Adventures in translation

I just got the Estonian translation of Broken in the mail and it’s lovely, with Fleece Witherspoon on the cover:

But of course, I had to use google translate to see what it actually says.

And I was not disappointed.

But I was confused.

Luckily, google translate continued to cook and gave me this option:

Somehow this seems even more wrong. But then google translate flipped again and there it was:


Until five seconds later when it decided that was wrong too and it had finally gotten it right.

PS. I just noticed it changed “full-fledged mammal” to “A WELL-BUILT MAMMAL” which I honestly can’t decide is a compliment or not.

20 thoughts on “Adventures in translation

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  1. Plague. Who can resist that??
    And as for being a well-built mammal — congratulate yourself!

  2. You need to run your titles through Google Translate BEFORE you finalize them so you can, like, name your books Plague and stuff.

  3. I guess I did read this when the actual plague was still going on, so there’s that. I also appreciate the picture of Fleece Witherspoon. 😂

  4. Have you ever seen the episode of News Radio where the rich owner of the radio station writes a book, it flops in the US, translates to Japanese and it’s a hit in Japan so he translates it back to English. He goes to do a reading from the twice translated book and it makes no sense. That’s what I want Jenny to do. Not just a title, a whole section. I can’t imagine how crazy that would get.

  5. So are YOU the well built mammal? Or Fleece Witherspoon? Also I feel like I’d like to get an example of a mammal who is not “full-fledged” just so I can make sure I understand the distinction because I have questions.

  6. Fantastic, considering depression and anxiety plague your thoughts. It seems accurate enough to me, lol.

  7. I was watching a Chinese movie with English subtitles. A son was angry about his father and blurted to his brothers something in Mandarin which in English meant, “He’s such a hard cheese!” They heartily agreed. It was probaby suppose to be , “ He’s a pain in the ass!” But hard cheese can do that, so I guess that works. It got by the Chinese censors anyway.

  8. Have you ever heard of Google Translate Sings? Look it up on YouTube if not and you will not be disappointed!

  9. As a 5’11”, way too tall, half Swedish, blond dork—I would be OVERJOYED to be called a well built mammal. Try being 5’10” in 6th grade. And a girl! Shit.

  10. Better than Mother Teresa because she only had a pat on the hand for people suffering, and the best medicine available for herself.

  11. Oh great! Now my fantasy Jenny can kick me to the back end of yesterday with her hot ripped bod.

  12. A plague of cats or well wishes or butterflies and squirrels upon you. Maybe not the best plague options, but….

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