember when I wrote about how hysterical it was that ziploc was marketing Scooby-Doo “Funbags and then like half of you were all “What are funbags?” and I had to explain that funbags = boobies?  That’s pretty much exactly what happened when I put a link to this video on twitter:

Then like 28 people emailed me and were all “What’s fisting?”   So then I was all “Honestly people, buy a dictionary” but then I looked it up in my dictionary AND IT WASN’T EVEN IN THERE.  But my dictionary was published in 1988 so I can only assume people didn’t fist before then.  So instead I linked to the urban dictionary so that people who aren’t as well-informed as me about fisting would know why the Fox interview made me fall out of my chair:

Even more awesome, the Urban Dictionary randomly rotates t-shirt ads next to all of their definitions.  This was yesterdays ad:


PS.  In case you’re still confused, I’m pretty sure the “Love Doctor” being interview was referring to how Barack and Michelle Fist-BUMP in public.

Also, I’m pretty sure the “Love Doctor” is a total fraud because what kind of Love Doctor doesn’t know about fisting?  Shenanigans!

Comment of the day: My grandmother broke her wrist about three weeks ago. When I took her to her bone doctor to get x-rays and stuff done on Wednesday, he told her to practice fisting before her next appointment. Yes, he meant putting her fingers into a fist to build strength back up in them, but he kept saying fisting. It took everything in me to not either laugh or kill him for talking like that to my grandmother. ~ Justin

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